Timeline: 1980 - A Look Back at the Year 1980

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Ahh the year I was born. The 80's were an amazing time to be a child.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TazmatticusRex 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

This whole series is great.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SupportVectorMachine 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ok watched the entire series and loved it all.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/G8kpr 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
The 1980s-- it was a totally rad decade that was filled with neon yuppies and a whole lot of Aquanet. Welcome to Fantasy Island. We're going to talk about the news, culture, sports, and entertainment, and all that was weird in the '80s. This is Timeline. [MUSIC PLAYING] We're starting at the beginning with the year 1980. But before we get moving, be sure to subscribe to the Weird History channel and let us know, in the comments below, your favorite '80S memory. OK, then-- are you ready to relive 1985, '6, '7, '8, schlemiel, schlimazel, hasenpfeffer incorporated. We're going to do it now. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Gonna boogy all through the night. Gonna boogy all through the night. Coming out of the disco-filled '70s, the US economy was sagging. Americans were being held hostage in Iran. And the minimum wage was $3.10. But this new decade started off with some promise. Gary Larson's "The Far Side" made its debut the day before, on New Year's Eve. The year ahead for 1980 would feature many new additions and changes to the culture. The world was about to see its first Hot Pocket, the rise of the Rubik's Cube, and the dawn of a new political era. We shall seek new friendships, but we shall not do so by breaking our word or casting aside old friends and allies. This is 1980. The decade wouldn't start off so great for Beatle Paul McCartney when he was arrested January 16 in Japan for marijuana possession. [NON-ENGLISH] It was a big mistake. McCartney would stay in a Tokyo jail for nine whole days. And it was January 25 when Paul was finally released and then quickly deported. I'd like to say, sorry about the mistake there, and hope we can come back some time, and not disappoint you next time, and have a good time. Staying with the music theme, Pink Floyd's 11th album The Wall hit number one on the Billboard charts and would go on to sell over 1.2 million copies in the first two months. The album would eventually sell over 30 million copies, which made it the best selling double album ever. The movie for The Wall wouldn't be released for another two and a half years, until August 13, 1982, where At the Movies critics Siskel and Ebert gave the film two thumbs up. The Rams had two defensive backs covering Swann and a linebacker blitzing Bradshaw. And still, they could not damage the throw or prevent the catch. The Pittsburgh Steelers are the champions of the National Football League. 1980 did ignite what would eventually become a decade-long rivalry of wanting to beat the Soviets at anything. America rose to the challenge at the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York in late February, when the underdog US men's hockey team took out our Cold War foe, the not quite evil empire, USSR, beating them 4 to 3. Do you believe in miracles? Yes! Unbelievable! [CROWD CHEERS] That term "evil empire" wouldn't be coined until 1983 by Ronald Reagan. That's an extra bonus fun fact for you Rage Against the Machine fans and/or New York Yankee haters out there. But no matter what we're calling the Soviets, the budding US/USSR sports rivalry would have to wait. What you talking about, mister? Well, Arnold, that's because the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. And president Jimmy Carter declared the USA would not participate in the summer Olympics, which were being held conveniently in Moscow on July 19, 1980. [RUSSIAN], comrade, [RUSSIAN]. In between all this Cold War tit for tat, some more chilly news as snow fell in Florida in March. This is also notable because this is probably the least weirdest thing ever to happen in the state of Florida. Now for some weird true crime-- in mid-march, John Favara's life took a sad turn when he accidentally struck and killed a boy on a mini bike. This is significant because that boy happened to be Frank Gotti, son of reputed mobster boss John Gotti. Flash forward to later on in the year, on July 28, when Favara disappeared, never to be seen again. It would be reported later that one of Gotti's henchmen took Favara out. Not only did they whack the poor guy, but also pulled a Walter White on him, allegedly dissolving Favara in a vat of acid. Yikes. What did you get me a guitar for? Cause I like the way you sing. He dragged her from the radio station to record shop-- I don't even know where I am half the time. --from honky-tonk bars to the Grand Ole Opry. Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones-- Going bigger if it wasn't for you. --Coal Miner's Daughter. Now playing at a theater near you. '80s TV loved their season-ending cliffhangers. And none were as big as the episode of Dallas entitled, "A House Divided," where America's favorite jerk, JR Ewing, was shot by a mysterious assailant. [GUN BANGS] The country would have to wait to find out who shot JR until eight months later, on November 21. 83 million people watched the episode "Who Done It." Jr had a lot of enemies. We found out it was-- uh, spoiler alert-- dastardly Kristin who had done it. Get me the police. I knew it. This episode of Dallas was the most watched regular season TV episode ever. Switching to the radio dial, April 21, Howard Stern's voice first makes itself heard, hitting the airwaves on station WWWW in Detroit, Michigan. Give me a break. My wife will want to have a baby. All I'm asking for is a gig. If you stop listening, I'm in big trouble-- big trouble. We go on the same day to Boston. And, hey, congratulations. And cool that Rosie Ruiz won the 83rd running of the Boston Marathon. All is fine and dandy until Rosie is later disqualified when it's discovered that she only ran the very last mile out of the 26-mile race. It's not fair. Not cool, Rosie. Not cool. Three days later, on April 24, we go to the Middle East. During military operation Eagle Claw, a rescue mission intended on freeing American hostages held in Iran, three of the eight rescue helicopters had mechanical problems, and the mission was aborted. During the withdrawal, one helicopter collided with a plane, killing eight American soldiers. With the help of doctored lottery balls, Nick Perry, the host of the Pennsylvania lottery scandal, helped rig the TV drawing. The numbers 666 were picked, giving a record payout of $3.5 million which $1.2 million went to those in on the scam. April showers not only bring may flowers, but also some new weird historic slang. Chicago magazine would be the first to introduce the word "yuppie" into our culture, which appeared in print in their May publication. Hello? Friday the 13th-- you may only see it once. [GRASS SHATTERING] We all remember this part on Goodfellas. Police! Freeze! Don't you move, you mother [BLEEP].. I'll blow your brains out. That's because, on May 11, the real Henry Hill was arrested for trafficking narcotics. This arrest would prove to be pivotal because, Hill would turn rat, becoming an FBI informant and narcing out his mob buddies and, well, eventually end up with a movie about it. Thank god, too, because Goodfellas is a really good movie. It's been a learning experience. But I enjoy challenges. And it's a challenge tonight to see what I can do. It's mid-May. Los Angeles Laker rookie point guard, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, stepped in to play center when starting center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was too banged up to play in game six of the NBA Finals. The 6 foot 9 inch Magic would eventually play every position in that game, all while scoring 42 points, grabbing 15 bounds, and dishing out seven assists, helping the Lakers win the NBA championship, 4 games to 2, over the Philadelphia 76ers. What do you have that makes you perform like this in these championship games? Well, I don't know. I just-- I love to win. The city of Philadelphia would get some redemption later in the year. As far as Kareem goes, we'll see him in a minute. Them Duke boys were about as popular as cat's tail in a room full of rocking chairs. Their show was the second highest rated show on television in 1980. Yip, yip, yee, hee, hee, hee, haw. We next land in the Northwest in Skamania County, Washington, some 70 miles north of Portland where, on May 18, Mount St. Helens erupted, making it the most disastrous volcanic eruption in US history. Ash was blown as far as 10 miles up into the sky, which then fell back down and blanketed 11 US states killing crops, creating road closures, as well as blackouts. Video games in pop culture can mark this point when Pac-Man was first released in Japan on May 22. Our little yellow buddy would go on to inspire merchandise, sequals, a Saturday morning cartoon, an NFL nickname, and of course, since it is the '80s, a delicious and sugary Pac-Man breakfast cereal, which was basically Kix, but with marshmallows-- very clever. Flash forward two years to March, 1982. We are fever pitch Pac-Man. The game is so popular the song "Pac-Man Fever" made it all the way up to number nine on the Billboard Hot 100 in March of 1982. The single sold over 1 million copies in '82 alone for a song about Pac-Man. The '80s-- weird times. Weird times, indeed. Late May of 1980 would feature some now iconic movies. I am your father. Here's Johnny. [SCREAMS] June would be the birth of the 24/7 news cycle as CNN hit the airwaves for the first time. Good evening. I'm David Walker. And I'm Lois Hart. Now here's the news. CNN's dominance of cable would spawn an array of sibling news channels, as well as competitors, and change our media landscape and the way we would consume news forever. I have no intention of running for president. Oh, such innocent times. CNN would have covered this. Legendary comic Richard Pryor, while free basing drugs and drinking 151-proof rum, maybe accidentally set himself on fire after running around the streets literally in fuego. Pryor was subdued by police and rushed to the hospital. Flash forward two years. On March 24, Pryor would use this as material for his comedy concert film Live on the Sunset Strip. I remember this one. I'm going to strike the match like this now. Whats that? Richard Pryor running down the street. [LAUGHTER] It would be the highest grossing concert film for almost the entire decade-- almost. We'll see you in a minute who upset Jo Jo Dancer. It's 106 miles to Chicago. We got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes. It's dark. And we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it. You would think this would have happened decades, if not a century, earlier. But the national anthem of Canada officially became "O Canada." We stand on guard for thee. LA departure frequency, 123.9er. Ah, there's Kareem again. Roger. Huh? Clear for vector 324. We have clearance, Clarence. Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor? Our radio clearance. Over. To San Diego, on July 2, when jam band Grateful Dead members Bob Weir and Mickey Hart witnessed police arresting a fan for possession of marijuana, the two were not so dead chilled seeing this and caused such a ruckus that they, along with their manager Danny Rifkin, were arrested and booked for suspicion of inciting a riot. Paulie D. of Jersey Shore was born on this date-- July 5, 1980. No reason. We just really wanted to let you know. Your folks were always saying how much harder things used to be. That might be true for thunderstorms because, on July 15, one massive storm crushed Western Wisconsin. Emergency government officials have now finalized property damage estimates from the storm, and the figures are overwhelming. Racking up, for $250 million in damage, we go to Australia. It's August when Lindy Chamberlain's nine-week-old baby, Azaria, was allegedly dragged away from a family campsite by a dingo. However, Lindy and her husband, Michael Chamberlain, were both initially convicted for their child's death. The case made global headlines and was an unintentional creation of '90s humor when we flash forward to November 27, 1991, and the dingo-ate-your-baby episode of Seinfeld titled "The Stranded," and becoming part of the pop culture lexicon. Come on, fiancee. I am looking for him. [LAUGHS] I have lost my fiancee, the poor baby. [LAUGHTER] Maybe the dingo ate your baby. [LAUGHTER] The former Rockets center was born on this day. Good news for his mother, he wasn't born 7 foot 6". In late September, it was a sad day for rock. Following a day where John Bonham, Led Zeppelin's wonder drummer and notorious party animal, downed a reported 40 measures of vodka in 12 hours, the famed percussionist went and passed out, only to never wake up again. Bonham went on to play that great drum solo in the cosmos, perishing from asphyxiation, from choking on his own vomit. Flash forward to two months later, on December 4, when surviving band members Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones decided Zeppelin without Bonham just wouldn't be Zeppelin. The cosmos is all it is or ever was or ever will be. And it's a story about us-- how we achieved our present understanding of the cosmos, how the cosmos has shaped our evolution and our culture, and what our faith may be. It's September 28, and sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer's radio show Sexually Speaking hit airwaves in New York City. (SINGING) Hi, New York. I have a question. Yeah. I'm having a relationship with a cousin of mine. Do you use contraceptives? By 1983, Dr. Ruth's show was the top-rated radio show in the Big Apple. And by 1984, The Dr. Ruth Show would mark it's syndication starting point. My show-- the only one that touches him is me. Way to rebound and win, Philly. This team is just an unbelievable baseball team right now. We can beat anybody in the world. It's hard to mention the '80s and not talk about The Gipper. Former Western actor and star of Bedtime for Bonzo, Ronald Reagan became President-elect Reagan after defeating incumbent president Jimmy Carter. As you'll see in some coming videos, Reagan's jellybean-stained fingerprints will be all over the decade to come. Mexico is showing the world this new way of fighting cancer through non-specific metabolic therapies. God bless you all. Steve McQueen. He died this morning in another Mexican clinic. His heart stopped beating after doctors removed one of the tumors. McQueen was just 50. For all the extreme sports fans, we go to West Virginia at the New River Gorge Bridge, which was the starting point of base jumping. Parachutists first jumped off the 876-foot bridge then, presumably, landed gently in the new river. We go now to the Superdome in New Orleans. It's round seven of their second bout between Roberto Duran and Sugar Ray Leonard. A frustrated Duran, unable to keep up with a faster, craftier Sugar Ray, simply turned around and threw in his own towel, saying the now iconic, no mas, stunning the boxing world. Sugar Ray has quit! Roberto Duran has quit! There can be no other explanation! Leonard was a winner by TKO. America's dad Tom Hanks got his big chance on the sitcom Bosom Buddies, a show about two men dressing up like women in order to save money on rent. The biggest movie star and comedian of the '80s, a then 19-year-old Eddie Murphy, was featured on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update for the first time. Eddie would quickly become a regular cast member the following year in 1981. This turkey had the same amount of nutrition as a T-bone steak. But if you compare the two packages like I did, you'll see the steak fits under your clothes a whole lot easier. [LAUGHTER] In 1988, Eddie Murphy's Raw would go on to top Richard Pryor's Live On the Sunset Strip for highest-grossing concert film. Lennon was shot and killed at about 11:00 last night outside his apartment building. December would be a punch in the gut to the world's soul when Beatle John Lennon was gunned down outside the Dakota Hotel in New York City. Lennon's album Double Fantasy came out two weeks prior. Lennon had actually signed a copy of that album to his assailant, Mark David Chapman, just hours earlier. The world mourned. Flash forward to 1985 when a memorial for Lennon called Strawberry Fields made its debut on October 9. That date would have also celebrated Lennon's 45th birthday. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm sorry. These aren't my working clothes. No. No, it's not that. It's just that I was expecting something-- I mean someone a little different. It's December 12. A California-based company, Apple, made its initial public offering on the US stock market, which started trading at $22 a share. You're getting married. Leave the young girls for me. There's no way I'm going down. I don't go down for nobody. [GRUNTING] Listen, why did you have to make it so hard on yourself? And that's how 1980 ended-- in with a smoking Beatle, out with a Raging Bull. 1981 was just around the corner. And it would be a year filled with deadly events, high-profile marriages, and the emergence of the video game. That's for next time. Good night, John-Boy. Good night, John-Boy. Good night, Jim-Bob. Good night, Jim-Bob. Good night, Jim-Bob. So what do you think? What was your fondest memory of 1980? Let us know in the comments below. And while you're at it, check out some of these other only-about-the-1980s videos. Until then, this has been Weird History's Timeline.
Channel: Weird History
Views: 2,338,216
Rating: 4.9047599 out of 5
Keywords: 1980, 1980 timeline, 1980 retrospective, 80s nostalgia, 1980 timeline history, weird history, weird history 1980s, the 80s, 1980 songs, 1980s rock music hits, timeline, american history, pop culture history, 1980s movies, 1980s history, 1980 fashion, life in 80s, 1980 historical events, 80s decade, 1980 culture, 1980 commercials, ronald reagan, 80s retro, john lennon, john bonham, 1980 social issues, american pop culture, miracle on ice, cnn 80s, disco dance, watchmojo
Id: eE5Z7gDbgVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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