10 EVIL Bullies Who Went Too Far Ever

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's charlie here and today we're going to be looking at 10 evil bullies who went too far so it turns out that around 42 of people have been bullied before and this can be minus stuff like name calling and pushing people around to absolutely insane things that i couldn't even imagine and today we're going to be looking at the insane stuff so please drop a like if you enjoy let's aim for 6 000 likes on this video because it really does help me out so coming in at number 10 we have cigarette burning so this one is coming from china and this one is so messed up especially because of the age gap between the bullies and the victim so this was actually a viral video which blew up in 2015 and the video shows four 15 year old bullies with a 12 year old kid who's tied up with a rope around his neck by the older kids and then the older kids slap him and chase him around and even light cigarettes and then put them down the kid's t-shirt and one kid even stomped on his head with a shoe which is really messed up because that kid could have got serious burn injuries and while the kid was crying and all of this was going on the bullies were just laughing and one of them was even filming it i guess to show their friends or something no i'm not going to show the video but i had to see it to make this video and i can tell you guys it's so messed up but it is online and because of how insane this is so many chinese people were pissed off and disgusted and they demanded that police took action and look into this and the police got over 4 000 phone calls about it and they did investigate it and they found out the identities of all four kids but the kids couldn't get legal punishment because they were too young except a fine of around twelve thousand dollars which their parents had to pay for damn i can't imagine what their parents did to the kids when they got a twelve thousand dollar fine but the kids didn't totally get away with it because their information got publicized and they received death threats they got kicked out of their school and they probably won't be able to get a job because of this now that is a really bad punishment and some people think the police shouldn't have leaked their information but what they did was really [ __ ] up so what do you guys think should they be kept anonymous or exposed anyway next up we have natalie connor so this one is absolutely insane and really sad and if you guys thought the one before was dramatic well this one is even more crazy i mean it's seriously like something out of a horror movie so basically this girl from england called natalie connor started really hating and bullying this girl called lucy cochrane and what's really nasty is that lucy had learning difficulties which was one of the reasons why natalie bullied her and also because she had ginger hair so basically natalie started getting worried about getting in trouble for being a bully so she told her parents that lucy had been bullying her even though it was the other way around and to get revenge on lucy for apparently bullying her even though it was the other way around natalie and her mom planned to set her house on fire but natalie's dad was an alcoholic and one night when he was drunk natalie's mom persuaded him to do it so he pulled petrol through lucy's house's litter box and then threw in a match to light a massive fire and the whole house got totally destroyed and lucy was left with third degree burns which will change her life forever because she will never fully recover and here's the really shocking part both of lucy's parents burnt to death so yeah this bully literally killed her victim's parents and ruined her life and obviously natalie and her parents were caught and the parents were both sentenced to life in jail but because natalie was only 17 she could only serve a maximum of 11 years but for some reason she was let out in 2011 after only serving half of her sentence so yeah this evil girl is at large right now which i think is insane so next up on the list we have jessica logan this one is also really sad and is a massive tragedy and the story is something that happens a lot today but not usually with this kind of ending so jessica was in her last year of high school and she was having a pretty messy breakup with her boyfriend and you guys have probably all heard of sites like revenge porn and stuff where people basically leak photos of their exes naked to expose them and that's kind of what happened to jessica because her boyfriend ended up sending naked photos of jessica to the whole school and because of this people were harassing her and shaming her which made her really sad and apparently the whole school was calling her a [ __ ] and a [ __ ] and she tried to talk to teachers about this bullying but they said to just ask them nicely to delete the photos like what these teachers obviously didn't give a [ __ ] because everyone knows it would never work but a little later a local tv station invited tauren to talk about her bullying and spread the message of anti-bullying which was good of her to try and be positive and tell people not to send naked photos so they didn't have to experience what she was going through but this ended up making the bullying worse and two months after the tv appearance jessica was found dead in her room and she'd actually hanged herself because of the bullying and her parents sued the ex-boyfriend and her school for not doing enough to stop the bullying which i think is totally justified and it's so messed up that people bullied her for this like i know girls who have had their nudes leaked and nothing bad happened to them but just be careful who you guys send photos to so next up is sergey kasper this is another massive tragedy and this is also another example of teachers just not giving a [ __ ] about their students getting bullied so this one is from russia and basically this kid called sergey was a student who loved art and acting but because russia is very homophobic they thought he might be gay because of this so they always bullied him but one day in 2014 his classmates wrapped him in a plastic bag so he couldn't move his arms or legs and then they pushed him into a dirty toilet when he was all wrapped up they then bought him back to the classroom where a teacher was and they put him in the classroom but because he couldn't stand up because his legs were all wrapped up he fell over and hit his neck on the teacher's desk and that ended up crushing his windpipe and even when he was dying on the floor bullies were still laughing until a few minutes and then they realized he couldn't breathe sergei was then taken to the hospital but sadly died later that day the whole thing was caught on surveillance video and the video went viral on youtube but i just can't believe the teacher didn't stop this i think they're just as much to blame as the bullies but anyway coming up next is kade polos so in 2012 this kid called kade went to a junior high school in oklahoma in america and one day the school had a superhero dress-up day and just before the students had to go to their first class and everyone was in the hallway checking out each other's costumes well suddenly a really loud gunshot was heard and everyone ran out to the school because everyone thought it might be a school shooting or something so the students all got evacuated and the school went into total lockdown but it turns out it wasn't a school shooter but cade polos dressed as the batman villain two-face and kate had actually shot himself in the head in front of loads of people with his dad's handgun and after his death it was found out that he'd been badly bullied because of his ginger hair and when the police asked this school if they knew about the bullying they said no but one policeman was so sad and angry about what happened he decided to do some digging and he asked a ton of students and they said that kade was bullied a lot and everyone knew so the school basically just lied to save their own backs which is obviously really messed up and this one is just so sad so next up is karen klein so this is another really sad one and this is strange because of who was being bullied so karen klein is an elderly woman from new york in america who is partly deaf and she worked as a school bus monitor for a high school which basically just means she looked after everyone and made sure people are behaving themselves on the school bus but in 2012 a video went viral called making the bus monitor cry where a ton of kids were bullying her and they were doing stuff like calling her a [ __ ] and seeing her family killed themselves not to be with her and what's so [ __ ] up about that is that her own son did actually kill himself a few years ago and the students actually knew this so they were just being plain nasty and because what they were saying was so messed up she started crying but even when she was crying the kid still mocked her and said she was a fat ass and she was only crying because she missed her books of twinkies which is basically like an unhealthy snack if you guys aren't from america but anyway after the video went viral karen admitted on the news that the kids had bullied her for a while and would sometimes even attack her and steal her hearing aid and because people were so outraged by this they ended up doxing the bullies which means to give out their information and because of that the bully's got a ton of death rates and hate online and even though these beliefs were so nasty to her karen asked people not to do this and she didn't even press charges then a canadian guy who saw the news story set up a gofundme which raised over seven hundred thousand dollars for karen and she used that to start up her own charity about anti-bullying so yeah at least this one has kind of a happy ending so next up is tai smalley this is another really shocking and sad one so basically this kid called tai was getting really badly bullied at school because he was so small and he would get called names had food throwing on him got locked in school lockers and even put into bins and because of how bad this was getting his parents decided to send letters to the school and over the course of only a few months they sent over four letters asking the school to do something about it but over time the school just said boys will be boys and they did nothing like what kind of school is this which just lets kids be bullied i mean fair enough if it is just jokes and stuff but it's pretty obvious that this wasn't but anyway one day ty did something he'd never done before he got cornered in the school gym and was getting punched so for once he decided to punch back and because they were technically fighting he got sent to the principal's office along with one of the bullies and ty got given a four-day suspension while his bully only got one this school seems so dumb why would he give the person who started the fight less of a punishment and they knew tai was getting bullied so why would they suspend him at all but here's the really shocking and sad part on the first day of thai's suspension he shot himself in the head at home and killed himself and i'm not sure if the bully got in trouble for basically causing thai suicide but if what the school was doing before is nothing to go by i doubt they bully got in any trouble at all so next up we have bayley o'neil so this one is a really shocking one and the bullies are really evil in this one so basically this kid called bailey would often get bullied by these two boys and one day these two boys jumped him at recess and they tried to attack him and take his lunch money so bayley tried to run away so the bully started smacking him in the head and face and broke his nose and bailey just tried to protect himself the whole time and was given an ice pack to recover like seriously that's not gonna do [ __ ] for a broken nose anyway his bully got suspended for about one day but after getting hit in the head by the bullies bayley started to change a lot so he got checked out by a doctor and they found out that he got a traumatic brain concussion because of the bully's attack and then bayley started to get seizures every few seconds because his brain was really messed up after he got hit so the doctors had to put bailey into a coma to try and operate on his brain but before they could even operate he died in a coma one day after his 12th birthday which is such a sad story and even though those police didn't mean to kill him they still did and i hope they got some kind of punishment so next up we have nicole madison lavelle so this one is a really sad one especially because of the victim's backstory and what happened to this girl is so insane it's like a horror movie so when this girl called nicole was around 4 she survived a liver transplant but when she turned 14 she started getting bullied really badly at school because she had ginger hair freckles and was a little bit overweight so to try and cope with the bullying in real life she joined a lot of dating websites and tried to create a better life online and she spent a lot of time talking to strangers on these anonymous dating websites and eventually she started talking to a guy called david eisenhower who was 18 and went to a university in virginia in america and david convinced nicole to run away with him so in 2016 nicole snuck out of her house in the middle of the night to go to virginia but when she got there david and his friend natalie murdered nicole and she was found dead four days later in a forest and this only happened a few months ago so the killers are still awaiting a sentence but i think they're gonna get life in jail but yeah it turns out that david knew about her age all along and was just using her vulnerability to lure him to her so he could kill her and all of this wouldn't have happened if nicole didn't get bullied enough wraps up this video check out the poll in the top right corner and you guys can vote for the worst bullying story for me i think it's the one who set the girl's house on fire just because that is absolutely insane but as always thank you guys for watching leave a like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for subscribe you [Music]
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 4,431,626
Rating: 4.7578368 out of 5
Keywords: bullies, bully, revenge, bullying, heartless, went too far, evil, savage, Heartless, most, school, beat, down, owned, get, heartless bullies, bullies get dropped, bullies getting dropped, school bullies, worst bullying, bully owned, most evil school bullies, karen klein, bailey o'neill, cade poulos, ty smalley, jessica logan, nicole madison lovell, sergei casper, natalie connor, lucy cochrane, bullies getting owned, bullies get owned, top 10s, charlie top 10s
Id: 7NSLthevf88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2016
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