10 Kids Who Beat The System (Hilarious)

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's Charlie here and today we're going to be looking at 10 hilarious kids who beat the system there are many good things about being a kid but as you're young parents teachers and life in general put restrictions on you well here are some kids who have already figured out how to win at life before we get into it be sure to subscribe to top tens and press the notification bell - coming in at number 10 we have Legos we all know the worst thing about being a kid is your parents getting mad this usually means you're going to be shouted at or even spanked now as a kid you can't exactly do much about this however one young boy who was in trouble took precautions that meant he was untouchable forget Al Capone this kid is a true genius who beat the system you see he scattered his LEGO pieces all over his bedroom floor to make the ultimate booby trap if you've ever stepped on a Lego piece that I'm surprised you're still around to watch this video okay they're not that bad but it showed us how to step in our LEGO brick so seeing as this kid has put Legos all over his room he's made a barrier between him and his parents so they can't punish him of course him messing up his room with Lego probably got him into more trouble but seeing as he's blocked off any way to get to him with the Lego I guess that doesn't matter this kid truly has beat in the system next up is confiscated so we've seen one kid who tricked his parents now that's one thing but what about tricking your teacher a few years back one kid named Schneider got his phone confiscated after using it in class seeing his kids can't go along without checking their phone you can see why this would be a problem the kid wanted his phone back but his teacher said his mom would have to come and collect it so she could hear what he was doing now this would also be a problem as his mom would be mad if she knew he got his phone confiscated so this kid beat the system by dressing up as his own mom and trying to get his phone back from his teacher and the most surprising thing is the teacher actually believed their disguise and gave him his phone back they bought it he figured the teacher wouldn't question if his mom was really him it's this would make her look rude if it really was her and it worked his friend tweeted out what he did but it got out of hand and went viral which caused his teacher to find out now of course this did get the kid into more trouble but at least he pulled it off in the first place and also this kid has gone down as a viral legend who beat the sister next up is player and I say player what do you picture you probably think of a guy dressed as James Bond with tons of models in a beach house somewhere right well perhaps you should change that image to an innocent preschooler instead it sounds crazy but it seems like some kids who haven't even reached a middle school yet are already breaking hearts this photo was taken at a preschool and shows a little boy and their little girl hugging they're obviously boyfriend/girlfriend but if you look to the right you can see the boy is secretly holding on to another girl's hand if this kid really get caught cheating in a preschool class some all the people who cheat could learn a thing or two from this kid as he seems like a mastiff Anissa the girl he's targeting has no idea he's secretly holding hands with another girl right behind her and we all know that for a preschooler holding hands is a pretty big deal something tells me this kid is going to break a lot of hearts when he's older what is the world come to when preschoolers have side chicks welcome to 2018 everyone next up is Grammer now you'll love arcade games but one of the worst arcade games that no one likes is those grabbing machines we all know there are a massive ripoff as the prices always slide off the hook now as adults there's nothing we can do about this but one kid decided to beat the system and take action after losing her money on this lame ramen machine she didn't win any prizes and was not happy but she was determined to get the giant stuffed panda so she crawled inside the machine the arcade supervisor spotted her inside the machine and was very mad but the girl simply didn't care so she needed to get the Panda prize she was trying to win she succeeded in doing this in the end which is pretty impressive it definitely shows determination and quick thinking that only a kid could get away with yeah I think the supervisor would be a little more angry if it was a fully grown man in the machine either way this girl she'll also have to beat this system next up is football one of the worst things about being a kid is school and the worst thing about school is tests well one smart kid decided to use a few sneaky tricks in order to get the right test answer the question was which is the best estimate for the length of a football field sis for one foot four feet five feet or eight feet now either the kid wasn't sure or he just didn't feel like answering this dumb question so instead he filled in one foot and then added ballin to the end of the word making one football now one football would be the length of one football so the teacher really can't complain I'm just kidding this kid probably got a detention for doing this but he still did be this system by technically getting the answer right what would you do if you are a teacher mark this right or wrong I would personally give him an A for beating the system but an F math next up is fishy this is one kid who took instructions a little too literally and ended up beating the system his teacher to school in Japan taught the entire class to bring the fish to observe this meant the kids had to go out and pay for a fish just to bring into class to look at however one kid either didn't want to spend his money on a fish or perhaps he just forgot to do it so instead he simply brought in a fish from his refrigerator while the rest of the kids had to spend their cash buying goldfish and so on this kid simply beat the system and did something different it sure beats the other kids sitting across from him he bought in Nothing man if his teacher complains he could simply say he did exactly what she said by bringing in a fish only this kid purposely took her instructions too literally a teaching aid took this photo when it went viral on Japanese social media sites I can see why is this kid is either an idiot or a genius which do you think next up is outside when you've done something wrong and your parents find out you have two options as a kid either block off your room with Legos or you have to face up to the punishment one kid was grounded by his parents and they told him not to set foot outside now for most kids this means they wouldn't be able to enjoy the Sun and would have to stay indoors but this crafty kid found a way to avoid being totally grounded by sticking all of his body out of the door but leaving his feet in the house you see his parents said don't set foot outside so I guess every other body part is fair game his dad took this photo of him and posted it to Reddit where it went viral and people nicknamed him the genius kid by sure to agree with that as he really did beat the system you may assume his parents were mad that he found out this loophole but actually they were impressed by his intuition to be fair it is impressive to pick up on such technicalities of a punishment at his young age this kid should definitely be a lawyer when he's older next up is true or false this is another kid who beat this system when it comes to a test at school but this one is even smarter and you can use it in school too one kids had to do a true or false test in school one day however he must have not been very hot on the topic or maybe didn't study well if you're crafty enough then this isn't the problem he simply wrote a hybrid of true and false for each answer the tea looks like an F the R looks like an a the U looks like a u n an S and the YZ the same on both words his teacher posted this online when she found it on his test sheet and it went viral this has actually worked for some other kids who tried it out but that was on a single answer not the entire test some teachers who are quickly checking the work simply breathe it as the right answer as that's what they expect to be there are you going to try this out at school if you do and you get caught just remember you didn't hear this one from me seriously I don't want to end up being in detention in schools all over the world next up is tablet as kids we all have to contend with House Rules for example this kids not allowed to use his tablets in the kitchen as he made spilled food or drink on it but he's also not allowed food or drink in the living room as food or drink maybe spilled on the rug or the sofas so to get around this the kids simply hangs out in between the kitchen and the lounge he puts his tablet down on the rug of the lounge and keeps his food and drink on the floor of the kitchen this is a genius way to have your cake and eat it his mum posted a photo of this clever idea showing of his smart way around the house rules people found this hilarious and some even call this kid a genius I think Einstein would be pretty annoyed people are comparing equals mc-squared to this so I won't go that far but one thing neither you nor Reinstein can denies that this kid knows how to bend the rules and beat the system have you ever found a crafty way to get around house rules next up is playing outside so before we saw a kid who wanted to play outside but wasn't allowed to well here we have the exact opposite of that many kids today like to stay inside and play their games on the Xbox Playstation or computer one kid was playing a game on his computer too much and was always cooped up indoors so his parents told him to go outside and play he went outside and they probably assumed he went out for a bike ride or to play football outside but minutes later his mom looked out the window and saw he was literally playing outside this is another kid who took instructions way too literally in order to beat the system guys if your parents ever tell you to play outside instead of inside then try this out or if they tell you to stop watching YouTube videos indoors then simply watch them outside let me know in the comment section if you've ever done anything like the kids on this list to beat the system and check out the poll on the top right corner to vote for the kid who beat the system the best in my opinion that's the kid with the Lego is that is pretty hilarious just imagine being a parent and see your kid doing that I would be mad but also impressed at the same time but as always thanks for watching check out some more videos on screen right now leave like if you enjoyed and if you haven't really what you waiting for subscribe to top tens [Music]
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 8,447,565
Rating: 4.6990867 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10 most, best, worst, kids, children, beat the system, hilarious, funny, Kids Who Beat The System (Hilarious), genius, test answers, list, school, rules, teenagers, parents, family, parenting, high school, teacher, child, boy, girl, men, women, people, entertainment, viral, fact, education, new, list videos, facts, kids who won at life, funny test answers, reaction, 10 kids, videos, won, winning, epic, awesome, amazing, fun
Id: mB6s_mNX4H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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