10 Unluckiest Lottery Winners

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[Music] hung Huynh is a hard-working family man from California who got lucky when he bought a winning Powerball ticket unfortunately the timing was bad Wynn was visiting Vietnam and didn't know that he had the winning ticket he discovered his good fortune only upon returning to the USA several months later to find his face all over the news lottery officials released a security camera video of him purchasing the ticket hoping that this would help them track down the winner unfortunately wins luck ended with the purchase seeing as it was bought months ago when couldn't locate his ticket anymore he tried to claim the prize without the actual ticket but that is against the rules and the rules were not bent for this case unable to find the ticket before the deadline win was never able to claim his prize Denise Rossi is a Californian woman who felt trapped in an unhappy marriage fortune smiled at her when she won the lottery her lucky lottery ticket was worth 1.3 million when she cashed it in she decided not to share the good news with her husband on the contrary she decided to divorce him she left him without a word the husband was suspicious but still agreed to the divorce without much discussion when he finally found out about her fortune and what it was that gave her the courage to disappear from his life he sued her for not disclosing the information in the divorce settlement he won the lawsuit and took every penny she had one away from her by the court's order Joel I forgot is a Canadian man who has been involved in a seven-year-old unsuccessful lawsuit with the goal being getting the money he had won on the lottery seven seconds too late Juergen purchased the winning ticket at a local convenience store just a few minutes before 9:00 p.m. which was the deadline for the ticket registration he bought two tickets out of which the second ticket the 27 million dollar one was registered seven seconds after the deadline because of this transgression efore GaN was awarded nothing the man however found this to be a great injustice and decided to sue in order to get his full prize seven years later the Supreme Court did not rule in his favor and he is now left with a mountain of legal fees in 2004 an elderly Indiana citizen got his 15 minutes of fame on television 73 year old Carl Atwood went on a lottery game filmed for TV and 173 thousand four hundred and fifty dollars sadly the day that atwood got lucky was also the last day of his life that same evening he went to a grocery store to do some shopping he was crossing the street only a block away from his home when he got hit by a truck the intersection was badly lit and atwood was wearing dark clothing which made him impossible to spot for the truck driver who was just turning the corner when he accidentally ran the recent lottery winner over timothy elliot is a man from massachusetts who had a history of mental illness he was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder and was known to get into trouble on one occasion he robbed a convenience store only to take all the money he had stolen into a different convenience store and buy all of the lottery tickets they had to offer he didn't win anything but he was taken to prison where he was given minimal jail time due to his illness he was however given mandatory mental health counseling and put on probation which banned him from leaving the country alcohol or drug consumption as well as gambling during this probation period Elliott purchased another lottery ticket and won a million dollars after he had cashed in his ticket his photo made it to the papers which led to him being recognized as buying a lottery ticket is considered gambling Elliott was taken back into prison and his winnings were forfeited Jose Antonio Cottle was a refugee from Guatemala who moved to the USA in pursuit of the American dream finding a job he was satisfied with he seemed to be doing well only to reach the peak of his US dream by winning the lottery kouha talk got lucky and won $750,000 kouha talk was an illegal immigrants and thus he was afraid that being a lottery winner would draw too much attention to him trying to avoid the unwanted spotlight he asked his boss who knew of his situation to cash the ticket in for him the man agreed and he did cash the ticket but decided to take the money for himself and disappear kouha talk was understandably outraged and continued to hunt and sue his former boss over the winnings during the trial which he consequently won he lost a huge portion of the winnings on lawyer fees and most importantly revealed himself as an illegal immigrant when he picked up what was barely left of his money he was forced to leave the country a young man from Wichita Kansas who made his living working at the local sonic burger stand bought a lucky scratch ticket which won him $750,000 he picked up his winnings at the lottery office where he got a bonus lucky lottery winner t-shirt he sported the t-shirt when he went to make his first purchase with his newfound wealth which turned out to be marijuana and methamphetamine when he went home with his judgment clouded from the tasting of the goods he had acquired he reloaded his butane lighter standing right next to a gas stove this resulted in an explosion that destroyed most of his house but luckily left him alive unfortunately for him what survived with him was just enough drugs to give police reason to arrest him right after he came out of the hospital Frane Selak from Croatia can either be regarded as balakian luckiest man in the world we featured his story in other videos before but we just couldn't leave it out of this one cilok has a bad habit of getting into trouble his entire life coming face-to-face with death far too often the music teachers string of near-fatal accidents started back in the 1960s when he was travelling on a train from sarajevo to the broth nick when the train suddenly derailed and plunged into an icy river killing 17 passengers but not Salak the following year Salak flew to reject when the cockpit door was blown away killing 19 passengers and leaving salak with minor injuries as he miraculously landed in a haystack in 1970 he managed to escape minutes before his car exploded due to a faulty fuel pump and three years later another one of his cars caught fire with him losing only his hair and other than that being completely fine twenty years later he was hit by a city bus and in 1996 he drove off a cliff to avoid an accident on the road and managed to survive that as well in 2003 however his string of unlucky misfortunes ended when he won a million dollar lottery Andrew Jack Whittaker was a construction company president from West Virginia worth 17 million dollars when he hit a 315 million dollar Powerball jackpot the wealthy man was now even wealthier but decided to share the wealth his luck had brought him Whittaker donated 10% of his winnings to Christian charities 14 million to his Jack Whittaker Foundation and bought the woman who sold him the lucky ticket a 123 thousand dollar house a new Dodge Ram truck and gave her $50,000 in cash however his kindness was not returned with kindness but rather the opposite what followed in Whitaker's life was a string of misfortunes he was robbed multiple times and had his bank account emptied by thieves and his car being broken into on multiple occasions his granddaughter and her boyfriend died from a drug overdose and his daughter died only several years after the tragic incident Whittaker is allegedly broke now and known for giving way to an alcohol addiction as well as a bad habit of frequenting dodgy strip clubs Rouge con from Chicago wasn't a fan of the lottery but in June 2012 he decided to try his luck amazingly the one and only ticket he bought turned out to be a lucky one Khan won a million dollars Khan decided to pick up all of his money at once but his wait for the check was cut short as he was pronounced dead the very next day his death was ruled the death of natural causes due to heart arteries and several basic tests were run to confirm this still his relatives were suspicious and they insisted on in-depth toxicology scans and a more thorough autopsy their hunch turned out to be right as Conn was actually a very rare victim of cyanide poisoning the suspicion that he was murdered for the large sum of money that he had won was confirmed when someone cashed his winnings two months later the murderer was never discovered [Music]
Channel: Top Trending
Views: 4,254,696
Rating: 4.7703028 out of 5
Keywords: unluckiest lottery winners, 10 unluckiest lottery winners, unluckiest people, unluckiest people in the world, 10 unluckiest people of all time, most unlucky people, stupid lottery winners, dumb lottery winners, unlucky compilation, lottery fail, lotto fail, millionaires who lost it all, rich people, richest, rich, unlucky, unluckiest, lottery, viral, new
Id: 8M4-mBGLPeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2015
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