10 Tips For Conquering The Swamps - Valheim

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hey guys we're here today in valheim going over 10 tips to help you conquer the swamps all right let's be real the thumbnail and the title of this video is to just keep in theme with my previous two videos on the black forest and The Meadows there is no Conquering the swamps so more accurately here's 10 tips to hopefully help you not get destroyed in the swamps tip number one probably the most important tip is to bring a hoe so far you may have been using the hoe to help you with your buildings by leveling the ground or maybe by using it to build a ground wall around your base but you're gonna need to get used to using it a whole lot more while you're in the swamp as you progress from the swamp no doubt you'll notice there is water everywhere and being wet in valheim can be pretty detrimental when you're in combat so if you use the hoe to level the ground around any of the wet areas and create yourself walkways it can help keep you dry for those few times it's not raining in a swamp additionally there are leeches running through the water in the swamp which can poison you and deal some pretty good damage using the hose level ground feature and creating walkways through the swamp will help you avoid these leeches and can even help you kill them if you level the ground underneath one and slow it down keep in mind that if you do catch a leech and get it on ground you do have to be quick before it slithers back into the water when you're given time in the swamp don't limit yourself to just creating walkways make sure you create big areas of ground and eliminate as much water as possible to make your life easier tip number two you desperately need to take Mead into the swamp no doubt you've unlocked the Mead recipes for at least poison resist and a healing potion and perhaps at this point you haven't even made them but before you enter the swamp for the first time make sure you take the time to get the supplies together and get some Mead made these can be Lifesavers the poison resist arguably should be running the entire time you're in the swamp since the Mead makes a pack of six poison resist potions and they last 10 minutes and you may already have gotten used to the black forest and The Meadows allowing you to create distance from enemies and Escape dangerous fights but the swamp is not going to allow you to do this the rough terrain the dangerous mobs and the wet debuff make it incredibly hard to break away and Escape fights which means healing needs can save your life when you drop low on health tip number three is to diversify your Weaponry in the previous two biomes you likely have gotten one weapon you like and used just that since it can get by in almost any situation but the swamp is the first biome that really forces you to open up your playstyle and your build and to utilize multiple things in the game for example if you've enjoyed blunt damage through clubs and maces to this point that will do incredible for you against skeletons and blobs while you're in the swamp and can even help with jogger but if you come across an Abomination you're going to get destroyed since blunt damage does almost nothing to them on the other side of that if you've been using a sword or an ax to this point and enjoying the slashing combat then you'll probably handle an Abomination pretty decently but the poisonous blobs will likely laugh at you while they melt you down you need to diversify your weaponry and use different damage types to be able to optimize everything while you're in the swamp so if you like using Slash new weapons maybe just carry along with you a stag breaker to help for some AOE blunt damage when needed and if you're a big fan of using maces maybe make sure you're carrying along a bow and some extra arrows for some Pierce damage and don't forget to switch to your ax and chop some things down that aren't trees tip number four is to look out for the fire geysers that exist in the swamp you'll see these spewing areas of flame that are actually certainly spawners now these spawners unlike gray dwarf spawners cannot be destroyed by your weapons so you're left with one of two options you can dig out the train around it and turn it all into water killing the certainly right when they spawn and creating yourself a certain core and coal Farm or you can level out the ground around the whole area and make it dirt deal with certain things when they do spawn and use these locations to burn down Abominations since they are weak to fire all these options have their own merits and can be useful in certain situations so prepare these geysers for whatever you're looking to do whatever you need in the moment every time you see one and most importantly mark them on your map that way you don't have to pull up your map when running from an Abomination and you can just look at your mini-map and head where you need to go to burn it down quickly tip number five you need to gain an understanding of the train in the swamp and utilize it to your advantage there are fallen and broken down trees everywhere and there are also indestructible trees throughout the forest so make sure you're using these things to your advantage for things like building an outpost if you build often an instructable tree your base will gain Foundation quality support allowing you to build a tree house and if you use the and knock down trees that are already there as ramps mobs won't be able to follow you up into your outposts keeping in mind that you need to make these bases tall enough to avoid the large creatures like Abominations these knock down trees are also the only place you should ever pause in the swamp to look at your map make marks or for whatever reason to go AFK while you're in the swamp anywhere on the ground level even if you clear the area of mobs is not safe there will be more coming so make sure you climb up on something high like one of these trees in order to avoid being attacked while you're making important marks looking where you're going to go or pinging something for an ally tip number six build yourself campfires inside of crypts right at the entrance nearly if not all Crips in the game have a little lead right when you enter making it to where mobs inside of the crypt cannot come up and kill you right when you enter this is also a platform that is dry and able to hold a campfire so you can gain the rested buff and heal up make sure you mark down the so you know where to go and bring wood with you to refill these campfires if it's been a while since you've been there tip number seven after you've cleared out a dungeon gotten all the iron you need and are done with it be sure to break down the green torches at the entrance with one of your weapons this will snuff the Torches out allowing you to see from a distance if a crypt has been cleared by you already and while you should be using the map marker system and creating X's through your markers anyway this torch nothing system allows you to see it while you're running if you're running from enemies and does not rely on you having to check your map in a dangerous area and if you've been leaving campfires in these Crypts it also lets you identify that you've already been here and there's already a campfire in that Crypt snuffing out these torches also has a use while you're in the dungeons since they're lit up with a lot of torches as well make sure you break down the Torches down each Avenue you've gone so you can keep track of what areas of the dungeon you've already explored in case you have to take a break and come back later tip number eight make sure you utilize these Crypts that you're clearing out and that have campfires in them to escape mobs when the fight gets dangerous there will be countless times where you're being chased by more than you want to fight or if you're dealing with Mobs that you can handle and then all of a sudden Abomination shows up don't get arrogant or cocky or stay in a fight that you shouldn't be in get away and get to one of your Crypts with a campfire and Zone in give them time to move away and then you can exit back out due to the fact that the entrance of the crypts have a little ledge to keep you safe you can also Escape into a crypt that you have not cleared just make sure you're carrying your swamp key with you so you can open the gate at the entrance the swamp has a lot of areas that allow you to escape like the knock down trees in order to avoid something however all of these options take stamina from your character since you have to jump up them which could get you killed if you haven't managed it good to this point so zoning into the Crips is the safest thing if you have one nearby tip number nine do not dock your ship in the swamp whether you're exploring and getting to one for the first time or you're coming to pick up some iron that you have stored at that swamp do not dock in the swamp leeches can swim out and damage your boat at quite a distance and it's very easy to get a ship stuck in the swamp since it's hard to see where exactly it's shallow and the ground will catch you take the time as annoying as it might be to dock your ship in a Meadows or black forest biome near the swamp and run that extra distance this will keep your ship safe from being destroyed and ideally keep you safe from recurring deaths trying to get your ship materials back and tip number 10 it's been said in previous videos it applies to all of valheim what we're gonna say it again stay home at night either sleep the night away or just stay at your base at night do not explore the swamp at night then mobs are incredibly dangerous at night they multiply at night and if it's night time in the swamp not only will you be wet but you will also have the cold debuff stacking on you even more loss of health regen and stamina region this can very easily lead to Deaths and ruin your day if you do happen to even die in the swamp and it's around night time I recommend respawning and sleeping the night away and then going back later during the day to get your gear if you go back that night you will likely die again and again and have a really rough time in addition to everything being harder in the swamp at night The Wraith creature spawns only at night and can fly around the area these are the only creatures that can hit you when you're up in an elevated Outpost or on a knock down tree trying to get your bearings these guys can be very tough to deal with and they hit really really hard you'd definitely don't want to add one into a fight with an Abomination or any of the other creatures in the area now they do drop very valuable chains that can be used to create multiple things in the game so at some point you may need to hunt race in which case you will inevitably go to the swamp at night but if you do not need chains specifically do not go into swap at night take your time wait the Nightfall out and head into the swamp when you have the best chance of survival hopefully this video can help you out whether you're a new or returning player handle the swamp to the best of your ability prepare you for the many dangers of the biome and set you up for victory in my experience the swamp is a brutal biome when you first get there and can be very tough to deal with you will likely gain many deaths while you're in here but hopefully these tips help you survive if these tips do in fact help you conquer the swamp let me know down in the comments and add in any of your tips to help take on the swamp so other players can see them thanks for watching I will see you next time
Channel: Quicksand Riggs
Views: 47,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quicksand, Quicksand Riggs, Gaming, MMO Gaming, Quicksand Gaming, valheim, valheim swamps, valheim swamp guide, swamp guide, valheim swamp tips, valheim swamp help, valheim abomination, valheim blob, valheim poison, valheim meads, valheim hoe swamp, valheim poison resist, valheim leech, valheim crypts, valheim swamp crypt, valheim swamps guide, valheim swamps tip, valheim tip for the swamp, valheim guide to the swamp, valheim survive swamps, valheim how to survive the swamp
Id: gdJGqZqiEuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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