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foreign if only my old friends Could See Me Now they'd  laugh at my face after all that talk about   becoming a maestro on the clarinet a world-class  painter and a championship winning dancer all I   managed to do was go flat broke and get myself  enslaved by the greediest scumbag in Bikini   Bottom if I could just daydream about getting  home and sitting down to relax with smooth jazz   on the TV at my favorite kelp smoothie I might  just be able to find a little happiness but I   know I can't afford even those simple luxuries  I haven't had enough money to buy anything but   the Bare Essentials in years let alone fancy  probiotics I haven't been able to pay my power   bill in aunts either they just shut off my power  last week so no more kelpg for me the silence lets   me think a little too much I started to get ideas  while lying awake at night ah tartar sauce how did   it get like this SpongeBob and I do all of the  work of the Krusty Krab and as much as I hate   to admit it that brainless boot licker does more  than anyone to keep that place alive they killed   12 hours of Our Lives to this dumb six days of  the week with no holidays swabbing the decks   scrubbing the toilets taking out the trash and  dealing with these food addicted disaster cases   all for five percent shares of the profit split  between the two of us I kept thinking that it's   high time I get to the bottom of this why should  I let myself be exploited by Mr Krabs like I'm his   slave why don't I just see where all his money  is going when I could no longer talk myself out   of it I left in the middle of the night snuck  across town after Krabs's house that anchor is   a mansion compared to my house when I got there  Mr Krabs and his Behemoth Daughter Pearl were   both still awake I guess it's easy to stay up  late when you don't work for a living but once   I saw them through the windows there was no chance  that I would be able to rest until I got my fair   share of all that money they were swimming in  so I waited for them to turn in for the night   at some point I found out I wasn't alone buying  on them that pink idiot Patrick Star was around   there in the bushes too watching Pearl shower and  all her father's wealth but it was clear he didn't   have the brains to see through his perversions  at the real prize inside the house I watched Mr   Krabs sitting in an indoor pool full of ill-got  gains for over an hour before he finally went to   bed and then another 45 minutes before Pearl  turned off the lights as well finally it was   time I came out of my hiding spot and crept across  the front yard then slithered in through a window   that someone forgot to close all the way and just  like that there I was and Mr Krabs anchor but the   room I was in didn't have the fat stacks of cash  that I saw from outside just a few gold coins   laying around which I took of course yeah I made  my way into the living room where I was surprised   to see Mr Krabs sleeping on the couch instead of  his bedroom get back to work Squidward spawns no   sick days off I knew from watching outside that  his room was behind the door right next to him   it must have been so full of stolen wages that  there wasn't enough space for him to sleep in   there anymore it was obviously my responsibility  to clear out some space while getting what was   rightfully mine all along I tried opening the  door but it was locked knowing that cheap dirt   bag he probably swallows the key every time he  locks the door just so no one can get inside I   looked through the keyhole just to confirm it  was worth breaking into it sure was stacks of   cash and oceans of gold were waiting just on  the other side and all I had to do was pick   that lock luckily it was an old-fashioned Keyhole  big enough for me to fit my nose into but it was   slow work I wish this Keyhole was smooth like  SpongeBob's holes every motion wrapped the door   like the chains of the Flying Dutchman I was  terrified every time I moved that I would wake   up the greedy bastard sleeping next to me and get  myself grounded to Krabby Patties but eventually   after enough finagling I opened it at last all  the money I could carry was buying for the taking   I opened my bag and started shoveling everything  I could fit into it it was a long time coming but   after that night I knew I would be set for life  my days of living in unfair poverty were over   I quit the Krusty Krab move out of bikini  bottom and finally focus on my art career   then out of nowhere my dreams Came Crashing Down  as the loudest alarm in the ocean started blaring   over my head I thought I'd Set It Off somehow  so I rushed over and slammed the doors shut and   locked it right as Mr Krabs was getting up to  barge through it Squidward what are you doing   in me booty room get out of there everything I'm  taking belongs to me crabs no Squidward you don't   understand it doesn't belong to either of us  huh what are you talking about ah what's going   on suddenly the ground began to shake the entire  anchor vibrated so hard that I could barely stay   on my feet I then jumped and broke through the  window heading back outside the bushes I spied   on him from all of the sudden I could hear Mr  Krabs break down the door and before I could   comprehend anything that's when I saw the entire  anchor lifting into the sky at lightning speed well would you look at that you  brought us quite the hole this   time me boy fine work it did keep up the good work I didn't mind working at Dairy Queen I never had  to wake up early in the morning as my shifts were   always scheduled in the afternoon until closing  and I usually didn't actually have to do too   much the location didn't have a drive-through  and wasn't the most popular fast food place in   town so all I had to do was get a few dozen  people through ordering their food over the   course of the day and clean things up after hours  one night however this relatively easy job became   a nightmare at midnight I said goodbye to my  co-worker who was doing the cooking all day and   flipped the open sign to closed after he walked  out the door then I got to work cleaning up the   restaurant just to keep the boss happy when he  came in the next morning about 20 minutes later   I was startled by a super loud banging sound  I jerked my head around and saw a gigantic man   banging his fist on the glass like a psycho this  dude was an absolute freak of nature he was huge   as in tall like Shack tall but was so skinny that  he looked more like Slenderman he was also wearing   a Lakers jersey and basketball shorts which made  him seem like he was an old retired player who   got kicked off the team because he failed a  piss test the shorts and jersey were tiny on   him and so tight that they could not have been  comfortable all that was topped by a ridiculous   hairstyle that made him look like he wanted to  be the grandpa from Rick and Morty when he knew   that I was looking at him he stopped pounding his  fists and pressed his lips up to the glass moaning   the single word swirl I stared at him confused and  honestly terrified and pointed to the sign on the   door and yelled at him to go away can't you read  we're closed I knew he could hear the fear in my   voice because he didn't move he actually smiled  completely unfazed I tried to act like I wasn't   bothered and went back to what I was doing but  the whole time my back was turned I could feel   his eyes completely fixed on me eventually I  started to get the feeling that he was never   going to leave which made me dread the thought of  trying to go home and possibly crossing paths with   him at some point I couldn't even focus on working  anymore so I figured I'd cave in and let him in   just so he could get what he wanted and just leave  me alone as soon as I unlocked the door he charged   through and pushed me to the side sprinting to  the counter and stood there like he was waiting   for me to take his order I prepared myself for  an awkward encounter while I walked behind the   counter ah what can I get you sir swirl you mean  like a cone swirl and what flavor would you like   I couldn't get anything out of him except for  that same single word he was saying before so   I defaulted on giving him vanilla it started to  seem obvious that this guy had some kind of mental   deficiency if he couldn't communicate beyond the  word swirl but in a weird way this was actually a   little comforting I was able to trick myself into  believing that he wasn't trying to get into the   store after hours for any bad reason and that it  was too slow to understand that we were supposed   to be closed when I handed the small Vanilla  swirl to the giant standing in front of me it   looked ridiculously tiny in his massive hands that  I almost wanted to laugh that'll be 199. change so   you can say more than one word change all right  all right geez I figured he was about to hand me   a couple of ones and so I opened the register but  as soon as I opened it the maniac threw the cone   away and wrapped his hands around the register  ripping it off the counter like it was nothing shook all the money to the ground then tossed  the register to the side and started picking   up all the change I watched without thinking  about trying to stop him it was clearly no use   as I was outmatched after he collected all the  cash the giant psycho finally ran off I rushed   to the door right behind him and locked it so  he wasn't able to get inside again I was pretty   shaken up by the whole thing but I was just  freaked out by the sheer speed of that freak   alone he moved faster than I've ever seen a human  move of course that didn't change anything about   the fact that I just let the store get robbed  so I called my boss to tell him what happened   but unfortunately he didn't answer he was most  likely asleep and wouldn't be awake until the   next morning I was about to call the cops but  stupidly decided to sweep it under the rug and   not prolong the situation I just wanted to go  home so I did a lazy job of finishing up and   got ready to leave the place a mess and deal  with the consequences later when I got to the   door I remembered that that freak might still be  out there so I went to the back door and said I   took a deep breath then I bolted outside and ran  to my car as fast as I could I jumped inside and   shut the door finally feeling real relief for  about three seconds until I realized I forgot   my keys now I was going to have to go back out  there find my keys in the store come out and   lock the door to the shop then come back through  the parking lot again but then another realization   dawned on me a much more terrifying one how did I  get in my car without unlocking it I always lock   my car when I leave it that's when I felt a pair  of giant ice cold hands wrapping around my face this story was inspired by an incident regarding  a large man who happened to Rob the exact same   Dairy Queen restaurant twice in one day  police were called to a Dairy Queen for   an armed robbery where a man who was reportedly  armed left the business with cash but the suspect   even tried to carjack the same DQ worker in  the drive-through of the business later on   but fortunately failed the suspect Got Away on  foot and police weren't able to track him down   about two hours later police received another  call that the same man was trying to rob the   same Dairy Queen a suspect ran from the scene  but police set up a perimeter and used night   vision equipment to find him hiding in a field the  suspect tried running but was eventually caught it's time to play Family Feud give it up for Steve  harness thank you thank you thank you thank you   folks I appreciate it y'all well it's time to play  Family Feud everyone I'm Your Man Steve Harvey I hope I got a good show for you folks  tonight although I have no idea on my   right here all the way from St Louis  Missouri we have the Phillips Family and over here on my left hauling from  Boston Massachusetts we have the Cox family   I don't know if I really believe that they're  from Massachusetts with a last name like that   but that's none of my business what my business  is is that one of the families could walk away   with a whole lot of cash tonight and somebody  might just be leaving with a brand new car everything okay man yep man I could really  use that car I don't even like that kind of   car but it's free I'll take it but is it really  free though I'll have to get it from him out of   everyone here why is he staring at me is  it because he knows isn't it he knows that   I uh oh God I feel like I'm gonna explode why  did I have to get put up in first position we   all know I get nervous farts if I could just  release a little bit of pressure I might be   okay but I don't want to accidentally let it  all out on National Television hey everyone   paying attention huh that's better all right  everyone give me Tanya give me Ivan come on   here I go just gotta hold it in I just got my head  in the game and win that car all right Tanya Ivan   take your places now I know you know the rules but  I'll explain him again just in case everyone was   preoccupied I'm going to pose a question which we  surveyed before the show and the first person to   hit the buzzer gets the chance to answer first  if your answer matches the most common answers   on the survey you'll get points for your family  alright here we go go are you okay Ivan yes well   then clench your cheeks you're stinking up my damn  Studio okay I'm just actually I was wondering if   we could go on a commercial break I really gotta  oh whoa whoa stop the show everyone Ivan said so   it's time for a commercial break everyone take  five and uh oh wait never mind this ain't Ivan   show this is my show so put your hand on the  buzzer no okay oh okay I'm sorry we asked 100   adults aged 18 to 25. what's something you say  when playing the popular children's game Beyblades   Ivan let it rip let's see let it rip wow 75 points  for let it rip come on that's not fair on look at   him he's a nerd shut up Tanya Ivan pass or play um  pass what I wanna pass you wanna pass I wanna pass   gas hey where do you think you're going leave me  alone or I'll tell Mario to get his mustache back get out of there you didn't win that yet I need  it what the hell are you doing get out of the   car before I break this window and make you  wish you were on Jeopardy instead someone get   this guy away from me I can't let anyone TV see  me so embarrassing I need to turn this up this   is just leave me alone you don't want to come in  here like don't care get out of this car partner   make this easy for the Cox family get off me this  is for all my missed applications to Family Feud all right everyone it's been a night  for the history books we made it to   the bonus round with my man Ivan the Cox  family won by default and get a chance to   win a brand new car minus one window Ivan  you know the rules are you ready yes Steve   I'm ready name something that's gray guess  finish the sentence passing blank uh pass   a guess name something that rhymes with  start fart name something other than the   audience that claps butt cheeks besides  a burp what sound does your body make all right Ivan you got one answer remaining on  the board so far it's not looking too good for   the Cox family you're gonna need exactly 192  points with your next dancer in order to win   that car ready besides a burp what sound  does your body make you said survey said   yeah I did it yes I won I got the card well that's  all we have for this week's episode of Family   Feud ladies and gentlemen I'm Your Man Steve  Harvey I'll see you all next week with another foreign just graduated from University my friends and I  went on a little grad trip to celebrate but once   I got home I realized I hadn't made any plans for  my 22nd birthday which was just around the corner   since all my girlfriends were off doing their  own things already I thought I might as well   fool around on Tinder I've never been regularly  on it but every once in a while I get a little   itch for a squeeze and tinder's always been able  to satisfy that as per usual I match with a guy   fairly quickly he was about my age with the kind  of build that I like tall but not skinny and not   so tall that he's weird looking he was clean-cut  too shaving with an almost military haircut and   some pretty sharp clothes we talked a little bit  and I was hoping to talk a bit more before we   met but this guy was very forward and asked to  meet almost immediately he never even asked me   what I got my degree in when I told him I just  graduated from college of course I had my own   intentions of seeing him from the beginning as  well but I would have taken a little more time   to get there if I got in my way I try to get him  to be more open about himself before I outright   agree to anything but he wasn't super willing  to talk about his interests all he said was   that he'd been a little down recently because  he was hurting on money but he really wanted   to take me on a date despite that that's when he  suggested a bar I'd never been to and acted like   he was a well-known regular there I jokingly  asked if he was an alcoholic or something but   he brushed it off and said we should talk about  that in person with the excuse that he wasn't a   great texter and was more of a talker I was  skeptical of this but after a little more he   finally broke me down and I agreed to meet him  later that night at first it was a relief to see   that he actually looked like what he did in  the pictures but the relief wore off pretty   quickly I couldn't get over the fact that  there was something off-putting about him   it had to be the gaunt stare in his eyes or the  smile that looked so forced but for some reason   I just wanted to brush it off and give him a  chance to loosen up we both had a few drinks   and talked for the next couple of hours but  things were weird the whole time for one thing   his interactions with the bartenders didn't  make it seem like he was a well-known regular   at all but I didn't say anything about  it I didn't really get a chance actually   throughout the night he kept asking me if I wanted  to meet him at the hotel he'd been staying at for   the past few nights but I kept brushing it off I  didn't like the sound of that for several reasons   the least of which was the fact that if he was  really tight on money like he said he was then   it was probably some cheap creepy motel but more  so was that it made his intentions painfully clear   he was just looking for a one-night stand after  a while I decided to pay for my drink so I could   start heading out however my date stopped me and  became insistent that he'd pay for me whoa whoa   whoa what the hell are you doing well you said  you were short of money no that's really sweet   but you don't have to I'll take care of it I'd  have a guilty conscience if I made you pay really   it's fine it's just a few drinks I don't have  to stay too nice stop making this harder on me I'm sorry that was ridiculous I'm really sorry  I didn't mean to snap you like that that was   inexcusable it's okay you can pay I'm just  a little drunker than I thought I was it's   fine after that Outburst I started texting all my  friends looking for a way out I was hoping that   just one of them would be able to get me but they  all basically ignored me I should have ditched him   I went home by myself but I just got so bummed  out that I felt like I really needed a date for   the rest of the night so I folded and agreed to go  to his hotel room again I was expecting something   dingy so I was baffled when we walked into the  lobby of a five-star high-rise Hotel I couldn't   tell whether to be mad at him for lying about how  much money he had or to be glad that he actually   wasn't broke but then things took a drastic turn  for the worst my heart sank when he immediately   locked the door behind us I then looked all over  his room and it was completely clean not like he'd   been living there for multiple days like he  said the only thing in there was a big empty   suitcase I turned around and felt my blood run  for them saw the smile of a psychopath on his face why are you laughing where  is all your stuff laughs I'm looking right at it and since then the suitcase has been retrieved  within a nearby Forest the story was inspired by   a tragic Tinder day gone Haywire as portrayed in  the animation a woman named Grace meets up with   a man on Tinder named Jesse in the footage below  the pair can be seen meeting at a bar and grabbing   drinks and even going as far as hooking up the  pair then head to the man's Hotel flat hours   later the man can be seen as the only one that  appears to leave the flat without a trace of the   woman the man was seen holding a suitcase while  checking out which prompts investigators to only   assume the worst police have since apprehended  the man who has now been serving jail time foreign I've been working at DQ for a long time now  however I never really enjoyed working there   because it was an old rundown venue and by run  down I mean the entire place was decaying but   it didn't end there even when I was supposed to  take a leak I felt like doing it outside because   the restroom was awful and the foul stenched  from the toilets made me want to vomit however   roaches shamelessly crawled everywhere across  the sinks and kitchen tables so seeing that this   establishment was still running and open to the  public the worst part was that I was always the   last one to leave and work alongside my socially  awkward colleague whom I never really understood   it's safe to say that all of us at DQ kept our  distance from the guy he seemed almost invisible   even to our manager and the only time I saw  him was when only two of us were left in the   restaurant unfortunately no one wanted to stay  long enough to help not even the manager so I   was stuck with this creepy looking kid named I  called him a kid because he looked five years   younger than me but we never really had a  meaningful conversation in the many years I   worked there meanwhile I called him creepy because  it always seemed like he was in a world of his own   he had this strange habit of looking blankly  into space his head and hand fidgeting like   he had a psychomotor condition and it looked even  creepier whenever I was alone at the counter while   his back was turned against me he would always  gaze outside the drive-through window waiting   for some poor soul to drop by and keep their  order however if I were to be more optimistic   about this I noticed that he was always on time  despite his weirdness then again it didn't change   that he smelled like he hadn't showered in days  in fact he smelled so bad that he had the scent   of a rat's decomposing corpse staying near him  made me want to throw up so it was practical   to keep my distance but if there was anything I  appreciated more than his punctuality it would   be all the moments when he insisted on close  singap shop asking me to head home first once   I tried to spark a conversation and said thanks  for always taking the initiative dude but can I   ask why you never want me to close the shop it  took him a while to respond then he said does it   matter you get to go home sooner than later right  fine have it your way then I said of course I was   only trying to be friendly since no one else at  work had the will to approach him but with that   attitude I immediately understood why he was a  loner then over time when I started showing up   earlier than usual at work I was surprised to see  that Frank was already there and I thought it was   odd because Frank often had to close up shop at  around two in the morning so I wondered how he   could have very little sleep and still manage  to come at 5am one night while driving home I   checked my pocket and panicked when I didn't find  my wallet there I stopped the car as it rained   heavily outside but as I searched thoroughly  inside the vehicle I was frustrated to find   out that I had left it back in the restaurant so  I drove back to that dilapidated place they call   a restaurant and decided to enter through the  back door it was already about 2 am and I was   so exhausted but I thought Frank had already gone  home since it was so late so holding my flashlight   I took out the keys and opened the door I crept  inside as quietly as possible as I headed for   the lockers then while taking my stuff I heard  what I could only describe as a snarling sound I was caught off guard my adrenaline pumping  like crazy so I first thought of a bear or   a squirrel getting in and if that were the  case I needed something to drive them away   therefore I picked up a mop and held it up in  a defensive position as I sauntered quietly   toward the source of the sound unfortunately  the lights were on out so I could only rely   on my flashlight but as I crouched behind the  counter and took a peek inside the kitchen my   my jaw dropped at the side of what appeared  to be a feral animal with clothes on it was   definitely human but what terrified me was  that I recognized the initial DQ vocal on   the back of the man's shirt my heart stopped  when the man turned to face me revealing it   to be none other than Frank eating ice cream  like a psychotic maniac did say a word instead   he gave me a Sinister grin with eyes that  were round and strained then as I backpedaled   Frank charged at me pumping my adrenaline  even more as I ran the hell out of there moments later I reached the car and drove off as  the lunatic ran after me he was like a freaking   athlete who went nuts I was so petrified that  I couldn't tell my boss or the cops since Frank   didn't cause me any physical injuries there  was nothing I could report therefore I kept   it a secret however the next day my boss called  me up frantically telling me that the restaurant   was on fire and that he had no choice but to lay  off all employees after the cops conducted the   investigation they speculated the high probability  was that squatters had been living in DQ's   basement which caused the fire but I knew exactly  who was behind this and now it became clear   why he was always punctual had a foul scent and  always initiated to close the shop this story was   inspired by an incident that happened at a Dairy  Queen in South London on December 4th of 2021   it was alleged that the once popular ice cream  destination went up in flames on a Friday night   at the scene a fire inspector mentioned that  there was evidence that squatters have been   inside the building and had been living in  there the restaurant has since been demolished this has got to be the longest most Dreadful shift  of my miserable life all I do is flip patties   and make burgers how long have I been stuck here  working with this useless dead-end job lining the   pockets of that crustaceous Cheapskate Mr Krabs  while I walk home with pennies with every passing   day I become more and more like Squidward sitting  up there and doing the absolute bare minimum dull   and lifeless and hopelessly self-loathing I  used to come into work with some soul but he   was always as unenthusiastic as he could possibly  be and now look what he's done he's drained all   the enthusiasm out of me how could anyone want  to come in here when that's the face they see   from the front door but besides his sausage face  our customer base was just as bad just look at all   those soulless fish chewing their lives away in  this dump what enjoyment do they get out of this   they all literally look like zombie if I could  find out just one thing it would be what addictive   chemical Mr Krabs is lacing these patties with  to keep his customers coming back he's always   raved about a secret formula as if anything has  ever been consistent about the recipe the only   thing that stayed the same over all these years  is the empty expression on the faces of everyone   who eats here and the fact that everyone who  eats here does so every single day I know it I   see the same faces every shift at the same time  of day day in and day out I don't get it what a   crook Mr Krabs is he's not just the cheapest  Cheapskate and all a bikini bottom he's also   ruining the lives of all these unsuspecting fish  and using me as part of his CD operation all the   while he pays me dirt it's not right I can't take  it anymore I'm the backbone of this operation I   flip the patties I make the burgers I put in the  work and Mr Krabs just sits in his office all day   counting them money if he wants to be a menace  to all these stupid fish that's fine but I know   what I deserve I deserve a raise but no he'll  never give me a raise he's been paying me the   same wage since I started working he hasn't even  adjusted for inflation at this rate I'll never   be able to move up in life I'll be stuck in that  rotting pineapple forever but that cursed crabs   doesn't care that I have to sell my body on the  streets of Rock Bottom just to make a living even   after working full-time for him my sponge holes  just aren't the same after so many years of being   handled by all those deep sea creatures that's it  I don't care what he says I'm doing it I'm asking   for a raise don't try to stop me Squidward My  Mind Is Made Up Every time I reach his door I   could never work up the courage to do it I knew I  had to be calm cool and collected about this and   not be forceful with my Approach I used a light  touch but there was no response I slowly opened   the door trying not to act like a nuisance Mr  Krabs sitting at his desk looking like he always   did like a crazed Maniac a complete psycho I've  grown to be terrified by the sight of him alone   and it's no wonder why SpongeBob me boy what are  you doing lurking in me doorway come in or get out   I walked in with a Tremor in my snap and quietly  closed the door behind me go on take a seat have   you forgotten your manners no Mr Krabs thank you  which seat should I take the one on the right and   the one on the left what about your right or my  left I'm not really sure if it's my job what are   you wasting me time for you're slowing down me  business I I'm sorry Mr Krabs I just wanted to   ask you something what is it come on now spit  it out already I could barely speak through   the giant lump in my throat I've never been more  scared in my life but I finally got the guts to   take the chance of speaking my mind Mr Krabs may I  please have a raise what did you just say boy I I   said can I can I please have a raise Mr Krabs how  dare you pipsqueak suddenly my worst fears were   realized as Mr Krabs climbed up onto his desk with  those Jagged spindly legs of his and lunged at me   I faulted last second and ran through the  service door into the kitchen then I dipped   into the freezer room to hide a coward behind  some boxes farther inside than I ever have to   go to grab the patties that's when I saw something  I'd never seen before inside the boxes labeled the   secret formula there was a mangled blubbery  meat inside the box which had to be nothing   else than a mutilated flesh of a whale it had  to be from Pearl herself or her relatives or   her real parents it's the only explanation as to  why Mr Krabs randomly adopted an orphan whale in   the first place SpongeBob I'm sorry me boy but now  that I know you've seen me secret formula I can't   let you go you know that don't you yes I know and  don't run away boy make this easy for both of us that took me boy this is the grill and  this is a spatula that's all you have to   worry about I know that you've seen  everything else you're ready to see   the patties go ahead and put one on the  grill oh Mr Krabs why are they yellow   never mind that boy it's all part of the  new secret formula just do as I say okay foreign I regret getting stuck working at Dairy Queen I'm  trapped on the minimum wage hamster wheel working   over 40 hours a week to barely pay rent and still  struggle with the rest of my bills what makes me   hate my job even more is the sloppy people I have  to deal with most days I honestly feel like more   of a janitor than a fast food employee it's no  shock to anyone that the restrooms in a greasy ice   cream joint aren't the nicest but I swear the ones  I have to clean on an almost hourly basis are the   nastiest dysentery incubators I've ever seen every  time I turn my back on them somebody has clogged   a toilet or cut their hair in the sink or just  straight up crapped on the floor and nobody else   bothers to handle the mess but me I'm there five  days a week sometimes six days a week watching my   life wither away surrounded by ice cream and angry  downtrodden people we get everyone the wackos the   whales the hobos the Karens everybody but out of  everyone and everything I've had to put up with   there's one woman one particularly horrible Karen  who pops into my mind whenever I think about work   she wants this creepy older woman that had this  trashy book about her like she smoked 10 packs a   day she ended up being a regular and I would  always see her slink into the bathroom where   she would stay for an hour or two every time she  came in which was every other day without fail   initially I didn't want to be judgmental because  she could have been taking the absolute biggest   crap of her life and this was the only bathroom  she had access to but after it went on for a   couple of weeks everyone who worked there caught  on and got fed up with her hogging the bathroom   all the time that's when my manager kindly  confronted her and said that if she wanted   to keep using our bathroom she would have to buy  something a few days later was a much different   story I was standing at the register waiting  for customers and that's when she walked in   I tried to greet her but she clearly wasn't  in the mood good evening ma'am how can I help   you today hurry up with my ice cream damn it  I need something to lick and I ain't talking   about my husband I'm sorry ma'am will it be a  small Blizzard for you again you already know   what I'm going to order Punk oh make it quick  or else I'm gonna make my own ice cream with   the dairy milk coming from my bacon strips  I see you she came up a dollar short which   would end up coming out of my pocket I didn't  really care though as a dollar was worth a lot   less to me than the trouble of bothering the  mega Karen about it an hour or so passed and   the store was about to close for the night  that woman's ice cream had long since melted   but everybody knew who it belonged to so nobody  threw it away my manager ordered me to clean the   restrooms which immediately filled me with drag  because I knew that she was still in there I got   to work anyway thoroughly cleaning the men's  room first in the hopes that this would give   her enough time to finish up whatever in the world  she was doing and get out unfortunately the door   to the women's room was still locked when it was  time to go in and clean it I knocked on the door   but there was no answer I knocked again and yelled  to the other side that the store was closing but   still nothing my last resort was telling her that  her ice cream was going to melt if she didn't go   get it but not even that resulted in a response I  forced myself to do the last thing I wanted to do   knowing that my rent depended on it I unlocked  the door and held my breath and slowly openly   inside I saw that parents crawled out on the floor  twitching and drooling completely fried out of her   mind on God knows what as soon as I appeared in  her line of sight she crashed down back to Earth   and flipped out jumping to her feet and screaming  at me what the hell are you doing in here you   goddamn disgusting pervert hey calm down the  store's closing and I'm just trying to clean up don't you dare lie to me Mr peeping Tom I know  you wanted to catch me on the toilet while you   listened for some ASMR sounds didn't you let  me go where's my order I had a blizzard what   did you people do with it it's been it's  been right there waiting for you lady what   the crap what what's wrong with it it's  melted make me another blizzard before   I call the cops and tell them you ripped me  off what the hell is your problem lady DQ DQ hey calm down I have to clean that up don't  you play Dub with me it's your job to clean up   Mr whipped cream I only get minimum wage yes you  should I'm sure you're used to going on your knees   and licking things up get the hell out of your arm  calling the cops squirrel you I'm not going back   to prison get out now fine but not because  you said so You Haven't Seen the Last of Me   look at all this mess I have to clean up this this is all I have this story was inspired by an incident regarding  a chaotic Dairy Queen Karen who threw a hissy fit   because her ice cream she ordered melted as she  was in the restroom it was alleged that the woman   was in there for approximately 20 minutes doing  undisclosed substances in the video the Karen   could be seen screaming profanities and causing a  tirade one can only imagine what her BQ order was thank you foreign show and I'm determined to find my  baby's daddy I do not care if it takes   a DNA test from every man Uncle dad's  Grandpa everyone that lives on Queens   every drive-through worker from McDonald's BK  win these Five Guys Subway maybe Starbucks all   I know is that my son gonna find his daddy  the last 100 times I was on the Maury Show   I was only 99 sure but now I am 10 000 sure  that that low-life piece of crap Billy is my   baby's daddy I may be a thought that slept with  over 5 000 guys had been in more trains than   the subway station but at least it's not five  figure digits when the DNA results come back   showing that Billy is the father he can get ready  to kiss my smelly wrinkly fat dump truck foreign I woke up from a complete blackout sitting in  a salon chair and surrounded by Darkness except   for the blinding lights around the mirror in front  of me it looked like one of those makeup stations   where actors get dolled up before going on stage  or on camera but I never remembered signing up   to perform in any movies or plays the last thing I  could recall was boarding a flight but where was I   headed I didn't even remember booking the ticket  besides this was more than just jet lag I was   feeling who did this to me I decided to get out of  there but just as I was about to stand up I heard   footsteps I looked over to see a person emerging  from the darkness what the hell is going on who   are you that's confidential the important question  is who are you are you Billy what how the hell do   you know my name then I'm your professional  cosmetic assistant for the next five minutes   which is all the time I have to turn you up to  at least above average so sit still and shut up   then he rummaged through the supplies in front of  the mirror and picked up a huge makeup brush he   was flat out ignoring me and completely focused on  coding me in makeup which started with him beating   my face with that brush and choking me with powder  I don't understand I didn't sign up for any of   this just tell me what's going on please I suggest  you get your act together and stop acting like a   big baby there's already one of those and one of  you deadbeats the needs to step up what are you   talking about am I going on TV or something just  tell me what this is is it Ellen Jerry Springer Dr   Phil you're lucky I just wake up on you or I claw  your eyes out for being so blatantly disrespectful   how dare you belittle the man who's given a job  to a thousand people in this community this is a   man who carries the country on his shoulders  giving out countless free paternity tests   just so low-life men like you can get what they  deserve while innocent men are spared from further   catastrophe and you have to call to compare him  to Dr Phil I'm done with you I was left alone   dumbfounded but before long somebody else slipped  into the room he was much older and compared to   the other guy he was extremely wrinkled but this  was not Gordon Ramsay in front of me no it was   none other than Maury Povich my heart's saying  because I began to realize what I might be in   for and more you can see the dread on my face  it made him smile as he approached me getting   uncomfortably close sticking a large envelope in  my face and taunting me with it hey there Billy   how do you feel as your fate hangs in the balance  um okay I guess lie detector test determined that   was a lie okay okay please don't hurt me you want  to know who holds all the cards who could tip the   scales of Destiny who controls the trajectory of  the final years of your life I don't know LeBron   James likes I do me me me Maury Povich nobody else  I have the control more control than your daddy's   pullout game more control than you which got you  in this mess I still own you until I read out   what's in this envelope you know what it is don't  you it's a paternity test that I had performed   on you while you were unconscious but wait I  don't understand why who did I remember that   thought from Queens everyone's been sleeping with  including you yeah that's right it's all coming   back to you now isn't it you could be the father  you idiot no no no please don't say that I don't   have to read out these results honestly like I  said I control the results people believe whatever   I say so listen up if you want to get out of this  place and go back to your old life all you have   to do is sing for me what sing for me do it now  or else all your Bachelor days will be over and   you'll have to take care of some stupid breaded  kid for the rest of your life no no stop stop I'll   do it I'll do it Mori pulled out his phone and  began recording as I started to sing the only song   that came to mind Maury just laughed and laughed  like a complete psycho Like a Virgin touch for the   very first time didn't know how lost I was until  I found you yeah you made me feel shiny new and   before I knew it I was on stage before the whole  world sitting next to 10 other guys who looked   dearly similar to me along with that mistake  I made in Queens over a year ago on the other   side was more smiling menacingly as he opened  the envelope which would decide my fate Billy no no no foreign I was just like any other girl in college when I  got bored I wanted some action in my life Tinder   was always an easy place to look my friends  told me to avoid it because there had recently   been some stories about people going missing from  Tinder dates gone tragically wrong and the police   still hadn't captured the person responsible  I didn't want to ask for trouble but I've been   dry almost the whole semester so I was willing  to take the risk I laid up in bed one night and   swiped right on just about every dude I saw I  guess I was pretty desperate but the longer a   dry spell goes on the more I'm willing to go for  someone below my league after swiping right on   probably about a hundred guys I finally called  it quits for the night and tried going to sleep   a few minutes later though I got a notification  I was super excited to see it was a tender match   but then my excitement diminished a bit  when I saw who it was he was below average   honestly not someone I would ever tell my  friends about but still doable I shot him   a message and laid my phone down so  I wouldn't seem too desperate but I   still picked it right back up a minute later  when I got another notification from Tinder   surprisingly it wasn't a text back but another  match unfortunately was another below average   looking guy and this one was a bit uglier I still  shot him a message too and this time before I even   had time to turn off my screen I got a third match  foreign even though these weren't the best catches   I was still starting to feel like this was all too  good to be true it was just happening really close   together I will say a boost in my ego a lot though  I texted the third guy who was just about as   ugly as the second and got busy in a back and  forth conversation with all three of them at   once I ended up deciding to meet up with the  first guy that night since he was the best   looking and a few minutes later after getting  ready for a night full of dirty dates I left   home I had to go across town in the middle of  the night but that's something I'm used to when   I arrived at his door I hesitated to knock for  a few seconds people were shouting inside like   roommates were arguing I was a little concerned  that I may have gotten myself into a situation I   didn't sign up for but then again I was ready for  just about anything so I finally got the nerve to   knock on the door within a moment he opened up  and what I saw absolutely floored me I hadn't   been talking to three different guys that night  I was talking to the same man a three-headed man   uh good evening good evening shut up you two she  was talking to me sorry about them they think it's   their day too but it's my turn first right um  yeah right anyways please come in I made dinner foreign something to drink I have chocolate milk  Mountain Dew water no thanks I brought my   own stuff since you said you were making dinner  oh thank you could my brothers have some um sure oh no it looks like I'm all out oh I'm so sorry  here you can have mine actually I'm good I'm   already Tipsy Tipsy enough to smash shut up Mr  right you're gonna ruin it for us actually since   she's facing opposite us I'm Mr writer you guys  are just accessories says the guy hanging slack   jot off my shoulder cheers fellas cheers geez  slow down you Glutton hey what's the big deal   we've only got two arms you jerks let me have some  you guys do know that you could do whatever you   want with your own mouths right I think there's  something we'd all like to do with our mouths I   call dibs on the cheeks then I'll take them  out looks like middleman's gonna smell fishy if there's something we can  all agree on we would like to I'll go first no me first you guys are crazy  yeah crazy in love they say three times the   charge let's have a threesome guys get away from  me hey Bill mate what's wrong with you yeah what   did you do to the [ __ ] what I I didn't do  anything you're lying you better fess up do   whatever you said to us brother yeah or else  I swear I didn't do anything I was about to   be taken out facing death in the hands of the  three-headed dragon or in other words my tender   dad but everything suddenly Came Crashing Down  When the right guy said she is fine get her yeah that was close I'm sure some would argue that only counts as  one but in my book that counts as three laughs something's gotten into Mr Krabs lately a terrible  switch inside him has been flipped Mr Krabs has   become an unyielding dictator and Squidward and I  your captive to his endless demands I can't even   keep track of the days anymore I haven't gone home  or slept in what must be weeks it feels like years   maybe it has been years I can't remember the  last time I did anything but work if I tried   to even use the bathroom Mr Krabs is on my case  in an instant it used to be the only time I had   a second to myself but then that stopped being  true once I was done using the toilet I would   keep standing there for a few seconds before  going back to work but then one time I felt   something wet drip onto my face I looked up and  saw Mr Krabs peeking over the stall drooling in   Rage in that moment I was more petrified by fear  than I'd ever been in my life quit your lollygag   and get back to work now yay sir ever since then  Mr Krabs told me if I have been and in my post   one more time he'd let Plankton turn me into  Chum and just from the way he said it I knew   he meant it now when I have to use the bathroom  I just go where I'm standing right in front of   the grill obviously it's unsanitary but Mr Krabs  doesn't care one bit and these customers are as   oblivious as they've ever been poor Squidward  is in the same position that I'm in he's never   allowed to leave the tiny little boat until it's  time to swap the deck even then there's no chance   for a bathroom break so everything collects inside  the boat in Squidward just has to stand there in   it it's been like this for what might as well  be forever I do nothing all day except make   Krabby Patties while Squidward take the orders and  pretends like everything is normal even when there   isn't a single customer we don't get a break  we have to stay in position so we're ready the   instance somebody wants in which can take hours  sometimes we don't get a breather when the shop   is closed either that brief handful of hours  when the doors are locked is spent cleaning and   preparing for the next day shift except we're not  handing the morning off to anyone but ourselves   it's an endless vicious cycle we're stuck in  and what does Mr Krabs do all this time none   of the work of course he just threatens us with  those pincers of his and screams his head off   barking orders and treating us like garbage all  I want to do is get out of here Patrick probably   thinks I hate him by now and if I don't get home  soon nobody will be there to feed Gary and he'll   starve my only potential accomplice in escaping  this place is Squidward but despite the fact that   he's already hated this job for years I think Mr  Krabs has broken him to the core it's impossible   to get that tentacled fool to cooperate with  me he's so afraid of Mr Krabs's wrath that he   doesn't want to get caught talking to me anymore  he won't even look at me Squidward hey Squidward   can you hear me I can hear you SpongeBob shut  up listen to me Squidward we gotta get out of   here Mr Krabs is Gonna Keep Us here forever  are you crazy what do you think will happen   hears you talking like that it's a risk I have to  take if I don't get home Gary's gonna starve to   death don't you have a reason to go home Squidward  because I want to live now be quiet before you get   us killed Mr Krabs has you right where he wants  you Squidward can't you see he's gone insane   Squidward are you listening you're stiff just like  your nose when you see Sandy's cheeks aren't you   well I'm not gonna accept me boy did I hear you  were thinking about betraying me what no of course   not Mr Krabs oh why would I do such a thing I love  working at the Krusty Krab and never want to leave   or go home or sleep or seek area or have any other  life outside of this kitchen that's what I thought   I think I'll keep an extra close eye on you from  now on and never let you out of me sight again   I knew I'd already screwed up and that I'd never  get a good chance to run out of that door that's   when I saw the plan for right before my eyes all  I had to do was wait for a couple customers to   come in for a pair of Krabby Patties luckily it  didn't take long I put two patties down and waited   a few minutes flip them and then waited a few more  minutes then when it was time to load those hot   greasy slabs of meat onto the Buns I chucked  them both over my shoulders and straightened   to Mr Krabs's eyes ah he Blinded Me eyes I  won't be able to see Sandy Cheeks only fans   anymore I landed the shot perfectly sending  the greedy crustacean reeling back in pain   giving me just enough time to Sprint for the  door I couldn't bear to look back I just kept   running but I could hear Mr Krabs burst through  the door and chase after me shaking the ground   beneath his feet he was so close I was almost  there I reached for the door and I was caught oh I was stopped in my tracks hearing my feet  hit the ground but I could no longer feel them   I looked down and saw that Mr Krabs's enormous  pincer had cut me in half at the waist sometimes   the ability of a sponge to regenerate can be  a gift but in this case it's a curse it means   I can never escape this prison not even through  death I'll never ever leave a Krusty Krab again foreign this was not even a month ago I used to be on  Tinder all the time for hookups and stuff but   now I don't really do that anymore it was pretty  obvious that most of the guys I matched with were   just looking to get inside my pants but I held out  for a little while and eventually matched with a   guy who will call Rob Rob was actually promising  in the beginning someone who was both good looking   and seemed like a genuinely good person we texted  on the app for a little while but got each other's   phone number to make it feel less like a hookup  initially Rob seemed like he was on board with   everything I wanted after a few days of texting he  seemed like an alright guy the only thing I found   weird about him at the time was how many selfies  of me he asked for I didn't mind it though because   he seemed happy with what I sent him without  trying to convince me to be any more revealing   of course I was still hesitant to go on the first  date with them knowing it was from Tinder but I   made sure it was as obvious as possible that I  was going to be a little harder to get than a   one night stand and I told him I wanted to go out  to dinner at a nice restaurant and probably wait   until at least the third day until we went home  together he said that he was down for that and   that he would take care of everything on the  night of the day everything about Rob seemed   perfect and what some would say too good to be  true he was gentlemanly and respectful and I had   no worries at all about paying for anything the  entire night but as the night progressed things   started to become bizarre I remember seeing Rob  oddly taking an unusual amount of pictures of   me at first I thought he was just taking it for  memories but then he started becoming excessive   with it like he was literally taking a photo  shoot of me I then kindly asked him to put his   phone away and that I didn't want my picture being  taken anymore and that's when I could tell he was   completely losing his composure he suddenly became  more rude and began to show his true colors when   he began to boss the waitress around I noticed he  wasn't even able to keep steady eye contact with   me anymore he then began to change the subject of  the conversation into stuff like Kinks and what I   enjoyed in the bedroom I kept telling him I wasn't  interested in talking about that yet but I noticed   there was a distinct change in his behavior when  he didn't get his way so what did you want to do   after the date he said um I guess I'll just head  home I replied are you sure I mean don't you wanna   you know head back to my place what no absolutely  not no no no no I meant head back to my place for   dessert the fruit here is a little underwhelming  okay what dessert do you have I vanilla lava cake   or a mean Banana Split topped with coconut pudding  or just a come over to my place damn it I thought   this was the point of Tinder despite how weird  he was becoming I stuck around long enough to   milk his wallet for all it was worth the longer  things went on though the more sure I was that   there wouldn't be a second day Rob on the other  hand got the wrong idea he thought just because   I was spending his money that he was going to get  what he wanted but little did he know that if he   had actually been respectful to me the entire  time and not just in the beginning I might have   went home with them as we left the restaurant he  kept trying to convince me to go home with him but   I was adamant about making him wait in reality I  really didn't want to see him again but I let him   think that he had another chance I then ran as far  as I could away from him until it was safe enough   to call an Uber I eventually made it home locked  all my doors with the intention of not speaking to   him again later in the night just as I was headed  for bed I remember hearing notifications from my   phone it was Rob he kept texting me even more  bizarre messages than four now he was begging   me for selfies under the context of missing  me super badly and needing some of me to hold   him over until the next time I asked him why he  couldn't just look at the dozen other selfies I   already sent him and he replied back saying needed  more which made it pretty clear what he was really   asking for I asked him to give me some space  and to respect my boundaries which set him off   on a self-pitying rant about how I was obligated  to expose myself to him just because he took me   out on a date at that point I got fed up and told  him to leave me alone or I was going to block him instead of listening to me he called me so I  immediately declined the call and blocked his   number then put my phone on silent and tried to  sleep it off I Knew by then that Rob wasn't the   good guy I thought he was and that he was actually  just a manipulative man-child at best or a total   psycho at worst I thought he might get the hint  and buzz off after I ghosted him but he didn't   in the morning he showed me who he really was the  first thing I saw on my phone was a message from   him on Tinder that literally made me nauseous it  was the picture of a homemade doll he made of me   it was the kind of doll crudely put together with  a pillow and some towels that were supposed to   look like the shape of a woman's body complete  with my Tinder profile picture as the face and   silicone lady Parts at the bottom and the icing  on the cake was the caption that said I spent   the night with this version of you that'll have  to do until I can get the real thing this story   was inspired by a true story regarding a woman  who matched on Tinder with the male the pair had   allegedly been texting back and forth in which the  woman exchanged a selfie photo of her face which   can be seen here but what makes the interaction  all the more disturbing was how in the midst of   their interaction the man takes the photo back  of a doll made of the woman using an abundance   of pillows paper plates other various items and  of course her selfie which can be seen below is this thing on hmm blinking light means  recording they said okay this video recording   is meant to document a Monumental moment in my  life perhaps the most important thing that has   ever happened to me better than my wedding better  than the birth of my children even better than   my husband in the bedroom after he takes his  Woody Woodpecker pills today I have a dinner   date with the one and only Chef golden Ramsey I  haven't felt like this since I was a teenager oh   God I'm so nervous that British stud has the  hottest wrinkles that made me sprinkle cause   of his dingles Dawn I'm getting carried away  I need to start cooking dinner before he gets   here oh dear I've got to stop wasting time oh  this is the mess I've made so far there's lamb   in the oven and creme brulee sitting up in  the fridge for dessert and so far I've got   almost every everything ready for the salad  appetizer I just need to chop up the lettuce the world-renowned Chef Gordon Ramsay always said  to save the lettuce for last so it stays fresh I   saw what he did to the guy on Hell's Kitchen and  it ain't going to happen to me I washed it early   so it wouldn't have plenty of time to dry just  like how I would like my salad tossed oh my it's   him Gordon hello sweetheart um what am I looking  at it's your fault in your pants what no it's my   face you donkey oh sorry it was just a joke I'm  on my way how's dinner coming along oh it's coming   everything is almost done and I'm preparing the  salad as we speak a little snack before we Netflix   and chill good good I'll be there in a minute oh I  cannot wait I'm so excited to feed you my precious   wrinkly old cast you're not I've been thinking  about you all day and what we'll do in the   bedroom and kitchen later you sure you won't get  arthritis old woman I will after you break my back tell your wife you were doing tonight right I just I just that old hag will believe anything what  about you what did you tell your husband he's   probably gambling at the bingo hall I just  told him I was busy in that oh crap it's   him he's calling me I'll call you back I have to  answer it hey baby cake what do you want old man   I'm really enjoying this vacation I needed it  but I miss you a lot oh I miss it when you're   not here oh wait what I have too much work to  do at the office right now old man can we Skype   later you're killing my data hold on you're not in  the office what are you doing in the kitchen sink   what did you say what are you talking about it  better not be about that Ramsay guy on TV again   um well it's not my problem you don't like  watching Hell's Kitchen a Master Chef maybe   if you started watching less SpongeBob we couldn't  be in this participant were you dirty old geezer I   ought to break your you won't be needing him any  body evidently not right here I've had enough I'm   sorry sweetie I I didn't mean to please don't  talk like that ever again did I hurt your heart   just keep cooking Yes dear please have a seat the  salad is finally ready here you go sweetie I want   you to eat it like how you would eat mine you made  me a salad not a bologna sandwich you donut just   dig into it like how you were digging tomorrow  are you serious what's wrong Mr dressing how am   I supposed to enjoy a salad with no sleeping  dressing I'm sorry I'm sorry forget about the   salad I'm gonna skip the appetizer don't piss me  off again or you're getting no Ram time later I've   got the main course ready dear just wait until  you try it yes lamb chops I cooked it better   than I've cooked anything for my husband lamb  chops but no land sauce where's the lamb sauce   um calm down dear don't worry I also have dessert  ready I made creme brulee to your favorite no no   no no no no no where is it where is what it  is nothing it's okay just give me a second do you take me for a child if you disrespect  my palate one more time I'll shove my hats so   far up you that my fingertips will come out  your dentures okay okay easy Mr Wrinkle nine   thousand so the cooking didn't work out I should  have known I would be able to impress the best   chef in the world how about I do something else  for your enjoyment like dancing I bet your wife   doesn't have these lumps does she what are you  gonna do with all that junk all that junk inside   your trunk My Hub my hump my hump my hump my  heart I've got 99 problems but a donkey ain't one
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 471,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, llama art horror stories animated, true horror stories animated, 4 horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, 4 creepy true horror stories, 4 creepy true horror stories mr nightmare, true horror story animated, 12 horror stories animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: 8YZ6Jq59TtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 7sec (4207 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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