10 SECRETS Smart New York Tourists KNOW!

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New York can be a big overwhelming  and scary City to visit but with a   little preparation you can have a trip  of a lifetime today I'll be sharing 10   things smart New York City tourists  know to do you don't want to miss it   I actually opened this question up to you the  viewers and you gave me some Amazing Ideas   you're super Savvy Sean McCaffrey wrote don't be  afraid to investigate specialty or alternative   accommodation to try and keep your costs down some  on my last NYC trip I stayed at the Leo house in   Manhattan other options I'll be considering are  the meadow house Interfaith Retreats House of   the Redeemer Episcopal guest house and the Jane  Hotel all right this is smart tourist advice if   you're on a budget I never heard of most of these  hotels the Leo house is a hotel run by a Catholic   charity located in Chelsea with almost an 8.0 on  booking.com the meadow house is run by Mennonites   is only one hundred dollars a night and you can  only book this through their website you wouldn't   even find this searching normal site and you don't  have to be a Mennonite or a Catholic to stay at   any of these spots but if you're totally against  staying in a religious spot about the Carlton Arms   Hotel we actually did a really cool video about  them about one year ago this is a hotel completely   designed by artists every single room great for  Budget Travelers if you're trying to save money   I think the Carlton Arms in lower Manhattan is  one of the best possible choices if you're on a   budget sure you're not going to have a view of  the Empire State Building from your window but   you're going to be in New York City and sometimes  that's enough [Music] they're prepared for the   weather oblimi wrote I think packing the correct  clothing is really important the NYC weather even   within the spring months can be very harsh  the wind extremely cold almost ice-like at   times even outside of winter don't be fooled by  temperature forecasts if you're visiting outside   of summer fall pack a thick coat hat and gloves  I would say this is excellent advice starting   in November until April the New York City weather  so unpredictable we'll take this one step further   the smart tourists will check the forecast right  before they leave home for that upcoming week that   should give you a pretty good predictor of what  the weather's gonna be like and it's not just   the daily forecast it's the hourly forecast you  have to be careful of because we've seen 10 15   degree temperature swings between the morning and  the evening so what I'm trying to say is always   be prepared during those cold weather months  have layers you don't want to get any surprises smart tourists are prepared with every single  ride share app now I talked about how taking a   New York City Taxi is an iconic experience  every first timer has to do but now maybe   you're not a first timer maybe you don't want  to look for a taxi you need every single app I   will start with The Usual Suspects Uber or Lyft  but there's a new one on the scene called Revel   where every single car that you get is a Tesla  and I love to have these three options on the   Fly especially when I'm at the airport and if  you've never taken a rebel before use this code   right here for thirty dollars off your first  ride just think how far you can go with that   pre-planning Subway trips Andrew and Kyla wrote  one thing we do as smart NYC visitors is planning   your subway route we keep a list of all the  destinations we want to go to and how to get to   them from the Subway by our hotel if you plan on  going to many different locations throughout the   five boroughs having a detailed Subway plan done  up in advance can really help you this is such   Sage advice I've never even thought about this now  if you're somebody that is really good at using   City mapper you live in another big U.S or world  city maybe you don't have to do this but otherwise   I think pre-planning your Subway trips is going to  save you so much stress you know how many mistakes   people make when they go to the subway and they're  not sure if the Train's going uptown or downtown   if you know what train you need exactly and the  exact stuff it's going to save you huge headaches   and a bonus you don't even have to buy Metro  cards anymore you can have Omni set up on your   cell phone tap it right on the Subway entrance  and you can be in and out just like a local plan   it out like that advice they keep a low profile  we film so many videos in Times Square and I can   almost always pick out who the Lost tourists are  even in this digital age we live in I still see   tourists walking around with subway maps with maps  of the city wearing those I love New York shirts   look your chances of being randomly assaulted  because you look like a tourist virtually slim   to none but your chances of being hassled by  people trying to sell you stuff little scams   little hustles those go up a lot when you clearly  look like a tourist blending in to any big city   you go to not just New York is such amazing advice  definitely take it foreign tourists watch lots of   New York City YouTube videos and you're probably  a very smart person watching us right now if you   haven't subscribed to me yet what are you waiting  for but I'm not just here to promote my channel   that would be too easy there's actually some other  YouTubers you need to watch as well Sarah Funk   is one and she does a lot of similar content  to me but she also does some of the high-end   stuff that I don't normally go to also with their  husband they have a great tour company which I'm   always pushing people to if they ask me because  I don't give tours give her Channel a look the   second Channel I want you to check out is called  Urban caffeine and Thea does such a phenomenal   job breaking down simple things like how to take  the subway how to take the buses some history of   New York she's a YouTuber that deserves a lot  more love so go check out both those channels   after this and if you want to support what we  do on this channel a little bit more consider   buying one of our New York City Guides we have  10 different ones right now some of them are free   Midtown Manhattan she beats even an incredible  holiday guide link Down Below in the description   you don't buy outdoor attractions in advance  let me explain this you need to know what the   weather is like when you're visiting most of  the New York City observation decks with one   world being indoors the exception most of  these observation decks don't sell out the   only exception is if it's Sunset that's the  only one you need to book at least a day or   two in advance otherwise I would check the  forecast 24 to 48 hours out make sure it's   not some gloomy rainy day or going to Top of  the Rock going to Summit it's just not going   to be the same experience if you want to buy  an attraction pass to jump between all of them   I have one of the best prices link Down Below in  the description smart tourists read the fine print   before booking hotels this is something new that  I've Just Seen on websites like booking.com this   is actually craziness to me here's one example it  says an apartment is 100 a night but if you zoom   in on the fine print you'll see a 14 and a half  percent tax and a 75 dollar cleaning fee that's   an extra one hundred dollars you owe so the final  bill 200 for one night here's another one thirty   five dollars a night but a hundred thirty nine  dollar property service charge written really   small your actual bill for one night two hundred  and eleven dollars I mean I thought Las Vegas   Resort fees were bad but this is another level of  horse manure somehow sites like booking.com are   allowing this and I just can't imagine how many  tourists are falling for it and not reading the   final price before hitting confirm don't let  this be you coming away from my birthday and   he's gonna show me all of your videos wow that's  so cool yeah those are smart tourists for sure having the right apps I mean we discussed City  mapper we discussed the ride share apps but smart   tourists are prepared for all situations I mean  all situations you need to sit or squat on your   phone and this is a public restroom app normally  it's going to point you to bars restaurants public   places hotels very very useful in New York City  Andrew Mosher wrote definitely used spot hero for   parking it's insane the deals you can get and  as much as I recommend people not bring their   car to New York I know for some of you it's a  requirement using an Affleck spot hero I've seen   it where you can park for an entire day in Midtown  Manhattan for 25 this app is literally a lifesaver   if you're bringing your car to the city for a  day or two Dane Gregg wrote a practical no is   using apps like bounce to store luggage or bags  if you need to very helpful in between stays or   late flights not expensive all over the city you  know for years and years people have been asking   me where to put their luggage most hotels will  allow you to do this after you check out but   there's situations you're staying with a friend  you're staying at an Airbnb where you don't want   to Lug around a heavy suitcase all day so I did  the math they'll give you an entire day per bag   for about 7.75 this is an absolute no-brainer  giving yourself an extra day and not having to   worry about a suitcase is a complete Game Changer  adding all those apps to your phone is going to   make you a smarter tourist right away number 10  I'm gonna throw in a bunch that all could have   been in the video Tom Hennings know what it is you  want to order before you get to the front of the   queue especially in bagel and pizza joints I've  actually said this on other videos it is so true   there's a long line at a fast served spot locals  will hate you if you don't know what you want to   order when you get to the front Sue writes buy  a T-Mobile prepaid SIM card for unlimited data   before you arrive in the US it is cheaper than  what you will find at the airport I have had so   many Travelers tell me about T-Mobile's unlimited  prepaid card give them a look Alan writes explore   downtown more The Village Soho West Side Highway  West Side Highway okay many tourists don't realize   that Midtown is pretty desolated after 6 p.m I  mean if you're watching this channel you probably   want to get away from a lot of those Midtown  attractions but if you're gonna leave Midtown   at least go to lower Manhattan to see some of  the iconic neighborhoods like the village and   Soho well as he said and I think you could do  better in Brooklyn than just the area around   Dumbo and I think you could do better in Queens  than just using it as an airport Hub and if you   need ideas of where to go check out the channel  we've got hundreds of videos Maxwell Huber I   live in the city now but the smartest move we  made my parents visited was seeing a Saturday   matinee Broadway show instead of an evening one  having our only rigidly scheduled item earlier in   the day made dinner and the rest of the evening  stress-free it also gave us plenty of time to   go eat at a place outside the Theater District  and off the usual tourist path you know I never   thought about this because I live here but I think  seeing a matinee is a genius idea because people   are so stressed about dinner before a show in  particular there's such a rush you don't want   to miss it you don't want to feel like it's super  crowded when you get to your seat matinee over a   nighttime show if you can pull it off good advice  when you're visiting New York the first few days   is a lot of mistakes people commonly make  and if you watch this video you'll avoid them
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 178,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Things SMART NYC Tourists ALWAYS Do, nyc, new york city, nyc vlog, nyc tips, scams, tourist traps, nyc 2023, 2023, new york, here be barr, what to do in nyc
Id: zO8k7AsGxHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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