12 Dumb MISTAKES Tourists Make in New York City

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new york is like no other place in the world and  while this city has many unique offerings it also   has some unique challenges for visitors so today  to help you out i'm going to be sharing even more   common tourist mistakes to avoid and  a lot of these we've never discussed   in the channel you don't want to miss it not  using the bathroom before leaving a restaurant   or any tourist attraction this is good advice  in any city around the world but especially   new york where public bathrooms can be an absolute  nightmare to find so if you're at lunch you're at   dinner you're visiting one of the museums if you  can don't force yourself use the bathroom before   you leave and it'll just be one less thing you  need to stress about during your trip you can   all thank our cameraman amazing ben for this one  because he made me think about it not checking the   hourly forecast in new york city today in february  perfect example it said the high was 62 degrees   i'm thinking that's what ben did because he  showed up without gloves without a hat but it was   62 degrees around 2 a.m it's actually 42 degrees  right now 13 mile an hour wind chills feels like   37 and i even caught myself shivering for my  viewers out there from warmer climates you have   to be very careful about checking the forecast  look at the hours you're gonna be out because the   temperature can dip drastically in the course of  one day and don't forget about those wind chills   so the weatherman light again well do the  weatherman liar did you not check the actual   like hourly conditions i'm a new yorker now who  checks anymore not knowing your order if you go to   a busy pizza spot or a busy bodega and there's a  lot of people trying to order there's a long line   i have seen this many times where a  tourist or someone not from new york   isn't confident in what they want and they're  still checking as they ask for their order   i've seen them get skipped over or get kind of  a dirty look or say are you ready are you ready   so do everybody a favor when you're ordering in  a busy spot and check the menu first and then   step into line you may think that the staff is  being rude to you but in new york city fast pace   of life they're selling a lot of food you're just  slowing them down if you don't know what you want   there are so many mistakes you can make on the  subway that we could dedicate an entire video to   this one that i see all the time is when a tourist  or someone from out of town is checking their   subway directions where to go at a busy spot like  right the beginning of a staircase and they just   stop they just freeze and you have to walk around  them like your inconveniencing all the people   that are just trying to go through their day so  what you need to do is pull over somewhere where   there's not a lot of people walking take your  time gather your bearings and you can get where   you need to go perfect demonstration of how to be  considerate when you're looking for where to go taking a train the wrong direction this actually  happened to me last week i think was the first   time in almost a decade i went the wrong way i  was texting somebody the train was just pulling   up and i didn't even have a chance to look if it  was going uptown or downtown so if this mistake   happened to me it could happen to any one  of you i highly recommend having an app on   your phone like city mapper or google maps let's  say you don't have an app you can always look up   at what direction the train is going now this  could be confusing to people not from here   because this says uptown meaning  uptown in manhattan and the other side   says brooklyn and queens also in new york  there's different lines on the same color   so just because the train is blue does not  mean it's the train you need you could be   looking for the a or the c train in this example  if you take the a train let's say at 59th street   your next stop is going to be 125 versus the  c which is going to go local so make sure to   look for the letter or the number not just  the color on new york city trains all right   ben what do you think not subscribing to this  channel would that be a common tourist mistake going to a random street food vendor especially in  the really touristy areas of times square i'm not   saying they're bad i'm just saying if there's not  a lot of other people there the food is definitely   not going to be as fresh i'm all about taking my  chances with random street food whenever possible   but just keep that in mind if a place  isn't busy it could be a reason for that   and i know you want to get that hot dog  experience out of the way but be careful   choosing the wrong observation deck or just going  to too many observation decks now these have   become one of the most popular tourist attractions  in new york city especially because we have five   of them right now there's a lot of factors that  go into choosing the right one for you for example   if you want the most immersive experience i  picked summit but if you want to go at night   i think i would lean on top of the rock or on  the empire state building or if it's freezing   cold outside and you don't want to be exposed to  the elements well right behind me there is the one   world observatory we have covered every single one  on this channel putting a link down below to our   playlist you want to check that out but another  big problem would be going to too many observation   decks i know those attraction passes allow you to  hop freely between most of them the lines are long   and you're going to spend so many precious hours  just looking at new york city rather than actually   experiencing all the things you can do at street  level so my recommendation is to only pick one   i just came up with this but walking in the bike  lane and not paying attention because you will   get hit by a bike trust me engaging with street  performers or sellers and forgetting to leave a   tip i'll tell you a story i was in a city in  mexico and i saw a guy dressed as a star wars   character and a little girl and her mom went up  and took a picture with him and didn't leave a tip   he looked a little upset but nothing else happened  i promise you that if you do that in new york city   to one of the disney characters they're  gonna say some things that are not rated   g to you or worse they might even follow you ditto  if you take somebody's cd and don't leave a tip   for it so just be aware of that assuming that new  yorkers are jerks and being afraid to approach   them let's say if you're lost look new yorkers  might be gruff and they may be to the point but   if you want to ask somebody for help i guarantee  you most new yorkers will have no problem stopping   whatever it is they're doing to support you but  you need to be very specific you need to have a   cross street in mind you can't just say oh where  is 500 broadway just respecting people's time you   know they're not going to make small talk with  you like they would in some other cities in the   u.s where maybe the general population is a little  bit friendlier to outsiders but they will help you   thinking that central park is just an easy thing  to mark off your checklist that you can visit it   in one hour and see everything central park is  two and a half miles top to bottom and there's   a lot of dense forest in between paths that zigzag  if you have an hour or two you could probably see   columbus circle up to bethesda fountain you would  need to dedicate an entire day to central park to   see everything we filmed an entire guide there it  took us over eight hours and we walked almost 10   miles zigzagging all around so if you want to do  all the central park you need a lot more time than   you think and we did a great guide to central park  check it out when you get a chance where to begin   with city bikes the first mistake you could make  is actually renting one and riding through busy   streets if you don't have a lot of experience  with it some of the taxi drivers here some of   the drivers in general are absolute maniacs to put  it lightly and if you're not an experienced urban   bike rider you could run into all sorts of trouble  a mistake that a lot of people make is they don't   return the bike properly they don't push it in  properly until the light comes on so if your bike   is not docked properly and somebody sees that and  takes it around for the day if it's not returned   within 48 hours you'll be charged one thousand two  hundred dollars this is the exact spot that ben   got a ticket two months ago with me some of you  sticklers for punishment insist on driving your   car the parking enforcement people in new york  are absolutely ruthless we parked her to film   the memorial and we were out of the car for less  than 10 minutes and we came back and ben had a 100   ticket later in the day ben got a second ticket  because he parked in a bus stop that was hidden   by construction scaffolding you have to read  the parking signs with a magnifying glass   sometimes to figure out what day of the  week is it okay and what hour is it okay   to leave your car i have never met someone that  drove in new york full time who did not get at   least a couple of tickets and when you look at the  money that you spend on a ticket versus what it   would pay to park in a garage so if you can avoid  bringing your car i always tell you to do so check   out our new york city tips playlist linked here  and tell me in the comments have you ever made   any of these mistakes i'm curious guys thank you  so much for watching as always until next time
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 560,008
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Keywords: nyc, new york city, common tourist mistakes, what not to do in new york city, new york, nyc travel, nyc scams, rip offs, tourist traps, 15 most common tourist mistakes, nyc tourist tips, nyc 2022, new york travel, living in new york city, visiting nyc, here be barr, first timers, first time in nyc, tourist, 12 dumb mistakes tourists make in new york city, nyc things to do, times square, manhattan, midtown, what to do in nyc, nyc vlog, new york city travel guide 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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