107 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker FACTS - Nintendo FACTS! | The Leaderboard

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after 14 years you think we'd get sick of the same little green dude and a sword but there's no way we can tire the legendary link in its quest with awesome music characters fights and fantastical journeys we're sick in the blink all the way till the very end and we hope that some ever hi I'm Brendan with the leaderboard and our quest is to give you the best info on our favorite sailing hero and his friend so hoist your sails and unwind because this is 107 facts about Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker let's get started [Music] fact number one The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker was developed and published by Nintendo and released in North America in March 2003 for the Nintendo GameCube number two in October 2002 the official Japanese title kaze note aqua Cola was announced this roughly translates to wind pecan and led to many guesses as to what the English title may have been none of which mail a couple months later in December Nintendo revealed the name of Wind Waker and shortly after announced the release date fact number three the Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker was the award-winning tenth edition of the series this game featured a brand new design for the franchise as well as all new gameplay wind wakers the first game to show link receiving his iconic green tunic this serves as part of a tradition for his people on outside island for all boys that come of age to dress as the hero of time number four before production on majora's mask ended designers already knew that GameCube would be Nintendo's next platform so development on Wind Waker started just after the release of Majora's Mask Wind Waker only took about two and a half years to develop considering the history Zelda games that's actually pretty good number five the story explains that link is the hero of time stuck in a never-ending cycle in which the hero will once again rise to fight against evil thus making this the first game in the series to explore alternate timelines for new character incarnate number 6 the infinite Link's idea has been confirmed as truth amongst Nintendo game designers according to Miyamoto himself every Zelda game features a new hero named link that's cannon Miyamoto says number 7 descent Wind Waker aside from the rest game designers decided that the game should take place on the ocean and since the sailboat is the best names of travel on the ocean the wind concept basically took over number 8 Nintendo wanted to feature more wind in their games but before GameCube was released windy levels were kept to a minimum due to the limitations of the graphics of the time game cubes advanced processing power with the driving force behind Wind Waker the creative team wanted to challenge themselves when it came to graphics so they decided to utilize wind as the theme number 9 Nintendo has an interesting style to develop in game they tend to think of gameplay first story second for the Wind Waker the first thing they wanted was a new style of movement and they settled on sailing after that that came up with the basic idea that Hyrule flooded and then they came up with the story for the game number 10 the Wind Waker storyline takes place a hundred years after the events in ocarina of time and serves as an indirect sequel to the game this is made apparent by the legend of the hero of time which is clearly a reference to the Ocarina of Time a lot of a lot of time stuff alrighty guys we're only at number ten number eleven according to the Hyrule historia Wind Waker takes place in the new world timeline following the events of Ocarina of Time after adult Link defeats Ganon and travels back in time only to disappear number 12 in order to better enhance the game-playing experience each of the characters were designed with their own personal AI characters were programmed to display a variety of actions which in turn made the world seem a lot more alive an active number 13 the trademark tune shading design was created by artist Yoshiki head Ohana after he drew a tune style link illustration for fun the graphic designer Satoru Takizawa saw this image and followed suit with the drawing of mob Windom in the same style the team loved the cartoonish illustration so much they started development using this style the first official concept art for the game was a battle between link and two mob limbs in a field number 14 many fans were outraged over the new cartoonish design but ultimately fell in love with the game itself this was due to the fact that most fans were expecting a realistic design for Wind Waker and received the opposite game designers knew there would be an initial shock over the new look but overall they expected positive feedback instead they themselves were shocked when fans expressed discontent claiming the new approach was directed towards kids way to go kids number 15 Nintendo's biggest strategy with this game was to show The Legend of Zelda in a whole new light designers were absolutely thrilled over the new tune shaded link simply because it was an all new original rendition of the beloved character number 16 Miyamoto stated that the new visual style would be the first thing people talked about and he couldn't have been more accurate in his predictions the new visual style became a brief controversy until the game eventually won fans over number 17 the expectations for a realistic looking Zelda game started when a demo was released for space world 2000 fans assume this was a clip from the next game but it was actually just a gamecube demo and nothing more number 18 the irony behind this game is that even though it's cartoonish and design the world was now more realistic than every game before it in regards to expression and animation this is the first Delta game where the designers took a very realistic approach towards facial expressions and reactions it was a revolutionary focus for game developers at the time number 19 there are concept drawings of Linc as an adult for Wind Waker there are also concepts of his transitioning into an adult suggesting that originally Linc was supposed to age in the game similar to ocarina of time number 20 many expected Wind Waker to have more voice acting but Nintendo didn't like the idea of giving link of voice to slate in the French eyes they feared his voice would be liable to receive copious amounts of backlash number 21 before Wind Waker the boxart never really matched the visual style of any Zelda game it was also the first Zelda game to maintain the same artwork throughout all game platforms the artwork was intended to completely set the tone of the game Wind Waker was the milestone in which Nintendo had expressed the desire to tailor specific designs according to the different storyline number 22 you'll never see another Nintendo title with the Wind Waker graphic style it's a Nintendo's policy to create new artwork for their titles not recycle the old number 23 the Wind Waker design was anime inspired but not by any titles in particular Miyamoto does credit My Neighbor Totoro and Laputa as inspirational art styles but since Nintendo strives for originality in their art no Styles were ever mimicked during development number 24 you can see some of the anime influenced with lace character design like how his eyebrows are a reserved pretty common in the anime format number 25 in early versions of the game Lynx eyes change color most notably they would get red when he was fighting Miyamoto and the Nintendo crew decided to cut this feature though because you usually look at links back when you're fighting number 26 Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka told the Wind Waker team that they needed a reason for Lynx eyes to be so big so the Wind Waker developers considered having linked shoot laser beams out of them sadly a cyclops style Lynx did not make it into the Wind Waker number 27 - and link is always voiced by Japanese actress tachi Matsumoto coincidentally she also voiced the Skull Kid in Majora's Mask the post boss music is also the final our score for majora's mask looks like they took a few things from that game number 28 wind waker has seven minute day two night cycle set to your GameCubes internal clock this can also be seen from the file selection screen as the background will reflect the time of day that you're playing playing in the evening will show a night sky playing in the daytime will show a cloudy blue sky anything in between is also fair game number 29 the new-look seem to attract more women and more non video game players than before several of the developers wives attested to the fact at the time of the game's release as they suddenly became interested in franchise number three wind wakers main theme song is comprised of two different songs learned within the game those are earth's god lyric and wind god area most of the music in the game is composed of remixes or renditions of songs from ocarina time in majora's mask number 31 the audio used for the choo-choos is actually an argument being held between two Japanese men the audio is sped up and reversed to create the slime monsters familiar sound bite when reversed and slowed down the two choose audio roughly translates into at least I'm not balding for the first line and the second line is and looking like you are people will think you're a monster awkward and ironic number 32 the three goddess statues look awfully similar to Pikmin matching shape and colours aside the statues also resemble the Pikmin in that one has a nose one a mouth and the other has ears number 33 in certain releases of the game Tetris name has changed today's 'el which is an anagram for Zelda pretty on the nose there Miyamoto number 34 the song from the e3 2002 Wind Waker trailer was also the theme song from the 1982 classic adventure film Conan the Barbarian the song is called riddles of steel by basil Polydorus and was also used for Ocarina of Time as well as the Twilight Princess in 2004 number 35 link speaks actual words for the very first time in Wind Waker although the character still doesn't talk much he can be heard saying on occasion that was my flawless link impression number 36 giraffe a legend resulted series heroes have played harps ocarinas guitars drums and even the recorder but the Wind Waker is one of the only games were linked technically does not play an instrument during the Wind Waker fado one of the sages explains that though it may play musical notes it is simply a magical baton used by the King to conduct the sages when communing with the gods number 37 originally linked wasn't even going to use a baton according to director heo Lync was going to play a theremin type instrument but he was worried players would wind up confused number 38 real constellations can be spotted in the night sky if you look closely you can see Orion the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia oh man who needs the real outdoors forget them never go outside number 39 the world contains many cross references to previous game storylines for example the beginning of this story explains the events of Ocarina of Time well several masks can be spotted as reference to majora's mask behind garlock desk in the nintendo gallery number 40 an octorok sprite from the original Legend of Zelda can be spotted on Manny's bag in front of the Nintendo gallery number 41 the same glass windows inside of the master sword chamber of the Hyrule Castle depict the seven stages from ocarina of time number 42 the Hyrule historia revealed that the game was originally set to include a stove pipe island of steam and smoke along with a Gamecube Island unfortunately both designs were withdrawn from the game for unknown reasons number 43 the text on phantom Ganon sword translates to zu Bora and gue Bora who are the two blacksmiths in Majora's Mask this suggests the possibility of these two forging the sword and leaving their mark number 44 there is a hidden item accessible through the game's code called water boots its intended purpose is up to speculation but when equipped with this item the same animation is used as with the iron Z number 45 fans speculate that the water boots were intended to help link sink to the bottom of the ocean and allow for him to walk underwater this is the same function that the iron boots served in ocarina of time number 46 a folder entitled tinkle holds a model interior of a house using only two textures the purpose of which is unknown that sounds like a creeper number 47 want to use cyclones to travel across the ocean this little tip will do the trick after saving Link's sister at forsaken forest go to c4 or f3 where you will see a cyclone go near it and defeat the red frog cyclone once defeated Sipos will see to the ballot of the gale number 48 like Navi in ocarina of time the game was also said to feature a guide only this time the guide was a cloud riding the guide idea was scrapped and the design was repurposed for the zeppos and cyclist characters number 49 link does have a specific animation for swimming and floating but it's never seen due to the non-transparent appearance of the water however these actions can be viewed in the water testers number 50 the music was composed by Nintendo composer Koji Kondo the same man who has been responsible for the Zelda soundtrack since day one thanks Koji number 51 using the Wind Waker the developers included more aspects of music composition including standard three four four four and six four time signatures represented by the amount of notes we must conduct number 52 Miyamoto's goal with the music in the game was to get players to get up and dance along with music I mean our a Dallin that I've done a little jig to the windfall island [Music] I mean don't tell me number 53 zepho since I close represented actual Shinto God in the Japanese version of the game they maintained their mythological names reijin the god of thunder and sujin the god of wind number 54 medley was created for the sole purpose of slowing link down as well as the temporary assist developers knew they wanted a secondary character for link to carry around dungeons before medley was ever created number 55 originally the game designers toyed with the idea of a fat reto assisting link before they settled on medley the idea was that they wanted the assisting character to fly but not too well number 56 Makar was originally intended to be a flotation device which gave link the ability to walk on water link was also supposed to be able to hook shot on to make our from any distance the game developer spotted seems a little too cruel and so instead make our plant feeds grow trees for link to hook shot number 57 the character tingle was only meant to appear in majora's mask but due to popular demand he was featured in wind waker tingle can be found trapped in a jail cell on Tao Ora Island once a player fries tingle they have access to the tingle tuner which means players could link their gameboy advance to the game number 58 the tingle tuner was added to the game so that family members and friends who are regular gamers could join in on the fun it allowed for secondary players to tune in and help out without really getting involved in any action number 59 if players choose to use the tangle tutor and the Tower of God's dungeon a secret story is revealed called the legend of the fairy the story chronicles the tale of a fairy that once aided the hero of time use Emma boy Navi Joe don't have a number sixty Wind Waker was the first game to feature a focus system in which link was able to look at and focus in on certain objects and characters the system was implemented as a way to indicate what could interact with link in the game number 61 in the game Lincoln steal a mob lands weapon and use it against him this idea was discussed while reviewing the very first concept art for the game number 62 there are several test rooms left in the game that features stagnant pools of translucent water it's speculated that the rooms were for viewing links movement under water which would play into the water booth number 63 few unused sale icons can still be viewed inside of the game one is labeled Zora sale and the other is labeled tinkle sale at the same time the boat speed was limited by the GameCubes capabilities which is why Nintendo eventually introduced the Swift sail in the HD release number 64 two dungeons were cut from the finalized version of the game so that the game could be released on time instead these dungeons were replaced with the Triforce fetch quest once fans knew about the two missing dungeons there was an uproar for the dungeons to be included in the HD release but they were the reason being that those dungeons were already utilized in other titles following the Wind Waker number 65 since Twilight Princess had more dungeons in previous Valda Games fans speculated that Nintendo included the missing wait waker dungeons into that game incensed number 66 the Triforce fetch quest is one of the most disliked side quests in the entire franchise if so disliked that men tend to actually apologize for it in 2005 for being so slow and dull number 67 players can alter the background music slightly by entering Zelda as a user name when beginning a new game music to all our ears number 68 it's possible to play through the entire game in Link's pajamas if gamers save at the very end of one game then start a new game using that same file link will no longer have on this hero float in my pajamas is definitely how I played this game Lincoln Mayor basically the same person number 69 once the game has been successfully completed link will understand the ancient hyrulean language on a second playthrough you can stand with the God such as Vaalu and job lunar saying number 70 if you bomb the rock in front of the caves that sits on the top about that Island and then talk to the great fairy she gives you a pouch filled with 5000 rupees sweet number 71 there are six giant squids hidden throughout the ocean that contain rupees and other special items to find them just look for the seagull circling in the sky and captain me did you see Captain Nemo there's probably a squid number 72 players received flour one from Zoo nari after defeating God's towers if the player retrieves flowers two and three afterwards and brings back the third one to Zoo nari they will receive the magic shield which cuts all damage taken in half number 73 there's an enemy HP scanner located on windfall islands that enables you to see your opponent tip point after completing the hide-and-seek game you can give miss Marie joy pendants once you give her 41 pendants she will give you the scanner number 74 there are two pictures near the entrance of Hyrule Castle one is of the king and the other is of Princess Zelda with working works like Tetris pirate sizes number 75 there's a secret that makes refilling magic easy on forestation island allow yourself to be shot out of a giant flower several times and Link magic will be restored another restoration trick if you stand in front of a broken sign and played God's wind area the sign will magically restore it number 76 unlike previous games there are no chickens for tease but there are pigs who will get mad and attack you if you provoke them a certain amount of time you weary however because there's a small Pig that can take a full heart well the giant pigs an offset island can take four art number 77 it's possibly could to free ride on Beatle ships in the area where they patrol simply enter a next to the shop and stand still after a while the ship will set sail on its course number 78 it's easy to accidentally fish for trash sometimes when fishing for treasure near glowing marks in the sea you may pick up an old boot instead number 79 there's a glitch that lets you walk around indoors with a bomb that's a tingle tuner - why and then quickly press Y and start paused to set up the bombs as Y in your inventory when the game is unpause link will be holding a bomb number 80 if you mess with tingles gold statues he will flip out and try and hurt you if you throw one into the sea knuckle will still talk about it when you return number 81 when shopping for a blue potion SARS cabin might be your best bet the Deku Baba plants at the entrance of the forest drop sees size of which can be traded for a blue potion at one of the Forest Haven ships number 82 you can encounter a total of eight different fairies in Wind Waker and each one gives you a generous upgrade of these six or standard ferry wells and two are special with additional requirements number 83 players can connect their GBA and use the tingle tuner to locate tingle statues within each of the five dungeons if each statue is recovered a reward of 500 rupees is awarded just sell the statues to tangled brother number 84 the game unlocks new features on a secondary playthrough when using a previous game file including a skull shirt for link sister as well as access to the DX color camera number 85 if you collect ten of the night scratch from the darknet nights and take them back to Orca he will teach you a special move called the hurricane spin number 86 if players capture a fairy in a bottle and use it on links grandmother chill with a special healing potion - when the potion is used up she will give you a free refill anytime thanks grandma number 87 there's a cheat to reduce the price of everything in Tangled shop jump into the metal pot on the first floor of the forsaken forest with the tingle tuner activated and tingle will tell you that there's a fail number 88 there's a common glitch often encountered when battling puppet Gannon when Ganon punches link through a wall Lincoln still hit Ganon with light arrows but Ganon won't be able to hit back number 89 there's a way to defeat Cal a damos the boss of the forest haven dungeon with a single hit after you cut his vines using the boomerang the plant will fall revealing a smaller plant inside simply pour forest water onto the smaller plant and there you have it boss defeated speedrunners I hope you take a note number 90 there's an emergency health hidden during the final battle with Ganondorf if you're in a pinch have link used the hook shot on Zelda to steal a heart from ur number 91 Lincoln actually make himself invincible during the battle this goat hand by taking cover in a doorway for some reason go Dan is unable to touch link when he's standing in the doorway making it an ideal defensive strategy number 9 in the opening the wind waker during the story scroll you can hear a mandolin being played that's actually a sample taken from mr. Miyamoto playing the instrument what a talented guy number 93 during development sarita were actually designed to be flightless and the idea of having to carry one around like you do medley stemmed from this concept number 94 many fans wholeheartedly believe that the Rideau postman Khopoli is related to the postman in ocarina of time it is heavily implied through physical similarities as well as the text from the Nintendo gallery that says he's a third-generation postman number 95 those are 7 pages never appear or are mentioned in the Wind Waker stained glass windows in Hyrule Castle depict roost area darunia Ruto Impa nabooru but for some reason not Melda instead Ganon is shown in the center window underneath the Triforce number 96 Nintendo's fastest play tester managed to beat the Wind Waker in ten hours but out Numa mentioned that this was after he spent a significant amount of time with the title he said that the game should take the average player around 40 hours number 97 Wind Waker was released in 2013 for the Wii U in 1080p resolution the revision included all new features such as the streamlined interface the gamepad functions and the never-before-seen hero mode the new design was welcomed with open arms in Japan in contrast of the mixed reviews reviews in North America but ultimately the game didn't fare as well in Japan number 98 the king of red lines was originally designed to look like he was handcrafted out of wood but in the end intend to chose a more Eastern style for the code number 99 as far as sales are concerned the game did not live up to his expectations despite the critical acclaim the last report shows that the Wind Waker only because 4.6 million worldwide as opposed to ocarina of time 7.6 news Nintendo was convinced that the wind wakers poor sales were due to the toon shadings line so they decided to give Dan's the zelda they wanted and created a much more realistic Twilight Princess number 100 though it didn't meet sales expectations the game boosted GameCube sales during its risky it was also Nintendo's most successful pre-order campaign time with over 500 60,000 pre-orders before the game's release number 101 someone's Laker pre-orders were bundled to the port of ocarina of time as well as the more difficult version entitled ocarina of time Master Quest number 102 Wind Waker receives two sequels for the Nintendo DS in an effort to continue the wind wakers whimsical art style and keep the story alive those titles are 2007 spans an hourglass and 2009 purist trick number 103 Nintendo actually announced a sequel for Wind Waker in 2004 at a presentation for a Game Developers Conference claiming more would be revealed later that year it's free however when III came around Twilight Princess was announced instead number 104 nintendo admitted that they started initial steps towards the sequels but demand from fans for a game like ocarina of time were hard to ignore since toon links proportions weren't suited for horseback Nintendo ultimately decided on a different direction by releasing Twilight Princess Nintendo revealed that if they had decided to go through the Wind Waker sequel the game would have had a land-based setting number 105 Nintendo hit a special Easter Egg on the new Zelda Wind Waker HD site for fans to uncover buried in the websites source code was the Triforce symbol which appears to have no impact on the website in general number 106 Wind Waker received universal acclaim upon choice it has maintained a reputation as one of the highest rated Zelda games to date and still receive praise with rich visual design IGN named wind waker the fourth best GameCube game of all time and Nintendo Power claims that it was the second best only two Resident Evil 4 and fourth best game to ever appear on a Nintendo console number 107 The Game Informer once gave Wind Waker a perfect 10 out of 10 score and commented that it blew all other Zelda games out of the water who incidentally it was also one of only four games to ever receive a perfect score from the popular Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu once again I'm Brendan and thanks for watching 107 facts about The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker which one's your favorite yes serie the best girl serie is the best girl comment below and let us know we have new videos dropping every week so let us know which game you want us to cover next and if you like getting more from your games subscribe to the leader board where we help you game smarter
Channel: The Leaderboard
Views: 656,013
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Keywords: Zelda, Legend of Zelda, Wind Waker, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, the wind waker, the legend of zelda the wind waker, nintendo, princess zelda, zelda wind, true facts about zelda, zelda games, zelda series, 107 facts, the legend of zelda game, zelda wind waker review, zelda wind waker HD, wind waker walkthrough, zelda history, the leaderboard, leaderboard, nintendo facts, link, video games, game cube, breath of the wild, nintendo switch
Id: a0_49ZZKsxU
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Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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