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[Music] [Music] all the [Music] [Music] [Music] the oh [Music] more dinner time was quiet that night the night  everything was ruined of course the food was good   I know because I made it myself reff fried beans  eggs and of course the locally sourced burgers   that were the backbone of this now broken family  I remember when everyone was happy when they all   still loved me when they respected me they used  to appreciate the things I did to put food on the   table and keep a roof over their heads it's not  like that anymore it hasn't been for a long time   I could see it in their eyes they all hated living  in my house they hated my food they hated me they   couldn't even pretend to hide it anymore those  worthless kids just picked at their food pushing   it around their plates but never actually eating  it they wouldn't even take a single bite of the   burgers I made and it was a fresh batch God it was  the most unbearable experience just sitting there   in silence without even the sound of chewing if it  weren't for Linda at least that old ball and chain   was still in it with me we used to sit around  the dinner table and tell jokes laugh make fun   of each other talk about random stupid stuff but  now it was just silence and those damn Sirens I   can't stand them it was like a car horn in my  head every time and it was really starting to   mess with my head I knew they could all tell too  which was just adding to the awkwardness finally   at some point I couldn't take it anymore and I  had a bit of an outburst why isn't anyone saying   anything somebody just said say something please  Bobby calm down please you're scaring the children   I don't care Linda this is my house and I say if  they're scared then maybe they'll actually speak   oh come on Bobby don't use that tone of voice at  the dinner table not in front of the whole family   save it up and use it on me later fine but only  if we can do the thing of course we're going to   do the thing ew mom dad not right in front of us  be quiet Jean e your dinner he's right let's just   sit back down um sorry everyone what I should have  done was dll out some real oldfashioned discipline   that would have knocked some sense into them and  then my loser son would have never had the chance   to cause any trouble I was too soft on him I told  him so many times that he better eat everything   on his plate or he wasn't going to leave the table  but he would just whine and say something passive   like w I'm trying or but I don't like it what a  disgrace when did I raise such a back stabbing   little brat he even had the audacity to ask the  Forbidden question the one thing nobody is ever   supposed to ask Dad can we just eat something  else for once how dare you say that Bobby save   it for the bedroom remember shut up and eat I  don't want to hear all of you this table better   be completely cleared off in the next 5 minutes  I'm tired of sitting here I finished half an hour   ago that punk was testing me defying me in front  of my whole family the disrespect challenging my   authority like that he was asking for Hellfire to  rain down on him Jean eat it Linda Louise Tina eat   faster and you Jean look me in the eye look at  me do I look like you want to mess with me then   eat the food I finally had him where I wanted him  listening to me and following orders I was this   close to squashing any and all talks related to  eating something else once and for all but then I can't that ungrateful snot stain took one little  bite and spat him right out and puked over all the   food he then ran away screaming and crying like  a big giant baby at the time I didn't know what   he was thinking there was nowhere he could run  to where I couldn't get him he was trapped in   my domain I stormed up those stairs and right to  his door ready to break it down in a heartbeat   but for some stupid reason I gave him one last  chance to come willingly Jean open this door   get away from me or I'm calling the cops now  those are really the words no one is allowed   to say in my house and for good reason I begged  him not to do it I really grbl and pleaded with   the kid I think it really shows how kind and  understanding I can be if you call the cops   I will personally grind you up and serve you all  next week listen to me you coward I'll make sure   you go and feed first so you have to suffer  it's too late dad they're already on their away I snatched the phone out of his hand and  taught him a much needed lesson but it was already   too late my son had already turned into a snitch  and ratted us out the cops came and swarmed us   before we had time to get rid of all the evidence  I still can't believe it my own son called the   cops on me destroying everything I built all  because he was tired of eating human burgers every   day and because it was morally reprehensible and  un forgivable to go around town kidnapping people   and grinding them into burger meat so I could eat  them and serve them on a sesame seed bun give me a [Music] [Music] break [Music] for I've been slaving away for sir toam hat for  decades I have no life outside of serving humans   taking them from point A to point B and Back  Again day and night I only get time off from   2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. when there just aren't  any passengers for a passenger train to serve   sir topam wants fares from the earliest commuters  to the latest partyers every single day I have to   make sure I'm on time no matter what happens or S  toam will punish me I'm terribly afraid of him so   I do everything I can to avoid messing up I have  fellow locomotives but we never get a second to   talk to each other as soon as we're on break we  pass out until the workers wake us up again I   haven't had a friend since 1984 work became even  harder when they blocked off the second tunnel but   it's not the increased workload that weighs on  me it's Henry I haven't seen him in ages Henry   and I used to be best friends from the very  beginning we became close because sir toam had   had it out for us I don't know why maybe it was  because we were the lowest men on the totem pole   or because we had the audacity to complain a bit  too much but either way Henry and I had the most   unforgiving schedule out of anybody we ran routes  all day and then we ran more at night nighttime   was by far the worst part of our job it wasn't  just the constant berating for Mr topam or the   unpaid overtime something weird would happen  almost every night there was this one really   dark section of the tracks halfway through the  tunnel where we couldn't see anything at all Mr   toam never allowed us to have headlights because  of budgetary constrictions or whatever nonsense he   was talking about I never understood what it was  the time but it always happened to me in the same   spot I would be rolling down the track at high  speed then I'd hit a bump or more like a soft   wet thud beneath my wheel when we got back to the  station the workers would quickly pull us aside   and hose us down before anybody saw this would  happen to either me or Henry three or four times   a week on a regular basis we tried bringing this  to the attention of Mr toam but as usual he didn't   want to hear a word from us he told us to keep  quiet and not tell any of the other locomotives   about the wet thuds in the tunnel or he'd send  us to the scrap yard as time went on Henry and   I began to DED going through the tunnel we had our  suspicions about what those thuds could be but we   never knew for sure until one night I was loading  up passengers from my last ride out of the station   that night when I saw Henry come out of the tunnel  with a look on his face like he was about to throw   up I looked closer and saw something stuck to  his grill a baseball hat Henry was shaking on   his wrists sir toen was next to him telling him  something I was too far away to hear but it looked   scary that night around 3:00 a.m. Henry woke all  of us up to tell us something he told us that he   finally figured out what the source of all those  wet thuds in the tunnel were I didn't want to   believe him but I had to I Knew Henry wouldn't lie  and I knew he wasn't crazy he had a plan to make   sure it would never happen again but he needed my  help to make sure it worked I promised him I would   do it but I was too scared that morning when the  time came to do it I couldn't work up the courage   Henry rolled back into a station but right  before he exited the tunnel he slammed on the brakes I was supposed to leave the station and  go into the other tunnel so they would both be   blocked that way no trains could go through but I  froze I couldn't do it the way Henry looked at me   then I'll never get it out of my head I knew he  would never forgive me for betraying him a moment   later sir toam stormed up to Henry and started  screaming at him they went back and forth for   a while arguing over something Henry what are you  doing I'm not coming out of this tunnel until you   take me off the night shift forever nonsense I  said you work nights so you work nice that's it   final decision then you'll never move another  passenger through this tunnel my brakes are on   and I'm not going anywhere I'll die in here  oh really so be it steal off the tunnel wait   no stop I'll come out it's too late now Henry  you wouldn't run over an innocent man would you   that's what I thought the workers were just as  under sir to's control as us they didn't bat an   ey to bury Henry alive finally I realized I had  doomed my friend and tried to step in sir please   stop this if you don't I'll have to silence  you think squatting in the other tunnel means   I won't seal you in there too then you're wrong  now get going we'll have you torn apart in the   scrapyard uh yes sir reluctantly I did as I was  told I moved forward into the tunnel taking one   last look at my best friend Henry before that  tunnel was forever sealed off at both ends by   a brick wall what makes it even worse is that  I don't even know if Henry had any passengers   aboard when he was trapped even if he did I'm sure  sir toam wouldn't even care decades later the wall   still stands and I still do sir to's bidding  ever since I saw what happened to Henry I'm   too afraid to defy him and everyone is the wall  is a constant reminder that Henry is still in   there rotting away I do my night runs like a good  train every night no matter what I run over in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] tunnel Nemo was the most most important person  in my life everything I did and all my plans were   centered around Nemo without Nemo I was nothing  and could do nothing after my wife and kids were   taken away from me by the Barracuda Nemo was all I  had left my desires in life after that were simple   no matter how much I wanted it nothing would bring  my family back so I focused on Nemo for years it   was just me and him I guess you could say the  isolation made me go a little crazy but being   a parent will do that too all I wanted to do was  get one single son or daughter of mine to reach   adulthood but it seemed like I was doomed to fail  at that no matter what I tried as hard as I could   to keep Nemo safe but despite all my efforts  one day he disappeared my fragile mental state   was shattered all over again I immediately went  searching all across the ocean for him I looked   under every Rock inside every an enemy through  every net full of fish I chased after every   boat combed through every reef and wailed into  the abyss from every drop off NE but no matter   where I looked I couldn't find anyone sooner or  later my physical health degraded along with my   mental health I couldn't E I couldn't sleep I even  forgot to breathe sometimes I was so focused on   the impossible task of Finding Nemo eventually  I knew I didn't stand a chance of doing it on   my own so I sought help from others unfortunately  it seemed that every creature I encountered would   rather eat me than help me the crabs on the ocean  floor just wanted to pick the flesh off my bones   with their pincers the Sharks just wanted to  swallow me whole with their putrid mouths full   of all those teeth there was no way I could take  on any of those guys either but even when I tried   to talk to the sea turtles who everyone says are  supposed to be so wise those lazy bums couldn't   even tell their own flipper from a clump of kelp  and don't even get me started on the whales those   guys are so big they didn't even notice I existed  for weeks I continued my search I started having   hallucinations of Nemo which only added to my  torment I was ready to give up to just let my   body succumb to starvation but then I saw her the  dumbest most help fish I've ever seen yet somehow   I knew she was the one fish who could help me  her name was Dory in our first conversation   she forgot my name 10 times I soon learned that  she was incapable of holding on to a single bit   of information for more than 30 seconds however  I was glad to meet her I had the feeling that   she would help me a lot even if I never found  Nemo Dory could help me learn how to forget and   then one day maybe I could move on with my life  maybe even start over with a new family the crazy   thing was once I stopped endlessly searching I  realized I was swimming in a giant Circle the   whole time how stupid is that that's when Dory  said her and I weren't that different and I knew   she was right I invited her to come home with  me since she didn't have a family to go home   to either it was nice to finally have someone  to talk to that didn't want to eat me or flat   out ignore me even though she could never remember  the last thing either one of us said at least she   had some semblance of who I was the whole time she  might never be able to remember my name but there   are perks to that actually I didn't didn't have  any food in my house but I had plenty of drinks   we Shar what I could offer and talked about our  lives all throughout the night unsurprisingly a   grieving father and a fish with severe short-term  memory loss didn't take long to lose track of how   much we were drinking we got absolutely sosed  before we knew it that's when I said something   that I knew might be a mistake to admit I I have  something to get off my chest Please Don't Judge   Me too harshly Nemo is dead he's been dead  the whole time it's all my fault I killed   him he he wasn't doing anything wrong he was just  getting on my nerves every day and then one day I   went into his room and saw him doing something  that sent me over the edge I grabbed a rock and and it's okay Martin we all make mistakes I'm  proud of you for admitting what you did wrong   takes a lot of strength I just have one question  if he was dead this whole time why did you go   looking for him for so long because his body is  gone I buried him underneath his bed and I would   beg for forgiveness at his grave every night  but one morning he just wasn't there somebody   stole the only thing I had left that's not the  only thing you have left Marley you got me now   it's Marlin right Marlin let's go find your son  thank you Dory let's start at the scene of the   crime I showed Dory to Nemo's room then I let  her go inside I could tell she was afraid she   went inside slowly and cautiously clearly very  nervous about having her back turned to me I   told her I wouldn't hurt her and keep going she  was scared out of her mind but she listened she   crept up to the bed and looked underneath it  then froze I knew what she was looking at I'm   the one who put it there nothing was there there  was no blood no bits of rotting corpse no worms   nothing but an empty freshly dug hole what am  I looking at Dory do you know what Nemo means   in Latin what do you know what Nemo means no  it means nobody we were looking for nobody I seized the opportunity and shoved her into   the hole I then started shoveling in  the dirt I couldn't believe how long   it had been since there was a smile on  my face but it felt even better than I [Music] remember am
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 274,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated horror stories, horror stories, animated, horror, stories, creepy stories, animation, horror stories animated, horror story, animated stories, horror narration, scary stories, scary story, disturbing, scary, horror animation compilation, true scary stories, halloween, halloween horror, halloween horror stories, mario, mario horror, scary stories animated, real animated horror stories, animated short film horror, trick or treat stories, trick or treating, halloween stories
Id: ioOzyGzN8TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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