10 Virgins? Speaking in Tongues? Other Created Humans? QA 22 June 2016

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hello again this is Ron Matson welcome to the executive briefing room here at the river lodge in repre New Zealand I'm joined with chuck Missler hi Chuck nice to be with you my friend no it's it's our we've just gone through the shortest day of the year for us in the southern hemisphere longest night right longest night in the longest day up in the northern hemisphere but and we did it without any anything to be concerned about and yeah exactly fine yeah good excellent well I want to tell our viewers just a couple of things before we get into the Q&A is one is we often have people write us emails or contact us and by various methods asking how can I help they love the ministry they love to see what's going on and I would say very simply do this as you see it on the screen subscribe to our YouTube channel which is cornea house by doing so it allows us to be able to send you notices of every video that we load plus if you are a user of Facebook or Twitter also we have a presence there you want to take advantage of those facebook twitter and youtube by subscribing is the quickest and easiest way for us to be able to communicate with you what's coming and for you to be able to communicate with us secondly what we'd like you to do is after you subscribe then use the features there if you see a video or so you like what we'd like you to do is hit the like button and share it take the video share it through Facebook if there's a particular part of it that's important to you or something that you'd like more discussion on with the people that you're connected with and lastly give us feedback we do listen to the feedback that comes through both our YouTube channel and our Facebook remarks and comments we take notice of of what's taking place and we shape these programs based on the interest that we see there so and we a real pick up from that encouragement it is really good people write as little notes and so forth it's clear that they're watching and their value what would that kind of encouragement is Scripture that's what you should be doing yeah yeah Brava sir yeah that's right now exactly right and so we certainly have this yet apparatus right we got those guys look we are some of both I think yeah I also want to just make note of the fact that we have a conference coming up in October is the strategic prospectus conference it's our international conference it's in Coeur d'Alene Idaho at the Coeur d'Alene Resort if you have not been to it you'll want to attend especially given this 2016 is such a tumultuous year it's a lot of change a lot of things that are going on and we'll be looking at current affairs through the biblical perspective and so if you want to find out more about that just go to our primary website which is Koinonia house which is Kay house org and so you want to check that out and if they're stateside be there where this is one of the times that we try to arrange our travel to the stateside correct for a good part of the month actually but especially near the end of the month with our big conference yes yes well Chuck let's move on to the very first question it's going to deal with really people who are asking the question with how do they know what the Lord is saying and here's the question I'm seeing so many people in religious circles people who are sincere who testify that they have prayed to God to know the truth of the rapture and have been answered by God that the by that the Bride of Christ will go through the 70th week of daniel others claimed to have prayed to God and gotten a different answer why all the collective confusion well I don't know why there's confusion but we don't know the time in the day that people who feel they've gotten that are arguing really against the weight of Scripture and so we don't know when it's going to be we don't pretend to know where we're and people who feel that they know that our are either getting a very special revelation or they're just kidding themselves III don't think it's the Lord's intent for us to know that in advance mmm but I think the question really it's being asked though is not only about people who can say I got a vision that it's going to be you know April the 15th or whatever but also I think the question that's being asked here is the question of what do you do with people who say I prayed about that doctrine or that understanding and God revealed to me that this is true or that's true Oh how do you review it oh that's the question exactly I mean I I when we were preparing for this this program I sort of looked at things for example the the idea of 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 all scripture I want to get this clearly go ahead you studied that and got prepared for this it didn't tell me and you're telling me is you're catching me cold that's fine but but you you peeked ahead a little couple things I want them to understand yeah it does happen now and then the decks been been shuffled against me here I want to clarify that for our listeners yeah you bet you see how badly we need your encouragement no I think this idea of a special revelation is an honest one a fair one and yet very difficult people also have that with dreams they have this and that these things aren't verifiable right so how to deal with that I think that you just deal with them cautiously prayerfully and and caught with great caution it's the Word of God that matters you know that's what 2 timothy 3:15 tells a study to show thyself approved a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word do i and it's the Word of God which it really needs to be the the measuring rule on our experience and so if a person has something they believe to be true they need to take that test all things hold fast to that which is true and so really the the ultimate answer here is that when people are using a very subjective way of finding out truth by saying well gods reveal this to me through prayer and somebody else says well God's revealed this to me through prayer God their God God's not the author of confusion and therefore if there is confusion there it's either either the two or both are wrong or they're using a method which God is not prescribed for us to discern what truth is the truth is discerned through the Word of God as it's opened up by the Holy Spirit that when the Lord is perfectly capable of confirming another thing if if they're if they're persuaded a certain way the Lord can confirm that but it'll be confirmed through the Word of God right yes right okay question here from Marya from Amsterdam she writes in the Millennium there is a big new temple complex on Mount Zion we will be will we be reigning with Christ on earth will this New Jerusalem be hovering above the earth and the Millennium and come down after we would be living in a New Jerusalem I'm confused about its occurrence on the earth and what it exactly means can you help me out no I would be indulging in speculation and I think one of the best things we can do and we get to something we don't know is just admit it rather than contrive a speculation on a speculation kind of thing so so my first reaction to that would be just caution and and double back and see what the scripture actually says there's going to be a New Jerusalem but exactly what it is the reason I go at these things a little more cautiously is for another reason yeah I believe we're going to be dealing in more than a three dimensional space you and I are programmed Euclidean geometry yeah length width height we think of three spatial dimensions length width and height and time is a fourth dimension I have a number of reasons to be persuaded that what we're dealing with when you start calling New Jerusalem is additional dimensions the minute you do that you're moving in the area that we you need special training if there's only there's no the only kind of people that can really deal with hyper hyper spaces of space of more than three spatial dimensions right and there's only two kinds of people who can deal with those mathematicians with special training and small children so so I think the just I think there's a value in recognizing that there are hyper spaces and our ability to deal with them is very very limited because of our limitations and and that gets into a whole discussion of hyperspace I don't want to derail us right on that but but there's a whole area tutorial II we get into but just recognize the many you're starting to deal with hyper spaces it takes a whole nother capability right perception so right right alright but during the millennium itself there will be a Jerusalem it's talked about in Ezekiel there will be a temple and yes but I think but one of the reasons it's so mysterious to us because what's revealed doesn't seem to have coherence to us because we're dealing with hyper spaces I believe yeah and but that's again it's a personal perception right and I'm trying to resist the temptation to get into speculation because there's it it's I think it's okay to get into speculation with a limitation right but but it takes caution yes right don't be adamant about stuff that you can't absolutely know exactly alrighty let's move on to another question this is from Joe he says I'd like to know if demons are fallen angels or disembodied spirits from the cohabitation of the Angels to the women on the earth in Genesis so cohabitation of the Angels well I think he just simply means the the Nephilim watch going down - yes okay the fact that their demons are not necessarily fallen angels I think there is a distinction between demons and fallen angels angels have the ability to materialize and I think even the fallen ones also do demons do not one of the from the scripture we get the inference that the that there's a distinction now there are specialists scholars in demonology that do not agree with me right but at the same time hunger the Marylin garlis there's several that are very competent and well established that would disagree with me but I hold the view that the demons seem to require go have controlling us rather than emerging tangibly yes and and that's the subject of a lot of folklore and traditions but but I think from the scripture that's that that's it the perception I've gained from the scripture I it's a perception I have I wouldn't want to oversell it but I think it's I think it's a place to not necessarily regard them as equivalents right yeah if that's useful right now I think it's useful in the sense if you can start getting into studying the Nephilim and all of that in Genesis 6 it's worth studying carefully on the one hand but with caution right right excellent well we had a comment on YouTube after a program a few weeks back it's from Radovan and so we're going to create some dialogue here back to our YouTube audience it says if prophecy is used for authentification and is not for divination predicting the future why did Jesus give us the prophecy and told us to watch for it and imminence and all of that stuff in other words it does prophecy have a does it play is it more than just for authentification is it also there give us insight into what things will take place in the future I think so but not I think it's a caution because divination is prohibited in the Torah yeah it's not God's intention to reveal to us what's coming in that sense he reveals it so that it Afeni kate's him as the author when it happens that's a form of authentication it's that kind of authentication I think that's really at issue here and so the whole doctrine of eminence being a good example of that and so I would limit our study to what Jesus in fact communicated to us not go beyond that but I think that the distinction that divination is prohibited is is were is worthy of caution and the prophecy is not to predict to give us the ability to predict the future it's to authenticate him as the author when we see it fulfilled there's a difference and as if there are a number of techniques in cryptography that are just distinctive that way that the for authentication not for predictive prediction yeah right and so in the case of Biblical prophecy Jesus for example in in Matthew 24 very famous passage the Olivet discourse you know he's giving them some things to look for and he ends sort of with a parable the fig tree this idea when you see these things begin to come to pass look up for your redemption draws nigh so we are given some indications and things that we can look at even more than that I think he is I think deliberately positioned us to live our lives in a moment-by-moment expectation of his return right that's not a contrivance on our part that's not some you know fringe theory that is being promoted no I think it's what he clearly indicated us and and even Paul lived his life that way with a sense of expectation and so I think that's and that's healthy to live our lives in in that kind of expectation that's that that's his intention so I feel no a pre apprehension doing what he said to do that's what he that was his intention and in fact that leads to what we call the doctrine of eminence and and that's one of the reasons it's useful in another way there's a number of theories eschatological theories that are clearly wrong because they would require denying the doctrine of imminence yes that's one reason we're not post-trib and so forth is because those things would require denying the validity of the doctrine of imminence and so uh I think we're on sound ground there by leaning in the direction Jesus is leaning as to which is to live our lives moment will in a moment by moment expectation and and we could crawl out on a limb here a little bit if you want and that is we know from second Thessalonians 2 that the Antichrist cannot be revealed until after the rapture right we don't know when the rapture is but there are events that occur after the rapture that we can see on our horizon getting closer now as we study those things that's sort of wild because there are things on the horizon and I won't get into it now I'll let them do their homework to do what I'm suggesting here but there are eat world events that are going on that seem to be leading very very close to the revealing of who the Antichrist is well that will occur after the harpazo right and if that's true then the harpazo may be closer to us than we have any imagination to grasp it it may be very very close and so I'll leave it with that so they can dig those things out from our so on the use of that would be prophetically there there is the use of Biblical prophecy that gives it gives us a perspective but it's when we try to take that perspective and give a concrete prediction that that we're going beyond the the Word of God in that sense and the use of prophecy but it becomes concrete once it's been fulfilled yes exactly all right and exactly the divination thing yes yes but at the same time there is a value I think to really doing some homework here we say you I love to put that thing where you know we're being plunged at prayer time about what the Bible says more than any other period time in history well is that preposterous statement I encourage people to do that they have to do two things they have to find out what the Bible really says right and that's pretty direct but they also have to find out what's really going on and what's really going on the more you know what's really going on on the geopolitical scene the more exciting it is it confirms the convergence of what the Bible says and what's going on right to imply imminence if you were absolutely it's question from Steve from volcano Hawaii sounds like he lives in a pretty dangerous place volcano volcano Hawaii that's the address he gave us so I hope he's out in the middle of the volcano he says we are in time and God is outside time so then we are between Genesis and revelation we're in the church age and specifically we are between the 69th week and the 70th week of daniel so what is next in your opinion isaiah 17:1 Psalm 83 is a cue 3839 the rapture of the church or something else in other words he's saying what what are the events we should be looking for in a general sense prophetically all of those all of those actually so the psalm 83 is perhaps one of the most disturbing ones because the first three there speaks it makes reference to God having hidden treasured ones what's it referring to them right and as you play with that and try to put it on different possibilities you can't escape the poss the suggestion that that may be the rapture Saints that that's describing a condition that's after the hot zone and and if so that that that makes that very imminent Isaiah 17:1 the Damascus thing is also a mystery in many ways as as the try to there isn't any clear linkage to how it fits in right the Ezekiel 38 the may Gog and all that I think is pretty clearly preceded by the psalm 83 one would set up the other year yeah that's yes and that bill Salus and other scholars have highlighted that and I think I tend to lean in that direction too but at the fact that the harpazo clearly though I could argue that the next if he's asking what's the next thing to happen it is the HAR pot so in fact there are some things that we know occur after the rapture that are increasingly near yes which means that the rapture itself may be closer than we suspect so it might be tomorrow let's wait it could be before this program is over let's see that would be wonderful it would be it would be be live and on tape then all right let's go to the next question it says I was always curious if there is a difference between fallen angels and demons we sort of the same sort of a question before if so what are they and how does that affect what they do this is Andrew from Australia well the difference is that fallen angels committee realized and and apparently the Scriptures do that there's no indication that demons can materialize that seems to be a distinctive but again there are good scholars that would disagree but that's that's the that's the view we'd for from our study of the word I'd rather add to that that's there well certainly that's the case when you if you limit yourself and most people who traffic in the area especially of dealing with demons have a lot of extra biblical experiences the biblical narrative gives us the sense that that demons require a host to express themselves they don't speak out of rocks they don't manifest themselves independently of a host and and yet they do have the capability of causing the host to do some pretty extraordinary things yes and so but I think that distinction is in the scripture and so I lean that way that doesn't mean we're right yeah that's our perception yeah good good all right clifford writes a question he says do you believe that there were other humans living on the earth before and during the time of adam probably the context of this you can see that there are some people that speculate on the internet that that adam was not the only creation of god that there were other humanoids word on the planet their basis for their basis legislation the probably echoes of the Drake Equation the Drake Equation which is the which is the for the mathematical formulation of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence right and when you go into that and study it carefully it builds a formidable case of the uniqueness of the creation yes that includes Adam yeah and to go to a pre-adamic presumption I will just raise the question why and give me your evidence because it doesn't seem to be any scriptural evidence for that if there isn't any scriptural evidence for that the Drake Equation is just a way of demonstrating how unique the creation itself is and that gets into a whole discussion of the Drake Equation and I invite them to go ahead and explore that because it's a useful exercise yes it is do I believe there are other humans living on the earth before and during the time of Adam I don't think I think that I think the scripture clearly sees Christ as the second Adam so to speak and so by indulging those speculations they become mechanisms to diminish the completed work of Christ yes there you go to complete the completed the completeness of Christ's fulfillment on our behalf hangs on his uniqueness which in effect hangs on the uniqueness of Adam himself yes so in that sense I would reject that and strangely enough the Drake formula is a mathematical underscoring of exactly what we just said right right and you'll let the you can certainly google that do do a web search on that and you can see what some of the the speculation mathematical speculation that was done in the I guess it was the 50s and 60s trying to determine what's the likelihood of life being elsewhere in in the universe yeah the Drake Equation was a way of putting into mathematics the question and you know how many stars are there how many the stars have planets of how many of those planets can support life and all those support life and it starts to finding it defines all the different pieces right and to two it turns out just making reasonable guesses on some of those estimates they compound you're dealing with compounding probabilities and by the time you get out to the end you're dealing with so many zeroes so to speak it's so unlikely it just becomes mathematically it's a way of a love this violates what's called Burrell's law in in protein composite abilities you have often a mathematical function it gets smaller and smaller and smaller the point at which it becomes so small as to be discardable right and there's a need to have a cut-off and what's commonly accepted as the cutoff is called Burrell's law and that's ten with 5000 after it right something that is that unlikely is considered absurd it's a definite mathematical definition of when is it it is so improbable that it becomes my definition of absurd correct it turns out that number has been accepted in scientific circles as 10 to the fiftieth well by the time you go drape the drape formula you're way beyond 50 as I recall are in blood with the hemoglobin hemoglobin the hemoglobin there's a probability there that's ten to the six hundred and fiftieth right even encountered a kick then it can occur by accident by accident yeah it's in and so forth so the point is that the once you understand the formulation of a Burrell's law it's another way of just scratching chasing zeros beyond 50 of them okay yeah absolutely and there would be you have to ask the simple biblical question if there was another line of mankind that didn't flow from Adam then they would not have necessarily been under the Adamic curse of sin and that opens up another whole problem so it's not even worse or they have they're under the curse and they have no redemption right what's even worse worse that yeah that's right okay Casey from Kansas City Missouri writes my question is related to God's command to know about receiving the animals on board the Ark what was the purpose of sending animals into the art couldn't God just have created new animals after the flood like he did during the days of creation sure he could if he didn't I never use Y and God in the same sense I mean he chose to do that that's not the strangest thing he did okay the the he that's what he did do how do we know that because it tells us he did that yes and so but God often seems to choose strange ways to accomplish his purpose the most famous one being the brazen serpent hmm that he did because of the because of the serpents that we're starting to bite the people Moses prayed and God says put a brass serpent on a pole and everybody that looks to that pole will be saved and he does and they were right but nowhere in the entire Old Tanakh in the Old Testament can you find any discussion why did God use that rather weird emblem pick a brass serpent is a simple thing to take a brass serpent on a pole and if you look at that you're going to be the beneficent benefit of the redemption of the salvation from that and you don't find out why God did that until you get to the New Testament in Jude John chapter 3 verse 14 right where Jesus says as Moses raised a serpent in the wilderness social the Son of man be as made you realize but when Jesus says that that whole idea was God's anticipation of the cross right and and it was a what we would call in literature a plant a plot plant yep that was a anticipatory sign planted in numbers 21 that isn't explained in do yet John 3 verse 14 which sets the stage for the most famous verse in the entire Bible John 3:16 right so so I use that as just an example you could make an interesting Bible study in a homegroup is to find other examples where God seems to go out of his way to do something in a weird way to make a point and I'll use that as my exemplars show me some others of these you know right right and it's also a sin so that leads to another contest by the way you have a homegroup another contest you ought to have I think it could easily organized is find other examples of anticipated anticipatory designs in the scripture find things that are deliberately designed in advance now we collected a few of those we call it treasures hidden treasures but there are others and I think there are others still yet to be discovered it's something you can do in your home Bible study is find examples in the scripture of evidences that it was designed in advance before that yeah absolutely so for what it's worth yes yes and it's also the thing back to the why did God put animals on the ark because the animals weren't as a creation weren't under judgment they just simply were the sad benefactors of the sin of man and so God's not going to wipe them out because of every that he began a creation and he will continue that until their purpose on this earth is finished and the idea there may be more to it than that because God's most precious jealous God is a jealous God the things he's jealous of he puts his word above everything so one of the things of his his sensitivities his number one sensitivity is not God as the Redeemer because you need the Word of God to an understanding fiction his number one jealousy is as creator yes and he makes that point himself and that he says the creation itself bears witness enough to hold us accountable right and so that's why the the fact that those animals were unique creations in the first place is part of the underscoring of his role as create horn right and from very good to you can get into the discussion of insects and the animals that probably may not have been on the ark but they did survive somehow anyway right right another way okay all right Jen from Chico California writes in job fourteen thirteen it says oh that you would hide me in the grave that you would conceal me until your wrath is passed she asked the question could this be a prophetic reference to a pre-trib rapture well I don't see why not that's interesting that's a fourth one I follow three other Old Testament references to the rapture that's a fourth one she might have pointed that's a little something I'll go double back on that because that is I would believe a an allusion to the rapture in the Old Testament right and now that makes four I found there you go there and given to us by one of our YouTube audiences I'm Jen from Chico from Chico well thank you that's a just for Austin that's a discovery yeah there you go excellent okay Chris rights regarding the plans for the Third Temple he says in the Torah Moses received blueprints from God for the tabernacle and all went with it David apparently received from God blueprints on how to build the temple according to 1 chronicles chapter 28 verses 10 to 21 how will they know how to build the temple yet to come in the 70th week of daniel from the scripture from the Tanakh and from the mission Mishnah and the various sources that are in hand already and there are people that spend their live studying it was very very carefully that's what they do in yeshiva z' and in israel well we certainly have been connected for years with the temple Institute and lots of other organization be careful I think the templates to itself is called a little new agey by the way right but that was the point I was going to make is that they they are using what they believe are divinely inspired direction for this what we call the third temple but the real question is and it might echo a little bit what Chris is bringing out here is the sense that is this a temple with the tabernacle we know God dwelt within it with it the temple we know that certainly God's presence was there at its inception but then it departed correct real question that might go along with this is is this third temple a place where God's president's going to dwell I think it's going to be clouded by the fact that it's all--it's destinies to be aborted by the Antichrist that's what 2nd Thessalonians 2 focuses on so intensely and so I would be cautious there about what we mean by the 3rd temple son and that that's the one that the Antichrist will invade violate he'll violate his is his confirmation right and that so I can segue into another thing that we've talked about here a number of times and that is within the last two years a lot of the discovery in the City of David bob cornuke and others have sort of been pointing first of all the City of David whether the temple was not located up on what we know as the Temple Mount they know they believe that that's now the Antonio fortress would mean the City of David to be the location not just of the palaces of David in the city of Zion but also the temple itself which opens up a real opportunity doesn't very much so very and that's what that's why there's such a dilemma going on in Israel right now is the one hand they having a tough time adjusting to the discoveries that the what we call the template what's traditionally been called the Temple Mount is actually the Intel that whole thing was the Antonio fortress and that it's at a lower elevation to the south that south yes really a sound um that is the the area that was ayan has been plowed under and so it it is it has disappeared as being rediscovered in a sense by getting under if you will yeah and so in fact not only going back to Salomon but to go back to Melchizedek and that that's staggering in its implications let's move another question here it's from Scott he says in Matthew chapter 25 there are ten virgins are the five that did not have enough oil non-christians who miss out heaven or are they Christians who missed the rapture or are the Christians who miss out on some other blessing or reward which or is there a fourth category so who are the five in the in this Matthew 25 example of this these virgins waiting for the bridegroom five have have oil in their lamps and when the bridegroom comes they go in the five that don't are desperate and they're left outside are they non-believers are they Christians who miss the rapture or are they missing out some other way and the answer to that is I don't know I can speculate like many people have I think the the issue really strangely enough is hinted at in the Old Testament in terms of the that when he goes to visit Laban he takes ten camels ten camels which tells me that was a wedding party and so I think what's at issue there if that linkage is valid that's a big if but if it is then what we're dealing with here is a wedding party and that raises the issue of the Bride of Christ in contrast to the body of Christ right and that's one of the reasons that I personally suspect I don't know but I suspect that the Bride of Christ is a favor subset of what we would embrace by the term body of Christ right that includes a favored subset that we there's the Bride of Christ and if that's the case then that would be that would this would be pointing you that distinctive but this whole thing raises that issue is the Bride of Christ the body of Christ are these synonymous most scholars would treat it as if they are I suspect that they're not that the Bride of Christ is a favored subset that there are people that may not be part of that wedding party but they're still saved right and there will be favorably resurrected yes right and it could play into a maybe an allusion to the judgement seat of Christ and all kinds of different things in terms of their their fruit-bearing Linda asked a question she says the common belief is that an individual's prayers are not as powerful as a group or community of people's prayers is this true if so why why are a group of church prayer wires or prayer chain praying for a person's considered more effective is this faulty thinking and so the idea of is it the amount of people praying is there is there is there something that's a constant here that we can say with regards to prayer no there seems to be an indication in the scripture of that there's a value in collecting together or two or three or dad that I'm in the midst of them and so you mean with one he's not no that's not what he's saying but whether there's or two or three together there's a fee it if God is willing to have us gathered to get his attention and I don't see that as a limitation I see it as an opportunity and I think of what it's pointing to is the opportunity and so I think there's a value in collecting together for prayer that seems to be encouraged in the scripture and I will a lien on that does that mean that there's a minimum number I don't think so but he does say where two or three are gathered I would assume that before that would also hold for four or five and yeah that's right that God will favor that and I think he's glad to see us gather for prayer that please isn't right that's what I think that's what I'm hearing him say right right and it's the old sort of saying that people use a problem shared is a problem halved in the sense of as you as you distribute the sense of your your need or desire and you begin to share it with more people and they begin to to lift you up before the Lord there's just more people interceding on your behalf well I find that through almost every day yes because I walk from my my home down the runway at River Lodge to the lodge yeah that's about 600 meters yep and it's not perfectly the runway itself is smooth and I try not to walk on the runway unless it's gonna be used by plane so I stay on the edge of it yes and so I I've discovered and I walk with a cane because it helps me out and I've discovered it's half as far if I have two canes that's got to be fourth dimensional math check I don't know no wondering what on this and I talking about him and he changes it's half as far yeah but we do know this about prayer James tells us the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much he refers to elijah who didn't ask for a prayer meeting to accomplish what God was doing God he was praying in concert with God's will and and man does it make things happen through his prayer he's just simply agreeing with what God's reference of a widow that becomes a nuisance oh god alas a push to stop her or bother yeah an interesting prayer life alright Daniel from Maple Ridge British Columbia writes as we fully know and understand just prior to the turn of Christ God will pour out his wrath one final time upon the whole earth does the Bible clearly tell and or describe for how long he will actually take to do this hmm this time of the wrath of God is there a specific period of time that this wrath will take place well the problem is is it the final one because clearly there's a pouring out with you call the Great Tribulation Jesus himself that's tribulation is not seven years the seventh week of Daniel is seven years but in the middle of the seven years there's an event that occurred that's called the abomination of desolation and it's the Lord Jesus himself that points out that the Great Tribulation is not seven years it's the last three and a half years years and so that particular period he himself labels as the Great Tribulation the question about this is begging though is that the final one I don't know because there may be an ultimate thing even later after before the great white Jonas so that's the question is it certainly we know that there's once the final one is a question I'm not sure I could be dogmatic on that all right Ben writes this is the he says some teach that the Bible says that a sign of being saved is speaking in tongues I don't believe that well that's your answer yeah I don't believe that there that's commonly taught by some enthusiasts but the holy s--t in what we know about tongues is in two chapters chapter 11 chapter 14 verse Corinthians and what's interesting in 2nd I think it's in 14 the Holy Spirit gives gifts variably as he will and that implies that not everybody speaks in tongues yes he gives different gifts is the first point and so the sign of being saved is speaking in tongues no I don't think that's true there are different tongues and Walter Martin who did speak in tongues by the way but Walter Martin used to have great fun with these people because he went early in his ministry there was an incident occur in New Guinea where young lady a young gal was raised from the dead it was published in the papers and so forth and Walter used to lean on that he would when people was talking about gifts he says he would turn to them says have you got the gift of raising of the dead and when the person would say no he would look crestfallen and then he'd say oh I'll pray for you right entry and he started feeding him that line and it took him awhile to realize he was just being sarcastic putting the needle in to make any one gift above another is unscriptural right and for people who get so enthusiastic about supporting tongues there's two errors about tongues want us to say that they're not for today that's not true and others that say that they you know that they don't exist today either one is incorrect they speak and the error comes about by insisting that that's somehow a unique sign if said oh no it's a it's a unique gift that's given occasionally and apparently still is strangely enough yes much to the surprise of many and so the gift that is there even in and and Peter describes it that this is that which joel talked about that it started well he's it didn't end it continued disappoint so anyway all right let's move on to one last question here before we come to the end of our hour this is a this is a tough one to give you at the very end but it's from Lester he writes the husband of one wife Klaus found in 1 Timothy chapter 3 verses verse 2 and Titus 1:6 has been the subject of controversy for many years I know polygamy is not permitted and I know the death of a spouse does not disqualify a man for ministry based on Romans chapter 7 verses 2 & 3 my question is can a man who has gone through two divorces and is married for a third time having repented and tempting biblical reckless reconciliation in both cases resulting in failure be a minister or be a music minister an evangelist or a pastor or pastor a church ever again what are your thoughts there well is that is the injunction for being an elder or being in the ministry it's my first question not to look at the context he might be be precluded it's possible I have to check that he may be precluded from being an elder it doesn't keep him out of the ministry so I Ridge I haven't crossed with him does that make sense yes I think it absolutely does and I think it's a simple way to get across the idea that that we're the ones that classify sin the the direction that Paul gives Timothy and Titus with regards to the requirements for those who would be overseers if we applied equal emphasis on all the clarifications we would we would have no one in pulpits today that's you know when you go through and it says you know is he is he a blameless is the first one the husband of one wife and so on and so forth you begin to go down that if you give each one of those the same disqualifying capability as that of a man who has perhaps experience with this what Lester's referring to then we would have to just about disqualify everyone certainly you disqualify people like David he was more had more than one wife he was guilty of murder he was guilty of adultery and yet God was still able to use him that's not an excuse it does injure your capability to minister I think but nonetheless I think that it's something that God is the only one who will qualify or disqualify a person I think well again we thank you very much for tuning in and joining us again I encourage you to if you haven't already become a subscriber to this youtube channel it just allows us to be able to send you notices when when it is we are posting the videos or if you're a member of a Facebook or Twitter join our Facebook or 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Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 181,665
Rating: 4.8815331 out of 5
Keywords: the, acts, of, holy, spirit, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: MYsS6YUSc3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 34sec (3094 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2016
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