I Survived 100 Days in Ark Pugnacia, Here's what Happened 😬

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I'm going to try and survive the next 100 days in Arc survival evolves most epic month AR pugn here in arug Nati you get to hang out with some of the coolest creatures like this AR carrying hipster or how about chilling in the shade with this snazzy trike but don't be fooled by their appearance things can take a turn when you start messing with them as for the ultimate Challenge an evil manifestation is relentlessly attempting to break free and it's my mission to eliminate the threat it possesses there I was trying to set up shop and get some gear going when out of nowhere I was rudely interrupted by some oversized bird brain what the freak I guess I might have given it a strange look or something because the next thing I knew I was being summoned to meet its creator having declined the job interview I was sent back with strict instructions to never make eye contact with those ninja Doos again keeping that in mind I continued once again with whooping up some geia to protect myself I pretty much didn't really take my surroundings into consideration what because oh my yeah I was once again summoned by the Creator third 's the charm I suppose this time I managed to spawn in a somewhat safer area there's this crazy dinos all over the show I also noticed that I had a good set of tools on me with those I was able to farm up some resources for a set of cloth armor and got myself a spear on to the basics I ventured out to explore the area to see what it had to offer and find out if there were any imminent threats I needed to watch out for fortunately things weren't too hectic except for a group of menacing compies man did I try my best to get rid of them but no matter how many Spears I threw at these dawned compies it seemed to have no effect on them the only option I had left was to run and run I did anyways it was getting kind of dark and I needed a place to camp for the night so I scavenged around for the bits and Bobs that I needed to put up together a few structures and Bol myself a little thatch Shack to call home for the next few days starting day two bright and early my goal was to level up by hunting down some of the creatures nearby I began by crafting a bow and a few arrows then set out for my first Target a turtle I pepper the carbon enemies with a few arrows to assist the damage I was dealing however I quickly realized that my bow and arrows lacked the power to take it down so I decided to bail hoping the creature would calm down giving me a chance to potentially trying taming it as I was fleeing from the turtle I had completely forgotten about the group of compies that were in the area and well we crossed paths again sadly my bow and arrows were still ineffective against the dinos of pgnaa so I had to run yet again the thing is while running away from those compies I stumbled upon an amazing find rare flowers and crystals it then crossed my mind that I could actually craft a spy glass now that would come in handy but I needed hide how the heck was I supposed to get that my best hope for obtaining hide was to attempt to take down one of those compies I focused on Gathering a bunch of resources to craft some arrows and equipped with the gear I needed I moved on to single out one of those compies managing to cut one away from its group I began my assault I started with arrows but soon switched to my Spears as they seemed to do slightly better damage it felt like it went on forever as I threw countless Spears at it it seemed like it barely made a dent in the comp's HP right then I had no other option but to retreat to safety while I still had the chance I then shifted my attention to taming the turtle that I had tried to take down earlier luckily this was a passive tame and all it needed was some berries also the time between feeding wasn't that long either it was just the break I needed lo and behold after a few minutes I had successfully tamed the carbon emies I named it Jax as it was the first name that popped into my head and I was able to grab a few of those Soul balls too later on day two during my Adventures to acquire hide I came across a bulb dog I thought it would be the perfect Dino I needed for this Quest but first I had to check out a nearby White drop unfortunately well as for the white drop that was quite underwhelming anyways it was time to take care of that bulb dog I whooped out my Spear and launched an attack it took for eternity to bring this thing down I mean I thought something was wrong with the stats that's how insane it was after some time had passed I had eventually managed to defeat the bul dog and got a meet the portion of hide and some meat I mean all that effort was such a small reward it was just crazy I began day three with a Mad Dash determined to F more hide with my trusty sidekick Jack my plan was to have Jack Attack the dinos while I use my Bowlers to immobilize them and what do you know it actually works like a charm with progress finally being made on retrieving hide I moved on to find my next Target as I was doing so I stumbled upon a trike and got excited at the prospect of taming it although I'm not entirely sure why the were two slingshots that I could craft but um yeah anyways however I was one level shy of taming that track it was decided then I needed to move on to find more dinos to challenge for battles of ultimate Supremacy uh yeah something like that we Charmed on some more compies found a few Glow Pets that were gigantic which probably meant we could ride them but it was dehydrating and needed water first thing is it was all the way on the other side of the this Mountaintop oh yeah if not for that darn low shedding nonsense I probably would have enough time to tame one of those light pits the problem is I had only 4 minutes in real life of electricity and like I didn't want to chant it determined to F more hide and meat I embraced the new day which brought in a multitude of new spawns in the area an excellent opportunity for me to go hunting with my trusty companion Jax I then spotted a cute little shinh hor unfort Ely for him it seemed to be an easy target I trapped it with my bowler and sent in Jax to attack I must say I underestimated this shinh horn as it too turned out to have quite an amount of HP to my surprise the shin horn managed to escape but I refused to give up and eventually found it again sadly it wasn't meant to be as the little creature went bouncing off a cliff with Jack's almost following suit yep I tried taking out another light pet and well it just didn't seem like like it was going to work the Quest for hide and meet continued after searching for creatures to attack an opportunity presented itself I was being hunted by a pig of mastex I equipped my Bowers and trapped the little bugger then launched a barrage of Spears to take it down realizing that this wasn't enough I summoned in the mighty Jacks to join forces in a tag team battle against the PGA mtic after a few intense minutes we finally destroyed the peger and gained a few more pieces of height but just then I decided to take on one of those jug bugs oh boy did that just turn my world upside down I didn't know those things were so op what the freak oh no I didn't place a bed I'm pretty much screwed now however where there is despair there is hope you see I found a track nearby and I was at the level where I could tame it so I spent the night collecting the berries that it needed to be tamed while I carry on with my berry picking Duty here's the low down on today's sponsor introducing today's sponsor goat games bringing you the latest addition to the Beloved hacken SL franchise Dungeon Hunter 6 in Dungeon Hunter 6 you're not just defeating bses you're making them serve you Looting with you riding with you and even being able to fly those menacing Beast and here's the twist you can summon up to three bosses onto the battlefield they'll be your loyal Squad members following you everywhere and Performing 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sto hey yo let's go let's go with this new found Beast I set out to farm up some of the materials needed to craft Tyson saddle but first I had to get a spy glass to help me better understand the dinos I was dealing with luckily this map had tons of crystals all over the land so finding some wasn't that difficult I was then able to craft the awesome spy glass and a few of the other items to help me out from there it was on to farming some of the creatures that were nearby we took on a sweet little shine horn and moved on some bigger prey the parasaur now that would surely give us what we were searching for oh look at this come on juicy Soo meat it's Beauty can you collect it yes you can it's time for payback Sunny come on this Doos o oh wa wait you collect Stone this is amazing after surviving the night thanks to big old Tyson here I was gifted with another companion and that came in form of a vulture a prodigous vulture might I add the cool thing about these is that I could ride them without the need for a saddle so you bet I had to tame this little birdie and luckily it just needed a few pieces of spoiled meat which I had and within a few bites Vince the vulture was added to the tribe now that I had Vince at my disposal it was the perfect opportunity to find my way back to base fortunately I had somewhat of an idea where my starter base was and what do you know my instincts were right on the Mark I had found my base even better news I decided to return to the previous spot where the jug bug had wrecked me and would you believe it standing there untouched was Jax the turtle himself along with all of my loot it was just crazy back at base I went ahead and placed down the bed that I had previously forgotten about and threw in a tombstone just in case I had an unfortunate event on day seven I took Tyson with me to gather resources as I plan to upgrade my base from thatch tier to Stone back at base I started crafting the required structures and continued farming wood and thatch to build more stone structures from there I started placing the structures I had managed to craft and attempted to create a base that would serve as a home for the foreseeable future however I realized I needed more structures and had other ideas for a more aesthetically pleasing base and so the task of Base building spilled over on day eight that meant more farming more crafting and more structure placement I must be entirely truthful here I didn't really have a plan in mind I just knew I had to build a base and make it somewhat visually appealing it was Day N and I had finally completed building my starter base it was a double story structure finished off with a a few wooden elements and it came with its very own balcony that overlooks the most breathtaking view I also crafted some windows to let in natural light and at the top level of my base had the area that served as a pin for all my dinos the bottom area was where I kept all of my crafting stations and storage containers my next task was to craft some of the crafting stations that were needed for me to progress I set off to farm for the materials required and back at base I was able to cook up a Smithy the pgnaa Smithy and an upgrade station as well at the same time I was able to get myself a metal pick which I then upgraded in my upgrade station and to finish things off I decided to go out for a little metal run with my new gear and made sure not to mess around with those pain in the butt Bronto I presume things would get a whole lot more complicated if I had mistakenly brushed them the wrong way on day 10 I decided to try and tame another Tri I set off with Tyson in search of a female companion for him not far from base I came across a female track and decided this would do just fine so I began the taming process by feeding her kibble followed by barriers to maintain The Taming process I had to be cautious though as there were other dangerous dinos nearby and I didn't want to attract their attention as soon as I was able to tame the trike I quickly placed her in a soul ball and made a beline back to my Dino for safety wow while returning to base I once again noticed the glacial carbony from a few days before and became interested in testing out the tooro damage that those pgnaa TRS could do the glacial carbonis responded by blasting me with its frost breath jeez I wasn't expecting that however the tobo damage wasn't even that great too so I decided not to mess around with a feisty little turtle and high tailed it out of there faster than a sloth on roller skates back at B face I went ahead with breeding my trikes for a few good backup dinos on day 11 I began by attempting to hatch the eggs I got from breeding my tracks the previous day I then went ahead to place a few standing torches to help with the process but it turned out that I didn't really need them the eggs could incubate perfectly just by being indoors even better news I was able to acquire three new additions to the squad and the best part is they had pretty decent stats too following that I proceeded to to gather some metal because I needed the ingots to craft a few items back at base specifically I required the materials to craft a feeding Tru for my dinos here we go and I also crafted a crossbell which I was able to upgrade in my upgrade station then I prepared myself for a little taming Expedition I've got a glacial carbon emies that's what I'm hoping you need to just choke buddy hey yo what 9k on that bad boy yes oh my freaking soul that is awesome knocked out son there we go after knocking out the turtle I went back to bank to grab some berries and cooked up a grillin tonic then returned to the cabon to feed it the juicy goodies jeez was this a long wait the carbon emies f finally tamed up on day 12 from there I went to check up on my Trikes and at the same time I got a saddle for the latest turtle tank and took that out for a little test drive although I wasn't quite confident that this carbon emies could do much damage this little fell was probably going to be used for its food preserving capability anyways I took out the best of the Trikes and went on a rampage trying to take out as many dinos as I could to rack up all of those GC levels what the freak he's got his HP back now we got two trikes in us okay we got one down two down how did this trke get its H well I mean grto sorry oh there we go 10K almost time to go down buddy hey yo let's go also while we were out and about I spotted a primal car kunas taking on two other tracks and I thought this might just be a good opportunity to join in on the fun Su buddy what's up I'm here to tank o ooh 2K8 oh oh we getting smashed by trikes here here this is I'm concentrating on this Primal Coos we're going to take it down son we're going to take it down oh oh let's go the next day I set up for a day of taming my goal was to try and tame a few special dinos with some unique abilities like the conf flagrance dodo which I believe was the same do that wasted me on day one apparently it could poop out gasoline yeah that definitely sounds a bit weird but that would surely come in handy also somehow I was able to get some cool Loot and a chiy hammerhead that I name Maximus while out on my journey I came across a decent level dodo and prepared to tame it using my Bolas and pgnaa Tran arrows after trapping the dodo with the bowler I switched to the crossbow and proceeded to knock it out then I summoned in Trixie the trike to harvest some berries for the dodo while I was doing so I spotted a glacial iguan done this one had an even crazier ability it could convert seeds into fruits not the other way around that most of us I used to of course I just had to get this puppy but first I had to feed the dodos the berry that I had just collected once the doo was taken care of I turned my attention towards the glacial L granadan from the back of my trike I said and forth a bowler to see if I could actually trap the granadan with it and what do you know it worked from there I just had to trink the bugger until it was knocked out and well needed to get it one of those special tonics back at base I grabbed the gr and tonic some berries from our bio fridge and made my way back to the Iguanodon to finalize the tame my goal was to finish my base with a few more of those special crafting stations a butcher's table the S Plus crafting station and I was hoping to get the fabricator at the same time however I needed more resources specifically cementing paste so if I went in search of that glorious super sticky substance while flying around looking for cementing paste I spotted a promising purple drop I just had to check it out however there was a spino guarding the drop I then quickly summoned in Trixie and charged in for a surprise attack w that's doing major damage holy smokes that was crazy later on I came across exactly what I was looking for a beaver dam I sneaked up to it ever so cautiously and grabbed its contents luckily finding some cementing paste as well but I needed more and that Dawn bivo was in my way I had to get rid of it just as I was trying to take it out I noticed in its description that it could generate beaver dams what the actual freak I had to change my strategy here I had to tame one of these beavers unfortunately this one was already aggroed so I had to leave the area for it to calm down however just over the next Hill I found another Beaver that I could tame I cleared the area of any nearby threats and proceeded to tame the castoroides considering I plan to tame more dinos I needed kibble to speed up the process to do that I would need to get some crops up and running I proceeded to craft a few s+ crop plots and place them around the balcony [Music] area then I worked on setting up a watering system for my crops all right we should be good to go man good to go oh the freak all righty we got one of that and uh yeah perfect how would I oh my we can go boom uh all right so where would you like to put the piping there we go we've got water running all I had to do from there was to figure out how to obtain fertilizer so I set off once again in search of a dinno that could generate fertilizer while I was out and about I came across a few fomos and they would surely help however they were quite High leveled and I was pretty far from the base I could tell this was going to be a long night anyways I had no better options so I decided to proceed with taming the fiomia I used the Bowa and then tranquilized the little porer until it was unconscious even though I wasn't supposed to do that as it was a passive tame what a screep interesting while Gathering berries for it I stumbled upon something that would help me with my kibble situation a conf flagrant morill TOPS oh you bet I just had to have it I grabbed my crossbow and started shanking the morilla tubs until it was knocked out I FedEd the required berries and waited for it to tame up day 16 I decided to grab one of those grin tonics from the base for the melops because it was taking forever to take on my way back to the dino I came across a red drop with some sweet juicy loots the compound bows caught my eye and I thought they'd PIR well with the pgnaa TRS for taming back at the merilla tops I FedEd the tonic and waited for it to tame while waiting I decided to look for an oviraptor or an Easter Bunny to test out their automated kibble ability fortunately just over the next Mountain I spotted an oviraptor that I could tame but first I needed to clear the area of the dangerous creatures and at the same time gather some prime meat to feed the OV Raptor however when I attempted to tame the OV Raptor it just disappeared and ended up miles away in a dangerous area I didn't want to risk it so I decided to bail and search for another over Raptor to tame later on day 16 I had a much better experience taming another oviraptor this one was of a lower level which made for a quicker tame all righty on day 17 I set out to tame the last piece of the puzzle the Easter Bunny to do that I needed some rare mushrooms and the best way I need to get them was by raiding some of the beaver dams I flew over to the beaver dams on my way to the desert and thankfully they provided me with just enough rare mushrooms to tame a decent level Easter Bunny over at the desert biome I proceeded to search for the creature I wanted making sure to clear out the area of all dangerous [Music] threats once I was certain the area was clear I moved in with a bowler in hand to tame the Easter Bunny I had located I trapped The Bunny with the bowler and used the compound bow to knock out it went down quickly and was completely knocked out cold afterward I FedEd the grill and tonic and the juicy mushrooms however it still took a while to tame so I had to stick around for a bit but eventually I was able to get my very own Easter Bunny oh and I can't forget that on my way back to base I spotted another red trap and this one was full to the teeth with all those goodies so on day 18 I had all the requirements for the automated kibble system and I decided to have a go at setting it up I had my OV wrapped on wand well as for the bunny and Morel tops there was not much that could be done I guess I just needed to wait a while anyways I needed to work on a few things back at base however to do that I had to go out and gather some resources I decided to collect some organic polymer from a kinas and the chainsaw I had acquired from the red drop previously turned out to be an excellent Gathering tool with it I was able to obtain a crazy amount of polymer and kiten from just a single crab back at base I proceeded to craft a fabricator went out to mine some metal and then loaded it into the forges I also crafted a soul gun and a soul terminal and I was finally able to get a teleporter going but I still needed the remotes so it was of no use to me for now it was an early morning start to the day as I went to prepare for my next big teame with Trixie the trike I gathered all the berries I needed to top up my tment gear then I set off in search of a highlevel spino after scouting several prospective spinos I finally found two that were exceptionally high level there was an X variant and a conflagrant version not only did the conf flagrant Spiner have a special ability but it also came with its very own saddle I thought that was quite neat I decided to use the ledge to my advantage to tame the X variance since it had better stats I drew my crossbow and tried to get the attention of the xino however it seemed to be too far away for me to get a shot on it so I went with the conf flagrance option I got its attention by shooting it with a stone arrows and once it was aged onto me I swapped out my crossbow for the compound bow and began shanking the spino until it was knocked out the challenge was that I needed prime meat to tame this dinno and for some weird reason prime meat was hard to combine for the rest of the day I spent my time trying to hunt down as many dinos as I could to gather the amount of prime meat needed to tame the conf flagrant spino finally on day 20 I had gathered enough prime meat to actually tame the conf flagrant spino once it was tamed oh boy did we go on a joy ride this thing was incredibly overpowered and absolutely smashed everything in sight and dealt an insane amount of damage I was left speechless it was also quite challenging to control in water due to its super fast speed I even decimated a couple of Primal Coos in seconds with this beauty it was so satisfying to have something this powerful I then decided it would be best to go around and jump on all the dinos in sight to gain as many levels as possible for both the spino and my character oh and I believe I was pretty much set when it came to collecting Primal hide for any reason don't you think day 21 I decided to go in search of a female conflagrant spino I thought it would be best to start breeding for spars and possibly obtain an even stronger tame I set out to all the known spinos spawns and tracked down a decent level female I then cleared the area of all the nasties and positioned myself on top of a ledge it was the safest way to avoid getting annihilated by this beast from there I attempted to get the attention of the spner by shooting it with some Stone arrows once I had its attention I SW swapped the crossbow for my taming gear and began traning the spino within a couple of shots with the pgnaa TRS this beauty was knocked out and forced to sleep like a little baby spider a realizing I didn't have much prime meat on me I decided to head back to base to grab some while on my way I spotted something interesting a whisp sir I tame that too just to see what it could do back at base I collected the Prime Meats and made made my way to the unconscious spino to feed it then waited for it to tame up now that I had the mating pair of conflagrant spinos on day 22 I pretty much spent this time breeding them for some good eggs later that day I went ahead with hatching the eggs that popped out of those spinos and I did manage to get a few decent levels from them although it wasn't anything too serious I just needed backups just in case all right ready it was time to level up this Mighty Beast so I took I don't bite for a massive chomping spree he was just destroying everything in sight and it was doing crazy amounts of damage as well might I add this was even before I could put in any of the levels that we [Music] gained however while we were at ing about doing our business we spotted this holy cow what the freak is this oh snap okay never mind we can't do this let's get out of here come on come on oh no we Bost in water let's get out of here oh jeez it's coming after to me no oh I Sho him oh my goodness we need to get in water yes yes we do wait wait we were doing damage to it what's going on then yeah we would they damaged it that was another one let's go Z hey yo let's Go whoo whoo wo easy tiger easy easy oh snap look at that kooka seahorse that wasn't too crazy oh oh man that looks freaking amazing but I think just for funes maybe we should go and take out the other Soco whatever it is Tick Tock there we go tick tock you're mine it's going down pretty nice best [Music] two hey yo let's go see you well done with the fun stuff for the day I went in search of some pearls and found a good spot to farm up those much needed resources while searching for pearls the previous day I spotted something really interesting that I wanted to take a closer look at and maybe even tame the creature yep I'm talking about this beauty the conf flagrance mewing the cool thing about this creature is that it can be used as a generator a wireless generator to be more specific this was absolutely amazing I just had to have it however the mwing wasn't in a good spot and there was some nasties in the area I quickly summoned I don't bite and when went in to take care of the problem smashing everything that would interfere with the tame and making sure that the mewing was unharmed once the area was cleared I focused my attention on the conflagrant mewing and Drew my taming gear I then proceeded to knock it unconscious which was rather quick as it had low tooro oddly enough then I went ahead to get it some Prime Meats and sadly one of my targets was a baby Rex unfortunately it just had to be done I was in need of prime meat oh look at that beauty Prim meat jackpot holy cow I definitely can't take that that's green mly I don't think we'll be able to take that out not at the moments I don't feel confident okay so you need only 19 raw Prime Meats oh we got plenty I'll give you some extra too how's that back at base on day 25 with my newly tamed mewing I decided to see what it could actually do and that's quite huge that's our whole base here it's quite huge do you have some levels on here uh does it grow instantly well I guess we miss that but anyways it's there does it actually work we can we only have this oh nice look there powered we've got a conf flagrant mewing and we have some Beaver DS from our castes awesome I had also forgotten that the upgrade station could Salvage items from my unwanted loot I mean that would really help me obtain some of the more hard to get resources quite easily so I took what I didn't need and scratch them for some of those juicy resources I'm must save though I thought I would get a a whole lot more than these measly items but anyway it was all good what I really needed to work towards was getting a grinder and for that I would need a whole lot of metal the best route to take in order to farm up tons of metal was to get an anky it was decided then I had to go out in search of an an to Tain I quickly grabbed some kibble from the Milla tops and some berries from the feeding truck then set off towards the desert it's a freaking Forge perfect just what we [Music] need are you that fast buddy yes you are wo come on let's go son yikes ah that was close okay buddy so you need just a regular reg kibble okay so back at base I picked up the regular kibble and teleported back to the Yankee to feed it while waiting for the Yankee to tame up I decided to tame a do Dicus that I had spotted nearby strangely enough this thing was already unconscious and it acted as a freaking grinder it was exactly what I needed I had to get this as well I swapped ad Vin for ad on bite and proceeded to clear the area of vol those dangerous dinos once that was done I went ahead and got it the food it required and fed it to the docus you all that from there I just waited for my diners to tame up what else can I do Okie dogs so I've been pretty relaxed and not really thinking too much about the progression of this mod but it turns out I had quite a few things to do to get things moving I decided to start breeding up an army of spinos for the next 2 days to take on some of the mini B es however this time around I had a plan to speed up the process I previously spotted some of those prodigious dimetrodons and they had some neat abilities I'm pretty sure that just having one of them would help me a ton so I set off with vin the man in search of these giant walking air conditioners ah there's exactly what we need the prodigious demetrion jeez that's a crazy high too you have there buddy will we be able to knock you out oh I just wasted it I hope you can't climb this if you do we're pretty much in big doooo wait do I have tonics I need to go back to base and get you some of the tonics and you need oh 21 prime so from there I went ahead to grab the tonic and prime meat from the base and set my C back to the demetrion to feed and tame it okay so let's see if this thing works I'm going to place you right here why do I have this wait here what is that are you incubating you all look at that wait I need to um order meat you trap there you go oh meeting on the enable me on oh that's perfect and the best part is these guys get their own Saddles so I don't have to craft any Saddles look at that good job Pete I I'm going to name you it's the first whatever comes to my mind all right Pete while my spinos were doing their business I decided to go out and check up on all the loot drops that I could find we didn't get too lucky with loot but at least we got a red drop and we have this yellow drop right here when I returned to base after a day of loot hunting to my surprise I found out that these Dar spinos were not breeding as expected I'm not sure what was up with that but I had only one spino egg to show for the entire day of breeding these punks I guess I had to be close to them or something for it to work or maybe this is how long they take must be the high stamina stats then it was day 28 and the first half of my flagrant spinal Army was ready for their rounds I wanted to take them out to level them up and prepare them for the first mini boss fight that's what we set out to do for the next few days by simply destroying everything in sight and boy did we rack up those levels while out was leveling up my spinos I came across something really cool a conf flagrant beabo it turned out that it was actually a mobile chemistry bench in order to tame it without any interruptions I went with one of my spiners to clear the area of unwanted dinos once the area was somewhat secure I pulled out my Bowlers and tried to trap the little bugger I must say it was pretty fast and trying to bowler it was a bit of a challenge but eventually I managed to trap it and knock it out with my taming gear then I continued to secure the area and proceeded to collect some prime meat to Tain the U of Bo I also thought it was a good idea to farm up some more prime meat since I would be needing it to cook up some health tonics luckily the area I was in had hundreds of dinos that could potentially give me the prime meat that I needed so I stuck around and hunted down those dinos for Prime and gained some extra levels for the spinos that needed to be leveled up back at base I hopped on my anky losauro up the tonics that I wanted I don't know if this is going to be a suicide mission or what I am pretty scared to be honest not knowing what to expect is crazy he's going to lead the way let's just hope for the best oh sh it what the freak was that all right boys are you ready let's do this go attack him holy smokes we're not ready for this we not ready for this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold up hold up hold up oh we not ready for this man all of my freaking spinos are gone man but they did quite a good amount of damage on Ito after that sad defeat I decided to head towards the Griffin lay to upgrade my current flyer I thought this was overdue over at Griffin Cove I had spotted a level 812 Griffin that I wanted a t trying to cite this creature away didn't really work I then went with Plan B which was to try using grapple hooks to hopefully get a better line of sight and take some clear shots for taming unfortunately that didn't work out so well the first time around I then tried to reposition myself to get a better angle and what do you know it actually freaking worked I found a good spot to chill the best part was that the Griffin was aged onto the morel tubs giving me free rain to knock it out without much fuss s n Sucker from there I jumped down with my spino and went ahead to clear the area of all the threats that were in the vicinity this also included a freaking Reaper Queen luckily I had those Health tonics on me which really helped while trying to tackle Reaper yes oh my goodness once that was taken care of I could finally check up on my Griffin and feed it the required food oh yes day 31 on this day I decided to venture out and T something huge that could help me with taking down some of the ancient dinos I began by preparing the necessary items for the task and Reed myself to tame this mysterious Dino just when I reached said Dino there's a massive Beast right there we need instant kibble to tame that the only way to get instant kibble is to take out oh my freaking Soul we have to somehow take out the turkey with our spino so I arrived back at base not knowing what to do next the only other option left was to focus on beefing up my best spino to the max I then decided to upgrade it saddle and took it out to level it up by destroying everything in sight okay peeps it turns out there was an easier way to obtain that golden kibble I had been challenging a really tough mini boss but in reality there were more options to choose from take this ancient Rex for example 3 million let's see what you do oh my goodness look at this this is going down I Was preparing for the turkey and figured out this would be an easier fight it truly is maybe I'll take a few of these out I should have just tried this in the first place down to 600k we that's go get knocked out son what are you doing and then this creep of a Rex it's time to rumble let's go this is what I should have been doing in the first place I wasted all those spinos for nothing well we learn from our mistakes huh hey there we go that's what we wanted to see beautiful beautiful oh look at this where do we get this from what the all righty this time I was ready to actually tame the gigger that I had spotted previously there was nothing holding me back now this is what we was waiting for let's see if we can do this plus we had an upgrade from our gear here so let's just hope we don't get too close I want to just uh get his attention with just a normal Tran dots hey there we go hey oh freak that didn't end so well oh this is a good spot hey yo there we go okay let's change it up a bit and see what kind of damage this does let's see what you do oh holy that's like 70k oh no you just missed that one one more for the show hey yo oh let's go we got to team it fast there's a something there I also want to go out and uh put down my Ascension portal and now we shall have bosses spawning in day 34 I decided to upgrade my flyer once again now that I had access to Golden kibble I aimed to tame a more powerful creature and my target was none other than the Primal Griffin when I reached the area where I had had spotted the Griffin I cleared out any of The Unwanted dinos I could find and set up the taming pen I had prepared for this task however as I was about to switch Flyers to lure the Griffin into the trap a REO Queen suddenly jumped at me out of nowhere I was startled and panicked at that moment but managed to make a swift Escape thing is I had to deal with a Reaper situation though I couldn't didn't have the reaper around while attempting to tame the Griffin so I summoned in the mighty I don't bite and charged at the reaper taking it down in a matter of minutes afterward I resumed my efforts to kite the Griffin into my taming pen however another Reaper appeared out of nowhere and started interfering with the Griffin once again I switched two our on bind to take care of the issue which we did without breaking a sweat when it was all said and done the Griffin had disappear appeared for some weird reason yeah on the brighter side I did come across a cool red Tru with some fantastic loot might I add not to worry though there was another Primal Griffin not too far from my current location once again I found a suitable spot to set up my taming pin I prepared The Taming area and began the process of luring the Griffin towards the Trap unfortunately luck was not on my side once again as the Griffin was mercilessly attacked and killed by some freaking irritating creatures I was beyond frustrated at this point anyways as they say the third times the charm I persisted in my quest to tame a primal Griffin this time I located one in the red woods and decided to use a net projectile to immobilize it with the Griffin unable to move I quickly set up the taming trap I had on hand to prevent it from escaping or harming me from there things went pretty smoothly I was able ble to knock the Griffin unconscious and FedEd the golden kibble to instantly tame This Magnificent creature considering I was still waiting to find a good level male Giga on the map I decided to tackle some of the other more immediate and pressing tasks first I headed over to my docus to grind up all that extra loot I had gathered during my Adventures I needed these resources for an important job afterward it was time to hook up my newly tamed Griffin with its very own on Primal saddle at the same time I visited the upgrade arment station to enhance the armor stats of the saddle this upgrade would certainly help the Griffin tank more damage once these tasks were completed I focused on leveling up my Primal Griffin which I named Richie who went on a dino Killing Spree doing some serious amounts of damage on unsuspecting creatures by the time I had leveled up Richie as much as possible he was pretty much a force to be reckoned with boasting over 500k HP and doing over 100,000 damage a pop it was simply insane ah yes finally I was able to spot a good leveled male gigger on the map and I just had to go out and tame it let's go 298 toble oo 69 SK take down son I got to go back to base to get you for the kibble let's just see if anything crazy is around here nothing of that sort there you go buddy hey yo let's go while I was in The Taming mood I decided to acquire a few more dinos to assist me back at base to solve my charcoal production issues I chose to tame the conf flagrance mammoth because its special ability helped convert wood into charcoal as for wood Gathering I selected the glacial woolly Rhino as it was apparently the best choice for farming wood well you should have guessed by now what the plans were I had a pair of M glacial giggers so you know what I did I decided to check what my woolly Rhiner could do LOL but seriously I needed to farm some wood for charcoal and at the same time used the Rhino's ability to collect all those stacks of wood then I took it over to my Mammoth to test its ability to craft charcoal and of course if you were wondering I did start with breeding my giggers as I needed a few good ones on day 38 I continued breeding my gigas as I needed a suitable pair for breeding I also didn't want to wait was the day so I decided to go out and farm some metal with the Yankee however things got a bit complicated when I tried to clear the area with Richie oh ancient rcks bro o oh oh oh let's get out of here holy smokes oh there that's close oh it's coming after me uh hey there we go that was close that was freaking close man we back into it though now what the problem is there we go there we go that's how we do it okay back to collecting metal cuz uh that's what your tail supposed to do collect metal for us buddy on day 39 Mr Pickles was up and ready for some action I spent this time wiping the island of all its inhabitants with Mr Pickles all in the name of leveling him up as much as I could this was definitely a game [Music] changer oh this is just beautiful to watch 48 48 freaking levels to put in oh who dare challenges the mighty Mr Pickles I get it to 500 okay here o there we go this is a bad bad boy the turkey he freaking hard okay it's now never okay okay we got this we got this you did challenge me good night oh oh man this is beauty where's my yeah we got it oh and we got more levels oh this is going to be a beast my reign of terror was not complete yet I was thirsty for more action or should I say Mr Pickles was hungry for some more we continued hunting dinos around the desert biome for experience points and while we were doing so we came across something quite peculiar a prime eval indominous Rex having having been able to spot this creature meant that the pagnia portal was actually working I now had World bosses roaming the lands unfortunately for this dude Mr Pickles was a bit agitated by one of those corrupted Wyn and decided to go awall destroying everything in sight including that indominous Rex rest in peace little one anyways I also took on another world or Mini Bus the third trike I mean Mr Pickles was pretty much overpowered for the most part except for a few and like we already had nothing better to do than to pick on defenseless little screeps so we decided to take it on yeah a whole freaking 43 million worth of a boss you should know this was going to be one heck of a fight what I didn't expect was that this strike spawned freaking doomed children minions but those things caught me by surprise and I was sweating my butt up hoping not to lose Mr pupes fortunately I had those Health tonics with me and with them I was able to manage this battle without much of a bust and everything seemed to be running smoothly well that was until a freaking Kraken spawned in oh boy now that really complicated things however the trke was almost done for and I really didn't want to leave until it was finished off against my better judgment I stayed in the fight and tried my best to manage my HP with the help tonics while attempting to take down the third trike it was absolute chaos with damaged numbers dinos flying everywhere and me trying to hold my ground thankfully though I had a break this time and eventually took down my first third trike hight tailing it out of there with all those juicy loots I was not up for another grueling and drone out battle no not this time oh yes it was day 41 with the loot I collected the previous day I was able to craft some special kind of kibble that would allow me to tame primevals so what do you think I was going to do huh of course I had to get me one of those bosses and now my friends we shall try and knock this buddy out it seems like it's stuck so I just hope o it is stuck brilliant oh no the freaking freaking monkey free why you going do that man how you doing buddy are you playing tag with me shot quick release we're not doing much with the freaking these arrows 1.3 oh yeah we go buddy get knocked out what doesn't look like you're sleeping Let's test you out buddy let's test you out Richie 60 he yo can you pick up this rxs oh yeah you can oh look at this brilliant and then you smash him yeah now this day was fulfilling I went out hunting some of the Primal that I was able to spot on the map for their energy I'd soon be needing that to get a stronger Dino of my own I took down a manacle using a gas mask because I wasn't really sure if the Mantle's attack would affect me or not and I also collected some tonics from the loot that I managed to get from the kill I then went ahead to take down more ancient rexes that stood in the way and grabbed all of those juicy golden Kibbles and I got more primeval energy from taking out another primeval megapithecus all righty peeps so it was time to start prepping to build my main base I've been putting this off for too long to be honest anyways I needed to get a few dinos that could help me with the build dinosaurs with a cementing past ability the only dinos I knew that could offer this ability were the argenters over at the swamp I had spotted a few that I could tame and knocked them out feeding them the required food for them to tame up I also decided to tame a mega Shalon because it could produce rare flowers over time I would need those for cooking up more special tonics for the days ahead but just then for some weird reason my Primal Griffin just died out of nowhere like an instant death kind of thing I was so confused about this situation like what just happened considering I lost my Richie to some freak accident I decided that I had to replace him and get more possibly 3 up some backups just in case this would happen again I ventured to where I was able to spot a few Primal Griffins and from there I made sure to clear the area of all dinos except the Griffins for the first one I used the same strategy as before using the net gun to immobilize the creature placing a few dinates to prevent it from escaping and knocking it out with my op taming gear of course I instantly tamed the Griffin with a golden kibble as for the second and third Griffins I I just used the net gun to trap them as the tranquilizers I was using did a crazy amount of tooro on these creatures it was simply amazing I then gave them a golden kibble each and bagged three Primal Griffins that day day 45 first things first I needed to repair my pants they got ripped out by something previously ah there we go much better anyways should I even mention what I was about to do H yeah yeah of course I will well I started breeding my Primal Griffins what else would you expect I don't know oh yeah I also automated the process just so that I could get results quickly or at least that's what I thought on the other hand something strange happened I'm not quite sure what I used to grind to get the resources that I got but man this was freaking mind blowing I mean just look at all that metal and cementing paste this was like heaven don't don't get me wrong this was cool for me but I just wanted to know what caused this so I could get more wouldn't you over the next few days I dedicated my time to working on my main base inspired by the building mods showcase I decided to use the science fiction Castle keeps and fors mod for this playthrough aiming for that sci-fi aesthetic what made this build even cooler was the perfect location I stumbled upon it offered stunning views a relatively flat surface for construction and most importantly it was elevated enough to protect me and my dinosaurs from the dangers of pugia using my dinosaurus I cleared the area of vegetation and any obstructive Boulders leaving a clean slate to create my vision with the area cleared I began laying the foundation to outline my Design This phas involved a lot of trial and error as with most of my builds I typically only have a picture to work from I had to figure things out as I went along by k47 I was still refining some of my ideas this project presented numerous challenges but I persisted and it seemed like I was making progress too the following day I managed to shape the Base According to my vision and it turned out to be quite impressive with a futuristic Vibe as well I guess the structures contribute a lot to that just on their own but at least it turned out looking good here's the thing though I wasn't done just yet oh yeah the construction continued I plan to add two more of the structure to my base and connect them to the main structure somehow to complicate matters cams decided to build the base on the edge of a Mountaintop creating additional challenges finally on day 50 I completed my base build and I must say it turned out freaking amazing the central larger circular structure serves as the main area flaged by two smaller structures that I can use for whatever I want I guess each of these structures provided ample space and offers breathtaking views I mean one more could you ask for right wrong I can tell you what it does need it needs a few finishing touches which I think I should take care while I have some time on hand so yeah see you all righty now that I have completed the base build and added in the finishing touches which I must say turned out pretty neat it was about time to move all of my items from the old base over into the new and more permanent base luckily for my dinos I had those Soul bols so most of them went in there to save space and it was the better option really as for the tons and tons of items accumulated over time well thankfully Fifi was around and she had just over 62k weight which was more than enough for the job so yeah I just stashed everything I could into Fifi's inventory and that was about it all that I had to do was say my goodbyes and move on to greener pastures on day 52 I was still busy trying to unload and sort all of the items at the new base there was just so much to move around and to be honest I wasn't up for the task it was tedious and I found myself in need of a break from all of this unnecessary work so that's exactly what I plan to do for a bit you see I spotted these crazy looking defense mechanisms that I had with me and of course I was quite the Curious chap so I decided to take a little look see at what these could do me put it close to these front toes see what happens to these guys How You Like Me Now son there you go are you not doing your your job okay so apparently I can go into them there's also some other thing here I can't see much but that's far away from me I guess it puts dinos to sleep buddy are you working the plant's not doing anything buddy attack this fool how you doing buddy wait wait wait wait hold up doing not that much damage this thing on the other hand I have no idea what it's supposed to do after messing around with those weird organic defensive systems I went back to work unloading and sorting out all of the items that I had brought over from the old base so done with the task of sorting out my base I thought it would be a good idea to take out my new Primal Griffin level it up and check out what that napom bomb was all about yep you bet this time around I had to test my Giger against the Mighty Kraken let's go Mr Pickles let's go yes it hits hard as long as this is the only thing we're fighting there we go this lights out for you puppy hey bro let's go let's put up this uh pagnia for Fields there you go 12's looking mighty fine it's covering almost everything oh yeah I like it we got full cover day 54 I started with upgrading my Giga saddles in the upgrade station and then set off to the desert biome to start leveling my other boss fighting gigas you're going to bed buddy thank you you very much and have a I'm feeling a bit lucky how's the turkey doing not so good today huh oh so cool so cool okie dokie here's the thing I had to put a hold on the Giga leveling gig just for a bit you see while I was out in about the previous day I spotted one heck of a beauty that I wanted to tame and today my friends was a day full of optimism there there it is Holy freak where' you come from son this way come on come on buddy let's try and kite it away maybe I should take it out too cuz uh we need that oh this way come on buddy hey yo let's go H nope what the freak hey let's get out of here oo invisibility 54k bril okay so ooh there you go buddy night's out for you let's get this up to 500k we only getting like five Damage Done 67 I would love to come out of this uh camouflage thing oh there we go that works 67 let's go over the next two days I continued working on leveling my giggers by pretty much wiping out just about everything in sight yep we even took on a few primals such as the brute mother and a few of those little SC manacas that happen to be in my path oh yeah also this dude Mr Fister I just whated something Mr Fister I don't know if I can take this guy on let's try this's try it oh oh okay it's not too bad okay okay we're doing good I can't see it's uh HP what really doing any damage to him this is going to be a long fight 85 M left got 4.6 let's go where are you Mr Fister where are you hey Mr bu KO on day 58 I decided to prepare an area for the tech cloning chamber that I wanted to craft I began by placing some foundations thinking that the cloning chamber needed a structured Foundation to snap onto however after meticulously building this area I discovered that the cloning chamber could actually be placed directly on the ground yeah shot for letting me know that I just wasted 5 minutes of my freaking time anyways there was another issue that I encountered the need for an insane amount of element shards to operate the tech structure unfortunately I had run out of elements to acquire more elements I decided to challenge some of the world's buses even though I wasn't quite certain if my giggers could stand against them especially the elemental titanosaur that had been spotted on the map although I had to try it to find out and I had those Health tonics with me which should be helpful after after a lengthy battle we emerged Victorious against our first Elemental Titan and we were extremely pumped up to take on more that's exactly what we plan to do the next day we contined to take down more buses completely annihilating the next Target with the full force of my Giga Army and we totally demolished the bosses that followed all while racking up as much element as possible while out and about the previous day I spotted this boot on my Journeys and I thought it was high time I gave this a shot yep there it is spine breaker be a part of that yeah that one that's the one oh well it gives you some time to to escape the ball of death we need to be careful of that man doing crazy damage here I need more of a space I don't know why I chose this one to fight but uh I'm guessing we will have to stick it for the long run I don't know what I was thinking certainly not 100 million there we go the final bits hey yo let's go all righty on day 61 I managed to obtain a full set of volcanic Flack armor Not only was it super op and cool looking but it ALS Al had his very own special Buffs it didn't stop there though because by defeating the spine breaker I received the spine breaker's shredded spine now what that meant was that I could get my very own overpowered spino there were just a few more requirements I needed to meet so if I went in search of the energy of the primals required to summon the ultimate spine breaker first on the list was the Prime eval Phoenix not too far from there was the Dragon and a few miles away I had spotted the Primeval dodo Wyn and to finish things off we took down the awesome and legendary dodo Rex but to be honest they weren't much of a challenge for old Mr Pickles here now that I had all the requirements for my very own spine breaker the last thing I needed to do was to sacrifice one of my own Prime evil creatures fortunately I had previously tamed a make ayus and decided to use that for the sacrifice just then the most magical thing happened a spine breaker was born complete with its very own saddle which I upgraded as much as it allowed once that was sorted out I took my T out for a test drive I wanted to see what it could do the damage it could inflict and of course level it up up as much as possible and not to mention messing around with those world's bosses I just had to find out how fast this thing could take those bosses down and man it did not disappoint what an absolute Beast it was day 63 with my leveled up spine breaker now called Sarah I decided to check and hunt down another spine breaker you see I had some much of plan in the mix but in order for me to try it out well I had to fight more of these monstrous dinos yep it was another long and grueling Battle of the beasts but in the end we were the last one standing and with pockets full of hard-earned spoils now I just had to farm up all the prime eval creatures again to obtain the required energy by now I sure hope you get the picture of what I was trying to do here if not then do mind you oh yeah I also decided to mess up a muffa that just happened to be in my path like how dare it look at me that way I really didn't ask for it to be so inconsiderate nope the last piece of the puzzle if you remember from my first spine breaker tame is that I needed a primeval creature for a sacrifice I knew there was one Rudy but I really didn't want to give him up so I decided to go out and tame another primeval in the desert I came across a doo Rex it was quite an easy T really I tranked the Creature from the back of Fifi and knocked it out coold within a few minutes then I FedEd the satiating nutriment and instantly tamed this bad boy back at base I proceeded with the spine breaker sacrifice and what do you know I freaking summoned another female J not what I was looking for seems like I'd have to give this another shot sometime in the distant future that is on day 66 I finally managed to get my PC back up and running again for those of you who were unaware of the situation I was able to resume recording however cams made a big doooo I messed up with the recordings for the next couple of days so yeah I really hope that my editor can work his magic anyways it had been about 2 weeks since my PC decided to go aall and I was trying to figure out what to do I think we were planning to work on acquiring another spine breaker or something but there were no Prime eval spawning on the map so it was on to plan B which was to go after a pugn Mech the only problem with this task was the outrageous number of resources required to crop the mech tens and thousands of them I had to find a Mech blueprint with fewer requirements although it was proving rather difficult to do so on my quest to find a good blueprint for a Mech I remembered that I had seen a Mech blueprint at the base previously yeah I I know you can't really see the blueprints clearly but trust me it was much better than the others the only resource that had such a huge requirement was oil and I thought it was still doable all I had to do was set up a few oil pumps in the snow biome and well gather as much as I could using the mining drill it works like a charm too for the next couple of days while waiting for the oil pumps to gather the required oil I decided to chill back at the base and work on a few building projects I had in mind what I wanted to do was add a landing pad for my flyers and another tech item I had in mind for this I chose the s+ metal structures as they provided me with the freedom to build however and wherever I wanted and that was awesome obviously I had no clue how to build this thing I just had an idea and went with it surprisingly it turned out great and I absolutely loved how it looked but it wasn't done yet I had another small project for the back of my base that too turned out to be an awesome Bel I mean it's simple but it looks amazing well at least to me that is all righty peeps done with my projects back at base it was time to get back to the spine breaker quest for those who don't know what I was up to I had two female spine Breakers and I was looking to get a male spine breaker to try and breed them you should know the process by now I've done it like two times already so let's cut to the chase shall we this meant that I had to hunt down those primevals once again or at least the ones I needed then once again I faced off against another wild spine breaker for which shredded spine and lastly taming a primeval for the sacrifice with all that darn effort I put into this Quest I sure hoped that I would finally get a male and guess what it freaking messed me up again PE nah I'm just messing with you I got the male spine breaker I was looking for you see the whole idea behind trying to acquire these many spine Breakers was to actually breed them to get more powerful dinos well guess what it turned out you couldn't beat the DAR spine Breakers just my freaking knok oh well for this news I was saddened and spent the rest of the day farming up some oil and adding a few more oil pumps into the mix so thing is I wasn't going to give up on trying to breed my spine Breakers I really didn't want to waste the time I spent trying to get these dinos fortunately thanks to a king daddy dmac video I found out that there was actually a way to breath them H I wanted to try this out for myself but first I had to collect a whole bunch of pearls like 7 point .5k worth of pearls the best part was I found the perfect location to do just that this Ponda Lake had thousands and thousands of pearls hidden down under I just had to PLU them out on day 76 I returned to the lake to form the remaining pearls I needed I had cleaned out the lake the previous day and had to wait for the pearls to respawn back at space I proceeded to cook up the electronics I needed for a special kind of tech machine that could help me with my dilemma once I had all the required items I crafted the s+ propagator believe it or not this machine actually worked it allowed me to breach my spine Breakers and had a few awesome perks as well I didn't know that something like this existed but I had a spine breaker egg and it was freaking amazing over the next few days I continued to breed a good set of spine Breakers to create even more powerful dinos at the same time I played around with the mutation per that this machine had giving me the options to improve on some of the stats a bit by day 80 I had a really good line of spine Breakers that I could use of course it wasn't the best but for what it's worth they had some sweet set of stats ah yes my spine Breakers were finally ready to be set loose into the world of pugn I used these few days to take my little babies out and got them a whole lot of Juicy levels which will was achievable by simply wrecking everything in sight nothing could match up to these Beauties not a single creature I mean these dinos were so crazy that I was able to take on an elemental titanosaur and I know that wasn't anything spectacular but taking on the third strike at the same time now that was my next task was to obtain the endgame Mega Mech to do so I needed to craft or acquire three pug NAA mix for use as a sacrifice as well as collect all the boss tokens required to craft the megax interface before even thinking about reaching that stage I had the mammoth task of grinding up all the resources I required for the pgnaa mix blueprint so I set off to do just that farming as much oil and metal as I needed to get the job done for days 85 and ' 86 the grind for the rest of the world boss trophies was on the go first up was one of the most difficult ones The Tempest doing some damage to us holy smokes just got to be careful of it I'm so scared the stay in it SP oh can you tell your tornado to stop all right we got you man let's hit you with that death ball what are you doing with 20K 21 brilliant I'm going to stand here and fight fight to the death hopefully it's not mine man this thing does some crazy damage to us I mean we got oh no maybe 1.5 Milli HP yeah tornado doesn't St a chance buddy you got to think of something else oh wait hold up oh there we go the last few BS hey there we go we got the Tempest RGB circuits awesome we did it followed by another duel against the mighty spine breaker for its shredded spine and the last item on my checklist was mra's balls huh yeah I guess you heard right those balls are from mtha herself true story the next 2 days I focused on getting my pgnaa MCH up and running for that I had to farm up the last of the requirements needed to craft the blueprints then back at base after farming for days for this blueprint and having all the items with me I was finally able to craft the Pug NAA Mech this was quite a momentous day job well done camps but it wasn't really over just yet peeps you see in order to get a really good Mega Mech with some added Buffs I would need to level up the pgnaa mech as much as I could so we set out to the desert to take just about anything and everything we could find we started by working with the weaker pray at first to get our levels up a tad bit and then we took on some of the bigger game which thankfully we were able to defeat all righty it was about time that I actually started using that cloning chamber I had built a few moons ago this was its moment to shine I was able to get tons of element shards from the pgnaa tech force field and with those I managed to clone my pgnaa Mech not just once but twice giving me the items that I required for the Mega Mech sacrifice yeah while I was at it I decided to clone Zeus as well as he was the best and my most favorite spine breaker of them all on day 90 I decided to check on that Ascension portal and start taking on those bosses I still hadn't realized that my recordings were messed up so let's make it snappy shall we we need to get to the good footage here I went on to take down the ascendant Boo mother which was quite the fight but nothing we couldn't handle and then it was the Battle of the boots as we faced off against the mighty ascendant MEAP picus yeah we pretty much pummeled him to the ground we continued our assaults on the ascendant buses this time taking on the ever so try ascendant dragon and it too at the same fate as the previous bosses however I did obtain quite a bountiful bag of loots and among them were some really interesting artifacts that I just had to play around with for a while I mean who wouldn't right then it was on to the ascended Mantica boss the boss just before the final showdown unfortunately for this dude he wasn't going to stick around to see that fight it was quite a shame really so yeah I couldn't go on further as we had low shading schedules in the next 5 minutes I was forced to log off rip day 93 yeah it took me this long to finally realize that cams messed up and messed up big time so uh you can just imagine how felt knowing that I couldn't do much but pray and hope it turns out all right anyways it was time to face off against the final Ascension boss the ascendant hippo we got this is going to be the most difficult boss fight because this darn thing spawns in creatures there we go let's go this thing's going to be uh bad news for us man oh look at this bad boy right here we need to deal crazy amounts of damage H St oh my goodness me no what do we have fighting here we just have the Tempest and ascended hippo itself what is going on what I hope it doesn't spawn in is another spine breaker anything else will do I can't see what the freak I'm doing marth's gone eight hey fin the ascended hippo is gone too son hey yo let's go let's go Sunny we just did it beautiful beautiful and another thing guys I'm so sorry about the footage the pre prev couple of days it was all due to the mess up that I had with my computer so uh yeah quite unfortunate all righty peep so the Moment of Truth has arrived been waiting so long for this look at this it's crazy let's try and get them as close as possibly I have no idea how this is going to work if this is even going to work okay so I have this there we go oh she's next where'd you go 24 M holy smokes look at this bad boy holy freak and as huge as colossal like how much damage do you do seven mullet oh I feel sorry for the last boss I I don't think it's it's going to to end well for that yeah seven Mele so on day 95 I continued with the total Destruction of Crystal NES and its inhabitants while at the same time leveling my mega Mech not that it needed it anyway I guess it was just so much fun hacking and slashing stuff with so much power I felt Invincible at that moment moment okay so one more thing had to be acquired before I could take on the final final boss the thing is the Mega Mech didn't have a saddle [ __ ] or a saddle but there was a way for me to give it some type of protection now for me to do that well I had to go on for one last farming spree taking down those primeval creatures once again for their artifacts or trophies whatever you call them there was just one more piece to the puzzle and unfortunately for this colossal freak of nation he was the key and was standing in the way of me and total AR pugn dominance so of course it just had to go or more like smashed with my double troubled spine breaking crushing machines once that was taken care of I decided to check up on my tech Tran gear that I had received from my battles and went on to tame a primeval Doo rex that I had spotted on the map I must say it worked freaking amazing doing an insane amount of tooro damage Within in a short period of time what else can you ask for all righty peeps we're almost done but I want to get a couple of things going um we have these uh scorched plate thing mysis that we can get titanosaur trophy is sort of like a saddle for my Migo mck cuz that thing takes crazy damage that's so huge I had to park it down here so own the little platform ah freak did I just craft the wrong thing you got to be kidding me wait no wait I'm supposed to craft that I almost I almost um crap myself there I really want to go and and farm up all those things again 25% less damage taken that's what we need hopefully yeah there we go just one more thing before uh we get ready for our final fight okay so we got got the doox that I just tained and we have the sacrifice okay what happened there where's my doo Rex and where's the freaking what just all righty peeps it's almost uh time to uh take on the final bus what I really want to do is just chill today and uh check out some of the things we hadn't checked before like uh this H yeah and also this you know I never used this before what can it do well you can't punch that can you what you can see through walls all right sweet all right can you do anything else oh we'll just leave it there hey there we go beautiful and Before We Say Goodbye let's take a drive on our har s here or har har skiff there we go this thing is pretty difficult to control it's been really cool chilling on this uh Crystal ises with pgnaa got one more day I'm just going to be cruising find a spot for me to battle my lost opponents all right are you guys ready for the ultimate fight yeah let's go do this we've got Lucifer himself self ready to take him on yeah jeez 16k bro o all right all right oh who the freak is wrong with you son Let's Go 1.6 billion HP we got on this bad boy oh we do a decent amount of damage not too bad what the freak oh got to watch out for those Flames got to watch out for those things touch this CS oh that hurts wait how much oh no I think our spinos spine Breakers will get wrecked by this dude I think Zeus is only like 17 this dude will annihilate him although I should try huh oh o o there we go that's not what we want not what we want okay stay close and do the dirty yeah let's go watch those Spike watch those spikes you don't want to be caught in that woo ah freak stop slapping me son and here comes the minions and there and there goes the minions night and night there a kameha Maya oh freak you got me oh freak oh there we go oh we made it out of there this gives us an opportunity to use our spine Breakers let's see see how they do against this thing we'll give them a try [Music] though there we go I don't have a good feeling about this but uh go after him take him down son take him down oh we taking you down with a spinal bro uh never mind I was wrecked it's almost time there we go 100 m it's going down he's going down no F4 is down we got to allow spine breaker spine breaker's gone but there we go one more slice this is for all the spine Breakers yeah there we go good night little one we'll see you in the afterlife see you
Channel: Kamz 25
Views: 206,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, 100 days ark, 100 days Pugnacia, 100 days of ark survival Ascended, ark 100 days, ark Pugnacia 100 days, I Survived 100 Days in Ark Pugnacia, how to beat Pugnacia Mod, ark hardcore Pugnacia, how to beat Pugnacia mod easy, 100 days ark modded, ark how to survive Pugnacia, ark Pugnacia, ark 100 days Pugnacia Mod, ark Pugnacia Mod, ark Pugnacia guide 2023, 100 days to defeat ark Pugnacia, ark 100 days Pugnacia modded, ark 100 days Pugnacia ep1, Kamz25 100 days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 4sec (5884 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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