101 Facts About Anime

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hello mother factors and welcome to this rather well drawn and spiffing Lee animated version of 101 facts I'm Sam today now I'm Sam everyday I'm Sam and today I'm here to talk to you about one of the most popular phenomena in the world something that's watched beloved and cosplay to the globe over know not obscure classic kids British TV show postman pat I'm talking anime but how a yugioh Dragonball Z Pokemon and digimon all connected how much does anime cost to make how do I get myself one of those crazy OTT intro songs two out of three of those questions are going to be answered so watch as I lay my facts in battle position and make them super saiyan all while writing Clive's name in a certain notebook this is 101 facts about anime number 1 in case you thought this video was about a gnome and I just spelt it catastrophic ly wrong it ain't if you want to wear anime is defined as a style of Japanese film and TV animation number 2 anime is so prevalent and so popular that Japan actually produces 60% of the world's total animation through its anime 60% that's a lot of percents guys number three okay I'm gonna level with you chaps there are hundreds upon hundreds of different anime around and about out there so I may not cover the one you truly love in massive amount of detail if at all in fact I can even cover them in another 101 someday so you know let me know but don't be too angry if I miss one or two okay darling okay good let's start at the beginning number four number curaga Tana also known as blunt sword is considered the oldest anime ever it was made just over 100 years ago that's 1917 for those who can't be bothered with math by junichi count she number 5 the film was dubbed the first made in Japan even though oten shimmer car was in a car bomber Zucco junker bono Mackey was also made in the same year oh boy pronunciations gonna be fun this week aren't they number six however sorry I'll do that Alton has Brizzy stop [ __ ] world war in 1927 the Great Kanto Earthquake destroyed some of the very first anime film studios losing a lot of very valuable work including some of those two first films I just mentioned that's why I couldn't really show you very much number seven in fact only four percent of Japanese movies made before 1943 actually survived the quake at all over 90 percent are presumed to been lost forever sorry this was the best way I could demonstrate this number 8 in 1930 Kanto Masi oka made his first anime Chikara to honor no yo no naka which means within the world of power and women after about a year of production this animation was what was known as a talkie which means you had actual voices talking to you nah man I the first full-length feature anime film was actually helped along by the inter country cluster that was world war ii the film named Momotaro human and Shemp I also known as Momotaro sacred sailors was released in 1945 merton the movie was commissioned by the Japanese Navy and featured cute animals in sailor suits who hoped for peace I'm almost positive by the way that this wasn't a documentary almost number allure born in 1948 Japan animated films also known as to--a which is still in business to this day was founded number 12 their first release was Haku Jayden a tale of the white serpent in 1958 it was the first feature-length animated this little piece of video here is the early surviving broadcast anime named moles adventure it was 9 minutes long that's a pretty short adventure number 14 in 1960 as an experiment animated trilogy mitsuna hanashi also known as three tails was aired by NHK Japan's public broadcaster right about here is where I'll tell you how popular it was but number 15 just seven years earlier NHK had only been broadcasting to about 860 TV sets seven years on there was no actual way of telling how popular this actually was number sixteen this was the first anime to be aired on American television just a year later number 70 anime can be educational too I'll have you know a Tati manga calendar began regularly airing on Japanese TV in 1961 each episode portrays an event that had to be happened in real life history but obviously in cartoon form number 18 it's around about this time that I should introduce you to this fella osamu tezuka tezuka is a pretty important guys he's often referred to as the father of manga oh yeah manga I should probably talk about that number 19 manga are Japanese comics which have a very specific style they're often aimed at multiple Democrat what sorry what's that why are you bringing that up alright alright no need to shout I bring it up because a lot of anime is adapted from or based on pre-existing manga okay okay good number 20 anyway Tezuka to Zuko worked at a later anime too beaucoup no son Goku also known as son Goku The Monkey King and no not that Goku when he left he founded his own company mushy productions and took some of toei's best animators with him number 21 amongst these animators was Kazuko Nakamura Nakamura and Reiko Akiyama were the very first women animators in Japan number 22 Oh mushy productions became a rival to tarea and a real Pilate powerhouse it made history in a number of ways for producing many anime manga adaptations and original productions most of which were family-friendly most number 23 the reason I said most so ominously and sexily just then is because there are a few that weren't so family-friendly unless you have a very odd and open family take for instance Cleopatra number 24 Cleopatra released in 1970 was an anime film that was released in the US as Cleopatra queen of sex and was advertised as being the first self-applied x-rated pornographic animated movie it actually wasn't for its the cat was and that was released just six days earlier but hey I just thought you'd like to know that this was a thing that actually happened and so you can look at these images you're welcome number 25 anyway Osamu Tezuka as well as directing Cleopatra also gets credit for the many tropes in his early work large eyes hair that basically funds the hair gel industry robot battles sci-fi themes many things that shape anime today number 26 because of this he was given the name Godfather of anime father of manga Godfather of anime slacker Jerry Springer guest number 27 Tetsu one atom or asteroid boy was created as a manga in 1951 by guess ooh Osamu Tezuka it was the first comic to be animated in Japan and was shown on Fuji Television in 1963 number 28 this was the first anime to fill a half-hour time slot and because of this there were concerns over time and cost to produce the show about the Android little bugger so quite sensibly limited animation techniques were put into place such as reducing the number of frames per second and reusing cells of animation and no not that cell will get to Dragon Ball Z late geez number 29 as such astroboy turned out to be a huge success with big ratings in Japan and the u.s. number 30 astroboy actually had five separate seasons adapted from it over the next 50 years or so including a CG animated film not strictly anime I know but I just thought I'd mention it you're welcome number 31 an anime called tetsujin 28 go or in its much snappier english name and also the nickname jennifer lawrence gives me Gigantor was one of the very first English dub shows alongside Astro Boy now but they're too Gigantor was set in the futuristic world of the year 2000 the year 2000 imagine I'll be like there are way it's happened and it followed little Jimmy sparks in his adventures controlling Gigantor a huge jet powered robot fair play to him ray Tetsu June 28 go actually sparked if you'll excuse the pun the animated sub-genre craze of mecha shows like Mobile Suit Gundam and Zoids fall into this category and have tetsujin to thank so thanks tetsujin number 34 also it's actually kind of to blame for this - so sorry but also cue tetsujin number 35 anyway on to what you've all been waiting for witches sally the witch was an anime bytearray animation in 1966 and she started a genre all on her own she was the first in the shoujo genre of anime number 36 shoujo manga can literally be translated as young girl manga and was also the name of the demographic of its readers and that while it often focuses on emotions and romantic relations not like that it covers a range of topics themes and subjects number 37 the male equivalent of this is Shonen manga which translates as boys comic these often focus on things like sports and combat and things that manly men like and women are incapable of liking am i right guys that's a joke by the way before anyone comments and gets tumblr on me I'm sorry tumblr was a joke number three eight according to Robin a Branagh in his book understanding manga and anime female characters that do appearance Shonen would often appear how I say this with little clothes and exaggerated features shall we say this is named as something he calls fanservice as it's said to only be there for the pleasure of the male audience a bit weird looking that's too long don't yang okay let's move on number 39 anyway back to old Sally the animation was based on the manga by mid to taro Yokoyama the early episodes were in black and white but then she appeared in color and was shown in numerous countries number 40 the longest-running anime is Sue's a son created by Michiko has a gawah the show has been airing since October 1969 and is still going somehow which I had that kind of stamina number 41 in fact it holds the Guinness world record for the longest running animated TV series yep eight that the Simpsons of the meaning of life the show started as a comic strip that dates way back to 1946 the show used comic strip style 2d animation and was the only animator still youselves that is until 2015 when the show fully switched to digital which is alarmingly late actually like your grandma are you just switching from hanging around in a cafe to tinder number four three the show has over 7,000 episodes and Counting well the time this is not uploaded that's probably going to already be out of date number 44 anime increased in popularity in the 1970s and had big hits with science fiction for instance Space Battleship Yamato was released in 1974 and became one of the biggest influences in Japanese space spy number 45 Space Battleship Yamato was so bloody popular it spawned 11 that's right 11 spin-off movies number 46 remember earlier when I mentioned the mecha genre here it is again in an action replay ah well one of the biggest in that genre that I've missed out so I mention it now is missing Gazette number 47 Mazinger Z God why does anime love the best asset so much was Omaha Civ success and was one of the first anime to bring up toys of their characters alongside the anime to make that little extra bit a dollar and I kind of want one now number 48 in fact a Mexican Lord of all cool stuff Guillermo del Toro has said that Mazinger Z was a massive influence on him during the creation of Pacific Rim number 4 9 is a otaku hotter and Hayao Miyazaki I wonder if no single crop again later had as Borup would say great success with the Lupin the third no not that Lupin anime series in 1971 number three years later in 1974 Takahata Miyazaki were back at it again producing Alps no SoDo Heidi also known as Heidi girl of the Alps based on Swiss novels in the 1880s it's since been dubbed into many versions including German Italian and Afrikaans number 51 anna major magazine devoted to anime began publishing in 1978 for fans wanting to hear all about the latest on the anime scene and for more details about they make the bloody things they probably have a monthly feature on a coloring pencils or something number 52 another magazine voice animate focuses on the other side of animate a bit that I'm doing right now the voice-over in bit it probably has pictures of people in it voiceover II much like this video you're looking at right now number 53 you know the toy company Bandai well do yeah well you should they've made dozens and dozens of anime over the years as well as toys including Mobile Suit God dayum I'm sorry I mean Gundam they then produced model kits of the gun dams not long afterwards those clever s Obi's number 54 Gundam was not popular when it first aired and was cancelled by its sponsors Sorry mate the toys in merchandise however still sold incredibly well and still kind of making it a big oh god sorry I mean cult hit number five five the 1980s was considered Japan's second cinematic Golden Age VHS played a big part in the boom as people wanted to watch old anime again just like Astro Boy by the way young people VHS was like Netflix except you could hold it in your hand and you'd have to have loads of them and put them in individually yeah I know what a lot wasted effort right number thirty-six kaze no tane no Nausicaa also known as Nausicaa of the valley of the wind was big news on its release in 1984 it was the first film of the partnership of is a Ohta Cohutta and Hayao Miyazaki yep those names again who would later go on to form Studio Ghibli I talk to them important number 57 Studio Ghibli was founded a year later in 1985 by Hayao Miyazaki Isaiah Takahata and Toshio Suzuki a whopping eight of their movies are in the top 15 highest-grossing enemies made in Japan number 58 Studio Ghibli has created some of the most iconic anime feature films of all time including my neighbor spirited away and Howl's Moving Castle number 59 their movies have also been showered in a number of awards not literally that would be incredibly painful in fact five of them have Oscar nominations and spirited away one the best animated movie Oscar in 2003 number 60 hey what's up what's the first item invested a game well the first anime based of the game was of course Super Mario Brothers in their adventure super mario brothers great mission to rescue Princess Peach while that title could do with a retranslation in 1986 I mean who else would have been come on think about it number six won in 1986 Shonen anime Dragon Ball was released by today animation it's franchise is one of the biggest and most successful animes ever globally and domestically number six - in case you thought Dragon Ball was a very weirdly specific kind of Game of Thrones porn parody it ain't Dragon Ball follows a story that follows young Goku as he tries to find the seven Dragon Balls while competing in a fighting tournament number 63 of course Dragon Ball didn't just magically kamehameha itself into existence all no Dragon Ball was based on a manga that was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine from 1984 Nintendo 64 Akira an anime movie released in 1988 had a budget of 10 million dollars a record sum for a Japanese animation film ten million dollars do they just make the bike for real and then trace it number 65 with that big budget the animator who creates more fluid animation whereas some anime uses 8 or less frames per second akira used 24 which looks a lot more lifelike and fluid I keep saying the word fluid for some reason fluid so nice word and it flew width number 66 Akira was also the first animated used pre-recorded dialogue this means by the way that the animator had to match the mouths of what the actors were saying just in case you confused bubble that was number 67 Akira also had weird soothsaying properties to it - you want evidence for that claim because I've got evidence baby in Akira Japan are hosting the 2020 Olympics 26 years later and here we are Japan specifically Tokyo is hosting the Olympics number 68 it has been said that this is the film that broke anime into the mainstream globally lots of other animators have paid reference to it too as seen here in this lovely gift number 16 now huh Sailor Moon which was a shoujo manga between 1991 and 97 sounds like a strange sexual act but actually it's an anime - it has 200 episodes three animated films and books games and trading cards soon followed that number 70 Sailor Moon - manga sold over 35 million copies worldwide and is considerable and most influential and beloved animes of all time ever you go moose a good ski no Glenn Cocco fits better number 71 ghosts in the shell not ghost in Michelle that's pretty another different gun movie haha ghost in the shell' an anime movie released in 1985 was the first anime to be released at the same time in Japan Britain and the u.s. scene is another attempt to push anime into the mainstream in the Western world number 72 the film was highly praised in the West and heavily inspired Bullitt acrobatics leather vest the matrix blue alien enthusiasts director James Cameron loved it calling it the first truly adult animated film to reach a level of literary and visual accidents you're telling me it's adult I mean look at the rowdy poster number 73 ghost in the shell' is now being remade as an American live-action movie starring Scarlett Johansson donar she'll be recreating Kat anyway this has been tremendously controversial and has led to accusations of whitewashing which isn't good as it guys come on number 74 in 1995 Studio Ghibli created a music video random yes but I thought you ought to know it was for the song on your mark by Japanese rock duo change and Oscar by the way number 35 Dragon Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z was the very successful sequel of Dragon Ball in 1989 which was very popular in the 90s in fact I haven't watched it for at least 10 years and I can still remember the theme song number 76 there have also been 15 Dragon Ball Z movies 15 so much blonde hair on one screen number 77 Dragon Ball was also adapted into an Americanized live-action movie named Dragonball Evolution it's widely considered to be absolutely spectacularly terrible number 28 then in 1997 Along Came Pokemon to change our lives forever the anime itself was quite unique in that it was based on a gameboy game rather than a manga number 79 Clefairy was originally going to be the main pokemon mascot but Pikachu was made the MVP after he became very popular indeed but anyway I did a whole video on those pokemons feel free to check it out after this one but after this one because we still got loads left like this for example number 80 another Mon based anime Digimon was released years later in 1999 based on Tamagotchi like gadget crate by Bandai I'm sure we all can't wait for Digimon go number 81 damn tower animation because they were back at it again in 1998 as the story of a frankly ridiculously hair styled card collector was put on the air nope not this strange man I'm talking about blue-eyes white dragon lovin yugioh number 82 yugioh is also based on a manga that was featured in Weekly jump periodically just like Dragonball was apparently this manga was originally meant to be a horror story number 83 Pokemon Dragon Ball Z Digimon and yugioh are all connected in one mind-blowing way are you ready here we go they were all card games eventually okay yeah that was kind of disappointing I know but hey factor facts is a fact so can't see me please don't dislike number 84 the naughties was a big time for new anime and saw the birth of the big four one piece Naruto Bleach and Fairy Tail number 85 Naruto follows The Adventures of a Naruto who is a teenage ninja no mutant no turtle striving for greatness in 2008 his adventures were ranked as the third best selling anime property number 86 the anime bleach is called Bleach not because it's about sterilizing fluid but there's that word again but because it was originally going to be called black because of the character's clothes creator Tite Kubo thought black was a little too generic a title and so was its opposite white so instead he went with bleach which which relates to the colour of white but not too obviously now you know number 87 the most popular anime in Japan is one piece of hot animation let me tell you yes it's a one-piece it first aired in 1999 and ended oh no wait it's literally still going now probably as I speak in 2016 number 88 not only has the anime been going on for bloody ages it's also the highest selling manga between November 2015 and may 2016 one piece sold 6.47 million books that's a lot of Luffy number 89 one punch man it's not only the nickname they had for me down at the old gymnasium but it's also the new anime craze right now the anime was aired at the end of 2015 on TV Tokyo with a second season apparently coming soon number 90 spirited away that film what I mentioned earlier is the highest-grossing animated a cool 275 mil worldwide Wow Studio Ghibli must have spirited away all the way to the bank that joke didn't work as well as I thought it would number 91 attack on Titan is also very internationally popular and the number one best-selling anime in Japan in 2013 it follows the adventures of humans trying to protect themselves from Nicholas for joining us or indeed anything less Giants who want to eat them but the human to me not the dictum vagina I mean if they get the whole human I guess they're getting that I'm going to move on number 92 once again this also had a live-action movie made of it it wasn't very well received number 93 helmeted funk stirs Daft Punk even made their own anime too they released their album discovery alongside their space anime film interstellar 555 the 5 Tori of the 5e critize starred 5 stump oh I see those fives at s's which was produced by Tom a animations number 94 an average 13-episode anime season cost 250 million yen to make by the way that's the equivalent of 2 million dolls by the way that short for dollars made it up number 95 there are low so different types of anime edgy sexualized anime which often includes innuendos tight clothes underwear cleavage etc etc but crucially does not show any sexual act or intimate body parts you know but neither carry on movies if you're old and in Britain nagaraj six harem anime emphases on comedy romance and a love triangle in these there is a lead male chap character and lots of attractive female characters typically they all live together and eventually they end up in a polygamous relationship sounds fun the anime not the licking Jen ignore that ignore that I didn't mean it number 97 it can exist the other way round however with a lady surrounded by lots of handsome boys such as in the anime who ran high school host club a quality number 98 there's also hentai but yes I'm sure you've heard all about that but don't google it number 99 anime opening titles are long as balls well depending on how long your balls are some of them can even run up to three minutes at a time basically becoming a small music video no some major anime like Death Note and attack on Titan are banned entirely in China thirty-eight titles had been banned because according to officials they include scenes of violence pornography terrorism and crimes against public morality that could potentially incite minors to commit such acts although really to be fair if there were genital as hungry Giants coming towards you you're probably gonna hope the youngsters have what attack on Titans and they know what the hell to do number 101 anime is so popular it even has its own unofficial addiction disorder this apparently varies in its severity but it can be as bad as having to watch an anime every single day in order to cope well that's the sign of something truly popular right there I'm sure 101 facts has one too or well I'm diagnosing you with it right now because you wouldn't probably watch another one after this on you please do that's what sort of huntin one facts about anime and I don't know about you but I had a lovely time or just about everywhere as well if you want more 101 facts like I really kind of sort of won Super Saiyan hair but this doesn't really go that far look good blonde then click on subscribe right now and you get exactly that go on do it do it
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 119,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, anime, anime facts, best anime, best anime movies, anime full, DRAGON BALL Z, pokemon, one piece, bleach, narruto, shippuden, cowboy bebop, sailor moon, dragon ball, dragonball, dragonball z, madoka, magica, shonen, shouju, soul eater, hentai, studio gibli, dragon ball z full episodes, dragon ball super, bleach movie, pokemon movie
Id: J6ODUVj6Kr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2016
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