12 BRUTAL Smartphone Fails they want you to forget.

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Let's talk about Xiaomi naming scheme then...

It's time to prepare something like "12 BRUTAL examples of Youtubers stupidity"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xfire74 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This dude will provide good comments ONLY when he gets paid to do so. He is only good for his documentary videos, and dishonest for product reviews. Dont take him too seriously.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/c0mp4v3rd4d πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He was just B-Hurt for not getting a review unit (he even mentioned in the video itself that they didn't send him Xperia 1). He just wants to diss Sony when they are about to open their pre-orders. He made similar video previously as well.

I don't say Xperia name scheming is easy to understand for new user at least until last year. But c'mon this year one needs no rocket science to understand Xperia 1 Mark II (clearly he knew what exactly this name scheme is and will be continued and is inspired by Sony alpha/headphones devices). If he would have released something like this an year back (which he actually did), I wouldn't mind. But after Unbox therapy video, it seems like he was hurt and behaved like a total dump. He just wants to throw mud at them.

PS: He even spelled it as Xperia One Two as if he doesn't heard about Alpha series or ANC king WH-1000M3 (M3 means mark 3). I was like what???

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Smithravi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seen his video, although he has a point that Sony's marketing and naming hasn't been the best, calling it the nr. 1 failure is complete BS. It's not like Sony phones have a completely different and misleading naming scheme every year. They had the Z-line (Z, Z2, Z3 Z3+, Z5) and then switched to the X/XZ line because that noted a bigger design change, then the current Xperia 1 and 5 line because that again indicated a big design change. Sure, the 1/5/10 numbering is a bit confusing so with that he would have a point, but if this all is the biggest failure in the smartphone world... boy he needs to get his priorities strait.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MoiInActie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't really care about his opinion.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RR_Sharizam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Idk if this is right but was there at one point a windows sony phone?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alienacid989 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The bit about SONY is reasonable, but at the same time, he isn't taking into consideratiin the reason behind the naming scheme for the new Mark versions. He calls "Xperia one two", but the Mark symbolizes a new camera oriented experience based on their Alpha lineup. This is very important for attracting the community of photographers, and it's honsetly gotten me excited. Despite his seemingly aggressive approach, I can't help but notice, when on the topic of the cloud based phone, he mentions buying "an actually good phone with expandable storage" during which the graphic displayed was Xperia and it's SIM/SD tray. This could just be coincidence, but this could imply that he doesn't believe the phones are bad, maybe just SONY's approach.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hitokiri_Zabi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

In retrospect I'd say the thumbnail properly represents the content. This video is actually a fail.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/smellyelf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

All the yt reviewers are gonna shit talk this phone for the most part, wait until mkbhd inevitably talks shit on it too, when it comes down to it at the end of the day, it ain’t Samsung and it ain’t Apple, and Sony didn’t pay them for the review so there not gonna appreciate anything it does. There gonna push the sales of the companies that send them review units, give them deals, sponsorships and so in.

The biggest one they have done lately is the OnePlus 8, the price is jacked, the design is inferior and a back step from the 7, the phone was released with obvious hardware defects, OnePlus is leaving so many people in limbo trying to get replacement units, and some people are even getting their defective unit replacements declined saying it’s the users error that the screen has problems. But you tubers are still riding the OnePlus train saying it’s the best thing that has ever been made and everyone should throw a stack at them for the OnePlus 8 pro.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Genericbuild πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay 12 smartphone fails it's starting off bad but ending terribly let's do this so if you haven't already heard the Escobar company made a small phone and some claims were made that Apple was ripping people off the samson was about to be finished and that Escobar was the solution as things turned out the company basically took a samsung phone put an Escobar sticker over it and sent her only two reviewers in my first video about this I basically said I'd need to wait to see if other people's orders got delivered before I could even think about recommending this and those orders didn't get delivered so steer clear I'm giving this one a 2 out of 10 fail rating number 11 is the meizu 0 you might remember this one doing the rounds last year it was being marketed as world's first hauless smartphone so that means no USB C port no buttons no speaker and definitely no headphone jack as a concept I can kind of see the appeal you get a completely seamless phone and because the buttons are all virtual you could use it in any orientation but well for starters I think portlets sounds way better than wholeness and wholeness isn't even technically true the phone did still have four microphones on it but this wasn't the issue think about when you go and buy a small phone you've probably got a list of priorities in your head you want to have a great camera for photos a great display for watching videos and a great battery to last you through the day I don't think I've ever in my life thought you know what I hate buttons the phone doesn't solve a problem people actually have and while hold us is definitely the direction phones will start heading in being homeless in itself is not a selling point as a result the phone didn't hit its crowdfunding goal and it just disappeared so 2 out of 10 fail again for this one now the name of phone blocks might not ring a bell but the image of it probably will there's a guy called Dave Hawkins he made a youtube video while back talking about how small phones are not built to last but also how he'd come up with a solution a modular phone where you could a customize your phone with the features that mattered to you be replace individual parts if they break instead of replacing the whole phone and see when you need or want an upgrade you could just upgrade the bits you want to upgrade again not the whole thing this sounds like a dream and people clearly thought so videos on like 20 million views right now but it somehow silently disappeared because of one major issue the concept makes come a sense from a sustainability angle you could massively reduce the amount of waste if instead of dumping your fern when you're done with it you could just replace one part but it doesn't make sense from a profit perspective if owned blocks themselves I mean it was just one person they don't have the capacity to build the fern themselves and if you think about companies like Samsung and Huawei they're not gonna want to be in a mile radius of this idea because it would wipe out their entire existing business model plus as much as I think modular phones are cool it's riddled with some quite fundamental problems like the fact that for an average user you're better off letting a company decide what's important for you and just buying a pre-built phone as opposed to sitting there trying to pick parts that you think will be better and for this whole idea of a modular phone to work every single component has to be manufactured and put into its own casing separately so that people can chop and change them but this makes everything thicker and a hell of a lot more expensive fail rating 2 out of 10 saved in part because again this was an idea not a physical product that was made and then flopped a lot of these products gone wrong they tend to be Android phones because they're more experimental but that's not to say that Apple doesn't make mistakes too so you know how nowadays you can either get a top-end iPhone 11 Pro for 999 dollars or a significantly more affordable iPhone 11 300 less and the main thing you lose is just display quality considering that it is a $300 saving you actually get quite a comparable experience but this wasn't always the case did you remember the first time the Apple tried to make an affordable iPhone alongside the 5s they experimented with a phone called the 5c and it was terrible value in comparison but for starters you only saved $100 and for that you got given a plastic build you got a year old chipset a much worse camera system and no touch ID people still bought it obviously it's an iPhone but I don't think it did any good to apples brand image and if they pulled a move like that in today's smartphone market I think it would get slaughtered so this one's a three out of ten fail the phone still sold well but it was a sting to apples brand reputation and that is almost everything to them right you might remember a phone call the Xperia Play it came out in androids infancy and I won't lie to you had I been able to afford it at the time I would have bought it in a heartbeat it was PlayStation Certified they had a proper controller built inside of it this was really the first true gaming smartphone that's huge but there's a cost to being first and in this case it was the fact that Android as an operating system was just not ready for a gaming firm and because there was nothing else like the Xperia Play out there almost nobody had made any games that could even use the phone's physical controls so you'd be dropping $600 on this phone which had all sorts of compromises like it's ludicrous thickness and the only benefit to you is that you could play a couple of emulators a couple of cheaply made android games and some PlayStation 1 classics that Sony had ported over but it's not great but this one gets a three out of ten fail now if for a phone that in itself is pretty forgettable but I remember it distinctly because it's one of the worst cases of deceptive smartphone marketing to the point where they basically lied so its 2018 and lenovo has been losing relevance for a while at this stage but they were about to launch their next generation z5 smartphone so I'm guessing internally they were sort of thinking how do we engage people with our brand well they came up with was make a load of teasers that are just ridiculous to try and get people talking about them so before the reveal of a phone we got this image and in 2018 this was very exciting they started teasing 45-day battery life and four terabytes of storage people were losing their minds and because of all this I actually tuned in to the live stream to and I wouldn't have done this otherwise so maybe I got played too but ten minutes into it I was cracking up so that teaser image we got if you duplicate it and flipped it this is the phone they should have delivered this is what we actually got the image is referring to a phone that ended up being something completely different that didn't come out till 5 months later but what about the four terabytes of storage it turns out that was just for a hard drive they were releasing alongside the z5 and the 45-day battery life was for a watch and they didn't even deliver on that it definitely lost the company a lot of respect in the tech community I remember top comments on videos at the time were just lie novo it's not great so four out of ten fail here no there's a reasonable chance you've heard of a company called next bit not really a small phone company but a smart phone technology company so for example they built a service called button where I could start something on one let's say stop editing a photo or playing a game and then I could put it down pick up a different device and continue where I left off so you can probably imagine that when a company with this kind of mobile tech specialty announces of revolutionary cloud-based smartphone called the next bit Robin that's pretty hype worthy especially when they're promising practically unlimited storage the Robin had 32 gigs of internal storage which was fairly normal at the time but the twist was that as your space starts to run out your stuff would automatically be backed up to the 100 gigs of free cloud storage you got with the phone and credit we're jus this system worked pretty well the main concern with a small company trying big things like this is usually that the execution will suck but it didn't for example your photos they'd be backed up to the cloud in their full original quality but your firm would also keep lower quality versions locally so it wouldn't feel like you've just lost files but the one weird thing was that the phone would also send your apps to the cloud and what that meant really was that they'd become these greyed out icons that could only be used once you'd reinstall them and unless you set your apps up manually to not disappear the phone would do this automatically so you could find yourself in situations where you'll open your phone about to go into an app and you'll realize it's not there anymore it's a bit like there's times when you're a kid growing up and you go into your room and your parents have cleaned the whole thing and obviously they had the right intention but all of a sudden you don't know where all your stuff is this was an annoying inconvenience but it wasn't the crux of it see the next bit Robin was trying to solve a problem that didn't really exist thanks to the existence of a microSD card instead of paying $400 for a phone that wasn't very good but could store a lot of stuff you could just buy an actually good phone and then spend $20 to get an external 64 gigabyte card that would have been plenty for most people so again 4 out of 10 failed pretty major miscalculation here but ok number 5 we're getting into pretty serious territory here let me set the scene it's 2010 Apple's iPhones have just flattened the likes of Nokia and Blackberry but now it was Microsoft's turn to fight and their answer to all this were the Kin smartphones which they described as a revolution the phones came presented in a capsule the slogan was this changes things and all the adverts were basically saying it could help you connect with people better than the ever cooked what makes this one pretty funny that is that these phones were discontinued within six weeks of being announced six weeks 42 days it really makes you wonder how they did this even the terrible smartphones nowadays they usually last about a year or so before they eventually get canceled six weeks these kin phones they were so bad that after trying to sell them as small phones and failing Microsoft Henry released them a few months later as basic feature phones but how can a phone from a company as big as Microsoft who's put so many resources into this fail so monumentally I can summarize in six words no apps priced like an iPhone I've got no idea in what parallel universe Microsoft was putting this together in but there's no way an average user was going to pick what they produced over an iPhone 3GS some reports are saying that as few as five hundred devices were sold that is and I don't use this word lightly abysmal so six out of ten fail right here now you might already be fairly familiar with the controversy surrounding Samsung's Exynos these last few months basically Samsung makes two versions of most of their flagship phones and the Exynos version for the last few years has lagged behind the Snapdragon version but this year was the first time that I've used both side by side and XE nos is as much as 20% worse in both battery and performance so I made a video talking all about it and I couldn't believe the response the comments were full of people who'd noticed these kinds of issues over the years ended up all over reddit and because of this video and a couple of other posts people had made a petition started demanding that Samsung's scrapped their inferior X NOS chips in the future I was shocked it's on nearly 50,000 signatures if 50,000 might not sound like a lot but you've got to remember that the kinds of people that will be signing this not to generalize but they're more than likely going to be the tech people within their own circles their own families and friends the person that everyone asks which phone to buy when they want to buy one so the actual influence of those 50,000 people I think is many many times that as things stand now Samsung's got two options they either step up their game massively for the next X in US or they scrap the Exynos version entirely because if they get it wrong again people are ready and waiting to just rip them apart for it so six out of ten for this one it doesn't sound as severe as what happened to Microsoft skin but you gotta remember that Samsung's got much more skin in the game they've got more to lose in the smartphone market then Microsoft did and also if they don't handle the situation right could be bad speaking of Microsoft though I would say that Ken wasn't actually their biggest failure in 2017 Microsoft announced their Windows Phone operating system was officially dead but honestly Windows Phone died a long time before that what actually makes this image of a fail though is that when it came out Windows Phone was so promising you got a radically different aesthetic to anything out there at the time it was faster and lighter feeling than a lot of the bloated Android phones we were getting not to mention the Windows brand carries enormous power when it comes to operating systems this genuinely could have been the third big player that we've always wanted in this ios/android battle but if you've ever used a Windows Phone you'll know that there was an app problem Windows Phone had a woeful selection of apps to choose from and whether I don't mean you're missing out on a couple of hidden gems for the first three years there wasn't even an Instagram and because of a disagreement with Google YouTube support pretty much dropped off a cliff and I am literally scraping the surface here but there's also the fact that Microsoft was late they arrived at a time when Apple had built of really strong reputation for just offering the best smartphone experience and Google was offering very good smartphone experiences but with loads of choice you could get a budget Android phone you could get an Android phone with a big screen and so on but by being late Windows Phone had to bring something equivalent to the table otherwise you just left with a bunch of niche pioneers who are willing to take a risk on something new what I think they should have done to be honest is to subsidize Windows phones like there's no way you can just drop a new operating system and expect it to beat OSS that have been going for three years already but you could have been cheaper and that would have been enough as things stand they didn't do this and Windows Phone OS was dead within two years but Microsoft spend the next five years effectively flogging a dead horse and it was painful to watch so 7 out of 10 for this one just as bad though was Nokia in 2007 if someone had a phone there was a 50% chance it was a Nokia how do you just go from that to dying how do you go from Titan to tiny from big deal to getting no deals from a finished company to a finished company it's actually unfortunately simple do you under the old days when phones could be anything some of them would flip some of them would slide there were all sorts of screen types and sizes the point is that people used to pick their phone almost purely based on its hardware maybe they liked the color or the keys felt nice in this battle nokia was outstanding their phones were affordable they were customizable and they had the kind of durability that people still talk about 20 years later but one Nokia mist was that the second that iPhone was announced in 2007 the battle shifted from being about hardware to being about software all these other things the way the phone looks how well you can customize it the fact that you could probably drop one of these and break the floor instead these faded away in importance replaced by just having access to the best apps and that was it not yet barely even did anything wrong they just didn't act they kept releasing their trusty old phones for a few years and their market share just evaporated so seven out of ten failed here disastrous consequences but it's saved slightly by the fact that it's not really because Nokia did anything particularly stupid it's just that they severely severely underestimated the iPhone and the impact it would have okay just before I get to number one I should let you know that I have got two other episodes in this series so last time I made one of these I got loads of comments like oh you forgot the Galaxy Note 7 nope it's in one of the other ones do check them out after this okay let's talk about Sony they now sell a tenth of the phones that they did in 2014 and while it's technically less of a fail than Nokia the decisions that Sony have made are far more confusing just poor decisions stepped on top of really strange bad ideas it's like a really distasteful desert and I don't normally vent at smart phone companies but Sony deserves this one so for starters the naming system the way Sony names their smartphones is borderline criminal just have a listen to some of these past names of Sony flagships they went from Xperia x10 to xperia s to Xperia t2 Xperia Z so it already sounds like that is picking random letters from the alphabet but it gets so much worse they then go to Z 1 Z 2 Z 3 Zed 3 plus said 5 and just when it looks like they might have figured out what they're doing don't be silly it's X Zed now it is almost as if Sony's playing some kind of strange game with their customers like they'll never guess what we call the next one but ok they do exit for a bit and if you thought they'd stop there well you should know better by now Xperia one with the next phone they went all the way back to just calling it the Xperia one you might think then how can it possibly get worse than this and I'll admit I think even if I tried I couldn't have done what Sony have just done they call their next smartphone the Sony Xperia one to imagine this scenario [Music] a man-hating that phone looks great which one is it oh this this is the new experience period - now it's the one - oh okay say the expiry twelve not really it's more like a 1 + a 2 at the end so with 3 ok well it looks kind of expensive what if I just buy the experior one one oh no there isn't a one one there's just a one but naming a side part of the reason Sony phones just fell into a relevance is that they found something that worked in the Xperia Z this was their 2013 flagship when they're actually doing quite well and instead of innovating and improving on it they basically released an almost identical looking phone for the next four years you can't do that in a market where bezels are shrinking every year and some things out there bending screens round corners by 2017 Sony was looking unbelievably outdated not to mention people were just bored if I owned an Xperia Z then I was due for an upgrade would I pay full price for a phone that looks almost exactly the same or would I turn to another company but this was only part of the problem cameras the Sony phones had generally good camera hardware but they did not take the best photos or videos but far from it and when you factor in that a Sony is one of the few smartphone makers that also makes cinema quality cameras and that B's Sony actually builds the camera sensors inside almost every phone it's laughable if anyone should have the best smartphone camera system it is Sony and that is all they needed to do if Sony had built a reputation for just having the best camera systems on a phone that alone occupies one of the biggest niches out there right now people who really care about photos but to be honest this sony problem it extends beyond the phones themselves even the company's PR strategy is just not very good and take the Xperia 1 last year the phone was announced in May 2019 when did I get the phone November 6 months later I had to go to them ask them and then they said ok call will lend it to you for a week but then please return it back I'm not saying that they have any obligation to send me a phone I'm grateful whenever someone does it's really appreciated but if this company wants mainstream appeal they've got to adapt to this new age of media and compare that to one plus we'll send out phones two weeks before launch they'll give your guide that explains all the new features and they'll let me keep the phones as long as I need them to test this is a world apart if you've ever wondered why I don't cover as many LG and Sony phones this is a big part of the reason sometimes I'll try and buy them myself but even then I'll often get them a month after some reviewers in the US do so it's tough to really justify making a full video about it at that point so yeah I'm giving Sony of prestigious 9 out of 10 awards because yes even though other companies have had bigger monetary losses I don't think any company that I can think of has had a more continuous lapse in judgment anyways if you enjoyed this video a sub to the channel would be incredible thanks to Sony for sponsoring this video joke and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 5,651,174
Rating: 4.8867383 out of 5
Keywords: Smartphone Fails, Smartphone, android, tech, android phone, best smartphone, worst smartphones, unbox therapy, mkbhd, samsung, samsung galaxy, smartphones 2020, 2020 smartphone, tech fails, sony xperia 1 ii, sony, nokia fail, sony fail, windows phone fail
Id: ndBE4dBmGR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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