$7 Smartphone vs $7,000 Smartphone.

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okay one of the biggest questions I get as a tech reviewer is how much should I spend on a phone so today I'm taking that question to its absolute extreme I bought myself four phones one for $7 $70 $700 and $7,000 and I'm gonna spend a day with each one also a massive thanks to surf shop VPN for making this possible welcome to day one so I had $7 I really was scraping the bottom of the barrel I tried wish calm I tried Amazon I did eventually find something on eBay for just over five pounds here in the UK and Xperia x10 mini to my surprise it actually did come in a box even if it did look like it had been sat on on the way out and the phone was pretty knocked up to them my first thought was that I should probably disinfect it it does work but it may be very clear about something you can't get a smartphone for $7 unless there's something seriously wrong with it so in this case it's the fact that the x10 mini is a smart phone from 2010 and as I found out by putting my sim into this fossil that's the small phone equivalent of trying to send letters via pigeon it barely works I got sent into a loop of screens just trying to log into my Google account and with the pace of typing on this phone I decided it was better to stop before I ended up putting my head through a wall YouTube just looks like this and one of the few things that actually does work is the inbuilt games but for some reason they're in German so anyways over the last week I've had four deliveries of upcoming unreleased smartphones so I've kind of been in a little rabbit hole just scripting my videos and wherever possible I've been trying to do as much of that work on this phone like all the fact-checking but the screen is so crummy that you could genuinely sit there and count pixels and I turn to gather this was meant to be a mini phone but really in fact my productivity while using this was so appalling that I decided I was better off just going out for a walk and as I was doing that my cat started walking behind me he was following me the entire way and it was the cutest thing in the world so I thought perfect I'll use this as a chance to test the camera of the phone but oh wait it won't work without an external memory card we really do have it good in 2020 and that's pretty much the conclusion of day one I'm kind of glad it's over okay I can tell you for sure that day two has been better but that in itself isn't saying a huge amount it's now that I had $70 instead of seven this all like a luxury all of a sudden I didn't just have to buy the cheapest phone I could find ahead choice I started hunting on eBay and I saw a whole load of fairly naff looking knockoff phones but then all of a sudden jackpot I found an HTC One m8 for just over 50 pounds brilliant and there's a bonus it's actually new so here's the box it's actually made of solid plastic which it feels like a weird choice the phone's on top and remember these earphones that came with it I remember HTC being really proud of them and almost selling it as if these were part of the selling point of the phone so anyways I spent the morning just an appreciation that I could finally download apps and my god I could type but as I started to go through the day this became quite a surreal experience because back in 2014 when this thing actually came out I was using as my main phone and so going through the kind of you know the unboxing and the setup process all over again it feels like I just jumped back six years only though now I still have my 2020 expectations and I won't lie to you through the lens of 2020 20:14 tech kind of sucks I remember falling in love with watching videos on this thing you know the incredible display the dual front-facing speakers but all I can notice now is just how tinny and flat they sound versus almost any modern flagship have a listen to this do I buy an older flagship phone oh we didn't really pay much attention to this in 2014 but now it feels kind of weird that we have a bottom bar then a bezel then a navigation bar before you actually get to your content so the display itself doesn't fit a whole load on it I was outside doing some filming today and I took this with me to take photos of the scenery and even though I remember being absolutely blown away by this six years ago this was the first phone with a proper dual camera using it today and I couldn't stop noticing how awful the dynamic ranges if you're taking any kind of challenge shot you basically have to choose whether you want to see the dark parts of your photo or the light parts you can't have both it's been quite a good example of how you often don't realize something's bad until you see how it could be better or to put it another way ignorance can be bliss so today's been bearable for $70 you can get a phone that works but it's far from the full 20/20 experience okay today is day three and to be really honest I've got no complaints I thought okay we've got $700 the 1+8 arguably the best value phone this year so far is $700 this was a bit of a no-brainer you've probably seen on an unboxing of this guy already you get the phone you get a clear case included and a super-fast charger he's very nice presentation so anyways today I took a trip to London I've went there for a socially distant meeting and the one placee is what I took with me and I spent probably the first 30 minutes of my journey just ogling at the speed of this thing yes I've used the 1+8 before I'm aware it's a fast phone but I guess my experience is over the last two days have really grounded my expectations Plus this has got a fluid 19 Hertz refresh rate so in a sense it actually feels more responsive than even the iPhone I've been using daily but what happened then after right riah climatized 20/20 smartphone speed levels is that I kind of forgot I was using it see the last few days because my phones have been causing me such a headache I've been very aware that I was using them but when something works in the way that you expect it to I feel like you stopped thinking about it so this whole day I just kind of forgot I was doing this experiment it just felt like a normal day where I was using my apps normally and taking the normal-ish quality photos that I'm used to so my main takeaway is that for $700 you can get a firm for which nothing feels missing there wasn't a point during the day when I was thinking damn it I wish had got an $800 phone no it's good day four and if you enjoyed this video by the way I sub to the channel would be amazing would really appreciate it so it turns out trying to spend $7,000 on the phone it's not as easy as you might think it's not like with computers where you can pick what parts you want to just max out your machine no phone manufacturer actually even makes one for more than two thousand five hundred so this was the cool chance to go for something a bit special I found a custom iPhone built with 200 year old african black woods but it only looked ok this is $7000 I want to be blown off my feet there's a company called gold Genie that coats phones in gold but I still felt like we could do better then I found this a company called Bell pair admittedly whose site could really do with the facelift but the product the icon Android phone looked really cool the only thing is even this was quite a bit under budget so I messaged them I said let's say we had $7000 what could you do and here we are for this much money I was expecting extravagance and it became very clear that thankfully extravagance is what we were getting so before the main box this actually came with a second little one and I don't think I've ever seen this before it's a box of galaxy pods plus but the entire retail package has been covered in what I can only assume is real leather you open it up and there's a storage pouch again not a normal inclusion and the buds themselves are kind of wacky they're covered in this white I'm told it's iguana leather and I wasn't expecting it to be personalized anyway almost impressively the phone box was the level above that there was this immediate weight to it and if you get inside the pouch this looks like a high-gloss ultra polished wooden box and at this point I'm impressed I'm happy or at the very least I'm relieved because it's a lot of money but thankfully it is something special okay so we get inside and there's a case very similar material to the Galaxy buds from earlier I'm probably not gonna use it not a fan of cases like this but it is nicely made we've got some standard accessories a fast charger fast in quotation marks a sim ejector tool and a pair of AKG earphones okay this phone is crazy it's basically a top-of-the-line top spec Galaxy S 20 ultra at its core but made with 18 karat gold and really Guana leather and I think design wise this is how it should be done if you're gonna make a custom version of a phone then you should make sure that at least distinguished from the original which this does not like a lot of the ones I saw online that were just the normal phone with a new back material and they've actually carved in mr. who's the boss which is nice touch so anyways I'm boxed at all this morning and I got to say there is like an immediate satisfaction from opening something that feels like it had a lot of care put into it so the day was off to a great start and on one hand my morning with this was surreal I just sat there telling myself this is gold this is gold this is gold and every time I took it out my pocket I was reminded of this fact there is a sense of wonder this isn't like yesterday when I forgot that I was even doing an experiment you know professed gold rails custom buttons quite a handmade feel to it if you're into that but on the other hand this did still feel quite familiar because at the end of the day I've used a galaxy s 20 ultra for like three months already and because it's not Samsung building this custom phone as far as the software is concerned you're getting at Galaxy S 20 ultra it's not like bellperre can start adding extra features so while this is a seven thousand dollar phone it score is based on a $1400 phone off the top of my head I think the most expensive first-party phone is the $2,500 qual way mate 30 RS and it is really cool but the tech in it is no better than the thousand-dollar while we make 30 Pro it's just a snazzy equivalent so today I felt what I imagine owning a luxury watch feels like there is a sense of like satisfaction when someone asks you about it and notices it it's kind of cool to know that you're using a phone that's very limited and it feels different to most glass smartphones but at its core it does the same thing that a cheaper model would do and actually the way it's been custom designed the dimensions are even bigger than the normal galaxy s 20 ultra I went out and took some photos with it and if you compare it to the $700 one plus eight I'd say they are slightly better I am getting slightly better tech in this $7000 phone then I was in my $700 phone but only slightly it doesn't feel a world apart like the lust to jump stitch so to bring this all together the last four days have been I don't know if there's worth for it well call it interesting but there's quite a clear takeaway but essentially the more you spend the less you get for that extra money as your budget increases from $7 to $70 there's a huge difference that's probably the biggest jump I noticed I went from a phone that barely worked and had been used for what looked like the last decade to a brand new boggs phone that actually did most of what I wanted it to when we went from 70 to $700 it was still a big change but even though we just increased our budget by 10 times it was far from a 10 times improvement and as you increased 10 times again to $7000 there's an even smaller jump we got very little in the name of new features at this stage is more about feel I won't lie though this is cool okay so about a year ago I got an email from surf shark VPN they asked me Aaron do you want to partner up with us and I said I have a notice surf shop VPN but sure let's give it a trial run I'll see if I like it and I did it does everything you need a VPN to do like give you that peace of mind that your browsing is secure and anonymous and I'd be traveling around the world for launch events and I would be using it to access UK Netflix while I was sitting in China for example so that's fine but now I've been using this for a while now that I've seen a lot of other VPNs cropping up it's becoming quite clear to me that a lot of them are broad daylight robbery they literally 20-odd you like 20 30 dollars a person a month Saoirse VPN is $1.99 a month for an unlimited number of connections and there are some unique features to this hack Locker feature designed to give you alerts should your passwords or email be compromised and I like that using the surf shop app on my macbook I can tap once in the bar at the top and click connect to the last server I was connected to and so check the link in the description and use the code boss there's no an even bigger discount than ever it is 85 percent off and an extra three months for free thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 4,475,226
Rating: 4.8953381 out of 5
Keywords: smartphone, tech, phone, mobile, best phone, cheap phone, cheap phone 2020, cheap vs expensive, cheap vs expensive phone, cheap vs expensive tech, android, iphone
Id: wGk8du2VVCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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