Metroid Fusion (GBA) [Best Ending, 100% run w/ secret message easter egg] - Full Game
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Channel: naswinger
Views: 1,124,241
Rating: 4.8430552 out of 5
Keywords: Super, Metroid, Fusion, Nintendo, Game, Boy, Advance, GameBoy, SNES, NES, platformer, action, arcade, adventure, playthrough, walkthrough, lets, let's, play, Entertainment, System, Alien, Aliens, Ripley, Kraid, Mother, Brain, Zebes, Norfair, Brinstar, Tourian, bounty, hunter, SR388, Chozo, Metroid Fusion (Video Game)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 24sec (10284 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2013
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