Skyward Sword Retrospective
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Channel: KingK
Views: 1,444,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyward Sword Review, Retrospective, Critique, HD, Wii, KingK, Breath of the Wild Retrospective, Twilight Princess Retrospective
Id: tDW-4zOOFTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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I'm more or less with this guy. Poor Skyward Sword. If BotW really breaks the Zelda cycle like it looks set to, SS might be unfairly remembered. I really liked it in general, and found most of the usual niggles that people bring up to be really minor.
Didn't watch the video, but my problems with the game are mostly minor. There's so many small things wrong with the game that it really takes away from the experience. There's so many interruptions that halt the flow of the game
Video is actually pretty good. I would love to play this game with a traditional control scheme. Wouldn't work though, unless they took the time to change the combat mechanics and enemy tactics. That said, this is still one of my least favorite Zelda games. Not because of motion control, however.
Found this channel randomly as a recommendation while binging on BotW videos. The whole channel is insanely good. Never finished SS because of the backtracking, but this video does a great job of highlighting what I loved and hated about the game.
I hope they remake this game without motion controls some day.
I would like to play it, but i find it too exhausting to slash my Wii mote around for 50 hours. I already did that with Twilight Princess on the Wii 9 years ago.
That was decent, but far too long.
I thought it was an intelligent game that required you to think about the puzzles in a way that few Zelda games have. Sadly the repeated fights with the Imprisoned and the Spirit Trials ruined it for me. I can forgive the return to the same areas, I can forgive the beige sky, but I can't overlook the Imprisoned. Awful boss, awful boss fight, awful concept. I enjoyed Skyward Sword at the time and its novelty really caught me off-guard at how much I appreciated the creativity of the motion controls, but I could never play it again.
I believe the story is good and everything but I've tried the game twice years apart and the controls took me out of it both times. Is there a recommended let's play for this? Might as well experience the story that way.
Didnt take long to realize hes full of shit by defending the motion controls.
I loved Skyward Sword. So the world wasn't as big and open as BOTW, big fucking deal. I still listen to the Skyloft theme on my itunes.