10 MISTAKES To Avoid in Your First 3 Days in NYC!

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traveling to New York City as a first timer  can be so stressful you have so much you want   to see and so little time to do it today I'm  going to be sharing 10 mistakes you'll make in   your first three days in New York City and how  to avoid them you don't want to miss it let's   start from the very beginning right after your  plane arrives in New York City and I got a lot   of these mistakes from stuff you submitted on  Facebook bought an unlimited AirTrain metro card   instead of the unlimited seven day Subway metro  card you know until she submitted this I didn't   even know there was such a thing as an unlimited  air train card but I guess it's for people that   work at the airport I don't even recommend buying  an unlimited card anymore and later in the video   I'll tell you why but if you have to make sure  that you don't buy a 40 unlimited air train   ticket by mistake we took the shuttle from the  airport which ended taking up almost two hours   to get to our hotel on the upper west side could  you you imagine spending all this time planning   for a trip you get to New York and you're stuck  in a shuttle for two hours because you're one   of the last stops I am not a fan of the airport  shuttles if you're flying into JFK and staying   anywhere in Midtown Manhattan my best advice is  to take Long Island Railroad from Jamaica Station   after you get off the air train directly to Penn  Station in under 20 minutes it's five dollars if   you're not traveling during Peak periods a little  bit over ten dollars if you are traveling between   6 to 10 a.m super convenient my best advice is  if you have big checked bags forget the shuttle   forget the train just take an Uber or a taxi or  better yet try a revel these are Teslas that you   can take directly from the airport use this code  right here for twenty dollars off your first ride   it's a little easier flying domestically from  Cleveland or Pittsburgh and just hitting the   ground running look I've been there before I've  flown to Europe overnight I know what jet lag   feels like you're excited your first day in a new  city but New York moves fast maybe English isn't   your first language and a big mistake people make  is overdoing it day one while I'm not a big fan of   it the Hop On Hop Off buses if you have to do it  at some point during your trip the first day would   be the choice because you really don't have to do  much you just sit back I even did it for the first   time myself a couple of weeks ago another option  would be the Circle Line cruise at night that'd be   the perfect first day activity or even going to a  Broadway show just don't overdo it your first day   in New York I don't know taking too many Subways  walking too much you're gonna regret it trust me   over planning my favorite moments in the city  are the ones I wasn't planning on my favorite   moments in life are the moments I wasn't planning  on that's some Bruce Lee level advice there which   I have to agree with now I'm not recommending you  just show up to New York with no plan I mean you   are watching this video right what I am telling  you not to do is planning every single moment   every single hour of every single day because it  is so easy to overestimate how much you can get   done in one day as a tourist here do you know  how long some of the lines are for the tourist   attractions for the observation decks how a Subway  could be delayed how one of your kids could be   tired I say you have a list of attractions and  places to go that are must-dos and everything   else is a bonus because remember New York City  is not going anywhere you can always come back   While most the tourists go to Dumbo to see the  sights on the skyline going to the Brooklyn   Heights Promenade is a lot more local and  the views well I mean speak for themselves I want to eat a famous hot dog but the seller  asked me if I wanted a special one special for   me I agreed and he placed inside salad and lots  of beep and cash me 14 my fiance got normal plain   one with mustard for three dollars and was amazing  so get a normal not extra I don't know what it is   about some of the Midtown hot dog and food vendors  but many of them don't have prices listed and this   is not a knock on street food vendors because New  York has so many honest ones my tip for you is if   you're ordering from any vendor in New York City  whose prices aren't listed ask for the price first   I've seen it firsthand where I forget to ask what  the price is and suddenly a small bottle of water   is charged at three dollars and not two dollars it  adds up don't fall for this little hustle if you   want to know other scams to avoid we just released  our new guides I have a free one linked down below   that'll tell you all the biggest scams in New York  City to look out for we've also got itineraries   food guides give it a look these guides are  a lifesaver our first two times visiting we   made the mistake of not utilizing a Subway we  walked and used the hop-on hop-off bus had we   just used the subway we would have been able to  get everywhere a lot more efficiently and do more   there's a lot of fear lately surrounding the New  York City subway I totally understand that but   learning how to use the subway even for short  trips from Midtown to Battery Park in about 10   minutes think about how much time you would save  rather than having to walk 40 or 50 blocks because   I've been reading about tourists in these Facebook  groups they are walking everywhere because they're   afraid of taking the subway I take the subway a  couple times a week now I'm not telling you to   take it late at night by yourself but during  normal hours I think it's totally fine to do   so and the tourists that do end up taking the  subway most of them realize that a lot of the   fears surrounding it was just over hyped by the  media it's dirty you may run into some characters   down there but for efficiency and connectivity New  York City subway Manhattan is really tough to beat   I knew better but swiped into the wrong direction  train station at a stop that had separate Uptown   and downtown entrances there was an unlimited card  so I had to wait 18 minutes to get on the train   going the correct direction all right we got a few  Subway mistakes to go over one is not realizing   that some New York City stations have separate  entrances for Uptown and downtown and if you swipe   into the wrong direction you have to leave exit  across the street and go to the other entrance the   big stations in the city you're not going to run  into this but it is good to know for some of the   smaller ones the second mistake here I think most  people do not need to buy unlimited Metro cards   anymore if you have one of these a smartphone and  it has the ability to do contactless payment any   iPhone any Android you can use what's called  omnipay you just open up your wallet put it   right up to the machine and you swipe in here's  the best part after you take 11 rides between   Monday to Sunday on the same device using Omni  the rest of your rides are free just like having   an unlimited card so if you think you're going to  use it that often keep using your phone and it'll   become unlimited anyway never get into an empty  Carriage on the subway thinking you've lucked out   because all the others are full there's a reason  it's empty you only make this mistake once I'm   gonna take this one step further because I agree  if a train car is really crowded and there's a   row of seats that are surprisingly open there's  usually a reason for that too when you make a list   of sites to see restaurants Etc and you make up  your itinerary try to keep things in the same area   so you're not going uptown to do one or two things  in downtown for food then Midtown to do something   else that is excellent advice New York City really  you could break up Manhattan into three segments   Uptown Midtown and downtown it is smart to plan  a lot of your activities in one area or what you   could do if you're staying in Midtown start your  day downtown do everything in lower Manhattan that   you want to get done and then head back to Midtown  at the end if there's something that you want to   check off but being aware of where attractions and  restaurants are grouping attractions together by   neighborhood is a really smart and logical idea  we just shot a video about tourist traps in Times   Square and we ate at the Olive Garden it was the  first time I've eaten in the Olive Garden since   living in New York City for about 11 years I'll  tell you that I could close my eyes and walk in   any direction from Times Square and probably find  a better restaurant than the freaking Olive Garden   I think eating at chain restaurants for tourists  typically what it comes down to is laziness you   see something that you recognize and you want  to eat there I understand that if you're not   adventurous but if you want to experience more  of New York City there's a lot of local spots in   Midtown Manhattan go through my videos my guides  go through Google reviews New Yorkers are very   harsh critics if a place has been around for a  while and they have a very high Mark generally   a reason for that I'll warn you they'll be careful  with TripAdvisor because that's tourists opinions   if you want to get local opinions cash only  food places I'm not used to taking out cash for   anything so it really caught me off guard when I  wanted to slice and couldn't get it many tourists   overlooked this always have cash on you I'll give  you a story last week I was right around here in   Brooklyn Heights I went to a new Halal Truck 18  didn't take credit card luckily I had cash on   me you'll see this issue at some pizza places and  then there's deli's bodegas who have credit card   minimums so you're going to be forced to buy extra  stuff if you just want a one dollar water always   have cash save yourself the hassle you might  find some pizza spot that's absolutely amazing   and you'll be disappointed when you have to run  to an ATM number 10 stick around for a bonus after   trying to stay up after 8 PM Once you walk 20  miles a day it kills you it's my first ever trip   outside the UK by the way as someone that used  to travel a lot when I was single and I wanted   to go out at night I made sure to have some kind  of a break in the middle of the day I wouldn't go   walking 10 miles in Amsterdam and expect to have  energy to go on some kind of a pub crawl later   on so if you're somebody that wants to go out to  a jazz club a nightclub a bar whatever it may be   pace yourself during the day and pacing yourself  in general is gonna keep you from burning out   and not feeling like you experience anything in  New York if you're just running from point A to   point B you're gonna get so tired don't be afraid  to take a nap midday to take a shower just take   little breaks every now and then recharge your  phone recharge yourself ready for this bonus   this was too funny to leave out letting my  sons convince me to drive them across every   every bridge several times within a week hashtag  big toll bills I don't own a car anymore I'm gonna   let Ben handle this one Ben you are the expert  on paying high toll bills what's your suggestion   for tourists who want to drive yeah so driving is  very tricky because not only you have to consider   the expensive cost of parking you also have to  consider the tolls and to put you in perspective   I used to pay 30 a month when I was not in New  York and after moving here I now pay 170 at least   monthly on my EZ Pass just on tolls so if people  want to do sightseeing on the bridges what should   they do they should maybe walk the Brooklyn  Bridge yeah you should definitely just walk or   take a city bike or just watch a live streamer  go through watch actually get up watch action   kids it's the same experience without costing you  that much if you're a first-time tourist check out   this video 25 essential tips in 10 minutes this  is some vital knowledge you don't want to miss
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 611,321
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Keywords: 10 MISTAKES You'll Make in Your First 3 Days in NYC..., nyc, nyc travel guide, new york city, nyc 2023, what to do in new york city, tourist traps, travel guide nyc, nyc vlog, here be barr, new york city travel, nyc scams, new york city tour, nyc subway, new york, rip offs, tourist, new yorker
Id: YfT5vhrYXBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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