10.1.5 Packet Tracer - Use CDP to Map a Network

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use cdp to map a network empty or incomplete addressing table a senior network administrator requires you to map the remote branch office network this this cloud this branch office and discover the name and recently installed switch that still needs a ip address to be configured your task is to create a map to of the branch office network okay and you need to complete this table and including a device name interfaces ip address submit mask and local interface and connected network interface local interface and connected network name of connected network the local remote administrative usernames and passwords are for local network admin 01 and this password okay for this network local network and for branch office network username is branch admin and this password for remote branch office use exercise to remotely access network devices admin pc okay click here on admin pc and remotely access h1 gateway router h1 gateway router and use ssh ssh into the gateway router 192.168.11 okay and use the command prompt and remember the username for local network is a means here one in this password okay admin zero one and the password ssh option l is not one is l and means here one and the ip address the user name and the ip address enter the password as 3 cre 7 p character 55 very good h1 okay use this password case sensitive notice that you place it directly into privilege exec mode this is because that means your one user account is set to privilege level 15. okay regulation mode show ip interface brief and show interfaces commands to document h1 routers physical interfaces ip addresses and subnet masks in the addressing table so ip interface brief okay you have two interfaces gigabit zero zero ip address status of protocol up serial zero zero zero ap address status app protocol two active interfaces okay this okay gigabit zero zero and serial zero zero zero okay i will uh create a new uh a new topology down here okay pc switch router [Music] an 1941 router for example and set the name for example admin pc and use a different name for example [Music] c for copy okay this one and h1 h1 the copy and connect the devices you see first internet five gigabit zero one gigabit zero zero okay if i set the number five gigabit zero one gigabit zero zero okay and document the interfaces at zero five gigabit zero one gigabit zero zero okay pc is faster than let's zero okay on pc and you can see the this is the gigabit zero zero ip address admin pc look at this gigabit zero zero api 182.681.11 and also use uh show interfaces show interfaces and you can confirm the space space space and you can confirm the subnet mask of gigabit zero zero gigabit zero zero is ip address and subnet mass is 24 it's 24 so you can place the network address here 192.168.1024 and the whole gigabit zero ip address is one that one okay 182 and 68 one one for gigabit zero zero 192 168 1 1 for gigabit zero zero and subnet mass 24 24 okay and admin pc ip address okay close on the command prompt ap configuration 192.168.110 subnet mask 24 okay so [Music] adding pc is 10. and verify serial zero zero ap address 209 165 205 okay serial zero zero zero two and i was sixty five to hundred five and confirm the subnet mask serial zero zero zero two or nine one sixty five two hundred five subnet mass theory okay and this is this is the serial 0 interface serial 0 0 0 interface but up here the interface options at the serial interface and okay with this serial interface on this network [Music] admin pc1 265 205 30 the network is for 209 209 165 204 so net mass 30 with the host for serial zero zero zero is five the host for serial zero zero zero is that five okay very nice okay okay obviously if you have this topology you can complete this table easily and continue with from h1 use ssh to access remote branch office 2 on i-165 210 this 2016 by 200 uh device on this cloud on this branch office uh username branch admin and the password okay this username branch admin in this button okay from h1 okay go to admin pc again ssh option l branch admin 209 165 210 okay and enter a password this password s3 cre 7 p character 5 5 enter okay very good branch edge router okay here in this cloud and okay so there is a device called branch edge it's a router okay you you will just for example show version show version and you will see this uh cisco 1941 is a router okay 1941 i think this router should be placed here and use this name branch edge branch dash edge okay duplicate device names are not the yard because exist here in the cloud so you can use this name branch edge copy okay now it's accepted and after connecting to the remote branch office what piece of previously missing information can now be added to the direction table above okay go to admin pc and this can be added to the addressing table branch edge for the device name okay you can complete this but i'm doing on the topology brand branch edge router ucdb to discover next boring devices you are now remotely connected to branch edge using cdp being looking for connected network devices show ap interface brief show interfaces and document branch edge routers network interfaces ip addresses and subnet masks add the missing information to the addressing table to map the network okay and go to admin pc show ip interface brief okay sorry interface brief okay gigabit zero zero and serial zero zero one state up protocol up state up protocol okay so serial zero zero one and gigabit zero zero very nice and add the serial interface and show interfaces show interfaces space space space and configure gigabit zero zero you can be zero zero 181683 24 49 prefix 29 okay for gigabit zero zero the network will be 192 168 the network is k248 okay prefix 29 but gigabit zero zero is 249 down to 49. okay 249 for gigabit zero zero and cl001 zero zero zero one two nine one sixty five two hundred tank prefix theory so the network is 209 165 208 prefix 30 and the host address for serial 001 is 10. okay this is okay look at this this is a different network this is 200.4 and this is 208 so they are different different subnets different network addresses so it should be a device in middle okay between h1 and branch edge there is an existing device a router for example okay but look at this h1 serial 000 cl 000 is connected to 0 0 0 on isp okay so there is a device called isp and serial zero zero on edge is connected to serial zero zero zero on isp so at the device i will add an id 1941 router and i will use isp copy i will add the serial interface and connect from serial zero zero zero to zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero on isp okay is isp cl000 on isp connected to cl00 on edge h1 okay okay if if this is if the network is four and this is five this another side should be six that's six very good okay that's six and look at this cdm001 on branch edge cl001 on branch edge serial 01 on branch edge is connected to serial 001 on isp serial 001 on isp is connected to serial 01 on branch edge okay ctrl c ctrl b okay if network is 8 and this is 10 the another size is 9 okay because only prefix theory only permit two hosts nine and ten security best practice recommends only run cdp when needed so cdp may need to be turned on show cdp command to display the status on branch edge okay go to admin pc you are on branch edge and show cdp show cdp cdp is not enabled cdp is not enabled you need to turn on cdp but it is a good idea to only broadcast cdp information to internal network devices and not to the external networks to do this turn on the cdp protocol and then disable cdp on serial 001 interface disable on serial 001 with enable for internal for gigabit zero zero and use these commands admin pc okay configure terminal cdp run to enable cdb on on the device with go to interface here zero zero one and disable now cdp enable enter very good exit now show cdp networks and find boring network devices okay show cdp nightfalls on privilege accent mode okay use add and show cdp neighbors and okay you have a knife or it's a branch firework when gigabit zero zero zero on my local interface you go with zero zero but on the another side is gigabit zero zero also gigabit zero zero on the on the branch firewall and platform is uh 1900 okay this is a router capability is a router r for router and add a new router 1941 use this name branch firework branch dash firewall copy okay so copy and gigabit zero zero on the another side copy this okay gigabit zero zero on branch edge gigabit zero zero on branch fire one zero zero and zero zero okay this is 249 and is there a horrible network device okay go to admin pc and yes there is a device what type of device is it is a router what is its name branch firewall and what interface is it connected on branch edge to gigabit zero zero in on branch firewall gigabit zero zero is the device ip address listed no ip address records the information on others in table okay i'm documenting in the topology so later you can complete the addressing table easily and to find the ip address of next boring device use show cdp networks detail okay go to admin pc show cdp night for detail okay look at this device branch firewire ip address 180 1683 253 okay okay cisco 19 00 router okay 253 that 253 okay 249 253 gigabit zero zero gigabit zero zero and this is the network prefix 29 aside from the night boring devices ip address what other piece of potentially sensitive information is listed okay admin pc okay the cisco ios software the ios version version of 15.1 the ios version this could be a potential security vulnerability if it is known by a trade actor now that you know the ib address of the network device connect it with ssh in order to discover other devices to connect to connect ssi choose the remote branch office username and password okay use user name branch admin and this password okay from branch edge okay now you are on branch edge with ssh and now connect branch firewall and i will use this iprs253 ssh option l is not the one it's a branch admin and this ib others 182 168 3 253 182 168 3 53 enter and use the password this as 3 cre 7p character 5i case sensitive ender now you are on branch firewall okay so now you are here and after successfully connecting with ssh what does the comma prompt show okay show the the host name branch firewall a branch firewall the hostname you are remotely connected to next nightboard use show cdp night words and show cdp9 horse detail okay add me pc show cdp nighthorse okay and you and you have two night holes this swbr floor 2 is a switch and branch edge the digital router okay run at branch edge is this the router but on the another side okay on the another side you can see a switch okay and it's a switch 2960 switch 2960 switch okay also you can show the the models okay that is very good okay and you can set the name name is this swbr floor 2 swbr floor 2 and a copy and now the local interface on branch firewall the logo interface is gonna be zero one and on switch is gigabit also gigabit zero one okay and use gigabit zero one to gigabit zero one okay gigabit zero one two gigabit zero one okay very good and show cdp networks detail space space [Music] this is the detail for the switch and the ip address of the switch is 182 160 a4 one theory d2 okay this is one theory too but i don't know the ip address of gigabit zero zero one on branch firewall so you can use show ip interface or only show interfaces space space and gigabit zero one gigabit zero one ipad is 182 168 for 129 so it's 129 so is 129 okay but the prefix is 25 182 168 for 129 prefix 25 and the math war is 128 so the network is 182 168 for 128 prefix 25 okay this is the network [Music] this is the interfaces the ip address of the devices okay uh ipaddress.132 is not configured on gigabit zero one on this switch it should be configured on uh blank interface on the switch okay but that 129 is configured on gigabit zero one on the router what types of network devices like for this device okay um show cdp nighthorse on branch firewall on this switch that is swbr floor 2 and a router this branch edge switch and a router record any newly discovered device in the addressing table include their hostname interfaces and ip address okay the switch ip address is 132 the hostname and subnet mask 25 and gigabit tier 1 on the router is connected to gigabit 01 on the switch continue discovering new network devices using ssh and show cdp commands eventually you will reach the end of the network and there will be no more devices to discover okay so access this switch using ssh132 192.168.4 1082 okay go to admin pc ssh option l remember you are on branch firewall and ssh optional branch add me and the ipl 182 168 4132 and use this password okay s three c r e seven p the character and five five enter now you are switch vr floor 2 show cdp nighthorse and now you have three nighthorse a switch sw br floor 3 2960 switch okay switch sw br floor 3 copy okay [Music] first internet 24 is connected to facet124 on the another side okay connect about 24 to 24 okay very good and branch firewall okay branch firewall very good and swbr floor 1 another 2960 switch okay another switch 2960 sw br floor one copy okay and on floor two gigabit zero two and on floor one also you can be zero two floor two gigabit zero two and floor one also you can be co2 okay um you have it zero two you got zero two and details show cdp nighthorse detail enter space space swbr floor 3 is 4.133 okay 3 is that 133 and on this on this subnet okay so the subnet mask of this [Music] of floor 3 is 25 okay and branch firewire 129 branch firewall 129. floor one no ip address there is a question what is the name of the switch that does not have an ip address on the network the answer the answer is swbr floor one no ip address draw a topology of the remote branch office network okay this is the topology but i need to complete this uh [Music] okay go to admin pc for example here uh show ip interface brief okay ip address is configured on vlan 1 on floor 2. okay so that is a very good detail floor 2 vlan 1. ip address is configured on billing one so you can complete the table here on interface you will use vlan 1 the ip address is 132 and the ip address will be 182 68 4 1 0 d2 subnet mask 25 and the interfaces okay go to admin pc and now using ssh connect floor 3 ssh optional branch admin and the ip address 192.168.4133 enter set the password okay or enter the password as 3 cre 7 p the character 5 5 enter okay again s 3 c r e 7 b the character 5 5 enter you can do this as 3 r cre 7b character 55 enter okay the password is failing okay the password is failing the password is not accepted okay but uh on floor 2 you can use the following and you can use show spawning three okay spanning three okay this bridge is the root and gigabit zero one twenty four and gigabit zero two on forwarding forwarding estate gigabit tier one gigabit zero two and twenty four forwarding state okay so this is the demonstration that there is a loop a loop on this network and should be a cable between floor 3 and floor 1 and if you are able to connect 133 you will see the there is a connection between jiggly tier one or floor three and gigabit zero one on floor one okay gigabit zero one on both sides and blank one is the interface on floor three with ipls ipls133 floor 1 no ip address and now if you have this complete topology you can complete this table easily thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 8,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ensa, enterprise networking, security, automation, ccna, version 7, ccna 7, cdp, show interface, cisco discovery protocol, show ip interface brief, map, map network
Id: yH8VHYxZzn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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