How to Shop at Kroger - Grocery Shopping on a Budget and Saving at Kroger!

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hey guys welcome back to my Channel today we are going to talk about shopping at Kroger and specifically how you can save money by shopping at Kroger this video was um suggested by my husband so thank you honey he doesn't he said he that he doesn't know how I get like the different sales and find the different deals that I do at Kroger and he thought well if he doesn't know how there's probably other people who don't either so he suggested that I make this video so a couple years ago I hardly ever shopped at Kroger I knew that thir normal um not sale prices were more expensive than a place like Aldi or place like Walmart so I really hardly ever went there I mainly shopped at Aldi and Walmart for those things that Aldi didn't have however I was following several like um Frugal influencers bloggers and I noticed a lot of grocery hauls from Kroger so I was interested to start seeing what deals I could get there cuz I figured if those people are finding deals I probably can too and we have a Kroger that's like less than 10 minutes from our house probably like 5 minutes from our house so it's really convenient for me to to go to Kroger it's even closer for me than Aldi so um I've kind of learned over the past couple years how to find better deals at Kroger and I go there if not every week at least probably every other week to get sales so I want to talk today about all the different things you need to know in order to get the best bang for your buck at Kroger so first off if you've not shopped at Kroger before you need to make sure to get a Kroger card and download the app now you don't need the app to shop there if you want to get some of their digital um coupons and you don't have the app you could do it like on your home computer your laptop but the app is definitely going to be more convenient and when you sign up for a ker card you don't need to have the physical card you can just scan on your phone and that is really convenient then you're not carrying the card around with you so I always start out by looking at the sales sometimes I will get the physical um sale in the mail and I'll look at that but a lot of times I'll just go on my computer or go on my phone and you can scroll through the ad their ads run you can usually see a preview for the next week's ad on a Tuesday and then they run Wednesday through the following Tuesday so when you take a look at the Kroger weekly ad you're going to see several different kinds of deals you're going to see your regular sales these are ones you don't need a coupon for it's just a regular sale um make sure to scan your Kroger card when you purchase them so that you get the sale but those are the they're usually going to be the big ones on the front of the ad usually the best deals a lot of those are going to be your regular weekly sales now along with those you're going to see your weekly digital deals um those will be really great ones where it's already on sale somewhat and then if you use the digital coupon you get more off and you can really get good deals with that but you got to make sure that you're clipping the digital coupon on your app or on the computer in order to get those deals so you have the regular sales you have those digital weekly digital deals um you also are going to see some like buy two get three free or uh buy one get one free like different ones like that I know I think this week they had buy two um what was it maybe like case of the Dr Pepper or whatever and then get three free that was a that was a great deal so you're going to see some like that that was BOGO ones or buy two get two free or buy two get three free whatever so that's another kind of you're going to see then you will also see ones that say save $1 when you buy five or more so those ones if you're not paying attention it can be tricky cuz you're thinking oh I can save $1 on this item but you have to make sure that you're buying five or more usually it's going to be multiple items so it's not like you have to buy five cial boxes in order to get the $1 off you could buy you know two of those two of something else that's in that category one of something else as long as you're getting five items that were in that sale then you'll get a doll off per item so that's another great way to save money you're also going to see other Digital Coupons when you look on the app a lot of times we'll have like $5 off a pickup or a delivery order if you've never done those before I've gotten even like $15 off an order of $75 or more those are great coupons to look out for because that will definitely save you money they also have I think they're called best customer exclusive coupons that they just randomly give you and let me see I'm looking over here I wrote down some examples like right now I have $125 off of ground beef I have a coupon for 65 off of eggs I have another one for $6 off a $30 meat purchase so if you combine those with like for example like the meat when the meat is on sale sometimes lately I've gotten like chicken breasts for $1.99 a pound so if I stock up on my chicken breasts for a great price and I get at least $30 worth then I'm going to get $6 off of that so that then I'm really saving well because I'm combining both that that customer exclusive coupon with the that are already happening oh I forgot one more kind of coupon which is your paper coupons your kind of the original coupons um a lot of times you'll get these you might get them in the mail um or when you check out and it prints out your receipt sometimes more paper coupons will print out there um I always forget to use the paper coupons but you can get some good ones now sometimes a paper coupon is going to be like a similar it's going to have a similar thing as your digital coupon has and you can't combine the paper and the digital so so um yeah that's just something to keep in mind but those paper coupons can be great if you remember to use them and if you do like a a pickup order they will ask you when they bring the groceries out to the car if you have paper coupons that you want to include and then you would just give it to them right there and they will add it um to take that off of your total so I'm pretty sure that covers all the types of sales and coupons if I missed one let me know in the comments I may have missed something but I think that's all if I'm if I'm remembering right so next let's talk about the inore deals now a lot of times I do enjoy doing grocery pickup I've done delivery before too uh but you are going to miss some sales when you do that when you don't go in store so there are several places when I walk into the store that I always want to check out to see if I can find some deals and it may be slightly different at your store but I believe most Kroger have these areas so first of all when I walk in the store I will head over to their discounted Bakery section they usually have like a rack where they put their Bakery stuff that is going to go bad in a couple days you can grab those if you're going to eat them right away then they're still fine or you can just throw them in the freezer um so sometimes it's Hit or Miss sometimes it's just kind of like I don't know old donuts and random things that I don't want but sometimes they've had one time I went and they had a whole bunch of those Hawaiian rolls which those can be kind of pricey and they had a marked way down I think it was like a $125 a bag which was really good and so I just grabbed a whole bunch of them and stuck them in the freezer and saved a lot of money and they were super convenient for whenever we wanted them other times um I don't know like a loaf of French bread or whatever things like that they will just have marked down and so it's just always a great place to check when you first go in the store then um that tends to be over near my produce section so next I will walk by the produce and where they have like the bagged salads and things like that if there's one that's going to be going bad in a day or two they will have stickers on there and so I just kind of try to scan for those discount stickers and sometimes they can be really nicely discounted and if you need a salad for that night obviously you don't if you're buying for like a week ahead you're not going to want to get it because it'll be bad by then but if you're buying for that night or for the next day you can usually um get salads at a great at a great discount if you watch for those stickers um now those discount deals it'll you'll have to kind of visit your own store several times at several different like times of the week or different times of the day to see when you see more of those deals if you're going on a really busy Saturday or Sunday probably deals like that are already going to be snatched up so you got to kind of figure out when when is a good time when there's less people in the store and you're able to see more of those deals it'll probably depend on the store um so the bakery section the produce section I like to watch also I haven't seen this in my store the last few times but usually they will have also a produce section where they will bag up like apples bananas different items like that that they're not bad yet but like they're not as fresh anymore and they'll I think it's usually like a dollar for a bag of them they'll be in like sort of a red netting and yeah whatever's in that section you can get it for a dollar a bag so that's great to watch out for like if you want to make banana bread or freeze a bunch of bananas and they have them in there one time I got a bunch of um bell peppers for a dollar for a bag of like three or four and that's a really great deal so that's just always a great place to check as well then I like to head over to the meat section and they usually have a a discounted meat little area sometimes there's like nothing there or the meat that's there looks sometimes slightly suspicious so I'm not going to get anything that I'm like I'm not sure but sometimes they'll have some great stuff there like I got some um sausages the other week that were like really discounted cuz I think the expiration date was I guess it was just coming close but like they definitely were still good I threw them in the freezer and saved I think they're originally like $4 and I got them for a dollar or something um I've gotten steak there um just yeah things that are going to go bad in a couple days sometimes they'll stick in that discounted me section so it's worth checking one other section I like to walk by is their clearance section um in my store it's kind of trying to remember what I think there are it's kind of near the candy section in my store I can't remember what and like the seasonal stuff I think so there's kind of seasonal stuff and candy and then there's one section it's very clearly marked clearance and it has all sorts of random stuff in there and sometimes it's yeah random junk but sometimes the they'll have random cereal like maybe holiday cereal that the holidays passed they'll mark it down on clearance in there sometimes I've seen coffee that it's still good but the the expiration date is coming up I've seen Starbucks Coffee in there um you just never really know so it's worth walking by and seeing what's in the clearance section and then just as you're shopping keep an eye out for those discounted stickers like I was mentioning on the produce section you'll also sometimes see them on the yogurt if there's yogurt that doesn't have that much life left um they'll have discount stickers on that um even just in the regular aisles I don't see the discount stickers as much but just you know just keep an eye out as you're shopping cuz sometimes you'll find some Treasures now if I don't want to shop in store and I'm shopping online there are a couple things I'll do there to save money first of all when I'm on my Kroger app I'm like adding things to my grocery list um or adding things to my cart a lot of times I will also have my Walmart app open and so I'll be checking prices to see okay is this really a good deal or is it cheaper at Walmart and a lot of times as you've seen in some of my of my hauls I will go ahead and purchase the things I can get a great deal for at Kroger and then I'll get the other like normal price things at Walmart so I like to always compare and I know it sounds like a lot of work but it really is super fast to just like quickly check on the Walmart app too or on the computer whatever and just make sure that the prices I'm getting really are good at Kroger now when you do pickup or delivery at Kroger if there is something that is not available like you you put it in your order and then for whatever reason it's not available they will do a substitute a lot of times I'm buying like store brand things so then they might do a substitute that is a name brand and at Kroger usually at least in my experience they will not charge you extra for whatever they substituted they'll just give you that normal price so that's great Walmart doesn't do that anymore they charge you the extra and it's annoying I missed the old days but at Kroger it's still they still do that so that's great now the one one thing to watch out for is if you're ordering stuff with a coupon like the um you're getting a doar off if you buy five or another coupon like that if they don't have some of those items and they're doing a substitute then the coupon is not going to apply anymore so that is one thing about um with pickup or delivery if you're using a lot of coupons and your order is for kind of like a busy day where probably they're going to be get running out of those things fast you may end up missing out on some of those coupons or if they don't have several items available and you were going to use a coupon that was like $10 off of a $75 order if you don't quite hit the $75 because some things were not available then that $10 coupon wouldn't apply normally I don't have issues but that is something to keep in mind if you have a whole bunch of coupons and you want to make sure they're all applied and everything um sometimes it might be a safer bet to shop in in store so that's just something to keep in mind now um speaking of pickup and delivery I love watching for coupons for those because like I said a lot of times there are coupons for5 or $10 off um and I just try to make sure I'm spending enough so that if a few items aren't available I'm still spending that I'm still for sure going to spend that amount where I get the coupon amount off if that makes sense now for delivery they have Kroger delivery and they have instacart delivery and with instacart delivery you're going to want to tip because that's like a separate service but with with Kroger delivery they actually don't accept tips so when I've done uh when I do delivery I always choose the Kroger option that way like I know they don't even accept tips so I'm not going to have to pay for that there is I believe it's $6.99 the charge for delivery but again A lot of times there are coupons for delivery especially if you haven't done it much and they're trying to get you to do it so a lot of times that coupon will um negate the the price of the delivery um or balanced out what word am I trying to use anyway you know what I mean um so it'll make it worth it in fact I also saw this week on my app there was a coupon for like no delivery charge if you ordered I think it was like Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday must be those are the less busy days um so watch out for coupons like that and that will definitely help you save too there have been a couple times when I've tried to do an order online that for whatever reason one of my coupons won't apply I feel like it's happened for me especially when um I don't know why but when their chicken breasts are on sale and you can use that digital coupon up to five times I will add that on my order and for some reason sometimes it won't when I go to check out it shows you all the coupons they're applying and that one won't be applied and I've like delete everything and I try again and there have just been a few times like that where it just won't apply so I've just gone into the grocery store and it works there so I have that's frustrating um I it must just be a random glitch but usually I don't have that problem it's just happened a couple times but something to keep in mind if you love doing delivery and that's something you want to do on a regular basis as opposed to the free pickup or shopping in store yourself then you might want to check out their Kroger boost membership I've not done it because I don't really use delivery that much but it could definitely save you money by paying that price right off the bat and then you get free delivery the rest of the year and I've heard that people really like it who do the delivery so that would be something to consider if you are regularly wanting to do delivery every week just remember to choose the Kroger option when you check out instead of instacart if you want to save more money that way I found that now that I've been shopping at Kroger for a while I have a pretty good idea in my mind of the things that are usually going to go on sale or usually be a good deal for me at Kroger and so instead of buying my me at Walmart or even Aldi a lot of times I will just wait for those sales at Kroger because I know they're coming so you will definitely as you shop there more kind of get a handle on what's a good deal what to watch for there and it might be a process but you'll slowly start saving more and more I think as you get used to it and as you get used to the process of the digital coupons and everything okay I think I've covered all the ways to save at Kroger let me know if I missed something um and let me know do you like to shop at Kroger I know if you don't have Kroger in your area sometimes I think the Kroger company or maybe it's whoever owns Kroger I don't know they also own multiple other grocery stores so they're like all Affiliated somehow so a lot of the sales that Kroger has as those other grocery stores are going to have too so let me know where do you shop do you do you have any more tips for us for shopping at Kroger we would definitely love to hear them okay guys that's all I have for today thanks so much for joining me and I will be back with more soon bye
Channel: The Tex-Mex Mom
Views: 246
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Id: tkkIbvAwDTw
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Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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