American Conference Championship Div 1

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[Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] welcome to the American Conference championship for the woman's football riots we've got a great day for football every day's a great day for football I'm Jenna McNulty up in the booth to my right and your left is Lee lest your hands may be playing the game bringing this game to you today we're pretty excited about that yes we are he's got we have two great teams we've got we've got the eight and OH Cali war against the seven and one Arlington impact these guys have not played this season yet - they haven't faced each other so it should be a really good game oh yeah I look forward to seeing a dog fight anything else everyone you couldn't really find a better match right and Arlington's uh they they came all the way from Arlington Texas so that is some 1,400 miles I think they got in town a couple days ago that's all yeah actually you know what the county won't have quite a few players that actually come in just for the game and Philadelphia [Music] we are in makes it just like Lisa King grabs that couple of years a couple of yards on that return Kelly 42 and 43 yard-line 43 they're gonna take over at the 43 first to 10 they've got a really powerful audience they or audience boy words are not working for me today they've got a really powerful offense really nice balanced passing attack on the the the arlington impact are pretty much primarily our winning team they've only got a couple of couple different receivers that have receptions on their spot oh that's more like to mix it up a little bit so let's see what they've got in store he's got Lisa King coming out here to the near side Jenny Robinson to the far side destiny Yarborough I'll be a minder [Music] she's got the stadium announcer says for we're trying to give her a little extra stats nice runner I like the way she just kind of lower the shoulder and just kept going doing this yeah it takes don't stop your feet stay low don't stop your feet all right so once again this time she's got stepping chuck out to the far side and Robinson Lisa King coming over here to the near side once again Yarborough be million Chantel Wiggins is out of the shotgun second and six she's got the snap hands of all once again to y'all we're just [Music] not cleaned up for the first down the impact came together there to get her down every team effort on that one let it play because she could have listened and kept going all right so third very short it's been quite successful somewhere with the armor off to get them young kids off the field all right I think they're gonna give the ball back to her you know what seems like she's back there okay stealing our yard I think she could get that back yeah once again [Music] [Music] well Lee looks like you're the only one you we working with they're taking a whole lot of time in the huddle to say they saw us which would be same old step keep it clean kids are watching keep it playing she's got four receivers two to each side she's gonna pass the ball this time Wiggins goes to Luther King really slapped past beautiful catch yeah doesn't get very far after the keep him honest we used to say that keeps them on their on their toes a little bit making a little defensive change out goes Liana Hall in comes epiphany Carroll Tiffany parents got 36 solo tackles these years she was gonna be living for that ball alright once again she's got two receivers out to either side the Yarbrough behind her Wiggins is in the shotgun she's got the snap fakes the handoff to Yarborough [Music] Courtney Busby made it could have kind of had that one but you know she didn't go she's hitting that fret first full-on she was really committed to going for that she could have picked it yep so that brings up third down from 35 yard-line yep all righty and once again looks like that same formation with Canyon Robinson to the near side the left barrels forward they are methodically moving down the hill they are eating up the clock there's 10 minutes and 6 seconds left here in the first corner nice 5-minute drive but you know what you got to get in the end zone for them to make up be worth maybe with one you got to all right alright Kings not quite far enough light out so maybe this was really gonna be a pass play those two receivers to the near side to the fire nope but they finally get her down leading the way that tackle was restream she's got 32 solo tackles herself and this year so she's been she's lost the play of about three brings up second and 13 I'm anxious to see more this passing game I saw a thing that's warming up pregame she looks good she's got a really nice arm really good delivery Chris Hutchins I am not against your impact team at all we're just more familiar with the war that's all when we got your back brother we are watching your team and I just I just made a little joke about their uniforms that's all Riggins with the snap she goes back to Troy she's go looking for King maybe wow that impact can make a stand we could do some nice things and make they'll be here did they stop them right here okay big you know what it's also a yearly away when you the team is trying just takes a couple of yeah couple the dry series sometimes to get your groove yep but you know when you do that you're the underdog so I should give you a little extra light attitude like thinking alright we drove all this way we got to bring it yeah let's see what their defense is gonna bring you very long third and 13 [Music] once again she's got she was outside she wants to throw her she's looking for it she's down brings up fourth down yeah incomplete pass let's see what they're gonna do I think they're punting that would be the smart play at this point ready this base play anyway but they might have some trickery up their sleeve who knows is the denomination generation [Music] No they're going at that all right you're not pun all right they got three receivers out to the left side Robinson out to the near side back in the back with Wiggins is Yarborough once again [Music] they had let's see what are their passing statistics for for the year they do a lot quite a bit the county war they have 1921 yards passing Wow 74 passing yards a game for the Cali war that's quite a bit yeah so it's not a question then they can get this fourth and 13 just you know I usually want to do that with that kind of pressure like now they have to write you know what I mean they have to it's just 10 yards yeah now the field is longer so is just execution at this point mm-hmm okay here we go let's see what the callee walk coaches drew up okay and then they got a huddle again Wow okay we changed our mind from between the sidelines and then boom there we go maybe the hunt read depending on how the offense lined up that could be a little bit still my defense will you tell us what would you be looking for right now well they go through receivers so the far side there it was and they stopped the first here we go let's see now what the Arlington impact have got up their sleeve like I said they're pretty much a rushing team most of their most of their yardage comes on the ground okay number two number two that is baby all right there chef Kendra Gabriel yes Gabriel on that run beautiful you Gabriel in the backfield again with her this time whether me it seemed like the war defense in their secondary was just kind of stand you okay kind of cruise through the season sometimes it's a little hard then yeah you know a really good opponent that you know and they're all working the kinks out it's the first time the defense is taking a feel here a little bit of a loss on that play second in 11 [Music] all right under Center takes the ball [Music] you all right now let's see what the everybody get that slow getting up I think we got an injury on the field here or they just kind of okay looks like they're gonna go for it - okay forgot the runner you stop the rest area and lost it but er no no I'm kidding I'm sure you don't get in trouble for that thank you I know all right all right here we go fourth down they're going for it [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody first and ten from their own 38 yard line and there's a snap Wow [Music] I'm assuming that's gonna be first down from up here look like that was a nice run they got yo you there's no one wants to get healed by her I don't know got some got some girls up with the front they've lived a lot of sex past the line yeah it'd be secondary don't want to get hit by her all right here we go once again under the shotgun Wiggins has two receivers to either side and yell Bobby honey she wants to talk this time and didn't deliver it as well as she could have I don't know number fourteen fourteen it's on here hold on it was on one okay all right well they were 14 made it was on one of the other ones okay we will look for that number 14 and we will give you a your appropriate sim Sydney Bennett City Bennett making a couple of changes here comes stepping Chuck over to the near side she should be the quarterback we'll get into that later two receivers on either side now Kings been taken over the left side trips to the left side Wow that was a nice you right here we go now third and a mile once again same set with two receivers on each side near her behind her she wants to throw she's looking for killing couldn't pull that one in we noticed the technique through the highest point of the body that the ball come to them she would have caught there and she had gone to the highest point but she let the ball come to her anyway she's gonna be national [Music] [Music] yes all right so for the start of the start of the second quarter all right looks like Yarbrough set to geek wow that was a nice kick takes an impact bounce and they impact wisely step away from it yep and it gets topped well they're gonna take over on the 29 yard line no Arlington they just made another good stop they gotta get some offense go get your slice on the board even even if they just get a nice long drive that would really help them there seem to move the ball and because I think I don't know time possession but I'm gonna guess it was mainly Kelly Warren that yeah I don't know it's a pail drive to me if you don't report to the [Laughter] [Music] she Kendra Gabriel on that long yeah oh she just reached that with one hand if she wrapped up yeah when she was living there bawling yeah Angela band strap they was it eighty I could be wrong here we go all righty then the impacts are coming to the line of scrimmage one receiver to either side running backs in and I formation the pitch goes - Gabriel was running laterally and finally takes it up field but it's actually broadcasting school I never won - that's what they always the best what they it's the first class already third down in about four or five attended for curry she didn't connect you know I'll just wonder when I see that cuz the defenders didn't go and there was no help over the top so she was if the past have been right she would have it had nothing but real estate like literally they were they have almost all of their offense has been Washington I look at the statistics so prepared too much for it alright there was a big skate oh my goodness taking a nice look at that thing rolling Thomas finally stops that down but not until it rolls all going down to about the well it's gonna be the war they've got twenty lady some errands to go eighty-three so I'm gonna call the defense is gonna pick it okay quite a few sacks they've got a really good line all right let's see what Wiggins and company has lined up hands up all off to Yarborough she has come bulldozing forward brought down by a whole lot of cream cream yes yeah she just gets a head of steam going on is bowling ball mmm there is your flag okay what was the what was the call did you anyone catch that placement oh that was a personal comment they finally say there was a makeup call thank you yes makeup call sorry about that guys I did not see that pal and it was for a face mask against the impact which booms the penalty wore down the field even farther at their own 40 now first and ten so maybe they're not gonna pick it and run back when you're sitting you wouldn't be able to hear it at home anyway we can't show you can't share that but trust me it's words that are salty yeah there's something all right second and five hey guess who's in the back here destiny honorable is been surprised with once again two receivers out to either side out of the shotgun wing a section she wants to throw she does and the ball is a little low intended for [Music] all right here we go it is third down see what they've got lined up right now wants the turul again Wiggins you're gonna replay that one all right for DOM and some what's called a mile just watch out on a fourth timeout when they wake it up everything all right looks like they're gonna part yeah what's the forty into it gets Oh once again it takes an impact bounce get away from it in fact all right there we go is down by Don Peterson about the twenty seven twenty eight so it's nice to be able to say John's name it's not a family no touchdowns out unsung heroes above all [Music] okay here we go so first and ten from the war 29-yard line the impact is going to try to be the first one that cracks the scoreboard because right now it is still zero medially by suddenly Jenkins and [Music] [Applause] she [Music] [Music] yeah third and very long yeah but you know all right third long once again quick toss right up to the left sides Tara Thompson took that managed to get quite a few but not enough for the first down so that's that's impressive [Music] I think they're gonna go wow I'm kind of surprised there they turn it over here there they know one to have a whole lot of room for to go to score yeah not at all that's a bad idea they should on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hopefully they'll be aggressive with this because the impact is spilling some kind of way about not being able to convert that I love how she rosary screen it on that tackle but not until Yarbrough manages to get quite a few right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but the ball is on the 28th and maybe it's just the light out in 0c so 102 is running around or at least they think that there's the snare the Kali was not covering the edges they need to go down in a little field she picks up a few they do yeah you do this midfield yeah all night what if the hair mean you think they're gonna go there code you smiling yeah you can see it from up top all right there is a snap you know they've just been a hair off with a lot of those throws - yeah it's been about I am there - away from [Music] there we go mmm-hmm put her down now about five out of the shotgun [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] you think she's a little scared of the pressure honestly it's what's that I you know they don't practice a whole lot together they've been ran a couple of times where they've been able to practice they've got a lot of gals coming from all over so I think it's they've got some good athletes that would drive me crazy how do you get any kind of team synergy without I don't know [Music] [Music] I'm assuming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's first and goal but from a little farther now [Music] [Music] she must have dropped it maybe get all excited when she got another I guess so how many touchdown so she could score the shirt Jamie Robinson has store quite a few okay see touchdowns she has scored where she had up top [Music] [Music] who's gonna make it all the way in Washington [Music] and there's a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what they lost five yards on second and 15 all right Perry is out to the far side then stop the clock she gets back well maybe one yard of the into the initial maybe they stopped the pot before [Music] she's got a little bit about the 40-yard [Music] alright so now what do you do these same theory so they've they've got that short field you're talking about but if they go for it here and they miss your turnaround doing the same thing Callie what would you do yeah I you know what I would do because the the why not at this point yeah I would do a running play for sure I would go for it with the running play I wouldn't pass it because if they pick it off the score and then you're just devastated but and they run you don't get anything you know worse off [Music] [Music] [Music] bring out Wiggins out of a shotgun [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go so now first and ten again from midfield once again Vegas is in the shotgun she's got the boss but someone stopping the clock there's to be a killer if they get some more points I feel it for the impact [Music] [Music] yes is the DCT between be Boston renegades today that game part is probably wrapping up I think that one started I think we have friends on both teams DC divas and Boston renegades oh right now all right here we go second down and about four how did the shotgun she wants to throw again she's intended for Lisa King who had a bunch of green screen synthetic grass in front of her no hurry put her in up there and said not for you to do yep she told her exactly what she was thought it did you see her yeah she telegraphed that she had looked her off just a little bit she might have completed that pass third down and about four they need to get to the 42-yard alright let's see what they've got drawn up here [Music] 22 seconds left in the game it's gonna be second down thirty-six [Music] all right so right what you do right here my field to destiny the whole time why stop now first I know they got the first stone actually I have a toy ball here they've started to kind of get their passing game 17 seconds left so she trips up top three receivers to the far side Jamie Robinson held down here to the nearside slant route yeah that's actually worked pretty well that's with the passes that they have all been able to complete [Music] so here they don't make it there we go now the clock is going takes a snap she go four seconds left so with two seconds left they got a shot at the end zone maybe give the goal of Destiny again see if she can just Rumble away you know what I'm noticing that when destiny does he's wrong was she's the only one out there like those her help she can have a few people blocking downfield from here she could have scored yeah they should want to be blocking downfield for her yeah you know she has been I think she's a common well know at least has caught a few passes yeah let's see what they do this should be interesting Stefan Chuck King and Bennett top to the far side Robinson down here to the near side yeah I was behind if she takes the snap she's [Music] [Music] that was very nice so no time for that King I was kidding she had a makeup do you know much that was nice connected that was nice so now with no time on the clock and no surprise yeah burrows in the backfield with her she came without her helmet on and that they had made her a little bit upset yeah so the point after the two-point conversion attempt is no good [Music] [Music] but there's plenty of football laughter I believe you with the ball send the second half you [Music] yeah she was no I'm taking you down right here right now and that's where she was down so just start the second half it's gonna be first and 10 from their own 20 8 yard line hmm the Arlington impact see what they have halftime speech I always wish I could be in the room you know be a fly on the wall I hear what the coaches are saying to kind of get them webbed up see if it works if it doesn't work it's all about who's in that room with you - absolutely they listen to all right the Angela Rick's his under center Curry goes in motion oh it looks like some confusion at the snap there but Gabriel was able to reel that in pitch it backwards it's incomplete they pitch it forward now which one is it if they pitch it back it's it's a it's a live ball yeah if they throw it backwards [Music] TV Land I'm a technique person yes she was running right there yep they tried to they went for it so I mean she got away from it [Music] [Music] that something is gonna end that oh my goodness she still tried to throw that ball away might never gonna be with you worse for the animal oh it's gonna push him back a little bit so really decent position on the 28 yard line has wandered its way all the way back down you know sometimes a me right now so you play for a long time I did what we're seeing there kind of just this is how you get a really nice punt I think it's a really nice role and then you make a stop right here on this place so with [Music] okay so for their first possession the second half Cali Wars got excellent field position first and ten from the 36 yard line of the impact wings is out of the shotgun two receivers on either side she hands the ball off to [Music] [Music] all right so first and ten once again nice that's exciting I love runs like that from just inside the 20-yard line familiar formation with four receivers in Yarbrough in the backfield Jimenez she leads the team in tackles and she is not taking anything from her kids right now tackle them on the sidelines all right here we go so yeah second down and long no after that it's sack hand the ball off the Yarborough with a hole up the middle to tackle these finally grabs on and drags her down but not after she slides another but she made the tackle and the first down so third I would imagine this is four down territory for them they're gonna just keep going yeah yeah so you got to place to stop you're gonna soon I'm gonna assume they're gonna give the ball to Yarborough again you know at this point is done so absolutely let's see the impact in the game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] because they were sporting the last one with the poster out now they'd really good you know they're gonna try for the two-point conversion again I wonder if the coach of impact is going to start defending against that last time they threw when they went for the two-point conversion this time they're handing it off to destiny [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm hoping a Lisa king Curie she picks it up she's taking all I gots to the right side she's got some room she [Music] [Music] and personal foul looks like wow okay personal foul [Music] Cynthia you borrow with a lady I always know it's a combination the Warriors central California or angels the wall ages and warriors so they combined okay some of the Californians was more in central California which is why so many are coming from far away flowers away she's got some room for a second I thought she was hurt but catching a breath well she carried my reform on two or three guarantee for she I used to play with this one girl it was so funny she would just be laid out we're all thinking she's heard she's just catching a breather okay so it's second down and about four takes after Thomas yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yep [Music] [Music] we've got a plenty of time left in this game the stadium announcer scores 22 to 6 nice nice nice play indeed so the impact is back in it you know there you don't come all this way and not have some fight right that's right you don't end up you're not a 701 team just by luck so then one for to see what they can do here hands the ball to Gabriel who's got a big hole she's pushing forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] balls lined up whoa look at that they've Angela Rick's quarterback on the kick that is just corral their first and ten at their own 45 yard line with seven minutes and one second I must be old school okay so with seven minutes on one second left in the third Callie Warren takes over first and ten from their own 45 yard line with you guessed it two receivers on each side and Yarborough in the backfield okay Wiggins is in the shotgun he's got the snap hands of all the elbow picks and pull up and bulldoze her way forward for eight yards assume that because the secondary is now starting to cover the middle of the field but that's just a good adjustment yeah kudos to the coach and they have quite a few over there action we've got some fans over from Texas a couple times witness again out of the shotgun just [Music] chunking it down the field two o'clock all right first and ten from the impact 44 yard line now it's gonna be first and 15 from the 49 yard line they want a little more space to operate here or a little less yards for your predicted [Music] [Music] second down oh she's coming out get a little breather [Music] [Music] [Applause] she managed to not make that be a complete after Edwards quite a few couple yards and Boykin killed none of the ball saved her from getting really too young to go get you now but there's a big big big Lawson place so what do they say now hold on referees er Chetan we just wanted a little air time these didn't get their last names mentioned she wanted her to be only okay they're totally surrounded and I can't really say anything cuz she's made these passes tonight Yeah right which means someone else is open on the field somebody else had to be open but I was to be watching about usual two receivers on each side in the yard or behind her formation and off go see Yarborough takes it right up the middle now she for a pickup of about five it's gonna bring them forth and really really long from the 40 all right here's out of bounds [Music] [Music] [Music] I think they kinda need to score before the end of this quarter but you're right it'll be nice a big get down and move this have a whole quarter to get just one score nice little moves there two away from him so second in one yes okay under center with gaben behind er that toss goes to Gabriel she wants to take it up just what they wanted to do with the minute and 16 seconds left they have another first down you think that's what they wanted to do well they want to get it first and they want to keep the ball chains moving okay keep them moving when I throw it down the field [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that makes sense we see something you don't like because right now a score would really really really make [Music] if they get in on this Oh watch mouths all right here you go see our girl brought down really nice Chapel yeah I'm so sorry so get on that tackle look like yeah we scream sorry I did say reason that was college she's actually got 32 solo tackles and leads a team with nine and a half sacks yeah there's they've got a really good life yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna play that no Pam third down and long all right with the ball said she was like in the game she's not she's not quite making the pastures like she was it's so important to just just where you point your toe all right so you think I've battled up for fourth down its fourth along this is could be a reason to play for the impact here getting back into our game not only emotionally but actually so they're playing not to lose which often times too long so it's not like oh now we're gonna slow it down and only run they've been running straight time but you know Marcus said against this particular team just one more no I said I did not do any film work just watch the Builder for uses you indeed need to sit down yeah [Music] second down now and very very long and timeout is called to do [Music] [Music] go to the timeout right now yeah the impact to the time on America well push back as far as they are right now they gotta make sure they make a good call here lay back she's stirring almost my own end zone incomplete pass intended for time left like one of my favorite plays wasn't it pick I love defensive pick so it gets me excited boy you're just like high school game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is rough [Music] [Music] [Music] receiver on their team step instructions were made that and she is wide to the right trying to get a second one hey came to the nearside Ben Robinson is out there with step a chat with the ball goes to destiny elbow once again plows through the middle for a pickup of about five stepping Chuck has a hitch in her gait before she takes off you just did and I believe I believe no one in the we'll get to all the people in the worldwide level if you're out there the singing group headed by asked me to apologize we do apologize I think you go back down having a conference down there all the guys we like to hate against the in peso it's gonna be an automatic first they're gonna spot the ball yard-line starting soccer lines out there are messing us up that's what that is almost the planet might disagree with you we don't know but that's okay Yarbrough takes the snap but no she is stopped and held up initial number 41 that was a nice play right there this will really give the impact a good shot in the arm if they can manage to keep him out of the end zone here there's 11 minutes and 40 seconds left went down is it well [Music] so often very very very deep in their own territory its first intend for the impact [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody timeout third time [Music] all right yeah what do we got oh looks like a safety do they agree it's on its it's as much in as little in play as you could possibly be half an inch all right there's a snap [Applause] Thomas on the carry but did not get very far with it my second and 10 all right yeah I think she might be so it's second and ten from the impact zone 32 yard line with nine minutes and three seconds left and 16 points to try to score [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right here we go and there's a hand up tomorrow y'all go once again she goes for picks up a few making sure don't make any mistakes don't give him too many hearts don't get beat right don't throw the ball over like they just did right I think she may have gotten the first down yeah she good yes she did they hung over the six so with seven forty-seven left they're just going to be eating the clock up yo [Music] [Music] [Music] better than half minutes first down all right here we go you're gonna answer me good camera angles for you guys here we go first and ten shotgun makeup so who knows where she got her number 91 that is America working weekends a big play earlier right looks like this game isn't slow-motion right now I was going too fast before alright so second down and about eleven to go just under seven minutes left and [Music] the Sun is setting beautifully [Music] beautiful night for football any nights a beautiful night for football but this one is especially especially nice a handoff Burciaga takes over the right side that she's being chased Courtney bars be grabbed ahold of her leg and said nope you're not going any farther did she manage to bring her down yep okay well not your legs so you cannot so she gets it close but it's gonna be 41 and of course they are going to go for it [Music] players all right so yeah boy takes the snap from center and she just bulldozes forward and typically operations where they're gonna spot it nope but then look [Music] [Music] [Music] Ashley haze it on the tackle lost but my one brings up second and 11 why made fun of them in the beginning with those reading uniforms are sure easy to see now yes they knew what they were doing tie this ball get close again but when you expecting your senior to make sure she was across the first down marker yes hey just catching the ball good start right there incomplete pass I didn't really see it this is some people say hey Andre Smith and her fancy socks yeah fancy definitely alright here we go [Music] all right they are doing a lot of talking well 16 point lead with 4 minutes left but I guess you want to keep that 16 point leads you gotta make sure you get on the same page see if we've got some new blood in there we do it looks like they've given this young boy a break you got Jamie Robinson out to the far side yeah handoff goes to number 34 location Lane who gets yanked down by number 44 Cariah smooth furious Smith curia Miss Smith I apologize totally mess up your name how about alright 3 minutes and 33 seconds left in the game balls sitting right smack dab on the 25-yard line it's second intense Cali war are understandably just taking their sweet old time Yarborough's back in the game as his lane behind with her and a handoff goes to Yarborough who doesn't get too far and she is finally pushed back after gain of a couple brings up third down but it's ticking precious Tekken's seconds off that clock yep three minutes left now and remember Arlington's got to get to scores now if you're Arlington now you pretty much know barring an act of nature when your arlington you say i'm gonna be that act of nature but we're gonna give them everything we got everything we get the ball I'm gonna get the ball right now and I'm gonna score and it gives us again the line contends late and my ability hind the rickets is in the shotgun with one receiver on each side the handoff Percy [Music] in the last play she got a couple and in that place she got them all time to get you how they're gonna go for two minutes when you're thinking why are they going for two why they rub in the sin a lot of times it is just because they may not have some of the kicks on their spot so that for two every time Lane takes the handoff she wants to get in but she is stopped and not allowed in by a number that was 10 but I don't see a 10 on their roster that was 18 18 but but Tonya Smith in on that tackle so the two-point conversion is no good making the score 28 to 6 with 2 minutes and 10 seconds left in this American Conference championship game winning this game heads off to Golden Colorado where they were gonna meet the game the winner of the game earlier today between the DC divas and see if they've got a score you I could see them trying to work out some stuff they have to rework that kick because I believe before before they officially gave them the go-ahead to go thank you sure if that was a sneeze across our beautiful California sunshine here we go to try one more time there's the kick by number nine she takes it over gets it all the way up to almost midfield us Epiphany Carol so with two minutes and five seconds left it is not impossible it is it's a big task right now there it's not impossible stranger things have happened so here they go let's see what they've got lined up what y'all got come on in fact what you got in the shotgun now usually he has most of the game she's been over center [Music] a series of three or four hand obstinacy over there out of time [Music] so now at this point you just want to kind of home yep [Music] with the carry pick up on a few seconds a few actually well if you had to give a player in the game is always running backs never been a running back you see what the flag on the play is it could be figuring out they do not have me let's see what he's gonna say they've got three players [Music] [Music] make sure that you check out what appears to be the Cali war although I am NOT giving up on the impact there's still 53 seconds left in this game she's cute just that part optimistic but there's that all right let's see what we doing now coming up to the line we do Wix is under center once again she takes the ball back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] there's the pre-kick that happens on a safety it's going to be taken down so late smack dab at the 50-yard line with 46 seconds now left in the ballgame it's going to be a couple of victory formations for the tally more and they will head off to Golden Colorado to meet the winner of the Boston renegades and the DC any of these fights actually one way to skin a cat okay well no one less yard this could be the difference victory formation and then we want to wish the Arlington impacts it travels on the way back to Texas and quick travels right because we want to thank you again [Music] [Music] championship ends thanks so much you
Channel: Women's Football Alliance
Views: 2,628
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: OvV-Ztg7SWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 7sec (10207 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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