Can a speedrunner carry a brand new Cuphead player?

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i'm a speed runner of this game and i'm getting my good friend brian to play it for the first time we're gonna see how it goes it's not gonna be good let's do it so this guy you know he's pretty cool and he gives us remarkable magical buildings abilities you're gonna come in right here brian can you make it over this okay bees dash there you go that was beautiful oh it's so easy all right first level let's go brian are you ready for it no so i'm gonna play really quick come on hurry up hurry up where are you going why what's taking you i'm just kidding how are you going so fast i'm dashing so everything that's not the earth hurts you so you can parry off anything that's pink i'll save you come on i got you okay you're back alive so yeah we'll just take this slow you know this is your first time oh brian no okay we're gonna retry this one i want you to actually play the game pretty much don't even worry about shooting things as much as dodging things the most important things more than you have to dodge less in these stages yeah but in the once we get to bosses ah you got it i i believe i i believe oh no you're actually doing really well honestly you need to parry off this to get that coin okay okay that was actually beautiful nice you're kind of a gamer dude i'm kind of a gamer oh i forgot dashing was a thing lamou no bride you died all right now you guys can actually watch good gaming content so get it in while you can [Music] okay i'm just trying to dodge i'm not focused on killing this thing okay now these guys are going to spit out so you just don't want to die no brian it's up to you i got really nervous when you died okay i have full hearts or full like not full hearts but too hard well you're dead brian it's okay i just jumped on an acorn all right let me show you how a speedrunner does this [Laughter] that's how he does it okay now we each have nine coins wait why do we have nine instead of eight i'm actually really confused on why we have one extra coin so now you can choose what you want like i'm gonna get a smoke bomb and i will get the roundabout don't get the extra hit point because that makes you weaker wait but don't you want me to be weaker so i can survive more i guess that's fair and then go to the right during a dash oh perfect yeah just i just got me a tank oh wait you can either use heart or smoke bomb well choose what you want i'd say use smoke bomb okay because you know who wants to be bad at video games me sometimes dang it i thought it's gonna just tank up it is time for the thing where we beat up a bunch of vegetables so yeah i'm curious to see how you're going to do on this like honestly we're doing pretty well so far you can also parry the worm at the end if you want oh my god i'm so close did i just step into oh no come on no i got it okay i got a little confused who is who okay now this guy's gonna pop out right here here he comes and now superm a couple times and easy all right now we just got this guy oh i can't i can't dodge carrots we're just talking about this [Music] oh that's so cool i'm a ninja oh no right watch we can't lose now easy first time speed run that's that's got me a record so i'm also going to talk to this coin guy because he'll give us some extra coins or maybe he won't he's a loser and now we're facing off against two frogs now these guys are annoying this guy's going to throw out attacks you ready for them you can dunk you can duck under the uh middle one so kill these guys in the air i'll take care of the closer ones you take care of the farther away now one of them is going to fan us while the other one is trying to attack us with his like cosmic stuff now he's going to throw out a couple of points i got you and now each time this attack is going to be different this is one of the worst attacks basically you have to jump through these oh no don't die again now too late brian we just cheesed and you already died all right one more time one more time get back in don't look people don't look avert your eyes stream running purists easy easy easiest game of my life definitely legitimate now we're protecting this thing you have to parry all the uh all the ghosts that come by you take care of left side i'll take care of right side what how do you aim dude there's no way we're gonna be able to do this i cannot parry well you got this all right get up that's gotta be a record oh we have a super now so what you can do is now equip your super and if you get five of those special abilities you know the cards then you will i use a super which is like stronger is it the same button as your special yeah okay all right now we learn how to use airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars what i could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now uh so you are in uh you're just in tiny mode you can still shoot but they're tinier shots okay i'm just gonna stay in this thing the entire time no you're fighting brad you have to learn how to play the game you can still shoot though yes but brian it's so much shorter luck that doesn't matter as long as i'm small and i'm fast no no bro brad you want to use both of them okay you want to use i'd have to disagree on you on that one all right i'm getting up close get out of here so when she uses an attack you want to get out of the way so this guy he's really quick so you want to be on your uh on your feet you know but we're not on our feet because technically we're in a plane okay dude tell me how i'm actually good at dark souls then if because this is like the same principle this is dark souls yes this is the dark souls of 2d platformers all right we're just going to stay we're staying late small mode oh that was pretty impressive dude i'm a pro at the small plane make sure you use your uh things oh never mind what is that what is that what is that what is that what's gonna go in a circle just keep going around it easy easy use the specials no get out get out she can attack us right now just attack her as much as you can okay and now we're gonna finish her off when she puts out her face make sure you use your specials okay special special i know i'm special oh i do special what the heck man okay thank you sami okay so for the brown ones you gotta bait them out for the red ones you just go in front of it oh oh no brian okay what do you do oh [Music] all right that was pretty good that was a pretty good one i i'm happy with that okay just keep attacking we're good all right reds go in front of yellow's bait out red i'll just go in front of it so no i'll go yeah i'll go in front of it so you don't have to save me save me okay you got this bride brad you got this use the specials red go in front of red go in front of bait it out let's go that was like 10 seconds max but like still oh my god i was like 100 like not not doing this it's time for another run and gun level all right all right so this one oh i this one's annoying oh no we need that coin can i like jump from here oh let's go genius that's gotta be approach strat i mean i think the pro strap would have been my goodness first place yeah this one's hard yeah just kind of like spam the button and just hope it works out honestly okay made it to a better point oh no come on thank you let's kill everything first kill everything first oh okay like these guys they're idiots no one loves them okay maybe that was a little bit too far but you know it's not my fault that no one loves them okay look at their face there's clearly oh my gosh okay we're good oh i got lucky the thing just moved thank you no no no no no thank you the opposite of thank you what the what does he stop he's so scary okay after we get all these coins these guys are cracked bro oh my god oh my god all right save me come on no all right just keep going no no it almost worked okay nice we're almost through the level at this point if these bees don't stop all right kill the bee first now focus on these guys there's another one how many of these guys are there do they have friends wait wait checkpoint checkpoint please there are no checkpoints in this game okay we're just gonna teleport past these guys because they're losers okay oh it didn't work okay so stop don't don't don't don't i said it's fine actually it really doesn't matter you just oh wait it comes back okay you got this i'm dead save me save me okay or don't he doesn't care oh my god he's a gamer [Music] go back oh there's still a boss by the way what no no shoot him you're kidding me because i thought i could make one jump why did i try and risk that there's no reason finish the mission no you've done this once before you can do it again dude i did it okay okay you got to go far no i don't want to go forward no it's gonna be a lot worse this time you got this oh no dude we got a good system here we're getting better let's go oh yeah i had to i had to move there yeah you did you did because i would have died okay let's do this easy yeah i always get higher whenever you can yeah yeah we got this he's got this he's got it there's no way let's go okay all we have to do is make it to the end you go first oh god oh yes let's go dude you know what think think everything that that boss wasn't difficult could you imagine okay let's finish it out with the last boss of this after we get some upgrades okay so you should get the spreadshot the first period is automatic all you need to do is jump that's pretty helpful too but that also uh gets rid of your smoke smoke dash yeah yeah oh so so get both uh yeah might as well okay oh not that i don't know what you just bought there how about the coffee oh wait what does that do this thing just it just changed yeah what does the coffee do oh it like fills your meter up oh exactly okay i think it's actually pretty good i don't know lisa told me it's a charm it's a charm you can only hit his head hitting his bottom doesn't okay when you see a pink one you have to parry the pink one otherwise it's the most annoying thing in the game okay it's fine it's fine everything's fine that's going down we're fine i'm just trying to oh get ready for that thing to open up above you okay ready for the pink one nice let's go all right now just keep attacking him see me oh i couldn't oh god look at his face right now he looks so derpy okay i'm gonna get up the bottom get ready for the purple or the pink you just wait there okay we're spamming him for damage i'll take care of these guys he's going down now slipper comes back oh it does come back okay yeah uh i got you clutch oh no gotta clutch it gotta clutch it gotta clutch your kick i don't think i could clutch this one dude we were only halfway how let's just stay back here and just use yeah i think those spreadshots aren't good in this guy go down oh okay let's go next phase get up get up you have to stay up here now okay so just use your ex as much as possible watch the bottom of the screen oh we're high we're high we're high see sammy this is a family-friendly stream where am i let's go that's like third try that was pretty good dang okay that's not that difficult shoot this game supposed to be hard he's like oh yeah i'm a cake dice dude and then he goes away okay so this is the new area these enemies are way worse than the last ones but all right was a fun time we did it subscribe if you enjoyed do it or don't i don't know your decision
Channel: EaziestSpeezy
Views: 1,509,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eazyspeezy, eaziestspeezy, cuphead, gaming, chat, stream, eazy, speezy, stream highlights, twitch, cuphead in 2022, cuphead 2022, cup head, speedrunner, speedrunner carries, brand new cuphead player
Id: fnGe1bTeuCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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