100 Underwater Mystery Buttons but Only One Lets You Escape...

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welcome to underwater mystery buttons each of these buttons have either a punishment or reward and buttons of trivia are we ready for the first button this one okay so the person at the end who finds the mystery button can get out of here maddie if she doesn't find the active like for me we have to get fully submerged in water here so i'm ready to get out of here you and me both ah what is it syrup is good for your hair i'm pretty sure less mayonnaise stand syrup usually the extra buttons are on the back in that one that one's good patty is allergic to belt don't drink it it's time for a button i have a gun left i feel positive about the lungs this is a question what is the largest underwater animal that is not a mammal i get this right you get the punishment yeah if i get it wrong then i get the punch a whale is a mammal oh my gosh i don't know whale is part of the answer see a lion which doesn't say whale what [Music] i have a fish on my leg oh my god i'm gonna vomit so bree because you got that wrong there's more water being added to your side good i have fish on me so i want to wipe it off this is the button i've chosen is it a question got a question for you yes oh no where in the world can you find a pink dolphin alaska canada [Music] can you pick a button for me i've done bad so far i want you to pick this one hey [Music] oh my gosh that made such a gross sound that was a lot of things i got a reward a hat that has a huge hole in the center what kind of reward is this okay okay okay this button the green one three means good wait wait i have something to say before this video we saw a bucket of pickles okay and maddie said she wanted the pickles so it was almost a reward we gotta hurry up marcia we're not even to a line yet right yeah so on this line right here we're hitting brianna plays on her leg save ran a place with this button what is considered the unicorn of the scene wait wait wait [Music] you're gonna smell so good i don't even know what this is is it chocolate syrup it is chocolate syrup if you don't subscribe i am being tortured right now please hit this button okay i would like to for everybody to know chase chose what these items were going to be and i feel like he's doing me dirty right now yeah he probably gave you the worst ones hey maddie yes i am going to push this one i haven't done a back button you're part of the blue man group yes okay this blue one looks good turns blue googly this is nice cause now i see it smells of water is my eyelash still on okay so can we get a check whose water is uh rising the most can we not get a check don't get a check stop checking you're looking a little rough what do you mean i've never felt better but i want to remind you guys be you put it in the comments if you want to be featured in a video and let's go for a back button how many teeth does a sea horse have a seahorse doesn't have teeth does anybody want to hold up fingers non-conspicuously so i can't no one give her answers two what is it it smells like an old lady and i kind of like it [Music] oh we'd be busy up in here wait so how many pieces does it have none you were right so i got that wrong more water is being added and i think i have more than maddie now this this little button down here wait let me move my guy this is a question oh goodness okay how old was crush in finding nemo wait wait wait was that 103. oh 155 was 150 but you oh god that was like me in the seahorse stop it what is she what is she okay is that i i'm the newspaper special teacher at bitcoin i am in a savannah in the desert i am writing what's that hunchback the bubble camel camel i am on it what is that punchback animal um this one wait oh is that trash bags the wet paper is off this one so i can get out what just blobbed on me this might be um a letter saying we fired you comment down below oh see you have fun no we're out here [Music] thank you mr please okay i touched something weird [Music] okay i need another button before i drown this one watch your head watch my head oh my god [Applause] how many times can an axolotl regrow one of its limbs oh i know this one no you don't yes i do minecraft don't betray me i know an axolotl is now an animal um [Music] what's the answer i like this one i'll do this what is that it's chunky what is this that's all wait why do you smell right now it tastes terrible oh no bree free i might have another another eyelash that wants to meet you thank you this is a bonding experience maddie yes i'm going to let you tell me what to push push the pink one right behind your head what was that i smell amazing is it conditioner it's creamer yes i can't help it y'all are passing one foot now wait uh i just had to put my legs down there's something very cold underneath me and i don't know what it is i have no idea okay okay okay that one is that pizza i really thought this is just it this one this one whoa that one looks so cool what is it it's hacking peanuts it looks very uh colorful how high is this water um with the packing a foot in three inches looks like you're in like a little bubble bath wait i do where's this one [Music] are you jealous yeah because my box looks like a dumpster what was that maddie manny pause something bubbled wait it might have been not happening this is not happening right now is that cereal don't eat it we got leakage can we stand wait what's happening hey brian do you need me to stand he doesn't know yet yeah he was good yeah we're good we can keep on going this one oh that looks good it's sharp okay maddie do you remember something yes um if you don't get the exit or if i don't get the exit we have to be submerged in this i'm not submerging in this i'm not either that's not gonna happen to me i'm gonna choose this button down here and that's the exit button which is why i'm putting my goggles actually it's a question okay how many estimated shipwrecks are in the ocean uh ever yeah since the beginning of the world um beginning of the world nobody oh maddie nobody knows point no two million yay mine is secret why do you get all the fun things i get things like captain crunch and wet tortillas and you get floaty because my water is higher i need to float bunny you choose my button okay um the green one over there this one yes how did you get the crappy ones and she gets the good ones does chase have a vendetta against you i think he might i think he might hey guys for the month of august you have the chance to win a signed computer by yours truly all you have to go and do is go to this website brie i think you should take it i think i should take this off and give it to maddie when she loses um uh three you choose my butt what button should i do yeah um the orange one right behind your head yes is it coffee does it smell good no right is it my turn now yes i have so many things on me it's hard to like reach what now here i'll go for one that's submerged wait wait vince look at this i just found the top of my water like it's a star okay we're going for this guy [Music] yep i'm picking for you again because i'm gonna vomit soon because of your coffee yes me as well right side any button that's already underwater so this one oh my gosh popcorn is floating in like that one um is it a question oh no maddie oh no oh no maddie [Music] why do i have so much more water than maddie because i feel like she's freezing i don't know i think a lot of it is because of the stuff that's dumped on you i don't know what i squished anymore and i'm afraid no she got roses i feel like you should just get a punishment without pushing away how about i choose this down here wait hold on oh no okay oh it's pretty you look great [Music] i'm not okay do you see how high my water is this water's getting just like my face i don't know a bunch of feathers like this yeah do that one oh it's cold oh my gosh that's cold wait what is it yes i am betting on all my merch from premarch.com that it is this button all of it all of it let's i feel very strange right now something is touching me yeah there's a lot of things something is touching me i choose this pink one up here that's the exit that's the i should have checked oh maddie maddie maddie oh my gosh oh my gosh what is this [Music] oh my gosh bree it's about to hit your shoulders it's in my eyeball this is the lucky button oh what's that spray cheese what's this is this spring cheese oh my god it's this fresh okay a cracker i'm not gonna lie this is a bad wrap but it tastes good i don't think i pressed this one no bad one that was a bad one okay i'm pushing another one um wait wait oh no oh oh oh this bread is getting real maddie yes it's your turn is it though what was your last button i think it might be your turn silly string oh oh that's not bad oh cotton ball okay you can't see how high is the water on my side it's almost about to hit two feet uh this one you like it like like not good okay you look great apple sauce right there's a button i think fully submerged so i'm gonna choose this one this is so gross [Music] oh no what is that oh no what is that oh my god that's awful that's awful that's awful oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i need to get out of here here i'll push a button i'll push a button this one it's down low [Music] thick water powder oh your water will get thicker oh chase why did he give me meal worms that's so gross great she did this to me what is that don't even talk to me don't what is that what is that that's sunscreen maddie i literally can't look down at the bus i swear something looks like there was a fish in there maddie there's a fish in here no way oh no oh no maddie three yeah you escaped one two three
Channel: Brianna
Views: 11,227,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: XvV13G_WDdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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