11-1-19 Mustang Football vs Mentor

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to another Friday night November 1st 2019 here at serpentine he filled a packet and stadium I'm your commentator tonight Dave Binkley we're in for a great game today as we have the mentor Cardinals who are 90 no coming in to visits our buddy Mustangs at the record of 5 & 4 so with about a minute to go before the game or marching bands coming off the field the current weather conditions tonight is it's clear however it is chilly we're looking at 37 degrees Farenheit tonight we have a slight wind coming in about five miles per hour southwest coach Liu Serena I was hoping to get the team over 500 for this season tonight by winning but they have a big task in front of them as they mentor Cardinals coach coach trivisonno is playing his last regular coaching his last regular season game after 30 plus years of coaching them into Cardinals solos Mustangs are coming out to do the kickoff [Music] so number 90 is back to kick we have Nick Kubek and then we're off a squib kick to the right scooped up about 30 to talk about about the 38 mentor first and 10 from the measurement of the 38 yard line so our mighty Mustangs coming out to hopefully get a good defensive stop to start the game coming out with three down linemen you see they're going for white on the mentor for a three on the on the right side one back in the shotgun formation handoff off to the right side off guard Oh stopped it they'll be giving them about 1 yard gain one and a half yard so two and nine to go gain of one up the middle there now we're going twins oh come up for a pass nice little out route pushed out of bounds at about the fifty first down mentor so mentors coming in here off some impressive wins last couple weeks so most things have their hands full tonight they're going to spread no huddle offense for a mentor referees call looks like there's something wrong with the chains on the far side alright that's situations taken care of still going three down lineman motion across handoff up the middle right off the left guard talk about about the 46 yard line of the Mustangs gain of four two and six now say Mustangs playing a man defense right now almost drawn offsides Oh bad snap hi Mustangs oh that's free must they scoop it up you're going down the sideline all the way touchdown Mustangs off with a bad fight pick up on Mustangs now 6-0 Mustangs off of the offensive poor Mike put those Center Mustangs that is something that can really change the momentum of this game early one of the Mustangs to keep that going could be a potential upset tonight for them mentor Cardinals based on the kicking units out the walls pack falls down kick is up and it is good Mustang seven Cardinal zero with time 234 left in the first quarter that is a change for what the Mustangs have been doing the last couple games starting off a little defensively slow but coming out hard going off the miscue of the Cardinals and score and early all right so Mustangs line it back up again to do in our kickoff what if they're gonna do it another squib kick to the right are they gonna kick it deep some little extra energy there on the sidelines right now for the Mustangs let's see if they can carry this over and get another stop I would say from our Mustangs another little pooch kick now to the same person around 28 and he's ran out of bounds at about the 31 of the Cardinals so they're focusing over than that that play over there that little up back on the 30 so let's see there's any adjustments made although it's just a bad snap so I don't know if there's really need for adjustments right now coming out trips on the right side running back flips to the left here he's back for a pass balls up guy has a space overthrown so well he was able to get some separation on that deep route which the Mustangs have to be careful of they gotta be able to hang with them stay back a little bit deeper if they can't run with them luckily it was overthrown look at that same formation no huddle so they're breaking a blitz on the left side another bad snap he was able to pick it up though ran got a couple yards he's got some positive yards out of that bad situation of another bad snap made up to about the 32 yard line so we're now looking at third and long third and eight for the mincer Cardinals so I wonder if this cold snap that we're having now is coming into in effect with the mentor Cardinal snapper because there hasn't been much chance for a cold weather practice this season exam or pressure coming off the right side again for the Mustangs cubies back get pressured steps up runs for it we're on keeps going up left makes one person miss he dives forward at about the 50 yard line that's really gonna mark him down first down Cardinals first and ten from the 50 so it's broken down coverage by the lime allowed him squeak by there they had the pressure now going once again pressure off the right side went right up the middle off the looks to the right guard got a gain of three to the 47 second and seven to go so I wonder how long it's gonna take for the offenses to get into some type of a rhythm tonight because of the cold weather and we have not had much of it this year once again the quarterbacks back for a pass he's looking has an opening with number seven once again overthrown right over the middle with an open receiver so mentor Cardinals have been calling the right place their quarterback has been overthrowing it now we're back to third and seven now third and long most likes had him third and eight last time and the quarterback was able to scramble off to his left to get a first down let's see how the Mustangs play this here they're playing with their three down linemen and it to edge rushers looks like on the right side QB looks ever look like they're changing them play stop bringing extra pressure from the right side QB throws the balls up got some separation reaches out drops the ball off his fingertips so it is now fourth and seven looks like they're bringing out the kicking unit looks like number three Ryan Caan is gonna go back to receive this kick the ball is placed at about the 47 the kicker is about the 40 of the Cardinals and our punt returner is about denying the 10 ball is up it's a little short they're gonna let it bounce bounces at about the 24 and it's gonna roll take a Cardinal roll all the way to about the 14 yard line of the Mustangs so Mustangs get their first offensive series now it is first and 10 for the Mustangs they're marking it down on the left hash of the Mustangs and we're just short of the 15 so Mustangs are coming out now you have 2 to the right 1 receiver left you got a wing back there shotgun hand off the middle to Clark push the pile for a little bit they're gonna give him 3 yards now it's about 2 & eights ago sorry 2 yards what they gave them so to Nate's ago from the run up the middle Clark so the Cardinals are out it looks like I'm gonna three-four defense looks like they're also playing a little bit of zone based off of their setup here so there should be somebody open little screen outside and he dropped it he would have had some positive yardage there he was trying to run before he got the ball so we got to be careful of that there's cold weather my balls gonna feel a little bit more dense tonight so now it's third and eight on the first offensive series here for the Mustangs who are leading currently right now at 7:46 left in the first quarter 7 to 0 so let's see they come back out they're coming out with empty backfield you got three onto the quarterbacks rights you on the left they're coming out in a man coverage by oh the guy actually comes off to his own you've got a middle only gain of a few is it gotten out to you about the 22 yard lines so we're going to be short by about 3 so it's 4th and 3 the kicking units coming out for the Mustangs so we had a couple positive yardage plays there try to get into a little bit of a rhythm so the Mustangs are our kicker is lining up at about the 7 yard line Minter's returners back about the 46 of the Cardinals a little bit of a low snap we got a piece of it bad kick but it took a little bit of a strong soul roll when about to the 44 yard line so I got a handout on that there's a low snap so it took at the time a way to get that off so they're actually gonna mark down to 45 yard line so far tonight we've had a couple bad snaps from the mentor Cardinals we had a low snap they're from the Mustangs so here we go we're back on our twin formation here from inter got some butts coming off the right wide open on the right side a little hot route made a move to the outside able to get to the outside they pushed them finally out of bounds at about the 28 yard line of the Mustangs nice little hot read route off the Blitz they're from the Minter Cardinals when you blitz two guys stay inside that you leave a big opening there and the Cardinals took advantage of that that's some motion hand off off the middle find an opening off tackle being one person miss all the way to the end zone mints are scores so run off the off taco to the right side by mentor with 638 left in the first quarter we have the mental Cardinal six Mustang seven so here they come kick the p80 paws up balls down kicks up the low but went through so now we're tied is 638 left in the first quarter here at serpentine he filled a packet and stadion Cardinals 7 Mustang 7 so out there for good couple of defensive series for the Mustangs that one got away from them a couple of big plays there slowly the often scum out and give the defense a break they've been on the field for mostly nights night and our score has only come from a defensive score off of a fumble recovery off of a bad snap so mentors lying up for their first kick of the night they're lying up at that will be their left hash a little bit of a muddle huddle they're breaking it apart now [Music] so let's see what strategy the mentor takes with Mustangs Mustangs been kicking it short manner kicks it short as well at about the 33 yard line Clark gets it and then is immediately tackled at the 33 34 yard line first and 10 Mustangs sorry gonna mark them down at the 35-yard line oh no we're moving it back now for 34 all right on their second offensive serious comeback with a wishbone in their offense two receivers to our cubies left looking back for the play change you got press coverage from the DBS handoff right up the middle about off guard looks like about a game of one second and 9 at the 35 we have a new package coming in now math substitution going on with some skill players huddle there looks like we have three receivers super Severson love with the tight end run up again Garrett gets it makes a dive about a gain of two so now we're looking at third and seven now so most things gotta find a way to keep this drive going they've only been on the field now for a five-place that means our defense has been on the field for most of tonight only 5 minutes and 30 seconds left in the first quarter our defensive really would like to take a little bit of a break here to catch their breath you could suddenly retired from that last defensive series coming out trips to the right cue back rolls to the right got some pressure coming in I'm scathed throws it off go sit out of bounds in the vicinity of Ethan guys so now it's 4th down and 7 fourth out of 8 and the kicking unit comes out last time we kicked a little bit of a low snap so I hurt the timing and the hardness we ever coming to get a piece of it only kicks is about you know about 10 15 20 yards so let's hopefully we get a good snap off here the Cardinals about their 30-yard lines to receive this kick another low snap is able to bounce up into his hands and over and kick take a little bit of a Mustang roll it's gonna stop at about the 33 yard line there so first 10 Cardinals at the 33 yard line with 457 left in the first quarter Cardinals 7 and the stronzo Mustang 7 so Mustangs are coming out once again in their three down linemen set with an extra DB in there coming off the pressure off the right side again hand up play-action to throw it off a little slant to number seven he's carried two individuals down to about the 45 yard line they're giving them the first down first down mentor give them all the way to the 46 yard line once again no huddle by mentor so he's back to throw got me an open right over the middle throws it catches it our guy rides and for a little bit takes them down but the book is go all the way down to the 37 yard line first and 10 winter submit yours back out there no huh no kit looks like a pressure come from the right side this time cubies back coverage blown Oh scrambled wide open die for it number five caught it you know they're first on the minutes they're all the way down see the 22 yard line their quarterback keeps rolling keeping the play alive stretching it out find the right window for this guy Mustangs are right there every time to make contact as soon as it's caught running up the right side off tackle made one he gone down by the shoestrings looks like the carrying them all the way to the 15 so now we're looking at about two and three to go second down three yards to go with 335 left in the first quarter and some pressure coming off from the right side again off-tackle made one person miss got a block down the field by the receiver walks in untouched then six room in sir so with 317 left in the first quarter mints are Cardinals but off another run to the right side up 13 Mustang 7 most things are gonna have to find a way to make that edge contain for us they're going to be going off tackle all night for loss of yards extra points in falls down kicks out and it is good mentor Cardinals 14 strong so Mustang 7 with 314 left here at serpentina field packet and stadium strong sales office gonna have to find a way to get it going they've had to series not many place for a series was three now do the second series of three and out as well you have to find a way to keep them on the field get their defensive break so last time Manor was up to do a little pooch kick down to about the 30 35 yard line where we had Cooper Hawk actually catch it so let's see if they fit with that same strategy are they gonna go deep with it huh another pooch kick another good kick Leland it's about the 27s picked up by Strongsville takes a couple steps so he gets knocked out of bounds they're gonna mark them down at about the 30-yard line so most things got some pretty good field position there they're gonna start first and ten from their 30 so both teams are kind of avoiding kicking it deep tonight so let's see how the Mustangs offense is going to adjust to what's going on right now they're coming out with trips on one side a flanker close in on the other run up a play-action pass in the arms and out of the receiver a quick little route there see we're trying to trap it with his body instead of catching it with his hands that was a good play had me faked that I thought Clark had gotten it by the way he had moved I was a good play action there kept them a little bit honest so he showed we can still throw with little pop in this cold weather so we got can't lose sight of that I believe that might have been our first pass of the night in our three offensive series so now we've got trips to the right here but real close together and it's tight in there in there too little motion I'll bet no handoff runs were out the middle gets a couple yards they're gonna give him two yards on that run up the middle what could have been a broken play possibly so I think it's mainly they hand it off so we have third and eight now once again another third and eight for the Mustangs we have a whole other package coming in here so we have a 242 left here in the first quarter Mustangs have to do something here to get this first down we got to keep the defense off the field do that we can keep mentors all offense off and you have to be able to do that tonight for this high-powered offense quarterbacks back throws it up nice lob but severely overthrown to our receiver at about the third 27 yard line now it comes up again fourth and eight you got a player down for the Mustangs for efforts on injury timeout right now it's out on the field is number 16 beard our court our quarterback so if ever you timeout on the field you're looking right now we're still in the first quarter here at sir Fortuna field a packet and stadium we are two minutes and 19 seconds left we have Cardinals up 14 it's the Mustangs 7 a little scoring recap right now mentor received the first kickoff and then in that first offensive serie they had a high snap from that high snap was a fumble Mustangs recovered defense got a quick 6 up on the scoreboard and the most things kick was good then most things came out with another good defensive series and made the Cardinals punt but then the last two times the Cardinal has had the ball on offense they have scored pretty much off runs to the right off tackle so that is how we now have 1407 the quarterback for the Mustangs is up and just walking gingerly off the field that's a good sign this is coming off on his own so most things are back to punt again they've had two low snaps the first one was low got the timing off and was not able to punt it cleanly where I got partially blocked last one he was able to bounce up into his hands and get it off but let's see he's kicking it from about the 17 yard line you mentors at the 40 oh another bad kick it went straight up and out of bounds it only wants to about the they're calling it at the 40 yard line that is a 10 yard punt by the mustangs so once again mustangs provide mentor with a good field position so mentor once again on the Mustangs side of the ball to start an offensive series you see how the Mustangs come back here they need to get a stop to slow down the Cardinals here they need to set that edge so that nobody gets on that off tackle another run up the middle back up off guard a little bit get wrapped him up at about the 41 they gave them out to the 41 yard line so we're looking at two and eight now for the Mustangs mentors trademark no-huddle I hope they try to draw the Mustangs off look back over change the play most things have wind out their defensive stance slow but to try to get that edge runs right up the middle drags the pile with them they're giving them up to the 31 so we're looking at about third and one right now so the most like defensively have adjusted to study the edge instead of blitzing off the edge every time but now they're running up the gut so they're gonna have to make another adjustment they send an extra linebacker there in the middle still set in the edge pretty well on up the middle miss tackle by the Mustangs grabbed it by the shoe strings and bring them down they're giving them up to the 13 yard line first down Cardinals big boys up front fermenter is making some running lanes most things are gonna have to get down and keep going blocking those lanes don't let them get covered up cue beasts back looking to throw across the middle touchdown men's here had just enough separation from the defensive back soekarno's mentoring mints our Cardinals 20 Mustangs 7 with 34 seconds left in the first quarter so mentors cooking unit is back falls down because up and it is good I'm 34 seconds left in the first quarter here at surfer Timmy field packet and stadium we have mentor Cardinals 21 strong so Mustangs 7 [Music] all right so the teams come out but most things are now down by two scores we have yet sustained a drive where the only point Sports Night came from the defense off the opening series off of a bad snap from mentors lined up again we'll see if they'll kick it back said by the 35 is where they've been doing low pooch kick they do the same thing again but guy for me right runs up grabs at about the 25 push that about about the 28 so now with 29 seconds left in the first quarter forgive the Mustangs the ball first and ten on the 30 most things had some opportunities they move the ball a little bit and they mix it up in the last series but in some play action having some good passes some quick little routes however the receivers try to catch up with their body and just couldn't handle it so we're coming out now we have two receivers wide on the cubies left side you got a wing back on it side in on the right Oh pass snap QB takes it and runs off the bat snap let's see they're not going to give him the line of scrimmage and they are not going to give him forward progress either it looks like the one nope they're actually going to give him the forward progress over to the 29 loss of one off the bat snaps to the right of the QB he just took it and decided to run with it after that strong so it does a math substitution again for a whole nother package stronger CIL's been doing that's not kind changing it up that way they come out now with trips to the left side flanker to the right we're free someone didn't have their mouthpiece in that's gonna be the end of the first quarter into the first quarter here at serpentine field at Pakistan Stadium you have the mentor Cardinals 21 Strongsville Mustangs 7 [Music] welcome back to serpentine II filled a packet and say to you start of the second quarter here we have mints or Cardinals up 21 strong so Mustang 7 most things have the ball to start off this quarter it is 2 with 11 to go come out with a trips package here the cubies left got some motion ghost motion to the back pass it back to the guy motion has a little bit of room got a block down the field they knocked him down at about the 38 yard line other Mustangs actually gonna mark down 39 it is third at 1 now for the Mustangs it's the one their biggest place of the game so far offensively so we got third and a little more than a 1 from the ball placement here still leaves the PlayBook open up for the Mustangs they're coming out you're gonna come up with two receivers at the right it's hard in in a wing over here on the left hand off to Garrett uh-oh off to the life to get some yardage got some room to mentor how to take him down take cleric Garret Clark down got a first down for the Mustangs at the 49 yard line so now first and ten for the most things to the 49 so I was some good run block there from the left side of the line so coming out now a little bit of a different package here you got she was he was the right once the left and a wing back bring it back behind quarterback to his right side Oh fake handoff right up the middle threw it behind the receiver almost picked off by Mansur he had a little bit of a window there if you were to thrown her from the receiver that would have possibly been a first down they're a little bit behind once again here comes another math substitution for a package changed by the mustangs this is a little bit of a difference from last home game we had with the Mustangs really pretty much day with the same offensive package the entire game even when it wasn't working early on so now we have the Mustangs here we have the three in the back or three on the right side tried it on the left kippis Baggies looking to pass it's broken down he's sacked he's ripped down at about the 36 yard line it was a hard sack there by the mentor so we're looking at now at about third and long so that was about a loss of nine so we're looking about third and 18 here for the Mustangs so we're going to our trips again package looks like they're playing zone a little bit on the right side whistle blown the whistle got a flag delay of game against Strongsville makes a third and 18 now third and 23 can't have those mental mistakes now so one time two plays ago actually what play go strong so was moving the ball got all the way to about mid field and after a loss of about eight on a sack then a delay of game penalty referees have now blown the whistle again is having a conversation something was said to the sidelines all right six seconds was added back to the play clock so now it's third and 23 with 934 left in the second quarter Cuba's looking to pass here got some space in front of him goes to run it got a hard tackle there at about the 44 yard line I'll give him to the 43 yard line against some of the yards back now it's fourth down and we're looking at about 16 so punting has not been good for the Stormville tonight we've had a low snap that was blocked and we had a bad punts to the outside then we had a really pooch punt that we're only about 10 yards so let's see how we do tonight Oh got a good punt off calls for a fair catch at about the 32 yard line so mentor now gets the ball in their territory first and ten on the 32 yard line Cardinals 21 a Mustang 7 with 850 left here at 17 II feel the packets hands city need the defense to come out and get another saw here last series they did a really good job of continuing the edge forcing them up the middle let's say they returned back to that but looks like they're gonna do some pressure now off the ends cubies back throws up wide open receiver in his own package two missed tackles he's off to the races got some good blocking down the field from their receiver strong ties misses touchdown Mustangs off the pass to the left side and zone coverage so we have Cardinals 27 Mustang 7 with 836 left in the first quarter in this first half these mentors back to kick the p80 up kick is good now in the second quarter here we have the Mensa Cardinals twenty eight strong so Mustang seven with 836 left to go in the second quarter because I'm for tackling going on that last series that allowed them to get free strong Souls yet to take the field for this kick [Music] is back to receive this kickoff from mentor let's see if we've been doing couch cakes all night let's see if they continue the Train I'll actually kick it deep for a change is way back catches it in the endzone takes it out of the end zone oh no if they're calling him touch back so the ball smarted a touch back as he had to step back in there to catch it off the kickoff they're gonna mark the ball down at the twenty first attend Mustangs from there twenty those things are coming out now down 28 to 7 about almost halfway through the second quarter strong strong still had too many people on the field timeout Strongsville someone wasn't paying attention that could be a dearly lost timeout as we have our first timeout of the half let's take a quick moment to recognize our crew tonight we have Michael Gallagher Nick Whalen Alex Little John George gruel matthew wilkinson we have Susie curry at the board and myself Dave Bakley with you tonight so this being the last home game of the year for the Mustangs it was also senior night we had a nice little ceremony recognizing all the seniors before the start of the game tonight so here we go now timeouts over a 36 left in the second quarter wishbone offense in a little bit of a high snap handoff off the guard give him a couple yards marking down at the 22 yard line second and eight to go excuse me they've moved it up to the 23-yard nine so second second and seven to go majors on their base three four playing two safeties back there playing prevent right now give him some cushion on the receivers got option off the right side as soon as he got the ball fiash and he was hit hard they're going to give him a loss of two it looks like ball back to the 21 yard line so now third and nine for the Mustangs have a Miss block on the right side there from one of the receivers now have a whole package substitution and again for the Mustangs so it's third inning for the Mustangs we have seven at 15 left and Counting here in the second quarter oh we have a whistle blow another delay gave it looks like that is to delay of game penalties in the last two series for the Mustangs now it is going to be instead of 393 and 14 now they're deep in their own territory their ball is at the 16 yard line falls back he's looking got some pressure rolled out to his left still looking still looking false or deep out of bounds is out of bounds so now we're going back to fourth and 14 now deep in the Mustang territory looks like the key key units coming out again number 42 we had a good putt last time let's see if we can do that again so the ball is placed at about the 16 yard line our kicker is way back at the degrees gonna be about the 1 1/2 1 yard line the mint area Cardinal returner is looking gonna be about the 43 yard line low kick took a side roll only made it to the 30 so we're looking for like a 15 yard kick right there from the Mustang punter so Cardinals get the ball at about the 30-yard line with 641 left in the second quarter here up 28 to the Mustang 7 so Mustang how to adjust it took the edge away from the runners and the QB came in and threw a nice couple passes and scored last time the Mustangs react got a blitz right up the middle got them stop them behind the line of scrimmage loss of three good call there by the defensive coordinator coming right up look like maybe the B gap on the right side the left side of the offensive line the left side fake handoff hit the receiver the Armstrongs those right there so we are in a good situation for the mustangs defense says hold strong so far it is three and 13 to go here you know what they're gonna be doing here we just got to make sure we get a good stop posting showing blitz off the offensive left side as they had a safety roll over and a linebacker come in cubies backs looking Brook down nobody's in front of him he's gonna run it up to the right side he's pushed out of bounds early before the yard marker at the 25 sorry 24 yard line it is going to be fourth down and about four so fourth and four for the Cardinals they're keeping their offense out there see you mustn't get a stop here looks like they're going man with the Blitz from the left sideline QB pakis looking right open over the middle you got the ball number ten keeps running makes one person miss pushed out of bounds finally at about the 5-yard line first on Cardinals so it's first and goal from well it's looking like the five yard line here for the Cardinals just a small crossing route but someone didn't pick up their guy they're playing a little soft there in that middle zone once that number Ted kata who just off the races high snap got it down try to run off tackle there got stopped in the bag looking at about a loss of one so now second and goal from the 6 yard line so coming out two receivers each side here for Ben sir strong so it looks like they're playing about a man defense me and emotion the guy's gonna cross out his man another high snap got a handoff he bounces it outside stronger still didn't reach out to make the tackle walks right in off the left side six more points for the Cardinals with 506 here left in the second quarter [Music] Cardinals up 34 Mustangs seven looks like strong vote might have had a chance to reach out at least try to get a tackle there but they just couldn't quite reach the runner there as he bounced it outside so the kicking units in fermentor falls down balls kicked and it is good so here at serpentining field a packet and stadium with about five minutes and six seconds left in the second quarter Cardinals are up 35 to ours strong so Mustangs seven the second quarter we have lined up to kick it off Cardinals have 35 the Mustangs have seven so got three timeouts with the Cardinals 2 for the Mustang kick is up another pooch kick short caught about the 32 yard line so couple steps up till he's out of bounds they're gonna mark him down looks like possibly a rather 36 37 yard line let's see where he goes up to 35 yard line so right now we have Mustangs needing to make a play to keep this offensive series going songs has been changing up tonight on the offensive series packages so let's see what they come out with tonight we have one receiver to the left receiver to the right we got it's hiding in a wing balls bags handoff up the middle Clarke takes up the middle right out the left guard ran all the way up to about the 46 yard line or for a 42 yard line so we're looking at two and three to go for the Mustangs good to see Clark getting some action the right side you got stops they're gonna call one guy has some short what guy hasn't far let's see what he was going to get the spot on they're marking him short getting up to third in less than one cubing at the play from the coordinators running into the huddle I wonder that's the reason why we've had to delay of game penalty tonight QB running the play into the huddle come to this package now same package as before I'll get more of a power package here for Clark gotta run it right up the middle again he got free gotta through a hole he's gone he's gone Brett the middle got two missed tackles get a block for the receiver coming in front of him Clark's all the way down score Mustangs six points on the score for the Mustangs at Clark the right have squeaked through a little hole on the right side got a little bit blocking down the field from a receiving with 337 left to go in the second quarter you have the Cardinals of Mentor 35 points in the Strongsville Mustangs 13 [Music] extra point team is on balls back falls down kicks up and it is good [Music] so we had the mentor Cardinals 35 swarms of Mustangs 14 we have three minutes of 37 seconds left here in the second quarter certain city filled a packet and stadium so Mustang style meditates core game let's see if like that quick score there from the offense give a little bit of energy to the defense that stopped 35 points swing of 35 on the answered point I should say from nature place the ball just left of center of the field when they kicked it tonight they have pushed it to the left side at about the 35 yard line a little pooch kick about the car at the 31 oh he drops it picks it up now I tried to run trying to run all the way across the field and he's pushed out of bounds and the complete opposite side of the field they're gonna mark him down at about the 35 yard line first and 10 for the Cardinals after the drop of the kick even if enough scrambling he only gained about 3 yards forward but here in the hotel lengths of the fields from side to side so let's see if what the Mustangs do this series on defense show blitz off the offensive left side run up the middle kick to the outside miss tackle okay I got a block by the QB so runny but they're gonna mark him down chocolate for a loss loss of one has some good blocks for Miss offensive players the QB and a receiver gave a good block but Mustangs still went strong be able to give tackle for a loss of 1 so it's 2 and 11 now clocks running with about 257 left in the second quarter twins for mentor someone blitz off both sides it's picked up throws a deep wide open and there goes answer again blown coverage from the cornerback on the far side of the field Mantor took then the catch and ran all the way down six more points for them Cardinals now have 41 it's a Mustang 14 is 237 left in the second quarter so the extra point team is in for our mentor falls back falls down kick is up and it's good so now what 237 left in the mentor Cardinals 42 and this strong so Mustangs we have 237 left in the second quarter we have them in two Cardinals up 42 choose a strong so Mustangs 14 my tears back to kick it off they kick it short right towards the middle balls down I was freed nobody went on it I don't know who got jumped on it things got lucky the ball was on the ground bunch people do they happen to come up with it so Mustangs got lucky on that one I think someone forgot that it went past ten yards it's a live ball for anyone strong receiver back up the middle by Clark you're gonna give him to the 41 yard line we have second and seven to go four to go here most things come out got its wins same package his foot handoff to Gary again gonna run up outside got a couple yards you're gonna give him the first down to the 47 yard line first down Mustangs those things I get the ball on the left hash first attend to go from the 47 yard line 1 minute 48 seconds and counting in the second head quarter here stronger so snow has two timeouts they using this half got a new package in their trips to the right what's coming off the right side hand up off the middle got another gain of about four they're gonna be the 49 yard line of matter now so we about second and six now for the Mustangs still a minute 19 going 17 going and it is so two timeouts left for the Mustangs they're driving the ball it's the most insane series they've had all night they got a tight trips here on the left side the QB strolling out of the options to Clark Clark sit behind the line of scrimmage loss of loin third and 7 with a minute one left to go cubies off the side they're getting the play call from the coach Ryan got chips the right side third and seven to go from the Mustangs card no showing blitz by two people up I have a middle linebacker and outside which was blown they're calling delay of game from the Mustangs that is now that leaves the third delay of game call for the night on the Mustangs loss of five so now it is now third and 12 to go for the Mustangs interstellar show blitz up the middle off the edge Clark gets it good through a hole makes one person miss scrambles makes it all the way up to the 44 yard line so to be fourth and one with 48 seconds left in the quarter what's most things gonna do looks like they're keeping their offense out there they're also letting the clock wind down so like they're gonna either just let the flight call play clock roll out and then call a timeout looks like they're being conservative here at the moment so I'll time out for the Mustangs they use one time out they about twenty seconds plus off the clock there with one yard dig fourth and one so now there's 12 seconds left so let's see what they do they have the offensive huddled up here looks like they might go for which is puzzling where they let the clock roll down welcome back after the timeout we have Mustangs with fourth and one they let the play clock run down 12 seconds left in the second quarter here I'm sorry they're gonna go for it I give it to Clark he gets it get the first down makes the run push down these runs the ball the clock is rolling down they call a timeout what's that which questions why did they let so much time roll off the clock when they were gonna go for it anyways they could have saved that timeout now we're looking at six seconds with about one play left then the second quarter so you got the mincer Cardinals up 42 Mustangs 14 the ball is placed at the 33 yard line it's going to come out a deep prevent probably say two or three guys deep what they've been doing you know they probably would like to see that soft coverage and maybe try to make a run for it where their best bets gonna have to be a deep throw we have the backup quarterback in there right now Tyler Walters senior so we have six seconds left it could be the last play of the half we're coming out with twins to the left twins to the right minors not playing prevent they only have one back that db's do go back a little bit you boys looking throw throw a ball up it's a little wobbly you got three people down there men are intercepts in the end zone end of the first half here at serpentining field at packet and stadium we have a mentor Cardinals 42 strong so Mustangs 14 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] about to come out on the field to start the second half here at serpentine from the coach remind that they gotta get out there and field so possibly the best drive of the day so far offensively for the Mustangs happen right before the half they come back out carry that momentum into the third quarter [Music] they go deep this time out of the earth about the 10-yard line I've got some blocks me a little bit of a jump five universität Mustangs from the 25 [Music] all the way care that moment so like I said into this third quarter still have our backup quarterback in there coming out with the few receivers to the left side one farther right with the wing back got some motion bobble snap but love got a couple yards are going to give him looks like so we've not seen any change on the mentor they're still going three down linemen up linebacker zone here cubies rolling out looking for someone oh he's grabbed for 76 didn't have his guy he reached around pulled down the quarterback we're looking at like a loss [Music] so backs down at the 20-yard line so we're looking at a third and 15 for the Mustangs so you can see that the quarterback rolling out to his left side to try to find a receiver and that ain't my emergency lily reached over the offensive lineman and took him down just widen out the three down linemen the edge rolls the other side which has [Music] another short kick call for a fair catch so authy about 44 yard line [Music] actually mark about 44 yards to be first and ten from the Mustangs they bumped it back again first ten for the minute Cardinals of the 45 yard line Shubh receivers each side those things are in the three down lineman set influence with the right side in the middle they got a coverage guys run across the bit on a crossing pattern wide open Mustangs caught up to up from behind but it is a first down fermenter and clean that zone it got there again run up the middle jump to the outside made a guy miss all the way up there for the mentor 9-yard game twin receivers again they're looking to run the ball yo they're gonna run the ball makes a little move up the middle Gardner staffs handoff right up the middle he's Mantha line of scrimmage and taken down for a gain of two now it's chewin goal in the chip jack Stevenson make it a stop for the Mustangs second down his goals this cadets show their plastics are going to fly backers up they really put that two yard line actually slowing it down a little bit here still going no-huddle taking their time between the plays cubing back rolling out to his right throws the ball on the run wide open a receiver touchdown QB find a receiver that made some space there now pattern through it and now mentors up forty eight to forty kicking unit comes out once again these points been perfect for the night for the Cardinals the ball is up and it is good one after death is good go down with 8 246 left at the third 46 left here's the third quarter Cardinals are about 40 in the height of the Mustangs 14 they kick it deep on the tag runs back up towards the middle gets a couple blocks makes it makes it move a good way to start off this series get some good field position there for the Mustangs now we have eight minutes of five seconds left in the game the clock is some things come out to the outside there [Music] injury timeout let's let the players slowly getting back up to his knees to see that started o'clock 640 for the third quarter new package for the Mustangs are going twins on out there Flitz showed no blitz their QB is always covered he's making a run for it puts his head down makes it all the way to the they're gonna give it through on their mark on down the 44 yard line you're gonna give them the first down breakdown be first on Mustangs from the Cardinals 44 making a drive here at twins going Kiwis Becky's look in the past looks to his left find someone open thrusts solo bounces off the turn in there tight in that has not deterred mentor from what they're doing tonight with just their three down linemen they have changed their space another three down linemen WAP packages in but for the most part it's been three down linemen and four linebackers run up the middle they called the Blitz for the Mustangs we have four minutes and 40 seconds counting here in the third quarter mentor is up forty nine to 14 over the Mustangs most things come out and a trips to the rights and a solo receiver to the left another roll out to the right side cubies looking down the field he's looking he's to look it throws it throw incomplete pass but receivers just are can you have separation so he's having to throw it in just get low every time so here comes the Platte team once again from the Mustangs we had about a 20 yard 15 to 20 yard punt last time our kicker is at about the 40 to Manta Cardinals are about the 15 to receive balls back good snap balls up good kick he's gone for a fair catch and that's the ball bounce ball takes a mentor bounce all the way back up to the 30-yard line so mentor would have the ball with three minutes and 33 seconds left here the third quarter the game Cardinals are up let's read online but have not changed that sound blitz on the right side far side handoff up the middle strong fills there to meet them says they're going to give him a loss of one second 11 now for mentor for the senior nights here for the Mustangs be Steven chocolates from the far side again off the edge cubies up quick throw to the outside on the out for two causes about three yard conversion three yard outro Mustangs are narrow in a good position here defensively it is third and eights ago six of show let's again from the far side go in get me back looking up cross Manila feel right in the zone caught it middle find the right hash fences strong film us link is down on the field it is a first time for a mentor he caught the ball and was taken down at about the 47 yard line of the Cardinals but I flew a be hard delusion there a Mustang is down on the field the individuals work in the game tonight we have students compensator day make me for the night so we could you play for strong so was able to walk off on his own never want to see that in any game let alone the last game looking show blitz on the far side again runs up the middle off the left side off the guard you've got a gain of five it looks like maybe six down looks like menara starts subbing in some of their backups let's take shots off the far side let's get off the edge handoff up to the right side made a couple people miss me the past the line of scrimmage they're going to give him the line of scrimmage 80 yard so before no gain five their 35 because there I'm just trying to get their personnel package right positions Mustangs are in damp you can switch to the field side the black on the outside the outside the Mustang looks like the Mustangs 14 [Music] we have 14 to start the fourth quarter here mentor is Jefferson [Music] [Music] make sure that we remember that this is secure night so we have a nice showing before they started for all the seniors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stands here to watch our Mustangs look Cuba keeps it runs up the middle untouched got some blocks down the field and he's in QB sneak [Music] [Music] my team is not it is now mints or Cardinals 56 strong so Mustangs 14 strong soul has changed their their King returned formation here they have their five up front and then they have kind of like an X formation going from the 35 to the 25 and then they have only one deep main Terry is up to kick and does the pooch kick gonna let kick it out of bounds flag on the play so let's see if they're going to set the ball for some good field position for the Mustangs so the balls gonna come out to the 44 yard line on the right hash so my steaks are coming out now playing for some pride to finish off this game you come out with twins on both sides Dementors playing man has been a motion moves with them looking to throw throws it out low short double coverage on the out route so thrown its short probably a safe bet there so Mustangs now are down to two and ten with 851 remaining here in the fourth quarter Dementors looks like they're going to be playing some man defense strong those trips to the far side you're playing with both their safeties back hand off to Clark gets it up the middle pushes the pile a little bit forward all right flag they're probably looking it's gonna be on men stroke as they carried the tackle way out of bounds so he was taken out of bounds at about the 42 so let's see where the penalty takes them up to personal foul face mask e on man sir not for you no continuation after the play out of bounds again for the facemask so it's gonna move the ball all the way up to the 45 but kind of happened sometimes you get some substitutes in in the second half of the game you're trying to make their mark make their name for their coach we have things in a twin formation passes up the quick route but threw it too quick they weren't ready yet for it right between there were two receivers that were there now it is second and ten for the Mustangs with 756 remaining in the fourth quarter so going twins again answers in maine defense you have to Clark right up the middle nobody's good fake he kept it got back to line of scrimmage only sewn out his third in ten it was a good fake had me on that and the QB now is hobbling off the field off that so it is now third in center for the Mustangs going to go with their third string quarterback number 12 coming in Michael Kenny is coming in going with the sophomore so now we're on our third third QB of the game and they're gonna get a delay of game penalty if not time out they're gonna call a timeout she'd not get the delay of games so strongest also has one timeout remaining we are here at serpent in a field of Pakistan stadium with 6:45 left here in the fourth quarter the last game of the season for the Mustangs you have the mints Cardinals up 56 to the Mustangs 14 so Strongsville now has a third string quarterback in here sophomore and hands off the Clark runs up the left side off guard you got about a five yard tackle or 5-yard gain before he was tackled now looking at fourth and five now Mustangs are leaving the offense out they're gonna go for it they really have nothing to lose right now on this side of the field and with the kicks tonight probably only get it down to the 20 so might as well make this two down on territory and try to go for it however now that we're looking at fourth and five you're gonna go for it but they're gonna have to get five yards probably gonna look for a pass play well they're gonna hand off the Garrett Baker makes a cut off the left makes another cut has met and they give him six yards on that first down Mustangs be first and ten from just past the 35 yard largest 5 yard line of mentor so balls on the far hash now so we have two receivers to the near side one on the far side handoff up the middle makes a cut gaining of a couple yards they're gonna looks like they're gonna give him about two yards it's gonna be second in eight it's 5:14 left here in the fourth quarter the clock still winding down it is the senior game tonight for the strongest oil Mustangs it means it's also senior night for the marching band so congratulations to those seniors as well so the strong soul comes out of their huddle they're going with their tight end and wingback formation one receiver each side right up the middle gets it for a loss of one for Clark so we're not gonna look at the third hand nine looks about 39 for the Mustangs so about 4:40 in the game strong so is slowly getting to play into the quarterback who is not running they into the huddle I know is our third shrink quarterback and I know they play clock is winding down but we say they follow their delay of game here a little high handoff made a couple yards they're gonna give them all the way up to the 26 yard line alt flag comes out for a little bit of extra curricular action going over here on the near side so let's see who this is going to be on referee's having a conversation was number five in the field of mentor personal foul mentor so the ball is gonna move up so from the spot of the file which was about the twenty six all the way up to the fourteen looks like yet 14 the mentor Cardinals are more disciplined than they've had too late Tony's here in the game so strong so his first and ten from the 14 when their hand high handoff a handoff right up the middle all the way down all the way down the five-yard line so that's second and one for the Mustangs Mustangs have not given up yet which is a good thing to see from this crew you have their three minutes and nine seconds remaining and Counting here in the fourth quarter Joe has one receiver each side handoff up the middle goes in touchdown Mustangs so with 253 left here in the fourth quarter Cardinals have 56 and the Mustangs have now scored to add six to be 120 so Mustangs kicking unit is coming out to make the p80 you can unit is out [Music] it's good so that series they're heavily assisted by the two counties above the mentor Cardinals Strongsville has 21 to the mentor 56 [Music] [Music] about the 23-yard takes the big slow jab step make someone miss get a couple blocks [Music] about the 40-yard line so we have two minutes of 26 seconds left on this clock that is running so ventures taking their time to come out now they're fully in formation set as they have been most of the night strong this was actually playing more of a four down linemen right now playing the run handoff up the middle is met at the line and the part was pushed back ball comes out but they're whistling to play dead they're gonna give a forward progress of one yard so to you at nine now for the Cardinals with a minute 35 remaining the county they're taking their time we call on the play they're gonna go trips to the nearside now so I'm so playing the run though with four down linemen hand up off the middle mad the line rip down you're gonna give them forward progress to the line of scrimmage so you're gonna look now at three and four other men's Cardinals they have about 48 seconds left to go so we have 38 seconds left and Counting probably going to be the last play of the game so handoff up the middle Strongbow meets about two yards down there to give a for progress at the 43 yard line that is going to be the end of today's game the score here from certainty field that packet and stadium his mentor Cardinals 56 Mustangs 21 thank you once again to our crew we have Michael Gallagher Nick wailing Alex little John George grew Matthew wilkinson we have Sousa care at the board and my cell tonight Dave weekly so tonight we finish off with mentor being a perfect regular season tenant oh and our struggles Mustangs five and five have a good night [Music] you
Channel: Strongsville City Schools
Views: 631
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Mustang Footaball
Id: cVN8rgL8LAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 22sec (7522 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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