10 Parents Who Took Punishments WAY Too Far

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's Charlie here and today we're going to looking at 10 parents who took punishments way too far being a kid is super fun right but one thing that isn't fun about being a kid is getting punished by your parents for messing around my punishment is ever good but these parents took things a little too far scratch that way too far before we begin be sure to subscribe to the crafty my new channel there's amazing crafts and life hacks on there so go over and comment saying you subscribe for a shout out at the end of the next top tens video and why not subscribe and hit the bell for top tens to go on you know you want to coming in at number 10 is Freeman and Julie see this is an example of a parent combining two of the world's worst things weird parent hobbies and punishment in 2011 Freeman and Julie sixteen-year-old daughter went out to a party without their permission so did Fremont ground her or maybe give her extra chores well no you see Freeman is a live-action role playing Lucy asked which is basically where a group of guys go and dress up like medieval characters hey don't make that face it's totally normal and cool I can't see anything uncool about it anyway he decided to incorporate his hobby into his daughter's punishment he challenged her to a medieval duel which consisted of them putting on pretend armor and jousting with pretend dowsing rods Freeman and his daughter both had wooden swords and shields and in a very odd battle afterwards Freeman was actually arrested along with his wife as he wasn't allowed to have the swords I just feel sorry for his wife being cracked into this I mean this risky hobbies anthem there's this but wait their daughter's punishment doesn't in there after all of that she was allegedly made to watch a televised sermon from a preacher I know the medieval jewel may sound lame but at least it's less boring than that one thing's for sure these are some interesting parents next up is Tavis sellers we all know the best boxing match of this year was supposedly between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather but this dad and son probably could have given them a run for their money okay maybe not their money but still a few years back Travis seller caught his 17 year old son skipping school so he did what any logical person would do and challenged his son to a boxing match in their family room not only did he have the match all and out he even filmed it on Facebook live I wonder if there was a hundred dollar pay-per-view charge for that as you might expect from something so weird if the video went viral and received over 1.5 million views Tavis won the match against discern but suffice to say he didn't exactly come out on top he had to pay five thousand dollars in fines after people called the cops on him thanks to the video although his son was ok afterwards some thought it wasn't okay that Tavis did this and called face arrest not only that his son was removed from the household thanks to his dad's actions I can't tell if that's an L or a W for a son what do you think next up is Takayuki Toluca this one happened in Japan so you already know it's gonna be weird you know scary forests out in Japan being left alone in one of them would be the worst thing ever right well one japanese mom named taki yuki thought the same thing so when her seven-year-old son named yamato was throwing rocks in a car she decided to punish him by leaving him out in a forest she drove off to prove a point and returned minutes later but when she returned her son was nowhere to be seen this was particularly worrying as the forest was bare infested she called the police who created a rescue team of over 150 people to try and find it finally six days after he was dumped he was found in a military camp four miles away from where his parents left him he was very smart and found a water tap outside the camp which is how he lived he was fine in the end but the thing his mum did was so bad she must have got her comeuppance right I mean even that julen guy was arrested well know unbelievably police said his parents wouldn't face any charges am I being too harshly these parents deserve a punishment of their own next up is Samantha and James Taylor we've seen a lot of kids misbehaving on this list although these parents haven't exactly dealt with it in a good way you can't deny having a kid mr. Haven can be bad but the Taylor family had all three kids misbehaving this was way too much for them so their parents Samantha and James went crazy they put the kids inside plastic boxes and cut air holes for them the kids were in the boxes for a while and we're given water through the hole to drink for this the parents got in a lot of trouble and had a punishment of their own their kids were taken away as now left with other relatives if that was me that would still be way too close to the parents I'd want to be 100 percent / UT out of that family that had served one year in jail for what he did but my mom got away with a mere two years probation these are some messed up parents and all I can say is I wonder how the dad feels being crammed in the books himself next up is Diana Franklin let me ask you a simple question what goes in chicken coops well that might seem simple but Diana Franklin didn't get the message one day in 2015 her 15 year old adopted daughter didn't do her schoolwork so a school called Diana to let her know like most moms would be Diana was furious but she reacted in a very crazy way she made her daughter live in a chicken coop for a week all for not doing some homework thankfully her daughter was removed from the house or coop after an anonymous tip and yes her mom was arrested but that's not all her mom wasn't sentenced to one year in prison or two years in prison but a hundred and ninety years in prison it wasn't always such a high number but as her daughter is now 18 she testified against her mom saying she has flashbacks and nightmares now thanks to her this is one bad mom well it's 190 years behind bars a little over the top let's just hope she doesn't believe in reincarnation or she's gonna be there a while next up is pool we all remember learning to swim it can be tricky to get at first but some kids just don't enjoy it well this was the exact case for one girl in the family in California back in 2016 her father was trying to teach her how to swim but she simply wouldn't get in the pool then she threw it then she threw a tantrum and began screaming about not getting in the pool so either to try and get her to see it wasn't so bad or just to shut her up her dad threw her in the pool he thought this was funny and posted the surveillance footage of it to Facebook but this proved to be a big mistake and landed him in hot water just a few days later police showed up in his store and they were not dropping any laughing emojis on that video nope instead they gave him the prison emoji if you know what I mean is there a prison emoji it'll probably come in the iPhone X but seriously the dad went to jail too bad next up is Jessica beegley in 2011 this woman's kid was misbehaving so she made him drink hot sauce as punishment let them in don't you always carry with you how did that yeah yeah what she didn't know was that her ten-year-old daughter was filming the entire thing and sent it to dr. Phil and know her daughter is not the cash me outside girl the family went on the show and it was even a special episode named money confessions on the show she admitted to using hot sauce and even said she made her son take an ice-cold shower as well suffice to say dr. Phil and the audience were not happy and dr. Phil himself since she was one of the worst people he'd ever had on his show the police also weren't happy if she was arrested and given a four thousand dollar fine as soon as she left the show and this man was actually the inspiration for the song too much sauce okay that bit might not be true next up is caged in 2017 at California couple's 11 year old kid was misbehaving they were freaking out and wouldn't stop smashing furniture so they decided to put their kid in a cage the cage was about the size of a large dog kennel but it wasn't exactly the Hilton however police did find a mattress inside the cage so maybe it kind of is like a hotel the police received an anonymous tip from a neighbor who must have wanted to move right after seeing this luckily the kid and her two siblings were taken away from the parents and their parents were arrested this is still ongoing so I can't say too much there aren't two me guys but one thing I can say is that these parents may be facing prison time now I doubt it'll Y 190 years like that mom before but I also doubt she'll get off totally free like the mom in Japan don't catch up your kids guys it makes them feel cagey next up is hope eschewed this man was homeschooling her daughter so you already know something's gonna go wrong here her ten-year-old daughter was reading a book out loud to her while she was ironing clothes but then her daughter did the ultimate bad thing she misread the book this resulted in hope burning her face with an iron not once but twice the next day a neighbor asked her how she was injured and she told the truth the police thing got involved and then she said her mom didn't even take her to the hospital I suppose that would look kind of suspicious but still bad mom hope was arrested but got out of jail the same day however this didn't come cheap she had to post $10,000 bail yeah maybe she should go to a dry cleaner from now on I don't trust that lady with an iron coming up next is Grady and Debora Manning these parents 14 year old son kept not coming home on time from school I was getting lousy grades his parents gravy in Debora was so mad they made him sleep outside on a dog mat one night and not used the restroom and one day Debora actually puts dog mess inside his backpack this was obviously found out when he got to school this was obviously found out when got to school as was how bad his parents are as a result both of his parents were arrested for what they did Grady was sentenced to six months in jail while Deborah received 120 hours of community service she's still putting dogmas in bags although they're now trash bags instead of a son school bag this is one case of some lousy parents getting their comeuppance check out the poll in the top right corner and you can vote for the worst parents I think it's the Iron Lady because that is one terrible thing to do remember guys check out the crafty for more amazing life hacks and tips and comment saying you subscribed on the latest video if you do that you'll be shouted out at the end of our next top tens video and don't think I'm just saying that everyone gets a shout out your comments so definitely go over and do it but as always thanks for watching check out some more videos on screen rights now leave a like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for subscribe to top tens [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 777,653
Rating: 4.8177948 out of 5
Keywords: people, parents, kids, punishments, way too far, insane, crazy, list, top, best, worst, parent, dad, mom, man, woman, men, women, reaction, all time, bad parents, parenting, haircut, photos, stupid people, who, took, to, another, level, viral, trending, new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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