12 Autistic People Who You Didn't Know Were Autistic

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my husband and I have five kids and are two youngest are autistic to help Inspire them and anyone else here's 12 autistic people you didn't know we're autistic and the 12th is a Nobel Peace Prize winner now there's talking rumors about this person and this person and how these famous people might be autistic but let's talk about the people first who have an official diagnosis and who have said to the public yes I'm autistic and you said it the first I want start out with is Susan Bole I was on YouTube and I saw her YouTube video of her try out of Britain Scott talent of her audition and I remember wondering why it has so many views that's why I clicked on it was because of the millions of views her intro for just standing there on stage and then comparing that to what happened when she started singing that was amazing and she just stunned the world and then I saw her book at a local store and I picked it up and I went oh she is is diagnosed with aspers how fascinating is that she's a great example of someone who can step out of her comfort zone and achieve her dreams this one is Christopher nowinsky a pro wrestler and football player and what I love about him is how incredibly open he is about his autism right from the start he said I'm autistic and he's a huge advocate to increase awareness and understanding for autism the next one you might have heard but wondered if it was a rumor or not Bill Gates it took him a while but he finally decided to tell the world yes he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and Asperger syndrome in the US no longer is a diagnosis and so that really confuses people even me so I asked a doctor someone with aspergers what would their diagnoses look like now and this is what he said that the old Asbergers is actually called autism level one with communication level one with repetitive behaviors without intellectual deficit and without communication deficit that's a long long list of things let's just say level one autism for right now and when I say level one autism know that I mean asger syndrome or also the long list that I just said okay Bill Gates has achieved so much in the world of business and Science and Microsoft yeah he kind of founded that this guy's net worth yes can I go to the K's house um what homework do you have okay you can go and you need to be back by 5:30 so that's l lot of money and his net worth is like over hundred billion so yeah I guess you could say that he's successful but not as much as Elon Musk is worth and yes he has come out and said officially that he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome which would now be called level one autism this guy's net worth is over $200 billion and I can't even wrap my head around what that amount even would look like what it look like in there like what could you even buy with 200 00 billion doar put in the comments anyone who you look up to that's autistic let's see how big this list can get the next is Haley Moss she was diagnosed when she was 3 years old but she didn't let a diagnosis Define her Destiny she's the first openly autistic lawyer in Florida which is pretty amazing and thank you for being an amazing example and an advocate to help spread awareness and understanding for those on autism spectrum and I love hearing about people on the spectrum because I have two sons who are also autistic my husband and I actually sold our house we moved into an RV and we traveled to all the national parks with five kids in an RV we learned a lot we still post regularly so please consider subscribing and this person I just found out about Heather kusmic and she's been competing on a Top Model reality show and not only does she want to be a model but she's also putting herself on reality TV which seems really scary to me but thank you heather for being open about your diagnosis remember if you have an autistic child you're in good company now this guy I heard was autistic and I kind of was like hm are you sure well he made the announcement it's official he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome Mark Zuckerberg he co-founded Facebook if you haven't heard of him then you you've heard of him I'm sure actually yeah he's just worth a $100 billion okay let's move on this next one is an actress she has been in lots of big movies especially in the ' 80s and '90s one you might recognize her co-star and friend yeah that's Julia Roberts there she's not autistic but Daryl Hannah is she was diagnosed as a little girl but decided to keep it to herself during her acting career and now that she's older she's announced to everyone that she's autistic she's really lived her own life she even lived Off the Grid in a teepee for several years by choice with many animals including a pig it it's her pet I love how she created her unique normal this is not an expectation that you have to become this crazy famous person with some amazing ability you don't that's not the expectation and please as a parent don't put that expectation on your autistic child that would not be good my autistic Sons Simon and Ezra are such an important part of our family Simon is 3 years old his level one autism and Ezra is 7 years old and he has level three autism but I have seen Miracles with these kids and I just want the world to open more doors to them how about all the famous people that don't come out and say it but we kind of wonder if maybe they are because they kind of say it what about Jerry Seinfeld that said I want to set the record straight I do not have autism but he also told an NBC Nightly News anchor I think on a very drawn out scale I think I'm on the Spectrum he said he went to a play about autism and he said that he just really related to autistic people and so take that for what it's worth all or what about Eminem Who literally says in the lyrics of one of his songs I have Asbergers I mean in my opinion that's kind of saying it right and that rapper has earned so many awards for his music that he's written it's really astounding now let's talk about the man who discovered hydrogen Henry Cavendish I don't know how to pronounce it but that's how you spell it he was born in a time with Lords and Ladies and lots of servants he made incredible discoveries in the name of science to list a few but what I love to learn about this guy is what his friend said one of his colleagues actually said this he has no affections but always meant well he spent time at home wearing the same clothes working on his science and special interests and didn't like talking to anyone even the servants he actually had a separate staircase built to his room so that he could avoid running into anyone in his own house and when he had things to say to the servants he would write them notes thank you Henry for dealing with this crazy world and contributing so much in the name of science Albert Einstein is thought by many people that he might have ADHD or Autism or both Bobby fiser who is a Grandmaster chess player and was world champion at one time and here's number 12 who is a Nobel Peace Prize winner and alive today still Dr Vernon Smith he won the Nobel Peace Prize for the advancement of economics and he's a professor he taught at Chapman University Purdue and Stanford check out these two videos right here autism playlist and 12 signs of autism stimming it's a good one
Channel: 7-Ahead
Views: 745,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autistic people, famous autistic people, autistic celebrities, autistic famous, people with autism, celebs with autism, celebrities with autism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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