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foreign the next story is solely based on a condition  called acromegaly a rare disorder that causes   a human to grow after normal growth is stopped  the excess growth hormone and acromegaly causes   adults bones to thicken and also causes other  organisms in the body to grow larger in size   there are a few creepy skits online revolving  around the subject so we figured we give our take   on it with of course some nightmare-induced fuel  here's what it looked like it's drinking summer   I want to go out I want to go out I want to go  out why how do I have to be the only one to stay   inside Charlie close the damn curtains you know  too much vitamin D from the sun will make your   condition worse you need to stay in your room  with the curtains closed okay I hate you just   send me the foster care already as a father it  was difficult seeing Charlie grow up literally   in his bedroom and I do mean literally my  wife and I kept him away from the outside   world we were extremely paranoid we were afraid  he would get too much vitamin D from the Sun or   accidentally consume something that contained too  much calcium both of which would be a detriment   to his condition Charlie had a condition called  acromegaly it's a condition that's rare amongst   the masses in the simplest way I can put it it  makes you continuously grow even after adulthood   we were homeschooling Charlie since he was a  toddler and we exiled any relationships from his   life as we were very afraid he would get bullied  we tried talking to our son about it but he very   much disagreed with our philosophy a standard  day in Charlie's life was him locked inside his   room consuming a bit of food my wife and I would  offer him at the door so confused and worried   we consulted several experts in the medical field  who left us with more questions than answers then   when my son turned 16 we would begin to leave his  room once in a while revealing a distorted face   in a height of seven feet this made us keep him  indoors at all cost we were afraid he would be   treated as some kind of freak constantly bullied  the moment he stepped out the front door and so   we continue the routine which involved feeding him  daily massaging his limbs giving him a towel bath   in his room and changing his diapers it may sound  strange range that he's wearing diapers at 16 but   due to his condition he couldn't sit properly on  the toilet to bring down his underwear we treated   him like a toddler and to make it convenient we  gave him a handbell in his room which he could   use whenever he needed something my wife told him  dear Mommy understands how much it means to you to   hang out with friends your age but right now it's  just not possible Furious Charlie replied then Manny gave me here don't judge me dull for as  long as it takes by that time I won't even be   able to fit through the damn door at least let me  go out in the night you have no idea how hard this   is for us we want you to do the things you want to  do besides vitamins provided by the sun might only   worse in your condition my wife held her boy's  hand and sympathized just a little longer Charlie   when the doctors have the answer to your ailment  you'll be free and what is that happening mom it's   been so long and none of them have called us back  Charlie slammed the door on us I consoled my wife   wrapping my arms around her while she cried unable  to Fathom the Enigma that consumed her son my wife   and I became unemployed relying welfare to get  by however if it was the only way to continue   educating Charlie and keeping him safe then  sacrifices were necessary every day Charlie was   annoyed that I had to supervise him like a boss  who micromanaged everything he was growing much   faster now his limbs were longer than the length  of his bed causing his lanky legs to overextend   on the floor it was hard to watch not even a  king-sized bed was good enough over the years when   Charlie reached his 20s he had grew to a whopping  nine to ten feet despite all our measures to stun   his growth it was rare for Charlie to leave his  room but when he did it looked like SlenderMan   was in my house the way he crouched he had his  head grazed the ceiling was a disturbing sight to   see one night Charlie rang the bell again asking  us for a glass of milk my wife was so frustrated   that she cussed and said what's the matter with  you don't stupid Charlie any more calcium and   the growth of your bones would be out of control  Charlie opted instead for a glass of water which   my wife turned down again honey don't you think  you're being a little harsh there I think water's   fine I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder no  this bull stop growing deer and the only way to my wife had completely lost it no matter what  I said she only responded with aggression dark   circles drew the Contours of her eyes and wrinkles  consumed her face but I couldn't blame her we did   everything to find a cure but we failed to  even unearth the faintest possible solution   So eventually I caved in and told Charlie to  follow his mother's advice it was the only way I   could think of to end this nightmare besides we'd  always listen to her since she was in charge of   all the house rules Charlie frowned and looked  away not saying another word then during the   wee hours of the morning we heard Charlie's Bell  violently ringing my wife tried to get me to check   on him however I was exhausted after fixing the  roof of our house and the pipes in the bathroom I promise to help Charlie tomorrow I heard her  heavy footsteps as she slammed her bedroom door   then five minutes later I heard the bell  ring once again bewildered I asked myself   what I thought she already went to his room the  ring stopped so I thought my wife had already   handled the situation but just as I was about to  shut my eyes the bell rang again and this time I   heard it right next to my face standing before  me was Charlie with a bloody broken space he   then gripped my ankles with his gigantic  hands look Dad I'm not thirsty anymore   Charlie then Lifted Me Up by my ankles and began  slamming me across my bed like I was testing stop please I'm sorry after a dozen ruthless  slams Charlie drags me up the stairs to his   bedroom as soon as I entered I saw my  wife's corpse on the carpet her bones   and intestines jutting out hey Dad just  blood had vitamin D and calcium in it wow the next story is one of the most  bizarre cases on the internet   a real-life SpongeBob nightmare that went down  on September of 2021 the details are pretty   disturbing so we decided to change the narrative  slightly and create an animation inspired by the   event for all the SpongeBob fans sorry in advance  my mother and I shared many fond memories together   from time to time we would watch Jimmy Neutron  and the Fairly Odd Parents of Nickelodeon however   after putting me to bed I'd walk downstairs  and sneak up behind her couch as she watched   every known chick flick movie on Netflix one day  the TV listings changed and we started watching   SpongeBob a lot more during the weekends to  which I laughed every now and then saying   this is hilarious isn't it Mom I was often met  by silent treatment and in other times a faint   chuckle then gazing at her I noticed how her  eyes were always glued to the screen enthralled   by comical exchanges of sea creatures in casual  human attires and it only got weirder in the days   that followed what used to be a lot of rom-com  turned into a late night series of SpongeBob   where she often sat too close to the TV eating  popcorn like some kind of lunatic then she'd   laugh with exaggerated tones while scattering the  popcorn and spilling the beer on the floor hahaha on most days she'd call in sick and stay home  just to watch SpongeBob so I would unplug the   TV and she would throw a tantrum before plugging  it back in don't you dare turn the TV off when she said gritting her teeth hesitant I told  her don't you have work tomorrow it's time   for bed her anger vanished abruptly as her head  slowly turned to face me the person in front of   me was no longer the mother I'd always know  I couldn't pinpoint what it was but something   was off and in the silence lingering between  us I Stood Still immobilized by fear glaring   at me with eyes I never seen before she replied  SpongeBob was right you did sneak up behind me   every night didn't you bewildered I asked what  what do you mean by that she wasn't making any   sense and I was deeply disturbed by my mother's  sudden transformation although it was true that   I did sneak up behind her I didn't understand  how SpongeBob was a variable in the situation   her expression changed in a second as she gazed  upon the still image of SpongeBob on the screen   his eyes looking directly at her and moments  later at me yes that's right SpongeBob she   said gradually with a smile as she sauntered  toward me it time to tuck you in little man   and this time I'll tuck you in really good  I never felt more afraid in my entire life so in a splits that I dashed toward the stairs  hearing her footsteps quickly catching up to me   we screwed all the way up and when I finally  reached my room I slammed the door crippled   by sheer Terror however seconds before closing  it I caught a glimpse of that medicine Grant   and so not a moment sooner she began banging  on the door luckily I secured the lock before   hiding myself inside the closet where I waited  desperately for Sunrise to come unfortunately my   head kept bobbing as I fought to stay awake  then when the banging eventually subsided I   finally passed out that's when I began to  see SpongeBob in my dreams but this wasn't   any ordinary SpongeBob he looked crazed demented  and he was stabbing Sandy Cheeks with a knife as   I got closer for a better look I then realized  that the person in the astronaut wasn't Sandy it   was me are you ready little man I can't hear  you I know I am yeah he said in a high pitch   layered voice that sent chills down my spine  I awoken from my haze got out of the closet   and made a run for it down the stairs hoping I  could reach the door before my mother had the   chance to stop me then as I swung the door open  I was pleasantly surprised to see my aunt's face   long time no see look who's come to play she  said as my cousin bolted in the house of his   toys and although I was thrilled to see them a  part of me wanted them to drive away on Olivia   why are you here you can't be here right now  what are you saying your mom invited us here   is something wrong my aunt's gaze was that of  concern however I didn't know how to tell her   considering I couldn't believe it myself well  you see just when I was about to tell her what   had happened last night my mother ran to her  and wrapped her arms in a welcoming hug I'm   so glad you could make it my mother said with  the saltery sound of her voice at that moment   I began to doubt myself I thought perhaps it had  all just been a nightmare and nothing as the hours   passed nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary  and my anxiety slowly dissipated playing hide   and seek with my cousin I conceal myself in my  mom's closet as my mother entered the room I saw   her talking to a framed portrait of SpongeBob  on the wall caressing it as she said tonight that's when it was confirmed that the incident  that happened earlier wasn't a dream my mom was   more than likely a deranged psycho infatuated with  some Eerie SpongeBob fantasy as soon as she left   the room I turned out the lights to the bedroom  and called out to my cousin who was hiding under   the bed I told him everything and regretted it  immediately afterwards he ran to his mom crying   a River of Tears what's the matter on Olivia  asked giving him a gentle pat on the back my   cousin pointed at me and said he told me that  SpongeBob was evil and then we had to leave now   come on honey you don't get to see your cousins  often so don't be so rude my mother said without   losing her composure I didn't know what else to  do so I apologized and we went back to playing   games but his Darkness filled the skies we heard a  loud thought emanating from the living room below   us what the hell is that my cousin whispered I  don't know but I intend to find out follow me   and stay quiet alright I said choking on my words  is my heart throbbed scaling down the stairs we   could hear someone talking and it sounded like  my mother's voice oh SpongeBob Bob this would   be perfect for dinner I'm ready I'm ready I'm  ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready   I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready  I'm ready I gagged at the sign of blood blanking   the floor that when my cousin saw my aunt's life  was bot he screamed catching my mother's attention who's ready for some Krabby Patties without  a moment to waste we scrammed exiting through   the front door until one of our neighbors  knows her cries for help and came to our   Aid when the police arrived they found on  Olivia's dismembered body on the floor my   mother was then taken into custody as I was  forced to live with my cousin and his father   to this day I still see news articles using  my mother's testimony in court which read   SpongeBob made me do it I severely regret that  I ever watched an episode of SpongeBob with her foreign was inspired by a disturbing incident that  happened to an Alabama Arby's customer the   individual in question happened to be a police  Sergeant who made an order for a sandwich but   got a little more than he purchased which may  have very well screwed him up in the head here's   a dramatized version of the alleged occurrence  leave me the hell alone or I'm calling your wife   stop running and get on the floor you convict  I can't go back to jail I'm gonna miss out on   Arby's delicious roast beef sandwiches today I  dashed through the woods chasing a man who had   left his runaway vehicle next to a tree when I  finally caught up to him he evaded my baton and   pounced on me like a leopard who was in it for  the kill I'm tired of everyone calling the cops   for me you pig pulled up by his contempt I  could see him holding a large blade in which he   violently slung in my direction slicing my abdomen  oh you bastard I wailed in pain and retaliated   with a strike to his head with my truncheon  infuriated I apprehended him and pushed him into   my cruiser rabid animals like him deserve to be  treated as such so after locking him in his cell   I needed a breather after a long day in the office  or should I say the streets and what better way to   do it than to grab a bite at Arby's the first  thing that came to mind was their famous roast   beef sandwich so the following day I drove to one  of my favorite fast food restaurants but as soon   as I entered those doors a clumsy staff member  bumped into me splashing my uniform with mustard   and ketchup then I grabbed her by the arm bothered  by the way she kept her head down the entire time   which I thought was plainly rude and so I threw  a fit memories of Mal factors flooding my mind   wrong with you I asked in a tone that caught  everyone's attention in the dining area I'm   sorry sir I was just sorry it's so easy for you  to say that isn't it you have no idea what I've   been through lady Screw You Get Your Filthy Hands  off of me the low groan of the waitress wearing a   hat whose face was still hidden from me could be  heard as she yanked her arm and sauntered back   into the kitchen repulsed by her lack of decency  I wanted to head straight to the manager however   I diverted my attention stuffing my mind with  thoughts of roasted beef hi officer sorry about   what happened there anyway how may I take your  order let me get one roast beef sandwich and   heavy on the cheese please then after paying for  the fabulous sandwich I waited in my seat next to   the window unable to contain my excitement however  as the minutes passed I grew impatient and when I   checked my watch an entire 40 minutes had gone by  stomping my feet I approached the counter and said   all I wanted was a freaking roast beef sandwich so  where is it one of the male cashiers attempted to   pacify me by saying we have a lot of orders today  sir my staff will be bolting to your order in   no time the customer is always right do you call  this fast food I only have one order just one quit   screwing around and make my sandwich I pounded my  fist on the countertop oh well sir the employee   stammered his body shuddering from the lack of an  appropriate excuse then moments later the manager   made his presence known and with his shoulder  slouching ever so slightly he said hostility   won't solve anything officer so let me follow  up with our kitchen staff right now hostility   you say I grabbed him by his tie and whispered in  a foreboding tone I'm afraid you have no idea what   hostility is would you like me to show you what  hostility is police officer we don't want things   to get out of hand the manager replied beads  of sweat pouring from his temples down to his   neck imposing my authority as a cop I demanded  five minutes you hear me if my sandwich doesn't   arrive in five minutes I'm going to arrest you for  being a public nuisance do I make myself clear Mr   manager he nodded quickly turning away then as  he entered the kid kitchen he reprimanded one   of the female staff her back facing me and with  everyone else's gaze upon me I sneered and said   what are you all looking at the show's over mind  your own business afterward I returned to my seat   by the window drumming my fingers on the table  then in less than five minutes a female staff   member approached me wearing a hat so familiar  that I recognized her as the same employee who   bumped into me earlier not you again I said still  irritated by her and pertinence but instead of   seeing clear signs of intimidation she grinned  an awry Amusement as she handed over the sandwich   to me bewildered I thought she was just being  sarcastic after all I embarrassed her in front of   everybody but anyway I grabbed the sandwich from  her and said it took you long enough now screw off enjoy your roast beef sandwich she replied  blissfully leaving me with a conundrum that   I managed to wash away by digging into  this Savory meal however upon taking a   bite something hard challenged my teeth  and gums with a taste that was nothing   but metallic what the hell I asked myself  wondering how everything else tasted so   good except for this one ingredient as a  man who frequented Arby's it was my first   time encountering something so bizarre with  my favorite sandwich but I turned a blind   eye and embraced the odd taste prioritizing my  grumbling stomach that required soothing however   I would soon regret forcing a bite breaking  a couple of molars and if that wasn't enough   I felt something sharp lodged into my gums  causing them to bleed with tremendous pain immediately I spat it out  and exclaimed where the hell approaching the cashier I held the sandwich in  my hand slamming it on the countertop with the   bolts still inside calm down sir what seems to  be the problem the manager asked in a friendly   yet anxious manner what's a problem this is a  problem you screwed up my sandwich I showed him   what I found inside the sandwich and he gasped  in disbelief clearly he didn't know how it got   in there because a manager assumed it might have  been an accident but I had to be sure and so when   we both checked the surveillance footage together  the evidence was clear as day I saw how the same   female employee dropped the bolt into the sandwich  the tips of her smile reaching both ends of her   ears as she added the finishing touches before  exiting the kitchen and so naturally the woman   was under arrest and brought to the precinct for  further investigation the woman remained silent   the entire time I questioned her but something  about her eyes and face was awfully familiar   when I arrived home that's when it hit me  a flashback of the incident that happened   yesterday at the police station reminded me of  a woman who begged me to go easy on her brother   whom I apprehended for an assault case he was  involved in after that it all made sense to me   but to insert a bolt in my sandwich meant that  she definitely had a few screws loose up there foreign as a woman who worked at a spa I'm no stranger  to the unsavory characters who try to solicit   and relax and behave inappropriately with the  employees it seems like every woman I've ever   worked with has some kind of Horror Story on the  subject of obsessive misogynistic man and I am no   exception and I hate to say this but what happened  on my table was so awful that it ended my career   as a massage and acupuncture therapist still that  is where it began I'm not at Liberty to use his   real name but I will freely use the placeholder  name of Herbert as it rather well describes both   his personality and physical characteristics  he was extremely old old enough to be my great   grandfather though he probably looked older  than he actually was he had a grotesque bulging   pot belly that stuck out even farther than his  malformed looking jaw that was stricken with a   horrible underbite I'm sure his record-breaking  deformities cause him significant chronic pain   because he had weekly appointments at the spa that  he never missed unfortunately like a lot of creepy   old men he had picked out one woman from all the  other therapists and refused to get worked on by   anyone else and in his case I was a special gal  what's worse he seemed to self-medicate his pain   with alcohol as he was always and I mean always  Under the Influence this is supposed to be against   the rules but considering people with obvious  dependencies we usually allow them to do whatever   they need in order to sit still unfortunately this  meant I had to constantly deal with the stench of   booze that always emanated from his body as you  can see we make a lot of accommodations we also   have a Jacuzzi that is openly available to all  of our clients however to some it seems to be   an invitation to forego any respect for privacy  or modesty in Herbert's case he would spend 20   minutes in the tub before every session wearing  this tiny worn out Speedo that he's probably had   since the 60s he would always wait until the  last minute then come in for a session right   after a soak he always wanted to start with a full  body massage I don't know what it was exactly but   something about that wet rubbery wrinkly skin  all always felt like I was massaging a dead body   except you could talk and request me pleasure I  would always refuse but he would never get the   message you people never seem to understand the  request of a full body massage I always have to   go home and finish the job myself does that seem  right to you come on Herbert I don't want to hear   that right now well you wouldn't have to hear it  if you didn't leave the need unsatisfied what do   you say for the millionth time the answer is no  just relax will you as with any story of a spa   professional dealing with inappropriate behavior  outside perspectives probably wonder why we put   up with it all well the answer is commission and  tips in other words money the nastiest most make   you crawl out of your skin customers are the ones  who think that going for the most expensive option   is how they're going to get what they want of  course that isn't how it works but we let them   shell out until they realize that Herbert always  wanted acupuncture after his massages acupuncture   is a delicate time-consuming process and it  requires a lot of experience intuition and   patience this makes it a big money maker for  spas in case you didn't know the longer it goes   on for the more needles are used the higher the  price becomes and I've never seen anyone take as   many needles as Herbert at a certain point every  single actual acupuncture point would be covered   in Needles but Herbert would just keep asking for  more I knew it was risky but every acupuncture   patient signs a waiver freeing us of any liability  so by the policy of the establishment we fulfill   every request we reasonably can eventually he'd  be covered head to toe every square inch of his   body protruding with needles probably a thousand  of them but even then he would still be getting up   to his usual antics you know you've poked me so  many times will I ever get a chance to poke you   back you know you'll never get the chance so can  you stop asking oh you're so mean how convenient   as bad as it was at a certain point I had the  whole ordeal worked into my routine and I was   making bank off it however one night it all came  to an end he had come in drunker than ever before   going farther than he ever had before he even  reached out and tried to grab me at one point   during the massage but I slapped his hand away  I almost kicked him out for it I should have but   some part of me was so desensitized that I hardly  cared after the moment passed nothing seemed out   of the ordinary just a stronger stench of booze  and a bit more of an unhinged attitude we went   through the whole routine and once I was done  using just about every acupuncture needle in   the entire Spa I left him at the table to wash  my hands a precautionary step in between the   application and removal of the needles that helps  to prevent infection all right Herbert I'm going   to give you a few minutes to let everything  soak in I'll just be over here cleaning some   things up don't move okay oh don't worry about  me moving mushy I'm a stiff as a board I'm sure   you are Herbert I'm sure you are however even  over the sound of the faucet I could hear the   rubbing of skin against the rubber of the table I  knew he was moving but at first I figured he was   just adjusting himself to get more comfortable the  modern day woman show there's a sight to be home   excuse me I turned around ready to scold him but  in the process I startled him he was far closer   to the edge than he should have been and when he  jolted at getting caught he stabbed himself in   the side with a needle causing him to wince and  squirm and suddenly loses balance on his elbow   and then he fell off the table and smacked the  floor face down digging every needle into his body acupuncture needles are long thin and very hard  they can easily dig through several inches of   Flesh and find their way between small gaps in  the bones if used improperly but in the case of   an accident like this it was worse than imaginable  I screen for help and instinctively ran over and   out beside him in a panic I turned him over  trying to take the pressure off the needles   I've been told since by medical professionals  that this was probably the wrong thing to do as   it shifted the placement of the needles inside  his body twisting and dragging causing them to   tear the tissues and worsen the bleeding and  bleeding dead like ringing out a sponge full of   red somebody call the cops we need an ambulance no  matter how fast the paramedics could have arrived   I don't think it would have been fast enough  the needles were everywhere in his body in his   heart and in his lungs there wasn't a chance  he bled out so quickly right before my eyes I   watched a life leave from his face since then  I've quit massage therapy and I can't imagine   ever returning to perform acupuncture despite  how Rose Herbert's treatment at me was I still   feel guilty for being the one who put the needles  in his body I'm not sure if this is really lucky   for me or not but since he didn't have any family  or next of Ken who cared for him I was never sued   for anything relating to the incident but if I  ever was I don't know if I'd farewell in court the next story was inspired by this Infamous  Michael Jackson animatronic that has surfaced the   internet for quite some time now the term eliuwaki  was linked to the video which was just another   way of saying Annie are you okay like I said  before this is Justin animatron but really since   shockwaves online for its distinct disturbing  facial features and how it was able to make subtle   movements for anyone with the name Annie we hope  you are okay years and years ago my life looked a   lot different I had to move towns to start working  at a new job at first I ran into trouble finding   a place I spent many nights going through Page  after page of Craigslist ads as that was just   about the only way to sublease a room back in  the day and I didn't have the savings to afford   my own place just yet however I eventually lucked  out with a pretty cheap listing for a room in a   basement with two other people living upstairs  there wasn't much information other than that   but when I arrived I realized why the rent was so  affordable the landlord also one of the residents   was a frail creepy looking old man with the most  wrinkled leathery skin I've ever seen even on an   elderly person HD television was becoming really  popular around this time and I couldn't help but   think to myself that this guy had more wrinkles  on his forehead than Gordon Ramsay of course   I tried to hide what I was thinking hi nice to  meet you I'm Gord I mean Gus I'm Gus well don't   just stand there get inside I brushed aside his  curmudgeonly attitude and brought in my luggage   he showed me to the basement where I was to be  living and my first impression of it honestly   wasn't so bad I'd never been the type of person  to be creeped out by basements and the space was   relatively in good condition with lots of room  though it was a little dark and drafty still   nothing I couldn't handle for a few months to  a year this is a really nice space of course it   is wise guy do I look like some kind of broke  Geezer to you no sir it was just a compliment   in awkward silence ensued and I couldn't stop  staring at the wrinkles on his forehead he seemed   to need a moment to catch his breath before  going back up the stairs I thought to myself   at least his trouble with Mobility meant he would  rarely bother me in my own space the silence was   unbearable so I tried to make normal Small Talk  do you uh live with your wife upstairs that old   hagdad years ago oh I'm sorry for you don't sweat  it kid that wins was for the streets or better yet   the nursing home her wrinkly saggy melons were  expired Goods anyway uh thanks for the info I   guess did you two have any kids I hate kids having  kids like having a dog except you can't put them   in a cage thank God for plan B's well I hate to  keep prying but uh who's the other tenant living   upstairs the ad said there were two so I just  want to get to know so I can know my roommates   I'll tell you a secret if you'll keep it uh okay I  live with eliuwaki um l i you what it's short for   Annie are you okay wait a minute are you saying  you live with Michael Jackson quiet down now I   don't want the neighbors finding out idiot okay  but if I'm living with Michael Jackson I have   to meet him can you show me to his room sure if  you insist he led back up the stairs and down the   hallway to his bedroom I didn't believe him for  a second Michael Jackson's death wasn't even that   long ago at this point but I had to see what he  was talking about half of me was amused and the   other half was concerned with How Deep The senile  man's delusions went when he opened the door to   his bedroom and introduced me to this Elite walk  as he I understood that they went down quite a bit   farther than what I had expected this is Michael  Michael I'd like you to meet a new housemate Gus   I was petrified this liuwaki was not even a real  person it was a ghoulish animatronic thing that   looked vaguely like the person it was supposed to  be it moved around in the most unnatural way even   being able to make expressions with its face which  was just a disintegrating piece of silicone that   was barely attached it turned to look right at  me then robotically moved its armed away well way   back reluctantly I oblige the old man's peculiar  demand what made the presence of this mechanical   monstrosity even more unsettling was how it  changed that hostile man's demeanor to someone   somehow more pleasant almost like he was in love  with the thing I excuse myself so I could be alone   in my new room just picturing that distorted face  sent chills down my spine and it never got easier   throughout my time living there I would frequently  see that thing when I went up to the hallway to   use the bathroom or leave the house it would just  stand in front of its bedroom door and follow me   with its eyes and sometimes it would walk around  the kitchen aimlessly yet somehow the landlord   never seemed concern with the strange Behavior  as if he really believed it was alive one night   things started to cross the line I woke up around  3am to the creeping sound of an inhuman voice until that point I had no idea that awful  machine could speak but now this demonic   mock-up of Michael Jackson was talking to itself  as it stalked the hallway right upstairs I watch   my door from my bed and refused to admit that I  was actually terrified the doorknob rattled then   the door flew up slamming against the wall there  he was just standing in the doorway staring at me   in the darkness he started laughing again while  he tilted his head to the side farther than any   human could I threw my covers over my face and  turned over I figured if I ignored it it would   go away thankfully I eventually heard it walk  away and was able to sleep the next morning my   door was still open as I left for work it was in  its usual place at the end of the hall watching   me with its empty eyes after not sleeping very  well the previous night I was running late for   work so I didn't have time to talk to the old  man about what had happened and of course when   I got home he was already asleep I hoped it  was just a fluke all this crazy liuwaki stuff   was driving me insane the whole situation was a  nightmare and I had unfortunately I didn't find   it in time the next night started off the same  way at three in the morning my door slammed open   standing there in the Darkness at the end of the  hallway yeah I could hear that disturbing noise he bolted towards my room and rushed to the foot  of my bed leave me alone I'm calling the cops climbed over and hit me screaming in my  face you mean mugging me all the time this   is my house that's when the animatronic began to  repeatedly slam his head against my face foreign so I saw my only option is the lamp next to me   on my nightstand I reached over and  title and smashed it across his face he laughed and fell back but I didn't stop  I've been tormented by this insane thing for   far too long I wanted to make sure that they  never moved again I pushed him off the bed and   shoved my knee into his neck pummeling him with  the lamp until a stupid laugh finally stopped feel the hot blood streaming down my face  coating my hands and soaking into my clothes   I was exhausted but my heart was beating so quick  I had no hope of sleep I curled up against my bed   and tried to calm myself down but no matter how  much I try to rock myself to sleep I couldn't   even understand why I was so Disturbed hours later  The Morning Sun finally shined through the window   and illuminated everything I had wondered how  the old man upstairs had managed not to wake   up to all the noise but then sense he was right  there on the floor in a pool of his own blood   I looked up the stairs and saw the  animatronic monster smiling down there are many ventriloquists out there just like  jugglers and clowns but what's fascinating is how   their personal dating life outside the realm of  work really looks like the next story was inspired   by a Tinder date gone what are you trying to say  about ventriloquists you dummy you're the dummy   if I'm a dummy you're a dummy because you're  controlling me and your hand is up Mike anyway   on to the story I go on Tinder quite a bit to  find dates or at least I used to as a woman   it's really easy to match with guys I'll usually  swipe right on whatever man I find to be decently   attractive and often end up matching with them  I can't imagine how many men swipe right on me   that I would never even give a chance when I do  end up going on dates from Tinder they rarely   warrant a second date for the same reason most men  on Tinder are only interested in sleeping with me   for my looks and leaving me as a one-night stand  though there was one guy that really did seem   interesting his name was Jerry in his bio he said  he was an Entertainer for a living he didn't go   into specifics but I was preoccupied with thinking  that this meant he was some kind of actor he was   one of the more handsome men on Tinder 2. after  we matched we texted for a few days his energy   was invigorating I could tell that he had more on  his mind and more going on in his life in general   than just thirsting for vapid intimacy I hope I  stand out from the other guys on Tinder I would   take a bullet for you really yep a Nerf bullet it  was apparent he had a great sense of humor we got   to know each other over text and agreed to go out  on a date at a local steakhouse I arrived first   but after I waited outside in the cold for a few  minutes I decided to go in to get the table by the   time the bread came out and he still wasn't there  yet I was worried it's never a good sign when   somebody's late to their first date that's when he  texted me and told me that he was bringing another   guest immediately my heart jumped I replied with  a bunch of question marks but he quickly followed   with the next Nation apparently he didn't have  anyone to look after this guest and he didn't   want to leave them alone in the house so he had to  bring them I figured he was being awkwardly cheeky   with his language and that this guest was some  baby pet of his a few minutes later he arrived   but at that very moment my heart sank to the  floor he didn't have a puppy or a kitten like   I thought so no he had a damn doll in his hand and  a creepy one at that like one of those demonically   possessed freaks from a horror movie and the guy  acted like it was completely normal he had a big   goofy smile on his face and introduced me to it  like they were friends hey Josephine it's so good   to finally meet you in person the pictures they  don't do you justice I'm sorry that I'm late but   I couldn't leave Tom here all alone in the house  by himself say hello Tom hey you Tom no no say   hello Josephine come on we talked about this hello  Josephine boy you must be some kind of broad Jerry   just won't shut up about you now that's enough Tom  let's sit down they uh I I mean he sat down across   from me and just looked at me like a child like  I was supposed to do something to say in response   to all of that finally I mustered the presence of  mine to ask so so this is your extra guest I was   thinking you were gonna bring like I don't know a  puppy or something oh Tom's not my pet we're more   like roommates sometimes I feel like it's his  house more than mine foreign some days I watch   you while you sleep every night you dingbat don't  make me tell the broad what you did with my mouth   last night hum hush you little nutcase I I'm sorry  about his behavior tonight he doesn't get out much   so he's not very well adjusted to other people  it's like a vicious cycle you know I mean he's   not really alive right it's you who's saying all  those things you could make him behave properly if   he wanted to couldn't you Josephine please don't  disrespect Tom sentience he's his own person just   like you or I he just needs my help to get around  he's right you know you should really watch your   mouth little lady are you gonna get a mouthful  and I ain't talking about steak you hear me uh   um I'm I'm sorry I guess yeah you're sorry all  right come on guys can't we all get along I was   truly at a loss for words I had to give him  credit for his ACT though I swear I couldn't   see his lips moving at all I just couldn't believe  that the first interesting respectful guy I ever   met on Tinder had actually turned out to be a  total weirdo at best and a complete nut job at   worst I don't even remember what I ordered I'm  sure whatever it was I wasn't hungry anymore   and I just picked at it while staring down at my  plate by the time the check was on its way I was   honestly willing to cover the whole bill just to  send a message unfortunately I was ripped out of   my disassociative comfort pretty abruptly as the  eating ended and the conversation was supposed to   recontinue so what are you two doing after dinner  hey Jerry the girl looks thirsty as hell maybe you   should bring her over to the crib and let me  get a front row seat to the action just don't   wear her out though cause you know I'm trying to  get sloppy seconds shut up Tom you're ruining my   chances are you serious do you think I'm stupid  no please forgive me for him I was going to ask   if you wanted to come over after dinner but I'm  pretty sure that put a bad taste in your mouth it   wouldn't taste bad if you showered shut up idiot  I'm so deleting Tinder after this and your number   are you sure I've heard from all the ladies that  I'm a great kisser uh no thanks come on Tom back   me up practicing on me doesn't count you dingbat I  was horrified horrified and ashamed to be sitting   across from them in front of a restaurant full  of people is this grown man began an intense   makeout session with this creepy little doll  it wasn't subtle either they were moaning no   he was moaning but he would alternate between  moaning as himself and moaning as the doll I   just I never thought I'd see the day a man drooled  onto his own puppet see he really is a great kiss   sir although he could use some Listerine after  the stake he just gobbled down Mr Beef breath   that's it I'm out of here I jumped to my feet and  started to power walk out of there but there was   a whole scene developing behind me don't leave  please don't leave us Josephine we love you give   us just one hug before you go oh fine just one  hug I knew I was going to regret it but I did it   anyway we entered into this Unholy group hug with  me him and his stupid little doll just like every   other hoe on Tinder and then the doll reached over  and bit me right on the face of course it was just   that creep Jerry pinching me with the wooden Jaws  but still that hurt with a shout I need him in the   balls and broke free from the so-called hug I'm  letting the staff subdue him long enough for me   to get out of there and drive off I swear I am  never going on another Tinder date ever again well you may want to leave the room if you're  getting ready for a late night snack Arby's   is apologizing to what Jackson after he found  something unexpected in his roast beef sandwich   the next story was inspired by one of the most  bizarre occurrences that made headlines years   ago I'm sure most of you heard of this particular  Arby's mishap but for those of you who didn't we   have a treat or should I say we have the meats  bad joke all right on to the story I endured my   fat obnoxious boss ignoring his extremely nitpicky  supervision but I couldn't tell which disgusted   me more is micromanagement or the way he always  tried to stay close to me fortunately I had two   colleagues working with me one was assigned to the  cashier counter in front while the other one was   a cook whom I would assist from time to time the  cook was an elderly lady who was pretty energetic   for someone her age she had apparently been  cooking at the erbies for several years despite   having two missing fingers on her left hand when  I asked her what happened she just threw the   notion under the rug like it wasn't a big deal  when orders kept coming in I had to juggle my   obligations in the kitchen and drive through area  which was death for most people who entered this   job apparently we were understaffed but our boss  was clearly penny pinching so one time I dropped   a tray of chocolate shakes and apple turnovers  then as I hastened to clean up the mess my boss   arrived at the perfect time and said again Allison  sir please just give me a minute I'm trying to   we have a whole lot of customers waiting in life  I know some of them have just lost their desserts   Because of You clearing up now moments later he  stroked my hair in a manner that sent chills down   my spine then gazing at me with those depraved  eyes he said well if you weren't so pretty I   would have fired you a long time ago but don't  get your hopes up Missy the Nerf of this guy I   told myself wishing I could just strangle  him but no I had to remain civilized as a   flurry of activity unfolded I struggled to  keep up the pace catching the attention of   my despicable boss again so with a hefty sigh he  said pick up the pace we have customers grumbling   about the oil they made 40 minutes ago was  taking you so damn long get off Instagram   sir I don't even have my phone hurry up with  the damn roast beef sandwiches we're losing   customers they're all gonna be McDonald's  fans if you in this don't get to act together this was an everyday occurrence working at this  Arby's venue so I figured it was time I found a   job far from the fast food industry the thought  of handing over a resignation letter to our boss   crossed my mind several times and eventually  I gained comfort in the idea that I had other   options besides working for Arby's and similar  restaurants where the workload was always hectic   however whenever I saw the amount of stress and  hard work in the eyes of the cook I felt it would   have been selfish of me to leave the job for my  own sake so instead of leaving the cook hanging   I decided to stay longer and let the tension  dissipate at the end of our shift driven by   the efforts of my colleagues I was able to manage  somehow but in a matter of days my motivation was   utterly obliterate I felt that no matter how much  I wanted to Aid my colleagues I just didn't have   the strength to advance proactively in this toxic  work environment anymore and so I spoke under my   breath with words I no longer filtered in my  head heedless of the people in the kitchen who   could hear me whining what kind of life is this  this isn't even worth the minimum wage and to   think I've spent months working at this joint and  for what stress stress and more stress if I knew   it would be like this I'd rather be a dancer at a  gentleman's club I reckon the pay is a lot better   from the corner of my eyes I saw my least favorite  person salivating as he aggressively approached   me and asked what did you just say moments later I  understood why he was drooling I saw in this man's   eyes all the heinous thoughts of a person who must  have suffered from a lack of affection pushing him   towards lustful Notions that became the source of  his darkest fantasies as my boss creepily Advanced   towards me I felt compelled to step back and raise  my arms in a position to defend myself and then   he caught me off guard when suddenly he lifted  one of his legs placed it on the table and said   Mama's evil as you think I am you know I like my  females like those hot baloney sandwiches you make   every day all curled up like a curtain seasoned  juicy I'm gonna start calling you Arby instead of   Allison you might feel more valuable working here  he endeavored to lean closer to me and Whisper can't even give you a raise of all the nauseating  things I've heard my entire life that was probably   the most repulsive therefore I scoffed and  said don't think for a second that you can   do whatever you please just because you're the  boss oh well if I see one you are a hobby he   replied unperturbed but come on don't you  tell me you never even thought about it   before I knew he undermined my abilities and  was now making a fool out of me however with   courage I replied leave me alone or I'm calling  HR having heard his ego I saw him turn his back   without saying another word then the following  days became a roller coaster ride filled with   non-stop loops and steep drops there were too  many customers this time and my boss was much   more odious than ever stop sucking y'all said  I'm not paying you the loaf and guess what   I've got more work for you there were tons of  orders from Arby's famous roast beef sandwich   however I was incredibly drowsy while using the  meat cutter then moments later I felt a sharp   pain in my hand and it wasn't the regular type  of pain that one would typically experience from   a paper cut so as I looked down at my hands  I gasped at the sight of blood then seconds   later I yelled my colleague in the kitchen  as I wrapped my hand with a napkin and said   I have to go to the hospital right now my boss saw  how I held my injured hand but showed no remorse   towards me pushing me off to the side exclaiming  if I ripped us damaged dancers off your head this he interrupted while assembling the roast  beef sandwich containing my severed finger   then moments later he gave it to an  unsuspecting family who went for a   drive-through are you insane my finger was  left in that sandwich isn't that great you   made an extra special too bad I don't get to  see you sorry look in the boy's face when he   takes a bite into that flexi piece of meat  at least you can say they got a taste of you later that day I was able to drop by the  hospital where I received proper treatment   but when I arrived home I immediately saw in the  news how a boy was telling his Grim story of how   he had a taste of a human finger leaving  me utterly terrified well you may want to   leave the room if you're getting ready for a late  night snack Arby's is apologizing to what Jackson   after we found something unexpected  in his roast beef sandwich a piece of   a finger an employee cut it off at a meat  slicer last weekend he didn't tell anyone   now Arby's has since apologized saying it  is an isolated and unfortunate incident the next story is based on a SpongeBob  conspiracy that's been floating around the   internet for quite some time now of course  we couldn't make a SpongeBob video without   animating such a thing as the legendary tale  behind the secret formula of the Krabby Patty   is portrayed as highly confidential in the show  itself the next story discloses this disturbing   Revelation and may make SpongeBob fans never  look at Krabby Patties the same way again   I've been hired as a full-time cook for well over  a decade now more specific I work at a restaurant   called the Krusty Krab it's a local hot spot in  Bikini Bottom where the masses come to eat and   on top of that it's how I make a living frying  Krabby Patties all day just to get paid less   than minimum wage and satisfy my Cheapskate boss  Mr Krabs but despite being the main Chef in the   kitchen I still don't know what the hell's in the  secret formula I mean I know every ingredient of   a Krabby Patty it's just there's something more  to it that's been kept confidential and keeps the   well-load machine of a business afloat one day I  was doing the usual routine of cooking an order   of Krabby Patties for some customers I decided to  peep through the kitchen window and holler at the   other staff member who goes by the name Squidward  I get the usual ply of a hefty sigh as he said   what is it SpongeBob well nothing really I just  thought we could have a little chat about what   don't you have Krabby Patties to cook ever heard  of multitasking that's Patty's well talking to   you leave me alone SpongeBob I'll shove my nose up  here no wait did you see me out what do you know   about Krabby Patties Squidward raised an eyebrow  and said what do you mean SpongeBob well you know   what I'm talking about the secret secret formula  Squidward laughed and replied so what if I know   the secret formula I'm not sharing it with anyone  you're buffing nobody knows a secret formula   except Mr rats oh yeah SpongeBob then why are you  asking me in the first place I was just wondering   if you know anything about the safe where Mr Crab  keeps you know what and what exactly do I keep   inside me safe SpongeBob a voice so early familiar  came from behind Mr Krabs sponge me boy don't tell   me you've been persuaded by our little competitor  to do his dirty work I got anxiety filling my   throat no sir my loyalty only belongs to you his  eyes seem to penetrate my entire body then moments   later he began showing off his claws and with a  smirk he said we shall see about that now get back   to work Squidward and I nodded as we return to our  tasks where are you Mr Krabs who continue to glare   at me for being nosy after all I was called a Mr  Krab's office anticipating the likelihood that   I would get fired and so before turning enough I  took a deep breath hoping Mr Krabs could forgive   me then when I opened the door no one was there  instead all I saw was a Krabby Patty on his desk   which I approached reluctantly as I reached out  for the burger I was startled by the sound of   pincers still glancing mine I saw Mr Crab move his  claws in a threatening gesture you seem a little   jumpy there lad it's like you have something up  your sleeves he said as he scan my every move to   let him know I wasn't guilty of anything I made  a futile attempt to laugh and pretend he was just   teasing however Mr Krabs remained straight faced  the entire time so I pleaded for my position Mr   Krabs I'm sorry for being so curious it's not what  you think I never intended to steal and sell off   your secret form than anyone it's just I've been  working here for so long and I wanted to know what   makes your burger so perfect so you want to know  out of admiration yes sir absolutely that's all   and nothing more so please don't fire me I slouch  as I beg for mercy oh trust me SpongeBob getting   fired would be the least of your worries Mr Krabs  reply while picking up the burger from the table   but I can't blame you for being enticed so  I'll let you off with a warning this time   you do it again I may not be so generous boy  I repeatedly nodded grateful for the second   chance he had given me no problem Mr Krabs I'll  never speak it again here or anywhere else I   swear you swear on your life Milad yes sir I said  confidently good so we have a deal then he replied   in a voice so deep that it sounded like it had  come from the underworld as I went to work the   following day I caught a fish peeking from behind  a rock stealthily taking pictures of the Krusty   Krab immediately I Advanced toward the pin him  down demanding an explanation hey you if you're   here on behalf of Plankton I'm going no wait you  worked there don't you you got to get out of there   as soon as you can the deranged fish said what  why I asked still convinced this could be one of   Plankton schemes perhaps if you ask his daughter  you would know the fish replied looking then in   the blink of enough he sprinted away and never  turned back his word stuck in my head so with my   curiosity incessantly growing I felt the urge to  speak with Mr crab's daughter who went by the name   Pearl I waited for my shifter then while Mr Krabs  is busy on the phone I had a little chat with   pearl and asked hey how you doing Pearl I'm good  SpongeBob she replied as she batted her eyelashes   so I know it's strange to be asking you a personal  question but I was just wondering how did you and   Mr Krabs first meet oh well I just remember being  very poor back then but when Dad took me in I   began to live a life of abundance and comfort  she said a into gratitude in her voice when Mr   Krabs wrapped up his call I asked him something  similar to which he responded aggressively Milad boy that's probably because I had a sleepover  at Patrick's house but anyway I'm sorry sir I   was just SpongeBob if you ask me one more question  about me daughter the secret formula or anything   that doesn't involve cooking Krabby Patties you're  dead he ended our conversation and locked himself   in the office however as I stood there thinking  of the fish who warned me earlier that day I felt   the need to uncover the truth so the following  night as my shift finally ended I inspected Mr   crab's office while he and his daughter were  enjoying a meal in the restaurant's dining   area I sneaked in quietly when all of a sudden  I heard loud footsteps approaching the office I   concealed myself underneath the gas where are  you Mr Krabs humble then when he finally left   the office I went across the room searching for  Clues and then I found bloody duffel bags in the   closet unzipping them I gasped her Poseidon  has never bodies and it didn't take long for   me to realize they were whales that's when it  made sense to me the reason why Pearl didn't   know what happened to her biological parents  and why the Krabby Patties tasted so good Mr   Krabs had killed Pearl's parents and used  their remains as part of the Krabby Patties   to feed the masses I now know why they call it  the secret formula and how old Mr Krabs is one   sick bastard not only did he profit off the dead  whales for his wealth but he but he also adopted   the daughter of the deceased I guess that  explains why he's a crab and she's a whale pretty disturbing right the video footage you see  here has been a creepy internet meme for quite   some time some claim that it's a cursed video  of a distorted Michael Jackson the creature has   no torso and just dances in a disturbing manner  with its two legs we figured we'd create animation   inspired by this cursed video since this is a  Michael Jackson video after all here's what it   looked like I'd like to go out for jogs on the  regular especially during the night time it was   just an everyday routine of mine but my dad  wasn't the biggest fan of it he would often   ring up my phone just to give his two cents saying  I know you're a strong independent woman but can   can you please stop jogging in the night I can't  save you if you're always out and about Dad we've   been through this a thousand times I have so  much work during the day this is the only time   I can exercise quit being so paranoid Annie you  know I'm just worried about you right he said   probably hoping I would empathize I'm not the only  one who goes jogging at night Dad yeah I know but   before you have the chance to say anything else I  hung up on him and turned off my cell phone as I   resumed my daily routine I had gone jogging many  times at night and nothing out of the ordinary   ever happened to me so after ending the call with  my dad I left the unit for a midnight jog at a   nearby park what I liked most about it was the  Tranquility engulfing the air it allowed me to   keep a level head as I relieved myself from  work related stress then moments later as I   was jogging along the sidewalk I couldn't help  but feel the watchful eyes of an unknown entity   hiding amidst the trees I stopped for a brief  moment to look at my surroundings and thought   Dad should really stopped calling me his  paranoia is so contagious but as I resume   the exercise I stomp dead in my tracks after  seeing a man appear a couple meters in front   of me startling me quite a bit at first I  was convinced he was only a midnight jogger   like myself minding his own business but  that thought was completely trumped when I   saw him beginning to dance in a series of  steps that reminded me of Michael Jackson as I began to consciously jog around the  dancing man while keeping my distance I   noticed his skin was pale white and his outfit  was precisely like MJ's in his concerts he   seemed incredibly jovial as he performed like  a pro even without an audience but what gave   me the creeps was his smile coupled with  dead eyes glancing into my soul I quickened   the pace thinking I'd eventually lose him but  moments later I heard the sounds of footsteps   grazing the floor I turned my head to take  a glance and remember seeing the same man   except he was moonwalking  towards me at a rapid pace it didn't matter if this was some kind of prank  or not I wasn't going to take any chances anyway   so needlessly to say I made a run for it  constantly looking behind me and even when   he suddenly dissipated I still ran for my life  sensing an ominous presence lurking in the dark   then moments later I Heard a Voice that sounded  much like a whisper saying I'm ready the devilish   tone in its voice sent chills down my spine  so even when no one was there I yelled leave   me alone or I'm calling the cops the next thing  I knew was that I was bolting into the elevator   as soon as I returned to the apartment and as  I was waiting for the doors to close I saw the   man a few meters away giggling as he gazed at  me with menacing eyes hence I clicked on the   fifth floor button and incessantly pushed the  closed door as I stomped my feet in frustration   come on come on every second felt like an hour  and my heart throbbed beyond anything I'd ever   experienced before however for unknown reasons  it took such a long time for the doors to close   just before they did the man stuck his right  foot in between prompting them to open again   I quivered in the corner averting my gaze as  the man entered the elevator and clicked on   the floor above mine as the elevator doors  shut it literally felt like the oxygen had   cut out from that small confined elevator  space that's how petrified I was when we   finally reached my floor the lights and the  elevator suddenly went out causing me to panic minutes later the man snickered  and said in a low Sinister tone any the door button until the power was finally back  on and I ran for dear life as I scampered across   the long core door and when I took another  Peak behind me the man had gotten off on the   same floor well I knew I was near my apartment  unit I changed my mind Midway fearing he would   know where I lived and pinned me to a corner  where I had no means of Escape hence I opted   for the emergency exit where I scaled up the  stairs as I frantically scurried through the   steps which felt like forever the psycho hurdle  behind me his ghostly voice echoing throughout   the space saying I'm coming to get you Annie  how the hell did he know my name felt he wasn't   just a random person but a stalker who had been  observing me for a long time as I glanced at the   steps below me I could see the man running up  the stairs with two exaggerated long legs the   wide crawly steps that made him  more frightening than he already was began shedding gallons of Tears while running up  the flight of stairs but before I lost all hope an   idea came to mind and I instantly slammed the exit  door leading to the 20th floor of the building and   ran as fast as I could until I reached the  elevator again then as soon as I entered the   elevator I did the same thing as before pushing  the number to my floor in hopes that I wouldn't   encounter that psycho again from a distance I  could see the deranged man sauntering towards   me with over elaborate steps suddenly quickening  the pace as he noticed the elevator doors closing I yelled in horror as he came close yet  again but failed to reach the elevator in   time I hastily clicked the 13th floor and  ran to my apartment unit where I quickly   locked the door and went to bed I wasn't  sure if I had made this up in my head but   in the wee hours of the morning I could  hear a light giggle from just outside my   apartment door and when I peeked through the  people there was nothing but flickering lights where the hell is my nose I'll get you  eventually you little Smooth Criminal I'm gonna make you my son and call you pillow
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 308,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, llama art horror stories animated, true horror stories animated, 4 horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, 4 creepy true horror stories, 4 creepy true horror stories mr nightmare, true horror story animated, 22 horror stories animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: LVufXH497sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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