Extracting Gold From Gold Liqueur?! How Much?? Goldwasser - Goldschlager - Gold Flake Recovery

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[Music] everyone welcome back to another video the other day I was on salivate medals livestream and he saw that I was in there and he mentioned that he was wondering I actually picked picked one up he was wondering about how much gold is in one of these things his little souvenir things that you know it says it's real gold and everything as you can see it's just like gold flakes and everything I picked one of these up and there really isn't a lot of gold in there and even with a bunch of it you're probably not going to be able to recover a line but I went to the liquor store I picked up a bottle of this stuff it's called golden Wasser and compared to the Goldschlager which is also another licorice rate that has gold flakes in it this stuff had a lot more as you can see there's a bunch in there probably not a lot but we're going to find out exactly how much is in here this can cost like $23 I think but I know I'm not really covered 23 bucks later goal just a fun experiment and I want to give credit to salivate medal there'll be a link at the end and in the description to his channel then you'll enjoy his channel so go check them out and I hope you guys enjoy the video okay well here I have the gold Vassar with the gold in it and here I have a plastic jug with a coffee filter so let's just pour it on in there all right well port through slowly is this a waste of alcohol yep I'm not gonna drink any of it let me taste my finger here kind of like a sweet taste I'll probably just rubato this and give it to a friend or something hey was invented in 1598 it's real sticky I think we've got everything out of the bottle here it's almost drained once this is drained off we'll go ahead and weigh it up go wash it off and then weigh it up see if we could pour this in without making a complete mess [Music] look at that oh yeah I'm good so right now I'm just giving it a a rinse with some some water it's distilled water that should get most of that alcohol off of there and then we're gonna dry it out and weigh it up it actually looks pretty cool like that looks like a lot of gold doesn't it's not okay so this part is gonna be really tricky trying to transfer this stuff and moving around the best way is to get kind of clean it off the filter yeah that's the way to do it just wash it off the filter into the pan and then it'll go from there Wow it looks like a lot just that gold is so malleable that each flake right there is just probably a little piece of flour gold but we'll find out look at it floating like that hmm wonder what jet joy would do yeah so in order to drain the water off I need this gold to go to the bottom so let's put some jet dry in there see if that makes it sink okay now we just got to drain the water off and somehow and this gold is so light it just wants to flow with the water I might have to let this dry naturally or something I don't know figure it out alright so the plan I just came up with was maybe we can just put a bead of mercury in there and the mercury will eat all that gold up make it into a nice consolidated ball you know we can dissolve the mercury roots of nitric acid and extract or gold that way but first we have to clean with hydrochloric acid in order for the mercury to stick to it so I'm not sure if the hydrochloric acid will dissolve the gold or not since it's so thin I know if you leave gold in hydrochloric acid for an extended period of time it can actually dissolve the gold so let's put a little bit of hydrochloric acid on this little sample flake here and see what happens [Music] exploding doesn't seem to be destroying it alright let's go ahead and dump that right here to dilute hydrochloric acid a little bit more stir that around a bit get that gold nice and clean it'll pop some mercury in there and dissolve it all up so we're just gonna rinse it off the same way we actually strained it earlier just pour it into here let's give it a good rinse and if you've watched my other video on extracting gold from black sand all this stuff has hydrochloric acid in it so we're gonna put that in a separate container and label it and send it to the local recycling place so it could be disposed of properly but that's about it just need to rinse off that gold a little bit get that hydrochloric acid off of it all right as you can see here we have a little blob of mercury and this is our clean gold it's been rinsed from the hydrochloric acid we're just gonna rinse it right into here with the mercury all right so we've got it all in there and you can see the mercury is eating up that gold pretty quick maybe I'll do a time-lapse or something okay so I tried doing a time-lapse but I hit the wrong button and it didn't work all right here's our ball of gold amalgam and Mercury we got about 99% of all that gold sucked up into that mercury ball so I've just been rolling it around and playing with it to get it to eat that gold and I think I got most of it once again we're gonna go ahead and put it on a paper towel this is to extract the gold from the liquid mercury so what we do we just fold this up like so and we're working underwater here always work with mercury underwater because you don't want that mercury to go anywhere but where you want it it prevents the mercury from evaporating which you know the mercury vapors extremely poisonous a liquid mercury will go through the paper towel and we'll be left with the gold all right here's all of our liquid mercury that we can recollect put back in the bottle and here inside the paper towel we should have our gold mercury amalgam I've got a good amount of it there this time looks like silver there we go now even though this paper towel looks clean you know that there's trace amounts of mercury in it so you put this in with your waste materials for the recycler I hate to keep talking about safety but you know if I'm repeating but it sounds like I'm repeat myself with the safety so that stuff well no apologies you're gonna you're gonna hear it so this goes in with the recyclables okay so right here that's what the mercury amalgam gold amalgam looks like it's very malleable soft but that's what's gonna get dissolved with the nitric acid which is the next step I promise I'll get the time lapse to work this time alright once again real quick safety tip don't do this around people animals or anything as soon as I dump the nitric acid on to this blob of mercury and gold amalgam it's gonna start releasing a brown smoke that if you breathe it you'll be dead so as soon as I pour this on I'm gonna hit the time lapse and get out of here for about 15 minutes 20 minutes until all reactions are done and here we go alright here we have our mercury and gold amalgam that's been dissolved with nitric acid we're gonna carefully pour it off and we're gonna rinse it with some distilled water we're gonna pour that off as well okay now we're gonna neutralize this and do a litter safety stuff right here you can see we actually ended up with a decent amount of gold here and we're not going to know how much until we weigh it up so now we're gonna go ahead and dry it off and get it on the scale alright we have our preheated crucible here we have some borax in there lining it we're just gonna take this gold and pour it right in there without losing any I'll add a bit more borax to that and we'll heat up [Music] all right we have our gold poured off into this metal cup here it's in that little bead of glass you can see the gold at the end of this glass bead right here right hold it up it's pretty cool-looking now we just have to break it out of there is a little dispassion in it all right well I got my bead of glass and gold down in there I got this metal cup I got a pair of pliers I'm just gonna basically just crush it up we're poured into a pan and his pan it like normal the things still hot whoo all right there's our little bit of gold let's pan out that glass [Music] it's pretty strange panting glass from gold alright that's what it looks like in the pan they're actually chunky little pieces so let's go ahead and dry it out and wait up for sure this time making little sounds as it hits chunky little pieces in here I don't know how much away is probably not that much there's a little piece of glass still and then I gotta pick that out let's zero a scale and pour in our goal [Music] mmm-hmm about 0.02 I think we can call it 0.02 so let's see what that's worth okay here we go guys 0.02 grams I put 24 karat gold in there I'm gonna guess probably about a dollars worth of gold is what we're gonna get out of that maybe - they are pretty chunky little pieces but you never know alright here we go let's see what it's worth 85 cents so yes this is definitely a great investment make sure you go out and buy yourself some $24 gold liquor and yeah strain it out melt it down spend 20 bucks and chemicals will probably cost a lot more because he can't buy small small amounts so yeah I mean definitely a great investment to get rich quick thing and I highly not just kidding it was a fun experiment I enjoyed it if you guys liked it give it a thumbs up and salivate metal there you go man that's how you do it that's how I do it to fill the other ways but that's how I did it took about four hours funny way to spend my afternoon so alright guys hope you enjoyed the video leave a comment let me know what you thought and I'll see you in the next for logic [Music] you
Channel: KleshGuitars
Views: 883,931
Rating: 4.5288086 out of 5
Keywords: kleshguitars, gold refining, gold extraction process, gold (chemical element), goldschlager, gold flakes, how much gold is in goldschlager, how much gold is in goldwasser, mercury gold, nitric acid, goldwasser, extracting gold, gold alcohol, looking for gold, where to find gold, panning for gold, colorado gold, german gold, polish gold, extracting, gold, from, liqueur, how, much, gold plating, how to, gold recovery, gold panning at home, gold panning, how to pan for gold
Id: bUZ-Q2mqF5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
Reddit Comments

0.02 grams, which is worth approximately $0.85

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/boner_mc_poop_pants 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jimboolaya 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pardonator 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I just assumed none of it is actually gold

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/garythegoatsghost 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I remember kids in high school, or maybe college, saying that the flakes in Goldschlager would cut your insides so you'd get drunk faster. I always thought that sounded like bullshit (it is) and if it wasn't, it sounded like an incredibly stupid thing to do to your body.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JustinHopewell 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

This guy went through like a half dozen extraction steps that all he would've need was to let the original extraction air dry, lol. The mercury and acid and heating and glass and mortar and pestle was all unnecessary crap. Took him four hours supposedly but it would've dried quicker than that with a freaking hair drier.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pleasetrimyourpubes 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
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