11 new features in Microsoft Word for 2024

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I'll be showing 11 new features in Microsoft Word this includes desktop 365 word for the web and iPad so let's get started the first new feature is in word desktop and this is a long request which is a shortcut to paste as text I'm going to scroll down here in a Word document for a new place to paste now I'm going to go to a website and get some text I'm here on a Wikipedia website and I'm going to select a bunch of text it's got different formatting and hyperlinks Etc and I'm going to do contrl c to copy now we'll switch back to word desktop now normally if I do contrl V it's going to paste it with all the formatting and the links and everything else I'll hit undo the new shortcut is control shift V and now it just pastes text so that's really handy if you just want to strip out all the formatting automatically control shift V will paste all that text without formatting the second new feature is catch up in word desktop this is something that lets you catch up on all the activity in your document this is world. to insiders and rolling out broadly very soon so I've got a document here and I want to catch up and see what's been happening in the upper right there's this button catch up now I click this and I can see oh these different things have been happening Ashley mentioned me Mike Thon that's me and my own document mentioned me and assigned tasks so if I want to open up show comments here I can see exactly what's been going on and the little blue dot indicates hey this is a new comment I want to get caught up on that so it's really easy to see what happened in the document when you were gone and it's always right there to click and when new things appear these will show up right in the catchup area the third new feature is built-in accessibility checking I've updated my document with this really nice and subtle light gray and also a very nice light peachy color some people like to experiment with fonts but they're not always readable by people who might have Vision impairments or other accessibility challenges what's nice is now we automatically surfac this little accessibility icon review accessibility issue if I click this says oh this is hard to read color for some folks you might want to try a different one so maybe I try this one it immediately fixes it and that little icon goes away for my nice light peach again I'll click this hey this one is more accessible now it is a little bit darker and you know your document is now easier to read so it'll automatically flag that little human icon next to it and right down at the bottom there's an accessibility investigate if you want to drill in even more the accessibility assistant is over on the right hand side this is available for insiders and rolling out broadly very soon the fourth new feature is in word for the web and it is support for Loop components which are real time colle of components that can be in places like word teams Outlook soon to be OneNote and other places I'll go to the insert menu here and there's this Loop component options and I'm going to go and insert a task list right here so let's go task list it immediately starts to add this Loop component task list and what's nice is this is a real time shared component that can be sent and embedded in many other places can also show up in the loop app itself so let's give it a title I can start adding task names and and assign give it a due date and we'll quickly fill out a couple other things now what's nice is as I'm in here I can see other people are starting to add test collaboratively Mike and Ashley now it looks like there are some other people typing in my task list oh there's Ashley she's adding things I can collaboratively add all my task list up and this is in this Loop component now I can share and copy this and put it elsewhere so I'll say copy component I can go into Outlook and embed this as well here I am in Outlook and I'll just paste and there is that same Loop component it's real time embedded in this email and you can see people are still updating it in real time because it's collaborative back in word if I want to open up the actual Loop page in the browser I click here and here is that same task list inside of Loop in a page so what's nice is anywhere I'm at I can collaboratively use these Loop components the fifth new feature are a set of paragraph options in word for the web so I have a document right here and I have a paragraph that splits across the page I'm going to just right click in this paragraph area and choose paragraph options it's also available in the ribbon up there so paragraph options and in this case I'm going to say keep lines together I want to keep these lines together when I select this everything moves down so it's not split across the page we'll undo other options include paragraph options I'm going to say keep with next so it's going to keep it with the next page sort of similar to what you just had so that will move it down the sixth new feature is link preview in Word for the web I've got a nice blog link I want to put right here so I'm going to select this text go to the insert menu drop down link and choose insert link I'm going to paste the address to my link and hit insert now this is a link now normally I would click this and it would immediately navigate me away to the dock before I could even see what it was now if I just click on the link and I hover it'll show me a nice little card here oh this is a Blog about meeting your AI assistant and now if I want to launch out I just click here and it loads up the full site just like that the seventh new feature is the ability to separate pages and compact them a bit especially when you're looking at word for the web I'm going to go to the view menu here and by default separate pages is turned on so when I scroll down I have these page breaks and if there's a lot of page breaks that's just extra scrolling I'm going to go back to the top here and I'm going to uncheck this box separate pages now it compresses it and just removes all that extra space so it makes it more Compact and less scrolling for me when reading this document on the web to turn it back on just click separate pages and everything goes back into place just as it was and this will remember your choice over session so if you always have it off next time you come back it'll always be there the eighth new feature is format perer in word for iPad so I've got a document here I'll select this text and in the upper left there's a little paintbrush tap that says format copied now I'm going to scroll down and select some other text right here the sign here and the little pop-up menu I'll choose paste format there we go super easy the ninth new feature is dark mode in word for iPad so I'm going to go to settings and we're going to turn on dark mode hit display and brightness and then dark but now I'm going to make my page in word dark go back to word and now go to the view menu tap there and there's a switch background right there tap it now everything is in dark mode on your page in word and you can untap that and turn it back and you'll have your light page back again the 10th new feature is Page borders in Word iPad so on the layout menu tap page borders and you have some options we'll choose the dark one here's a medium option I'll tap a lighter one you can have just the side bars or you can just have the top bars or you just say remove border and it goes away the 11th new feature is autoc cropping of pictures so I'm going to tap a picture of Bill Lumberg here and I'll choose crop and there's a new Option autocrop and it's going to choose what's the best crop for me in this case I tap it oh it makes a little closeup square of Bill he's looking really good if I like that I just tap away and I've got my picture autoc cropped if you want to keep up with all the latest Microsoft updates and tips and tricks subscribe to my channel and then just ring the bell so you get all 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Channel: Mike Tholfsen
Views: 51,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New features in Microsoft Word, microsoft word new features, microsoft word new features 2023, microsoft word tips and tricks3, microsoft word tips and tricks 2021, mike tholfsen, ms word tips, ms word tips and tricks, ms word tutorial, new features in microsoft word, office 2021 new features, word 365 tips and tricks, word dark mode, word tips and tricks, word tips and tricks 2024
Id: xazziFzQyjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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