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foreign [Music] [Applause] Costco members looking for more rewards then please proceed to subscribe to horror shorts party have a pleasant shopping experience and a great day can I help you find anything in particular sir maybe you see I'm planning to propose to my girlfriend I met at a brothel I guess I'm looking for a nice diamond ring and didn't even know Costco sold jewelry at all well we actually have quite the selection would you like a recommendation anything to make her say yes oh well then you've come to the right place we have a wide selection of carrots and can cater to any size is there any chance you can make the ring big my wife always has trouble getting the right fit did you meet your wife at SeaWorld excuse me ma'am please station and wait your turn hey Penny Pincher if you don't have the dough then you're in the wrong line go get a ring pop from Dollar Tree I'm sure your SeaWorld wife would enjoy eating the ring anyway I am please I just hurry it up if I have to sit here all day waiting for you my milk's gonna spoil like my saggy waste warmers I won't be able to eat my Frosted Flakes if you don't make a decision in the next minute ma'am please calm down I ain't talking to you I'm talking to Mr wedgie over here you know I could see your whole crack why don't you turn around so I can see your baby carrot too perhaps you should shop at Costco more and not at Baby Gap thank you for your help but I think I'll shop somewhere with classier clientele I am so sorry for the inconvenience sir why don't you apologize to me for the inconvenience I'm sorry I I apologize ma'am how can I help you that's more like it how about you get on your knees and fetch me this ring over here sure thing here you go it might be a little tight the last time I seen a ring this tight was when my husband Put a Ring On Us you don't need to share this ma'am just help me get the ring over my knuckle Costco boy uh okay it's a little too tight that's what he said ma'am that's a little too much slide it down my finger or I'm calling your boss I'm not sure this ring will fit why don't we try a bigger size don't make comments about my weight boy fine be another ring the size of your magic wand before you make my finger look more saggy idiot sure ma'am you sure do look good down there I could definitely get used to that can we please keep this professional I don't know can we I definitely can here don't start copping an attitude with me boy and this ring looks too big this one's too small that one's kind of dull but oh yes this one looks just perfect quickly put it on for me Daddy I'm not your daddy and hurry up so I can vomit at break time oh so amazing I love it so does this mean we're engaged now what hell no oh come on Costco boy they say 80s the new 20 you know my husband wouldn't even be able to put a ring this size on right it would just fall right off he must have some kind of shrinking disease so tell me Princess is it going to fit lady please I already have a girlfriend just get your ring and stop trying to pick got people at Costco fine you don't know what you're missing out on I want a divorce I think I decided I don't like this ring after you ruined it for me grab me one of those colorful Rings behind you maybe I'm not a diamond girl after all you got it here you wait a second where did that ring go what are you talking about are you blind it's right here on my finger no it's not that's a completely different ring I'm not stupid yes you are don't play with me lady give me the ringback or I'm calling the cops why I haven't done anything wrong enough give it back now hey let go of me you creep I don't consent you're no longer my husband oh wow get back here get away from me boy somebody get my wheelchair just give up this is the only time you'll ever get a girl face down underneath you you're right it'll be easy with this ring hey what are you doing with that that's mine hey lady keep your hands where we can see them you're under arrest my husband is the only one that has consent to arrest me you will not get away from this Punk oh my God babe I'm so happy to see you what happened to you why are you so sweaty don't worry about that I have something important to ask you what will you marry me ew No in fact I'm dumping you for even thinking about proposing to me in a Costco what no this story was inspired by an incident that happened at Costco in Nutley New Jersey authorities say a 49 year old woman named Isabel had stolen a diamond ring worth two thousand dollars and then swapped it out with another ring at that very Costco worth twenty eight thousand dollars the Costco staff and called police after realizing what had happened police were then able to track the woman at her home and arrest her she has since been charged with theft [Music] foreign [Music] was sad enough before all this happened but now it's gotten even worse than I ever thought it could I've been stuck working at a dead-end job at Arby's for a few years now I guess I didn't get the right degree or something instead I started working in the same business as my mother she's been working at Arby's ever since I was little I always hated seeing her break her back in this grease joint and from the moment I started working with her I dreaded getting stuck in the same endless cycle so I vowed to only work there until I could find a better job like I said however that was years ago now I'm just some schmuck who works at Arby's and still lives with his mom things got worse a few months ago though out of the blue Arby's corporate contacted my mom and asked her to transfer to some other location in Louisiana of all places we live in Houston so that's a pretty big ask but apparently there was no other manager available that could handle the absolute catastrophe that was this Arby's they offered a hefty pay raise said it would only last a month until they could find a new manager I still tried to talk my mom out of it but she wanted the money I certainly wasn't going to let her do it alone though my younger brother had just graduated from high school so my mom and I put him in charge of watching over the younger kids while we were gone so much I did all the driving to make it easier on my mom a God that commute was hell multiple hours both ways to work in one of the worst places in the country not to mention the fact that working there made working at the Arby's back in Houston seemed like a cakewalk there's basically nowhere else to eat in a 10 mile radius so this place was ridiculously busy for being in the middle of nowhere the customer base was pretty much the bottom of the barrel of human society as well slinging sandwich after sandwich to an Endless Sea of things who ate it up like nice big crystals of their favorite life ruining substance they lautered in and around the shop moaning and drooling like zombies pissing and crafting all over the floors all the time banging on the glass like complete morons because they couldn't figure out how to pull the doors instead of pushing them of course any normal person that came in would be relentlessly harassed for spare change or cigarettes or pills or to just straight up eat the food they just bought I know this all sounds pretty crass I wish I had the capacity to feel sorry for them but I just can I spent most of my time thinking about them worrying if one of them is going to have a violent psychotic episode and flip out on my mom and hurt her unsurprisingly with such a horde of freaks hanging around all the time the restaurant itself is in horrible condition I have no idea how the health inspector keeps letting this place stay in business but on top of the health hazards we've got workplace hazards as well worst of all is the freezer the thermostat was straight up broken because it gets colder than any other walk-in I've ever experienced it's like walking straight into the Arctic it's great for keeping things cold but I don't even think the rats that lurked around there could bear going in there anyone steps foot in it gets straight up sick from the cold in about two minutes the door however was busted we used a screwdriver as a prop to keep it cracked open and sometimes we Jam a box of cooking oil in it according to everyone who worked there longer than us it's been broken for a long time and the owners refuse to fix it for whatever reason despite multiple work orders being put in for repairs I worked my tail off in that awful place for the whole month we were supposed to be there but then we got screwed over and forced to stay longer by the beginning of the third month I was a shell of my former self one evening I was so drained that my mom took me off Grill Duty and traded positions with me so I wouldn't burn myself she knows how to do everything and I can run a register with my eyes closed I remember feeling like I was one of the zombies myself as I stood there for the last few hours of my shift checking out customer after customer slowly dozing off and getting more and more Delirious in my sleep deprived State everything started to feel really weird I kept hearing this banking sound it was like how the crazy Lord ofers would Bank on the glass but it sounded different I decided to just brush it off itching to clock out so I could just leave this dump of a place eventually I was startled back to Consciousness as my watch went off telling me it was finally closing time I realized I was alone in the restaurant all the customers had left even the other employees had gone home early plus it was eerily silent now I went looking for my mom to see what I could do to help her close but I couldn't seem to find her she wasn't in the bathrooms nor was she in the kitchen then it dawned on me my heart sank as I ran to the freezer and pulled open the door only to see my worst nightmare realize my mom was frozen solid ever since the hit I've lived with the guilt of not opening the door to save her in time I'm now working back in Houston at least but it's still at Arby's I'm hoping the wrongful death lawsuit I'm filing against Arby's corporate will come through with some monetary compensation they knew full wealth that the place was a death trap and did nothing about it for years still it'll never bring my mom back this story was inspired by a tragic incident that went down on May 11th at a Louisiana Arby's a man named nuan Lee and his mother nuentley worked regularly at a Arby's in Houston but relocated to Louisiana for a month at the fast food chains request the Louisiana assignment was extended and her son knew and relocated there as well so he could work with his mom during one of the shifts the mom was stuck behind the freezer due to the door being broken and eventually froze to death before her son could find her the Lee family has since filed a lawsuit against Arby's alleging that the store's freezer door had been broken since August of 2022 and that employees used a screwdriver to open and close the door and even used a box of oil to help keep the freezer door open [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] so how far do you think we are from Jason's bro how do you not know where we are right now haven't you walked this way like a hundred times yeah but everything looks different in the dark we've never come out this late before speak for yourself Mr Virgin Mobile I've been seeing a girl I met on Tinder and who's that your second cousin dude shut up that was the celibate life going for you whatever kind of creepy out here don't you think dude grow some hair on your nuts it's not that bad we should have been sneaking out like this a long time ago as long as we don't get caught we're fine Rick quit worrying you're such a buzz kill you know what we should do what we should go and ring someone's doorbell then run away you know ding dong ditch what I don't know Joe come on it'll be hilarious dude I'm not a runner or a track star and if you think it's such a good idea then you do it but I will wait here loser dude nothing please do it go go go dude I didn't think you were actually gonna do it so I'm not a coward like you I think we should head to Jason's now but I'm not done yet what do you mean we should egg a house are you for real realer than your mom's plastic knockers and this time you're doing it what me yeah now hurry up I rang the doorbell so you throw the egg dude I don't want you shut up and take the egg before I crack your eggs chicken okay fine the club oh crap oh crap what the hell happened how did that egg break the window it was hard-boiled what the hell is wrong with you we can't go around breaking people's windows in the middle of the night we're gonna get arrested maybe you are not me you piece of crap I'm done for the night I'm going home come on man just one more house no more eggs this time okay no way Joe you're crazy I'd rather beat meat than spend another minute hanging with you you're not going anywhere you got that we're ding dong ditching one more house then we're going to Jason's get off of me you can't go home he's expecting us over there it's too risky what if someone Catches Us they won't I'll tell you what let's rock paper scissors for it if I win then we do one more house but if you win then we go straight to Jason's deal oh man just make it quick all right rock paper scissors damn it right all right you win one more house but no eggs no eggs this is gonna be sick whoa you should do that house dude hell no their lights are on and there's a silhouette of someone right there let's pick another house this one is too creepy stop being a wimp what are you gonna man the hell up dude I just don't want to go to jail my parents would spank the hell out of me I'm sure they already do just wait here and watch this I'm gonna show you how it's done and what separates the boy from the men be careful Joe shh dude you gotta get the hell out of there open the door you creep let him go or I'm calling the cops ah aha holy crap holy crap I gotta get the hell out of here [Music] come out come out wherever you are let me ring your Bells did you like playing ding dong ding so much hahaha 9-1-1 what's your emergency oh he took my friend please help me I can't understand you just hurry up please oh God Joe hang in there buddy the cops are on their way I know everything is going to be all right just hate them this story was inspired by an incident that happened at Naples Florida it was alleged that a few individuals were playing ding dong ditch and happened to run into the house of a 78 year old man named Roger when one of the individuals rang his doorbell and ran away the individual slipped down a tall flight of stairs that led to his porch the man was then able to capture the individual and hold them hostage deputies advised Roger that he had no right to hold the victim against their will and arrested him he later line to deputies that the only reason he did it was because there had been repeated instances of people bringing his doorbell and running away returning several times during the course of the day thank you [Music] [Applause] I guess you could say I'd live a pretty horrible life I live in a family of three me my dad and my brother we used to be four but my mom passed away years ago due to diabetes she's had a McDonald's addiction that eventually got the best of her none of us have really been the same since she died you'd think that was what happened to her we'd stop wanting McDonald's as much but it was more of the opposite that's what all the three of us ever ate I guess we were just trying to carry on with the tradition it somehow made mom feel closer we were all starting to look pretty terrible and the house was too it was always dark we never bothered to turn the lights on or we hadn't paid the electric bill I'm honestly not too sure which it was the place was absolutely filthy too none of us ever cleaned anything it was garbage and dirt all over the place mold covered the ceilings and walls while rats and insects crawled around everywhere none of us gave the crap anymore my dad was always in the living room cries all day only taking a break to eat the occasional Big Mac my brother well I never saw him he stayed in his room all day neither me or my dad have seen him in years I don't even know what he looks like now it can't be good though he hasn't shaved or gone to the washroom since he's been in there because there's no washroom in his bedroom which meant he hadn't showered in years I guess he must have done his business in that room because he didn't go anywhere else it had to be horrible in there my dad didn't really seem to care much about my brother anymore not that he seemed to care much about me either he still made me feed him though I hated doing it I was honestly scared as hell of my brother I didn't know what he did in his room all day and I didn't want to find out either my dad or I had to give him food through a large hole in his door it was usually just fries and Big Macs but more recently though all my brothers started wanting was this new Grimace shake that McDonald's had come out with it somehow went vir and he must have seen a video of it he stopped eating anything else I brought him and demanded the shakes and said it was like he was obsessed with the concoction I was always doing the grocery shopping anyway which really just meant grabbing more McDonald's I guess you could say I was the most normal one out of all of us since mom died I spent a lot of time eating at a restaurant far away from that dump that we called a home I hated the sight of it I told myself countless times that I should just leave but I always found myself going back one night I had just arrived home with the groceries and I noticed that my dad wasn't in the living room this was really strange because he was always in the exact same spot he sat in this ratty armchair that had rips and tears all over it and it smelled like trash I figured he'd must be in the bathroom but when I checked he wasn't there I went to my brother's room to ask him if he knew where Dad was but when I did something freaky happened hey have you seen dad he's not in the living room where's my grandma the shark I was scared out of my mind I handed the shake over and got the hell out of there this went on for a few days I just kept on taking care of myself and my brother having no idea where my dad was part of me thought that he had finally come to his senses and left but a horrible thought had been growing in my mind one night I couldn't take it anymore it was pitch dark and there wasn't a sound in the entire house even the rats were quiet I grabbed the flashlight and crept towards my brother's room I stopped for a second and listened for any sign of someone moving around in there my heart was beating like crazy I heard nothing it was a tomb I took a deep breath and slowly pushed open the door [Music] it creaked loudly and I froze terrified that my brother had heard it but I guess he was too deeply asleep to notice that idea made me relax a little I slowly brought the beam of the flashlight up and looked around the room it was a total dumb putrid and disgusting garbage and half-eaten food lay everywhere I felt sick however gross the rest of the house was it was 10 times worse in that room and it somehow felt even darker I looked around some more hoping to see any sign that my dad had been in there then I heard some weird gurgling sounds they sounded awfully familiar somehow but I couldn't put my finger on it the head my heart sank as I suddenly realized that it was my dad I spun around the room trying to pinpoint the source of the noise and then the flashlight fell on him and I saw everything my dad was laying on the floor covered in purple put the entire lower half of his body missing gasped and [ __ ] and stumbled backwards then I turned the flashlight to the side and saw my brother he was standing completely still and staring back at me but he didn't look like my brother anymore he looked like a real-life Grimace with the scariest face ever laughs [Music] [Music] recently I moved into a new house I was renting it temporarily while I was at school since it was close to campus the house was small and not in great condition but it was the most affordable at the time and I didn't have a lot of options there was already another student living there when I moved in his name was Sean his other roommate had just moved out so I was just filling the opening I was a little nervous about living with the roommate since I had just moved out of my parents house and I had never lived with anyone else before Sean and I hit it off pretty fast though we were around the same age so it was easy to find things that we had in common I got over my nervousness of living with him quickly and it became a decent situation we weren't around each other a lot anyway I was at school pretty much every day and when I was home I always had a lot of homework to do I spent most of my time in my room but things started getting weirder as time went on one night I was up studying particularly late I had an exam the next saying I was doing some last minute cramming I finally went to bed around 2 am when I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and suddenly not long after I had fallen asleep I woke up to the sound of the doorbell I found this weird since it was the middle of the night but I decided to just ignore it and try to go back to sleep sure not even a minute later the doorbell rang again except this time it was followed by loud knocks I was pretty annoyed by this as it was extremely late and I had my exam tomorrow so I needed to sleep I went to check the door totally confused as to why someone would be ringing the doorbell at this time of night I slowly approached the door ready to catch whoever it was in the ACT but when I opened the door there was no one there hello is anyone there I said of course no one answered I looked around outside and didn't see anyone even remotely close by I didn't know what to think so I went back to sleep and didn't hear anything for the rest of the night the following day I asked Sean if he heard the doorbell last night he said he had but he didn't seem too worried by it I told him how I had checked the door and there had been no one there but he brushed it off alluding it to probably some kid playing ding dong [ __ ] I agreed that it was more than likely just some kid who lived in the neighborhood but from that point on it became total hell to live in that house it would happen just about every other night the doorbell would go off incredibly late and if I ever answered the door there would be no one there I was losing sleep and started performing badly in my classes I could barely keep my eyes open throughout the day it was impossible for me to focus on anything when it had been going on for some time I tried talking to Sean about it again do you think that maybe we should call the cops Sean kind of laughed at this saying it wouldn't take us seriously we don't have any leads yeah I guess you're right we have to do something though we can't keep living like this I'm sure we'll catch whoever it is eventually I hope that Sean was right but a few more days went by just the same as they had been if anything the doorbell was starting to ring even more than before then one night I finally decided that I would stay awake and try to get to the bottom of what was going on I was tired as hell and wanted nothing more than to go to bed but I was desperate to catch the prankster I knew that once I got him I would finally be able to get some decent sleep I hadn't told Sean what I was doing I was worried that he would think I was crazy I waited until it was around midnight and then quietly snuck out of the house I slowly crept over to my car and got inside it I slumped down in the seat so that I wouldn't be seen and waited for the culprit to show themselves it was pretty creepy sitting in my car by myself in the middle of the night I was so tired that I felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me it seemed like hours went by with nothing happening I was starting to feel cramped and stiff from sitting in the car for so long but I had come this far and wasn't about to give up now all I could do was wait and watch discreetly just as I was feeling so tired that I could have fallen asleep at any moment I saw a movement beside the house I sat up a little excited this was it I was finally going to catch the prankster I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and started to head into the darkness but what I saw was the most shocking thing ever it was my roommate Sean coming from behind the house toward the front door he was tiptoeing through the yard obviously trying to stay quiet when he got to the front door he began to ring the doorbell and knock loudly then he turned and ran towards the back again I couldn't believe it I was another shock it had been my roommate the whole time I didn't know if I should run after him or what I would even say to him I waited an hour or two to see if Sean would come back but he never did I finally headed back inside and collapsed into bed totally exhausted the next day I packed up and immediately got the hell out of there I could not stay in that house for another night with everything that happened I ended up dropping out of school and moving back in with my parents I still regret ever moving in with that freak named Sean this story was submitted by a viewer who claimed the incident happened to him while renting a bedroom in student housing the viewer also alleges that he has since never interacted or seen Sean since that very same night and decided not to alert the authorities or landlord as he wanted to put the instance behind him the fewer then goes on to describe how his anxiety and blood pressure raises through the roof every time he hears a knocker doorbell sound foreign [Music] I usually visit Costco for the stuff that I need I've been there multiple times and eventually developed a habit of going through aisle 7 10 23 and 25 it was like muscle memory from the amount of times I've been in these sections every time I shop at Costco everybody would mind their own business until one day I had this nagging feeling that someone was watching me from a distance do you know that feeling you get when you feel like you're being watched and your body begins to tense up profusely for reasons you couldn't understand that's how I felt at the time typically people in haunted establishments would experience such a thing but I wasn't in any of those places this was just an average Wholesale store that I frequented so I began to ask myself where this feeling was coming from I scanned the area searching for The Source moments later I saw this creepy old man staring at me from across the aisle it was this Old Rugged decrepit looking guy he had a scruffy beard and a bowl cut like something from the 80s his face was wrinkly and his eyes were dark like he didn't sleep properly in weeks or was under much stress I don't know something was definitely off about him I couldn't tell if he was checking me out or if he was looking at an item beside me as I went through the Apparel in the closed apartment I noticed the same man still looking at me he never once averted his gaze he had that same gaunt stare and expression the entire time I wanted to ask him what the hell his problem was but hesitated because I didn't want to cause a scene I tried to reason with myself looking behind me to see if there was someone the man could be looking at instead of me but upon turning nobody was there and since I was the only person in the aisle I quickly ruled out this possibility that another thought came to mind when I considered he might just be interested in purchasing one of the clothing items but this was rather strange as this was the woman's section and it didn't seem like he was a cross-dresser nor did he appear to have a female companion not trying to assume worst I decided to move to a different aisle hoping I was only imagining things however as I walked to the aisle next to the cereal further away from the closed section I noticed the bazaar man suddenly following me from a distance and when I stopped to check some other items on the shelves I saw the exact same guy looking at me with his gaunt disturbing stare even at this point I wanted to convince myself that it was just a coincidence denying the probable fact that he could be a stalker so this time I relocated once more to the frozen food section hoping the creep wouldn't follow me this time as I briskly walked across the Costco I made sure to glance behind me to ensure I wasn't being followed and was relieved to see no trace of the man then as I made it by the freezers I walked toward the end of the aisle and decided to grab a few boxes of frozen pizza and just when I thought I had lost him I saw the most disturbing blood curdling thing that still creeps me out to this day I saw the man inside the freezer pressed up against the glass he was just staring at me with his eyes wide open I ran the hell out of there and began checking out the pizza boxes while keeping my composure the cashier and customers looked at me weird but I disregarded them as I proceeded to cash out as I stepped out of the Costco I began speed walking towards my car which was located at the back of the parking lot I could feel my anxiety levels go through the roof I was near the car when suddenly a vehicle pulled up in front of me blocking my pathway I had a sinking feeling in my stomach when I realized the vehicle left its back door wide open when he rolled down the window I was surprised to see another man staring at me in the same fashion as the man from Costco then out of nowhere that same man from Costco charged gently forcing me to get inside the back seat I hollered louder than any scream I had ever done in my entire life constantly kicking and pushing till I managed to break free however the man was able to snatch my purse I was able to grab a hold of my purse as it protruded from the vehicle door has the car sped up I was dragged along the pavement I didn't want to let go despite my legs being screamed my heart was beating like crazy because I was convinced this was the end of the road but I didn't cave in in fact if I was going to die I had to make sure these lunatics would get caught I held onto the purse for as long as possible until I finally detached from the vehicle the only thing I could remember was rolling violently on the ground until my body laid flat my body was so battered that I couldn't move I was sure I had several fractured bones moments later my vision began to blur and I was losing my auditory senses as well but before losing Consciousness I heard the voices of bystanders murmuring amongst each other gladly some of them were thoughtful enough to call the cops everything went dark after that and when I woke up again I discovered that the cops had caught the creep while the driver attempted to run for his life eventually he turned himself in and was also arrested when I recovered and visited the police station we checked the surveillance footage and saw the initial creep following multiple women at Costco it was alleged that the man and his accomplice were plotting on the women as they seem to like easier targets to run since then I would always watch my back whenever I entered a store whether it was a Costco or someplace else this story was inspired by an incident that happened at Costco in Saint Peter's Missouri a woman was shopping at Costco when she encountered a man who kept following her around the store as she leaves the man snatches the woman's purse and runs into a getaway car driven by another male when the woman runs after the guy she gets stuck in the suspect's car door and gets dragged along police say the woman was able to get her purse back and was treated in a hospital for minor injuries one of the assailants were caught while the other turned themselves in and have since been sentenced accordingly oh [Music] with the McDonald's Grimace Shake trending all over the internet I have to talk about something that happened a few years ago I've kept it on the down low but what I experienced is so eerily similar to what people are doing in their videos that I have to think it was somehow created because of what I was involved in unfortunately I also think it's a good idea for me to remain anonymous otherwise I might not be safe at the time I was 19. my first year in college had just ended and I was hanging out every night with my old friends who all called Kyle and Ivan we didn't enjoy partying but we also didn't want to stay inside all summer so we had this nightly routine of hanging out by this old park bench in a secluded spot in the woods near our neighborhood the grounds were technically closed to the public after dark so there were no lights so if you wanted to see anything in the pitch Blackness you had to bring a flashlight we would take turns bringing beer and whatever else we wanted to enjoy ourselves plus some McDonald's to go along with after we each picked up the goods we'd all converge at the bench and just sit there for hours completely Carefree about being disturbed by anyone the funny thing was that none of us had cars and everything was drive through only after dark so one of us would always have to pathetically walk to the drive-through window to order our food one night it was my turn to get the food but unfortunately things were about to take a dark turn for the worst during that time McDonald's was doing a different promotion for another drink they were selling the Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie it wasn't the Grimace Shake but it was pretty close in color and it was going viral for some reason too though not as big as the Grimace Shake while I was walking to the McDonald's my friends kept spamming the group chat asking me to get the smoothie I was reluctant to get it because we usually didn't get drinks since we had beer anyway but I was eventually convinced when Kyle and Ivan offered to pay me extra for it as always the creepy guy who worked the late shift at bank Donald's gave me a hard time for walking through three Big Macs three large fries and a Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie yeah you know you're supposed to have a car if you want to order something right well we can get everywhere on foot as well sir is that how you drive your wife excuse me as long as your legs are still working here's your food and don't forget your smoothie uh okay thanks after getting away from that weirdo I made my way to the bench during my walk I tried to sip of the Smoothie but immediately spat it out as it was too sweet for me Kyle and Ivan on the other hand couldn't get enough of it the two of them kept passing the Smoothie back and forth slurping it like animals until the whole thing was gone in under a minute jeez you guys really enjoyed that smoothie huh dude this tastes like crack only crack you tasted was your ex's wagon you trying to throw hands tough guy in the middle of his sentence Kyle couldn't speak anymore he started choking and convulsing his purple poured out of his mouth then before I knew it Evan was choking too in a matter of seconds they were both on the ground twitching and spitting up purple Kyle Ivan what the hell is going on someone to call the cops help they went totally motionless before my eyes panicking I pulled out my phone to call an ambulance but then out of nowhere eiffin and Kyle both started laughing tears were streaming down their faces and they could barely get a word in through their laughter except to tell me how good they got me I was annoyed but I had to admit that it was a funny prank to pull off on the spot the next two nights when I was off the hook for McDonald's Kyle and Evan got the Smoothie again then it was my turn to do the Walk of Shame through the drive-through again this time the creepy guy at the window was extra disturbing it was always weird but he never smiled until that night and then he could couldn't stop smiling I didn't even have to order either he anticipated what I would get the usual um yeah thanks you're welcome come back again if you can what I got fed up and walked away but then a chill ran down my spine as I heard him laughing from afar I tried to ignore it but it killed my appetite when I got to the bench I didn't want to sip of that smoothie and I could barely take a bite of my burger pile and Ivan didn't notice me sulking though after just a few minutes they had eaten everything and the Smoothie was long gone and then out of nowhere I could see them both choking up in the same manner as before it looked like my friends were trying to pull the same prank on me they started convulsing and spitting up purple foam but I wasn't buying it I stared them down unmoved as they collapsed even when Kyle tried to grab my feet while pleading for his life I didn't believe him unfortunately it wasn't a joke once I realized they were actually poisoned I called for help immediately they were taken to the hospital where they were stuck in comas for weeks it turns out that the McDonald's worker was responsible for this and had intentionally laced the shakes with narcotics since then I have lost contact and was no longer friends with the pair all I know is that they tried to settle the matter in court with a bunch of shady McDonald's lawyers but I don't think they got anywhere I still think it's crazy that this grimace-shake trend is such a huge thing considering it's so close to what really happened a few years ago to me and my friends story was inspired by an incident that happened in 2016. a man went to McDonald's and bought a drink from a worker when he consumed the drink he immediately blacked out cold when he was treated at the hospital it was alleged that the man nearly died after obtaining a sample from the consumed drink it was revealed that his drink was laced with lethal substances the man fortunately survived and has since stated that he developed severe anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder and will likely need counseling for the rest of his life foreign [Music] [Applause] it was a hot summer night in 2020 when I was with five of my friends who decided to join me as we carpooled in the vehicle of Mr Silver Spoon his name was Frank and he was the rich friend in the group who had a car before anyone else did we were real troublemakers at the time who couldn't get enough of strolling the area at night causing mischief to anyone or anything we bumped into we would usually just holler at random people on the sidewalk egg houses or throw toilet paper on people's Lawns so basically we were the typical teenage Bunch who enjoyed annoying people by spreading noise and land pollution however nothing was more satisfying or thrilling than ding dong ditch that was by far my friend's favorite activity especially Frank who loved to DARE us to approach houses across the neighborhood bringing the Bell only to run away as fast as we could I didn't enjoy it because I didn't like how some people chased after us and reported us to the cops it was such a drag that it made me anxious every single time but since I'd didn't want to be the party pooper who could lose all of his friends in one night just because I didn't like it as much as they did I decided to play along Frank myself and the Gang drove off searching for our next brain we parked the car by the sidewalk then one of us would have to get out of the car as we took turns ding dong ditching a house before running back to the car and when it wasn't enough the guys decided to venture outside our neighborhood to cause even more trouble everything was going well as there wasn't any crazy Karen's chasing us or anything so I thought the night would go just as smoothly as the other guys when it was my turn however as I rolled down the window and glanced at the house my friends wanted me to Target I could see it had a single light on in the attic I had this nagging feeling that eyes were all over me from the trees in the front yard to the brooms which had been covered in darkness and not too far from the front door was a beware of dog sign which made my experience all the more nerve-wracking so even before heading to the front door War I feared the creaking sounds on the patio would startle whatever dog was within the perimeters and so I proceeded to take a few cautious steps forward slowly reaching the front door with every single step I was convinced someone would burst open through the doors I held my breath and proceeded to keep inching closer but as I did one of the porch lights suddenly turned on making me edgier than I already was without any time to lose I whispered loudly say be one of those lucky nights I better call it off come on Peter don't be such a wuss and just do it Frank said all the other guys looked at me with eyes judging me for being such a coward I was coerced by my so-called friends to do the deed then I swiftly paced towards the front door without any hesitation as I felt my heart beat incredibly fast I was so scared that I almost froze the door didn't have a doorbell so I had to knock then as soon as I lifted my balls up fist to finish the job the door opened there stood a scary older looking man that looked to be in his 40s his eyes were round bulging and menacing and his hand was clenched in a fist then in a split second he raised his hand and began to swing as I quickly ran away from the lunatic barely dodging his punch as I urged my nipple legs forward I felt my knees weakened as I clipped to the ground and as I glanced behind me the man almost had me was about to grab my legs when my adrenaline pushed me to get up I then made a run for it to the car as Frank started it and the other guys watched in Terror gesturing for me to enter the open back door of the vehicle as soon as possible then out of nowhere Frank started screaming hurry up he's about to grab you I didn't even dare look behind me knowing the man was closing in and then miraculously made it to the car as my friends yanked me in and in the nick of time they slammed the doors the creepy old man started pounding on the glass window with his fist saying open the door you piece of garbage I'm gonna make you regret stepping on my property you hear me Frank immediately drove off honking his horn in Amusement as the other guy's laugh triumphantly they were all like psychos that night celebrating like I wasn't in any real danger then as Frank drove the most disturbing most horrific thing would Dawn on us [Music] all hell broke loose when a pickup truck sped up and slammed into us from behind it happened so fast that I could only remember the sound of me and the boy screaming in Terror as Frank desperately tried to maintain control of the vehicle he constantly glanced in the rear view mirror watching The Craze drive for approaching us he was so determined that he didn't stop hitting our vehicle until we spiraled to a stop Frank relentlessly pressed the gas pedal but the car wouldn't start causing us to panic and tremble at the side of the truck facing the vehicle side then in a split second the truck accelerated slamming into our car few months had passed and I was at the funeral Frank and my two other buddies were gone but the memory of that crazed man still remained in my head luckily he was locked up and I only suffered a few minor fractures the only thing that was broken was my heart this story was inspired by a tragic incident regarding six individuals who decided to roam a neighborhood and play ding dong ditch unfortunately for them the individuals picked the wrong house to ding dong ditch they ranked the doorbell from the home of a 42 year old man named anarag whom they did not know and of course ran off anarag then got into his vehicle in a fit of rage and intentionally did what was portrayed in the animation he has since been charged and sentenced despite testifying that he was constantly being harassed and his home being ding dong ditched countless times [Music] thank you [Applause] chili powder chili powder where could it be shouldn't it be between the cayenne and the cumin they should really have all this in alphabetical order if they're gonna have 10 million of these things on one shelf huh crap that scared the hell out of me you on your way home yet soon man where is a Costco employee when you need one at this point I'm about to just buy some Sriracha if I don't find this crap in the next five minutes I'm gonna order ubereats next time God damn it I'm about to just give up oh there's one what the hell geez I guess their hiring standards have gone down whatever excuse me could you help me find something please here goes nothing hello how can I make your shopping experience better I'm I'm trying to cook a special dinner for my wife tonight I already found everything else I need except for the darn chili powder which is hiding from me chili powder huh your wife like it spicy um yeah I guess if it tastes good I know all about tasting good my ex used to say my barbecue sausage just tastes good reason I say barbecue is because I got a tan down there you know what I'm saying I'm sorry what are you talking about oh come on we're adults you know exactly what I'm talking about how about I join in with you and your wife would you mind what absolutely not so you wouldn't mind being a little while I make your wife sweat with my spices no I yes damn it stop twisting my words you're not doing anything with my wife you disgusting creep what makes you think I'd let you into my house do you even work here of course I do don't you see the name tag I'm all about spicing things up this is Costco not naughty and nice haven't you heard about our new private Chef service for our most loyal customers I'm a flavor professional I'll come to your house cook for you clean up for you and make sure everyone is satisfied you won't have to lift a finger and don't worry about tipping me my tips are always on the house you cannot be serious who do you think you are some kind of Riz God if you ever lay a finger on my wife I'll cut off your hand and cram it down your throat like a stuck pig you sick freak don't make empty threats against me sir then do your job and tell me where the stupid chili powder is so I can pay for my stuff and get out of here so you're looking for some spices huh yes that's the first thing I said to you get a nice close look then at some fresh ground black pepper what the hell are you doing are you interested in some paprika no stop it how about some cayenne pepper ah no you can never go wrong with a little garlic powder it's not supposed to go in the eyes you raging idiot what's that I can't hear you over the soothing waves of sea salt if I could see you right now I'd send you to the ICU looks like you have a little cumin on your face you're insane is anybody seeing this guy are you a fan of that song that goes like one more time come here where are you whoa there no need for that I still haven't shown you my favorite spice what are you talking about it's pure Carolina Reaper powder they call it the bomb get away from me did you see this what's that supposed to be it's a bomb and if you try to stop me or blab to anyone I'll detonate it and blow this whole store Sky High with everyone in it I don't believe you you're bluffing do you really want to take that chance I no I don't I just want to go home to my wife that's a smart boy now why don't you show me the way to that wonderful life of yours I really love to meet her lead us to your cars well I can give her my homegrown jalapeno okay okay I'm going ah bomb bomb he's got a bomb everyone get out of here you're gonna regret that you dirty snitch get back here help somebody get that guy foreign I don't know how I let that sicko dupe me into following for his insane Antics it turns out that he was made of Lies he didn't even work for Costco not a single employee knew he was there the whole time he was just impersonating one of them with a secondhand uniform and there was no bomb either just that stupid envelope for a while I thought I was the only one he tormented but as soon as I followed the story afterwards that turned out not to be the case he had been using that uniform and that envelope to go around a bunch of different Costco's just so he could engage with customers and freak them out by acting like a psychotic creep he probably coerced a lot of people into doing whatever sick things he wanted under the impression that he might blow them up of course it was all just empty threats this story was inspired by an incident that happened at a Costco in Clearwater Florida a man was reportedly making false bomb threats with a suspicious envelope he had on hand the store was evacuated for more than three hours while police the canine unit and hazardous materials crew members responded to the scene police then detained a 31 year old man named Donovan seen on the mug shot below it was later confirmed that there was no apparent evidence of any threat found thank you [Music] I guess there's no after party good thing I ordered a cab when I did now if it'll only get here stupid cab drivers can never figure out how to pull up to an address what is this guy doing hello who am I speaking with I'm your fair where are you oh it's you huh whoa all right I'm here but then he sneaks up on me that's that's great hello hey what are you doing out so late I was partying then I was waiting for you oh so you're gonna be one of those people who leaves a bad review no I'll tip and everything I just want to get home that party sucked huh well maybe next time you should send me an invite uh sure dude why did I get in the front seat this guy is such a pain what are you watching there I'm just watching tick tocks could you keep your eye on the road please I know how to drive a car dip [ __ ] it's my job I was just trying to make conversation okay okay it's all just Grimace shake videos all right oh yeah I've seen those doesn't it make you want to get one not really have you ever tried one nope then let's go get some right now wait I didn't want to stop by McDonald's I just wanted to be dropped home dude what are you saying I'm saying I just want to go home I don't want to stop anywhere so making me would be unprofessional where do you have to go that's so important I want a Grimace shake and since you think you could tell me how to do my job you're gonna pay for it hey watch out I don't have any money don't lie to me you slimy prima donna watch out hey open your eyes and get your money out you wimp and don't you dare piss yourself on my seat hey anyone in there a sign says you're hoping hello what's that supposed to mean talk to me like a normal person they're trying to get us to leave nobody wants to work these days I guess well I guess they won't serve us then we should just go shut up you cry baby get in there and make them serve us what why me she's complaining all you know how to do unless you want to be stranded here I see go inside and get me scrimmer shakes no I'm not I'll go get them just don't leave me here you've got five minutes any longer and I'm gone you got that okay I've got it hello is anybody here [Music] what's going on here what are we doing I just want to go home oh God don't have a choice hello is anybody back there I'd like a couple Grimace shakes [Music] [Music] I can hear you damn it I don't know what you're doing back there but you better get out here and do your job or you're gonna get me completely screwed over [Music] two Christmas shakes please follow me to the back [Music] where are the red contents sir just inside here what foreign what's the meaning of this where did that idiot go why don't I have my Grimace Shake already and who are you supposed to be some sort of mascot this is ridiculous ah put me down somebody help me laughs [Laughter] wanna try the new greenish Shake this presentation may contain language in scenes which may be objectionable to certain individuals viewer discretion is advised foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude is the camera on I need to eat but you wait one minute ago I'm not talking about your dump truck I'm talking about the McDonald's in front of me sagging nuts I know you did but I'm talking about the buffet we were at five minutes ago don't patronize me boy I'm gonna eat anything and everything does that mean I get a second round and can't remove the pearls shut up and film me Mr Tic Tac all right take one action I'm not fat I'm just big boned that means I was born with a rare condition where my body is able to absorb calcium at a high efficiency us which is why I'm slightly larger than the average male but to the average late man I'm obese but those fools know nothing about me to me they're all just a bunch of keyboard Warriors that probably live in their mom's basement typing away and trying to throw shade at every chance they get but he cannot throw shade at a man whose Shadow is much larger than him for instance the internet likes to assume I'm lazy lard who enjoys eating fast food more than I like to spend time with my loved ones which is accurate but everything else they said is a blatant lie I'm more than just a fast food eater I'm a mukbanger an internet sensation a nationwide Global star an icon that all the food gobble and content creators look up to and aspire to be like well look up too if they could see past my belly into all the online trolls and clout chasing insects you wish you had a body like mine you wish you could eat this much food and still be able to maintain a body looking this good all of you are a bunch of jealous no good rats who wish you could be me they sometimes called me a whale but I personally took it as a compliment as this is royalty in the Kingdom of water as a lioness at land and now all the youngins want to be like me and not like Mike I love my food quantity by the dozens quadrupled even that guy from the movie Supersize Me has nothing on me I like filming Myself eat as the masses watch what greatness is supposed to look like I may not be the goat but I bet I can eat any goat whole I like to take my talents from Burger King and join McDonald's unable to draw millions of people from around the world who look at me as the greatest talent to ever grace the Earth's fast food joints it was like with 20 stomachs there's not another mukbanger on this Earth near the Realms of my caliber not Matt Stoney not your wife no one me me me I usually conducted my mukbangs in the comfort of my own home but unfortunately went over my credit card limit that meant that I had to do the most Dreadful walk there which was the first workout I did in years I was completely drenched in sweat and exhausted by the time I made it to the McDonald's which was just across the street from where I lived not even a minute away I remember buying the usual to conduct my mukbang which usually consisted in the entire menu like the Big Macs McDoubles McChickens McNuggets anything that had a mick before it of course topped with extra large fries I made sure to not break the Forbidden mukbang Rule and to always supersize everything on site hell I even included a Happy Meal for crying out loud anything else sir do you have any footlongs this isn't Subway Sir this is McDonald's I wasn't talking about the sub you idiot idiot I would then sit by the back of the restaurant and await my order while wailing like a big adolescent baby as I was extremely impatient just wanted my damn food to arrive already foreign I want my McDonald's now if I don't get my McDonald's at this very second I will take my talents back to Burger King by the time the stupid employee came back and forth several times with my food I decided to conduct the mukbang here since I was not down to carry all the food back home since I wasn't trying to do any heavy lifting with the exception of lifting food up to my mouth of course and other things behind closed doors by the time I finished I had to take the biggest dump ever I squeezed into the bathroom stall and went to work after a smelly 10 minutes the most disturbing thing imaginable happened to me I was stuck in the bathroom stall I tried to get up to white but couldn't budge it was like Arthur pulling the sword from the stone except it was my butt from the toilet and I was definitely no author help someone help me oh gosh let me call Josh damn it oh no no no no no after an hour of constant yelling and bowel movements the washroom was flooded with crafts and it didn't look like anyone was ever going to rescue me anytime soon to the greatest mukbanger ever you were not fat you were just big boned [Music] [Applause] I know I'm getting older and I've seen a lot of strange crazy things happen in my life but this has got to be the tale that takes the cake I was driving home late at night from a house party and I knew I would have to stop somewhere to get something to eat as the party was sorely lacking in food for the guests after two glasses of wine on an empty stomach I really needed something to eat but the longer I drove on the more I realized there wasn't much of anything that was still open then finally I saw a Sonic on the side of the road I personally wasn't the biggest fan of Sonic but I was pretty desperate so I pulled up to the drive-in area and parked my car I began to make my way inside and instantly started second guessing my decision I looked around and all I saw were a bunch of creepy worn out people even older than me sitting in this dingy and outdated Diner area that clearly hadn't been renovated since the 90s as soon as I stepped foot inside they all stopped eating and stared directly at me like I just walked in on some sort of secret meeting they all seemed to have the same crazed wide-eyed expression too like they escaped from a mental Asylum together and were hiding out here none of them even said a word not to me and not to each other it was so quiet that I could hear a pin drop I was worried about getting chopped up into hot dogs for interrupting their weird cult activity batterai was the only decent looking woman they'd ever seen either way I knew I should do my business and get the hell out of there so I went up to the counter to order I was met by an employee who was just as leathery and creepy as the customers and who also wouldn't say anything to greet me but was okay with staring at me with a complete lack of emotion in his eye excuse me can I order a hot dog how long do you like it as he said his suggestive little joke he stretched his lips into the widest most unsettling smile I have ever seen it was really just bone chilling I wasn't sure if he was being serious or not but I felt like he wasn't um I didn't know hot dogs came in different sizes what size do you have just the size I was born with really do you want to lose your job make me a goddamn hot dog before I call the cops and report you for harassment maybe you do you do right up just need the payment first ma'am here the weird Sonic employee then disappeared into the back to make my hot dog leaving me alone with the people in the diner as I stood there I could feel all their eyes on my back I turned around to look at them and sure enough they were all glaring directly at me I was honestly worried at first that they weren't even real people they just looked like soulless robots to chew and stare at customers that ordered here what what are you looking at just mind your own business and leave me alone no matter what I said they wouldn't budge I then got startled when I heard a voice saying here's your hot dog ma'am I snatched the back out of his hand and stormed out of there at last I got in my car and locked the door immediately I took a moment to myself before driving off so I could calm down from everything that had happened but then out of nowhere the creep came running up to my car and banging on my window okay open up give me hot dog I burned rubber driving out of there before he could break my window I had no idea what in the world he wanted from me but I wasn't trying to find out I put some distance between me and that place at some pretty unsafe speed before I finally calmed down to a reasonable state of mind that's when I remembered how on the verge of starfing guy was so I reached over to my passenger seat and pulled the hot dog out of the bag so I could eat while driving the first few bites were honestly pretty good although I'm pretty sure anything would have tasted like the food of the Gods because of how hungry I was of course something went terribly wrong halfway through I bit down right into a piece of plastic which I obviously wasn't expecting but it wasn't just a scrap from the kitchen when I punctured it with my teeth it's bitter powdery substance Spilled Out into my mouth I gagged and threw the hot dog on the floorboard then tried spitting everything out but whatever the stuff was immediately coated my entire mouth I found a bottle of water in my car and rinsed some of it but I could still taste it it was overpowering and my mouth was starting to go numb I knew that I would have to drive home and hope I would be okay I don't remember most of the drive that night I do recall feeling very wrong and woozy by the time I pulled into my driveway the last thing I remember was thinking that my brake pedal wasn't working so I slammed down on it as hard as I could what set me flying forward so fast that I plowed straight through my garage door into the back wall I passed out from the impact and woke up the next morning I felt like I was hungover except I didn't drink or anything when I fully regained Consciousness I immediately called the police and reported the hot dog I ate from that Sonic a little while later I found out that the sketchy Sonic employee I had made the order with had accidentally dropped an entire baggie of his stuff inside my hot dog which explained why he ran after me as soon as I walked out and why I felt so strange after eating it this story was inspired by an incident that happened to a female customer at a Sonic fast food venue in New Mexico the woman ordered a Coney which was a hot dog topped with chili and melted cheese at the drive-through she then made a disturbing Discovery when she bit into it and found out that she was biting into a plastic bag filled with powder she immediately called the authorities which resulted in the arrest of the Sonic employee Jeffrey Salazar who was now facing a felony charge for the undisclosed substance and the company's surveillance footage Jeffrey can be seen frantically searching the kitchen areas if he lost something but was unaware it had accidentally ended up in a customer's hot dog foreign [Music]
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 589,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, llama art horror stories animated, true horror stories animated, 4 horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, 4 creepy true horror stories, 4 creepy true horror stories mr nightmare, true horror story animated, 12 horror stories animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation, grimace shake
Id: re8GSWDIWkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 45sec (4425 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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