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I don't care okay kiss and I'm a male male what I'm mmm YUM hello everybody it's officially Halloween season and you know what that means Halloween videos we're making them happen in the spirit of the season I am talking about one of the spookiest genres and that is paranormal fictions specifically I'm breaking down the shittiest paranormal tropes out there and boy does this genre deliver in honor of paranormal I've decided to dress up for this video as a cat and not just any cat I'm a shifter kitty meow so sexy I lick my own butthole before we get started I am giving some love to still share who has a generously sponsored today's video Gil share is my all-time favorite online learning platform featuring thousands of classes in creative writing graphic design business marketing and a bunch of other stuff what I like that a skill share is that it's geared towards creators which means it's perfect for writers if you're a hobby writer like butters they have classes for that and if you want to turn writing into a full-time career or like I did they have classes for that as well oh thank you thank you plus so many classes are taught by people in the know like New York Times bestselling authors famous journalists and youtubers like me I've got to marketing classes on Skillshare just for writers one is all about how to build a successful writing platform the other is a step-by-step guide to launching a book especially if you're doing it on your own I definitely recommend checking amount you'll sure it's got some goodies just for you guys to stick around until the end of this video to find out more but first let's get into these embarrassing a paranormal trope shall we I think we shall number one hello is someone there gotta love a dumbass who walks straight into danger without any common sense or survival instinct whatsoever I think there might be a ghost in my scary empty house so I'm going to wander through the dark searching for it because that's the logical thing to do I've come into contact with a violent spirit but I'm just gonna convince myself it didn't happen and stay in the exact same place where I almost got murdered paranormal fiction has some of the dumbest characters alive and it is infuriating if you want us to mourn their eventual death at least make them fight to stay alive number two sex cover your ears butters this is too graphic for you I don't have a problem with sex in fiction in fact a lot of the time I enjoy it and even write it what I don't understand is how paranormal fiction transitioned from dark and scary too dark and filled with penis it's become a genre so intertwined with erotica that whenever you pick up a paranormal story you pretty much have to assume it's gonna be filled with the call me crazy but I like variety in my fiction I miss reading about vampires that were horrifying and evil and didn't have raging boners and I'm fine with sexy paranormal creatures and a little bit of boom-boom but does it have to consume the entire genre well I feel like reading about the Mothman and I don't want to see his moth dick where the hell am I even gonna find that which brings us to number 3 alphas how did anyone write werewolf fiction before alphas betas and omegas oh right they just wrote stuff that was scary and multi-dimensional and fun to read I forgot I swear to God every single werewolf book that comes out is about screwing the alpha wolf taming the Alpha taken by the Alpha avoiding this entire genre because of the Alpha I like werewolves they are some of my favorite paranormal creatures but this particular trend can die we get he's a douchebag and he's in charge and for some reason people find this sexy but the werewolf and Wolfman lore have so many different options that don't involve getting it on with a dog man so methinks we can move past this number for ownership because slavery is sexy right anyone anytime to see a book where a vampire or a werewolf owns a human being I get uncomfortable sex slavery is a legitimate problem that ruins lives feel like a very tone deaf choice to make I'm just saying number five multi-species love triangles will she choose the vampire or the werewolf will she choose the where Hedgehog were the sloth shifter will she choose the electric toothbrush or the cucumber love triangles on their own are pretty annoying but paranormal writers feel like they're spicing things up by making the romantic options different species you can either have sex with an animal or the undead one enticing options however will I choose this is made especially annoying by the fact that no one ever chooses polyamory if you can't pick one creature over the other fuck'em both number six one thousand year old creature dates sixteen-year-old mouth-breather so he's an ancient pedophile got it I don't care if you look 16 he is a thousand years old his tastes should logically be way more refined what could a teenage wet blanket offer to someone who has literally seen centuries of history he's seen the rise and fall of civilization but he totally wants to hear all about how Becky is such a this trope is special because it makes me scratch my head and puke in my mouth all at the same time number seven get away from me before you get hurt I'm a monster dark and mysterious unlike my eyes a-blazing blue I keep to the shadows avoid attention at all costs you can tell because I'm always shirtless you don't want to mess with me you'll only get hurt either by my animalistic instincts or my enemies but I'm still going to stalk you and have sex with you because hypocrisy is my only character trait this is the least believable paranormal trope because I don't know any woman who would go for it if a man says I should run I'm gonna run he doesn't even have to tell me to run I'll probably do it anyway if any man approaches me in the middle of the night best believe I've already got my pepper spray number eight google solves all of our problems really just like that look research is important however I don't know if you've noticed but the Internet is filled with all kinds of information and a lot of it is false but your character is somehow managed to find the perfect website in an instant and it happens to have the answers to all of their questions sounds fake but ok not only is this about as believable as my last point it's not interesting stories thrive on conflict characters are supposed to try and fail giving them all the answers they need in one quick Google search is a cop-out number 9 we're not vampires I swear instead of vampires they're called blood walkers instead of zombies they're called infected why can't you just call them what they are writers often do this for one of two reasons one you're trying to be fancy because you're above the genre boiler you're not above anything yeah pretentious rat bastard and two you're embarrassed you don't want to admit that you're writing vampires and werewolves if you're embarrassed by your own genre you probably need to stop and assess that on your own time don't make readers suffer just cuz you're insecure number 10 one of us one of us your female heroine has been a shifter her whole life and never knew it until now because conveniently her abilities did it pop up until some arbitrary event like her 16th birthday or the full moon I'd wager there have been many full moons throughout her lifetime but this one is different cuz reasons I love a good reveal or twist but you gotta give a believable reason as to why the character had no idea what their species was until now the birthday excuse isn't cutting it anymore nothing special happens on your 16th birthday except for maybe hormonal acne and bonus number 11 bears what the hell is with all the bears of all the shifters possible the community has rallied around bears why I don't get it am I supposed to find bears sexy I'm looking at this guy in a whole new light and I don't like it if anyone wants to explain this to me I prefer you didn't cuz I don't think I want to know that's all I got for you today a huge thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring this video if you'd like to learn more about writing or publishing I definitely recommend checking out Skillshare I have learned so much through their platform you can also take my to marketing classes on Skillshare and even better you can take them for free an annual premium subscription to Skillshare is less than ten bucks a month however Skillshare is currently offering two months of Skillshare premium for free to anyone who clicks the link below click the link and cash in on two months of access to thousands of classes for $0 get on it don't forget to subscribe to my channel I post new videos on Wednesdays and if you want to be alerted as soon as they upload ring that bell the savior's champion is available in eBook paperback hardback sign hardback as well as audiobook if you are new to audiobook so you can listen to TSC on audible for free I have all the information listed below and be sure to follow me on social media I'm on Instagram Tumblr Facebook and of course you can tweet me at generosity bye hey this is Nick the voice of Tobias and the narrator for the savviest champion written by our Jenna if you enjoy her writing advice or if you want to find out about her publications then you know what to do click the subscribe button ding the Bell you get notified every single time she puts up a video or she goes live now what you waiting for
Channel: Writing with Jenna Moreci
Views: 96,063
Rating: 4.9477968 out of 5
Keywords: write, writer, writing, read, reader, reading, book, books, ebook, publish, publishing, literature, author, novel, amwriting, writing tips, writing advice, writing motivation, writing inspiration, publishing tips, publishing advice, jenna moreci, authortube, booktube, paranormal, paranormal fiction, worst paranormal tropes, worst tropes, tropes, paranormal tropes, 10 worst tropes, how to write a book, writing a book, how to write a good book, how to publish a book, how to write paranormal
Id: xd5tW7cNlXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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