Which NYC Observation Deck Should You Visit in 2023?

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today we're going to become the first  YouTubers ever to visit every single   New York City observation deck in one day  and answer the question which one is best   for you we've got one world Observatory  opened in 2015 ticket start 43 and its   claim to fame is it's in the tallest  building in the Western Hemisphere   1776 feet high at the top you can get  the floor 102 1268 feet above the city got our tickets on our phones ready to rock  It's the best advice I can give you about any   observation deck in New York City pre-buy  your tickets you're going to be spending   enough time in lines but this isn't my  opinion the coolest part about one world welcome to One World Observatory we just saw   the history of New York City in  about 60 seconds as we went up so what really makes one world unique is it is  the only Observatory that is completely indoors   so on a freezing cold day this is probably where  I would tell you to go I see the Statue of Liberty   right there you have an unobstructed view of the  entire region from up here 360 Degrees we also   have the bragging rights of saying you are in  the tallest building the Western Hemisphere I'm   so used to seeing the Brooklyn of the Manhattan  Bridges from street level that's seeing it from   up here actually is really really cool New York  City it looks like a Lego set from this vantage   point this is where everybody is grouped together  that straight line shot of Midtown Manhattan and I   can even see our next stop the edge straight that  way you could plot out the entire video from up   here it's basically boom boom boom boom boom great  view of New Jersey this way and as someone who's   from New Jersey Jersey I understand most people  are not looking here for somebody that wants an   entire lay of the land of New York City there  is no observation that it's going to be better   than one world on a personal note it is not one  of my favorites because I like to be outdoors   for this sort of experience but for people who  are big on the architecture and wanting to see   everything this is tough to be I'm pretty sure out  in the distance there we can even see Pennsylvania whoa thank you for visiting One World Observatory   nobody's got a hustle we got an 11 A.M entry  to the edge this is the only observation deck   located inside of a mall we're going to the most  unaffordable neighborhood in the city Hudson yards all right take two we walked into an office  building next door even I make mistakes we're   in Rush so apparently we weren't the only people  with the smart idea of coming to the edge on a   beautiful December day The Edge opened 2020 38  dollars for admission if you go to the 100th   Floor you are 1131 feet high tallest outdoor  observation deck in the Western Hemisphere is it this whole line is like one  big advertisement for us and yards we are Outdoors for the first time in this  observation deck challenge it was something   that makes Edge very unique is the angled glass  which I recall when I made my first video about   this place people said they were getting nervous  looking at me even leaning on this if you are   afraid of heights this is not the observation deck  for you you know if you're afraid of heights what   are you doing on an observation deck anyway I feel  like there's an observation deck arms race right   now in last year Edge opened up something called  City climb which we decided not to do because Ben   is afraid of heights and I just didn't want to  do it 185 dollars and you go 1271 feet above the   city actually that is the highest outdoor  perspective you can get in New York unless   you're in a helicopter so if you're someone that  wants that photo and you want to spend about 200   bucks go for it I don't want to wait in an extra  line but there is a line to take a picture at the   edge of the edge and we did it when this place  first opened if you want to see that perspective   but this is a very popular attraction super  popular expect long lines everywhere foreign if any more people go on the glass floor  here I'm afraid it's going to break this is actually my favorite spot on all of the  edge a little elevated to see lower Manhattan now just a note edge actually can close  their outdoor Sky Deck due to adverse weather   conditions or if it's super windy so worst case  you might just get this view which isn't so bad   but just be warned about that maybe New York's  most expensive class of wine 25 dollars here   a little Insider tip hundred first floor  has an elevator with a much shorter line   two down three more to go personal opinion I  think the edge is great but it is not one of   my favorites mostly because it's just so far away  from the other buildings and it's also a little   bit on the smaller side so you do feel kind of  packed in but it is Peak tourist season so some   people love that outdoor observation deck with  the angled glass for me not one of my favorites Summit one Vanderbilt this is the newest  observation deck in New York City opened   last year you get to the 92nd floor 1063 feet  above the city if you want to add the ascent   elevator you get 1210 feet above the city or the  100 first floor this is by far the most popular   observation back in New York City right now this  is the one you need to book at least a day or two   in advance we're officially starting something  called the observation deck challenge five in one   day no actually I don't recommend you do this  because we are spending probably as much time   in line today as we are the observation decks  so this is just a little challenge to show you   all the pros and cons of each observation deck  I do not recommend you do this all right we're   starting our immersive experience Summit  you'll see why you need these in a minute is it me or all of the observation decks have  this dark tunnel thing going on this is the one with levels I love this elevator  it's a little pack here I like it okay everyone yeah granny Starts Here we hope you  enjoy after one world Observatory that's my next   favorite elevator ride with the mirrors everywhere  and you were just thrust into this experience   putting on the shades all right it still trips  me out to this day this place I love it though   we were here before it opened to the public  and I got a chance to talk with Kenzo digital   who designed this and he explained to me how  the mirrors were supposed to be an experience   where you transcend and depending on what time  of day you come and the weather conditions it's   always different so if it's sunny you're gonna  get different Reflections if it's cloudy if it's   raining if it's night that was what he went  for and I think he hit an absolute home run   here it still trips me out to look down and you  see people down there and then there's a second   floor they're up there and they're Reflections  on the ceiling while the majority of summits   indoors they have by far the best view of the  Empire State Building and of Midtown Manhattan I   don't know if you get better views at any other  observation deck than here if that's what your   goal is for photography but it is going to be  against glass keep that in mind thank you time   to be an influencer there's no influencers pose  I don't know I'm influencing you guys influencing   you on not to do this in one day so this room's  called reflect and they change the vibe it's a   lot cooler in here temperature wise and uh this  is an art piece by kusama of cloud-like objects   reflecting a little breather till we go to what  might be the coolest room in New York City I   don't know if this is being followed but you  know a lot of people don't realize that if you   go past the balloons The View outside is not bad  at all I didn't do it it wasn't me it was not me this may be New York City's best bathroom view can  you imagine how much this bathroom would rent for   if it was on the open market with wraparound views  like this all right so this this is levitation we   did this when it first opened and I think it's  absolutely fantastic to have the the option you   don't have to do it of standing out over a  ledge looking at the city now there is a bit   of a line for it but because we're on a tight  timeline today we can't wait in line for this oh that's me yep that's me that's a good looking  Cloud right there that's a very good looking cloud so crazy as it sounds I actually think  the outside is the least interesting   thing of summit and it's still an amazing view for an extra twenty dollars you can do the  ascent elevator to get to the 101st floor   now after making my summit video I did get some  of my viewers who didn't think it was worth the   extra money the reason we're not doing it today  is because there is a wait time to board and again   we are on a tight schedule to get in all five  observation decks but if it's something you want   to do we have footage of it it's interesting  if you have a lot of time you should consider   adding it every single observation deck has its  pros and cons my personal favorite is Summit one   Vanderbilt because it's completely immersive  and I don't think any other observation deck   in the world could give you this experience  so if you are into immersive exhibits like   this with amazing views some it will be my  number one choice we've got 20 minutes so we   have to be at Top of the Rock and I thought  of the perfect spot for a quick meal on the   go royal Grill Halal so my favorite street food  in all in New York City you can't go wrong here foreign much appreciated true New York lunch right here you can find a better value in New York  for this much food for nine dollars tough   to top well Top of the Rock just happens  to be in the epicenter for tourism in New   York during the holidays right across  the street from Radio City Music Hall so this building opened in 1933 it was then  called the RCA building and Top of the Rock   didn't open until 2005. 40 for admission  and it's actually the lowest observation   deck in New York City floor is 67 69 and  70 getting you only 850 feet above the city   but don't let that fool  you they got a lot going on thank you one thing Top of the Rock wins on me it has by far  the best view of Central Park any observation deck   now before Summit opened Top of the Rock had the  best view of the Empire State Building because you   can't see the Empire State Building from the  Empire State Building now Summit is nicer but   it's it's just still really good I feel like with  the opening of summit one Vanderbilt and the edge   the Top of the Rock probably suffered the most  because a lot of people know the Empire State   Building and then you have the newer ones that  are maybe I don't know sexier but this classic   art deco building I think this is probably the  most underrated observation deck in New York City foreign observation Next Top of the Rock this is a cool  view I can actually see the Times Square ball   from here and we've got the Empire State building  we've got one Vanderbilt Chrysler Building I can   even see the edge this is a bird's eye view this  is nice so the GE Building here at 30 Rockefeller   Plaza was designed to look like a 1930s ocean  liner and when you think about it you really   look up like this is the Mast of the ship and  this is the top deck perfectly makes sense something unique On Top of the Rock is that  because you're only on the 70th floor you're not   above all the other buildings so the perspective  is a little bit different you know you don't   feel like you're looking down on people you feel  like you're with the buildings you're part of it I have to give the tourists visiting New York a  lot of credit for their patients because we've   seen nothing but lines today and I know how  stressful it is to travel but everyone has   been polite I am very impressed I think for  my observation that purists who won a nice   building with a nice view Top of the Rock  checks a lot of boxes so if you just want   that outdoor view you need to consider Top  of the Rock highly all right we got one more   to go and it's a classic I'd like to thank  a sponsor of today's video get your guide   for comping us tickets to all five New York City  observation decks and get your guide is the best   place to unlock the world's most unforgettable  experiences for travelers they offer over 60   000 curated experiences in more than 3 600  destinations worldwide and if you can think   of an experience in New York City they probably  offer it too their experiences are provided by   knowledgeable local X experts and the best part  is you can do it all from your phone no printer   needed just pull up your tickets go right to  the line super easy super simple I booked every   single ticket today on their handy app no printing  required every ticket right here on my smartphone   so we just showed up didn't have to queue up to  buy tickets it was too easy they also have 24   7 support free cancellation up to 24 hours before  and skip the line value the good news is whatever   your favorite observation deck is from this video  you can book it directly from one of my get your   guide links Down Below in the description get  your guide such a game changer in any City you   visit around the world I feel like when I wake  up tomorrow for breakfast I'm gonna expect there   to be a line so this is the Empire State Building  most famous building in New York City probably the   most famous building the entire world admission  forty seven dollars although we got the 83 combo   ticket to get to the 100 second and 86 floors the  100 second floor is 1 250 feet above the city City   this building's a classic just from the moment you  step in you feel it if you were a fan of buildings   the Empire State Building probably going to be  your favorite so I wonder how many people in the   line today are here for their fifth observation  deck just two two just two while waiting in line   I've learned there's 6514 windows at the Empire  State Building learn something new every day   most famous building in the world anybody after  you wait in all the lines here there's a nice   museum to stroll around this is cool this is  a nice touch there's a certain Nostalgia that   comes of visiting the Empire State Building  which you just can't get at any other building   thank you the 80th floor is a sneak peek of  what's to come it has those big binoculars   and then beautiful indoor view of lower Manhattan  so I've never heard this offer before they said   30 minute wait for the elevators or walk six  floors up now I lived on the fourth floor of   an apartment in Greenwich Village for 10 years  this is not a problem I think this walk cancels   out all the cheap eats and fast food that we've  eaten on this channel in the last couple years I see it wow   it's taking over eight hours but I see the  Finish Line more or less he's your biggest fan you enjoy New York yeah we've watched all year  stuff before we came here which was your favorite   um the food place as well wow what a perfect  way to cap off reaching the destination   meeting a nice young viewer from the UK and  I feel like we walked miles and miles and   through rain snow ice desert staircases to reach  this so this was the tallest building in the world   for 40 years until the World Trade Center was  built in 1970 this building's got history the   issue with the Empire State Building is because  it's so iconic it's so popular and most people   only get tickets for the 86th floor so we're  trying to jockey for positioning here at night   and It's Tricky I think this is the only  observation deck that has outdoor Heating I have a lot of nostalgia for this building I came  here when I was in elementary school in New Jersey   so this is the first observation deck I ever went  to I will say though I'm not such a big fan of the   metal bars here I prefer the plexiglass or just  having the straight on view but it's a classic there's something really peaceful about being at  any of these observation decks you're above the   chaos of the city and you can see a little bit  but you can't hear it on the clearest of days   you have visibility of five U.S states 80 miles  New York New Jersey Connecticut Pennsylvania even   Massachusetts if you listen to a lot of Area radio  and TV stations they always say broadcasting from   a top Empire State Building this is one of the  most powerful antennas in the United States and   the top of the Empire State Building changes  colors depending on the holidays depending on   world events USA or some of a sports team wins a  championship all sorts of different reasons you   can see it all through the Tri-State region  we got one more surprise left it's over here thank you after eight plus hours we  have reached the top we have finished   the challenge on the 100 second floor of  the Empire State Building it's an extra   36 dollars to get up here and this  matches the highest we were with one   world's 100 second floor view so today  in total we have gone up 466 stories I would say this is a smaller scale version of one  world observation deck it's narrower but it's like   the same circular view that you get except you're  in Midtown I don't know if I would necessarily   pay the extra 36 or so dollars for this debatable  if it's the only observation deck you're visiting   maybe otherwise I probably wouldn't I like it  I just don't know if it's worth the extra money five observation index in one day  glad we did it never do it again   a revisioned New York for the first  time there's certain experiences you   need to have and watch this video  next to find out what they are
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 638,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Visited All 5 NYC Observation Decks in 1 Day!, nyc, new york, new york city, summit one vanderbilt, edge sky deck, top of the rock, empire state building, one world observatory, nyc observation deck, which nyc observation deck is best, nyc attractions, things to do in nyc, nyc 2023, nyc travel, summit ov, rockefeller center, observation deck, here be barr, the edge new york, top of the rock new york, nyc observatory
Id: oYpQeSTSjAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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