100 Pranks on Preston in 24 Hours! *REVENGE*

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since being married to Preston he has pranked me over 100 times so I'm getting revenge and pranking Preston for 24 hours nothing wrong give me my mustache back Preston loves when I sing around the house especially to our beautiful cat Eloise so what if we had had somebody come in and sing to him all morning while he got ready he would love that right president's not gonna know what to do [Music] all day [Music] I can't just leave him in the hallway I'm gonna get kicked out of the apartment just in case come in today is all about revenge so we are taking his price and making them even bigger today do not worry I have the ultimate prank that will take Preston down she's just gonna follow me all day and sing you got it sing a song [Music] okay Dave how much is she paying you [Music] that'll work that'll work that'll work thank you uh you gotta get out all right you got it you gotta go hey have a great day thanks Dave I love you Dave welcome back Preston has pranked people a ton with balloons so we're getting them back let's get cereal We're Gonna Fill Balloons with cereal and milk and then just go when he walks under it do you put milk in first way three foot four is the milk first then the cereal just thought you should know all right milk first for cereal first Captain Crunch always okay boom this is like Preston's old mustache oh yeah let's get let's get a little surprise I promise you I promise I promise Binky Pinky how could you lie to me like this oh Preston what happened based on the internet scary pranks are fun so I have this uh drone of Breeze and I bought this scary looking ghost so once Preston walks out I'm going to I'm gonna let this fly all around him and he's gonna get so scared he's gonna call the Ghostbusters I'm gonna test it out before Preston actually walks out [Music] no one second let me do it oh come on her maybe if I just [Music] okay uh that was Bree's favorite drone uh next next prank oh geez she's gonna kill me all right y'all I love animals so uh I'm gonna bring Preston into thinking that I got us a horse because he'll never actually let me buy one we have to actually make Preston think that I bought a horse a horse he's never seen a horse certificate so this is probably gonna do right hello oh my gosh he loves you he's literally coming to you wait what is this why is there a horse in our office you grew up on a ranch you know like doing cowboy stuff one qt Pony ponies are us this is not a real this isn't a real video look at him you're gonna okay I will we can keep the horse if we get rid of Eloise no you gotta get the horse back to the Sweet Lady no wait you don't have the same hair John please do the side by side of pressing the horse what what does that mean this is enough okay take it back I don't care if that receipt was signed in blood refund no we're going to the conference room she doesn't realize it but she's actually working up in the bottom of our pool we do not have a pool here at the office but we do have a sure and this guy is going to take a cozy little step isn't that right Noob I think we got it you got it we did it let me demonstrate how it's gonna look you're Preston so I Googled what a prank is and the first thing that came up is pieing someone in the face so I made the world's biggest pie and I'm gonna smash this into Preston's face let's do it I keep on pranking myself I have Chase luring Preston in here I know it's gonna work Jake you're supposed to be a confused since you left surfing the web I thought you would love your computer being in the water that is inappropriate for a time like this that's mine Jace I think it'll still work I don't think that's coming back anytime I said I'm leaving I'm sure you are it's not gonna forget me so I actually saw the spring on Tick Tock we're going to photoshop a lovely embarrassing photo of Preston and then air drop into everybody in the office okay he needs Rosy Cheeks make him accessorized yes so we gotta take this ear here right yep that ear right there I've never been this close to Preston's ear in my life it works thank you oh a little Pristina okay we gotta export this so we can send it to everyone I am excited to make people laugh at Preston Kinsley yes I just sent you some really important information that you have to get to immediately um I'm a little confused that's what it looks like every day is it yeah has he been hiding these ears the whole time I often wears a hat oh my gosh she's wearing a hat look look how's this making oh my God I don't like it I don't either oh hi is his ears bigger than his head he normally wears hats for this reason oh yeah I have never seen him without a hat yeah never never I've never seen you without a hat what stay right speaking of Stephen here's another scene seen him like this before that's the background of my phone this is a good prank I don't want Preston to catch us everybody has been airdropped the photo we just have to put it on the big screen and bring in Preston okay [Music] look at this what is it I don't worry about it dude don't worry about it don't worry about it we can't show you what's up this is ridiculous and very cute yeah Preston loves balls uh phrasing we're gonna put that to the test for this next prank Rusty once spilled my entire tub and oven with ball pit balls so today Preston that's what I'm going to do to your entire bathroom Chase sorry bro I've never driven this before I can tell come on okay all right fine it's fine it's fine slow all right I got the balls oh I'm sorry breathe she's got an entire trunk full teamwork like Santa Claus but with a lot of balls why would you say that oh my I didn't ruin it oh is that Preston [Music] come on come on Mr Beast please just help me with your editing Powers I need it oh my gosh no it's all in here so we've got like a sign no no let me show you I do no no no at least if I open it we'll have to put it all back in you're right oh you're right but this is also an employee bathroom somebody could open this at any moment we should make a sign this is now Preston's bathroom Preston loves me no he's gonna love my face all over his office damn I just need you to cover Preston's entire office with these please I thought we're pregnant okay yes ma'am have fun okay while he does that this prank is a trooper we are also going to try to scare Preston with a couple fake mannequins present you are late for a huge me I'm not sure everybody's waiting for you we have a presentation and everything come on shut up Chase you're single I gotta go still got big ears though [Music] yay they're not that big so we are chilling right here because the ball pit bathroom is right behind us and just On Cue I thought he would use the bathroom three I gotta use the bathroom somebody in this one nobody's in that one it shouldn't be that bad the coffee's in so bad oh no are these Nathan's balls yes we brought them all the way from Houston you don't understand how bad I have to use the bathroom no no he's really determined I could literally wait for somebody to leave the other one I don't think we can do any more of our pranks he's gone we have so many ball pit balls I can't even see yeah I don't need to go anymore did you go in the balls ah now that I've soiled myself because there's no bathroom available get out of here I am going to my office no Preston know what you kind of need to change you look kind of yeah why do you think I'm going to the office I'm soiled you don't have clothes in here Sid loves his merch and so do I how much that today I'm gonna shrink it and make it look like tiny little baby clothes [Music] tiny baby they are wait those are so cute I wonder if he could fit one of these on Vince will you help me hang all these up yeah actually wait how can I do that go team wait a second this is made for babies that's your lunch yes I agree this is my brand this is fire merch are you calling me the f word fine guys look at this you shrunk my clothes before that's all I'm saying this is payback free this is like well you can you you got this it just covers the nipples [Applause] listen I have something better you look pretty silly but you won't in my merch go to Bree merchandfiremerch.com for something really special this was all a plug freak you guys why is this hoodie so soft and good all right so I've seen this prank on Tick Tock so I know it's gonna work I saw all you got to do is fill this pot full of flour so then I take the flower pot and I have a command strip that's very sticky that I'm gonna put right here and then I'm gonna take wait a second okay okay uh that's fine it's fine nope [Music] oh that's no out okay sorry guys [Music] oh it wasn't actually stuck oh no uh I'm sorry Bree okay guys so Preston has pranked a ton of our cars before so it is finally his turn we have the professional Sergio taking off all of his tires to make it look like they were stolen all right to seal the deal and make sure Preston knows that this is legit I crew Steven yes take it away make Preston believe this is real come on come on pressing press and press it Logan Paul's what are you doing Logan Paul's Prime has been stolen Mr BEAST's feasibles has been mysteriously eaten and now your Tesla's Wheels completely gone what do you have anything to say you have anything to say sir yes I know you no no yes I don't even know if this is legal to do this to somebody who's on my team but I'm gonna do it anyways sir sir Miller tell me right now no that's my microphone okay so here's the thing we were actually preparing the next prank walked out and this happened that's such a lie no it's not yes it is and stop it right now I'm just trying to cover the news he's got the news literally get out of here who's jacking with my wheels huh we don't know we literally came somebody's jacket I've only seen this in the movies before don't do that I don't know what else you want me to do for this reaction but I'm obviously very visibly upset four screw Sergio well I'm really sorry I have something for you in here to make it up for you I I know I kind of did I tear this down once no something is really cool this is not cool these are not the photos of you that I would prefer to see these are grateful it's the same photo every single time to extinguish the chaos keep looking that way Preston nothing weird is happening yeah good I'm at the little use my Cactus here to remove them from the wall these are my computers what are you doing put it on my Minecraft plushie dude yes am I obsessed obsessive sub sausage was one of the most important things still here it's fine it's fine we can clean this up this isn't bad I can what are you doing mannequin noises why are you guys freaking doing you know how much I hate mannequins no no you guys don't care if I have a mannequins who's holding the door I'll never trust you again I'm done oh he's back stop it no place is safe I did not love it yes we're gonna mess you up today I'm going home no yes I am no we got to talk to this sir we're not talking anything you're gonna get me back now aren't you no I don't want anything to do with you what I want nothing to do with you oh shut up okay what do you mean I recognize these guys right guys that was a solid prank what prank who who were those guys wait wait wait wait is Preston in there
Channel: Brianna
Views: 2,366,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 Pranks in 24 hours, 1000 pranks in 24 hours, Funny pranks, brianna, funny, pranks, challenge, mrbeast, preston, ssundee, unspeakable, jordanmatter, stokestwins, keeley, dhar man, sidemen
Id: FZKtLb6k4YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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