10 Worst Male Character Pet Peeves

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and know everybody before I didn't today's topic I have a super exciting announcement you guys have asked for it and I've answered the call I have officially launched my patreon page for those who are familiar patreon is a platform where fans can support artists writers and content creators by becoming a patron you guys have told me that you want a wider variety of blog you want character artwork you want merchandise and I agree I want to deliver by becoming a patron you'll be helping me create all the goodies you crave what patrons get terms of rewards like bloopers behind the pages content live stream chats with yours truly and a bunch of other stuff I've got a link to my patreon page listed below so check it out cuz I said so I'm not now let's get to today's topic a while back I listed my top 10 pet peeves four fictional female characters and the number one response was hey Jenna are you going to do one for men of course I'm gonna do one for men I'm an equal-opportunity hater I share the vitriol you're on the 10 fictional men that make me want to throw the book at the wall and then die number one the sexy douchebag he is so arrogant he is so full of himself and that's what makes them irresistible how again does this work can someone explain it to me I think confidence is universally seen as attractive but arrogance exaggerated self-importance when does that become anything but insufferable I'm the vet I have an eight-pack blah blah blah booties yet somehow the sexy douchebag has become a leading man and a bunch of stories ladies how did this happen we go to the bathroom in groups just to get away from this guy and now he's following me in my reading material and a woman sexy douchebag so written by heterosexual women what are you a masochist what happened here who hurt you number two the mind reader this guy sees a woman he doesn't know maybe in a photograph maybe from afar but he sees the pain in her eyes the transcendent connection the suffering she's had a mask with a smile for so long he doesn't know her name but in an instant he understands her he knows her on a deeper level and wants to be there to lift her up through all her struggles what kind of [ __ ] is this worst of all some people read this crap and think that men actually have this super power in real life all just their family into the distance and my crush will see me become fascinated by me and suddenly want to fix my life maybe consider a back-up plan number three the Adonis he is the tallest man in the book he's the strongest man in the book he is the hottest man in the book and he's also the main character or the love interest what are the odds look I'm not saying you have to make the emcee or the love interest ugly go ahead and make him hot specifically flawless grade a carved man meat come on and nine times out of ten this dude's description includes the line he could have any woman he wanted any of them are you sure because I don't know if anyone told you but some women like women number four is a tantrum man anger is a valid emotion but when these guys get angry they flip the [ __ ] out turn I could understand if something devastating happens but most of the time the [ __ ] that went down is pretty uncon sequential girls in it call you back punch a wall neighbors music too loud destroy a room rip off your shirt open the Hellmouth and eviscerate mankind I know the writers just trying to make them look manly but it's not a good look to have a violent emotional breakdown every time something doesn't go your way throwing [ __ ] doesn't make you a man you know who else fell [ __ ] when that set monkeys literally they throw their poop writers if you want the guy to be a real man try having a map like an adult or at least a human number five the good-for-nothing underdog I love an underdog story it's inspiring to read about someone who works hard in the face of adversity but you know who no one's inspired by a spoiled brat a good underdog is a likeable he's had a shitty hand dealt to him but he still manages to overcome the odds a good-for-nothing underdog is a guy with zero redeeming qualities who whines about his completely average circumstances what parents don't understand me school give me homework Shirley don't like date knees welcome to the real world no one's impressed this is a guy you never want to root for he's not kind he's not smart you've not emotionally mentally or physically strong hey idiot maybe your life sucks cuz you suck on the website we have number six the guy who's good at everything who's got the best sense of humor in the book this guy who has an eighth degree black belt and a genius IQ and owns a multi-billion dollar corporation this guy this guy is great at everything you throw at him he's also completely faked no one is this talented or this successful period that's sometimes you see this on a smaller scale maybe the guy is just your average high school student who learns five fighting styles overnight manages to slay all the bad guys with zero help and sometimes likes a significantly more attractive love interest why because we all bear fat so that's why I know the character is fictional but you can't least try to make him a little believable number seven the womanizer who changes his ways he's [ __ ] every woman in town but this woman's special and he's gonna [ __ ] his way into her heart I'm going to give you a crash course on his character it's not sexy sexually open or adventurous he's just trying to conquer as many women as possible for his own ego and reputation and he's usually the emcee or the love interest wonderful another douche leading the story look if you're going out of your way to get your conquests in I'm assuming you're compensating for some supreme inadequacies and really you meet one chick and suddenly you're not a total dick I believe that for approximately zero seconds on a similar note number eight the walking boner this character the entire existence revolves around his penis and sticking it inside of people look I get it a lot of men think about sex they also watch TV and go to work and eat food and they manage to do all of those things without putting their dick in something I'm not saying your male character can't be horny but not every conversation or interaction needs to revolve around his genitals you can be able to function in normal society and there are men out there who prefer to have sex with a girlfriend or boyfriend there are men who aren't prioritizing sex at all people come in varieties and if your character sees everyone he meets is a potential holds Angier you might be a piece of [ __ ] number nine the pillar of strength men are big men are strong men are incapable of experiencing human emotion I'm a huge fan of strong characters but strength is determined by your ability to withstand adversity to pick yourself up when you've been beaten down to keep fighting not by your ability to transform into a soulless robot like me if your character is never sad or afraid or any feeling that remotely comes off as vulnerable I'm not going to assume East wrong I'm just gonna assume he's poorly written and it's not fun to read about a guy who never once struggles or shows any weakness where's the conflict I want to see the blood sweat and tears and then more blood it's number 10 the comic relief's best friend he's gonna swing into the scene hit you with a zinger and that's it that's all he does if you have a life maybe who knows if he dating or interested in anyone of course not only the emcee is allowed to get laid to see how many skills or hobbies whatsoever no way kills therefore the main character he's good at everything remember it's fine to have funny characters or a funny best friend but he has to contribute something else anything else please and bonus option number 11 the he's a guy guy this isn't a character per se this is just the way some readers react to male characters so the male love interest cheat on the MC it's okay he's a guy - the male emcee beat the [ __ ] out of someone completely unprovoked ignore him he's a guy I have heard the phrase he's a guy used to forgive sexual assault violence infidelity and a whole bunch of other really ugly plot points and it confuses me do you just think that all men are [ __ ] bags that it's just a normal guy thing to be a garbage human [ __ ] it here's a suggestion next time you're tempted to justify the horrible behavior in the novels just because of yours Ismael remind yourself that men are human and most capable with self-control also remind yourself that you're an idiot that's all I got for you today you guys more ranting and I was delighted to deliver what this boils down to is I like reading about real men not flawless billionaires or chiseled Kendal's just guys with layers and personality and stuff but that's just me be sure to check out my patreon page I got all sorts of rewards lined up for you link is listed below and with that set don't forget to subscribe to my channel I post new videos on Wednesdays easily awakening is still available in eBook and super back on Amazon right now you can also order a signed copy all the links are listed below and if you have any questions if there's something you'd like me to talk about in my next video be sure to tweet me at generosity bye
Channel: Writing with Jenna Moreci
Views: 509,382
Rating: 4.9410563 out of 5
Keywords: write, writer, writing, read, reader, reading, book, books, ebook, publish, publishing, author, novel, literature, funny, humor, comedy, satire, laugh, motivation, inspiration
Id: vEBSx1b5-Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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