Can I Pull 1000 Pranks in 72 Hours?

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hey Marie I'm gonna just take a little break and just go for a drive maybe be really nice yeah come on I'm exhausted that's why this is like my fifth cup of coffee what [Applause] what the wait this looks so cool Scott go clear a little window for us to drive you broke your windshield over the next 72 hours I'm gonna be pranking my family and friends with fake injuries fake pregnancy tests and even real tattoos I sure hope everyone still likes me by the end of this hey Brie oh my gosh what happened uh you know it's it's so prisoners I thought it might be kind of funny to play an injury prank on her what should I say happened say you tricked on the stairs trip down the stairs actually apartment complex taking the laundry down oh okay yeah yeah come up with an elaborate rooms no great I'm fine it's fine what happened I just tripped down the stairs I had a laundry basket in my hand I sprained myself it's not fine oh my gosh are you okay oh my gosh that's not me all right so I've got two photos in front of you Josh you've got Pepsi you've got Coke right they tastes the exact same all right which one do you think okay what's the right one I think this one is probably Pepsi and what do you think this one is Coke oh you got it uh correct wait wait we have a towel for you yeah just give me a printout no it's not a pranked out what really oh my God you look defeated how to keep an idiot busy for 30 seconds let's try it hey Dad hey can you read this paper for me this is this cat this is his cat this is how cat this is two cats it's gonna say you're pregnant at the end of it no let's just keep cat this is n Cat this is idiot cat this is busy cat this is four cat this is 30 seconds wait what the heck this is how to keep an idiot busy for 30 seconds go you're done you're done Eve hey it took me longer than that just love it when you get a fresh new box of Krispy Kreme from someone except don't you hate it whenever it's healthy cream that would leave this box right here oh dude so I left some fresh creams that's my fave oh this is so cruel and unusual why does Josh have you ever seen the ketchup no but I don't like ketchup so it's really cool so you just put some why would you not shake it before hearty foul okay so you just put some ketchup here on the plate some ketchup load it with a crap ton of salt that works so now we're gonna do is you hold your hand over and wait you're supposed to be able to feel heat wait I kind of feel it yeah really okay Dad I've got something really cool to show you guys [Applause] hey yeah do you want to m m yeah [Laughter] all M M's are they no not just wrong y'all like candy yeah put them in your mouth go I got you I pranked you wait Josh before you started do you want on Eminem but these are not M M's bro what kind of freaking prank is this I hate Skittles okay Caleb I have five water balloons here if you let me throw five water balloons at you I'll give you 50 bucks can't be that bad sure wait just don't hit me oh you can warn me or um there's only four person has a habit of brushing his teeth literally after every time he eats I thought it'd be great just put some of this beautiful dye right in the midst of it foreign no it is white why is it blue hey how's your breast milk it was you yeah yeah give me five brushes to get it all out hey Molly I've got this cake for Brie can I just leave it over there hey Molly do you know who this is before I'm supposed to be on keto but I really want to eat it it's really pretty oh my gosh it's tough hold on I need a knife for this thing is it strawberry what the heck Molly did you do this I didn't the hours are ticking down I am running out of time here guys I'm trying my absolute best but we've been getting some really good reactions so far and I'm very excited about it let's go on to the next one there's nothing people love more than an office prank including putting someone's Mouse in jello what is this this is a classic prank but whoever did this is not intelligent because it is a slush in fact my mouse I don't know if it's gonna work anymore okay so Caleb I just want you to walk right into this room here [Applause] like I'm gonna have a heart attack here we have some and some toothpaste okay we're gonna put it back in here here we go here you go Ava thank you Olivia so it's not so we can't feed you so I don't I don't think you're gonna be able to get it with this one I think she has outsmarted us oh did you did you take Josh are your hands a little dirty no particularly there you go some hand sanitizer for you this doesn't really feel like hand sanitizen oh what is this Keely I don't know what he know what do you mean it's Elmer's clear glue I don't know slime that Fountain looks kind of dirty you want to sanitize your hands thank you blue it's glue I want to get an unused Scott let's go and wrap it around real nice I know what it is what is it so it's not soap it's actually glue check check check okay so what we're about to do my parents are currently staying in this RV while their house is being remodeled my mom's in the back room and has no idea that we're about to do this she's gonna have a pleasant surprise awaiting her when she leaves the room could you stop drinking the water a lot of Cups hi hi come give me a hug no more oh you're good careful careful no cookie don't smell it cookie cookie now you got to clean it all up why can you can you just do a little clap Josh thank you all right so if you want time why are you eating that Scott wait why are you never had it Scott stop seriously stop because I'm gonna think of you differently I'm gonna eat right now if you take another bite of that I'm seriously not I'll buy you a lunch if you take a bite no bro do it no with Scott stops I'm gonna throw up everywhere like well have you even ever tried it yes it's Mayo I know what it tastes like no just take a bite I'll lick it [Applause] calm down it's just Mayo I'm beautiful all right Ava I'm gonna have an invisible string okay you see it it's an invisible string right here I'm gonna put it through one ear oh okay and out the other grab on to this side of the string and on three I want you to pull it away from your head really fast okay three okay mom so I saw this trick on Tick Tock where I'm gonna put this in your hair I'm gonna just tie it a little bit and you're going to try to shake it out of your hair as fast as you can now see if you can shake it out within a minute go wait stop we're gonna do is we're gonna go to settings go to shortcuts sexual place but here we go okay shortcut bye all right Huey is bad so basically make any common words that he might use to say Keeley is better redheads or Superior anything about me we gotta go drama [Music] you're a dork why did my wife say that no you're a dork no your redheads are better dork what why is it hello you are a boob you are redheads are better Newt what the heck is Preston okay something is wrong with my typing yo is Preston okay I know you were homeschooled but you shouldn't text like this wait something's wrong with my typing one of my favorite pranks Frozen cereal hello I made you some cereal which is odd you don't do nice things for me yes I do I know you don't I made your cereal did you poison it I just ate right okay what did you do to the cereal oh my god do you actually oh my gosh wait look now it's just kind of like a slushy type cereal okay there's a bunch of boxes yeah they're actually really heavy and we don't know whose they are they're just like outside so we like I think this top one's for you and up next we have a fake tattoo holy crap god that actually looks so good would you believe me if I told you I got a tattoo somewhere on my body no you didn't wait is it real uh-huh Scott wait a second wait a second it's got light I didn't see it scary masks I had a question for you about the next reacts that I'm in I think it's in a week or two and they were saying something about it [Music] what the heck what is wrong with him oh perfect family how's your day going I love your sweater it's so cute yeah so um Scott's over in 104 I'm setting up so we're just gonna go right into the green spacecraft for him oh yeah [Music] hello what [Music] [Music] thank you hey Vince hey can we use it really quick can we do for a scene real quick I'm gonna take this phone from you we're gonna be using your phone okay we're gonna have you spent 10 times okay so nine eight seven uh oh my gosh are we speeding up two one okay okay and pause she ready all right three two one no did you really just do that oh my God okay so I need to be a little serious with you for just a second you're never serious no this time like for real I'm serious yeah I have something of Scott and I that I need to show you no where is that oh is that a pregnancy test wait what does the two lines mean two lines means positive Noah does not you would not tell me like this there's no way there's no there's no are you serious it's on the pictures oh you don't have pictures oh yeah where's the ultrasound pictures you don't imagine have pictures pop it's prank put the puppets on the toilet seat so when they sit down they think that there's a really bad explosion explosion in here okay Frozen all day hey Caleb hello come here we have a gift for you open it right now no just open your gift oh a way of insurance DeLonghi that's not what it is okay again be gentle okay be it okay now you got to be a little gentle no don't don't step on it don't do that MacBook Air [Music] okay our stock is getting smaller time is getting shorter prank someone's office we've got someone to prank for that one okay Preston I know I have him in the nicest sister today yeah but I know I've got another surprise for you things like normal oh yeah they did look normal no you guys know I actually have a putrid hatred for this cat they're every fudging aware dude this is disgusting wait Peter did you freaking dude dude oh my God it's everywhere okay Scott we've got a fast food prank next he was speaking of fast food we gotta hurry up the pace if you don't get all 100 pranks in the 24 hours then you have to prank your family with the tattoo no my mom hates tattoos then you better go Hi how are you hi can I please get a um cheeseburger meal those come with fries right yes perfect thank you oh actually can we get ketchup I'm sorry wait I don't think they cook the fries hey Scott needs some hand sanitizer yeah sure yeah okay here you go wait whoa no this is too much oh my gosh oh my gosh and they freak out about it ask me a question hey do you need some hand sanitizer smell it look dripping on me just hand side hey there I promise okay okay ready I don't need this much my hands are already clean oh oh do I need to take this out yeah oh my gosh hey do you want some hand sanitizer for the next thing yeah I got all over my face [Music] I'll be right back okay oh my gosh weight loss that literally looks just like tea there you go babe so ah I kiss my ice cream cone that's it thank you so I was the fastest interaction I have ever witnessed at McDonald's so I sold the grab the ice cream chunked it ran off I just want to see their reaction thank you appreciate it Happy Birthday Josh thank you so much I got you a cupcake guys it's really nice I love cupcakes I'm a good Ambassador Cheers Cheers no Josh it's so good what is that cupcake they're from Walmart dude no that is not Walmart that is some trash cupcake this one's from Walmart oh yeah and can you try and open this water bottle I can't get open [Music] oh my gosh I know it's like actually stuck so we took super glue and we glued the lid of this water bottle onto it so no one can open it and we're gonna ask people hey can you try to open this sorry sorry guys um I'll do it um what's happening Scott what are you doing what are you not Jeremy Jeremy don't open it they've been doing this all day go to a chance what wait [Music] I'm gonna open this no you're not hot yes I am no you're not all right all right all right method you know sometimes you still okay come on let me open it [Music] you did that you need a bottle open you come see the dad all right Chase we're gonna settle the dispute that you're stronger than me I am Put the gun down we're gonna take turns um lifting each other like this so you put your arms down okay okay you tread on me try and lift me up do it you can't do it you can't do it oh you're oh you did it so strong hey Angela um can you go get me some mustard from the fridge please oh my gosh [Applause] it looks so much better today I need to tell you guys all a little something some of you might like it some of you might not like it what's going on foreign okay so since we're coming up on the end of the three days let's switch it up time for a giant prank Battle Royale last person to be pranked wins okay we have all of the confetti cannons here taped to this pole hey Preston can you come in here I gotta figure out a game plan my goal is to get out free I'm definitely going for Keeley okay so everyone is inside scrambling but I didn't say that we couldn't leave so I'm gonna get in my car and head to the store and get some prank props I told Maddie she is not my target so I feel like I can get her on my team so I need to find things in the office to eliminate Brie because I need help to prank Keely Madison you look like my teammate oh I told you you're not my target okay so we're we're teaming up now is that what you're saying it's her video so we obviously have to get her out first yeah she's gone so I have a plan thank you he's going Walmart I didn't quite plan out all of the pranks before I came here I just wanted to get out of the space so that they couldn't prank me first so Brie what do you have in mind we're going to pie her in the face I have had this done to me numerous times then I have to have somebody else over no oh this got aggressive we're going big this is Texas baby can you see what I see over there I see a weapon weapon Jack pot Maddie did you hear that I think kiwi's back oh no okay we are currently highlights here and Preston's Tesla what is going yes oh oh my God oh my God what are they doing I'm trying I'm trying it's not we're not trying it's it's locked right I'm gonna I'm gonna turn Okay so Maddie and Brake have teamed up they're trying to get Keely oh everything I said I'm not going to avoid avoid a voice you're gonna have to do way better pranks than that if you're gonna survive this 24 hours break right right team up with me no yeah yeah foreign actually trust me now because I've pulled a prank with her I'm gonna get Bree eliminated right now she's never gonna see this coming so let's get a bacon pop press peel I hate this I hate this part oh my God this is like a Jack In The Box [Music] I chose the scariest prank of all time in the whole world oh I did it that wasn't that bad into the oven they go they're done oh that might be no it's okay they look amazing so it does smell like mint but that's okay I don't want to be involved in this anymore I don't want to get blamed for this so I'm gonna walk away you keep doing your thing I mean Martha Stewart who I'm just saying and now we're just gonna put this very lovely sign subscribe so three things that came from Preston okay so I'm trying to formulate a plan and uh I didn't get her that time but okay I just started back on keto that's cheap okay just just last thing yum I haven't had one of these since my birthday oh look at that it worked all right so I gotta make sure the coast is clear that no one's been pranked yet because I am still safe we got some what is um Brie hey Brian Brian I found brace found near prank um do you know who eliminated Brian do we need Eliminator we need to eliminate cake so we team up we eliminate her how we're gonna do that are we gonna like um we'll figure it out don't worry about it I'm stressed one two three one two three let's go okay okay so Maddie has a really good print game I gotta step mine up so I got on Tick Tock to find the best prank I could pull here around the office and I found this one they put this air horn underneath this guy's chair and they taped it around it so that whenever he sits down everyone goes off and it freaks them out [Music] she was in that office if we quickly open the door Chuck it in run away okay okay I'm ready I'm ready did we get her wait this is Maddie's shoes we got the wrong person it's all your fault oh my gosh they just killed Maddie oh my gosh oh my God okay I'm noticing Emily and Brian are getting a little too friendly so I'm gonna pull a prank on Emily but I'm gonna make it so she thinks that Brian is betraying her I got some donuts I'm gonna make them look like they're cream filled ooh yummy Mayo um oh man this is giving me a good one just gonna pipe a little mayo in there tell me that does not just look like a cream-filled Donuts Ryan is off brainstorming ideas I need to send one quick email then I'll be ready to join um I think someone ew are you kidding me I think someone is trying to prank me oh wow oh that's foul hang on this is Brian's mug is Brian trying to get me out they were on my desk that Saboteur now I need to prank him back hey how's it going Brian tried to prank me I found him trying to prank me at my desk let's let's get him out together okay I saw the perfect Tick Tock air horn and tape come here I'm like oh yeah okay all right okay yep all right I think that's good I think so too all right Emily okay well I can't find her right now so I'm just gonna awesome he warns Mark I'm sorry what this is this is war okay so Emily is the last one left which means time to prank her I'm gonna take the Oreo scrape a little bit of the cream filling out take the toothpaste look at this yummy cream filling in the center bro she's never gonna know okay all right I'm leaving this for her work hold on you see what I see I see Oreo cream and Oreo what does that look like too I'll tell you what it smells like straight up toothpaste we're gonna make Keeley think that she got me out we're just gonna make it look like I'll leave my necklace she thinks I'm a goner and we're gonna think attack her because I'm done with this and oh my goodness it looks like my plan worked Emily ate it oh her necklace oh my goodness looks like I won [Music] what all right guys it looks like I freaking won this Prank War if you guys enjoy this make sure to like share and subscribe hope you all enjoyed see you later bye oh [Applause]
Channel: Keeley
Views: 1,825,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7yd7bIve-14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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