David Hogan 10/28/18 - 7 p.m.

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hope I don't knock it over hey y'all sorry I'm from was born Louisiana so you may have to have a few words interpreted literally I was raised in a swamp really alright thank you for taking a chance I'm an eighth generation preacher so I get it right and I want to thank y'all for y'all's time everybody came out for me it's cold - y'all it's just just fixing to start going there yeah I'm bailing pretty quick so y'all won't get to I'm married I've been married for 48 years to the same lady okay there's a lot of important information I'm gonna be giving you if you want it if you don't we can go eat a subway somewhere it doesn't matter cuz God's really moving on this planet and he's letting us be part of that and I'm very grateful cuz I'm the first one in our family that left the family and went what y'all call missionary went to a foreign land away from the family and my two of my sons are here Luis Alberto stand up my son Joseph Hogan and one of our co-workers Isaac Armstrong and I just I'm not I don't want to offend you right because I'm not afraid I'm not bashful I'm very aggressive brother Don wallah bongs really we've become very close he's been in our place a lot I was just there this morning come to come here to be with you my family is doing well they work we worked together my wife loves me I love her back she was just in worship with us while ago I was on FaceTime with her so she could see you I used to live close by actually I lived in Chautauqua County I did I worked in oil field back in those days and drilled for gas up here run on the shores of Erie up in Chautauqua County I lived in Maysville it's really really amazing that close I am I love that place if it God hadn't got me I would still probably been there but he did and had a job for me so I had to go to work for him and I've been doing that ever since all right and I'm very pleased to be with you thank you thank you all for working it out because anytime I can go somewhere with meet new people and talk them into raising the dead I'm good with that I'm really good at this I've been trained by the Holy Ghost in the mountains in Mexico I work with 28 tribes of Indians and work with 28 tribes of Indians in Mexico there's 250 tribes so we've got a little work to do but also in the last probably 10 or 11 years maybe maybe 12 maximum God moved me out on the face of the earth and now we have churches in every continent it's a big deal I don't want to bore you with big numbers I'd rather you see me in my little under Armour flannel shirt and blue jeans because Jesus is king not any human being not any gift Jesus is king and I really want to bless you but at the same time you must be told the truth so the first thing we'll do there's two things I want to do before I talk I got I don't remember how many minutes oh that's a long time I don't know I don't need that many minutes first thing I want you I don't know what y'all is it okay if people bring clothes to be prayed for there all right we literally get thousands of miracles this way the dead I have on my phone came to me last week I'm not gonna read it to you right now but a man in Germany a cloth was prayed over he was embalmed told tagged for three days and he came back to life do you hear me so if you don't know about this I'll go over the verse it's in Acts chapter 19 if you want to but I'd really like to pray with you over some cloths and you're welcome to bring those things and put them up here somewhere it doesn't matter to me where there's no formal way to get miracles except come to the feet of Jesus and then Jesus will touch you but you are welcome any time they let me talk I may not get to come back but if I got it right now and I see that you're responding well this is good Holy Ghost and fight I am that guy you hear me I'm that guy I'm not bluffing and I'm not backing down Jesus's kid loli goes okay now I feel a lot more comfortable that we're intimidating Hale by being obedient to the gospel thank you thank you thank you does anybody not understand this anybody don't be a shame if you don't understand what we're doing raise your hand that's enough and that's enough twos enough so I'll go over this and then we got to do some declarations if I remember once I start preaching I lose track of stuff cuz I get fire comes on me so let's go over let me find this verse in in Acts of the Apostles let's see how to do this Acts chapter 19 please and I'd like for you all put up on the thing can you put but it doesn't matter to me what verse a version I use amplified II if that's okay all right because my iPad has like 30 different versions on it I prefer that amplified because I need lots of words so I can understand what they trying to say cuz sometimes it's complicated and I need just one or two key words to go ahead and switch it on Acts chapter 19 and verse I believe it's 11 yep and in the amplified version it says God did unusual and extraordinary miracles and that's what I want I want people that are hurting people that have been attacked people that have bad circumstances evil has come and found them and attacked them of their family whether financially in their marries or with a sickness or their kids or their grandkids I walked God to come in and do unusual and extraordinary and let's see we're always let's see here we've got this going God worked on using miracles about hands up all that's good enough I bless you I'm not here I'm not angry look at me see me I'm right I'm not mad I'm right so that that gives you courage that gives you that makes you seem like you're aggressively addressing people in a negative way away but that's not true I'm going after God and that makes me different than other people and it makes me seem unusual but I'm not I'm right do you hear me Jesus is king nothing else no matter what government what political party what differences what maniac then Jesus is king now I did not know this I apologize to you I'm eighth generation guy raised in a pastor's home and I didn't know about this but in our work in Mexico I've been there now for 40 some-odd years and about 40 years and one day in one of our conferences there was a few thousand folks there things were just popping it was awesome and this little Indian woman walks up can't speak Spanish only speaks her dialect and she was very old lady well to me at that time and and she had a thing of clothes in her hand and she says to me I need you to take this brother David and I need you to pray over this you know and I looked at her know why she says back at the village my family is sick and they're dying and we we couldn't come and she didn't have any money it took her five days to get there and so and I could not know where she comes from I know all the village we have a church there goes by and they couldn't bring the family everybody's sick the husband the dad and all the kids lots kids in our families there and she said you're gonna touch my family's clothes and I'm gonna put it on them and they're gonna be healed I said baby that's great idea but I need to find this I need to ask some people so I asked some theologians I'm always around people that know everything I don't know all I got out of the deal was the ability to raise the dead the only thing I got was mercy I didn't get anything else but it seems to work so I asked some guys to look me up some verses they came up with this one and I read it I was satisfied I talked to some of my older they were around me and they said all right because here's what I won't tell you I'm not here to discuss this I'm not here to create an argument with you because you're wrong if God did it he still does it and it's not negotiable I don't understand it I cannot explain it to you but that's not necessary what's necessary is that I'm what's called a believer so I believe some of you in here or what's called unbelievers so you need answers now don't Jesus is king and if he did it for somebody he'll do it for me because he loves me because I am a son of God do you hear me sir I am NOT here to cause you trouble and damage in your house but here's what I am here to tell you that Jesus is king and we are sons and daughters of Zion you know I know I know we don't know each other very well but doesn't matter Jesus is king I can prove it cuz he's gonna heal some folks in here you'll see so I told the lady okay give me the clothes so we took the clothes and lots of us and a few hundred of us elders we prayed over them we sent them back she never even stayed for a message it's a people with faith are weird they don't seem to have needs that people without faith need they're willing to take the risk because faith is a risk that ladies just gathered up her things put them back in that little plastic bag she had and she just looked at me that's coming month into evening Davi thank you very much ash Tech thank you very much brother David and I just watching her she just turns around walks off she's been nearly a week getting there and now she's going the week coach she doesn't have any money so it's gonna have to be she got to walk home and I want you to look put that verse back up look up there please what's who's doing that what's your name who Helen miss her miseries missus would you please put that thing back up there and I need you to look at what this says verse 11 what does it say what's the second word verse 11 now I want you to answer for me who did this say it again say it again say it again see that's always who does it hey don't matter how awesome a human or how eloquent or how gifted or how how much experience so tell me who did it alright now let's sort out what he did cuz you want to believe Paul because y'all have all these idols of this make-believe rendition of who how Paul looked and you want it to be a man it's not it's God now who did it and so what did he do he worked say God worked alright who did it what did he do but stop it's true statement God worked in this version it says God worked now let's get a description on what kind of work he did what's the next verse our next word say unusual miracles say thank you Father for working unusual miracles in Jesus name we need you father because we can't seem to get the job done it seems like father we need you to work please all right let's sort of that again who did it what did he do what did he work look how easy these things are to figure out okay guys just slow down enough to look at it and ask a couple of questions in more than likely the answers staring you right in the face because it's God who works the miracle and that's enough now all I have to do is bow to his greatness so what did he use to do this work in this unusual miracle what's at the end of the verse because in your world you won't you want to use Paul as an idol is a so that you can lift him up on a pedestal so that none of us can do what Paul did and the problem with that is is it's wrong because every one of us in here who name the name of Jesus enter what's called a believer can do exactly what that man did well brother he had different callings maybe I wish you'd have told me that before I started doing everything he did sorry I don't believe you anymore I believe this say thank you Father for working miracles for working unusual miracles and for using the hands of men now I want you to look on the end of your arms what do you have them stuck on the end of your it seems to me like you have the same apparatus fall hat and it seems to me you have the same God so it seems to me that it ought to work for you like it did for him so we're gonna step into it so pick your hands up now you look at my hand you gotta chopped off finger over here you've got scars I'm a working man it's all feel hands this is how you get your lights but people like me that go out there and get that lose their hands and get scars on the hands so you can sit in your warm heater when it's cold outside look at your hands I need you to speak to yourself to your own hand say hands I command you to submit to the Father and work unusual miracles in Jesus name because we've already had an example in the New Covenant his name is Paul and if he did it I can do it because I believe in Jesus as well in Jesus name now there you go now you're equipped there you go go do it now [Applause] verse 12 please so that even handkerchief see handkerchief stuff cloths towels the material is not pertinent the color the hands that have it in in them none of those things are valuable what's valuable is the obedience it says right here so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body and what happened what happened when somebody got there with the handkerchief because this is normal people that Paul watt on his skin is weird it's unusual it's extraordinary and some of his version has special it is the you can't figure it out because it's the anointing it's not the man it's not his hands it's the presence of God that gets owned things that God allows to be transferred I don't know why or how it works I just know that it does work and I want to thank you for participating because some of you are gonna get some good miracles out of this I like doing this because just it's just the more I do it the more happens in the more people see that it does work because you see me not ashamed or bashful or afraid and I've never met you ever but I believe this and it will help you the lady took those clothes home she made it home and I didn't hear the report of course there's no smartphone where our lives you have to actually go there like we used to hear several months later we're up in the mountain doing church close by and the family rolls in and she comes up to me thank you brother David you know and I don't remember because I pray for thousands of people and I do odd things unusual is around me all the time if unusual it's not happening I believe something's wrong with what we're doing if it calls a normal service we need to change what we just did excuse me and so she comes up said don't you remember I did the clothes I said oh haha remember you you broke the rules you made me have to actually study because it was unusual to me what you asked me and come to find out that's the plan and y'all that lady got home God helped her it worked out which actually had to walk home so even though God's with you you may actually have to walk it out and sometimes it's time-consuming and costly but we don't want that we want the McDonald's five minutes or less our way or we're going to go to Burger King say yes that's right but we're going to change today say it in Jesus name cuz we're gonna let unusual and extraordinary in we're gonna let our hands do their job in Jesus name she started with the baby first when she put the little thing on the baby it was instantly healed the next the next the next up to the husband cause everybody was almost dead everybody in her family got healed instantly so that's good and so we bless this in Jesus name okay good now as I'm talking what's gonna happen is more face gonna rise and you're gonna won't you'll feel obligated to come up here and put some more junk up here it's okay stuffs okay I don't want it I got enough stuff it's truth every time I leave on the trip my wife takes so my stuff and gives it to people that don't have stuff it's true statement I got stuff and it's the right thing for her to do and she don't never tell me until I miss it it's a true statement because most of us in this room have too much stuff somebody else doesn't have enough so some people feel obligated to give our stuff away my wife so I bless you and I want you to incorporate this into your life because God wants to heal not only you but people around you all right now if you will stand up please because time's going by I need to get going on something let's make a couple of declarations all right we're gonna speak into the atmosphere you who are believers I need you let's agree together it's touching any one thing and it shall be done of them by the father say this was me I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus Jesus I love you Jesus I bless this land [Music] Jesus bless the dirt I walk on Jesus I bless the water I drink Jesus bless the air I breathe Jesus I bless the food I eat Lord Jesus I bless my neighbor you know I don't like him but I bless him in Jesus name Lord Jesus I rebuke the Devourer in Jesus name help me Lord to submit to you in Jesus name there you go thank y'all please have a seat in hey you got your blood flowing again and Holy Ghost let me explain to you who I am I'm an eighth generation preacher's son I've been saved a long time I've been in Mexico a long time but I found myself in need of the Holy Ghost so I started seeking Him desperately and now my wife and I fast seven months out of every year everyday together as a family whoever's with me we sit together and read the Word of God and pray every day we have no days off oops you want God you must seek God it's not natural for a human to need God we feel like we can make it on our own but there's something in us that wants you and we must seek you now I'm going to tell you a couple of things here it's gonna be annoying I am coming up on 67 years old I just ran down here in Pennsylvania a few days ago last Tuesday on the Swatara trail it's a it's the state park they have down there I ran 28 miles it was my 35th marathon in five years all right yeah yeah I'll see y'all looking around why just for that look on your face really there's no other reason because I can I am 67 and from the top of my head that the bottom of my feet I am a healthy human there is no sickness he will be quiet the devil's listen hello hel Jesus is king [Applause] are you and I'm running one a month now for the next several months why why because I'm getting ready to run a 50 mile ultra and the boys are training for a hundred what's wrong with y'all well what's wrong with us as we preach 300 days out of every year we travel to all the five habitable continents every year we preach in eighty eight nations are you hearing me don't give me I don't have time in the last two years I've traveled 300 thousand miles don't know give me this I ain't got time you don't want to I did and it makes me seem superhuman I'm not Jesus King and I believe that and there's a way to adjust your time and yourself to his presence where you can seem supernatural to other people my wife don't think I'm human she really thinks I'm an alien or something see she's not with me right now because we just spent that is spent sixty-two days in Africa and I preached 82 times and she spent 32 days with me and she told me I got to have a day off I said good I'll meet up with you later on down the trail I gotta go do you understand I said do you understand I don't want your excuses I don't believe any of them Jesus is king we've got this we can do this do you hear me I say do you hear me shaaka Holy Ghost my grandson invited me to run a half a marathon I told him no I don't ride he said but I need a partner grandpa I said no what cuz I just over my lifetime I've hiked twenty thirty thousand miles in mountains hunting Souls hi the last thing I'm gonna do front I don't know what you want to go outside the house but he said I need a partner and your mentality is what I need in me and when he said that I understood what Heaven wanted with me you you young people your youth is being wasted I can help you with that holy ghost do you hear me so I started running and also the energy started coming to me I didn't know such thing existed and it not gonna be old and have energy I thought I had to be wasted and in a corner somewhere like a trash can and only useful for carrying out the cat trash that's not true I need you to get a grip on what you're doing where are you going Jesus is king just adjust things a few notches we can do this clear all right Holy Ghost and you're insane probably your unusual for sure that's my goal here's what here's what people tell me always you've gone entirely too far you know what I tell them thank you I've been hunting too far for a long time because what the modern church world believes as the limit I want to be beyond that what what we are satisfied with is not enough I've got to figure out how to break the limits Oh what's holding Humanity back and we can do it because we are sons of God I'm telling you just a few days ago I ran 20 look at me I'm not even sore look I'm telling you it's not it's not a joke it's real the limits you place on yourself somebody else told you you had to have that limit and you believed them I don't believe I don't believe them I was preaching do you know Steve shank in Boulder Colorado oh it's good guy I've got several churches here and in several places around we're good friends and I was in his church preaching and I told him about me going to I was so proud I was fixed and run my first marathon and so I was talking about it you know and after we got through this little bitty pudgy grandma come up she says I'm so glad to see that you're starting and I look at this little pudgy grandma right dude you know she was at the time her age bracket the woman who run the most fifties and hundreds in the world and I said who are you heard of you and I was looking at her surely I can beat her mistake [Applause] so she coached me for a few years and her and her husband her husband any of you that know ultros I that I don't know if you anybody or not but her husband it was was preparing at the moment to run the lead field 100 which is five peaks of 12,000 or greater in the run it is bad to the bone and in each little video grandpa he said ah you'll get there and I'm just he looks like a twig I could just break him maybe but I had to catch him first I enjoy this you can tell I'm serious this is a good thing for us to challenge each other to be better physically mentally spiritually it's the right course to take do you hear me we can do this don't let someone else who has lost be your guide I like champions teaching me so let's go over here to a Bible verse another one Helen mrs. Helen Matthew chapter 10 verse set six I think that's right holy holy holy go to the lost sheep is that what that says is that what you're doing yes brother praise the Lord all right in the last two years how many people you got saved if everybody in this room in one year one year not one month not a week one year one one person to Jesus you couldn't build buildings fast enough we are not going to the lost sheep we were sitting satisfied and blessed and heap it up to ourselves and that's that's not right I'm not against you being blessed you can't help but be blessed if you're a son and daughter of Zion but that's not who you are and that's not what this is used for we're to go to the lost sheep this is the boss speaking I am fortunate to tell you in the last three months we're up right at 3,000 new converts now I do have an advantage I've been over in Africa a little bit in India and around every other continent I'll bless you I'm not here to curse she worth to demean you or to what's that other word is not conviction the other one condemned I'm not here to condemn you I don't do that but I will get close to the line in the conviction area because they get really close in some areas that conviction and condemnation thing their clothes that's not my fault I'm here to bless you Jesus said go to the lost sheep and I'm here to report to you that I am successful in the last few months if you would have been in the meetings this morning and yesterday and the day before the day before the day before almost every service someone is back coming back to Jesus or brand-new converted that's what I do for a living I go to the lost sheep because the king of kings and the Lord of lords commanded his team to do so it must be what I should do how is this now over in place called segunda South Africa it's in a revised the revival hot spot it's a man they're blowing it's awesome a really nice place Wow it was awesome and the thing that got my attention these big rugby players like y'all's NFL these coming down you ought to see I'm brutes I'm talking brutes I'm not little they made me seem like a little bitty guy they come and I'm looking at him oh and they're just tears running down their face and it big old hand I got big hands they got bigger hands they put it on my arm you're right I need Jesus this is what we're supposed to do this is who we are take me out to the gun range with them it's good thing I know how to shoot ar-15s and shotguns and pistols and everything in theory as I can cheat it if it has a trigger I know how to squeeze it and it's a good thing because they they were getting born again by the fist fulls and then awesome I like that don't you like that go to the lost sheep they're waiting on us sons of God daughters of Zion because I have so many air miles lord have mercy I've got only with United I have over 2 million and so that means every time I buy a ticket they bump me to first-class yay God [Applause] and I'm up there right and I'm this is me I'm in my flannel shirt in my blue jeans up in first class and you know they don't wear that up there they wear different types of leaning materials and silks I don't have that I'm not gonna I don't care what they do and that's happiness they just odd to me them people and so I'm up there yes ma'am no ma'am with US House raised and being courteous and nice and because that's how I'm raised and and the stewardess is coming and every time it's this away mr. Hogan cuz they know your name if you're up there yeah what can I do for you would you explain to us who you are I said of course this happens just just the other day I said of course I will I'm known in y'all's world as the Son of God and they look at me you think they don't have a clue that means alien to them and then they ask me questions and it allows me to preach to the first class these these are these are people who may never get an opportunity to hear the gospel but because God's mercy allowed me to get it cumulate enough miles sitting back here in the back took my the toilet by the chickens that they did they fixing the cutting for first class kill it y'all want to say yes we understand Sam you know if anybody sneezes in front of you in the chair hit you in the face say you we get it Sam you spent a few miles back there it's pretty happy when you get one they lay down naugahyde chairs then they asked me though today you're different and instead of being shamed or embarrassed because I don't do that embarrassment thing lots of times my wife will be sitting and I'll notice her face is just red and I'll ask her are you sick when I'm talking you know everybody else in here is embarrassed and I tell her why what a waste of energy I need that embarrassment fear of man things so I can run better right so accumulate that energy and hold it until you're running I know how y'all think and you think I don't understand that I'm you know I'm missing a few screws I'm not I ignore it and this lady says to me we noticed you were different as yes ma'am I am I am what's called a son of God okay you got us what does that mean exactly that means that I was a normal rootin tootin cowboy from the South carried guns and did all the stuff that I shouldn't be doing and Jesus came into my world and set my feet of dancing and my soul on fire and I love my wife and I love my family and I love Jesus most of all and that head person lady said to me I knew he was a born-again Christian so of course you know cause it shows what I put to hide there excuse me let me stick it back in it put in my back pocket how else am I gonna get the lost sheep saved if I if I don't let my Christianity show one of these days you're gonna get tired of somebody that's a pervert setting the standards for who you are I'm not going to do that and I'm not cursing you I'm not here for that I'm here to bless you in Jesus name but I'm here to show you there's a different trail Jesus said go to the lost sheep my answer is yes sir boss clear I'm being real nice to you because we don't know each other but I'm starting to figure it out that I must go and start running and you just might either move or get run over I don't know what to say some of you look at me brother up it into the way for 40 years well I'd bubai's you though there's an army with me that's running and we're on the March so let's do verse 7 Holy Ghost Holy Ghost see everywhere I go people tell me brother you can't speak in tongue and I'll open a public assembly without getting an interpretation well you can't because you believe in rules I do know that verses in there we should get an interpretation but I also know the verses like 20,000 of them that says worship the Lord your God with all of your heart and if I'm a tongue talking Holy Ghost filled human being that includes Chaka Baba so you rule keepers are gonna have trouble with me let me say let me go ahead and hang that hat over by the unbeliever hey Jesus is King I do respect you I really honestly I do but there's a greater power around you want to raise the dead trust Jesus and do your best get along with it he can Paul said that actually so as you go verse 7 you there it does not I apologize to you say as you wait and sit on a board of Deacons or elders to validate you oops there we are again let me change that hat to the unbelieving side sorry to yell but this says as you go it is right to walk in counsel it is right to seek counsel before you make war all of these things are right but it is not right to be disobedient to God because men are afraid of your faith we can do this and we can do it in submission every time you see me looking at this man and this one they're the ones that invited me here if they're standing there looking at me cockeyed I'll walk out and go get a subway and go home and tomorrow I'll go pray for this baby and you go run somewhere dude you got to understand I'm gonna go where people want the presents and not more rules and regulations in some new religion there's enough of that as you go let me figure out what go means go means sit on this little table is that what that means I think Oh means motivation of some sort of a movement you know going through the air somehow were you actually completing the verb since I speak eight languages I think I understand what I'm saying to you I'll keep my smile so you won't be so red-faced then I see a couple of you are hopefully it's embarrassment for my wife because she's not here to be embarrassed shut up I bless you some of you haven't laughed this much in your entire life laughing is good for you it's healthy shut up because the Bible says the joy of the Lord is mustard he was there how did you get so strong oh let's think about that a minute something to do with joy maybe I alpha is a bettin man be glad in the Lord trust in the Lord with all of your heart rejoice in the Lord always and again rejoice acaba thought about myself as you go what are you gonna do when you get there okay I ran for brother Don's all the way up here made it jumped in the hotel scrub down he's got the sweat off come out here I made it on time thank you God whew she was probably nervous I don't know not knowing us but we're punctual people when you give somebody a word you do that not one minute less few minutes early is better but y'all you know praise love and I'm just following the spirit know what that means is you needed another cup of coffee somewhere and another doughnut you can say Alps when you smile you smile I bless you truth okay Shah Baba we're getting along better when we look each other in the eyes and even though sometimes it is uncomfortable but we tell the truth this says right here Oh Jodi did that stick thing again unstick it I'm trying to catch him to his technique without it I'll stick it oh he lost me okay as you go what's next okay what am i doing right now all right what am i preaching what am i talking to you about where are we at there was a number number seven yeah right here what do you preach what a little bit of telling you sits up in here it's all Jesus is doing great stuff the kingdom is a lot what's the first thing you're gonna do we'll use that version that's okay because it doesn't matter the order it matters that you obey what's the first thing you're going to try all right so okay we're there what do we preach it all right what's next what's next what's next what's next what seems self explanatory to me shut up thought about my shop few days ago I was in Mozambique II y'all know the bakers oz with them and you know where it's doing stuff what you do this stuff and then I left then we went down to a place called beta cuz they're in was there that place pimba and then we went down to the middle of the nation called beta more some binky get there with my stilted Mario now pastor Mario I really didn't know how big his church was cuz i they told me it was quite large but I got there is this Colosseum and it's ten that I could now please I'm sorry to you for what I'm fix this thing I couldn't see where the people stopped in the night started there's they're so black in the night is so black as far as I could see was people and then it fate it's somehow mixed up his lots of and he says to me bring the fire yes sir this is what we do and I'm up there talking just walking around look at him folks cuz I'm always on the hunt I'm what's called a hunter believer I will smoke out the enemy in Jesus name and all of a sudden people start running I mean it started off a little trickle probably I don't know a few and then he got to be dozens and then hundreds and so I stopped talking and I asked pesto to Mario get pasta that's all these people won't he said it's your fault he was explaining the kingdom of God to them and they want to get born again I wish you could see that in your lifetime it makes you like you see me overbearing aggressive confident in your world overconfident I've seen it with my own eyes the mercy of God in the land of the living and then I saw it I saw it here they brought the lepers and then they brought the AIDS then it's murky Louis and then they say to me come and get yourself okay as you what are you gonna do and when you preached what are you gonna preach and when you preach the kingdom of heavens at hand what do you do next what's next what's next what's next why that's the true statement you don't spoke of the truth to me if you could see the hand of God slide through and cleanse lepers and AIDS in tuberculosis it'd make you like you see me I'm not challenging you there's no challenge I'm right about this Jesus is kid they brought me this baby big old pot belly and starving to death and from a village had been raided by the bad guys the mom and dad escaped because I wouldn't know food because they were cut off and then the bad guys roll in kill everybody some escaped this is one of the families and then they come to the gospel and they thrust this child at you you understand there's no hope you understand no there's nothing can be done I'm the best grandpa in the world but I am NOT a doctor but because I am a good grandpa you learn things long to walk because you see that thing y'all got up there a couple of years ago I figured that's what we're doing I used to think it was about dead raisin and souls it's not it's about making that walk right there y'all call it the journey I believe that and I believe you got to be just as threatening to hell as possible your posture has to consume Hales efforts you understand shut up shut and I take this baby you should have smelled it oh it's gonna die death is already on it now it's about to vomit did something happen there was this sobbing woman on the ground right I said who's that oh that's the mother pick her up you hear me this is what we do as who we are this is this is not hard it's right it's right so I put the baby back into mother's arms because she there's nothing there's no there's not enough nutrition because she has no food so there's no nutrition in the milk because maybe the babies they it's dead I miss it isn't in but it will be in a day or two so how do you fix that of course it's Jesus but it's us we can't fix it you fix it before you get there can I show you how is it okay this is how you fix it can I show you is it are you okay that's how you fix this happened long before I got there my wife and I together on the carpet 40 days Bible in the background I don't answer the phone I don't do the internet out or anything I sit and wait you don't know why because the Kings coming he won't tell me we only know he real tight lived about all that stuff but he's coming it's a matter of patience godliness loyalty faithfulness diligence he'll be along directly if Jesus comes ain't nothing could stop him so that's who we are to them you understand it regardless of what door they opened I don't give a flip you almost got talked to street language why but I felt better you saw that I don't know you yet I bless you because you should have seen what happened cuz that mother she's she's you know she's she'll never be the same for lots of reasons because she's already touched and then and then I stood her up and hugged her and kissed her and I'm holding her baby I said I'll take care of this I got this isn't mine how can you be so sugar how can you have so much doubt wrong with you talk me out of it what serious bless you the mother and the baby are healed today because for some reason in that part of the world maybe maybe everywhere I don't know this I'll do a lot I work a lot there so tuberculosis goes real close with AIDS in that part of the world and so I you know you just got to know if you're gonna face aids and and there every third person is infected there they are infected and every fourth person has AIDS I mean curricula says so there's work to be done guys like me have a job cuz I hunted up with me or not another place I went to oh guys like says 11 minutes and 44 seconds I love the place I went to but I'm not gonna be able to raise the dead or heals or cleanse or I'll get to lepers clearance now we won't will just get we'll just we'll just do the he didn't cuz rest up and take more time it takes time to do this job doesn't it it's no rushing up you see me I'm not in a hurry I'm not afraid cuz I know I got this the fire of God I am on fire standing here in front of you you that don't like such a service shouldn't run you just bail right now cuz I able to fix it touches just cause he wants to I was in a place in South Africa not Mozambique II and I'll tell you this and then we'll do something else holy and it was in a squatter camp yeah I don't know what that is Jesus name you never will in your area you live in a perfect world you think it's not the rest of us think it is you were twelve percent of population this planet the rest of us know you are blessed race your problems are real I'm not demeaning that they are probably a hundred thousand people in this quarter camp they invited me to preach Steve yeah so you got to go out there and fix a squatter camp now squatter camp means people fled a genocide and in this quarter camp there's eight nations involved so all the hate and violence from eight nations is in that squatter camp there's no food there's no electricity there's no running water there's no toilets this is a mess so the government puts up Constantino wire around all these people and soldiers and won't let them out you have no idea and you know you don't believe it exists it does I was there the other day and you woke up there and he'd blue hat people United Nations sitting there with with with armed machine gun and they and I'm white so I'm the wrong color I'll die if I go in there that's where it is and this to me he's a kid soldier from New Zealand he doesn't me sir I can't let you go in there that's it all right you have a written piece of paper from the government of this nation telling me that I can't go in there and pray for the sick he said no sir I do not have that I said I did it's called the Holy Word of God and you'll open that gate let me in he said sir I have been told not to allow that I said whoever told you that son was wrong I can't fix this but I can help sir they'll kill you that's my problem not yours he said it is your right I said open the gate sir so he gave the order they let us in all right this is how it went we went in there that it was a they were going we're gonna do this cook thing feed them feed the poor people how you feed that many people can't be that many people that takes lots of money and days of preparation if it could be done the government's would have already done it so let me just tell you part of how it happened and then I'll stop cuz I got six minutes this is how it happened I'm sitting over there by the tree waiting waiting my turn they cooking the food they wrote a shelf in from Europe cooking all these chickens probably was on the plane with all the sudden the shelf walks up to me you know I cook I cook a lot I like to cook my wife I've learned I learned when I was kid my mama taught me so there you are and I enjoy it yes sir so this shelf he says to me I need you I said dude you got plenty of help that's not my deal my deal is he'll to sit you get paid to cook I don't want to get paid to do my job he said okay but I need you okay so I walk behind the Shelf funny hat fella get over there in the kitchen there's these big army pots right he says I need you to pray over these pots I said what I look in the pots there's just full I mean there is like three pots of chicken and in rice and in beans and yummy stuff and I'm sitting there hungry because I've been fasting all day I said dude there's a lot of food now what do you believe what's wrong with you he said look at the people and it was Oh some people he's here we're gonna cause a riot I need some food how's it oh that's my job he said exactly that's all I'll get you now you want these pots to obey the Word of God and keep keep providing food whatever the number that you bought for runs out y'all call it food not to pull case you nor so much a really hard word to say to what I'm saying so I called my team over we laid hands on Oh aluminum pop right you understand that right but here's what you say TZ pots I'm a son of God we don't have enough food so I need you to submit in the name of Jesus and I turn looked at the shelf I said what else you need he said that's enough it's okay so I left went back to my house one old dead tree enough into place and I was leaned up against thorn tree kept sticking me head of aints on it kept biting me but I kept leaning on it couple of hours go by chef comes back come here I'll go with it he said we've had several thousand people not yay God so he said come here I'll walk him he said look at her pops I look at they steal food [Music] [Applause] he said to me how do you turn this off I [Laughter] [Applause] said to him I don't know that answer you see I have different problems than you do and then else your God is amazing and then in it everybody ate now it's time to do a little meeting because they fall now they'll listen to you now that you help them a little bit they'll listen they're more likely to listen to you a little bit then up comes another one this lady with his little scraggly bloated belly little baby thing and she thrusts it at me and I took it I'm a good grip on what Rambo's do say yeah good grandpa's mean ones don't I said what do you want male she said I chose you to take my baby because I'm I'm gonna be dead in a couple of days with AIDS and I've been watching y'all and I want you to raise my baby I said deal but that's not how it's gonna go come here baby this lady is as frail and sick the last stages of AIDS and tuberculosis that's the people you don't want to be around follow me as Jesus said do that ah hug her kiss her here take your baby back she said no please I said no ma'am I'm responsible for both of you you both must make it prayed for her the Spirit of the Lord hit us I went look I flew I don't have far back she went that way with the baby and I went this way I mean heaven when he approved it she was healed the baby was healed later we did a doctor stuff she they both I'm completely healed what I did I told the people that were asked listen to me we have too many shirts and too many shoes so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get enough money together for a year for this lady and her baby her family and we're gonna build him a house so she didn't have nowhere to put the baby in so it's my job do you understand that I said do you understand that well it was only one in there it starts somewhere may as well start with one I can't do a hundred thousands of course not I don't know yeah Mike it don't tell me what I can't do you'll end up being wrong again shut above us I did ah bless you do you hear me I like my job and I like what God does and I like it cuz you'll listen to what I'm telling you and I can see that lots of you it's going into you some of you trying to bump it back to this I'm used to unbelief it's nothing more than a petty demon shucks but I bless you in the name of Jesus can we pray for a couple of hands there's an all right would you please stand hey keep my you know nothi por las cosas sport followed Louise Louise follow me school suck yo anybody know kinda the boys are gonna pray for all y'all stuff and I'm gonna pray over it as well I've been kicking it as I walk by holy ghost I bless you right thank you for your time hit batters cuz I could have been home watching football in the World Series as well couldn't I Chuck our Baba bah bah cuz it doesn't matter to me who wins those games Holy Ghost shucks I lie ba da ba da da ba ba ba Jesus is king I don't know what y'all's routine is how y'all do things maybe if some people wanted to pray we could let them walk by maybe push back a chair or it'll be a I don't know how you do things if our toes is great I'm in on those things that's my foot that's my favorite toy if you don't know Jesus and you're in this room I want to invite you to this Jesus of the one that feels the pots and keeps them full and then you don't know how to turn them off and make them stop producing chicken cooked chicken and rice me this is the greatest problems to have I bless you in Jesus name sure like I by rabbi shot da holy fish all come up here and tell us how we're gonna do this I don't care that's not my call that shirts come look at me I'm gonna do my job and whoever else does theirs is also one be you big ol boy ain't ya I didn't matter because some people believe in the movement of the tabernacle in the winds of heaven and I had never figured none of that stuff out all I got out of the deal is how to raise the dead we'll take it all right so you figured out who wants to receive yeah all right so five full team third year's faculty if you can come on pastoral team to Bonnie let's just get let's get several I know we've got your team awesome yep we're just gonna yep we're gonna release some goodness you guys ready all right so here's here's what we're gonna do let's have ya what we'll do is we'll start a line on this side so whoever whoever wants to receive just come on through we're gonna start right here and so if if you guys are on that side of the room you're gonna kind of head that way so just kind of like streamlines that way and we'll just we'll go as we go say something else okay team that's gonna be prayin I know y'all have done this quite a bit there can tell by watching you and I'm glad thank God but I need you to understand that the spirit of prophecy is fixed to hit this place you you are go the ones you that don't normally props are gonna be prophesied and and it's great now what you're welcome to have at it be blessed on and on gilfs flow let it happen but we need the thing to flow right so as God gives you a word for someone just pull them to the side and let them let the flow happen okay so it doesn't draw attention to us and what we're doing but to heaven and what he's doing is that okay please all right blessings where do you want me all right start go ahead and go through
Channel: Journey Church
Views: 69,714
Rating: 4.8247323 out of 5
Id: 6efErdNxko0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 50sec (5570 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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