10 Worst Romance Tropes

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hello everybody hey guys guess what the savior's champion audiobook is alive I am so excited to announce that the savior's champion audiobook is officially published and available for purchase check it out that's an order Tobias's thrilling romantic journey is narrated by voice actor Nick Denton and I honestly don't have enough nice things to say about him he is so talented and so funny and just a wonderful human being I've got his info listed below you can get the TSC audiobook right now on Amazon iTunes and audible so do the thing just buy it just buy it but Jenna I don't even know if I like audiobooks or if I can afford it well that don't matter [ __ ] if you create a new account on audible you can get your first audiobook for free and guess what that audiobook can be the Savior's Champion get that for free the link is listed below don't make me say it again I've also got a giveaway going down in honor of my audiobook release I will be listing all the details at the end of this video so be sure to stick around cuz you could win Atanas first I wanted to do a special topic today in honor of this momentous occasion during the month of February I released a ton of romance themed videos and the most popular question I received was where are the romance tropes sis if you've been following me for a while then you know that I made a video all about romance tropes that I hate years ago it was one of my very first videos and I haven't watched it in approximately a century I honestly have no idea what I listed so why not make a part 2 new and improved rant of all the romantic tropes that make me want to throw the book at the wall and then out the window and then in the trash quick disclaimer I'm going to avoid the most common romantic tropes like love triangles insta love and alpha douches because I feel like they're kind of implied any with half a brain cell doesn't like these tropes instead I'm focusing on the tropes that have come up in my most recent reads and I wish they hadn't will there be repeats from my first video will all the tropes be different let's find out now number one no first kiss I don't mind not getting a sex scene in fact there are many books where I do not under any circumstances want a sex scene but if you don't give me a kiss specifically the first kiss I will find you you little [ __ ] look I'm not unreasonable I will slog through one or two books to get this kiss but you better deliver and it better be good I want details and if the first kiss happens off page I swear to God I don't care if this is the best book I've ever read you ruined it we see the tenth kiss or the hundredth kiss but not the first kiss that is cruel it's unacceptable and I will not allow it number two lust times 10,000 lust at first sight is totally a thing for plenty of a low sexual people I get it but sometimes writers take it way over the top like mile-long boners rivers pouring out of the doodles the instant I saw her I had to physically restrain myself from mounting her what the hell is going on and sometimes it's not these over-the-top lust descriptions that gave me pause it's the little details he stepped toward her and her nipples got hard he stepped towards you that's all it took is this like a foot thing hey I'm not judging and how do these women know that their nipples got hard I don't notice when that happens is she just staring down at her braless chest or her nipples so long and pointy that she can feel the pressure change against her shirt these are the questions that keep me up at night number three condescending pet names I love pet names especially between romantic partners but I cannot stand it when the love interest gives the main character an annoying pet name right when they meet just to be a dick hey princess what's up sweetheart the intention is usually to taunt but the writer thinks this translates as confident or sexy boiler it doesn't well-adjusted people do not go around giving strangers condescending nicknames just to piss them off you know who does do that cat colors hey lucious is over here what up baby cakes how you doing hey sugar tits give me some attention I feel inadequate number four painful bloody virgin sex if you are a person with a vagina and you are having penetrative sex for the first time it does not need to be a horror show just in case you were to wear Heinen's are not sheets of flesh they do not need to be plowed through like a goddamn fortress wall and yet that is exactly what so many people write he thrusts through her breaking through her virginity first of all this dude's an [ __ ] second if their partner is even a remotely decent person with any consideration for their pleasure pain and blood should be negligible maybe stop writing piece of love interests and start paying attention to basic anatomy just a thought number five slave pick so slave romance is a thing apparently a slave falls in love with their owner do I even need to explain why this is on the list but Jenna it's so romantic that's the case so is stepping on broken glass eating spiders and licking armpits I'm sorry if this is an unpopular opinion except that I'm not sorry at all I'm fine with a love story between two slaves Crixus and Naevia forever but I find it very uncomfortable and pretty gross to read about a person being treated as property falling in love with the other person who treats them as said property for reasons that should be blatantly obvious number six this is not the number six number six the naive dumbass it seems like every shitty love story I read is a heterosexual pairing involving a man who fits at least three of the tropes on this list along with a woman who is inevitably described as naive right I'd like to use the word naive to explain away idiotic decision-making that is necessary to drive the plot forward because of course the love interest has to save the woman from the show that she's created does she almost get herself killed for the 15th time despite plenty of warning poor thing so not you stupid the word is stupid naivety means a lack of experience and wisdom it is not synonymous with being a idiot and I promise you it's definitely possible to write a romance featuring a woman with at least half a brain number seven sexy assault learning the lines of consent is not sexy I don't know why some people think this and I worry for them we've all read lines like he's the kind of man who doesn't take no for an answer he takes what he wants sounds like something a rapist would say some writers have gone on record saying that they write love interests like this because they personally feel ashamed of their desires so if the man takes what he wants it's not technically their partner's fault you do realize that by writing this crap you are only perpetuating the cycle of shame for future generations like a complete [ __ ] other writers have says that they write these kind of sex scenes because they like assertive partners what if I told you a love interest can be assertive without being a predator you're adamant about writing abuse as romantic or sexy do us all a favor and seek counseling instead that's not a joke therapy works wonders and I support you number eight redeemed the abuser okay I know he manipulated assaulted and both physically and emotionally abused her but keep reading he totally makes up for it do you hear how this sounds are you listening to the words coming out of your mouth I know in fiction were allowed to give way to fantasy but I genuinely want to know who the hell is fantasizing about this and I'm not saying abusers can't become better people but can they do it away from their victims can the woman or man in question find someone who treats them right while their abuser gets the help they need I'm tired of this cliche mostly because it sounds a really unhealthy message to impressionable readers is your partner repeatedly hurting you stick around they might change maybe hopefully probably not number nine gross age differences I'm not saying all age differences are gross but we've all seen some that make us want to call CPS a thirty and thirty five-year-old getting together fine have a nice life a sixteen and twenty year old I just threw up right in my mouth for the age gaps that most throw me for a loop are the ones that span hundreds and thousands of years she's 21 and he's ancient what the hell does an ancient man have in common with a 21 year old woman I'm 32 and even I look at 21 year olds as babies how the hell am I supposed to believe that the thousand-year-old dude looks at this barely legal woman and says you know what she gets me she gets you hard is what you mean and what's a young woman wants in a grandpa what are they gonna do together play bridge drinking sure oh wait I forgot he's extremely hot and also rich so personality and common ground are irrelevant as long as he can buy her pretty things and take her to pound townn we're all good and number 10 who the hell is the love interest if I'm a hundred ages into your book and I still can't tell who the hell were shipping we're gonna have issues she has instant sexual tension with this guy but she's been in love with this guy since she was a kid but this chick is constantly flirting with her but this is the chick that everyone wants her to be with why exactly is everyone trying to this annoying one-dimensional character but Jenna I'm trying to be sneaky I don't want the ship to be obvious here's the deal if I can't tell who the love interest is it doesn't mean that you're subverting tropes or being clever it means that your characters have no chemistry outside of cliches like insta-love readers can usually tell who the love interest is because the characters vibe and thus readers want them to get together if I don't care who the person ends up with then the romance you've created is not at all romantic which kind of defeats the purpose that's like a froyo this is my updated list of romantic tropes that make me long for the sweet release of death I have no idea if any of the tropes from my first list made it onto this list but if they did Congrats to all the writers for keeping the shitty romance alive friendly reminder if you want to listen to a dark fantasy romance that doesn't have any of these tropes and also has a ton of violence the Savior's champion audiobook is available right now I've got the links listed below if you're new to audiobooks you can open up an account on audible and listen to TSC for free today and you know what they say free is the way to be an ugly promise I'm hosting a giveaway for a as a thank you for all of your love and support I am giving away a massive fantasy prize pack including a signed hardback of the Savior's champion we've got atsc swag pack including a bookmark and a necklace we've got a fantasy themed notebook as well as a fantasy themed pillowcase and tote bag this giveaway is open to anyone who purchases the TSC audiobook it doesn't matter if you use audible.com/tyleroakley [Music] analyte post new videos on Wednesdays and if you want to be alerted as soon as I upload or ring that Bell the savior's champion is available an ebook paperback hardback signed hardback and now audiobook all of the links are listed below check it out and join tobias on his thrilling adventure and be sure to follow me on social media I'm on Instagram Tumblr Facebook and of course you can tweet me at generosity bye this is Ron DS why the haven't you subscribed to Jenna's channel do you really want to face me if you don't do it you know what will happen I'll rip out your tongue torture you then leave your rotten corpse out for the birds to feast on it the goddamn button and the bell too
Channel: Writing with Jenna Moreci
Views: 251,742
Rating: 4.9390988 out of 5
Keywords: write, writer, writing, read, reader, reading, book, books, ebook, audiobook, publish, publishing, audible, literature, novel, author, romance, romance book, romance fiction, fiction, booktube, authortube, writing tips, writing advice, writing motivation, writing inspiration, romance tropes, 10 worst romance tropes, worst romance tropes, jenna moreci, the savior's champion, the saviors champion, humor, comedy, laugh, laughter, funny, worst tropes, worst tropes in romance, how to write
Id: lJyitKOV0IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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