"Smartphones are Boring now."

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smartphones are boring now smartphones aren't innovating anymore smartphones used to be fun but now they're not smartphones all look the same smartphones are done the end of smartphones has arrived you'll have seen at least one headline that looks something like this i think they're all wrong i think there's very good reason to be excited about smartphones right now i'm gonna give you nine of them so foldable phones are pretty cool right in the last two years we've had everything from flip phones to book phones to triple folding rubik's cube phones but even though all this is still so recent i think we've already just done one better with rollable smartphones last week oppo announced the x the phone with a flexible oled display that with one tap can roll up inside itself and when i saw this i was like that's incredible but it's only as i started to think about it more that i realized it's better because this concept solves almost every problem we've had with foldables for starters it means that when it's folded up you can still have something that feels like a normal phone instead of the double layered tv remote like experience we have now because there's no folding involved you don't get the crease that's plagued every foldable phone to date plus because you're not switching between two different screens with different specs you can have the same display quality whichever mode you're in and the fact that you only need to build one display here compared to two on most foldables means that when this mechanism hits mass production i think it'll be not just slimmer and lighter but also cheaper to produce okay here's something else so the other day i was just scrolling through twitter and i came across this xiaomi is working on a retractable camera and i remember thinking oh cool and then just kind of carried on scrolling but it was only later that night that i realized wait a second that's game changing so almost every smartphone now has multiple camera lenses a main camera to shoot normal shots an ultrawide camera to shoot well ultra wide shots and a telephoto camera to get right up close to your subject but i've been thinking this for a while now this whole concept of having three different cameras is actually a bit of a hack it's not an ideal solution because one instead of just building one incredible camera on the back companies having to split their resources and budget across three cameras now and so none of them can actually be as good as they could have been two what ends up happening is that they spend most of their now already limited budget on the primary camera and then they leave the ultra ride and zoom as afterthoughts they're noticeably less good and you feel it as you swap between them and three that for a lot of photos you have to use digital zoom because while we do have three different cameras at three different magnifications these are at fixed focal lengths meaning that you're only getting a full quality shot specifically at those three points and for anything between them your camera has to use software to kind of compensate and that's not as pretty so long story short if and i almost want to say when this concept matures and hits consumer-ready devices it can solve all of those problems just one incredible camera that can be wide or zoomed and everything in between how do you feel about bezels the the borders around your screen i know that some of you literally couldn't care less but the one thing that's always bugged me is the asymmetry that we've had on phone so far like for the last four years or so we've seen company after company announce edgeless phone after edgeless phone or with increasingly convoluted names to describe how edgeless they are but up until this point the one edge they've not managed to conquer is the bottom edge the chin see the issue is that your phone's display needs to connect to the phone's main circuit board and the cable that does that connecting sits right here the only company that managed to solve this before 2020 was actually apple with the iphone 10. what they did is actually curve the display back over itself so that the connector that sits at the end of it is no longer taking up room right at the bottom here the display is almost looped back over itself so we can attach almost directly to the circuit board that's it while apple did solve the bottom bezel problem the top bezel is still uh lacking in the aesthetic department so what i'm excited about here is the android makers are finally following suit starting next year we're about to get the bar phones that we dreamed of 15 years ago google's already started using a similar screen bending tech with their pixel 5 but it's looking like samsung is about to take it to a whole other level with the galaxy s21 edgeless but from every angle this time this whole even bezel thing it does sound like a really subtle point but i think when you see it and you hold it it will be tough to go back and the final step towards this kind of perfect seamless bar phone is also happening as we speak invisible front cameras so the way this works is you have a normal looking phone display but actually a small part of that display right at the top is transparent and your front camera sits right behind it it's a bit of a double edged blade the fact that this is still display in front of the camera means that when it's lit up you can't see the lens behind it but then when you switch to the camera the transparent portion of the screen switches off and it becomes like a sheet of glass and actually this is the clever part that sheet of glass also doubles as a lens for that camera i guess the coolest part of this is that last time i was talking about this tech it was still one of those theoretical concepts that wasn't quite baked but you can actually buy a phone that has an invisible front camera and the tech is only about to get better you know one of the other technologies that's silently evolving really quickly is electrochromic glass it's glass that might look like one thing but pass a current through it and you can change the molecular arrangement to make it look like something quite different so we saw the first example of this with the oneplus concept one smartphone which had this small window that could tint itself black okay cool but all of a sudden out of nowhere vivo just came out like ha that's cute look what we've done with the tech they built a smartphone whose entire back panel can colour shift on command i'm not talking about a phone that looks different in different kinds of lighting conditions this is full-on just changing the chemical properties of the glass and at this rate it probably won't be long before someone drops a consumer-ready phone that can reprogram the way it looks i'm excited about gaming on smartphones and yes smartphone gaming has a very mixed reputation yes there are plenty of games that basically use in-app purchases to suck the life out of your wallet but at the same time there's a fundamental reason why i think smartphone games are about to level up and it's not just in terms of graphics although i think those are about to leap forward too like you've heard about samsung's exynos chipsets right the ones that well they kind of suck right now but the first board a couple of years and samsung is going to start letting amd build its graphics calls and i think there's a very good chance that either at this point or even before it a lot of those cool technologies that we're seeing on the also amd based new gen consoles like real-time ray tracing will also make it to phones but there's also the more central movement of smartphones becoming more and more of a lucrative gaming platform for developers see with a traditional gaming console you've got a user base that steadily grows for the console's lifecycle like seven years or so but then it has to keep starting again from scratch when the next console comes out with mobile every year i mean forget that every day the user base is going up without fail this isn't a perfect measure but just for some context with the playstation 5 we've got right now less than 3.5 million users with mobile we've got over 3.5 billion or in other words if you represented every playstation 5 user all together as one chess piece then smartphone users would be 31 fully set up chess boards and so it's getting harder and harder for even big budget serious game developers to avoid phones and as this smartphone user base just keeps flying while the console user base is just cycling up and down i think phones are going to become less of an afterthought and more of a focus for them and if you do want to see like a full video on that a sub to the channel would be well definitely not boring so for example you might have heard of the pathless it's actually a very solid 40 launch title for the playstation 5. or alternatively you can just play the same game for free on your iphone if you have apple arcade so yeah we're going to see more and more of this as phones become a more profitable and be more powerful now just before the coolest thing that i've been looking forward to the most a couple of really weird ones so you might not have seen this one it was pretty low key but back in october vivo showed the world a pop-up camera system that's detachable so you've seen pop-up camera systems like this before but with vivos you can grab the camera take it off and carry on using it yeah now on one hand i don't think vivo needs much of a reason to build crazy stuff like this it looks like they kind of enjoy it but there is some merit here like for example you could film something from two different angles at the same time you could have your rear camera facing that way and then you can grab your front camera plop it down here for that second shot so you can clip this on to your pet and see what they get up to in a day vivo is saying that you can operate this camera completely independently of the phone just using voice commands it's very weird i'm not convinced by it but is it boring no and something else i saw which kind of tickled a similar nerve is that xiaomi has started registering patents for a phone with built-in earphones which does sound a bit like one of those products that gets announced once no one buys it and then you never hear about it again but it kind of makes a lot of sense if you think about it because chances are that your smartphone and your earphones are two products that you use together anyways and so having them built around each other could mean things like never having to worry about pairing again or even actually charging if the earphones are built into the phone you just need to worry about charging the phone that'll do the rest for you it means you would always have your earphones with you you literally can't forget them and it would probably also be a bit easier to not lose them because now you've just got one thing to look after and who knows maybe building a pair of earphones around a specific smartphone might well mean better integration you might be able to control the phone remotely using those earphones i've got no idea if it would actually be successful but i would like to see it just once on a proper high-end smartphone just because i think it'd be really cool okay but out of all of these things that are happening right now the one thing i keep going back to is what's happening with batteries you've probably heard about graphene it's this ultra thin layer of carbon atoms and ever since we started working on it in 2004 we're realizing more and more that graphene is a miracle material it's lighter than aluminium it's harder than diamond yet more elastic than rubber graphene is so strong that just one atomic layer of it is enough to absorb the kind of impact that would bend the block of steel and two layers is enough to stop a bullet it's got nothing to do with smartphones i just thought it was a fun fact the importance of graphene for smartphones is that it's also the best known conductor of both electricity and heat on the planet both very good things to have in a battery so there's two stages to the integration of graphene in smartphones the first is happening right now the hybrid stage like we actually have a real phone here the xiaomi mi 10 ultra which has a normal lithium battery but also a sliver of superconductive graphene just to get current in and out that battery fast while staying cool so you can charge these batteries very quickly while giving off less heat and therefore less damage to the battery structure so while a normal battery unassisted by graphene might lose let's say 25 of its total battery capacity over three years the introduction of just a tiny sliver of graphene could slow that reduction to 10 maybe even 5 but the second stage once graphene becomes affordable enough is actually building the entire cell out of graphene and that's where it gets really interesting because per kilogram graphene can store over five times the amount of energy so it gives companies a choice they can either keep current levels of endurance like phones that last one to two days but with a battery of fifth of the size or they could just start pumping out devices that last a week on a charge anyways the point of this entire video is really just to say i think it's easy to look at the past through rose tinted glasses to say oh phones were really fun back then now they're all the same but to be really honest i don't think there's ever been a more exciting time to be picking one plus while yes going into a phone store 20 years ago you might well have seen more variety in terms of the shapes of devices but after that once you've picked one up and brought it home that was about where the fun ended now with what smartphones can do and will be able to do that's where the fun begins okay i hope you enjoyed this video do consider subscribing if you did my name is aaron this is the boss and i'll catch you in the next you
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 3,723,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smartphones, tech, android, iphone, apple, samsung, oppo, vivo, smartphone innovations, smartphone tech, new smartphones, 2020 smartphones, 2021 smartphones
Id: 7-vbCnf5mxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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