Cisco VRF and troubleshooting.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the network for Acme Incorporated and sales and engineering have had a bit of a difference of opinion and they want to keep all their routes completely separate from each other now here's the problem they both share a common router so sales are won and sales are - they go through the common router in the middle and engineering r3 and engineering r4 also go through that router in the middle what do we do well we can carve up and create two separate routing tables for the common router they call them V RFS so we can create a virtual routing and forwarding instance of vrf for sales and we can just call it sales and we can create a V RF we'll do it a different color let's do one for engineering will create a v RF I'll give them green then create a V RF for engineering we can just call it Eng and then what we'll do is this will take on the common router we'll go ahead and we'll take these two interfaces and we'll assign them to that v RF will do the same thing for sales we'll take this the two interfaces that they are participating with and we'll assign them to the v RF called sales now anytime that routes come in or out or we share our forward packets this router the common router is like running VMware think of V RFS like VMware for a routing table you have the global routing table the common router does but specifically it has routes inside of a separate routing table for sales for these two interfaces and a separate interface for engineering in these two interfaces if you want to pause jot this down we are gonna take this existing network right here carve it up into V RF and walk you through one more thing let's talk about routing protocols the routing protocol is that we're using in sales is let's do rip so let's say that we're running rip all the way across here so this is a rip domain and let's say that engineering is using let's say they're using a a G R P right down here so we're gonna have separate V ahrefs separate routing domains let's start to configure this right now so here we're at the common or the core router let's just do a show IP route and just verify that we have all the routes we have the 1 1 1 which is from r1 we have 2 2 2 which is from r2 we have 3 3 3 which is from our good friends of engineering and then we have 4 4 4 so and whilst do a show IP interface brief just to verify that our interfaces as are as they we thought they were so let's do this let's go ahead and create a couple of ER F's one for engineering one for sales and then we'll go ahead and assign these interfaces to those respective vr af-s so let's go ahead and take care of interface FA or let's create the VRS so IP v RF and we see we're gonna call them sales they are case-sensitive and we're gonna create one called IP v RF for engineering poof now we have two vr af-s do show IP v RF now they exist they have no interfaces yet and so we'll go ahead and we'll assign them the appropriate interfaces so if we go to interface config for FA 0 / 0 sa IP v RF forwarding for that would be sales now that interface belongs to sales I need to reassign an IP address because it takes it off when you do that so now this IP address and this interface both belong to the sales virtual routing and forwarding table we're gonna go into interface FA 0 / 1 and do the exact same thing a few forwarding sales and give it an IP address this would be 20 now check this out if we do a show IP v RF like this now you'll notice that sales has FA 0 0 and I meant to assign at FA 0 1 as well I totally missed that and I gave it the wrong IP address too so I need to go fix both those things so I was trying to save a second let's go to F a0 0 it needs the IP address of these the forwarding for sales it needs the IP address of this guy right there alright and we'll do the same thing but we'll do it for FA 0 / 1 put them into sales give him the correct address of that is a correct address good so now if we do a show IP vrf we should have the two interfaces that are both in sales so now those two hundred faces belong to sales let's go into the other two interfaces and assign them to engineering so interface FA 1 / 0 and we'll specify IP vrf forwarding and that would be Eng we'll give it its IP address back IP address is 30.0 to 0.5 and we'll go and interface FA 2 / 0 and assign that also to the correct vrf and give it its IP address back all right now check this out if we do a show IP vrf these interfaces engineering now owns these two and sales owns the other two if we did a show IP route we have no interfaces anymore there's no routes in the global routing table because all of the interfaces have been assigned to one of the other vr af-s if we do a show IP route for vrf sales we should have 2 directly connected network and we just show IP route for vrf EMG we should have another 2 networks there now our next task is instead of routing protocols that are vrf specific here's how it'll work for sales we're running rip so we're gonna set up rip and associate it with the vrf called sales it's done like this config T and the router rip and we're gonna say address family IP v4 v RF and we're gonna say sales it's like a little sub compartment just for rip and will simply say network I'm gonna say everything I'm gonna say no Auto summary you could add normal Network statements they're an essay version - and now I've just set up IP rip for the address family of sales it's gonna participate with those two specific interfaces sending and receiving updates now for EIGRP let's go there router EG rp1 and we need to go to address family for ipv4 vrf called engineering and we need to go ahead and say network on the same network everything there it's only gonna pick up the network's the interface is assigned to that vrf so we're pretty safe so everything in that vrf and we'll say no Auto summary and then we'll also do a autonomous system number and we'll say I think we're using one so you have to put the autonomous system number inside the address family because you might be using EA GRP with several different families several different VRS and each one is gonna have to specify the autonomous system number that you're using even those we already got a neighbor up with 3000 3 I'm expecting 4000 4 as well we'll see if he doesn't come up if not we'll find out why so now if we do a show IP route 4 as vrf sales you'll notice that we have the RIP learned routes the 1 and the 2 network and that's it our directly connected networks and the 1 the 2 network learn from sales I think we're missing IP eh I think we're missing a neighbour though and show IP eigrp vr f ing neighbors yeah I'm missing I'm missing our 4 as a neighbor not sure why he's not coming up let's fix that let's go over to our 4 and let's do a show IP protocols yeah ARP is running for him ping 40.0 at 0.5 we have layer 3 we don't have layer 3 connectivity ok so let's see why show IP interface brief and it's up 4000 4 is up let's go verify our IP address on the common around and sure enough I've got the wrong IP address on that common router so we'll mix it in troubleshooting with this lab lid as well interface FA 2/0 IP address 40 that's 0 to 0.5 and that we should get that neighbor up there she is okay so we need to show IP route for a vrf engineering we are gonna have just the two routes full from learn from our three and our four and our directly connected network and check this out show show IP route there is nothing in the global routing table and that my friends is a brief overview of setting up two separate virtual routing and forwarding tables thanks everybody [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 211,018
Rating: 4.9470382 out of 5
Keywords: cisco, vrf, CCIE, CCNP, CCIP
Id: 01t_E3IzaK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2010
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