How to Write Romantic Chemistry

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hello everybody today we're talking about romance seduction and the yearning of our hearts and privates today we're talking about chemistry namely how to create great chemistry between a character and their love interest for a lot of people myself included the romantic plot or subplot of a novel is their favorite part and there are few things more disappointing than a romance that just doesn't quite cut it the characters are one-dimensional they only like each other because they're hot they fall in love really quickly and for absolutely no reason don't do this [ __ ] no one likes it so I'm going to give you five tips on how to build romantic chemistry that your readers will devour these tips will help create a realistic bond between your characters but most importantly it'll get the readers rooting for their relationship number one build the anticipation you know who likes an instant romance a whole lot of know one and it's not just because they're unrealistic it's because you're not giving the reader any time to get to know the characters readers want a reason to be invested in the relationship they want evidence that these two belong together so give your characters time to flirt and to connect give them opportunities to build trust obviously some relationships move quicker than others and outside influences such as danger or drama can affect the progression of a relationship but you should still try to be realistic take a look at your characters and think would I be falling in love with this person at this moment if they just met the answer is no you wouldn't unless you're crazy additionally if you want to create sexual chemistry between your characters you need to build the suspense and anticipation don't make them kiss at the first possible opportunity tease the moment and then separate them go to your corners the reader will be that much more excited when the kiss finally happens or when other things finally happen if you have your characters rush through all the romantic milestones it's not gonna be fulfilling to read and it's not going to get your reader rooting for the romance because there is nothing to root for they already did all the things so take your time build the connection and allow the anticipation to real your readers in before slapping them with the big kiss we're the Big Bang number to make them complement one another a lot of writers like to make their characters opposites because opposites attract and I'm sure you all can think of opposite pairings that we've seen before one character is rich the others poor one characters good the others naughty but you'll probably notice that sometimes these pairings work and sometimes it's a big fat fail that's because it's not enough that the characters have a few opposite traits these traits need to complement one another for those who aren't following to compliment someone or something means to bring them to perfection in other words your characters are better when they're together now it doesn't have to be this way from the start a lot of characters have friction when they first meet but eventually those opposing traits should be something that works for them it should give them a sense of harmony say one character is an introvert and the others an extrovert maybe the introvert is able to provide that gentle calm their partner always needed and the extrovert is able to bring their partner out of their shell because the characters are different they're able to bring out a new side of their partner or add some enrichment to their lives that they didn't have before their differences stop being a source of conflict and start acting as a catalyst for growth both internally and within the relationship number three make them equal but Jenna you just said to make them different now you're saying I gotta make them the same no that is not what I'm saying your characters don't have to be identical they don't need to be in the same social circle they don't have to be at the same intelligence level but they do have to bring an equal amount of [ __ ] to the table equal amount of strengths and equal amount of baggage how many times have you read a book and thought what does she even see in him you're thinking that because the characters are not evenly matched the emcee is a dumpy boring turd of a person and their love interest is the embodiment of perfection why the [ __ ] would the embodiment of perfection fall for a human turd why they want it you gotta give each character a reason to be in that relationship a reason to be attracted to the other person maybe it's because they're smart or funny confident powerful hot whatever there are lots of attractive traits to choose from and on the flip side they should probably have a similar amount of baggage because if one characters got their [ __ ] together and the others got more problems than a run over dog this relationship isn't gonna last long remember the reader needs to believe that these two would realistically be interested in one another and that means they both got to bring something compelling to the table no human turns aloud number four give them common ground typically there's some kind of goal or struggle that connects the MC with their love interest and that goal or struggle is usually the plot of the novel maybe they're both mourning a horrific loss or maybe they're both fighting to overthrow an evil government this shared goal is the key to writing great chemistry because it gives the characters a reason to bond and it also showcases just how well they work together allow them to lean on one another to support one another strengthen one another and it can't be all on one character's shoulders you never want one character doing all the work while the other ones just dead weight that's not a partner that's a pain in the ass you want them both to be participating toward the goal and you want them to do it as a team and number five make them like each other I can't believe I have to say this but oh my god I have lost track of the number of stories I've read where two characters are madly in love with one another but you can't figure out why all they do is hump like bunnies or treat each other like complete and utter [ __ ] a lot of newbie riders fall into the habit of expressing their characters love for one another through sex or fighting which is really weird because neither of those things are necessarily indicators of love you don't have to love someone to [ __ ] them and you don't have to love someone to fight with them so here's the deal folks if you want to convince the reader that your characters care about one another it kind of sorta have to act like it romantic relationships thrive on a solid friendship so naturally characters who have great romantic chemistry or also great friends make them have fun together make them laugh but Jenna I want to write the passion you mean you want to write the sex and that's fine I get it but unless you're specifically writing an erotic story you're gonna need a lot more than sexual chemistry to hook the reader but Jenna I want to write the drama look all relationships have hiccups but unless you're specifically writing about a toxic ragic [ __ ] show of a union the fighting should be a small percentage of the relationship because the entire point of having a boyfriend or girlfriend is that they make you happy imagine that bottom line is if you really want to make your readers believe your characters have chemistry they gotta like one another has people shocking I know so that's all I got for you today creating chemistry between characters is super important if you want to get the reader invested in their relationship so make sure you respect the natural growth of their connection tease a little bit of romance a little bit of touchy touch a little bit of smoochy smooth make sure your characters are better when they're together and for the love of God make them enjoy one another's company because you can't spell boyfriend or girlfriend without friend with acid don't forget to subscribe to my channel I post new videos on Wednesdays Eve the awakening is still available in eBook and paperback on Amazon right now you can also order a signed copy all the links are listed below and if you have any questions or if there's something you'd like me to talk about in my next video be sure to tweet me at generosity bye
Channel: Writing with Jenna Moreci
Views: 284,779
Rating: 4.9795184 out of 5
Keywords: write, writer, writing, read, reader, reading, book, books, ebook, author, novel, letters, letter, publish, publishing, amazon, self-publish, edit, editor, boyfriend, girlfriend, relationship, romance, romantic, love, humor, funny, motivation, inspiration
Id: rw7nQWgPkAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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