Best Dupes I Have Tried and YOU Should Buy!

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dupes Brands don't want you to know about bougie egg holder Dollar Trees egg holder this one cost me at TJ Maxx 7.99 Dollar Tree cost me a dollar and a four it's just holding eggs eggs already come in containers this is just for the aesthetic of stuff it's not for any other purpose just make your stuff look nice and I do love that this is a clear acrylic the one from Dollar Tree does come with a cover it's just to look organized and feel organized I don't know why they have a little hole on them I guess to pick up the lid oh this one also has a little hole I think it's for a purpose because this one has a little handle here to pick it up I don't know somebody tell me because I'm really curious do the eggs have to breathe or something I don't know but they both have them at first I thought it was just the one from Dollar Tree and we take all the stickers off did you see that TJ Maxx Marshalls how I took that label off watch y'all learn something go to training over at Dollar Tree HQ take a lesson this is the kind of labels we want on your products I don't need extra tools I don't need Goo Gone I don't need nothing and this cost me a dollar 25 so I'm sure it's in your budget for the eight dollars I paid for that Dollar Tree made it work look at this I know you can see a difference brand new one is able to hold I think 21 eggs the Dollar Tree said Hey listen it's a dozen eggs what I will say about this one quality is impressive now Dollar Tree here's a tip make it clear people like that look how cute that is if it's not in here staying in the carton so I'll take it you know that's the attitude you gotta have sometimes look at this perfect you put your lid on it's a beautiful thing you look organized put together and he's gonna say she's got her life together she's an independent woman foreign look how nice oh I do love the clear acrylic gets me every time oh and the lid is so nice as well look at that so beautiful I love the look but I don't want to pay this much it's nice and sturdy too I really do love the way this looks but I would be happy with either and if you're on a budget you can still organize and make your refrigerator look aesthetically beautiful if not the carton works too nobody cares nobody's coming over anyway so you want these TJ Maxx so either way you go I don't think you can go wrong so for all of those reasons I will give the name brand one by Vivian has because the quality is excellent but the one from Dollar Tree the same five Vivian heads Kaboom with OxiClean you've seen these it like turns purple which I don't know why I love that does that mean when it turns white it's ready for you to scrub I don't understand the purple but I like the purple because I know where I sprayed it somebody let me know the brand name will cost you 4.97 these are pretty genius I like it everything should be a color and then it should tell me when it activated and ready for me to scrub I had to pay extra for that feature the Dollar Tree is 12 ounces the brand name one is 19 ounces so you're getting a lot more product in this one okay here on my table I have toothpaste makeup and some hairspray spray sprayed here so we'll do the Dollar Tree one first oh it is purple for real for real brand name oh they're both giving me a great first impression I prefer the scent of the one from Dollar Tree it just smells more citrusy this one smells a little bit more floral a little bit more bathroom looks like they're both moving at the same kind of speed as far as turning white same consistency so far on a blind test I could not tell you the difference here start wiping the one from Dollar Tree the makeup is still kind of there but you can definitely see the hairspray now where I had it let's try the original one okay they are performing exactly the same now that I say that they're not huh brand name side you can still see I think you can see it right here you see the makeup the reason I use makeup is because it has oil in it even though I know that it's made for the bathroom but I thought that was a good test you see the hairspray right there the toothpaste came off pretty easily with one little wipe it looks like this one did more work than this guy here's the makeup here just based on this quick little test this one did not work as well as this guy did like half of this hair spray is gone this one you can clearly see the makeup you can clearly see the entire spray of hairspray on this guy just based on this quick little test here I'm gonna say Dollar Tree won this test so I'm gonna give the Dollar Tree super oxygen bath cleaner for Vivian heads and the Kaboom like two Dr Teal's Epsom salt the Amazon knockoff they're both a eucalyptus scent which I love have you ever gotten into the tub with eucalyptus salt one of my favorite things the brand name cost me I think like 5.98 the knockoff cost me 4.34 they are both three pounds and they are both the same scent let's see if we can save some money because six dollars for this seems like a lot is it not just salt does this one leave my skin softer or is it just relaxing I know there's health benefits of using or dipping yourself now muscle relaxing benefits and all the things in Epsom salt so I know it's kind of good for you but I don't know that there's a difference between these two products I don't know that I would pay more just to buy fancy salt let me know if I'm wrong in the comments down below already very strong smell not the sexiest smell in the world oh but it smells good in the tub let me know if you use this stuff let me know what your favorite scent is I've only used the eucalyptus oh that smells so good I just love how that smells okay it's different oh this one's eucalyptus and spearmint this one is just eucalyptus per the pack packaging says it helps to ease soreness from muscle pain relaxes the body and relieves mind oh my goodness the whole mind the brand name one has an amazing very strong scent to it and now they make it in like a bubble bath if you don't want the salt the brand name one seems a little bit more powdery Amazon one is I think the word is more coarse like it has bigger chunks of salt how about that we all understand that English right this one has like big chunks is that better or worse than this guy it is too much for the amount of water but that's fine wow did y'all see that this one I'm liking the salt crystals in this guy this one is dissolving a lot faster because the salt is way finer this one just looks cooler because they're chunkier pieces of salt you guys can see the salt in there let me know which one's better I just like the effect of this guy oh it looks in the water there might be no benefits to that but let's see oh yeah okay some people might want it to dissolve way faster and they're both at room temperature water I'm sure if you did a warmer water that would dissolve a little bit faster than this but look at that the Dr teal is a foggier water this one is a more clear water I don't know if that makes a difference this one almost all of that salt is almost all dissolved this one you're still working on it for whatever reason I feel like this one has more ingredients in it I don't know if you can tell on the video but this one seems a little bit more foggy than this one does read your ingredient list folks but they should just be Epsom salt right just glancing really quickly at the labels this one has less ingredients in it than the Dr teals maybe that's why they look different and that's just on an amateur's opinion I don't know what I'm talking about I'm not that kind of a doctor to tell you with full confidence I'm just your big sister you know when your big sister talks and she don't know what that mean even though the scents are just slightly different they both still have the same amount of fragrance coming out of the water so I'm not gonna complain about about that so far I'm impressed with the one from Amazon very impressed I'm gonna pour a little bit down for you guys so you guys can see what the actual salt is looking like now they kind of look similar maybe because I shook the bag I don't know but I still think that the Amazon one is giving me chunkier chunks that's just my professional opinion take it or leave it in my opinion just get the one from Amazon save yourself a couple dollars so I'm gonna give the Amazon Dr teals knockoff five Vivian heads silicone Bowl covers as seen on television and the dude from Dollar Tree they're coming after the As Seen On TV folks they're tired of getting the truckloads and going wait a second we can do the same for way cheaper because this thing was 19.99 for a pack of three yes it's super fancy yes it had an infomercial with models and stuff but nope Dollar Tree said it will give you two instead of three for a dollar and a quarter and something that I'm noticing on the brand name one it says you can cover like fruits or vegetables I bet you can do the same with this like if you you had a head of lettuce or maybe an onion I don't know how big these are but these come in three sizes nine inches seven inch and a four inch grapefruit watermelon pineapples maybe when you cut it in half when I saw these I thought oh are you kidding me great silicone look at that it has a smiley face you guys are not gonna believe me the brand name infomercial ones it's a stretchable these are stretchable from Dollar Tree airtight lid these should be airtight fingers crossed reusable works in the fridge freezer dishwasher safe they're stackable interesting so you can stack them on top of each other and they won't fall through the only other thing the brand name ones have like this little turny wheel thing in the front it's very simple you just turn it to hover over the day you put it in the fridge but I need dates not days that doesn't help me much I need you to give me date time because it could have been Friday from August in my refrigerator it's very tricky it's a gamble good luck here's a dry erase let's see if I can write on here Friday August 10th 2021. I love the stretch on these they are a little bit thinner than these guys are actually they're not these are more stretchy though okay very nice the stretch is the same these are clear as you can see I like the clear because I want to see my food and not be trying to guess what's in there they both have these little tabs here's the brand name one I want to see if it has a good seal because if I put some soup in the fridge and it's gonna spill all over the place well that's not good I want to pack my lunch for work or return it home because I didn't eat it maybe you gotta stretch it that's good right there this one is perfect size the little Tabs are genius because they help you stretch this thing out Dollar Tree a hundred percent if you bought this return it immediately don't they have like a three year lifetime warranty see that word play I just did a three year lifetime warranty oh they play games all day on TV y'all gotta listen to The infomercials now this one said is stackable so I should be able to put this one on top does that seem stackable to you let's see if the Dollar Tree is stackable they didn't claim it but let's just see sunk a little bit but are you supposed to stretch it a lot that's my question kind of like plastic wrap is that the deal I thought you just put it over like a little napkin okay wait there it's stretched maybe we should try the smaller ones to see how well they stretch out let's just try it for shits and giggles okay this is what we do make a mess and that's probably what you're supposed to do anyway because you want it to have a nice suck you know like you want it to be nice and tight if you like oh beautiful now it'll hold it it was too big for the bowl you gotta get one slightly smaller oh I bet that's airtight let's flip it Dollar Tree y'all win I paid a dollar 25 for this all day look at that you guys just know how to do the trick okay I just taught y'all the trick it's like a plastic wrap you all gotta go get them okay I'm gonna try the smaller one on this oh that's too small can we try it on this stretch it good that should be sealed nice and firm on top they are airtight it's stackable y'all better run to Dollar Tree before they sell out quality is just as good as this one it does the same thing the price saving is incredible so for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the Dollar Tree five Vivian heads and I'm gonna give the brand name one to Vivian heads the Cricut standard grip pad matte thing the Dollar Tree one listen I heard Cricket folks don't play they would come get you Dollar Tree said make my day a Dollar Tree ain't got no shame because they also called it the standard grip just like the Cricut one said standard grip these on Amazon sell for 7.99 Dollar Tree a dollar and a quarter so in case you don't know what they are it's like a little cutting board thing where you can cut your vinyl out and then it has this sticky so that your vinyl doesn't move when you're cutting it and as you can see this one is disgusting because this is how they get everything sticks to them from what I understand after a while too the stickiness stopped sticking I'm not paying eight dollars for this every time I need a new sticky thing I'm any of these can I get a Dollar Tree for 7.99 quality feels exactly the same these are the products where you go thank you Dollar Tree oh they got all the cricket stuff the reason that I said the scandal of it all is because it's an exact dupe you know a Dollar Tree did they went to they typed up Cricket standard grip board and they found the manufacturer and they said order us a couple truckloads we want to sell them for a dollar and a quarter how many do we need to buy done send them over the drama this is gonna play out in court I think look at this even the thickness of these guys it's very similar just in case you don't know what these are used for you get a piece of vinyl or whatever and then you just line it up like so see and now when you run this thing through your little machine it's not going to move so it cuts perfectly I don't know if these are new if they just brought them in but same stickiness same size same the cricket dupes and knockoffs at Dollar Tree should be enough for you to not be Fuji and stop by and pick up a couple things save yourself some money for retirement that's how much money you're saving that's what I'm saying so for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the Dollar Tree Cricket dupe Vivian heads the atomic beam Dollar Tree one he's gonna come home wearing this and you're not going to be able to resist this one's a little bit more basic I'm paying a dollar 25 all day wow it really doesn't compare okay it doesn't kind of mission am I on wearing this fancy thing this is really fancy this is really nice they did try see this is over the head and around the head this one is just around the head look at that what else do you need this reminds me a lot do you guys remember Weird Science the best movie ever I think he had goggles like this didn't he or was that 16 Candles I can't remember remember he had the goggles at the dance what movie was that 80s Kids come out and tell me this thing is heavy well well made wow I cannot complain about the quality see this one first that is bright so high medium Flash the brand name one same mode so this would be their high this would be the low and then this is their Flash I don't know why this one looks brighter to me at some points Dollar Tree on high wow that's the low or medium then the flash brand name one on high whoa okay that's a huge difference low flash can you turn it on convenient the one from Dollar Tree you cannot go wrong it is light this one the whole unit is on your head and now I understand why they have the strap across here this is heavy I don't even feel it I can walk around all day like this walking the dog cutting the yard at night I don't know what you're doing in the Attic under the car you're fixing tires or something changing oil brake pads rotating tires I don't know you might need a light I have zero complaints about this one this one I have no complaints either except for the price if you can find this thing for 10 bucks or something like that pick it up see this here is needed because this is heavy like it's heavy like I can feel this on top of my head this weighs half an ounce do not skip out on this okay if you want to get fancy you buy this one high medium flash don't waste your money if you don't have to but if you want to look expensive then you buy this one so for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the brand name one for Vivian heads I knocked a Vivian head off for Price the one from Dollar Tree I'm gonna get five Vivian heads dude face and body wipes Dollar Tree knocked it off 30 of the brand name white cost me 4.99 30 Dollar Tree White cost me 1.25 it does say that it is infused with vitamin B5 it is a 97 water and plant-based formula with a moisture Rich lotion for after shaving alcohol-free dermatologist recommended the one from Dollar Tree is saying infused with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E Dollar Tree y'all gotta work on y'all that smells y'all gotta have a whole department just to dedicate to Smells y'all could have a decent product and the smell is off and then people ain't gonna buy it because they're like that doesn't smell like anything she wants to smell think like that which one is gonna give me the larger wipe put your predictions in the comments down below Dollar Tree dude wipes they're the same size we will wipe one side of her face with the Dollar Tree one side of her face with the dude wipe they can take off makeup then it's gonna work on any guy because makeup has oils pigment all kinds of stuff now this side in some areas it looks like the brand name side took a little bit more off than this side like up here not so much on this side not so much so they both are taking a different type of product off of our beautiful model here I'm gonna say they both got points for this one which one do you think is going to leave more moisture behind and not dry out your skin start with the Dollar Tree dude wipes the cardboard started falling apart faster with the one from Dollar Tree than it did with the one from dude wipes I don't know if that was a discovery or not but Dollar Tree side looks like it's been scuffed up a little bit more than this side so I don't know if these are gentler I don't feel any different maybe it's the product that's on them now let's check the moisture we don't want dry skin we don't want alcohols or anything like that that's going to dry us out we'll test over here first to make sure it's zero now in the center 40.6 moisture in that paper okay 39.4 I don't know if this is an accurate test but it's a test nonetheless So based on these tests I'm not going to knock this brand it smells really nice it looks like it's a lot gentler but as far as moisture it looks like the one from Dollar Tree kept more moisture Dollar Tree do better with the fragrance side of things in your business but it's not bad for the price I think it'll work resolve heavy traffic foam carpet cleaner Dollar Tree has knocked it off and they're letting us know on the actual can a dollar 25 4.49 but this one is huge compared to the one from Dollar Tree 22 ounces the one from Dollar Tree yes 13 ounces of product but you're saving tons of money here leave on until it's dry then vacuum I don't know why I thought that we just dab it dry and then leave it a little bit of ketchup and you know ketchup don't come up that fast leaves a little stain behind so I'm gonna do a drop in it I don't want to ruin my car carpet but I should have put wine but I don't have any believe it or not red wine there's none in the house maybe just a little drop of ketchup a little drop of ketchup I'm gonna take a little bit of ketchup off because I feel like I put down too much now we're gonna spray it give it a few minutes and then we'll wipe it off make sure there's no residue Left Behind wow it has a fancy uh did I break it oh I fixed it Don't Know My Own Strength I do love this one from Dollar Tree because I feel like it's getting covered and nobody's gonna accidentally hit it and this one somebody can hit it and then it's gonna start spraying everywhere cover it everybody needs a little can in the house just in case if you have carpet you're gonna need this you're supposed to tilt it down like this Dollar Tree first that's it just a little squirt now the brand name I kind of missed it's fine give it a minute let me smell them while I wait mmm clean laundry smell I like that I love that actually the one from Dollar Tree yeah cheap cologne y'all are missing out on a lot of money because y'all don't perfect the scent and the flavors of y'all's products millions of dollars lost this one smells like lean laundry like no joke we'll do the Dollar Tree first dab dab dab okay rub that dabbing ain't working it's gone now the brand name one for a second there I thought it wasn't going to come off they both came off exactly the same no ketchup Left Behind no pink no nothing listen impressed with the one from Dollar Tree the original dry shampoo Batiste Dollar Tree knockoff which also lets us know hey guys if you love this guy you should try us look at the size of these two this guy here cost me 3.89 and I'm getting 1.6 ounces and then the one from Dollar Tree I'm getting 2.2 ounces so double the product for a dollar 25 for a quick little weekend trip pack this one instead of this one and you're winning because you get double the product and you're saving yourself tons of money they are both the classic scent the reason I don't use this one is because it comes out very powdery very chalky looking it looks like I haven't washed my hair in three days even though it's not oily they're still stuff I don't like that Dollar Tree hasn't knocked off the brown one but it had three different options for this one y'all would absolutely own the market if y'all made it in the different colors that should be that should be next on the agenda I'm just gonna put a little bit of oil in her hair I think we got both sides nicely saturated with oil start with the brand name one which we know Works super well you see that powder I hate it that's why I cannot use any of their products unless it's the brown or the dark one I can't be walking around looking like that I'm not gonna rub it in yet because I want you guys to see the before the Dollar Tree one oh it has a better smell I'm actually really impressed with the smell the amount of powder coming out of this one the amount of product I'm getting for the price this might be throw it in your purse put it in your suitcase from now on the Dollar Tree Side the brand name side you let me know I've already made my decision as far as which one I'm gonna stick with if I'm gonna have to use this powdery one I might as well just pay this amount for it I am seeing a difference and it's not good for Dollar Tree brand name one is blending in with my hair really nicely almost disappeared Dollar Tree I was about to recommend it and you guys were gonna sell at least a boatload of them it's not horrible but it's getting kind of hasty just work it in real good it's gonna take you three more seconds than this one but for the amount of money you're saving rub it in brand name side Dollar Tree Side not bad oh look at the volume now oh man this one's nuts but we have the brand name Apple watch on my wrist Aldi and this one way expensive this one is 50 so you're saving two hundred dollars if the Aldi one is similar and works the same who what I've seen a lot of people try to knock off the actual Apple watch and they're close but not the same they look different the way it lays out is different when I saw it in store I went are you kidding me if this was just laying on the counter I would not be able to tell at least from what I've seen so far on the box for 49 this might be totally worth it it is water resistant battery will last up to seven days it has a 24 hour heart rate monitor a lot of people buy these watches as well for their heart rate and I love that feature I love to check my heart rate all the time now on the side it lists out all the different icons it has it says it is compatible with both Android and iPhone it has a sports mode a workout mode GPS hygiene assistant I guess when you're washing your hands it'll sing you a little song reminders it has notifications weather alarm camera remote so it can be like a remote for your cell phone you can do selfies without oh my God music remote calorie tracker hydration reminder sleep monitor step counter and relaxation mode save yourself two hundred dollars this one I did not find in the Isle of Shame which is the middle aisle where all the good stuff is that's what they call it I did not find it there I actually found it by the registers I wonder if it's because it's fifty dollars and kind of small people accidentally put it in their pocket I don't know oh my God even the dang thing even that what is it called it comes with a little charging station the same with my Apple watch I did not have to charge it but every few days for 39 you guys this is a steal the band is actually a little bit different but it's same silicone brand name Aldi one the same now the oldie one has a sticker over the top let's take that off so we're not confusing people oh I don't know how old he does it but tell me which one is Aldi the only difference here is the little knob here on the side on my original one the all-day one doesn't have that besides that it's a total dupe they feel exactly the same actually the one from Aldi feels a little bit more buttery look at the back here's the little sensor the sensors are the same so I plugged in the actual charger which is really cool looks very similar to the one for my watch but it's just black mine's white so it has a magnet so it Clips right listen if you've always wanted an Apple Watch and you're like hell no I will never pay that much I completely understand but this one is probably the closest thing I've ever seen to an actual Apple watch you see that magnet very impressed it looks like it's going to take a minute to charge and actually let me into the watch First Impressions what I'm seeing what is promising I'm gonna give this guy four Vivian has vitamin C the brand name one vitamin C the Walgreens one and this has a huge price difference brand name which we all love this brand is 26.99 Walgreens has knocked it off for the amazing price of 12.99 vitamin C is expensive if Walgreens has knocked off this vitamin C for the price of 12.99 we're buying stock in Walgreens how did y'all cut half of that price out of there just because it says vitamin C doesn't mean there's active vitamin C just so you know vitamin C is not a very stable thing and don't take my advice read the comments because I know the smart people are going to come out and tell us about vitamin C but Google it one difference that I am seeing in the front is that the brand name one is telling us that they have 10 that's very high 10 percent pure vitamin C which will help to brighten it will help restore the protective Skin Barrier and you know what I have not seen this brand being knocked off at least for these new kind of products they have like retinol they have the vitamin C all the new lines that they release Walgreen is really the first retailer that I have seen not this line off the Walgreens one is like in a plasticky kind of tube brand name one is actually like an aluminum tube I don't know if that helps preserve it I did notice that the brand name one says made in the US and the Walgreens one says made in South Korea I don't know if that's good or bad but South Korea you know they're pretty good with their skin care so fingers crossed that we are able to buy this for 12.99 I'm smelling it you know I'm gonna just smell like orange juice oh it just oozed out this is open not sealed let's see what each one looks like when I open this one it looked like a gel almost this one I believe is a cream okay now the one from oh maybe you have to shake Walgreens it's just it doesn't say anywhere on the box how much vitamin C is in here which is important right because you can't knock this one off and this only have like two percent vitamin C because that's not the same thing we can't tell much besides they look completely different very watery on the Walgreens side clear gelatin like texture this one creamy soft I'm gonna try it on my hand oh but it feels nice you know what I also hate about vitamin C which nobody else might relate but just me because I hate sticky things I have another vitamin C that I like to use it gets sticky oh I'm about to convert now the Walgreens okay it feels nice does feel very similar no fragrance the same thing look at that already in my skin okay I'm impressed with how they absorb no stickiness no residue our next test I don't know how scientific it is I saw it on Tick Tock I don't know the girl's name but she's on Tick Tock and she does this where she tests all products with vitamin C there's some kind of mechanical scientific way that you can use this stuff here and then pour these vitamin C products in here if the product goes clear it means that it has a detected active vitamin C if it just stays Brown there's no vitamin C again this is just an experiment I don't know if this is legit technical accurate nothing and after this Vivian tries if you want me to try more products so we can expose some people let me know this is or pretend okay we don't know what Walgreens has put in here before we do this little experiment here Walgreens I went to pick this up while I was picking up all the rest of my items I went to the little Pharmacy part of the Walgreens is a pharmacy but you know what I mean in the back this one I actually bought at Amazon because I'm like oh hell no Walgreens is not about to rip me a bottle very similar to this one at Walgreens was 17. like 49 cents I bought this on Amazon for five dollars Walgreens shame on you because I've seen it at Walmart too I think for like six bucks that's why I was surprised that they had knocked this off and that it was decent prices and not for everything stay tuned because not everything here was a better price for the knockoff brand name first watch the brand name not have nothing and this one have everything oh my God I don't know how much I should put okay a nice little squeeze there things happen does it need more more okay more oh my oh my God don't waste it okay whoa that was at least a tablespoon of product it's still Brown very Brown okay hold on maybe I'm not mixing it around give it a minute Vivian slow down I'm just too passionate about this test yeah that's not changing okay watch the Walgreens one take the cake here look at the difference now after they've been sitting there you see how this one the knockoff the Walgreens one is lighter now look am I filming magical what just happened what y'all saw that live at the same time it's me it's all gone it's activated brand name one is not doing nothing Take My Breath Away it has vitamin C I don't know how much but it has it Walgreens if you're proud of your product tell us how much I keep thinking it's lightening up but it's not let's try it one more time with a product from Dollar Tree now reading the bottle it says one percent one percent vitamin C when this one is actually ten percent and from what I understand listen to me I think I'm an esthetician or something from what I understand it needs to be in a dark bottle because all these things affect stability of the vitamin C I don't mean to shame y'all it ain't looking good for you I cannot believe this we're gonna have to expose all the brands that say they have vitamin C if it works with the one from Dollar Tree oh we're exposing everybody okay CeraVe one it looks like it's lightening up look at the difference here this is the Walgreens dupe this is the brand name this has nothing in it let's try the one from Dollar Tree just for shits and giggles see do you smell like orange juice nope okay no fragrance one percent vitamin C okay I'm gonna put just a little that much brand new spoon I don't want to contaminate my experiment here I'm so impressed with Walgreens good for you congratulations you are showing out today well Dollar Tree you tried don't waste your dollars just buy the one from Walgreens right now I am recommending the one for Walgreens because this is pretty incredible I've given you all the chances to activate get going get pumped get warmed up without knowing how much vitamin C is in this guy there's enough to turn this into clear drinking water I don't know don't drink that that's not recommended and Dollar Tree vitamin C just leave it alone there's nothing in that remember this is not scientific this is not proving anything it's just for pretend so with all that said I'm gonna give the brand name one for the price and what we just saw here three Vivian heads that's harsh I know and this one just because I don't know how much vitamin C is in this guy I'm gonna give this guy four Vivian heads for the price there's some amount of vitamin C in there because look retinols brand name one cost me 18.99 Walgreens dupe cost me 13.99 that's pretty good that's a huge savings five dollars per bottle this one's a little bit hard to tell you what I think I just got to give you my first impression because retinol works over time but you need a retinol in your skin care routine you have to do the retinol and the vitamin C gentle non-irritating formula see a lot of people complain about the retinol because it like makes your skin heal and very sensitive and when you add this you need to be adding extra sunscreen 24 hours a day because this is taking like layers off your skin so look at the ingredients real quick is the 13th ingredient the retinol in the Walgreens one let's see in the CeraVe what the retinol is like the 25th item on the list down this one is the 13th I don't know what that means but from what I understand the higher the closest to the first spot on that list the better the more of that active ingredient that's what we want so is this one giving us more retinol this video has opened my eyes Walgreens might be on to something here they might win you know I love Aldi for a good knockoff and Walmart but you might be stopping at Walgreens I want to save five dollars for every bottle they both have the same amount of product one ounce one ounce start with a brand name one okay there it is okay very yellowy Walgreens White and creamy the brand name one also says encapsulated retinol so they're both in capsule impressed if you're a newbie to this retinol stuff start here just First Impressions remember I can't tell you because it takes a couple weeks to work you'll see it in your skin it's gonna look brand new put a little bit of it on my hand it feels really nice no fragrance but I wonder what the color difference is the Walgreens one nothing that I've tried in this video today has been sticky or not absorbing into the skin not either brand you're going to be able to layer all these things and still feel normal not like you're walking around with all this stuff caked on your face which is what I absolutely hate I don't think you can go wrong if you pick either one of these products except you can save some money thank me in 10 years when you look brand new so I'm gonna give the brand name one four Vivian heads I took a Vivian head off just for Price the Walgreens One Price First Impressions all the things five Vivian heads Gardener I think that's how you pronounce that skin active clear brightening eye roller do you guys remember this this has been around for quite a few years and I had the hardest time finding the stupid roller Dollar Tree knocked it off obviously for a dollar 25. this was actually 15.99 at Walgreens the only place I was able to find it I looked for it on Amazon on I look forward at Walmart the one from Dollar Tree is only 0.25 fluid ounces the actual name brand one is double the amount okay fine 15.99 or a dollar 25 which one would you pick if you love this stuff let me know in the comments down below if it's worth paying the 15.99 stick this one in the refrigerator stick this one in the refrigerator and you're gonna get the same de-puffing or swelling or whatever you have under the eyes I feel like most of these roll-on products the effect comes from the Rolling On of the little ball it is formulated with antioxidant vitamin C and caffeine instantly cools you see and refreshes I think that's what these roll-on things are all about and reduce the look of under eye bags save yourself 14 bucks I am getting double the product but still here's the brand name one let's see what the Dollar Tree looks like same thing oh my god wow the same height and everything you're just putting less product in this little bottle the Dollar Tree says it is a three in one treatment it will help with dark circles puffiness fine lines and wrinkles dermatologists developed was it will not clog pores it has peptides vitamins and green tea extract natural source of caffeine it helps stimulate micro circulation and reduce get out of here with all this nonsense fluid ounce-wise you are getting more product with the name brand one but listen buy you two of these that's still a fraction of the price from the brand name one and stick them in your fridge they look exactly the same let's see how they feel the brand name one on my left hand nice and cooling just like I imagined let's just rub it in with my hand see if it feels sticky feels really nice actually absorbed super quick into my hand no weird smells no weird fragrances now let's try the one from Dollar Tree also on my hand I can't believe I went to Walgreens and paid 15.99 for that that's outrageous right look both gone no stickiness no nothing feels really nice actually in my opinion they might be the same product let's actually try it on my face here's the before I don't know if you guys can tell I don't know any product on Earth ever invented that's gonna work with one application for you to see tightness deep puffiness brightness if you know of that product please let me know but I haven't found that product roll this guy on all that feels nice I think anything that's metal is gonna feel nice okay very nice let me blend it in a little bit right okay after you see a difference please let me know I have a lot of bright lights I have a lot of things on my face so it's kind of hard for me to tell while I'm filming for things like this I'll read the comments to see okay oh that feels really nice I didn't need me to refrigerate these just tap it in very gently to me they performed absolutely the same one has more product than the other but besides that they have the same metal roller on them save yourself the fourteen dollars buy the one from Dollar Tree so for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the name brand one three Vivian heads and I'm gonna give the Dollar Tree one four Vivian heads terracotta bowl look at it this might be dupe of the year look at the shape of it look at the color of it it is a dupe fourth I think it was Target had the studio McGee I'm gonna show you pictures because no one can buy this thing unless you buy those crazy scalper is that what it's called when somebody buys tickets and then tries to sell them whatever it's called you know when those resellers get stuff and then sell it at some crazy price yeah the studio McGee terracotta bowls you can't buy those they sold out I think within seconds just making that up I don't know how fast but you can't find them anywhere and now if you find them like in the resale Market on the used Market anywhere on the market eBay Makari any of those places like that these are going for like 70 80 100 I bought this one at Aldi for 19.99 I think when they first came out at Target I think they were like 39 somewhere around there I don't know I did not see them I did not notice them until now because when I saw this at Aldi I thought that is a dupe for sure guaranteed I've never owned anything made out of haircuta it seems very delicate um the material is not soft or glossy it's kind of rough you might know this does not feel nice on the skin it's very Sandy gorgeous just though I can see why people went berserk for them and look at the pictures you guys I looked at every picture I could on the internet because I can't get my hands on the original Studio McGee one let me show you the bottom look oh look at the bottom one of the studio McGee one exactly the same isn't it look at the cross underneath when you put it down like this look tell me that is not exactly the same bowl out of all the items from this video this is probably the one that sold out because of Studio McGee sold out in seconds at almost 40 bucks I'm glad I got mine kisses for good luck because if you get one oh my God let me know on Instagram now how do we decorate this bowl you can put it on your coffee table a lot of people put balls in them I only have these kind of balls these are my wool balls for the dryer ah beautiful tell me my balls aren't cute in here what do you mean I'm gonna put these on the coffee table why not don't touch my body don't touch my balls and tell me those are wool balls and not supposed to go in here when I'm not washing clothes my balls are going in my bowl shut your mouth so I can find some decent prized balls these are gonna work tell me I'm not an interior decorator jealous envious Vibes are gonna come off everybody that comes over and stares at your studio McGee I don't need to know it's a dupe just play it off yep I was in line I wrestled the lady for it I mean it was totally worth it pick this one up from Aldi quality is amazing size it's huge now if you don't like the ball look some people said to use these remember these are my Dollar Tree video maybe not the orange ones okay but it's Easter see you're supposed to hang it like this he is so pinteresty something like this you guys get the idea that's beautiful see it's a pop of color for the Easter holiday I'm not gonna style it beautifully like they do on Instagram and Pinterest because I'm a real girl with just basic ideas I love it I love the idea I love the balls I love the beads my only thing is I feel it's going to be very delicate so you can't throw like stuff on here or you might chip it so just be careful it seems like a very delicate dish do not wrestle anybody at Target for no Studio McGee wrestle somebody over at Aldi or this one I don't care how great the studio McGee one is no one is going to be able to tell a difference so for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the Terra Cotta bowl from Aldi bye Vivian heads covered stoneware keyword stoneware now I don't have the Duke you know why because it's so hard to find in this color it's almost impossible like I try to order it online it was going to take me two and a half weeks just to get it and I'm like by the time I get it my friends can't go get the dupe at Aldi so I have to make the video now this is the brand name one and it costs 115 dollars stoneware in this beigey kind of ombre color you'll see the Ombre here in a second it has the cover it's absolutely beautiful now this one did come in a couple different colors the brand name one comes in a whole rainbow of colors but it's a hundred and fifteen dollars who the hell is gonna make mac and cheese in the oven in 115 bakeware with a cup who put their name in the comment down below be your best friend you need a best friend like that mine only cost me 14.99 I saved a hundred dollars by going to Aldi and my stuff still looks snack snack fire whatever Savage I don't know all the work the kids are using these days I've never owned anything with a cover like this I'm super excited I'm not gonna make any promises about cooking but how cute dishwasher safe it's microwave safe and it's oven safe and it has a cover I don't know why the cover part of it has me so excited because I feel like very Betty Crocker kind of with the cover right instead of just foil I saved a hundred dollars that gives me a hit of dopamine now listen I'm on to Aldi you know what they're doing when all of these other products that are trendy as hell start going out of stock they go speed it up we're gonna be in stock when they're out of stock that's what they do when I bought the one from Aldi I thought oh I'll go pick up the brand name one at any local store oh no I have to order it online I want to order it online I gotta wait three weeks to get it are you kidding me I'll buy over and over and over and over again at Aldi thank you Aldi now there's only like three at all that's the only thing you gotta run set your alarm Wednesdays no don't go to ALDI because there's too many people going now when I first found Aldi it was me the cashier and then she would be cashier and sometimes she's a stalker God bless the employees at Aldi like y'all need to change that corporate you see the Ombre that I was talking about you see how it's a little bit darker and then it gets lighter that is exactly what the name brand one is doing how is this legal how are they not in jail you see the Ombre you can see it now the buyers at Aldi went on a road trip to William Sonoma and they made a checklist of all the things tell me it is not an exact date you're lying to yourself pay full price that's fine I don't care even the logo here in the front is exactly like the logo on the brand name one does say oven safe up to 356. that's pretty good what the hell are you cooking over 356. from oven to table take it out of the oven just like this put it on the table you know I'm gonna be showing off absolutely I'm about to start tick tocking okay I've cooked up something nice for you guys here's what it looks like with a gourmet meal inside ready close your eyes you're gonna look like Martha Stewart how come Martha Stewart looks like a million bucks she's looking good isn't she well now you can feel like her you can take this over to Mom's house you can do all kinds of casseroles in here and you're gonna look so fancy and they're gonna think you paid 115 for this guy but you saved money because you watch the Vivian tries show I have zero complaints about this one so for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the covered stoneware baking dish five Vivian heads the naked eyeshadow palette the Aldi dudes and if you purchased the Urban Decay eyeshadows we need to have a very serious conversation because as a big sister I'm gonna say no I don't it doesn't matter if you have points coupons buy one get one three dollars off 15. it did absolutely not the brand name one cost me 54 Aldi has knocked them off even calling them Naturals and that four different color shades for five dollars and ninety nine cents we're gonna pause we're gonna have a stair off I will buy them in every shade you got for 5.99 for fifty four dollars the makeup artist better show up on my front door I still need Foundation blush lipstick eyeliner lashes bronzer highlight concealer all the things I don't mean to shame you oh no we know better in 2023 I mean they're both made out of the little tin same size please save yourself 48 dollars now they might be sold out so that the mirror doesn't reflect my lights I'm going to cover it with my box some of you guys can investigate they're probably made at the same place as well on the original one colors are beautiful brand name one dude similar I think they both bring the same amount of eyeshadows 12 eyeshadows colors are beautiful look at that 5.99 even the brushes are pretty much a copycat I can't even tell you how similar they are you're just gonna have to try them yourself the same softness fluffiness Urban Decay this other finger okay there are different shades this one is more pinky reddish colors this one is more neutrals but texture silkiness buttery the absolute same don't waste your money that's all I'm gonna say you can buy the entire collection and still save tons of money so for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the Aldi dupes five I'm gonna give this guy three Vivian heads glaze I've never had this but from what I understand you can put this glaze on all kinds of stuff fruits fruits did I get that right I may have imagined that I know a lot of vegetables cheeses like mozzarella I think I saw it at Costco and it's expensive the original one that I picked up from Walmart cost me 5.79 the one from Aldi cost me 365 saving me about two dollars and 13 cents now the one I saw at Costco was a two pack but it was way more expensive can be used as a condiment dip garnish or grilling sauce see you can put this on anything I think pasta salads interesting roasted Meats cheeses and desserts you see the original one is made in Italy the Aldi one is a product of Italy as well they are both giving me eight and a half ounces and I have here two sad little cherry tomatoes they're not sad they're happy they're happy because they're about to get glazed is this kind of like a minute I don't know it says balsamic vinaigrette sweetened and thickened vinegar reduction I'm getting Mediterranean Vibes like if I had to stick to a diet it's going to be the Mediterranean diet if you love this stuff please let me know in the comments down below because what else can I put it on it said Meats ooh that's very vinegary vinegary you know what I'm saying a very vinegar I don't speak English sometimes it says for desserts too how do we put vinegary stuff on desserts that sounds gross but okay do I need to shake it you guys know I'm a Shaker I gotta shake stuff I don't like things floating at the bottom the one from Walmart feels very watery the one from Aldi very thick like I can't even hear it in there I don't know if there's just more product both say 8.5 ounces I think I've seen somebody put this on their chicken because it has low calories it's 35 calories I think you just glaze it over the top just a little bit because I'm nervous we'll do the Aldi one first she's Gourmet [Music] now the original brand name if you don't like vinegar this is probably not for you because all I smell is vinegar dry this one Divine forget the vinegar smell listen I've been missing out I've been depriving myself of delicious food because I have not had this police tell me how to use it because I want to put it on everything worth the five dollars let's see if I can save some money with the Aldi dupe sweeter actually total sugar in the one from Aldi is six grams brand name one eight grams of sugar so this one has more sugar in it but I don't know why this one tasted nicer and sweeter to me I think I added the same amount for each one but this one tasted way nicer so for all of those Reasons I'm gonna say save yourself the money and go try the Aldi brand one and let me know what you think because I have a new find I just need to know how to use it now in a million different plates for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the brand name one is still delicious five Vivian heads but I'm gonna give the Aldi one five Vivian heads as well it kept up with the original one and I saved money Cricket products I did not buy the brand name once this hand is empty because they're so pricey when I can get them literally the entire line of Cricut products at Dollar Tree for a dollar 25 each the Cricut products are like twenty dollars for a four pack or a five pack like I could get all of these probably for twenty twenty five dollars if I actually bought the qriket brand get them at Dollar Tree listen I don't use Cricket a lot so I don't know if you're a diyer kind of crafter and you use Cricut and you love it please leave us your feedback in the comments down below even if Cricket sells a bundle of them it's still cheaper to buy them individually at Dollar Tree the crafting spatula why would you pay nine times the price listen the quality is okay I'm not gonna say they're as fancy as the ones from cricket but come on I'm good I'm good this is the craft scraper how fancy can the one from qriket be these are good for all kinds of stuff not just Cricut if you're putting down any kind of wallpaper like I did here on my desktop this is the product I would use to kind of flatten it out if you have any bubbles a dollar 25 a dollar twenty five I want you to check the individual prices roller cutter I think this is used for cutting fabric maybe this is used to Cut vinyl I don't have high hopes for the quality when I go into Dollar Tree and I find something like this that said do I have an understanding that I am at a dollar store so I understand that for a dollar 25 I cannot expect sometimes we get lucky but I cannot expect the same quality actually it's a super sharp craft Knife Set seven pieces you're gonna get one handle and six actual blades so cool look at that you just install the blade at the end and then you tighten it by turning this little piece here you just slip it on there okay twist it on to secure it quality I'm gonna give it a two out of five craft picker and that is used for the little vinyl pieces you can pull away the vinyl this is so basic why would you pay more money for something like this but Hey listen if you want to be fancy and spend your money go ahead no judgment do what you want to do it's your money but if you want to save a million dollars a year you follow what I say this little picker here is gonna help lift the vinyl look at this beautiful you probably could not say anything to convince me to purchase the is directly from qriket so for all of those Reasons I'm going to give these guys four Vivian heads faux cashmere throw it is a dupe of this guy it is from Pottery Barn you can get four or five different colors from the Aldi and at Pottery Barn they also have maybe five or six different colors 14.99 and oldie for this guy you could buy every single color at Aldi and still be cheaper than the brand name one from Pottery Barn now this one feels just as yummy super super soft and I got this baby blue color because I don't want it to be too crazy loud for 14 this was a steal look how beautiful it is wow it even has the little thingies what is this called as the one from Pottery Barn the same size as well beautiful feels heavenly not one person's gonna be able to tell that this is a dupe I can't promise but I can almost promise nobody price excellent size excellent coziness excellent another reason I got it in this light baby blue color is just because it looks a little bit more delicate just made it look even softer and yummier so I'm gonna give the faux cashmere Pottery Barn dupe five Vivian heads ryel Dollar Tree hats overnight pads panty liners Dollar Tree safety organic cotton Dollar Tree organic cotton candy liners cost me 5.99 and I'm getting 20 Dollar Tree 18 of them for a dollar 25. 16 regular pads 8.99 10 regular pads 125. 12 overnight pads 8.99 six overnight pads a dollar 25. they're both claiming the same things all channel five these are brand new and we need to announce it to the world because they're organic cotton now they're not organic cotton all the way through and through but they're organic cotton on the top the part that's touching guess what this one is telling me too it's organic just the Top Dollar Tree is turning into Aldi where they have no shame about their dupes they're like yep we did that I'm going to give them points for the packaging it is super cute super modern and then they're gonna get points for being organic and giving us an alternative to this thing it's infused with lavender and aloe vera hey what Dollar Tree can I call into the corporate line because you guys need to continue bringing these in don't get my besties all excited about this and then stop bringing them in this one has no smell at all the brand name one does feel a little bit thicker the one from Dollar Tree feels a little bit thin one from Dollar Tree we'll put it here brand name one Dollar Tree brand name so I'm just gonna do five MLS now panty liners are not made to hold that much so that's why I'm only doing just a tiny little bit now we'll do the same MLS or the one from Dollar Tree Dollar Tree brand name one from the back Dollar Tree name brand the name brand one for this one now I have a paper towel over both just gonna put a little bit of pressure on it to see if any of that blue liquid is going to come back up the brand name definitely won this one so I'm gonna give the brand name panty liners or Vivian heads and I will give the Dollar Tree to Vivian heads number four the overnight pad at the Dollar Tree overnight pads the name brand ones are in a box in a plastic and I believe in another plastic like as much as holistic and organic and did we need the Box listen brand name y'all might want to copy Dollar Tree ooh I love the packaging there's six of these in here and there's 12 in the Box oh wow the Dollar Tree one wins in size look at the one from Dollar Tree look at the brand name one we'll do the same test start with the one from Dollar Tree first and hopefully even my wings help out here the Dollar Tree one does feel really really soft the brand name one feels softer but it feels more quilted so this one's turning a light blue color almost like it's absorbed or dried or something this one's still the bright blue color now I do what is happening here usually pads when they absorb liquid they turn into like a jelly consistency these are very firm I've never seen that before now this one hasn't changed much since I poured it you see how the Dollar Tree one almost faded to like baby blue color now just a little pressure the magical mountains that everybody on this one are there for a reason because look at this brand name one Dollar Tree has won this one brand name Dollar Tree let's see from the back so I'm gonna give the Dollar Tree overnight pads five Vivian heads and I'm gonna give the brand name one two number five regular pads the brand name one's giving us 16. Dollar Tree's giving us ten again really nice scent to it you like it great if you don't then pay 8.99 for these the regular ones also have the beautiful wings softer thicker Dollar Tree this one thinner not a soft same amount of liquid for both we'll start with the Dollar Tree one okay that was a lot if it passes this test wow same effect that the overnight pads had where it's kind of given us a cushion same technology I think and I'm gonna let the brand name one just sit for a few minutes be completely absorb because it's happening again where it's just kind of sitting look at the color difference there's even a difference on the back okay same amount of pressure same amount of liquid same size I mean you guys can see it before I even show it to you look at this who won congratulations wow this feels like you're sitting on a couch cushion this feels like you're sitting on a wet paper towel very impressed so I'm gonna give the regular brand name pads to Vivian heads and I'm gonna give the Dollar Tree organic cotton dupes five Vivian heads sea salt spray the name brand one cost me 9.69 Dollar Tree dude they're both six ounces of product I've never tried the sea salt spray thing I think it's to give your hair like texture this salty Mist gives your hair a soft wave no matter what time of year so I don't need to curl it or it's just gonna okay delicious also pina colada a lot of Dollar Tree wedding here this one smells like Hairspray get down a little bit so that we can see I guess oh it feels really nice and light weightless I don't feel like it's gonna leak oh it's already kind of giving her a look this is kind of like an effortless volumizing thing right when your hair is flat can't you just fluff it up with this doesn't weren't coming out very nice the Dollar Tree one Spritz is nicer look at it this one see how it came out like very wet and like it's heavy the one from Dollar Tree wins it's already dry on this side look at it nothing heavy very lightweight great Mist but look at the brand name side Vicky not impressed with this one not price not smell not what I'm seeing here as my first impressions for all of those Reasons I'm gonna give the brand name sea salt spray to Vivian heads and I'm gonna give the Dollar Tree one for Vivian heads and I'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Vivian Tries
Views: 663,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar store, dollar tree haul, vivian tries, dollar tree haul 2022, dollar store haul, vivian, Dollar tree finds
Id: NWuD1TkyPuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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