[1256] ERA “Fortress” Euro Cylinder Picked (6 Trap Pins!)

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this is the lockpicking lawyer and what i have for you today is an era brand fortress euro profile cylinder that was sent to me by calvin in the uk he included the keys but wrapped them in tape so i couldn't see them before picking before we do that though i have to say this really is a nicely rounded package it does a decent job addressing the three main threats to european cylinders and they are snapping drilling and picking for snapping we have a steel center section to shore up the normally weak screw hole then we have a sacrificial portion on the end which will break off if snapping is attempted finally if you somehow remove a whole side of the lock i believe there's an active relocker that snaps closed to slow down drill attempts we can see there are at least four hardened ante drill pins two on each side and they're designed to damage drill bits finally this lock includes six trap pins to help foil pickers one two three on each side if you don't know what a trap pin is it's essentially a small rod that drops down and seizes the core if you attempt to turn it without the correct key inserted if you don't know they're in there picking past them can be very tricky if you do know however there's a shortcut which i will show you in just a moment but before we get to the trap pins we need to pick the lock open i'm going to use a wiper insert in the bottom of the keyway as a turning tool in this medium hook in eighteen thousandths nothing on one click out of two nothing on three four five click out of six back to the beginning click out of one nothing on two three click out of four click out of five nothing on six back to the beginning one two click out of three nothing on four five click out of six and i believe we got this open but i can't turn the core too far or we will engage these three trap pins so it's now time to take out my secret weapon which is a plug flipper what i'm hoping this will do is spin the core so quickly past the trap pins that they won't have enough time to drop down and that seems to have worked out nicely our next obstacle is the combination of trap pin driver pin trap pin and i'm concerned they'll fall into the bottom of the keyway so to keep that from happening i'm going to insert the handle of the turning tool in the bottom of the keyway and usher the core past those three obstacles and finally we need to flip the core again past this set of trap pins and we have it back to the 12 o'clock position for a full 360 degree turn okay folks as you saw that didn't take terribly long but it's important to note that getting that sequence of events right in the field is likely to be a challenge for all but the most knowledgeable and skillful pickers in any case that's all i have for you today if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 2,707,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nOakyPgrpyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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