Cheap and Easy Rally Car Mods - Were they Worth It?

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all right so if you've been watching the show for a while you know that we've done a lot of big things this E36 in order to make it more of a rally car swap the transmission build a roll cage Wheels tires suspension so the question is what's next oh a handful of little things that's what's next today we've got a few mods to make to the E36 that should make it a better rally car overall and the good news is most of them are pretty cheap but does that mean they'll be easy to install unlikely I'm Zach and this is Money Pit let's get to work a big thank you to Ebay motors for sponsoring today's money pit eBay Motors isn't just some online car dealership they're much more than that they're invested in making the sales cycle honest and trustworthy one of the ways they're doing that is by offering the ability to send out licensed trained inspectors to validate the seller's description and guarantee the car you're interested in buying is the car you're getting now we didn't do that because I like taking gambles for the sake of good content but you definitely should it's also not just a Marketplace for cars eBay Motors is home to tons of diverse car parts and inventory so skip the dealership and start car shopping from home by clicking the link in the description below who knows you might find an E36 of your own now let's get back to the pit is aggressive [Music] all right in case you're way behind let me get you caught up we bought a once stock BMW E36 and we've been modifying it to be our own DIY rally car now of course you can take a stock car off-road but I wanted this thing to be better than that I wanted it to be more reliable and more capable than a stock car so we've been doing a bunch of DIY rally inspired mods and checking out whether or not they've been worth all the time money and effort that they take and today is going to be no different all right so here's what we got first we've got the least cheap thing and these are new pedals uh you can definitely get pedals for cheaper I think a good set of pedals installed just how you like them can make the Driving Experience a lot better so I'm really excited to get these in uh and of course some mud flaps it's not a rally car without mud flaps speaking of rally stuff we've got a wink mirror this is a multi-panel mirror that basically spans the width of the windshield and gives you a lot of visibility behind and kind of off to the side which is really good especially if you're in a rally race with traffic so this will be a nice ad and then we've got the pieste resistance we've got some period correct hella fog lights we're going to add some more rectangles to the front of the E36 obviously these are going to help us see better at night so they're also going to look pretty cool so we've got some wiring to do probably some bracket mounting to make and you know while all these mods are relatively cheap and hopefully won't be too difficult to install there is a lot to do here so I'd say we should probably get started I think the first thing we'll do Zen pedals all right so a while back I actually installed the gas pedal when we had to take the carpet out and remove the factory gas pedal anyway so this just needs to go back in so it's got a receiver down here that's bolted into the car then it just kind of makes a hinge at the bottom and at the top well that thing is nice and it's also nice because it gives me the ability to move where the pedal actually is with these holes here I'm going to basically tape them in place and then I'll mark where the holes need to be then I'll pull the pedals off make those holes and then bolt them up so really what you're thinking about when you're placing your pedals is is what you're trying to do while you're driving and at that trying to drive fast and sometimes you're trying to rev match and you know heel toeing which really for me Isn't actually so much a matter of heel toeing it's more like the side my foot just splits on the pedals and so if I've got really nice pedal placement I can use the ball of my foot or a little bit more of the toe to give me some break while I blip the throttle on a downshift you know to match those revs so getting your pedals just right makes that pretty easy and it makes driving the car feel a lot better because you can do exactly what you're trying to do whenever you try to do it so I like to have you know a pretty small Gap in between my brake and gas pedal and as such I'm going to offset the brake pedal just the hair towards the gas pedal not much just a little and I think that'll feel real nice okay I'm going to tighten that up and then we'll mark out the clutch pedal drill those holes and then we're done here which as long as nothing goes sideways makes this one very easy this was the least cheap but maybe the most easy [Music] all right we've got some nice pedals and they feel really good I'm still debating on whether or not I want to try out the gas pedal shifted over a little but we'll tweak that later the install is done and it was really easy hopefully the rest goes that easily let's do the mud flaps next oh God so I'm just going to go around and kind of get them mocked up where I'm going to want them I'll tape them into place and then we'll figure out how to actually Mount them but we got to make sure they look good [Music] the trick here is basically just making sure that our mud flaps are going to do their job which means that they basically cover the tread of the tire uh in terms of width so I want this thing to be sticking out wide enough to make sure that it covers you know the working part of the tire the tread sticking out any further than that's not going to do a whole lot it's about finding the balance between what looks good and what's going to do its job well foreign [Music] that should hold things in place now I'm going to straighten the wheel out and Jack the front of the car up and figure out how to permanently Mount these things [Music] and that's the little gun that's the 3 8 boy all right so I think I'm going to Mark uh kind of an outline on this mud flap where the body lands on the mud flap so that I can remove it and figure out my mounting situation um yeah I'm just going to do that with a sharpie I suppose [Music] well the inside is going to be a really easy to mount to with some rib nuts but the outside to mount it nice and sturdily might be a little bit more tricky oh okay let's put this thing back up with new mud flap what for the rest of your life what do you mean that's actually how it was when I got it there was that bolt wasn't in there or that screw and I think this is just flapping in the wind against the tire [Music] okay now I just need to go do all of this again over there and then there and then there really not difficult slightly time consuming no big deal I'll get more of it later [Music] they kind of look a little crooked because of the bend that they take because of like the Contour of the liner to the bumper might drive me a little wild but I I'm just gonna live with it all right to install our wink mirror the first thing you got to do is get the old mirror off which is luckily really easy in this just a quick twist to the left so the next thing we got to do is figure out how exactly to mount this thing and to the roll cage might be the move okay so I'm going to use the bracketry that came with this mirror and I'm going to weld it straight to our roll cage I could use some screws but I have a welder so I think that's what we'll do okay there's some bare metal we can weld to that sleep or can I do this by myself I believe in you all right Jerry you want to give us a hand come give your boy a hand I just need you to hold something well I weld it yep so I'm going to want you to look right on at it okay it's here directly into the big open eyes as big and open as you can do them so uh yeah I like that you're doing great that's kind of what I figured you know [Music] all right mirror is mounted now just adjust it to my liking tighten up this hardware and that job is done it was also pretty easy thanks to this welder [Music] that is Factory fresh baby now we got our new mirror mounted and we've got tons of visibility looks really cool it's very sturdy so with that done it's time to do the last thing those fog lights let there be light huh Eddie breathe in and out good mindfulness and controlled breathing are great practices for managing stress but you know what else is going through find yourself and share in the chillness with this new shirt find yourself flowers butterfly Toadstool frog all around you all around Mother Earth and only 29.98 so much cheaper than thirty dollars available now at go find yourself the chillest shirt we've ever made Namaste my dudes what who said that we're back at it and all we have left to do is wiring the fog lights which is probably going to be the most tedious thing we've had to do thus far but it's not going to be hard all we have to do is install a relay with a switch so I can turn on and turn off the fog lights we've done this before relays are very handy things in terms of electronics and we're gonna install another one today I really it's basically a switch that lets us use a small amount of power to control a large amount of power so with our little switch in the cabin we'll be able to turn on our big old fog lights the first thing I'm going to do is find somewhere to mount the relay under the hood somewhere close to power and nice and easily accessible and then we'll Mount the switch in the cabin and then we'll work on wiring everything up foreign [Music] all right the switch is wired up now all we got to do is run power to those lights and put bulbs on them [Music] foreign a couple little holes to run the wires through to the fog lights so that's what we're gonna do get the old drill out okay now this wire is going to go from the relay to the fog lights supplying the power [Music] okay so our power wires are now sticking out the front bumper now I need to make a couple little ground wires to go from the lights and ground back to the chassis so I'm going to use the excess I just cut off for that that's cool though [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] okay we're all wired up the fog lights finally officially installed now we're just gonna see if they work let's fire these things up Kion green switch flicked all right let's see if they work Christ all right we've got some working fog lights now I still am going to need to adjust these and align them we've done that in this show before where we basically pull up to a wall with some masking tape and adjust our lights based on that so I still got to do that but at a glance they don't look too misadjusted so this has been a pretty successful couple days we got a lot of little but impactful mods done and it's made the car I think a much better rally car now we can do stuff at night and see a little bit better we've got a mirror so we can see all the things going on behind me we've got pedals for good car control good shifts good braking and we've got mud flaps to keep the rocks on the ground where they belong so I think it's going to do it for this week I hope you guys had a good time watching I hope you learned a thing or two and as always you can go follow me on Instagram at Zach Jobe and follow donut at donut media while you're there and I'll see you guys Wednesday after next
Channel: Donut
Views: 1,716,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BMW, bmw e36, e36, e36 car, bmw rally car, donut media rally car, rally car, e36 rally car, mud flaps, rally mud flaps, rally lights, rally car lights, e36 rally lights, rear view mirror, e36 pedals, aftermarket pedals, Donut Media, Cars, Automotive, Money Pit, automotive history, Donut, Donut Miata, car build, car mods, Zach Jobe
Id: 6tPRFQwk5Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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