100th Episode special of That 70's Show

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Am I crazy or did they not say what the #1 favorite episode was?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/twixenstein 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love when people share taped specials like this, thanks for posting!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PibbForTheHomies 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay let's watch some TV because that makes us all happy okay here we go okay see now this is nice welcome to that 70s show special in honor of their 100th episode one full hour of That 70's shows funniest moments oh who the hell gave those people an entire hour we'll go behind the scenes for some up close and very personal revelations I'm becoming notorious for the amount of butt crack that I show it becomes a contest to play how can you not laugh we'll join the cast as they celebrate the filming of the landmark 100th episode see now this is nice a nice family who gets along and sings and dances and will reveal the results of the voting for the viewers Choice top 10 favorite episodes Oh remember that episode where I can see my own mom did you see the one where favorite I love showing like yeah to Foreman Oh on that 70s show special on this show crap it was actually my first audition this was my first pilot audition period I was really scared we were both at the network call he was Sony like he was so nervous there were a lot of famous kids who were trying out for the show I walked into this this room and I saw all of these actors that I recognized from TV and movies they all knew each other but no one knew me to be honest with you I really didn't know who was who I was really new to this country you know I didn't really know anybody I went in like flip-flops and I was like you know what's up like how did it really know the magnitude of it I know I was the only brown kid in the whole hallway it was really really terrifying but it turns out Eric is a really scared guy so it all kind of worked for me half hour after that edition they called me and they said hey you got the job and of course you know my family's crying and everybody's crying out of those kids really only Danny and me I really had much experience I decided what I would do is do each one of my lines as a different character so I did the first one is like a pirate and the next one is like an English guy the next one is putty from Seinfeld and they didn't know who I was doing it but they laughed really hard I lied in my addition I was 14 at the time so I wouldn't ask me how old was that and I said I was gonna be 18 which is a truth sooner or later I was gonna be 18 I didn't specify which year the show was called teenage wasteland at the time so I didn't know when I auditioned a bit it was in the 70s and I didn't know and I hate that I didn't realize that it was funny when I auditioned for the show I had no idea that this took place in the 70s I was doing an entirely different show from everybody else I thought the camera was Eric's point of view so everything I did was just a little exaggerated you know because I remember my parents cocktail parties and how weird everybody was so I became one of those weird people so we shot the pilot then we get picked up then I realized no no this is a real person so I had to take the weird person and make her into a real person I didn't know what the hell I was doing I didn't have the slide I'd done like high school plays and I was like well it's kind of like a play they just have cameras right there was no ego there was no issue with I can't let this happen or I must let this happen was just kind of like where do we go next when I met Topher it was a relief I was like oh you haven't done anything either okay cool when I met Laura it was a relief I was like oh you haven't done him together when I met Wilmer it was really were sitting in this huge round table and we're looking around and at that specific moment we're like wow this is the team this is the prostate my look senator now the moment you've been waiting for the viewers Choice top ten favorite episode number ten the pill what happened did Kelso forget your birthday or something I'm pregnant yeah each season has one or two episodes that our Seminole in the sense that they kind of like changed our our view on what we could do we weren't aware that we could do episodes that good or that different okay I'm never having sex again yeah get one no no I'm serious man it's just not worth it you just wait Eric this could so easily happen to you I don't think so I probably have to have sex first I was like wow first season was the first controversial subject we ever hit on I'm not pregnant yes yeah so you feel tons better right oh yeah that's so great cuz you know what I'm breaking up with you what people weren't very upset over the fact that you know why wasn't Jackie and birth-control why wasn't this done before well the truth in matter is she didn't know about it before and that's what people have to understand that it is reality and birth control was just kind of coming out Jackie I went on the pill oh my god you are gonna be so popular that was a big episode for Donna cuz let me Erica Donna Rowe is just really good friends you know and now it's like getting to that point and just there's like a lot more at stake then cuz they were gonna start like having sex it was gonna change everything really my favourite scene of the entire show is Eric and Donna using the fact that they're bright and they're funny to kind of dissipate this stupid event that's happened which is he's figured out she's on birth control but she's not ready to have sex all I'm saying is we have to wait for the right time okay how about now hmm no okay how about now no now yes silly no now right I'll be waiting shut up I got a birthday coming up so I love you Eric and I want to be with you God Don I love you it's that wonderful mathematical equation what if the girl-next-door was kind of smart enough to see something in the boy next door you have that best friend we are in love with and you don't know how to deal with it I didn't know relationship is what drives the show because you know you have some so much of that in real life like you know you'll meet your highschool sweetheart and you're so in love that it kind of pushes you away because you get really scared this you know this emotion it really is a relationship that's more about missed opportunity it's always like I want to hug you but I can't and I want to kiss you but I can't or I want to say I'm sorry but I can't and it's that same moment that they play in different scenarios but they've every time they do it it's different and every time they do it they make us want them to be together we make things work you know what if it doesn't work and then not only does it not work but we don't have what we used to have Donna we will we love each other right so trust me it can only get better it's about people loving each other it's about these kids learning about life learning respect for each other responsibilities towards each other towards themselves towards what they do in life at the core what they really have is an amazing amazing friendship face it we're just a couple of goons here thanks for uh holding my hair when I was Oh just thanks for missing my shoes and then it sometimes it's more romantic than others you're like a really great boyfriend lures Joy's favorite episode number nine the promise ring hey what you doing just count my secret stash I'm getting some special for Donna well something special huh oh is it firecrackers no no no cuz if it's something that blows up I'll go half seas all of us have episodes that were the funniest or the best for our character for my character it was that episode it's a promise right Eric it's it's beautiful cuz you really get what Donna wants in life and you know you think she and Eric are gonna be together forever and you get that that's not in the cards if you don't wear your promise ring on your left ring finger it totally cancels out the prom is it to be together forever wait that's what I promised where's your ring oh I put it on a chain so I could wear her on my neck Oh super burn the wedding's off the show revolves so much around the air condoning relationship and then that just ended Eric I love you a lot but I have to give you your ring back and Donna just expresses so much of herself and that in that episode we're together now isn't that enough no I mean I mean damn Donna if you can see a future for yourself without me and that doesn't like break your heart then we're not doing what I thought we were doing here and you know what maybe we shouldn't even be together at all are you breaking up with me well are you giving back that ring that's then yes coming up we continue the countdown of your top 10 favorite episode I happen to know that you put the special ingredient in these brownie plus an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at life on that 70s show and for the first time ever we reveal the real name of fizz I'm not gonna remember that Oh webex 70 show special continues welcome back to that 70s show special boy this specials art really you know fastest show contains the important message we've learned that your choice for the top 10 favorite episodes all have one thing in common Eric does something really really dumb all right that is quite enough you lose choice favorite episode number 8 on you hope I told Milbank son David to come by to see you David Milbank dead I hated that guy cher well I hate his dad but I smile like hell whenever I see him and you'll do the same got it got it the declining situation to plant rather lost his job is sad against the risk of Eric losing Donna to this to this guy who comes in whose father is is in charge of the plant well David you've really grown up me look at you you have really grown up yeah some factories all gonna yes by hand much more than you'll have one of the things that comes up again and again and Eric and Donna's relationship is do they trust each other does Eric trust her I don't mean to bum you out but I just saw Princess Leia cruising around with Darth Vader and his TIE fighter the Star Wars Episode is a place he's one of the first places where this distrust came to the surface and got played out well what are you doing with Darth Vader oh we're just friends Luke he's house I think you really like him no I wouldn't give me a chance look hello he's choking me with his mine here yeah who the hell are you I'm the new foreign exchange student the football team asked me if I wanted to hang out I shouldn't have said yes they call him fast the sense for foreign exchange students so nobody really knows what his real name is the one time he said his name on the show there was a I believe a school bell running well my name is and if you could read his lips which you can't or we wouldn't have put it on the air what he's saying is the names of all the other actors in the show the character is such a mystery here's a new shipment - for whatever the hell can't die up Rome where is this guy from probably from one of the little countries that you know that that you just sort of discover at dinner sometime when you're listening to the news you go what's that that's a country never heard of that you're gonna send me back to my homeland the beautiful island of okay they've just done a wonderful job of making him a completed enigma leave stop touching each other it gives me meat Fez needs to get laid it's been four years I'm trying and trying and he needs to get some action no one will be a good job for me gigolo no be nice over now pay me he lets you really get away with so much because he's learning because he doesn't know any better because you know the only way you learn is by making mistakes I mean I said this right because I am new to English but she has remained a [ __ ] we took it totally from a character who doesn't understand anything to a character who actually understands more than anyone else in the group even though he's the foreigner good even Donna which of these ladies had it easy they keep this character unpredictable and funny and fresh they keep me dancing the kid missing in and I'm having a ball doing it Newars choice favorite episode number seven that disco episode oh my god Michael they open up a disco we're at in Kenosha in the first season we had that disco episode we went to Kenosha I went to this disco in and that was a lot of fun I mean a disco no way what is disco disco is from help I do a write about disco music it is even familiar so I know you push it off so dad Hayate is dealing with some pretty hard stuff on the show but it's not like he's like feel sorry for me it's just it's a little different because he doesn't have any parents oh my god I don't have any parents hi does it in a way where it's like this is what's going on is what I have to deal with my parents divorce made me the man I am today oh man am I gonna go crazy and think the government's out to get me to the government is out to get you hi this is so like anti-everything he started off with you know everything damn the man and the government and just everything you could do to try and be some sort of rebel dates Cosmo no K so that is prostitution dating is prostitution man only you don't always get what you paid for just trying to get some sort of reaction of the people just trying to not let things be the same you know for a rich girl you're kind of skanky it's his little evil streak it's the little devil inside I do the reason we do so many stupid senseless things yeah that is true what's really important to him are his friends but at the same point he has to keep them in check by keeping them so that he doesn't feel like he needs them as much as he really does it's okay you're home now get off me man you let me love you orphan boy don't hide from your feelings coming up the countdown of your top 10 favorite episodes continues I can see my own mark and Ashton Kutcher reveals the danger of being Kelso on my back I have a wound right there oh when that 70s show special continues welcome back to that 70 show special for those of you who thought dine and dash would be voted viewers Choice for favorite episode you're wrong all right fans you lose give me 5 bucks dine and dash place 6 hey guys guess what I got dee dee no a hundred blocks so money to treat your VD now we gotta go celebrate this hundred bucks let's all go out to dinner someplace expensive someplace nice it starts out with this really simple thing they're all gonna go to dinner and someone's gonna pay and then that person doesn't pay Celso we don't have any money you don't need any people we are on a dine and dash here oh yeah because the only thing better than eating lobster is eating lobster and hauling ass and one by one each one betrays the group until Don and Erica left oh go and get the money and come back you can trust me he's not coming back we trusted him Jackie if you don't come back Eric please I'm not immature like those idiots she is amateur like those idiots I can't count on much in this crazy world but I can always count on you that is so true I've to go to the bathroom okay why don't you just sit your lyin ass down and then when Eric and Donna are left a run like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid off the cliff I don't make it tell mama I'm sorry don't talk like that you'll tell her yourself we only clicked right away the kids are always like goofing around the young people are going out and having a good time in there you know this is a great gig we are actually are like the characters on the show when we're not shooting because we're just like jacking around with each other and like beating up on each other we should be all wrapped in bubble wrap would do it goes up here a lot of punching slapping and kicking it's like The Three Stooges it's funny when friends get hurt oh my god well then people's cool don't even part of us is how stupid we can look with each other and how stupid we try and make each other look like air humping each other's legs the adults you know we don't do a lot of the slapping and kicking because we bruise is he good you know just a little pissing around all of us get along in real life which I think kind of sort of helps out you know on you can kind of sense that on television that you know every you know enjoying each other hey mister so I have a family here you know I like the people I work with and they are they are a I wouldn't even say a second family I would say a first and a half family to me we can come to work knowing that we're going to laugh all day you know and that's what we do which I don't make each other laugh all day and we bring a lot of pranks on each other to work with the people that I've worked that I work with on a daily basis and after four years to still feels as strong about them all as I do I think it's pretty amazing I consider myself a real fortunate guy we do everything that we can do if and to make each other feel like a family and that's what it's becoming it's becoming family maybe we'll all hands on the way-out skip her viewers choice table add episode number five the garage sale okay t-minus one hour till the garage sale one of the episodes that people comment on the most is the brownie episode I happen to know that you put the special ingredient in these brownies cytosin watching yes love oh yeah there's a whole big bag of luck in there all the parents were high and that was I don't think I've ever laughed so hard well stoned or happy extra happy I like that word it it kind of pops you know hip-hip I can see my own mouth in my mind seeing red extra happy that just that just makes me laugh what a [ __ ] Roni Dooney all of a sudden you know for a year or two now we've been doing like the kids in the 360 and then bad the parents are hot I think that was the funniest thing I've ever seen if my dad finds out that we're going to Canada for beer no less he's gonna start killing people okay so keep it down all right Canada beer he's taking this character he's taken what they give him all the silly things that they give him to do and by the end of the week they're hysterical and it's because it's because of Aston's performance he's he is so committed to what he does and that pays off you guys guess what part of my body I nicknamed Pink Floyd with that Ashton whose character is out there and he's wild and he's manic I could hurt I have a gouge taken out of my knee right here that's from doing some physical comedy stuff and there's actually a gash on the side of my leg right here on my back I have a wound right there there was an episode like really early on when I came running up and I jumped over the couch and my heels hit the edge of the couch and I slipped off and took it right in the shins with the table and the punchbowl just kind of goes walks like this and everybody is like still and I hold it still I'm like you just can't smile now and I'm like staying a character standing character it doesn't hurt doesn't hurt and everybody else starts laughing I remember watching the episode and going it's awesome I like meeting people laughing that helps to make people happy I'll hurt myself a little bit uh-huh coming up the final four of your top ten favorite episodes Inez plus the cast gives us a revealing look at some of the reasons behind the show's popularity when That 70's Show special continues welcome back to that 70s show special your next viewers choice has the whole gang doing something tough it's just funny you--is choice favorite episode number 4 water towers gentlemen we have finally done it a pot leaf on the water tower I always like the shows when it's the gang and we're getting into some mischief yeah out further though yeah try it out and dig hey Kelso how's it look from down there that was at the moment from when I was in high school that I remember it's getting in trouble and doing stupid stuff my mom's a nurse I'm gonna go wake her up maybe she can fix him I saw my parents having sex and couldn't get over it you look you look pale let me see your eyes Viva Eric has caught red and I and so we're sitting in the dining room and all of a sudden he's seeing us naked I know what you need find out the breakfast to the mother Cheryl really good bothering you God make it stop welcome to camp naughty bad fun you know what I love sewing my butt no sorry but if you're hanging out with this crowd you got to know that eventually your pants are getting pulled down I have to show it that I don't have to shake it good streak I've always wanted to do that just run [ __ ] make it through a sea of people be free and shake it around I'm actually kind of becoming notorious for the amount of butt crack that I'd show I used to be a carpenter though so I think that that kind of feeds into my need to air out my glue toy crevice I can't count how many times I've been naked in the show I mean I've been naked too many times and I think it's because they know that I won't say a thing about it oh hey we could take feds to Chicago and peddle his ass for beer okay don't forget it ones I think Ashton didn't once I'm cold that must be why your neighbors are so pointy my homeboys been naked for a couple more times in that you went do any bad fun lady with it I came here fully clothed it just makes no sense we just decided to start the scene like that but like how about we start the scene but first naked how's that that makes sense no that's a good television well no she's hair that thing you see that goes with the name I love the flow but America coming up the countdown continues with your top three favorite episodes to form it Plus Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher reveal their seductive side near behind the scenes at that seventy ship oh when that 70s show special continues welcome back to that Saturday show special and if you've got money on which episode is viewers choice as the number one favorite it's not that 70s pilot Tim that some of these pilot finished third Eric it is time why don't you do it it's your house listen to them up there the party has reached critical mass in ten minutes there will be no more beer opportunities my dad catches me cop and beers he'll kill me I'm willing to take that risk there are three events in that show that are really important one is he steals the beer it's a sort of little mini rite of passage to forbid the second is that he goes out of town defies his parents orders and drives out of town one more thing very important about the car she's old so no trips out of town kids are off I wonder where they're going out of town and the reward is he gets kissed by the girl well that's the whole series by the way thanks for right what was that for I just wanted to see what it was like what was it like you were there I wasn't ready for it what would you have done differently I don't know something with my lips sounds good let's try that next on when exactly is next time yeah I'm really gonna sleep after that check from the first minute that I saw you I knew that I wanted to fool around with you there The Odd Couple I can't even explain it it's like a roller coaster with them it's up and down and they're in love and they hate each other and they love to be in love they love to hate each other I'm telling you Donna breaking up with him was the best thing I ever did oh it's cool Jackie I heard a story oh my poor baby they're so wrong for each other that it works Jackie I do love you and I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy with me she's a controlling freak and I am a [ __ ] idiot Michael you know anything about anything ah-choo - that's the perfect combination that's what makes it fun for them it's the fact that there is drama but I think that no matter what happens they are in love I love you Jackie Burkhardt I'd love to - Michael Kelson coming up we announce your choice for favorite 70 Show episode and the cast reveals their predictions for the future become a spy for the CIA oh well at 70 shows special continue welcome back to that 70s show special we're down to the two finalists for your favorite episode will the winner be change it back no change it back oh my I knew his choice favorite episode number two summers pedis oh I'm coming and there's nothing you can do to stop me oh my god Donna's wearing granny panties what starts as a light-hearted prank gets really serious this year is a little something that I like to call a little something present that's so sweet I don't even get you anything and you got me panties what the hell yeah panties get it no to replace your ugly ones you handle it so badly and I think everyone just really loved the episode there's a time and a place to pull down a lady's pants and a pickup game in our driveway is not one of them you know what Eric and Donna worked through it just like they work through everything I've realized that somewhere along the way we crossed a line we're pulling down your pants in public is really no longer that funny and I suppose that point came when you started letting me pull them down in private exactly so are we good yeah no are we good now get in there when people ask me about the future have no idea what's gonna happen I like to be surprised the characters in high school I just want to get to that what I want to happen is for Hank to finally become a man you know he'll just be having sexual at time maybe he'll be like a dance instructor like a little alien more much Potatohead at the end of the show is gonna be like what thank you for being thank you for letting me be in your planning he just like goes to another planet because they don't know how this kid is wrong I was considering becoming a doctor a doctor that's so mature or a rodeo clown is probably gonna end up ripping tickets at the tilt-a-whirl I think it would be great if Kelso took his SATs and and just got the highest mark of anyone and got into Harvard Kelso is gonna end up having like a 31 as a city's and be like a legal genius and everyone's gonna be like how the hell did that Jack you'll be like the the captain cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders I thought your dream is to be the world's first flying lady scientist Jackie I see her own in like a beauty salon we can Dallas and B whether girls or the owner of this huge mall yeah I bet if I wasn't so happy as a globe-trotting stewardess I might actually remember the tiny effect you had I'm in high school despite Stephens high IQ he's a born troublemaker and is destined to be the smartest man in your cellblock in 25 years he might be working for the police I don't mean like eventually he knows everything there is to know about a criminal I heard I mean and whatever happened the psychotic troublemaker we all know and love I'll become a spy for the CIA well I think you know way down like 25 years down the line I think that Kitty and red are probably sitting on a cloud somewhere here having a cocktail and kitty is thin and red has hair and I think that would be perfect Donna think she'll make a great lumberjack Don I see her traveling and exploring herself as an independent woman Donna's probably gonna be like running for president or something or like owning her own company I think he's gonna be a sensitive artist mister I want to be a jazz guitarist Eric wants to stay here raise a family you're talking to the interim assistant weekend manager of housewares here okay well aren't you just the president of turd town I'd love Eric and Donna to get back together well you know they've done it so you know they should get married and they should you know have lovely children and they should live next door for the rest of their lives that can make me oh hi you've just watched us behind the scenes here at the 70 show thanks for watching us I think that was good my next really good tune in to your Fox station for that 7 issue the real thing not this behind to seem real but they'll be out saying behind us in front of the scene funny thing for
Channel: Jo Jo
Views: 418,533
Rating: 4.9231157 out of 5
Keywords: Laura Prepon (Film Actor), Ashton Kutcher (Celebrity), Mila Kunis (Celebrity), Topher Grace (Film Actor), Wilmer Valderrama (Celebrity), Danny Masterson (Film Actor), That '70s Show (TV Program)
Id: gte91pxG6Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2015
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