100% Splice - Timed Run with Commentary

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it's funny the zost hosted because i was going to put that there anyway um yeah yes i am yes i am emory uh so so i mean pretty much i'm pretty transparent about this but uh you guys know um how much i look up to this man and uh i remember um when i first started like getting back into the speedrunning scene um for super metroid like after a couple years of not really looking at it um shut up tax anyway i you know looked up stuff and there was zost and he was running hundred percent and he was like super intense about it and uh you know i thought he was super awesome and that i would never live up to him uh because i didn't you know actually speed around at all and everybody was way out of my league um anyway i've always kind of put uh zost 100 together because of that um and so the the whole time that i've been running 100 there's been kind of this history for that uh in the background and um you know obviously we had a little uh a little back and forth with uh the last couple pbs that we had where he was about to get record and then i got record by a lot because i had a disgusting run and then you know he he swooped in and took the 112 from me because he's rude but basically i just wanted to put that there because i i could not see myself doing these sorts of things like this splice or you know grinding so hard uh without his inspiration you know and he'll tell you all day that it's not a big deal just like i'll tell you all day that i'm not a big deal but um that's what it is so he is he's rude but you know sometimes sometimes the best of friendships are forged in the fires of rudeness that can go down in the history books as the wisdom of zenny so um i need to put this under my stream alerts because i don't want people to be like what the heck i donated a million dollars and i couldn't see it where's your thing i have so many sources you guys this is freaking disgusting where are my what the heck all right we're just gonna test it like this okay that works okay so um this is the first draft of my 100 splice um a couple couple things i want to say before we um get into it just some some disclaimers uh so as you can see at the top this splice was recorded in 392 segments and each time you save state and then cut out the frames um like like the black frames and the corrupted frames from from a save state each time you cut out those frames from what cutie has said and and i believe there are a couple other people that back this up as well you have a net loss of two frames for that segment so what that means is there are two frames that would have been counted rta that are cut out right so that artificially decreases the timer um so again up at the top each segment cut out two frames so plus 13.06666 seconds to the final time i wish that i could go through each of the splits and say this is how many segments were in this so we need to add 3.4 seconds to this segment to the split but uh that's way too much work and i'm lazy so screw that um so like i think it's like a if i remember it's like a 443 bombs time or something but when you account for the segments it's actually either like a high 44 or a low 45 [Music] so just keep that in mind uh the other thing is that there are rooms that have obvious well okay they'll be obvious to people like me and zost and cutie and whatever obvious errors um slow doors bad uh bad placement moving into next room bad ledge grab bad down grab bad this bad that whatever um i may or may not be cleaning up some of the rooms and um kind of plugging them into the run that's why i'm calling this a first draft uh so i don't know if this exact version of the splice will end up being public on youtube or not but here it is um i think that's it i think that's everything that i was going to say so we'll get into it but uh before i actually like start the timer and stuff um i want to start playing it and make sure that the the audio is good it should be good but i just want to make sure so um all right the obs monitor shows that it's a little bit low now let's go somewhere a little louder all right let me know how this music sounds if it's like too quiet or too loud or [Music] good it's good okay cool all right i am going to start the timer and i'll try to do my best to split on the on the segments um but i might forget and i'm sorry if i do all right um [Music] so without further ado guess we'll get started no why didn't you go live split making a fool out of me oh yeah of course you're gonna of course you're gonna be like that you dumb piece of crap i switched the layout to the one that isn't dumb you know what heck you live split streams cancelled forget it this one okay we're gonna hide the pb video because it's pointless segments are almost always divided by door transitions but there are a couple that i did mid room um usually that was on an item fanfare if that happened um i will also note there are a couple places where you can kind of tell that there were frames lost on the splice there's like there's an elevator that i'm thinking of that was like especially noticeable stuff like that [Music] there are also a couple of segments that i had to re-record the audio this is one of those and then [Music] from norfair elevator to x-ray 47.83 that song in particular is actually a little bit uh louder than the rest of the rock because i had to splice it in so if it's still like if there's music that is still [Music] too loud later on in the run let me know and i can just turn vlc down a little bit it's no big deal is there supposed to be a game feed in the bottom left you mean the top left i'm confused [Music] that's weird oh i see okay i see what's going on just move this [Music] that should be good right yeah the um the obs stats as a display capture that's what it was because i had it in front of obs another thing that's worth noting is that uh for the most part i did not use strats that i don't use in runs that morph ball grab is actually something i have started going for and runs um i may or may not drop it but so far i'm still going for it so i decided to keep it in the in this place it's about 10 frames faster than the wall jump [Music] like here you'll see i did the standard construction zone escape and uh you'll notice that i do my normal wall jump climb instead of like the uh the two cat climb which is i'm actually bad at that anyway [Music] so [Music] hey what's up 11 47 that is a personal best climb for me and uh i don't remember what i get here but it was also a personal best parallel for me 10 12. i think cuties is like a 1007 or something stupid like that in his place yeah all of this was played by me on a console with a controller um none of it was scripted by the computer so what i would do is i would record a room and then i would make a save state and i would save the the room video and then i'd do it again and i did that 392 times i missed the split see you guys are distracting me what was it anyway i think it's a 433 [Music] uh [Music] [Music] two [Music] [Music] okay if i put the window there that should work [Music] didn't bother adding in fanfares that's another thing worth noting actually so i i choose not to uh change audio in a few different places um just based on preference so i don't bother with fanfares and there are a couple elevator rooms i don't bother with either because they're like during red burn star music which we never get to hear in speed runs so i just like left the red print star in instead of doing the item [Music] but yeah putting in putting in fanfares would have been miserable for sure that would have increased the um the labor effort to put music in by like [Music] i don't even know would have taken probably an additional like five or six hours i did all of the music splicing this morning in about an hour and a half wow giggles going to sleep in the middle of this fine playing a jerk good night [Music] slightly just ever so slightly text because you fall sooner and you can still lay the bomb basically immediately if you do it [Music] correctly the weave is free if you do it right up into is cool too see so like this is a bad door that i didn't even know about and cutie pointed it out to me so i started doing that better and runs now [Music] splice is outdated [Music] foreign you don't jump as high when you're getting into the morph tunnel text and it apparently gives you a better door so like i've been just jumping basically all the way to the ceiling because it's free and i knew i was losing some frames on the morph into the tunnel but i didn't realize i was also losing frames on the door and i was apparently i don't really participate in rando stuff unless i'm actually participating see so like here normally the music would transition but i just left it as red branstar [Music] you will but not right now [Music] hmm all right i got my splitting finger ready got it ready [Music] no big deal [Music] [Music] hmm i don't know actually it would have been a gold though i can tell you that all of these should be golds easy golds [Music] no because i won't be saving it [Music] [Music] yeah i did some i did some rng manipulation it's true it's true there were also rooms that i you know let myself not continue grinding because i got i got good rng but the room time itself was subpar i just said you know what i needed that super missile or whatever uh see so like that was a small health but i got good drops elsewhere in the room so i was like okay yeah i got a lot of good room practice in now i need to do segment practice all right i gotta split again on speed i almost forgot but then i remembered for you guys [Music] i do love chat [Music] another thing worth noting uh there were a couple times where i actually lost the continuity um because i had to i had to reload basically um so if you have a keen eye you may notice things like missile counts or super counts changing um but from what i remember they always went down [Music] and regardless i made sure to to manip appropriately anyway the other and more disappointing thing about this is that that means that we lost our um officially accumulated and recorded in game time but uh based on the final rta time i made a guess on what the in-game time would have been so [Music] but yeah i mean also if i do end up re-recording individual rooms and plugging them in like there's no way that i'm gonna bother making sure that missile counts and stuff are accurate so just deal with it okay gosh all right my splitting fingers ready thanks chad it's a frame perfect move joliak man and to think that i was like impressed and freaking out about being minus 5.7 on that split the other day trash complete trash come on zenny jeez [Music] this isn't even zenny's final form this was another personal best for me and i thought that i could be proud of it because ruya had posted in discord 1059. ruya had posted in discord a couple months ago how he had finally achieved the sub 11 red tower and i couldn't do it when he posted it and i finally did it in the splice and i was like yo i did it and i shared it with ruya and he was like oh yeah i beat that already and he sent me like a 10 58 or something forever in the shadow of these other players when did i take that picture with zos it was at gdq 2020 in florida last year see so like i could have gone for a sub six there but i decided not to there's like there are a bunch of rooms like that where i could tell you know there was sub-optimal movement but i didn't fix it oh yeah we had the piano sorry i was talking over the piano this is another room that is absolutely not optimized but i just kept it because f grinding this room i think zost has like a 916 in there or something it's a little more aggressive on this ocean fly than usual but not like crazy aggressive because i i don't i have not committed to going crazy aggressive with that striking runs so i didn't win the splice either this room is a major painting about to grind i think i did a mid-room safe state here i think it was on the power bomb that i did it i don't remember for sure [Music] all right zanny you said that you're only doing strats that you can do in runs so i better not see a one round fan tune here boom [Music] i will get that in a run i will get that round that pattern in a run eventually mark my words [Music] hmm [Music] remember what i said about having to redo certain certain rooms and segments threats are school that's why [Music] okay [Music] all right now before anybody says anything i kind of justified going for the yolo jump here because i have done it and do do it in some runs i don't do it in runs that are on pace but it's not outside of the realm of possibility that i might eventually mean it i don't really see that right now if i really wanted to take a cheap shot i would have just done the jump and not the jump morph [Music] the jump morph really isn't that bad it's just bad on pace super nerve-wracking and if you screw it up and your runs dead so [Music] it's like a second save exactly [Music] well that's the thing stovetop is my whole my whole thing wasn't humanly possible it was how do i run the run that's what i wanted the splice to be how do i run the run [Music] so there are a couple places that are a little bit inconsistent with that but i tried to try to do strats based on that for the most part [Music] thanks still like a minute off or so it is coming you are correct [Music] [Music] [Applause] there is not a doubt in my mind that if those put an equal amount of time into this as i did his would be at least 10 seconds faster there's not a doubt in my mind about [Music] that case in point when he first came in here i was like dude with this new ridley strat i found you can get a 28xx with 27 supers and he's like i got a 29 something with 21 supers earlier case in point how long did this take me to compile um i've been working on this for two weeks which is not very long i think it's two weeks [Music] pretty sure [Music] first thing i did was i did the entire run lazily and casually in snes9x and then right as i finished i realized that um for the last i don't know five minutes or so worth of rooms [Music] i had forgotten to hit record because i did them on two different days and so i was going back to try and fix that and as a result of that i um ended up like i loaded up the movie file but it wasn't in read only and i ended up saving over the movie file like 10 minutes into the run so then i went from losing like an hour of work to losing like six hours of work and i just said effort [Music] so i said effort and i decided to do it on console instead and here we are [Music] yeah well i mean playing on emulator is really like there's no way it it wouldn't have lived up to this just the the quality of play is much harder and therefore lower on an emulator [Music] [Music] oh that sucks [Music] dang yeah so i explained earlier that um there are a couple points in the run and actually one of them is coming up i think is the etikuns where um i had to re-record because i messed something up and um i didn't realize until it was too late to fix it so there are some inconsistencies with things like ammo count etcetera [Music] yeah see so we actually lost two supers there but we gained a bunch of power bombs that doesn't really matter because power bombs aren't something that we normally run into issues with so that's fine [Music] uh see so like i could definitely do that room faster that that part of the room at least i could definitely do faster but i accidentally did a safe state here so that was annoying had to adjust for that [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah glove i feel that dude i feel that [Music] [Music] so yeah we could do that i've never set up a prediction i don't know how [Music] mart's help [Music] i give up [Music] it's in mod view oh on the dashboard or whatever slash prediction start a prediction manage prediction uh no i don't i don't want that one i don't know how to do this i don't know how to do the thing like it has one already there from before [Music] there's a button that says start prediction but i don't want to start a prediction based on this thing that's already there all right my splitting fingers are ready [Music] i didn't see any way to edit it okay uh no i don't want previous predictions [Music] gosh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i almost did a 30 minute guessing window and then i was like now we'll be too close to the end of the run by then [Music] [Music] hmm what was fish tank i think it was a 350. i tried to get a 349. [Music] well it's there and there are 120 000 channel points being bad already so [Music] [Music] yeah go ahead mods i'll take care of it if you guys want in that's fine i'll take care of it i haven't shared the final time with anybody i shared some paces with a couple people but no final times foreign that's dumb [Music] i'm sorry oh yeah 2 36 i spent an hour doing that because that's the that's the time that cutie had so i spent an hour matching his prkd room time totally worth the frame totally [Music] wow this is an oats chat man come on 2400 let's go uh i finished this this morning i finished recording it yesterday and then i did all the music splicing this morning and the music splicing is a little rough around the edges but i don't care that was a big time save because it was my worst segment in my pb remember that should i do the song i'll do the song just for you guys pretty boost through the sand [Music] [Music] got the fast moon fall into the sand and then we wiggle down through the sand aim down so we don't bounce off the sand grab this missile pack fall down the left side and we'll try to fast space joe morph into the hole and we got the wall jump check on the power bombs and then we save state second morph into the hole quick drop through the sand and damage boost angle up charge shot through this door did you see that almost perfect puyo ice clip i did and it totally wasn't something that i had to do a few times [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] yeah torso um sorry dice that is actually uh the info head the info hud was set to jump speed during these rooms because there was a room that i was trying to figure out how to optimize based on jump speed i just didn't change it back but see i did change it back there because i noticed it and it was bothering me so yeah [Music] no i thought about doing an rbo splice uh that's an example of a room that i could have had a better room time but i opted for a good rng instead uh the thing about an rbo splice is grinding for the right rng would be a huge pain so every time i've thought about it that has been the reason i haven't done it but maybe i will eventually [Music] don't remember room time here oh right because because of the item fanfare there are some rooms that i couldn't tell how good or how not good it was so like i would have shot for a sub 9 30 in plasma room but i couldn't because of the item fanfare so [Music] shout out to zost for that awesome strat [Music] [Music] not the cac boost the ball through the door in cack alley [Music] going into uh the pre-hafy room or are you saying zenny really you put the cack boost in there you know i've done that in like 10 plus runs at this point right i got it today literally today i got that whole strap maybe it was yesterday somebody doesn't watch my streams anymore [Music] just kidding man [Music] oh i will remember that for sure i'm gonna remember him calling me out on that absolutely i'm gonna call him out on it next time i get it it's probably gonna become a meme every time i get it i'm gonna be like c hero hey dirk [Music] the hero boost that's a good one hmm thank you some controller noises from me not realizing that the mic was that happens a couple points in the run [Music] i took the wrong audio feed it's no big deal really [Music] um [Music] all right so like here is a room i know this strat is slower than the optimal strat but it's a strat i do in runs because swag and comfort so it's also in this place but i could save a second i did the other [Music] strap it's still going you can still weigh in if it lets you apparently wasn't letting mods [Music] yeah the one this does is faster [Music] [Music] thanks i knew it was but i like wasn't ready for it anyway right now hmm [Music] oh [Music] that room's improvable for sure a lot of these light game rooms are i could save another second or i think it's actually more like half a second if i went for the yolo strat there but again that's not something that i am going for in runs though i saw ruyia doing it in gt classic and he made it look easy so i should probably look into it [Music] it's been a long time since i did [Music] hmm i love being able to hear this whole song it's a joy [Music] [Music] um [Music] team [Music] so i will absolutely use that strat and runs if i have enough supers because it's amazing oh shoot sorry oops sorry i was enamored by the ridley fight couldn't help it don't you give me that look twin listen i'm a one-man show here okay [Music] things are gonna get missed [Music] there's that too yeah you run on um super nes classic don't you twin just tell somebody to develop an auto splitter for link to the past or uh cue usb to snes easy yeah there is stuff top [Music] there is for super metroid [Music] well then just use that twin quit shaming me yeah dice that is why [Music] uh [Music] that's funny yeah the usb functionality on the flash card is pretty amazing there's a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it [Music] this fairly new strat i came up with it's a 254 in that room which is like eight frames faster than a good room with the other strat but you lose frames in the previous room so it's more of a more of a toss-up yeah it's a good strat hero shout out to zost for that too i'm sorry professor school [Music] thank you [Music] i did tax i did [Music] hmm thank you [Music] uh sam is just go yeah because she is going she is going uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i have some work to do on a few of my golds anyway but i did gold g4 today i did gold g4 today and that felt good [Music] [Music] the one in amphitheater tex i did not i actually talked about it in that room too i did not go for it yeah i said that exact thing was that i saw ruya doing it in gt classic and he makes it look easy speed keep door bounce power bomb i forgot to split oops sorry text distracted me i did the exact same slinky strat that i go for in runs which i got today by the way so [Music] just so you guys know [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] this song goes on like this for a surprisingly long time before it loops hey valkyrie thank you for the raid [Music] yes thank you john for the tier one sub and [Music] yup thank you thank you again for the raid valkyrie it's 32 months man that is a long freaking time thank you [Music] this is a this is my splice valkyrie um i haven't done any runs tonight i did one run earlier today that was um really bad up until after ridley and then the rest of the run was really good and it was a 113 w3 or something so [Music] 32 months that's more than two years [Music] i've been thinking about it badger but thank you for the reminder i have been thinking about it turns out you don't want to arm pump in between all the mushrooms there because it causes more lag something that i learned when i was making this spice all right here we go oh okay sassy yes right i tried really hard to get a 529 right there couldn't do it [Music] [Music] i don't think that's ruya's room oh shoot there's an error in the splice i gotta cut out that room well shoot yeah i don't think that's rudya's room i think cutie came up with it it doubled up on that room that's what happened it it did the room before the baby skipped room twice it's minor but it's in there and it probably is a full second right [Music] otto [Music] yes we are adding 13 seconds to this time i'm not sure if this one will be going up on youtube talk at the very least there's one room that i need to cut out because it doubled up um this me talking over this will go on youtube but the splice itself i'm not sure [Music] i made a guess idle child i made a guess based on the rta time and put it in i lost the actual in-game time unfortunately yes some version of the splice will be on youtube yes two and a half seconds really okay [Music] damn [Music] foreign no not with these strats if there are new strats found maybe not with these strats [Music] do a safe state right here [Music] goodbye 109 [Applause] even the fake one so that's a 1104 plus 13 is a 110 17. not bad not bad how do i end the prediction the thingy went away [Music] that's to start a prediction [Music] somebody else did it okay great so yeah um based on the cut off for 43 42 um the fact that desi's was uh desi's splice was a 111 2x or something um and that was a 40. [Music] i put in a 39 in game time no sassy [Music] might be possible if i uh replace some of the other rooms with faster faster times but text agreed i'm gonna shut up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ShinyZeni
Views: 688
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QpdIIJznADw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 7sec (5047 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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