Escobar launched a new phone - DON’T buy it.

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unexpected is probably the best way to describe this I got an email from the Escobar company yesterday normal day at the office and the email wasn't we're thinking about sending you this new device are you interested it was our new phone is scheduled for delivery to you tomorrow how I lie to you quite a few things were going through my head the first thought was Escobar made of phone did they and then that quickly changed to concern is this actually a phone they're sending or should I get my protective gear on the tsunderes I was kind of relieved when I saw that marques mkbhd he'd had a pretty similar email so we decided to link up on this one we wanted to make sure we send a very clear consistent message that Escobar has launched a new phone don't buy it [Music] okay you might already be familiar with that whole west of our fold saga about six months ago the company announced this supposedly revolutionary smartphone they made claims that this was the end for Samsung they made flashy trailers a little bit too flashy for me to show you here and they even made a website called our IP Samsung comm so you think at the stage wow this is amazing what could it possibly be it was a Samsung phone if the Escobar fold was just a Samsung Galaxy fold with Escobar stickers on it and more importantly most of the people who bought the phone didn't get the phone but they did get something it seems like every person who ordered an Escobar fold got sent a book it is the strangest biography I think I've ever seen and when I first saw it I couldn't understand why they bothered sending anything if you're going to take the money and not deliver a phone I don't think a nice read is gonna make up for it but now that I've had time to mull her over the only thing that makes sense to me is that this book was a decoy that they did this so that when customers called their banks up to say my phone hasn't arrived please get my money back Escobar could actually say like no look check the tracking number we did deliver something plus I think there's another layer to this these books would serve as a really clever way to extend the scam period it would make existing customers hold off on complaining online and maybe even give them reassurance that their product is in fact on the way it buys Escobar time so that as many people as possible will go on and order their phones before it eventually becomes public that it's a scam and this wouldn't be the first time the companies pulled a stunt like that June when Elon Musk came up with a flamethrower for five hundred dollars yeah well almost immediately Escobar started selling an identical looking flame shooter for $249 but instead of actually sending it they just sent out certificates of ownership as if to say don't worry is yours you just can't use it or have it then especially because of this that PayPal stopped working with them apparently and too many people were calling them up asking to get their money back anyways the people who bought these Escobar fold phones they were angry understandably and there's an entire Facebook community filled with feed off customers who've ordered a phone but only got this glorified pamphlet to show for it and there's one guy who's taken it further he's gone I made a full blown website Escobar scammed upon and then to top the whole thing off Sampson got involved with a lawsuit which they won I'm not hugely surprised but all of that just makes this all the more confusing you would think after that entire saga the Escobar company would be like okay guys we tried it didn't work people aren't happy let's do something else now but no this is the Escobar gold 11pro and it's another firm and on top of that quite possibly the strangest product launch I've seen in my entire life why does the official website actively promote the fact that they're associated with the deceased drug lord is that meant to be a selling point why does it brag about its co-founder being the chief of assassinations why is there not a single photo or video of the phone where it's not being used by European models wearing barely any clothes it's not your typical smartphone shopping experience you put it that way it's like a proper solid wooden box and of course it opens with the button this is like every Escobar's cliche rolled into one [Music] 2,000 years later Oh No okay we'll get to that got designed by Apple laptop and below that are just what looks like apples normal accessories so lightning cable got a charging brick got a pair of earphones and a condition report maybe the most surprising thing here though is that yes this iPhone is 499 dollars on the escobar site it is apparently gold-plated and they actually delivered it to me what is the business model here how does he make sense well on first impression this seems like the brand of the people it's very much taking the angle that these big companies the apples the Samsung's they're the problem they're the villains but don't worry Escobar is here we're gonna fight for you it also seems like maybe Escobar is cashing in on the popularity of the narcos TV series which features the Escobar's name but when we then saw that they were pricing their phones below cost we thought wait a second no matter how much you care about the people no proper business can function unless it makes a profit so then you start to think is this a money-laundering scheme the idea of using dirty money money acquired from criminal activity to set up a scheme or business that brings in clean money which can then be used for legitimate purchases but this doesn't make sense either because if you actually wanted to generate clean money you still got to actually ship customers the products which Escobar so far hasn't done otherwise you're just earning dirty money into more dirty money because you're still creating it from criminal activity yes I have the phone here they sent it to me they sent it to Marquez because it maybe they think will say nice things about it but they won't ship it to people who buy it I don't think this is money laundering I just think it's a scam that would explain why there's no secure payment methods on the site it would explain why the comment sections are turned off for their YouTube videos it would explain why they didn't even bother charging shipping on their phone no matter where in the world you wanted it there was absolutely no intention of sending the phone in the first place okay when our one day later and this document this condition report it reinforces the entire point I want to make that this whole thing this gold 11pro is a complete repeat of the Escobar fold saga only this time it's more elaborate they've got a promotional video that starts with and I quote welcome-home Apple boys Steven Tim let's cook and the whole video is just these girls finding increasingly inventive ways to bake an iPhone you probably caught to yourself in the exact same way we had our IP Samsung a few months ago we've now got our IP Apple but the difference is this but this phone there being much subtler about it they're telling a story that almost makes sense have a look at the sheet it basically shows the condition that the Escobar company supposedly bought the phone in so mine says it was previously water damaged I asked Marquez his phone had water damage and cable damage so the story they're trying to tell you is okay look we bought the phones cheap because they were previously damaged but now that we fixed them we can afford to sell them to you for cheap and if the story you almost want to believe and it's done so elaborately it might even be true it might even be the case that yes this phone was water damaged and they fixed it and it might even be the case that they can do all that whilst delivering it for under $499 it's plausible but it doesn't matter it doesn't change the fact that this is the same company that made an Escobar fold one nobody got it they created an Escobar for two nobody got it so it doesn't matter what the story is it doesn't matter whether it's technically possible to be able to do all this for under four hundred ninety nine dollars the fact is that if you order it all evidence points to the fact that you're probably not going to receive it so again don't buy it but let's just say you did and let's say by some miracle have arrived and this is what they say about it Tom blowers come or go works just like a normal iPhone the difference is in the 24 karat gold so yes it does work just like an iPhone it is an iPhone but if I pick up the normal iPhone 11 Pro here it feels smooth and seamless and dense but if this just feels cheap you can feel this noticeable seam between the sides and the back and I think it's finally time to find out why it's definitely coming off oh dear that came off a little too easily it's metal and they have obviously replaced the actual backplate to the phone it's not like they're just stuck a sticker on top of it I mean look it's already off you might as well finish the job okay I mean it's an iPhone but the way it's put together it feels like one of those ultra cheap wish calm phones just be wary just be careful I'm sure people will buy it but as far as mine and Marquez's recommendation goes don't buy it and that's the Escobar gold 11 pro explosion [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 9,906,227
Rating: 4.9014535 out of 5
Keywords: escobar phone, escobar, escobar fold, escobar iphone, escobar gold 11 pro, scam, android, smartphones, tech, pablo escobar, gold iphone, iphone 11 pro, apple, iphone 11
Id: hRIT58zTiBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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