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one point one point one point one what the heck is that number obviously it's an IP address most of you can probably tell that and actually one that you should probably know because it's kind of useful to you even if you didn't realize it yet so specifically it is a DNS service run by a company called CloudFlare you may have heard of it I'll kind of get to that in a bit if you're wondering what a DNS server is basically you can think of it like a phone book of the internet so when you type in a web address into your browser your computer doesn't know how to actually get to that website so it contacts a DNS server which stands for domain name server and then it translates that name of the website into an IP address for your computer so your computer can talk to the website server that way so you can theoretically just type in the direct IP address of a website instead of typing in like google.com but obviously that's not that practical so that's why we have DNS services now back to this IP address it kind of sounds fake right I mean one point one point one point one but it actually is a completely valid IP address and for now it's been held by a company called APNIC which is basically a registry specifically and like the Asian territories so they have a lot of IP addresses that they control and this happens to be one of them but you see the problem with this IP address is up until now it's basically been useless because it almost seems like a fake IP address so it's been used as a placeholder by so many people and so many companies who if they just need to put in like a dummy IP address or just put in one point one point one point one so you have all these random servers around the world using this as basically a trashcan for testing or as like a black hole where they don't want to actually send any information but they don't realize that it actually is going somewhere but because there is so much of that that anyone that would try to actually set up a DNS service on this or really use this IP address at all would be completely overwhelmed by all that junk data so even though APNIC has been holding this IP address they haven't been able to even use it because there's so much junk data they can't handle it so that is where CloudFlare comes along CloudFlare if you're not familiar with what that service is it's a website that basically has servers and a huge network all around the world and their whole point is they allow you to put your website behind a CDN or content delivery network and they will absorb any denial of service attacks so hackers around the world what they'll do is they'll get a botnet which is a whole bunch of infected computers and have those computers all send data to one IP address so that they can basically take down websites and overwhelm them so you sign up with a service like CloudFlare that literally can absorb all that bandwidth because they have networks specifically designed for that so no matter how much data some botnet is trying to send at your website CloudFlare will be able to handle that evenly distribute it and it will still be accessible to all your users so CloudFlare having this service is in the perfect position to be able to handle all that junk data that is being sent to this one point one point one point one IP address perfect match so basically APNIC is lending this IP address to CloudFlare to use as a DNS service CloudFlare is starting this brand new service and you can use it right now and it's actually pretty good and a reason for that is that CloudFlare is specifically going to offer this as a privacy focused DNS service and yes it will be free and they say that they will not write any of the requests to the disk and they will also delete any data or logs that they get about you using the service within 24 hours I mean that's pretty good you can't really ask for more than that so if you do use this DNS service you can pretty much be certain that it's not going to keep any logs and they actually did hire an audit firm KPMG you may have heard of it before it's huge to insure and guaranteed to people who are wondering wait are they really keeping logs well no they hire this audit service to ensure that and this even though this new DNS service is brand new it's actually the fastest one it's beating out all the other DNS services so there's one website I'll read the stats here it's by a website called DNS performance and they measure DNS speeds and latency so Google DNS has about 34 milliseconds delay Open DNS another free one is 20 milliseconds and CloudFlare is new one point one point one point one is only 13 milliseconds so they're the new kid on the block and they're the best one in two regards they don't keep logs completely private and they're the fastest sign me up and really the speeds of Google DNS and Open DNS are actually regarded as pretty good I mean usually you switch to Google DNS if you want to upgrade to a faster one than like your ISP DNS server which you're probably using by default if you didn't change it normally when you sign up for internet service you just automatically use whatever their dns services but you can specifically change it if you want which I'll tell you how to do later so especially if you're switching from that DNS from your ISP to this CloudFlare one you might actually see a significant increase in snappiness to Internet requests if you're already using Google DNS or Open DNS probably not that much maybe but hey it's worth a try at least but we're not even done yet another good thing about this one is that they're pushing encrypted DNS if you're not aware basically no DNS services right now allow for encrypted DNS so everything you'd send to it is just plain text which means that even if you're using a website that is an HTTPS connection so even though an ISP for example can't listen in on what you're doing on that exact website they can still see every single website that your going to like the top level website even if you're not even using their DNS service so even if you use Google DNS it's not encrypted your ISP still sees what websites you're going to even if they can't see specifically which pages are going on there and what you're doing on there so the only way to avoid that would be to use something like a VPN which would pass all your data the DNS requests through the VPN so if you don't want to do that then you're really kind of screwed in terms of privacy however there are actually two different technologies at least that do allow encrypted DNS those are called DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS and they are both supported in cloud flares new service now they're not the first ones to do this Google DNS actually does support it but it's not easy to set up at all in fact I'm not really aware of any browsers or operating systems that even support encrypted DNS I don't even think chrome does even though Google DNS supports it so hopefully with this introduction that now Google DNS supports it and CloudFlare that's another one that supports it we might see new services that support it as well and actually there is hope with that because with some recent Android updates the code that was introduced kind of suggests that they are adding encrypted DNS to Android natively so I'm really excited about that and it's just gonna be kind of like a snowball of adoption because you know if Android supports something that's super privacy oriented like that you just know that Apple is not going to be able to ignore that for a while they're gonna introduce it the first chance they get so I'm really excited to see that and then eventually I'm sure we'll start to see it on routers as well so you don't have to get it on individual devices windows and all that so if you do want to change your dns service how do you go about doing that there's actually two ways you can do it at least one is on the individual device you can set the DNS server or you can do it on the router which would apply to all the devices on your network that are automatically configured so you don't have to configure it individually of course you can do it on the router and then also do a completely separate one on the individual device level but we're not going to get too far into that probably the easiest way is to do it on your router so first we can go over that first you need to go to your routers web interface to control it so that is going to be probably one out of three IP address nine times out of ten one of them is either is the most common there it might also be or 192.168.1 99% of the routers out there will be that IP address another way to instantly know what it is is on your iPhone if you go to the network information when you're connected to Wi-Fi it'll literally show you router IP and the same goes for Android if you go to the network settings and the Wi-Fi it'll be called default gateway and that's your IP or of course you could always just do a Google search for your name of your router and IP address and it should come up and then finally once you're in the actual router settings you're gonna look for the DNS server options where you put those in it's gonna be a different location for every router so maybe under connectivity settings or something and there's probably gonna actually be two fields one for a primary and secondary DNS so it might say static DNS stab ds1 and two primary and secondary DNS servers or DNS server addresses something like that and two fields for those so this service actually does have two IP addresses so the first one is the main one one point one point one point one and the other one is one point zero point zero point one as the secondary IP address so you will have to put in those both well I don't think you'd necessarily have to put in the second one but it's basically just a backup and there might be a third space for like a tertiary IP address for DNS don't even have to worry about that so once you do that you just click Save and then you're good to go all of your devices on your network connected that router will be using those DNS servers now I would be interested to know what you guys get as results if you're using your current ISPs default DNS and then you switch to this do you notice a huge difference maybe you're using Google DNS and you don't notice a difference at all who knows you can talk about that down the comment I don't know if I necessarily noticed a big difference before I was using Google DNS but again I just like it for the privacy aspect over anything but anyway I hope you guys did enjoy this video if you want to keep watching I'll put some other videos right here you can just click on those if you want to subscribe I make new videos every week and again I'm looking forward to hearing from you so thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time have a good one
Channel: ThioJoe
Views: 703,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, tech, dns,, dns, cloudclare dns, cloudflare, best dns, best dns server, fastest dns, fastest dns server, domain name system, dns server, best dns server for gaming, faster internet, internet, free dns service provider
Id: TiWs9n4fhys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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