Preston TRAPPED Me in my Greatest Fear!

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has challenged me to be all alone for 24 hours no phone no laptop no no one this is one of her greatest fears growing up as an only child is spending time alone so much that she filled every single hour of the day with nothing but activities surrounded by other people and surprisingly she decided to take me up on the bed why do I put myself in these situations each hour we have an item that we're going to be giving her to hopefully help her sanity stay intact if I at any time use that ax to get my phone this video is over do you want me to show you my humble abode it's really nice some beautiful panels keeping me inside oh I have a floor this is my confessional so I can tell you all of the strange thoughts and feelings I'm having so I did talk to my dad my dad is a psychiatrist so he's literally a doctor who knows a lot about this particularly negative effects of Social and physical isolation feelings of loneliness depression anxiety anger at first and in extreme cases hallucinations where people start hearing things and seeing things that aren't there I love you I'll see you in 50 000 hours we're gonna have a special delivery coming in it's going to be your only friend for the entire video I hope you like them oh I was gonna say it's a Sharpie but it's more than a Sharpie this is my new friend don't worry Francine you're gonna be with me forever I think it's time to Doodle with only a Sharpie in a lot of time I did my best to entertain myself X One thanks Franklin Franklin has joined our friend group Chuckles I did something wrong to you I can't picture what he actually looks like now and then this is me like this video because that's amazing but even doodling couldn't save me from my boredom let's see if this TV actually works Ah Brianna I see that you found the TV but unfortunately the next hour isn't up so we're gonna play this foreign oh that's not good I think for now I'm done annoying you but you've been such a good sport that I will subscribe to your channel real quick please everybody subscribe to the Brianna Channel because she's facing one of her greatest fears let's go hello everyone I have slowly become more accustomed to being alone and I am a robot but I feel like by the end of this video I will not like it we are on hour two of my 24 hour journey I just heard the door again oh this is a big one the wave heck yes ow my ribs I have to go to the bathroom and you guys don't need to know that and this will probably be cut anyway but Franklin entertain the guests disco I just came back from the bathroom and things moved nobody is supposed to be in this entire building they're supposed to drop off stuff and leave right Franklin Why this dude brought the ax near the box trying to tempt me Franklin I thought we were friends come on man plug here ah okay that was a fine noise but it sounded kind of like it was going to explode at the same time this door doesn't close here we go remove protective film before use ah thanks Preston losing my mind and starting to get hungry the facts my dad gave me started ringing in my ear s hallucinations where people start hearing things and seeing things that aren't there [Music] microwave just beeps again I don't trust that thing 22 22 more hours left in this challenge also I'm so freaking hungry when I'm hungry I'm not fun I hope for your sake that doesn't happen [Music] time for another special delivery Miranda you're doing better than I expected and I noticed you're starting to get hungry so here is your stopping in now enjoy pee I don't like when people call him pee it's just I don't like it but I do love popcorn do I I mean it literally says caution like don't do what I'm thinking about doing pray this works it doesn't smell right is it like rotten or what it burned it so let me let you in on this like basically when I tell somebody I'm an only child they go oh I'm sorry which actually makes me upset here's why my mom and my dad we're amazing and never let me feel that way it's even better now because I have Preston and his family obviously so it's like an even bigger group but when you've always had people it's like a really big scare to just not okay it looks like we are about at hour four everybody give me some Applause yeah yeah I get really excited for these somebody just drops off Eloise my life will be made that's all I need other than Preston wait no wait I asked for Eloise and there are animals on this thought you'd want to make more friends oh my gosh I'm gonna break a nail please no don't do this at home there we go welcome building Montage this is Hamilton the shark all right follow me with a bear the gang's all here my name is Hamlet I'm pink and fluffy oh no it is a shark ah no we can't allow that to happen that's when the Bear saves the pig and I'm not losing my mind yet but I literally can't even use one of the puppets I just made at the same time so I can't give you the show that I wanted to give you so we're now at hour five I am slowly getting more exhausted I know I don't sound like I'm exhausted I don't know why I'm being so loud we have another Nook at the door that looks like a tomato congratulations on making it to the fifth hour Brianna you'll notice there's a hopefully this helps you with some of your boredom positivity is what's going to help me with this if I get in a negative mindset it's going to make it harder is one on like the Box I'm getting frustrated oh flattened biscuits oh my gosh spray waffle maker with cooking spray flatten another biscuit and place on top of pizza number four spread pizza sauce number five Place cheese and pepperoni everything you need is in pink bag wait maybe there's a note in the back oh my gosh he literally put it on the biscuit thingies open can of biscuits I know that you Dingle Doppler all right so this thing has to preheat while I prepped for this meal and preheated the oven I started to realize that I was about to eat all alone for the second time it really made me think of my grandpa and how hard it was for him after my grandma passed away he would always eat by himself it was sad I don't like that I think it's almost hour five oh it's bubbling that means it's hot it was starting to burn no there we go flatten another biscuit and oh it's like a sandwich wow wow I was right phone I see you if I could just literally flip that box over and look at it that would be really nice it should almost be hour six I just heard a knock at the door oh what is this this Black Friday weekend we have items up to 75 off-site wide that includes t-shirts hoodies ChapStick and my limited edition Chuckles plushies because why have one if you can collect them all head to all right so this is really interesting this dog didn't come with a note Preston is I guess he's proud of me he brought me a buddy it also came with a remote so oh that was is drawing an appropriate dancing Felix I hear weird things and it's not even this I hear somebody in here and then the dog is doing things that I'm not telling it to do but even is that hold on dog responding stop I have an accent I'm not afraid to use it guys what do you do when you're home alone in something scary like that happens you probably call someone and I can't do that I was trying to tell you guys when all of that happened very creepily I'm literally sweating I had a possessed Furby when I was little it started talking to me in the middle of the night and then I took the batteries out of it and it still was talking to me that's what this reminds me of what was that it randomly does I hate you whoever you are this dog is this dog's bad stop it okay we're conquering fears today of being alone so I guess Preston also had to have me conquer being alone with scary objects all right I feel like I wasn't doing confessionals uh as much for a while this one deserves one literally I don't think I can stay here overnight honestly and I can't sleep on concrete and I can't sleep with all the lights on but I can't turn them off because scary people could be here what is it hour six at it's literally hour seven I've said that five times maybe I'm forgetting how to talk to people because nobody's here cool where you can't give up you know how proud I am of you I know it's not fun or easy facing one of your biggest fears but it's really cool what you're doing I just wanted to tell you I'm having a lot of fun on the outside playing video games sorry you're me it's reminding me that I don't need it so this is an ice cream slime kit oh that's fun I've done everything under the sun to entertain myself hour eight if only you guys were here like we could do this together that would be really cool hour nine I used to call her with my mom all the time oh now I miss my mom whoa dinner in the green bag it's time to put the steak in oh my gosh I don't think it fits guys look at this a really comfy looking pillow an air mattress which hopefully I can figure out how to assemble okay some books could be fun our economy is troubled our future uncertain and the divorce rate has never been higher caught in a struggle between I know honestly that's the only time you've done something correctly that is really depressing we have a cotton candy machine you add your sugar into here and then fingers crossed we got this oh if you're not buying except for like the crunchy parts that I melted but I can't stop thinking that all of this would be a lot more fun to do with another person oh I love Chuckles if you don't have one go to or even because they have him now also a laptop only 20 minutes max I love playing The Sims so we're gonna make a friend oh maybe I'll make them look like Preston that's what I'll do I think be worse right let's see Preston cook uh oh he's definitely oh no no here you don't cook that often but I thought you're better than this the entire house is on fire I have one minute left bye Preston bye I could fall asleep right now do we get energy like I'm an extrovert and so I wonder if I like get energy I assume by talking to people what is it okay this does not make sense I don't feel like I'm supposed to have a phone it says watch me and it's a video of Preston I don't know if you know what time it is but this is typically when we go to bed together but unfortunately tonight I know you're in solitary confinement I just want to tell you I love you proud of you and good nights you're the best why don't that make me sad that was supposed to make me happy I have both Chuckles and Franklin chilling here with me I wrote a diary entry before bed about today and that'll be there Andrew nighttime story I am very thankful for my family and friends and the fact in normal situations I can contact them at any time is a blessing you do have to be okay with just having time with you and your own thoughts and feelings sometimes this video has made me unplug in a weird way no texts worrying about what's up in the office I got to literally almost relive childhood not having a phone playing with slime and missing buddies to hang out with when you're alone I am thankful for the experience even though it's hard however I am anxious to sleep I am alone in a dark office building that is hot without a phone to call someone if needed or even have my sound machine wish me luck good night buddies I tried sleeping as much as I could tossing and turning non-stop until even the robot dog couldn't sleep good morning guys I slept awful as you probably saw I decided to drink 35 ounces of water before going to bed which was a horrible idea and then I learned that the temperature I normally sleep at is significantly colder when you're by yourself I'm very ready for this to be over it's almost at like the 22 hour mark So if I made it this far I can definitely do it however I want to grab that phone out there's so bad I feel like everybody should do like a day without their phone just to separate a little bit okay everything is gone literally every single thing in here is gone that's literally all I have what does this note say only one more hour can you last in complete silence that is going to make me feel horrible I just woke up you know we still have this if I wanted to break that box open I get my phone and I can just skedaddle let's see if I can do this for an entire hour I know it was only a day but this is legitimately been really hard for me I'd like to know what you guys are afraid of and maybe I can conquer some of your fears we can work on it together being completely isolated and now deprived of hearing this feels weird I entered a state of isn't this called sensory deprivation so I'm like lonely which is on like Maslow's pyramid of like needs that you have to have I barely slept I have no caffeine to wake me up and I can't hear every second that went by felt like an eternity I can't imagine doing this for longer and that ax looked better and better it makes it a lot harder but I had come so far and I spent well over 23 hours by myself this is literally only me not hearing and I feel like the floor is moving all right the time's almost up bringing blue your coffee but we got a couple of friends it is so much harder to wait with this even though this last hurdle made me want to cry my eyes out I knew I could see this challenge through I don't really want you guys to hear me cry but I can take I can take these off and I'm very excited about that and I think that means that I'm that I'm through with the challenge the door is open this is different than the other door Knocks [Music] [Applause] really confused because I've been without people and there's a lot of you guys oh thank you you're welcome I spilled a little bit let me know what fears I should conquer next all right [Applause]
Channel: Brianna
Views: 4,322,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston, 2022, Comedy, entertainment, family friendly, Funny, funny video, game, games, gaming, hilarious, humor, laugh, new, no swearing, prank, pranks, reaction, Recordings, video
Id: kOpRywk_ekU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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