10 WORST Punishments By Parents Ever

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's Charlie here and today we're going to be looking at the 10 worst punishments by parents if you guys ever thought your parents were harsh well they're nothing compared to these people well at least I hope not but yeah some of these are absolutely crazy and I didn't even believe some of these when I was researching this so definitely drop a like if you enjoy let's aim for 4,000 likes on this video because it really does help me out so coming in at number 10 we have diaper head shave now this one has got to be one of the most bizarre ones on this entire video this is literally the kind of punishment that a Mentalist would come up with but anyway this happened in Minnesota in America and basically this twelve-year-old girl just came home and showed her parents that she got a really shitty report card so instead of talking to the teacher or maybe I don't know helping her out with her schoolwork they shaved her head and made her run up and down their street in just a diaper but don't worry too much they didn't get away with this and they were arrested a few hours after it happened after a neighbor called the police I mean if I looked out of my window and saw that forget calling the police I'm moving but seriously this was really bad because it wasn't just some quiet street in the middle of nowhere they lived in quite a busy area some around 50 people were standing around and watching her and she had to do this for half an hour before the police showed up by this one really backfired for the parents because the girl and four siblings were put into foster care and the parents got a year in jail and a three thousand dollar fine and probably the worst thing is that they were banned from seeing their kids ever again I mean what they did is bad but I mean imagine never being allowed to see any of your kids again that that's just terrible so coming up next we have selling concert tickets so this one is a little bit funnier than the last one basically this 12 year old Australian girl really loved one direction and they were coming to Australia so she begged her parents to buy her a ticket and eventually they did and they also got one for her best friend but then one day about a week before the concert she lied to her parents I don't know what the life was about but it's not really important what's important is what her parents did they decided as a punishment for lying to put her ticket up on eBay and they also sold the ticket they bought for her friend as well I bet her friend was pissed I mean I definitely would be well I mean if I was a 12 year old Australian girl who loved one direction that is uh which I'm not and obviously they sold the tickets they got for themselves they sold the tickets for about dollars in the end and in an interview that dad said you can thank my daughter for her self-righteous and lippy aptitude for their sale damn he sounds pretty pissed I'd like to know what she lied about but anyway coming up next is starvation now this one is a much more serious punishment as you can probably guess by the title of this one and what really messed up about this is the kids past so these two kids aged six and eight have been adopted by Moana and Russell Hauer after their original parents were beating them and because of this the kids were diagnosed with PTSD and a bunch of other mental disorders but anyway their new parents Moana and Russell were pretty good for a while but these parents soon became really messed up and they couldn't handle their own kids misbehaving so this started starving their kids when they were misbehaving and they did this for absolutely ages and they were only stopped when one of the kids teachers noticed how skinny he was the kids who weighed so little it was found out it could have easily died from being fat underweight their dad who did most of the starvation earns over $100,000 a year but he still didn't feed them so it's not like they were struggling or whatever but anyway the couple were taken to court and obviously had the kids taken away and what's really crazy is the reason the parents gave for literally starving their kids was that they couldn't keep up with the boys games anymore you're literally 34 years old and can't keep up with an eight-year-old seriously but that must have been really bad for the kids because they already got abused by their original parents and now their new parents have abused them too I just hoped that now if they finally go to a good home so next up is kidnapping so this one is really bizarre and hard to believe but I promise that this is all true so this girl called Shannon levy was partying too much and doing really bad at school so her parents paid someone $40,000 to kidnap her couldn't they have just given her the money and told her to be good I mean [ __ ] if someone was offering me $40,000 I do pretty much anything and I mean anything I'm completely joking but seriously that is a crazy amount of money but the kidnapper didn't just kidnap Shannon they also took her to a labor camp where you do therapy and manual labor all day so it's basically like a fat camp but for behavior and doing this is technically illegal but there are a few companies who do this and the same company also offers a gator straight transformation package I don't even want to know what that involves but yeah guys I guess the next time you go out to a party make sure your parents don't find out or they might just get you kidnapped so next up is computer shooting now this one is from a really famous viral video and you I've seen it because it has over 41 million views but anyway the story to this one is a dad who kept telling his daughter to stop posting disrespectful stuff about him and her mom on Facebook kept posting and shit-talking her mum and dad's so the dad decided to take her laptop out into a field and shoot it with a pistol and he didn't just shoot it to pieces he also recorded it so that all her friends could see it and he said he was basically trying to encourage other parents to do the same but the dad actually got so much hate for this with the owen because people were saying he was way too harsh and people sent him death for it and we're calling him all kinds of bad stuff I mean I do kind of agree he could have just taken it away instead of shooting it but death threats for shooting a laptop welcome to 2016 I guess anyway here's a few little clips of the video so next up is dad shirt so you guys have probably heard of overprotective dads and who knows maybe you guys even have an overprotective dad but this guy is on another level so this dad was tired of boys going after his daughter so he made this shirt for her to wear that says stay clear boys this is my dad the photo was first posted on reddit but it later got over 400,000 likes on Facebook and got shared almost 50,000 times but a lot of people were actually hating on this dad for making her wear that shirt because people were saying he shouldn't control her so much but some people found it really funny I just hope he didn't make her wear this outside and the reason this is such a harsh punishment is because if you think about it she didn't even really do anything it was the boys who were after her and also that's just normal kid stuff so the tab really shouldn't have gone involved but one thing's for sure that this kid is pissed I mean just look at her face anyway up next is embarrassing parent so if you guys have ever been embarrassed by your parents when they will with you and just being themselves well if they're bad enough just normally imagine what they'd be like if they were actively trying to embarrass you well that's exactly what happened to this kid this 52 year old dad wanted his daughter to stop wearing short shorts but she wouldn't so he said to her I'm gonna show you how stupid you look and he put on a pair of her short shorts and went out to dinner with her and obviously he got a lot of really weird looks and actually got mocked by so many people but he thought it was worth it because obviously his daughter was getting so embarrassed it's but apparently it didn't work at all because his daughter refused to stop wearing short shorts and she ended up taking these photos and posting them on Facebook which obviously caused him so much embarrassment as millions of people saw what he did and to be honest I think he should let his daughter wear what she wants but let me know what you guys think in the comments so coming up next is shaming sign so this middle school kid from Florida got sent home one day with a really shitty report card and his dad had a really bad punishment in store now even though this isn't as crazy as some of the other ones in this list this one is insane because of how long the punishment went on for and I'm actually gonna let scarce explain what the punishment was his parents made him publicly shame himself hanging and you have to shame yourself I would not do that dude that would actually piss me off so much but anyway all jokes aside the kid was called Michael Bell and he had to stand on the corner of an intersection in Miami holding a sign that says I got an F and most of my classes so as a punishment I'm supposed to stay here for the whole Spring Break if you don't do right then you get a lot of stuff taken away from you he failed four classes and he told the local news that he knows he messed up and he wants to change if I was a dad I wouldn't do that because he's trying to fix a problem so it's not too much more you can do but this happened in 2014 so hopefully Michael is back on track now anyway here's a news clip showing what his dad made him do Jr's dad is making him stand on a busy intersection wearing a sign that I don't like it but I know that it was my father's he has been sworn up in school behavior and act so next up is hacking Facebook so this one is a really weird kind of modern punishment so this mom from Ohio had this daughter and she was talking really badly to her and being disrespectful so the mom changed her daughter's profile picture on Facebook with a red X over her mouth and a caption that says she's not allowed to use Facebook all her phone and if anyone asks why she has to tell them this girl was only 12 and apparently she was mouthing off now I don't know what she could have been saying at 12 years old and I guess it must have been bad enough for her mom to hack her own daughter's Facebook anyway this image got shared so much and has been seen over 14 million times and the mum got a lot of criticism for this and even got things like death threats and people saying she was a bad mum I mean this was kind of harsh just for being a bit rude but I guess it's up to you and coming up last on this list is hot sauce so this is a really extreme and probably the most painful punishment on this entire video so this is kind of a new take of the old soap in the mouth punishment basically this mum's kid was swearing so instead of clearing his mouth out with soap she decided to burn it with hot sauce and this was caught on camera and shone around on a few news programs and this mum actually ended up getting investigated by the child protection services but nothing big ever actually came of it well legally at least but she did get a lot of backlash for this and even ended up on dr. Phil whereas you can imagine the whole audience hated her and the reason I put this at number one is because when the kid got checked out a hospital it was found out that his tongue and mouth was all burnt up which is obviously absolutely awful check out the poll in the top right corner and you guys can vote for the worst punishment so you've seen some really nasty parents but after watching dark 5s video on screen right now you'll see that some kids are just as bad so click here to check out five shocking times kids fought back and if you haven't already what are you waiting for subscribe to me and Doc five [Music]
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 9,393,536
Rating: 4.6132102 out of 5
Keywords: punishments, parents, worst, crazy, punishment, punish, top 10, Top10, Top5, List, Viral, Facts, most, best, horrible, kids, Ever, terrible, bad, parent, mom, dad, kid, children, child, Box, Needle Torture, Cold, Hot, Belt, Humiliation, Starvation, Haircut, old man, Burning, Cigarettes, head shave, bullying, girl, boy, adult, grounded, worst parents, bad parents, insane, strange, punishing, 10, weirdest, weird, bizarre, scary, education, dark5, top 10s
Id: TJl8hYTQIc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2016
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