100 Days but it's a Lucky Block Chunk

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today I'm surviving 100 days on a rainbow chunk made of 100 layers every day that passes unlocks a new layer made of regular blocks or rainbow lucky blocks that give better drops as you descend the chunk our three goals are to craft the ultimate Lucky Block Rainbow Room make a super Beacon and defeat the Ender Dragon on day 100. day one starts now we've got three cows three sheep there's a hundred layer of blocks down there and every five days starting today we have Lucky Blocks these give us okay chicken Spruce planks okay sweet so that's like the intro level Lucky Block you know we actually got some really good stuff for the start of the game but as we go down to day 5 10 15 20 and so on the drops will get a whole lot better now I guess we should still grab these now I'm actually going to go ahead and plant some spruce trees try our best to get seeds and the nice thing about this run is we don't actually have to make all wooden tools because starting out on day one we not only have this layer of grass we also have this layer of cobblestone iron is actually gonna be day two that's massive but look for today day one I can more than make do with just Cobble the shovel hoe ax and pick we can start a really tiny stupid farm and since this is looking a little holy just take a layer we'll fill things in I think next I'd like to get our animals safe and in order so what we'll actually do is just make a hole for now they should all come on in The Other Self out I'm wondering if maybe we can just push the rest of these guys in for now yes the other thing we need is getting dark grab some charcoal and that'll be enough torches for tonight that we can at least like see stuff all right so we've got our animal in there we've got food slowly on the way a bunch of trees cooking up and a full stack of stone tools I would call that a successful day one [Music] and now let's take on day two we can break a cobble and beneath that is going to reveal us the very beautiful the lovely iron should we just go crazy like I don't want to carve out all of this but I do want a lot of iron you know it's a tricky situation you are playing hardcore after all I would just feel really bad if I died because I didn't have armor and I could have had armor but I was being really stupid in particular about how things look get that cooking up we got trees to chip oh we're getting hungry fast feels like we're probably gonna die before this is gonna all grow okay we could get an Apple just wondering maybe we've got like orange sand there's something yellow with like maybe is hay it is hay okay so day three day four day five day 60 70 80 9. okay that really leaves us with one option let's take these seats crazy thing about chickens if you guys know this chickens Drop Eggs which sometimes you know it works um what we'll do though we're gonna have to breed some chickens and and poop and boops we'll claim the iron we'll pop the raw chicken in and then that's gonna be almost full hunger you know there's also still chances we can get apples from this overall though we are really really struggling for food we are gonna have to leave these two wheat seeds down because we need to get more seeds for now the other thing we can do is get our gear the shovel ax we'll do sword but not only that boots leggings chest plates uh uh I am bad at math and we're safe and by the way people always ask how they can play my one chunk worlds and I just wanted to mention that now you finally can I actually just started my own Minecraft server called Nifty MC it's up to you guys always ask for so I figured it was worth mentioning so if you want to play this yourself just check the description for the IP Imports and go play after this video now again this isn't really something that's going to help with Hunger but I mean hey you know Spruce gang it's gonna be three saplings that makes four ladies gentlemen you know what time it is Big honking Spruce Street o'clock you know what I'm saying talking sticks for days anyway I think that is about it for today I'm actually going to do some shearing we can sweep away our insomnia so we won't have any Phantom spawning new day means we've got this stuff stripped oh oh I'm dumb okay I thought this was uh I thought this was a a cavestone for some reason what does that give you Mangrove playing thanks wow that's actually a lot of wood I'm struggling a little bit with what I want the design of our chunk to look like I think maybe like we should just gather the resources while we have the time and you know a lot of wood is is never gonna like hurt us next up let's not sand doesn't sound like sand is it is it uh Sandstone I think orange Sandstone yeah that is uh orange or red sandstone and the day after that is five which means we've got more Lucky Blocks all right we'll toss that we'll float in these new bad boys right here and we'll get that speed I say speed all right so I feel like that's gonna be a pretty cleared out space and I realized as I was clearing this out it's actually the perfect three level thing right because you've got Cobble which is just something you always need iron also something you always need and oh wood yes it's like it's like the three things that you just always need in Minecraft so despite it being a slow process when you only have iron tools that was actually like really useful for us now we could just run this like a normal mic craft video where you know this is a thing and we'll go down and you know tonight we'll we'll do our stuff up here whatever oh speaking of the stuff over here that's two apples you know I'm wondering if we break this and then we actually fill all these spots in so we've got that as just like a totally dark room and what I want to do is get a bunch of hostile mobs to spawn so we're gonna just build up really high right so we slept last night we shouldn't have any worries about Phantom spawning but Hostile Mobs should spawn also while Steve really looks like he's in the spotlight right now he's like glowing it's great it's cool effect right so I don't think we need to wait a whole night for this to finish out you know I'm realizing that this could end up being extremely chaotic I'm almost thinking for a fact this is going to be extremely chaotic oh yeah there it is there it is I hear it that's the thing oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I'm sure nothing else can get up it's the creepers every time we've got a shield we've got a sword got her apples see that yeah yeah okay and then it's just uh three skeletons you know cornered me here um oh there we go that's all you need to do there easy bones were one thing we wanted and you know we have achieved Bones the creeper explosions kind of broke us to the next floor there we are able to break this today this next sand is off the table heal up with rotten flesh sick oh you know just just for the spirit of this challenge I'll just uh try my best to fill that in prior to the whole reason we did that is that I kind of want to get like some stuff growing with uh the bone meal here the thing with this world right is I don't think we can build yeah we can't build outside of it if there is any element that might pop outside of it it just stops it from growing because it sees this as a barrier what I'm getting at is we gotta move this in that's a lot of podzel but but boom other thing I'll do is boom and boom gives us six seeds which will give us one more chicken which means we can take a chicken and oh my gosh I think I need storage yeah that's uh you know it's a start I don't even think I'm gonna finish this whole tree through like that much and get the rest of this iron cooking up hey while we wait for that to cook I'll go ahead and chop up this tree all right so we're going into day five and very low on food are like recurring play that we need to be doing is we get seeds right that's oh my gosh that's not fortunate okay I was hoping we might get like a few seeds out of that do have three wheat though now what we'll do we will actually do cow and then three raw beef that's big all right so we can eat the chicken then one stick beautiful now don't think I forgot that today is a very big day because today we gain access to our second wave of Lucky Blocks we did the red ones and I guess today are like orange lucky blocks so now it kind of makes an animation like you're taking damage but uh I'm sure you no damage is being oh fish and a name tag whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh this is this is massive I wasn't really sure what to expect but like everything is good oh man this is not only big this is just a really cool mod that should be everything dude we've got some loot here copper paper you know the sugar cane that is massive like that is some really helpful day five loot right so I've got ahead got this area all cleaned out uh it's certainly a space you know maybe not these space but but it is a space all right so we're on to day six and that means we can hit this that's fine but more so I'm just excited for the sand tomorrow now last night I got the animals a little more sorted well what it means is we can take apart this little thing right here and I actually think I'd like to spend today just sort of touching this area up like sure the layout of this doesn't matter but I just I don't know I don't want to see it looking terrible so right so we've cleared our ugly looking blocks we can get the rest of our iron cooking up and the question now becomes what do we want this level to look like so we've got a lot of red Sandstone the fact that they call this red Sandstone I don't know it it kind of bothers me how are you gonna tell me that is red but regardless we could do something a little more interesting with this floor I sort of like the idea in keeping with the theme of the rainbow chunk it's like each floor will be part of the rainbow itself you know something like that maybe and then we could keep this red look at this point we're just doing what we can two layers of Windows is just a little too much okay so this is feeling slightly better but I I still think it's just missing something I'm almost wondering if you want to do it like three red three orange and so that just feels like a little more consistent because symmetrical maybe I think that feels a little bit better now I feel like a six level area is pretty rare for us usually we're hitting that four keeping it pretty tight but this is our top layer I feel like we're gonna be here a lot so it's okay to just give us some extra space here we'll certainly have enough room to fit everything in this chunk now this staircase is going to come down and I'll probably keep it going this way so we're gonna need to move our chests a little bit that also reminds me we've hit sand tomorrow is looking like Birch planks oh we got more wheat and seeds means more chickens we've also got enough for another cow which means two more frames which means happy Organization for Pat we got two take full hunger full health feeling spicy all right so we're on to the next day and it looks like this is gonna be more wood for us but oh my gosh I think we have just hit Food Heaven that's looking like a bit of hay okay wow our food problems may be about to be solved and that means we could probably stop murdering our farm animals so the next thing we're gonna do is build a mob grinder and we're gonna do it with nothing but wood we only have a 16 by 16 space to build it we're gonna have to build up and we're gonna need a lot of spruce planks now if we want to do this correctly we can't just do it kind of above this area we're gonna have to go pretty far up all right so we're gonna start with a very small collection tray there we go now this next section is where mobs are going to fall into so they're going to be over here in another structure and then they're going to Target a specific block over here that they want to walk to and they're basically just going to fall down into there the reason we're building everything with stairs is because stairs can't be targeted so the only thing they'll actually be able to Target is these blocks over here now to make that happen we'll also need trap doors all right beautiful we're optimizing our space very well now this platform we're building right here is going to be where the actual mob spawn now again the walls around our spawning platform are going to be stairs now to prevent spiders from spawning we're going to place down some trap doors so second last thing we want to do is just fill this blank space in over here basically the more blocks the mobs have to Target the faster they will fall down into there lastly we fill this in right and so this is going to be a very dark space for lots of mobs to spawn that's gonna be all filled in but I'm still getting like a bit of light coming out of somewhere I move the torch back here I'm hoping that will make it okay so now for this to work really really all that needs to happen is we just kind of need to go away so that mobs can actually spawn on it we did it now I don't know about you guys but that feels like great timing to me because check it out we have access to hey you know what I'm saying we finally have food and not only that but now our food is gonna give us more food now even more exciting than that we have another layer of Lucky Blocks and this is looking like our straight up yellow classic Lucky Block so first hit we have okay we have a wolf an apple I'm just gonna slowly clear this out so ladies and gentlemen here we have a brand new room kind of interesting Vibe we got the sand we got the Birch Plank and this next floor is really sick because it's a sea lantern but obviously what we've come here for what you guys are interested in it's this thing right here giving us Gold's tools okay wheat oh oh we have a villager all right I take back everything I just said oh my gosh I have we're about to have a lot of villagers oh a Wandering villager reminder I am not taking damage it's just um an exciting kind of percussive blast that uh I like about like fireworks you know we got melons now the villagers I don't know about the villagers they they seem to be taking a bit of damage but you know what that's not my problem one thing you guys have been saying is that I lean a little too heavy on villagers So the plan was to not even really like use them unless we absolutely needed to uh what I can do is we can grab all these gold tools and we can actually get this boss furnace going and it'll give us you know a few golden nuggets now with that sort of out of the way we're gonna head on up here and it would seem that this is working exactly as we had hoped so we can swing at these guys they can't see us so they won't swing back and as you can see here we get bone we get Arrow you see what we've got going on here it's just a safer way to actually get some mob drops right foam being the big one you know it's a bit of bone meal bone meal gives a sweet more seeds which is more chickens which is more food and that's obviously not it the other thing we can do is yes that's one dog for us hey there buddy but I do think next up we should really just deal with these villagers I just don't think this is a good floor for them you know this is this is our space we don't want to put them there well it's a space you know that's certainly true I'm gonna have to do this for here to get down to the next floor I really don't want to break all these it's such a great item for building so I I think I kind of just have to leave these be since that doesn't really deal with the Villager question thinking maybe at the very least as just like a temporary space we can put some beds down here and we'll figure out what we're gonna do with this later oh I didn't hit all of these it's actually giving emeralds So speaking of emeralds I think we'll set a soft rule for this challenge so we'll be fine to do whatever we want with villagers we're just not allowed to grind you know because grinding isn't really fun and you know cutting down trees and selling them for emeralds is just a really lame way to get super set up so ironically enough the Only Rule for this video is to have fun so you know what's something we do need we need a barrel that's because barrels make fishermen fishermen give you buckets of cod buckets of cod exists to really just be buckets of water ladies and gentlemen we have water but wait there's more well head on up we will kill a skeleton we'll grab its bones next we will go up one level take the water back place it there and if my calculations are correct we should be able to Boom haha and look at that like this and ladies and gentlemen we now have infinite water which means crops including watermelon now it is also day 12. we've hit day 10 day 11. next up we have okay we're on to Green so on that note I'm actually gonna take a bit of time and we're just gonna patch up this layer a little bit now that certainly feels better but I don't know hey it is a little weird I think what we'll do is we will also remove this layer oh my gosh why are we starting to look like a 2005 McDonald's and then the other problem we're kind of facing here is it's a little tight on the head now I have a theory you see what I'd like to do but yeah sure we can keep the sand but just raise this up a little bit problem is it was just gonna be so much work and I don't even know if I want to keep the floor as is oh gosh that just feels so much better I can breathe okay this is really off topic what if we make two campfires we head on up right so we clear this all out now we take the campfire replace it put that there and look at that it's gonna take damage wait for this and look at that did this just become automatic anyway back to this area here our next section is lime green wool but anyway back to this I I'm struggling a little bit we just want to make things look good all right well I think this is just gonna be a grind and there's not really anything we can do about it oh yeah don't worry guys this is uh this is going real great planks down and consider this place sand next we just make a bunch of birch slobs that is what we want to do yes there we go okay all right so that'll be one ceiling now the question is do we want a sand floor like I don't know but yeah maybe it feels a little lame but at the same time like who does that who makes a sand floor you know it's different and I like that is it gonna be annoying yes probably a little bit but we're gonna deal with it we're gonna do it excellent it looks exactly exactly now I've had a little bit of this growing up here I was thinking it might be kind of cool to just set some of that up in the corner you know just keep this Vibe going but see now at the very least this is half a slab higher and I feel slightly less claustrophobic was it worth it I really don't know anyway we have made it another day and actually pretty excited this time it looks like we've got uh some copper and then tomorrow we've got some new lucky blocks now in other news this has made nothing am I doing something wrong uh oh wait a second I know what just happened now there's light getting up into there and nothing is spawning right so yeah that isn't gonna work unfortunately now there are other ways we could get this to work and the thing that's gonna make the most sense to me is just go lower oh my gosh he's so easy hmm oh my gosh there's something about when I come up here they seem to really start dropping okay so it is kind of working it might not be perfect but it takes zero effort from us to to operate and you know what's that like five bones that's another wolf tamed we'll just let the build cook and if it needs any adjustments we'll get to it now on to more important things hey hey we have here Frog Light chain some of these are duds what was that oh candles okay so the thing I am appreciating about this is there's a lot of items that would be very hard to get otherwise or you know they're just things like I wouldn't bother to get oh hi there all right well as always I'm gonna clear this room out okay that is gonna be everything so this floor has a lot more stuff Shall We Begin okay I just realized um wow I don't take damage from that it does hurt the armor so let's go ahead and break this without there we go oh oh cauldron nice oh my goodness so many parrots all right so that was uh that was okay oh my gosh there are so many parrots now on the bright side we're never going to need torches for light again and in other news armor no a bow however and that will be just a little bit of supplementary iron or certainly not oat but you know we want to keep our stores high things are coming along very nicely oh whoa okay so you know how I was all like I don't think those lucky blocks are doing anything well you see I just jumped over this and I was not really thinking anything other than I was like wait a second what's going on here we have jump boost we have strength boost we have luck I don't know what that is we have speed and that's for the next 200 hours a hundred days is like 30 hours so guys we don't need a beacon this is amazing this is actually incredible so once again we have a new day and that means we can mine some dark prismarine you know I really like the colors but at the same time it kind of feels like it's in the wrong order here's what we're gonna do first we're gonna break all this wool and next we're gonna break this entire wall we're gonna put the oxidized copper on this level you see what we're doing and then the lime goes here okay I just got an even better idea if we were to break this it's gonna make the ceiling like cut right it kind of looks like the bottom layer here and then this is gonna give us light yeah you know this is gonna be a little bit more work a lot of more blocks to break but honestly dude we are slowly building some really funky rooms and I am all for this come on how cool does that look we don't even need torches torches are stupid because we got this sick light up ceiling oh now in other news this is actually working like it's not great but it is actually working we're gonna go ahead and just get this growing up a bit now the idea here is we're actually after seeds another round I'm actually gonna try to tame some some of these parrots all right let's start with the green guy did that work oh my gosh it did you're coming down to the Green Room we're gonna color coordinate our parrots and that's gonna make three I don't have enough seeds for this Betty yeah we'll come back to this and in other news this is gonna be day so oh my God okay well you know how I said that whole thing about like not wanting to grind for emeralds yeah we're uh We're not gonna have to grind for emeralds this video okay so day 18. it's gonna be a big day now if we're about to come into some generational wealth we should probably get these guys organized probably gonna need a whole stack we'll just make a bunch of fences and now we just need to trap someone easy I think I'd pretty much just do this a whole bunch I guess I don't know what I want these guys to all be well we're definitely gonna want a librarian and then we grab sugarcane three books bookshelf and there's our lectern so for now I guess we just do this again we're also gonna want a butcher a farmer and a Fletcher oh wow I am really overwhelmed I really think we need to try to get project parrot at least a little under control four bones okay that's not very much okay I'm realizing like this is gonna be a long project we got six seeds from that that is enough for one parrot Now ladies and gentlemen today is the day we've been waiting for because check this out today is the day that we get emerald blocks you know not just emerald ore no no no the Gabe really wanted to treat us for all the hard work we've done so far and they were like yeah you know what here uh we're just gonna give you infinite wealth oh my gosh that is over a stack of emeralds right there regardless of what we want to do we should probably get started on this this is going to take a while wow oh my gosh I forgot how long it takes to mime a single piece of emerald block uh you know 20 this is probably enough for now right you know maybe we should just tackle this on like I need the emerald basis I definitely don't need any more emeralds now the one thing I would like to buy today is rabbit stew and the purpose of this is so that we can level this guy up and actually buy cooked chicken now we won't have to worry about food and the cows are safe except wait no they're they're not still I need leather so sorry guys now next up I think we think we take a bit of a change in Direction this top layer looks really bad there is no Beauty there is no passion it's just real meh what we'll do is break this fill it up with dirt for now but that's subject to change we'll take all of this stuff we need another bucket and this is actually just gonna get filled in now next I'm just wondering if it would be possible to get all the chickens into here right what if we just did this and then to get these back in here we just grab wheat that's easy enough and then we can take this in one row next up I actually want grass not puzzle top of a chunk is now a little better looking the next thing we actually want to do is build a small house I think what I want to do like we're just gonna make a tiny small not really usable house up here other great thing about this idea is we are really low on dirt and and we can actually just go ahead and fill this in with planks let's see what we got going on here so we'll just put this here and that should hopefully be in the right spot I'm just not really sure about the rest of this I like glass you know I'm a bit of a sucker for class we can't get glass from a librarian it does red sand make glass okay so maybe we'll just try glass paints yeah sure not gonna pain myself over this too much glasses up and there it's just like our cute Decorative Home yeah I'm thinking on this side we can go ahead with the farm but we'll do a few melons I have our flowers off those bad boys down oh that doesn't look very good okay how about that a little better you know we could also just not have a door just do that what about this just in the front oh that looks kind of looks stupid too dang it okay that feels just a little bit better I don't know there's something about it popping out with the door that just it it doesn't look quite as stupid oh it is day 20. we have day 19 and oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen there it is our day 20 Lucky Block giving us cakes a trident oh eight tridents why does it say eight I'm so confused that is a trident okay whoa whoa what it just spawned a ship in here if I had it in here I would be so upset but that is sick I really hope it doesn't do this like eight times and then it's just a giant terrible structure of wood let's see what happens okay so let's see what else we've got another eight stack I've tried so I've realized when you try to put this back down it just does this I'm just gonna make a chest and it's gonna be our chest of tridents all right well we'll clear this out and hit the rest of it this boat is really just uh not even obeying the laws of the challenge it just decided it wanted to go out of the map and well it it did okay well we can break the chat okay and then there's just nothing in the chest okay oh my gosh okay the ship didn't just do that room there's just a boat on on the side of her chunk I don't know if there's anything I can do about this I mean I think it just is what it is you know this is just a boat here now okay oh diamonds that is our first diamond City in okay we're gonna be able to go to the nether maybe another Diamond Cactus emeralds diamonds Golden Apple oh my gosh oh my gosh that is a what what that is instant game over oh my gosh feeling very grateful for these tridents right now why would you do such a thing oh my God oh my dude why why is that a thing okay well shout out to the Trident which is gonna have to be really careful all right and that is the floor we will definitely never run out of these we have got a bit of stuff to get rid of we got like almost 100 buckets in here that's that's nice oh and we also got obsidian yes we do have Flint there is this flint and steel which means we can technically go to the nether I mean does this gear scream never ready no it doesn't right we'll table that event for another day do you have five diamonds yeah that's actually perfect we can do a pickaxe we can take for obsidian a bit of paper one cow book and that is an enchanting table now we don't we don't have lapis so it's not like we can enchant anything yet but you know just another thing that we can table for now something has happened I have lost my cool abilities I'm wondering if drinking milk would have done that but I know milk gets rid of your bad abilities maybe it just clears everything well no worries I think we need to sort of tame this whole stuff we got going on here so thought process is like am I really just gonna remove this this ship out of there no I'm not we're gonna leave it it's cool it's it's different it's random it's funny I kind of like it I don't like about it is this I I don't like there's just random wood in the middle of the rest of our base that's really annoying get rid of all of this we've just got a ship on the side of our house I actually like how this is I like the Moss at the bottom of the green world the question is do I want to tackle this right now right so if we got blaze rods we could make a brewing stand which would give us a cleric who would sell us lapis we could then get a librarian well we already have one but this guy right here I mean he's he's gonna sell us books that we can enchant and then after all that work we get these Emerald blocks which I'm realizing we just lost some because of this you know what it doesn't matter it's fine there's a lot of emerald here look we're gonna need enchantments eventually we're also gonna need a brewing stand eventually so I think this is a great plan so let's actually do this up here boom uh not yet do a new helmet sure we've got some building blocks take out the apples just need to get this guy leveled up this way we can save our string to get a bow there we go I also need a sword ladies and gentlemen to the nether oh it's a chunk I didn't even know oh this is kind of dangerous oh two kills no blaze rod oh there it is get me out of here get me out of here get off feet get off me oh no it's gone through oh there it is actually that's fine that's an easy kill oh do it yeah you're dead you know what that is a threat sorry buddy well that was hectic but hey on the bright side check this out we got the brewing stand which gives us the cleric that's gonna allow us to access lapis and now we just need to figure out our librarian situation which not quite as easy as you'd think right we want to make sure we're taking proper advantage of this guy we need to like get the right book okay and now we gotta do the lectern placing thing a cheap efficiency four you have just changed everything by a bookshelf I will smash the bookshelf and I will buy efficiency 4. you can go back in your spot now we gotta sacrifice a bit of iron it's kind of unfortunate because we're getting low but I mean obviously if you want to run a game of Minecraft you're gonna need an anvil so we'll take our diamond pick and do we just throw down efficiency wait no we could just buy some more bookshelves and then we can enchant I don't know about it enchanting room here I think let's just try somewhere else enchanting room on the ship like the sneaky enchanting table on the boat in the middle of our chunk I don't know it might be silly but we'll leave it here for now I'm breaking three that's exactly what I wanted wow oh see the only thing that's gonna be annoying about this is that I have to come up here for the Anvil okay maybe not I know this is a waste of wood but we keep the books that's really the rare item we need and I don't know this has been an odd chunk to deal with well look for now we're gonna throw on the efficiency and that is like a beautiful pickaxe in doing so we can now come down here oh oh it's like butter you know what that wasn't even that much work and this is just so worth it alright so that's feeling a little better I'm liking the general Vibe of this floor as well should we just remove the Cobble too you know it's like as much as I'm all for the boat being a giant meme it's really in the way down here I'm also suddenly not loving the ceiling okay first thing I think I gotta do is at the very least I just need to like remove this bottom layer of the boat this looks terrible first of all we need to fill these bottom layers in you know I don't know if we're gonna have emerald block as a decoration at all but I just don't think this is where I want it so I'd rather collect it and then we can put it somewhere when we have an actual use for it okay yeah I'm starting to feel better about this I can't like build off the side of here but because more blocks were added outside the world I can actually build on top of these blocks there's just some things like I can't build on about this whole boat thing I'm gonna do this Top Lane air up with green concrete see the thing is I like the boat up here I think it's funny but we only have so much space to live our life on this chunk I just don't know if I could sacrifice one of my entire topmost floors for the meme before I tackle this I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to see if the next round of Lucky Blocks gives us diamonds haven't really been keeping up with this uh this is day 21. this is day 22 under that blue 23 24. man those blocks look good though just gotta figure out this next set of stairs what of these blocks can be turned into stairs you know you know it's kind of gonna like just lead itself almost somehow back into blue actually like that a lot and then with our last two pieces of prismarine that can go there and it's kind of like the tree you know what I'm saying it's it's thought that the island is definitely keeping its rainbow design I'm just not sure if I would say it feels exactly perfect right because you've got red and orange and that's so consistent and then it's like it it just feels like a McDonald's from the 2000s even worse you know is you get past this and it's like blue and you're like okay that's kind of weird because yellow doesn't really turn into blue it turns into like a lime green well then you kind of do get to the blue right but but then then it's green but but see then it's actually blue this isn't a rainbow at all okay I know one simple change would be if we just swapped all the exterior sand out with red sand listen this is gonna be a project but I must do it this still looks kind of terrible sure but it is done and we can fix it up as we wish before I get to that right we're sitting on day 25 now which means we've got that is a beacon for for Day 26 not just a beacon but I think that is a floor of beacons oh priorities look we're gonna get back to this we're definitely gonna chop up that but first come on we got we got some we got some lucky block actually yeah we got some digging to do this is probably gonna take all day okay guys are you ready for this you ready to see how sick this room looks I don't know about you guys but this is my favorite looking room so far I recognize it is going to be slightly less cool when we remove all these and you know we just have a beacon floor gosh don't you just hate it when when your floor is just made out of beacons it just looks great you never know there could be a charge creeper although this blows up and I don't die it still destroys like the entire chunk come on come on that's two on the right ah parrot what's up nerd all right hopefully that's the only one cake for our Victory what is this place why does it suck oh hey Pig copper obsidian it's like Golden Apple that's good am I being ungrateful here I just feel like oh oh oh I don't like that I do not like that uh sorry parrot that there's so many of you it's fine I just don't want poison I am poisoned okay to the top oh okay A bit of a squad got emeralds Iron Pig actually that's great we wanted a second Pig oh my God we got more zombies oh there's a diamond this is gonna take like a day just to get through this [Music] oh that'd be kind of sweet it's like 30 iron basically um so I think I just triggered a raid the thing that I I don't understand where did they spawn oh yeah I see movement up there oh my gosh this is terrible I cannot deal with a seven wave raid right now I am dead so I think what's happened is they've spawned up there a few must have fallen off like as long as they just stay up there like we have some time to deal with this right wow oh no okay they are falling off here's what we need the first thing we need is we need to block off spawning floors and we also need to protect our villagers maybe something like this should should realistically be enough the next issue is obviously I've been wearing my armor through breaking all that stuff everything is totally busted we need Diamond gear listen I said I was not gonna rely on the emeralds for this run guys but again if that ends look we are not in a good situation right now I think I hate the lucky blocks I think the lucky blocks have brought me more issue at least this time around than they have brought benefits okay I'm complaining I need to get on this oh my gosh I know what we're gonna do I know what we're gonna do okay I'm in panic mode right now I need to calm down but we gotta move quick see this Beacon yeah we're gonna we're gonna take that Beacon and you see this Beacon right here see this guy see this guy right here we're gonna take this Beacon and you see this one right here this is the third Beacon yeah we're gonna take that I think we need four special also appreciation post for the fact that that's even there because I don't know where they would have spawned otherwise we need to put this in a spot where it goes to the ceiling I think that's gonna be here oh oh that's not good that's two guys left okay if I can have a beacon give me like strength regen I think we should be okay oh that's one left oh my God oh my God I'm not acting quick enough I mean there's a chance the next one spawns up there too but I just I don't know if we're gonna get lucky twice wait do I even have enough I don't have enough do I okay I mean we're gonna be able to get it's some kind of Beacon up it might just not be a full Beacon it just can't get regen okay okay that's fine uh there's still a chance there's still a chance it's gonna be 20. I still don't think it's enough oh it is it is enough oh my gosh we have 17 and we need 16. yes okay I'm just gonna have to I'm just gonna have to block I've Emerald it and let's see here we're gonna go okay regen with jump boost one strength two the big one is gonna be resistance two I don't need speed boost so maybe haste too so now we need armor it's the beacon or or armor it's not both and honestly regen is so clutch I think it has to be the beacon we only got three diamonds from that like oh man maybe because there was like a bunch of guys up there they were kind of pushing each other off and now that there's only one it seems like this guy is not you know committing the big No-No is there a chance we're good for now one way or another we are gonna have to deal with this raid but the longer we can hold it off the better right I really didn't want to have to resort to Sticks but I need emeralds I need this guy I need leggings it's just not even close to enough you know let's head on down we've got another day here so the question is why what comes after Beacon and is it anything that could potentially save us look I don't script these videos but if I did I don't think I could have written a better moment than that we got the raid dropping on us and as soon as that happens we got access to beacons and tomorrow we have access to Diamonds gosh this is gonna take a long time to break all these and I definitely don't think I need a floor made of beacons let's see what the plan is with that but you know I'm probably getting too ahead of myself I don't think design is currently our main focus all right so it's been basically the full day and I don't think that guy's falling you know we got to be wary of it but I I think we're gonna be okay you know as you can see we still obviously have uh mobs falling to their death so we gotta keep capitalizing on that all right so I think we can roll ourselves back from Defcon one we're still at a very high Threat Level but I think it's rolled back from like imminent threat of death now despite that we need to get some diamonds so I think the safest thing to do would be to just sleep tonight you know this way we mitigate like eight minutes of that guy potentially falling and now we have access to Diamonds the problem I just realized it's a little too late maybe but I just realized we absolutely need to hit this with fortune and that means I need another lectern is there anywhere these guys can run that's like gonna have them not freaking out because these guys are not freaking out oh come on just get it just how the heck am I supposed to get Fortune with this dude running around like this he's gonna run in here and boom now the question is will he take the he will take the job okay sick just a little more fidgety not even really all right excellent look this is like short-term risk for long-term gain from getting all those diamonds I personally think it's worth it okay oh my God that's so cheap dude this man is a legend this guy will give us the necessary emeralds thank you so so so much that is a pickaxe to the diamonds we go ladies and gentlemen this is about to feel really good oh no our first two hits were both one come on there it is there it is there it is beautiful that's what we were looking for okay I want this to be as satisfying as possible for you guys but there's also a part of me that's wondering if maybe we shouldn't break it all just yet I then again I don't really know what I would be holding on to force so cue the the the the cool block breaking thing okay wow that was satisfying and we now have 100 Diamonds oh man it feels good so we don't have to worry about these Shenanigans for now instead we can just make diamond gear beautiful and can we enchant this diamond gear 20 levels is not much okay for now Protection One Protection One protection two and protection two not the best but also certainly not the worst oh and while we're here that's right ladies and gentlemen we got that full diamond gear and we'll Chuck efficiency one on oh wait ah no that's fine we don't even have emeralds to buy efficiency for now as I promised I said once we get the diamond ax we would go ahead and take this down I'm gonna be honest I don't like this thing it's just it's just it's it's cramping my video and uh it's it's time that this it just it's gone look I don't want to build outside this world that's part of the challenge is we only have a 16 by 16 space to build and you know it's just it's taken away away from The Challenge so tonight this thing is going down so at the risk of getting 1800 comments about this I don't know what this is I I don't want to look it up I don't know how to move it look it's gonna be there for the playthrough it's not a big deal just just you know this one too anyway let's get back to Breaking this ship alright so that was easy enough and now we are simply Facebook 's problem of having a giant gaping hole in the middle of our base part of me is wondering like hey would it just make sense to to scrap this floor you know like if we were to just wait the right is gone okay I definitely still hear him but it would seem as though the raid is no longer active finally it's fully get back to the good stuff which is of course just making our chunk look cool look I don't know exactly what the purpose of anything is gonna be here yet but creatively it does feel like an overall Improvement now for the other thing I promised you guys is I said I was going to somehow fix this really the greater purpose is just making sure it's a cohesive rainbow the issue with this is it just kind of feels like orange into orange and yeah I like that the texture changes feels inconsistent is maybe even like this we just there's a lot of stuff we got to do here honestly I kind of just hate this four like there's just nothing I like about it nothing looks good I know I haven't really put a lot of effort into making it look good uh I think if we want to put a good effort into this we're gonna need to move the villagers the last thing we need is actually silk touch thank you sir I'll make another pickaxe and this can just be the silk touch one and now we'll finally be able to clean up this floor look we're just we're dismantling this whole thing I I need a fresh start as much as I love this floor it's just like it's not in the right order and it's really bothering me like look if we're doing Rainbow we gotta do it right now we have to break all these this is gonna take a while but at least now we can actually get them and not just break them so that is gonna be one successful wow that is a lot of space probably get some torches in here this is actually really good right because what we've got is red and then orange and from there it's gonna turn into like the green yellow right so we've given ourselves like one two three four five blocks to go from Orange to lime green oh I forgot about the hey such a perfect block because it has like the hints of the orange in it this level will in fact stay yellow right so I've actually gone ahead and changed my mind we're gonna go with two layers of the orange and then we're gonna finish this okay and then sand on top I'm a piece of hay and boom all right you see you see what I mean now like it's not perfect still but it's giving us a much more consistent color down oh it's also day 31 I'm kind of getting behind myself so we have this we have the prismarine there's the 30 Block wait 31 okay yeah Emerald like what why why would you do that lapis oh that's our day 31 nice like I'm kind of starting to hate these Lucky Blocks I feel like they're almost like more detriment than than luck but I'm wondering even with silk touch I can't oh I think I have to take back what I just said wait also you still get the drop if you oh that feels kind of greasy I'm gonna have to do some reassessing before we take this down I don't want to lose all my diamond like that's so annoying we're just gonna leave that we'll continue dealing with everything we've got going on up here dang nothing right ain't good that's so sick so I feel like things are starting to look pretty consistent the problem is we go from lime green to like this turquoise blue and then into the green this should be after these colors to transition into the lighter blues that means we gotta break all this that's cleared oh yeah this is just a complete reassembly come after that it would be like this right see I feel silly now placing all this when we're just taking it back down wow this is coming along well here this actually makes a lot more sense because it's got like lighter and darker Greens in it then it's the green concrete followed by the green terracotta now we have one two three four spaces to fill what about the Green Frog Light into the sea lantern into the that yeah oh that looks pretty good especially from like an outside perspective that is looking really nice now we'll get to building floors in a little bit for now let's just deal with this so guys annoying as it is I I think we're gonna have to take some time and just do some some Shenanigans and some some fixing see my biggest fear is that explosion broke those diamonds uh I I'm not letting any more diamonds get broken so first thing we're gonna need to do let's go all right let's play a game take a guess at how many diamonds we just got I'm gonna say six Stacks so like 380 diamonds if I'm closer than you you must subscribe and the actual total is 328. uh 328. because what I meant was 379. nice actually though in all seriousness uh we're just gonna break all of this because the more diamonds that are exposed well the higher chances that we are going to lose diamonds like we did tell you what though just in case we need a Decorative Touch somewhere we're gonna take all this ore and at the very least that should make for a cool window section or something like that nice now we just have this crazy floor before we get to that I'm just gonna put our diamonds away that is a beautiful sight yeah the other question I'm wondering is whether it will destroy the beacons yeah it will won't it oh this is gonna be so slow all right this is gonna be an overnight project the next day ladies and gentlemen through the power of editing we are back and we have all our beacons broken so that should guarantee all our precious blocks safe except not because now we have to dig down you see this stuff right here that's block of lapis smoothly not sacrificing these blocks of lapis lazuli well obviously this has proved itself to be oh my gosh wow okay that's insane but anyway danger lurks within here day 30 31 uh actually you know 32 33 is water oh I wonder if the water would actually absorb the the breakage probably would so that's gonna be the furthest we have to dig down at least this is actually going to be a lot more complicated than I had hoped because like we want to get and do the double the double right we can't break it like this because then we're breaking those but like this you see ah I guess this isn't the worst thing ever so there's first layer down it's looking like ice is actually the next layer so we're just gonna run through get all this lapis out oh man this is so weird I guess we can just take this one step at a time did that land on me dude some of these layers are are like oh to get me oh the other thing I wanted to try was this because you actually get the block now I know what everyone's about to think right I could just do that and then break it oh okay nice I'm glad it's like that in the gate code it's called light blue stained glass I actually want to break it like this because I I want this as like a decorative item like I think that this could look really cool in our layers getting some spicy items here oh oh actually this guy needs to die real fast we gotta kill this guy dude the water's actually making this super safe for us oh we're not even done this one and we're on day 35 now and there's another round of Lucky Blocks that we have to go ahead all right we really got to get through this oh oh another piece of netherrite let's go piece of netherite scrap this is actually starting to become like a a bit of a tedious process now I'm doing this without armor which I I recognize is a little risky but you know I at the same time I just I hate that it hurts our armor so I think it's generally worth the risk all right so that's gonna be everything Odd as it is but I guess I'm grateful we actually didn't have any more explosions so good we got a whole bunch of light blue stained glass we have oh so close three now the right scrap but two netherride ingots you know side note I find it funny that we now have as many netherite ingots as we have gold kind of a weird game design but you know it is what it is but yeah that's it now in other news we are just like really far behind this is day 30 so 31 32 33 34 and there is our 35 which we are actually on to day 36. we're really getting behind here oh right and then it's ice and it's water what we'll have to do is go down to our 36 layer oh boy we got some break into dude do this is gonna be a bit of an interesting excavation I'm not sure if I'm even really ready for it I think it's going to make more sense if we wait till this day so I think what I'm gonna do today is really just spend some time organizing our stuff better right so that took a little bit longer than expected but we're feeling much better now sorted a lot of this stuff out and the main thing I did was I just set it up so that we have one giant row with like all our rainbow blocks in it on the bright side we can now tackle this and the day after is looking like crying obsidian that's probably gonna have to become a roof so we're gonna go ahead start breaking this purple and you know I'm realizing we're really just back to where we were a few days ago so I'll just like snap my finger and all of this will be gone ready and done this is gonna look sick but first we unfortunately have to tackle these things right oh my god let's go I said unfortunately oh hi there I don't know if I love this so maybe unfortunately this is like becoming a very big process I just gotta grind you know right now I just gotta not get killed by the charge creeper it's just I guess there's just a charge creeper on every single one of these now I'm being smart with this right ah it happened just incredibly rude you know the inconsideracies of these Lucky Blocks whoa what the what the heck is going on it's a cow sheep chicken Tower wow the blocks are cleared the question is now how do we deal with this giant hole of course we could just deal with it you know but I have another thought we could completely break all the ice and then water would just be pouring down and it would be like a giant aquarium the aesthetic would be cooler and it would also be easier for us so if we really want to get this to work we're gonna have to be at least a little bit particular so we've got our staircase I'm gonna get a bit of sand cooking up how I plan for this to work is we're gonna use glass panes right so this is good right like we can continue our descent on down next I went ahead and I've filled in all this purpur and now once again we just have to break a whole bunch of blocks right so something like that you hop down here and I don't know you've kind of got like a bit of an aquarium going on perhaps an even better idea you can actually break all this and we can take all our prismarine right so we basically just taken this layer down to here and we're probably gonna have to do some color rearranging so go ahead and grab all this there we go we've got a lot of colors to fill in here but for the most part this is few feeling really nice all right there's our j38 oh 39. I honestly can't believe we're back to another day of Lucky Blocks I feel like we just got through this one I think we need to just hold off on this for a sec now see we need to take some time and just start tending to our things I'm really liking this giant room there's just something that's so like freeing about it so rather than first split this room up into I actually want to tackle this floor and so that means we need to decide what this is gonna look like from there it's kind of blending into the concrete all right we want to go from this town to Blue I've got a plan here thought about this and I've thought about this there's a lot of blue cyan to go from here to there and nothing really looks good so here's what I'm actually thinking we're gonna go with a wall of lapis right because I just need to remind you like this is just the floor this is not exterior the exterior is water like if we grab a theater shot it's gonna make a lot more sense I'm thinking that's and then one more wall you know what not even actually no I actually just kind of want to keep this as like an open space I have to do a little bit of filling in there something kind of like this right now the other thing I'm kind of struggling with a little bit is check out this armor right like when we're breaking these Lucky Blocks you know we gotta keep it on now because there's so many hostile mobs but it is wearing down our armor I guess we are in fact out of new villagers so the proposition that I'm gonna lay out I gotta get some more beds down next we can take some wheat two more beds we'll make it so that we can get two new villagers and there we go we'll have some new villagers in like a day or so anyway once these guys grow up we'll be able to get another librarian and we can get mending on this gear to obviously make it better and I do have 31 levels and I do have a bit of leather and more importantly I do have a bit of emeralds that's enough for one bookshelf you could scoop up a few more that would put us at a total of 11. however over with these blocks of emerald that will make 15. and now I wonder if I were to just let's say I don't know make another Diamond chess plate what might we get okay however another role is gonna give us protection four so I mean like hey that's not so bad getting a little spiced up now the other thing I'm thinking about this floor is like if it's gonna be a villager area Moss just doesn't feel good but honestly I'm kind of just leading like something really simple like some Spruce slabs this is fortunately a super quick excavation not sure if I'm in love with this you know what would actually be crazy if I completely redid this instead we made the floor just a half slab high this is a space where Iron Golems will not spawn don't think they're gonna spawn down there also I don't know how this guy got up here but regardless I don't think they're gonna spawn up here either and so basically what that means this is a prime spot to start an iron farm I don't know who this guy thinks he is he's certainly not going to be a Mason this is going to be our mending lot and that'll be one mending right so throw down mending on our chest plate anyway with all that done I think it's time we finally tackle the purple floor so let's just let's just take a swing at it Emerald we got a sword we got a charge creeper there it is okay can I deal with this quickly get that one out of the way beautiful that's a dragon head okay that's two pigs you know what I think we need to save the pigs there it is one potato I keep having pigs spawned and I have yet to save any of them it's really just quite terrible of me so let's bring these guys to safety now I do realize that this is going to be a bit of a tricky section because we've got like a big room we've got our little uh aquarium but then it's gonna be kind of like purple into not purple so I guess what we'll probably be doing is breaking this and I guess this as well cool so we're on to the red section but before we can really finish that we kind of gotta tackle purple hmm I wonder if brick stares man that's pretty clean like I love just extracting these blocks see and then I get one of those and it's like ah fine you know we gotta at least tackle it a little bit also I feel like more and more we're getting Hmm this is why I didn't want to do this why would you just make an explosion I'm trying to keep things symmetrical I'm trying to you know make things look nice and then you just blow it up I think I might just skip purple like I love how this looks I think it looks amazing we got our netherite Ingot it's just gonna be more explosions more fighting stuff more not having a good time like so far like look at this Hall here there's what diamonds one another right naked and the rest is not good the rest is nothing that we need so look I just think the play that we should make for us there it is that's it okay so happy with how we've tackled that and see now we're gonna give us more time to focus on the actual Island itself in other news that takes us to four netherride ingots and you know if I'm being honest the first thing I'm looking at that I just don't really like look you can't blame me for trying to keep this simple but I don't know the spruce it's just not really screaming Rainbow dude like it works up here because it kind of goes with the whole like warm color aesthetic so we are going to basically just continue with that there we go now the question that I'm wondering is where this Golem is spawning it is almost morning so I'm actually just gonna stand here and wait for the villagers to wake up and pretty shortly after that another Iron Golem should spawn they are up a few moments later okay now that I'm watching of course there's no Golem spawning keeping my eye on these guys but I gotta make sure it's not up here maybe it was one of those two blocks I had in the middle all right I think that means we can start this we've got the water for this project the thing that we need actually however is lava it's been a while since we've been up here gonna have to be a little careful because I don't have the power of my beacon yeah this is uh not so safe is it looks like I'm already on fire right so here's some lava I think I'll just get myself out of here don't mind me oh my gosh oh my oh my gosh they're gonna set this on fire no see you're gonna light stuff on fire get out of here alrighty so we're getting some Stone cooking up system brick and then walls all right so we're going for that really simple design on this one this might be a little too high and I'm scared that this is gonna burn all right yeah let's let's try this a little bit lower so there it is just a simple yet effective Golem killer the question is now can we actually get a Golem to spawn up here because for whatever reason it just seems like they don't even want to spawn now anyway it is fine for now at the end of the day like I just I wanted this to be more of a passive Farm than like actually you know activating villagers to get scared and all that nonsense obviously things are a little more complicated when you're on a single chunk I'm just gonna give it some time hope that maybe they change their tune and we'll come back to it we have day 44. and ladies and gentlemen look at that spicy red that is going to be our oh my gosh that is making it worth it I mean kind of like on one hand we just got an elytra but the question that we're gonna have to ask ourselves in a world where you only have one chunk how much value do you actually get out of an elytra like okay sure that actually looks sick and you know to be fair we could do some inspecting I suppose like we've got the purple we've got the Red Blocks we see copper gold coming up iron coming up I don't want to spoil everything but you know there's a bit of a teaser safely Park ourselves right in there but like beyond that what else can we actually do with our elytra you know I guess it's good for just getting to the top of the base quickly you know like if I'm up here I know I want to get kind of down here that is of use I will say that is certainly time saving yeah I think we could be content with that anyway I think we should definitely do at least a bit of clearing with these blocks you know like once again consistently there's another right Ingot we just lost our Beacon effects that is 50 blocks down dang also this is just turned into basically nothing but Lucky Blocks I really just wanted oh I see it do you guys see it I see it oh what totem of undying ladies and gentlemen now what I was trying to say was I want to start building up my collection of these varying pieces of of Lucky Block anyway guys we've got a lot of clearing to do I don't want to keep showing it so I think we'll just skip ahead all right so just to give you guys a little update we did have an explosion but we are through pretty much all the lucky blocks I want to break anyway now I'm thinking we continue the trend of like pretty high ceilings so next up what I want to do is actually clear out these pumpkins oh but what we'll do is we will yeah okay all right so that's gonna be another cleared room in other news we're up to five netherride ingots and seven pieces of netherite scrap Now 46 were the pumpkins but on to 47. we've actually got waxed copper block which should be pretty hype it almost feels like we're coming around to a Full Circle where we started with red then orange and red and now into orange and in other news it's looking like no sign of an iron golem wow you know just to make sure that I haven't like completely busted it I'm just gonna like make a spot where it's for sure guaranteed should be able to spawn anyway my gear has taken a beating as you can tell I think it's the time we uh make some improvements so if we want to do some enchanting we're actually gonna need to get some levels so that means we're unfortunately going to have to revert to the stick method oh actually that really didn't do a whole lot did it all right you know what's probably for the best tell you what I know another way how does a guy get levels around here I've got all this stuff and I can hardly even get to level 30. I have 200 beacons and I can't even get to level 30. I think we're gonna have to make a farm you know what no this is probably for the best right I'm not gonna lean on the stick trade we're gonna have to actually do something different for once challenge ourselves before I go in I will just make myself a helmet so honestly I I really don't know if this is gonna work totally winging it that's right this is super dangerous area okay I'm getting the vibe that this is not another waste this is Crimson Forest here's my initial plan we've got this this is gonna go up that is actually perfect I'm just gonna pop out of here for a sec Beacon where you at there it is lean on this Beacon while we have it I wanna oh basically close this off okay so this is a close space we can crawl down here all right so we've got a little like containment chamber here basically and what my plan is I just want to clear this entire space so that like it'll give a bunch of mobs the chance to spawn okay well that really didn't do a whole lot huh okay now there's our Blaze spawner basically my question is is there a way that we can consistently get the mobs to fall into this little hole that I've created see what I've got going on here it seems to be collecting actually a lot of Blaze but that's like it wait is the XP not gonna come through this hole I almost have to like bow through and yeah I don't think I'm gonna be getting the XP really well it's definitely spotting a lot of Blaze yeah I mean that didn't really work oh gosh oh gosh there's nothing else falling into this now there's our level 30. well I think we could call that a mild success definitely not productive however blast protection fire protection you know it's not something I normally go for but given the amount of charged creepers we are having to deal with I think it actually makes sense for this run so look that was like a day to get one single enchantment obviously not not the best way to gain levels but I think in the head we did make forward progress so I can't really complain no I do have a bit of an inquiry with this armorer here I was hoping he actually might want to buy buckets of lava or diamonds but it seems like he's just gonna want this stuff regardless I will get the level up projectile protection protection two I mean not bad but nothing that we actually really need just for the sanity of you guys pop these in here take all these them up in this chest as well all right I'm gonna grab this now I'm gonna also put this down here next I'm gonna take like 28 Stacks I'm gonna replace the saw player fill it back with diamonds and I'm just gonna you know like try to see what else is out there now we have someone who will buy iron but the problem is still that we just can't get iron golem to spawn at at all anymore I just I don't know what happened I'm gonna try something we're gonna let three guys head up we'll just see what happens here let's even Place some hay down on this send me a zombie hey buddy if there is a possibility that one can spawn it will spawn and it's just not spawning I just had an idea we had the ship on this floor right oh no no I did break everything except for the one piece of something I was unable to break okay it all comes together on day 50. a single block for a single iron golem to stop any other Iron Golems from spawning and ruin my plan alrighty I'm Gonna Fill This back in we just got a do that okay there we go now we can make slight profit off of iron and more importantly we now just have a passive source of iron I think I'm gonna retire These Boots breaking for now I guess there's the protection though all right we're coming for you it's actually Four leggings that'll be 30. maybe we should retire these guys too this diamond gear has had a long hard journey we have a ton of diamonds there we go and there we go so we're pretty safe now the gear is not so great however I do have do have sea guy and that is cheap by two one ax will retire this guy put mending on our great pick put efficiency on our ax efficiency on a shovel mending on the leggings one more mending for the helmets we're pretty much good except for the feet but I just kind of wanted to get this a little further ahead our efficiency one on the hoe sweeping Edge sure all right so I think it's time we uh head on down here our 49 was magma cubes after that we have that was a lot of good stuff the orange just gonna like oh oh oh existence is paid crying what oh that was terrifying that was like out of a horror scene this thing is dropping absolutely like dare I say straight fire see like that's what it is though I swear you start off like it gives you like a few really good things but then you don't really get like anything else good through the rest of it you know like Phantoms a totem of undying every time I say that it gives me something good what a lame looking floor man there's part of me that's like let's just have a yellow gold yellow low floor this room is fine and all but gold you know the other thing we could do because I don't know if I'm really sold on Breaking the rest of this right we got all the things we want the rest is just gonna be painted suffering we could continue like break these three floors and then have a Lucky Block floor and then it could be gold on the ceiling one thing I am struggling with is the beacon only goes down 50 blocks we're past that now and I kind of want to bring it down so we are going to tear down this Beacon sad thing to see but it's for the best of us actually if this is day 50 the beacon is gonna go 50 blocks down so maybe I should just put it here I don't know I'm gonna get started on this and I'll just see how far my motivation for breaking blocks mindlessly goes well that was actually really easy it took no time at all do we want to do this you know wow okay this is actually giving us a lot of stuff it is gonna take forever maybe this is worth it guys oh my gosh you know this is what you don't see behind the camera power of editing makes this process look much better than it actually is why look I'm just a person that really craves order I guess you call it you know I just need everything to be organized when things aren't organized I get very stressed right that looks okay at least that's a little symmetrical over there the thing that I really like about this is our base right it's done we only need to lay three pieces here that's it that's done issue that we're about to face is we got a lot of clearing up to do oh I think there must have been some explosions that went off and broke some of these blocks because I did not do this all right so there's our water so that goes there there it is now uh for this we can simply put glass there and then Beacon Light will go through slabs next we go here for now I will just do that well there's one right there last part we need to deal with is obviously up here so I've got three set up here I'm just struggling with this final one as you can see Beacon Light does actually go through stairs oh there it is yeah all right wow that was way more complicated than I was expecting sounded like there were still mobs spawning in it so we didn't have to change it too much now you might be thinking again like why I don't have speed let me just show you it's like speed two it kind of gives this like zoomed out effect okay maybe is really nice well what I was gonna say is I find it kind of lags the game when you have speed sometimes and I just I prefer to not I don't know I just feel like from a visual like for your guys's perspective like it makes the game look a little weird you know like that uh I don't yeah just like because this is for a YouTube video I just feel like the perspective of the video is better if we don't use that right so our Beacon is complete next thing I think about is what's next we've got the 50 51 52. oh my gosh wow sitting right underneath there yellow was none other than some beautiful blocks of iron that actually makes this a little more confusing than I had thought like we've got a lot of blocks that can make beacons you know and it's like do we want to use Emerald Emerald is very useful to us where like gold just kind of isn't we've also got this day which is the oh that is diorite isn't it I'm a sucker for some diorite now it almost looks like we're done with rainbow and it's into like just a silver kind of look which is actually pretty cool I thought I was done with this Beacon but I don't know the gears have just started turning and I'm wondering like should we just excavate all this gold right like does this really make sense you know the gears be turning you can do a little swap Arena here gosh gold Beacon looks good so like even if we can't finish this top section we just got back a hundred blocks of emerald do you want to finish the top section right so we've got like this kind of wall that opens up and that gave us eight more blocks of gold keeps it kind of symmetrical gives it like a theme and then we can get our last four from right here I don't know how to count because I need 16 not 12. actually that should be fine we can leave the Green in there but there we go one gold Beacon oh that actually looks kind of cool from over here it's like the way these angles kind of line up with that it's gonna take us to 55 live um I don't think I want to tackle this one get through as much as we need to okay you know like that's sick we did get another I didn't get from it I just really really don't want to risk any like terrible stuff happening to the beacon iron block and diorite are two things I really want some top tier items right here I honestly think I might just go ahead and and literally just break these two things say what you want about this but that is a cool floor let's just remove all of this now you're probably wondering what the heck am I doing what the heck is this why these are gonna be two separate rooms still we're just gonna make the ceiling a half slab that way it doesn't feel quite as claustrophobic we'll do one level of like a half slab and the reason for that is that so you can't see this uh end Rock here then like that it reminds me of like that one episode from SpongeBob where they go to the Future yeah that's cool I don't know what we're gonna do with it but it's a cool room I actually really like this section of the rainbow too because you kind of go from red I mean that wood needs to change but you know it's red into orange yellow and then it's like Fading Into the silver and there I don't know about you guys but that looks a lot better to me I know it's not quite perfect still but it's just not worth the headache of all of this getting blown up to like move that somewhere as a whole I feel like the chunk is looking pretty good now in other news it would seem as though we've got two full stacks of iron from this less important now that we've got all these blocks but still one other thing I want to try we've got these poppies right I think I've been noticing about all these is that they're stained glass what that tells me is a guy who made the mod rather than add a new whole item he just replaced the function of stained glass and I have a feeling that they probably didn't take enough care well let's deal with let's say this yes okay 16. red stained glass you see that is going to be really exciting for us what it means all those layers that we you know kind of ignored they're not just gone for good you can actually bring them back and while they may not function like the previous Lucky Blocks they look really cool and so I think we should be able to fix the island so that it's lucky blocks around the perimeter every like five or so going all the way down so you know if we think back to how this originally played out I don't even know if it was red I think it might have been orange or something I think it was red anyway red you know day one you know then you go down there this is like day five question is how do you get orange dye do we have any flowers any dandelions looking like a no oh we have one now we just gotta do this once more yellow dye orange die nice now with 48 more glass we have our Orange that's actually going to make a lot more sense to me now it is day one two three four five six which kinda complicates it a little bit I think the top and bottom effect though makes it well worth it and next up we've got our eight yellow dye we get 48 more glass now next up we've got 64. very normal regular looking lucky blocks and you can see what we're doing here and and boom how much better does that look I like this a lot more because you've just got three layers of yellow whereas before the two it's just it wasn't enough 15 actually fit so perfectly into there 20 however is gonna be kind of weird if we want it to be a Green Block there's gonna have to be a bit of rearranging going on unfortunately maybe it is time we do something with this the next day nothing has really changed I'm struggling I realized if we want to do cool stuff with this we kind of first need to tackle this section like really we just gotta work our way down the chunk now we got these cacti here and as you can see when you furnace cacti you get green dye I've set up this death trap Wasteland here for more cacti to grow and so here's my thought process for the lucky box we have day 15 is gonna be here right we could do lime green but then that kind of screws up the flow going down so instead I think I just want to do Lucky Blocks kind of like a decent connector and see the next one we'll do from here is actually going to be Cyan are we doing for cacti right so I need eight and I think cyan dye yes yeah cool oh we could also do light blue right do we have light blue I feel like yeah we do okay we have the Light blues we could also just do this straight blue so yeah we've got all the others so we're just making the green and the size and here's what I'm thinking I can't believe I'm saying this guys but I think for like the third time now we gotta redo this ladies and gentlemen look I've shown a lot of really just the exact same area of block removal and putting back but finally cutting out the boring parts for you so we can get to the good stuff and ladies and gentlemen I am very very excited with how this has turned out so it's not quite following my rules I hit imposed but I realized if I wanted to make this look as good as possible well I was gonna have to not follow the like every five Rule and instead we we've got this which actually just looks really sick so now this like really works for me right like we've got the dark green into the dark cyan and then it's starting to lighten up now it's getting more blue where does our light blue stained glass fit that is like pretty much perfect right like I think I can almost just commit to that that is like oh my gosh look at the shades that is absolutely beautiful and what this looks sick but I also don't want it to be the entire video more of a curious question I don't really know what to do with this light blue stuff I don't know this room is just wild it's always been wild you know what would actually be a really cool thing to do with this room though I'm actually gonna get some more Cobble cooking up the Stone's gonna become smooth Stone you can make slaps and we're actually gonna make some armor stands the thing I like about this room is Diamond looks really good in it and I was thinking like wouldn't it be really cool if we just had this as like a decorative room for armor actually maybe we do like six for now something like that yeah we do have the full pair of iron and then we kind of almost have enough for one pair of diamonds so you could do like a gold guy here arrange this so it's pointing out like that and then this is like mostly our original gear maybe Diamond goes there see what I want to do is I'd like to have multiple diamonds around the room maybe if we place one more here here oh we can do chainmail although it's really dumb it is like ironically kind of rare ah yeah that that's actually kind of satisfying to like complete this four obviously we're missing the big dog but you know hoping we could get to that eventually now in other news I have not touched these lower floors in quite a few days yeah let's take a peek what we've got going on down here so days oh my gosh day 55 58 59 whoa the bla oh my God I don't know why it just it feels like it's either gonna be really dangerous or really good it's actually not really giving anything of of note at all I'm getting the vibe that this is not a very good a very good one and maybe we can just not worry about it the black blocks do look really cool though anyway that's day 60. and obsidian is our 62. tomorrow is Blackstone nice so guys I think I'm ready to get started on what is probably gonna be the coolest first most massive projects that I've you know ever undertaken that might not be entirely true um but it's gonna be cool and what that project is I want to make a super Beacon something like completely over the top and to do that the first thing I am unfortunately gonna need to do is grab all this iron now listen this white room is not done for uh I'm gonna return to it somehow it's gonna look sick you guys gotta trust me on that here's the idea rather than just like a simple four by four whatever Beacon you know serves the purpose we need I want to use all our beacons now the thing with this is It's Kinda gonna screw up everything else we got going on on our base so we're not gonna like finish this really to the end of the video it's more going to be an ongoing thing we're working towards but I figure we should just get started on it now for this Beacon how this is gonna work is rather than like the top layer providing Gore things the bottom layer for a regular one is like 9x9 this one that you see here is 10 by 10. we're going to make the bottom layer 16 by 16 which is the entire width of our chunk so you'll have 16 by 16 14 by 14 and 12 by 12 and finally 10 by 10 giving you an 8 by 8 Super Beacon now I'm realizing if we want to keep our normal Beacon right we're not going to be able to totally fill this in yet so I might just leave that like so now the second layer is obviously going to be 10 by 10 which is 100 blocks we do have enough for that okay I did this wrong we got to do another layer for both so this whole 8x8 square is actually just going to be beacons and then this is going to actually be the top layer which is 10 by 10. beautiful part of the reason that I'm not gonna probably finish this till the end is well that was a lot of blocks for for two layers you see we do have a lot of blocks of emerald let's just take a peek at what this might look like wow this third layer itself is taking a lot of emeralds this one layer cost about the same as a regular full Beacon I'm like oh yeah the bottom layer is gonna be so many blocks 256 to be exact you know sure like uh day 63 might be what's that Black Box Stone yeah you know you're bound to hit another block eventually right into that I say yes I kind of have a feeling there's gonna be like a diamond block a netherrite block down towards the bottom look at where we are like surely netherite is bound to pop up soon and when it does oh oh man super Beacon guys the super Beacon that needs some torches on it apparently a leather tunic I didn't even think about leather yeah right all right Diamond you're going over here I'll just uh happen across some leather there that's almost done nice and call that a completed five I think we have done a really really good job as far as it comes to you know not relying on villagers for this video but I really want to finish this gear we are Level 28. this guy right here what if I just said hey buy my stuff level 29 no big deal let's say I took some locks turned these into sticks and then this guy right here see him see this dude what if I just went like this I present to you the final piece of the puzzle protection for protection for protection for blast protection four we scoop up a mending top that off and so now we have the question is this good enough because we could throw him breaking on it is it necessary actually you know what let's just let's just scoop up that sharp oh yeah beautiful all right I'm just gonna put some time in with this guy oh man the sun is rising and we still are not there this guy is unfortunately just not cooperating with us the Sun is going down my guy just give me Unbreaking fifth time I've seen multi-shot okay I just gotta know when to call it quits and and sir I'm calling it quits on you now that means ladies and gentlemen check out these beautiful look at that we're going simple yet effective on this one the helmet the boots leggings and ladies and gentlemen there we have it I didn't earn this like at all now the other question is ladies and gentlemen are we ready to netherite any of this gear just need one of these it's not that oh that's gonna be expensive if we want the five for the pick it's worth it and so there I think that is about as much as we can do for right now that is like a perfect pick and I'll just also Chuck mending on our ax let's go take a peek on down here it's looking like another layer of silver and then 66 is so said followed by ancient debris alright there it is ladies and gentlemen I suppose it's not quite netherrite blocks but we're getting there actually you know that does get me thinking maybe we should start putting some more work into this bottom section of our build here I feel really good about everything from this purple block and upward but see after this purple Lucky Block like it's just a little chaotic now I'm not exactly sure what I want the floor situation to look like oh and look how smooth this goes down well actually if we excavate this we oh oh this just might look sick I really don't know what I'm doing kind of just trying to take some time make some space and hope that we can figure out what our next play is oh man that's a lot of ancient debris it's uh 256 pieces to be exact ladies gentlemen I am standing here today we've got a lot of ancient debris on our hands and I thought hey you know what I should probably do I should probably get it cooking up so that's what I'm doing that's enough right there that's it that's it that's all we're gonna cook so this is our most newly renovated floor I'm really just not quite sure uh what I want to do with any of this so I think for now I'm actually just gonna go ahead and try to deal with these villagers did anybody see that yeah I mean hey that guy was obviously terribly malnourished you know he was probably on his way out anyway so I want to set up a haul but I want it to be different I actually like don't hate this I'm coming to realize like the problem that I'm having really with designing anything in this world it's just like nearly all our blocks do not turn into anything else that's actually not bad oh you know it would probably look better though waxed oxidized copper right that's actually coming along quite clean maybe we should take the Librarians to another floor so I'm thinking this is probably a pretty good home for them give them some bread and I think I'd actually like to set this up so that we have one of every villager so we currently have seven different villager types we still need a leather worker a loom for a Shepherd cartographer stone cutter for a Mason literally the most simple of them all the farmer we got the food guy next to the food guy oh yeah Shepherd feels good right there missing here all right so ladies and gentlemen this is going to be 12 different villagers it is one of everyone except for the librarian which as you know our Lads are hanging out down below waiting for some sort of room fix there it is man okay apart from the beacon which is very much in the way of me like showing this off this actually looks great I kind of like that it's just like this big sweeping Corner only other thing is I gotta deal with this squeaky floor I feel like that meat I kind of just gotta remove this don't I this was never the best floor anyway right so I've just gone ahead and removed sort of the inner layer it's the part of me that's wondering if if this is the play it just it kind of already fits with the stairs is that all right we okay with this you do kind of sacrifice right you've got a bit of the outline but I'm honestly okay with that villagers are away so we can also do this now I also want to take some time and deal with our librarian floor it's just not really doing it for me to me this section is like beyond the rainbow you know it doesn't need to to follow that pattern in in a variety of Shades I'm kind of thinking of just going for some white walls in here I don't know about this at all I don't like the bottom I just don't like this top but if instead we grabbed that is probably gonna look better yeah pop a couple lanterns down you know we could set these guys up kind of comfy almost give them like individual dorms oh gosh guys we're playing The Sims now something like that kinda I've realized and order to keep them from like jumping on their bed and hopping out we need more lanterns this this should be good right and we managed to get this all done before morning the moment of truth will be when these guys wake up and what's going to happen we're good it certainly looks better than up here gosh this is like a clown World up here now I can't believe I'm saying it but we might have to split the floors in half it's just bad how do we feel about this it's like a more consistent room it's a little more you know singularly colored but now we still got to fix this floor that is necessary for sure but Golems are gonna spawn on this maybe oh you know what the answer to that would be no because there's not enough beds all right well that means a few of our lucky villagers are gonna get the penthouse treatment basically this needs to be like defined as a village and without three beds it's not we've got one two three sleepy boys we've got this guy up here still I just don't know how this can't be considered a village three villagers side by side all sleeping you can't tell me that's not a Village we're still not getting Golems though oh wait never mind yes we are okay wait no that's easy here if we want this to work we're gonna have to move it a little bit yeah perfect so now I've just moved the collection chamber to the middle you can set up our signs and boom so this section with slabs that should be it we're on to day 79 the question is will you guys work together to spawn a Golem yes they will beautiful there we fixed the iron farm and we've managed to make this look just a whole lot more consistent a whole lot better beautiful that took way too long but you know it's all in the efforts of making it look better speaking of looking better we should probably go see what's heading on down here this would be day 69 oh my gosh okay we've got a lot to check out guys it's like our chocolate milk Lucky Blocks okay sorry maybe I'm getting too kid-friendly it's looking like some of the good stuff is down here all right all that wow is full circle yeah the yellow Lucky Block nice let's say 75. ah no oh my gosh we got the the slime blocks and finally ladies and gentlemen this is gonna be day 80. see how this is like going blue we're kind of doing like another run of the rainbow but like quicker and I'm wondering if diamond is gonna be up soon well it would seem as though diamond is going to be up soon 14 diamond blocks okay look I know there's gonna be some people that are like bro you should be hitting every single Lucky Block I just I don't know guys you know when something like that happens like sure the blocks were fine in that case but sometimes they're not it's also hurting her armor you know that could be a Charged Creeper killing us ending this run now this does get the gears turning a little bit guys I've not forgotten about the super Beacon should we just do our bottom floor with with literally just nothing but diamond blocks certainly something to think about ladies and gentlemen it is day 82 and that is just oh so very exciting for us because it means that finally we can break that we can break that and that and that and that and ladies and gentlemen it is time for us to claim our blocks of diamond now I don't necessarily want to lose this ice so it might just have to be a silk touch game no issue though you just go back and forth oh my gosh look at that that is one full stack of diamond yeah let's finish this out I guess we've got a few blocks that were already up because I was like shouldn't I have four Stacks full right there's my other 13 diamond blocks should we do it it's gonna take me a little bit because I gotta jump for every every spot I'm also like mildly terrified of falling off the map but you know I can do it I should be able to film most of this in I'll leave those four boom there it is gosh how could I forgot we got one more layer here right there you have it so that is as far out as the chunkies right you can't build any more of a beacon than that come on this has got to be the largest Beacon you've ever seen in your life but this is obviously more like a flex than actually anything that's practical and as you guys saw before having the beacon up here you don't get access to all the effects when you're way down at the bottom of the chunk so I think for now it just makes sense to leave this guy as it is it's you know it's our practicality Beacon and when we're ready we can fill the rest of this beacon in take apart all the stuff up there and we will have our super Beacon but we're not quite done with this world we've got a few more things to do now I think we got to get back to fixing up our actual chunk itself see I feel like I like this layer of red but the brick is that's the problem right there purple and red like it's got to be like a pink right almost thinking like Netherrack oh man that is not really it I huh we've got a lot of red Lucky Blocks how about that right like this makes a lot more sense because it's like bright into like a fading and then we can go down into orange oh that's so much better so this is like perfect because it's kind of Fading Into orange and so it gets me wondering like would that be the play wow okay this is actually like really coming together right because then we go yeah you know what I'm actually starting to wonder if it's gonna be shroom lights that we want I mean that feels pretty good but other option would be this way that actually might be the best yeah okay man that looks great like what a consistent gradient this is ironically like so much better than the top layer now I also did promise that we were going to finish off this armor room and my oh my uh I don't know what is going on here but something has happened why isn't this move armor stands are a very weird thing in Minecraft there's a lot of weird things you can do to them to like exploit things and make odd Creations that shouldn't be possible I don't know what happened here but I blame it on the armor stand maybe like explosions move them around or something I really don't know these are all gonna go back there we've got our diamonds back there and now the question is what else will we do three more pieces of another right and good we still have a ton of diamonds we'll do a diamond chess play well you know the full deal there it is we're just going to do a basic pair of netherrite gear it's actually really cool to see just like netherite without any enchantments on it I'm so used to like the purple tinge I almost here I want to put it on I guess when it's on it doesn't look all that different it's more like in here it just looks so dark it's kind of cool so there that's all six pieces and the question I guess is like we want one more right oh you know what this is just regular diamonds right do that we'll do the netherite in this back corner then we'll do one more set of diamond gear we'll do some Super Bass enchantments on it and see that now as our decorations we have like kind of to me what is the other piece of gear I feel like if there's any gear that deserves to have two variations it's the diamond gear right because like all these pieces of gear if you're even gonna have most of them other than iron you're probably just gonna leave it as is it not Enchanted but when it comes to Diamond very often we get the diamond gear and then we slowly enchant it over time and so I kind of like having it as two different sets as for the netherites it's fine it could just be nothing right so that is sick but I think we can do a little more to this place because over the last while I have been collecting things let's see what we can do so I'm wondering something like that and so now we have free reign to put whatever we want in this we could go like four of the same thing to each side maybe like four tridents I can picks maybe over here only have three swords but I know what I have four of the diamond hoes getting some love for this build we'll do sword now you know I just realized like in case of emergency these aren't really in the best spots but it does give the room a little more Authority now one thing guys I've been kind of like saving up for on the side and you might have noticed over the last 10 days is glass I thought what would be really cool because if we took every different type of glass and then for our very last 10 days of whatever this chunk is going to be like if we just made it so that it was entirely rainbow Lucky Blocks I think that would be like the coolest way to finish off the chunk and honestly I I really was thinking about doing it from the bottom but seeing how busted up this area is kind of makes me feel like we should do it here so there's basically nine unique colors of Lucky Block not counting like the gray black brown you know like actual rainbow colors six seven eight so eight and yellow could be the start of it and that would be perfect so we gotta do some Replacements here wow this is really satisfying oh my gosh oh man the right tools for the job makes your life a whole lot easier oh this is a rainbow have to start with red good regardless uh this guy's gonna have to go there's a free diamonds so now we just gotta get all the lucky blocks that should be enough yellow there's our orange we have blue a bit of purple there's a red so we got a green dye from cactus green and blue makes cyan we'll take blue red to make purple dye play Blue I guess if we started with yellow it would be like that which to me looks really dumb let's not do that and instead do it like an actual rainbow maybe right so I think we're gonna have to remove the exterior layer of yellow as much as it would be nice I just want to have it a consistent rainbow let's try it like this and some purple next is blue I hate going from Top up cyan definitely makes sense to do next light cyan is next but see then then it's the kind of green the Green's gonna be weird we'll see we'll see what we're gonna do here man that is sick let's see my problem is if we add green to this it's just gonna look really dumb like like this into that doesn't make sense so I almost think it might make more sense to just skip the dark green right like that flows pretty well yeah let's go okay now this next part might get a little complicated right so this will be yellow this should be fine wait I think I counted wrong because we only have two more slots left and we have two colors left oh my gosh this is working out better than I could have imagined oh that looks so good guys we're gonna have to clear this out aren't we look how easy this is oh this is actually so satisfying I cannot enchant shears like this nice that's what I need wait we put efficiency on the shears and all that so we can do oh but come on were you really ready for that I know a lot of people don't know about this efficiency on the shears they've got a lot of breakage to do don't we we gotta do we gotta do all of this yeah that's annoying you know how this works it's gonna be very tedious it's going to be very boring I don't want to do that to you so you ready this might take a few days through the power of editing ladies and gentlemen look I don't think you guys are ready for this are you sure that you're ready I want to introduce to you the coolest most insane Lucky Block robe you have ever seen come on man come on dude this is like straight out of a thumbnail oh man come on like what was it worth the time and effort uh yeah I also really want to see what this would look like from the outside oh my gosh guys come on that is so sick I really haven't even taken the chance to like look at the whole island but like it looks pretty rainbow like it's not perfect you know there's only so much you can do but oh man oh we've still got a few days left and we've still got ourselves one item that we are seeking like these Lucky Blocks have given us pretty much every single item in the game but there's still one item that we have not acquired like we've even got dragon heads but we're missing a dragon egg so I mean it shouldn't be a huge huge issue the first thing we should actually worry about is just uh making it down at the lucky blocks right after wow hey that is day 85 so we are on to interesting things let's just say yeah that's what I was wondering about oh man listen to that wait there it is guys I I had a feeling we weren't gonna get through this video without seeing it we have the netherite block you know that would be a pretty cool way to finish out our super Beacon every single one of these represents probably like an hour of in-game time and here we are just complaining that it takes like three seconds to break I tell you some people they're just ungrateful there is 64 pieces of netherride block I think I know what this is okay it looks like a block but I feel like this is a yeah it's gonna say from the top it really I don't know there's just something about it you could tell it's the smithing table oh man we're really getting into the like the last of the crop you know if we finished with the netherright block and now it's like what else even is there are these shulker boxes black shulker box man rude we've had a lot of Lucky Blocks I haven't seen a single shulker box it's not like we've been able to go to the end and here we are three should be enough and that would be day 95 and guys it's looking like some gravel tomorrow now one small little thing I want to do is I want to go with a light blue and then a yellow shulker box I mean look if you know you know and if you don't at this point you never will now we've got our blocks of netherride here and I was thinking like yeah we're gonna do the top layer simply on account of the fact that I I don't even have enough netherrite yet I need 36 more pieces of netherrite and two extra for good measure well lizard ladies and gentlemen this is great we're gonna have an actual multi-layer different style Beacon I'm very excited about this I think I'm ready to uh dismantle this guys we've got you know more than enough stuff diamonds go there that's there ladies and gentlemen is our platform look at this absolute monstrosity but we still have to tackle that because that is going to block a lot of this Beacon yeah I think the safest way for me to deal with these mobs is if I just start breaking the floor out uh oh that's fine I guess I do ought to take a note and just say guys if you're still watching like thank you so much if you watch all the way through I won't even ask for a sub I'm gonna assume most of you are already at that point you don't realize I probably should have taken the beacon down after but uh it's a little too late for that we're already up here well this is going to be the last of the main chamber this is our little walkway oh I'm so sad about this but I don't know I'm so like weirdly attached to this structure wait oh my gosh my ax is almost broken whoa we're gonna use the planks of the structure we sell them off to this guy and did that do anything for my ax or is it just healing my gear probably just yield my gear let's take this off talk to this guy there it is perhaps a couple of bottles of enchanting it's gonna have to be well not great but is what it is all right so let's finish this out I think we're even gonna do the ladder yeah just the the whole thing it's coming down there will be no such portal this viewing area has been deemed unnecessary it too will be removed all of it has been removed to make room for the largest most big most insane Beacon you have ever seen ladies and gentlemen it is time for the beacons I don't know why this feels so intense but oh my gosh now we've got an eight by eight grid here and that means we can do exactly 64. hey 64. Beacon pyramid who brings you this type of content no one no one but this guy right here okay it's not going how I kind of had hoped okay it kind of goes in like chunks I see I'll go slower I was hoping it would go like all out of anyway oh my gosh oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in all of Minecraft just get a better view of this wow look at our chunk man it does look rainbow and look look at that beacon on top oh my gosh dude that is a thick boy all right guys now I just need to uh I just need to activate it all all right so I I'm thinking like maybe strike two strength two strength two oh definitely strength two strength two two strength two strength two and strength two yup just a bunch of strength twos they don't stack it's literally just a flex do they say for jump boost resistance haste two regeneration and well guys I think the time has come speed this is pretty fast oh yeah we've also got two more layers uh strength and resistance have you ever seen something so spectacular in all your life we've just got one more thing to do I still have like enough for more beacons in the end wait a second we're gonna fight the Ender Dragon but I just I didn't even think about it like we could actually just bring enough for beacons in the end that's gonna be enough for something I think I might actually just uh excavate all this yeah that's looking like a better number and we just gotta make our way down oh my God Stone and we are gonna have to wait till tomorrow before we can break what is going to be our final block I assume I should probably buy a bow I may only have 20 levels but oh that's tough however two it is I'm breaking beautiful now since we're gonna have a beacon there's not really a lot of stuff we need to brew up the one thing I do want just for like extra safety measures is a potion of slow falling I suppose it would be potions yeah we'll go three stacks of arrows just to be safe I should probably get a sword huh there it is you know that did get me thinking and not only is that trident and Trident and tried and stack but it can go in there so I don't remember where this is going dude I had a full chest of tridents like right up in that corner aha never forgot about you buddy I feel like with all these tridents I'm kind of obligated to kill the Ender Dragon with them you know all right I think that should be good I almost forgot ender pearls and blaze rods guys please subscribe and let's do this it's been a beautiful hundred days feels like we've made a pretty good looking chunk some might even call it a random rainbow chunk ladies and gentlemen are we ready to finish this out let's do this we are here okay now some do say I am hashtag cracked with a bow but am I hashtag cracked with a trident it would it would I tell you guys what I think I'm gonna stick to the bow for at least this section oh for shots I wonder can I try it in my way into this one tell Mommy just uh doing my thing over here definitely not making a beacon or anything like that that'd be crazy I mean who makes a beacon in the ender dragon fight you know what I'm saying I'm just hoping this has been constructed low enough cool looking Beacon oh man yeah now I'm really worried okay we're good I have six but I really only need four as you guys have seen from the whole video well I literally only have diamonds left so a massive cost should be worth it strength jump boost regeneration speed two and it should be resistance too but I believe I think my golden apple is doing something but anyway that was a ridiculous ridiculous setup there it is now I gotta get over here because if this guy comes at our Beacon he or you know she can destroy it so there we go it's time for phase two we must deploy the tridents which have been I don't know what happened to them deploy the tridents ah you know I'm realizing you could probably just get the same effect with one single Trident that has loyalty it's really not even doing very much damage What if I yeah there it is a big damage bro I have so many effects on right now you literally can't even see its health bar dragon how do you expect to win come on Dragon Here We Go more damage ladies and gentlemen oh oh that's not up there hey hey hey there it is now for the final step we booped that that ladies and gentlemen rather than do anything fancy we're gonna put that right here put that right there thank you so much for watching please subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 940,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft lets play, lets play, minecraft but, thesmithplays, nifty, smith, niftysmith, let's play, gameplay, episode one, funny moments, minecraft but its fast, minecraft fast pace, minecraft but its on crack, vanilla minecraft, minecraft on crack, new lets play, lets play series, new minecraft world, funny gaming, tsp, smithplays, playthrough, survival, survival series
Id: ruZu3ViRMb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 21sec (7041 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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